Tales from Silicon City 22: A Pocketful of Jayb

Story by psion42 on SoFurry

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#22 of Silicon City

Rated Adult for a scene where some critters get a bit too friendly and for one character that is a bit too in love with herself.

Characters and setting (C) Psion 2016

Any similarities to any other characters alive or dead, fictional or otherwise, is either purely coincidental or deliberate parody.

Rumors of a new abandoned lair appeared out of the blue below the streets of Silicon City have attracted two very different types of treasure hunters. But is this run all that it seems or is there something more at play...

A Pocketful of Jayb

By Psion

A Silicon City Story

All Rights Reserved

The world of Silicon City, where exceptional individuals as often armed with ingenious gadgets of their own design as they are with fantastical powers clash with one another over differences in ideology or the desire to acquire wealth through means both fair and foul. While this increased emphasis on technology went a great ways towards removing the entry barrier for people who wished to change the world, for better or worse, it also meant there was an increased demand for parts...

Deep within GLAM's semi-secret secondary hideout hidden beneath the luxury spa Heavenly Mists, the organization's leader Dominique snarled as she tallied the damage of GLAM's latest setbacks. After their failed attempt to steal the money raised for Aphrodite City, it had been one set back after another. Liposuction treatments for Shadow Blossom and Otaku, the loss of their chemistry laboratory at the old Soapy Suds factory, the expenses had been piling up so high that even Dominique's cosmetic empire would have trouble soaking the losses from her war on the "ugly." Meaning it was essential that they found a way to cut costs wherever they could. Fortunately for GLAM, once again Dominique had a brilliant idea to solve the problems confronting her organization.

"Huntress, you're strong and quick, go break into an abandoned supervillain lair and swipe us some components so Otaku can rebuild her chemistry dohicky and start making the weight loss solution again." The towering statuesque blond draft mare ordered her henchwoman.

Huntress, an outdoor wear model from Down Under, nodded in comprehension and started to turn to leave before stopping. "Wait a minute mate, how am I supposed to just find an abandoned supervillain lair?" The black-haired timber wolf asked over her shoulder, pointing out the first problem most people in the Silicon City universe would see with this plan.

"With the Internet, how else?" Dominique replied like it was obvious.

Huntress nodded a second time, satisfied with this answer even though it really didn't solve her problem in the slightest, and headed to the GLAM locker room to get ready for her assignment. In the locker room, she changed out of her miniskirt and blouse, club clothes, and took her combat suit out a steel locker with her name emblazoned on the locker door in golden letters. Halfway through the process of changing into her GLAM costume, the Australian wolfess stopped to admire herself in the locker room mirror. Her breathing slowed as she smiled and winked at her reflection. Abundant breasts gently rose and fell as her toned chest expanded and contracted with every breath she took. Below her trim waist, her muscular legs bulged and stretched as she turned around and reflexively did a few squats in front of the mirror before putting on her combat suit.

Huntress's combat suit was a demonstration of the paramilitary "tacticool" that was prevalent throughout GLAM's combat gear. A "fire pattern" camouflage bodysuit dyed in reds, yellows, and oranges with electric green plates and highlights, the fairly tight "combat" suit was designed to draw attention to her and her figure, not to provide some semblance of protection or concealment. Zipping up the suit and sliding her equipment harness over her chest, the black military webbing loaded down with a ridiculously redundant array of weapons that would have sent even trained USMC "jarheads" crashing down to the floor under the sheer weight that the super-strong Huntress currently bore on her shoulders, the over equipped wolf turned away from the mirror a second time and looked over her shoulder. Her suit always did do an excellent job of showing off her amazing ass, she silently cooed as she wiggled her muscular bubble butt at her reflection. Sometimes she wished for a male clone of herself, the better to appreciate her perfection, but that was a wish to fulfill another time. Right now she needed to find what Dominique wanted...

