CatDance #8

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#8 of CatDance

Shiny Kitty

In which Mikael's plans are revealed. Celibacy ensues.

| ", they decided to stay at the castle," Kitty was explaining to Mikael a few nights later when she, Ubergard and K'rris had dropped into the Bannered Mare. "And Red was practically bursting to get back to the Jarl so we decided to stop in after seeing her off."

"Ah! Well it's good to meet you K'rris. I've heard good things about you from Ubergard and Kitty."

"I understand you are taking Ubergard and Kitty to Solitude tomorrow. Yet it's still a mystery as to why." | image | | "Ah yes, I wondered when I'd have to answer that. Did Kitty put you up to asking?" Mikael asked, smiling at the little female Khajiit.

"Hey! I didn't..."

"Oh relax. You've done admirably well not asking before now! But it's not that big of a secret really. As you may know, the Bard's College has a mandate to promote various art forms and communication. Currently those include the musical arts, poetry, and story telling. All noble endeavors, save perhaps story telling. I personally could never much understand the point of fictional stories. There's plenty of real-life stories to tell without making things up! But I digress..." | image | | Kitty nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"Well, it is my strong belief that I have found a new art form that the College should promote. I plan to propose that to Viarmo, the headmaster of the College."

Kitty looked confused. "New art form? Surely you don't mean..."

Mikael smiled and nodded to Kitty. "That's right."

"But... It's mostly just because my tongue is rough. And that thing I do with my tail, it wasn't even my idea! Red had suggested..."

"NO NO NO! Not THAT!" Mikael waived her off frantically. "Your dancing!" | image | | "Dancing? Oh! Well, ok. That's better. I'd hate to have to demonstrate the other to the headmaster!"

"Well, that may well be an art form too, but there are other more appropriate venues for that. But back to your dancing... You've seen how well the locals here appreciate it, and so do I. It adds a visual element to music and song that not only enhances them, but extends them. You've got a gift for expression beyond lyrics. It is my considered belief that a new school should be opened to provide instruction in this. I call it Interpretive Dance, though it is you who would need to teach it." | image | | "Me? Teach? But... I couldn't! I mean, I just got my castle and everything. And Solitude isn't known for being particularly receptive to Khajiits either. Mikael, I'm_not_ moving to Solitude!"

Mikael let her rant on for a bit replying. "You won't have to. What I'll propose is to have an extension campus for your training. Specifically, your castle itself. If you'll consider it. However, you needn't volunteer if you really don't want to. My primary purpose is to show what Dance can be and you can provide that. Your dancing isn't just mindless thrusting to the beat of the music, or simple synchronous movement using rote steps. You_think_ about your movements. They have nonverbal meaning that works across races, across species! Even if you won't be a mentor to others, your talent should still demonstrate my point. We have another form of communication beyond stories and songs, and we should develop that." | image | | Kitty considered for a bit. "But... I don't know how to teach such things to others."

"I disagree," Mikael said, embracing her. "You can teach by demonstration. Students need only learn to mimic your movements at first. Then, they can expand as they find their own 'voice'."

"Well, yes. I guess I can do that. But, do you think the headmaster will agree?"

"That's a little tricky. The bard's college hasn't added a new art form like this in living memory. And Viarmo is notoriously conservative. However, I do bring a bit of clout to the table myself. I've recruited some of his best pupils, and so my voice will at least be heard." | image | | Kitty considered, then added. "And if he doesn't agree?"

"It won't be a total loss. I needed to go there anyway, and in what better company than you and Ubergard?"

"So when do we leave?" Kitty smiled.

"If you don't keep me up all night, first thing in the morning. If you_do_ keep me up all night, probably noon at the earliest." | image | | Blame ME for it will you? Not tonight Mikael! Tonight my tongue and tail have to get their beauty sleep!"

Mikael's face turned suddenly dejected. "But..."

"It's your own fault. Besides, I'm going to be staying with you every night for a week or two. A bit of celibacy might do you some good!" she said, brushing him with her tail as she turned around to her companions. "You two ready to go?"

"Of course," Ubergard said, turning to follow as Kitty glided out with a tail swish. | image | | K'rris patted Mikael on the back before leaving, "Hey, at least you'll have a shot while you're on the road. I have to stay with a pair of lesbian lovers and a nympho Argonian who's already taken!"

"Good point!" Mikael smiled to the Khajiit. "Hey, I know some females if you need an introduction... of varying races."

K'rris sighed. "Sorry, no. I've got this stupid obsession. Maybe someday though! It can't last forever, right?" he replied as he rushed to catch up with Ubergard at the door. | image | | Mikael considered that question as he looked at the closed door.

"Forever?" he mused. "Nothing lasts forever. But even when something is gone, it can still leave memories or more. Traces for good or ill. You're not getting any younger, Mikael. You could do worse. Hell, you have done worse. But would it be fair to her? Would she even consider it? At best you'd doom her to a life of childlessness. No, that would truly leave nothing behind. Best to forget it. She's a friend. Just a very good friend. One with a tongue to die for... Oh, best get the hell off that subject!"

He stood then, grabbed his lute and started once again playing a song that he'd gotten so sick of long ago that he'd passed beyond nausea back to ambivalence. This song, he realized, maybe WILL last forever! | image |

CatDance #9

| The next day found Kitty, Ubergard and Mikael ready for travel while Udaran, Cheetah, K'rris and a bleary-eyed Muz-Ra stood by to see them off. "Well, I guess we're off then. We'll see you in a couple of weeks." Kitty said from the steps. "See...

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CatDance #7

| "Well, I see by K'rris' penis that we've been in here long enough," Muz-Ra said, stretching. "Time to head for home." K'rris checked himself reflexively. "It's not exactly a timer you know. It comes and goes!" he laughed. |...

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CatDance #6

| All K'rris managed as a response was a guttural "Ulp!" and looked away, his attempt at embarrassing Cheetah having been utterly thwarted. Muz-Ra spoke up then. "Let me know if the question is offensive, I never know when something is or isn't. But...

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