Finding an abandoned supervillain's lair turned out to be much harder then either she or Dominique would have thought, especially finding one while avoiding police who would naturally take issue with a female carrying three assault rifles, two fully automatic handguns, and a heavy machinegun like a rejected video game character. Staying to the back alleys and resorting to GLAM's black market connections on the Dark Web, Huntress found her way to a website for base crawlers and other hypertech scavengers. The forums there were currently buzzing with rumors about a lair situated in the section of utility corridors and subway tunnels that was abandoned after the Great Quake of 2006 when the supervillain Tremor terrorized the city. Deciding that it was as good of a place as any to start looking, the heavily armored wolf lifted up a disused manhole cover leading down into the abandoned parts of the underground and disappeared from sight. Hopefully no one else was investigating the same rumor, Huntress was horrible when it came to sharing...

The lost lair looked like it was right where she thought it was, the concealed figure observed as she crept closer to the metal bunker door looking slightly out of place in the abandoned subway tunnel, it was too new and shiny compared to the other doors still used by the Silicon City Department of Public Works from time to time in keeping the unused tunnels from collapsing the city above. A stocky little vulpine figure slowly crept towards the likely location of the abandoned villain's lair, looking almost translucent before deactivating her stealth suit. Jayb exhaled and listened to her surroundings one more time before opening the door. Triangular fennec ears twitched as the short vixen in a jet black elastic suit effortlessly checked to make sure the coast was clear before she went to work. A basic exoskeleton allowed her to shoulder the weight of a comically oversized backpack as she tested the door handle. Resistance, of course it wouldn't be that easy. Reaching over her shoulder, the shrouded base crawler produced a small set of lock picks. Delicate hands carefully coaxed the mechanical tumblers into producing a satisfying series of clicks. The door was open, now to see if searching for this place wasn't a waste of time.

Slipping inside, if Jayb had any doubts that she was in the right place the interior erased them. Instead of the drab utility tunnels lined with pipes and circuit breaker panels was a polished concrete corridor; the walls and floor were smoothed to a reflective sheen that glistened under the bright sterile lighting overhead. On the far end of the corridor was a single elevator leading downward. The relative simplicity of her surroundings put Jayb on edge. Something was not right. A narrow corridor like this, one barely wide enough for two furs to walk abreast without much difficulty, was the ideal choke point for dealing with uninvited guests. Yet there didn't appear to be any telltale signs of false panels concealing any number of deathtraps. Nor did there appear to be any pressure plates or laser tripwires that would trigger hazards deeper in the lair. It was all too sloppy to be accidental yet was it an attempt to lull her into a false sense of security or was it a trap of a more sinister nature?

Vulpine ears shooting straight up, Jayb reactivated her stealth suit's optical camouflage when she heard the sound of someone opening the heavy metal doorway behind her and of multiple ammo magazines clattering against one another. Fox, suit, and oversized backpack soon turned the same color and pattern of the polished concrete behind her as the base crawler hugged the wall and turned her head in the direction of the other treasure hunter. Eyes went wide as she recognized the tacky "tacticool" paramilitary fashion of Huntress, one of GLAM's more trigger-happy operatives. Looking seductive despite carrying a small arsenal on her back, if Jayb was interested in females that was, the Australian timber wolf walked through the corridor with a casual recklessness that sent the concealed fennec's heart right into her throat. If there were any traps up here, the GLAM idiot would have triggered them for sure.

Still cloaked, Jayb quietly fell into line behind her rival treasure seeker as the taller female boarded the elevator, sneaking in right behind her as Huntress activated the lift and sent them both down into the lair proper. The elevator ride down was short and quiet, the empowered GLAM model was oblivious to the hidden vixen right behind her, and soon they were both deposited into the lair proper.

As soon as they were both in the sparsely furnished main foyer, the elevator doors slammed shut and a mysterious male voice cackled over the intercom. "Hahahaha, my brilliant plan worked. I knew that once I planted that rumor that my new lair was abandoned; some foolish treasure hunter would fall right into my trap. And look, I even got two for one." The lair's master laughed manically, causing Huntress to look around the empty foyer with a murderous scowl on her face. Meanwhile Jayb took in her surroundings with a quick glance, both to find some place to hide from the GLAM idiot and from whoever the lunatic pulling the strings was.

This was bad, this was very, very bad. Not only was the hideout not abandoned but it appeared it was all just an elaborate trap and Jayb fell for it. The foyer itself was a very sparsely decorated entryway. As this was more of a home then a business, there was no need for sofas or a receptionist's desk down here; indeed the only things that the cloaked vixen could hide behind were a coat rack and a red vase for umbrellas. Ducking behind the large floor vase and slowing her breathe just as Huntress turned to look in her direction. With an assault rifle cradled in each arm, the over equipped wolfess was ready to make a move... except their captor made his first.

Further down the entryway, past a steel door that was opening automatically, a low serpentine hiss echoed through the hallway as a trio of fat, deformed snakes slithered through. With a scream that was unfitting of someone so martially equipped, the GLAM "commando" turned to face the new threat and opened fire. Several seconds of fully automatic fire later, two empty magazines clanged against the floor and Huntress demonstrated an excellent ability to hit everything BUT the target she was aiming at. The walls and floor were riddled with bullet holes; the floor immediately around her was covered with a ring of spent shell casings. It would have been an incredible martial display were her three sole targets not still alive and only looking mildly annoyed with her.

Still concealed and carefully ducked behind the floor vase. Jayb watched as her rival run past her back towards the elevator. The cloaked vixen was not surprised when the statuesque female wolf discovered that the lift was locked, of course escape would not be that easy. Meanwhile the fat gelatinous snakes slithering lazily after the highly visible superpowered supermodel, ignoring the fennec base crawler for reasons she could barely divine.

"Ah yes." The intercom voice spoke again, answering the unasked question. "A bit nearsighted and their sense of smell is similarly terrible but that apparently didn't stop their nesting instincts as you shall soon see. As for me... that suit is an excellent design, as far as thermal vision and the unaided eye go, you are completely invisible. The electrical pulses on the other hand, not so much." Her captor explained casually like he was describing the latest episode of a hot new TV drama.

Meanwhile Huntress frantically fumbled through the process of reloading her rifles. Unsurprisingly two assault rifles wielded akimbo turned out to be a nightmare to reload, ultimately Huntress was forced to abandon her weapons and leapt over her foes before racing off deeper into the lair.

Carefully letting her captor's pets slither past her a second time; Jayb exhaled and took stock of her situation. First priority, get out of here. Collecting anything she could fence on the C-zaar was an afterthought at best. And with the only known exit locked remotely, she needed to either find another way out or find a way to deactivate the lock. Manipulating the lock directly was almost certainly out of the question, her captor would have already thought about that and already demonstrated that her stealth suit couldn't keep her completely hidden from him. He would see her pick the lock and that would invariably be the end of it. No, she needed to figure something else out and preferably do it while that GLAM idiot distracted the minions. Come to think about it, she recalled Werkmag telling a story about similar-looking creatures on the C-Zaar forums. Albino snakes that looked more like giant sapient gummy worms then actual snakes, she thought it was just a joke but apparently not. And as her fellow captive screamed from somewhere deeper in the base, Jayb steeled herself and left her hiding place. Huntress could deal with whatever trouble she got in herself, the fennec was not in the mood to be burnt again doing the nice thing...

Huntress screamed as she fell down a narrow pit, a trap that opened in the otherwise featureless floor too fast for the Australian timber wolf to react to. Tripping and pratfalling into the hole, the superpowered supermodel grunted as she hit the bottom then quickly rose back to her feet. Metallic, smooth, just a hair deeper then she could reach, and tapered towards the bottom she was quick to notice. Sadly almost as quick as her captor was to explain what the purpose was of the tapered cylinder she was currently trapped in.

"Awww, poor little wolf girl. If you had just a 'little' more junk in the trunk and some proper Aussie thunder, you'd have gotten stuck much closer to the top. Shame I didn't get that panda drone controller or the pretty boy Brit, then you would have seen the other aspect of this trap. But oh well, we make do with what we have. My Plumper Pythons deserve a warm place to nest." The intercom crooned as the trio of snakes came up over the lip of the pit then slithered down.

Huntress struggled and attempted to bring one of her automatic pistols to bear but it was too late, the pit was too small for her to fight effectively and the Plumper Pythons quickly struck in a unison that made her swear they were telepathic. One wrapped itself around her, constricting the wolf just enough to keep her from firing while the other two forced their way down her throat, one after the other. The GLAM model fought to keep from choking on what tasted like someone was forcing a long tube of lard down her throat. And after the longest single gulp the Australian ever recalled making, it was down. The first snake forming a pronounced bulge in her once-flat tummy that stretched and tore her jumpsuit as the second forced its way into her mouth. Swallowing the second with a groan, her bloated stomach exposed after it finished tearing a large hole in her suit.

The third snake continued to maintain its grip on her, only loosening up when her stomach was large enough to get wedged against the upper walls of the pit. The black-haired wolf was too stuffed to notice her slackening restraints or offer much resistance when, trapped below her ballooning waistline, the bloated snake wormed its way underneath her ripping clothes and forced its way up through her anus. Huntress wasn't sure how it managed to fit but boy did it feel gooooood, she decided with a low moan. Feebly lifting herself up out of the pit after her own expanding girth pushed her up well within reach of the lip of the hole in the floor, she flopped to her side and panted softly. Inside her stomach, the three Plumper Pythons briefly squirmed and jostled before settling into their slumber. Blood rushing to her stomach, she thought she saw the faint outline of a squat little fox blending into the wall like some sort of alien chameleon. But when she tried to call out to the shape, the most she could manage was an echoing belch...

Jayb shook her cloaked head as she daintily stepped around the ballooned Huntress. All three of those snakes currently nestled inside the taller female's stomach and based on Werkmag's description, they wouldn't be there too long before quickly relocating to the wolf-bitch's thighs. There was no doubt in the fennec's mind that the GLAM goon had caught a glimpse of her, not a good glimpse but enough of one to let her know she really wasn't alone down here. Good thing that Plumper Python meal put Huntress down for a long nap. The stout little vixen shook her head as she slowly crept further down the hall, occasionally casting a wary eye down towards the floor for the faint outline of another pit trap.

"Who are you?" Jayb asked softly, speaking for the first time since she entered the lair. The fact that there was no one in sight didn't matter; she knew he was listening...

"Haven't you figured it out? I'm Dr. McFeedlots and as you can see, I'm quite the pig farmer." The intercom replied as the stocky vixen made her way deeper into the maze.

"Oh, you are the one that betrayed Sterilux and froze her in a stasis container for twenty years. I thought you were a story Drone Harvest, Reclaimer, and Werkmag told to keep the rest of us from laughing at them for coming away empty handed on their last run." Jayb explained as the hallway took her down to a four-way intersection. No signs or labels on any of the polished corridor walls, not much in the way of personality either. It looked like McFeedlots assembled this lair both very recently and very cheaply.

"Oh I assure you I'm very real." The mad scientist crooned, clearly addicted to the sound of his own voice.

Jayb declined to answer, already she was defeating the purpose of her stealth suit by making it that much easier for him to track her and potentially steer her into a trap similar to what turned the formerly slender Huntress into a bloated blimp. Picking a direction at random, she scurried down the left corridor with a soft huff. If she were to venture a guess based on the stories told by the last group of crawlers that encountered this villain, she had a one in three chance of finding either a sex dungeon staffed by robotic restraints, a laboratory breeding nightmarish creatures, or the control room slash living quarters for McFeedlots. The chubby little thief wasn't sure which one scared her the most as she did her best to quietly open the metal bulkhead door at the end of the hallway...

A laboratory. At least this one was more obvious in function then the one Werksmag encountered, workbenches lined with all manner of chemistry and genetics equipment, metal pens containing bizarre creatures unlike anything Jayb ever saw before, and a translucent vat holding a tangled, nightmare-inducing mass of Plumper Pythons in what appeared to be a nutrient solution. It looked like this was the wrong room but on the other hand there might be something valuable here. Or at least by taking her time to discreetly search the room she would confuse McFeedlots or at least bore him enough to focus back on the comatose GLAM bimbo in the hallway...

The Plumper Pythons slumbered peacefully as she quickly walked past them, not willing to disturb them after seeing how quickly only three disabled her rival. On the other side of the room, the metal pen was filled with small, Jayb would almost consider calling them "bite-sized," furry creatures that looked vaguely like lemmings. Based on how the snakes behaved, she imaged the other creatures were driven by the same bizarre instinctual drive to feed themselves to a nearby intruder. Turning her attention to the lab benches themselves, she found a stack of ration bars wrapped neatly in non-descript wax paper and a cooling caldron of some unappetizing-looking porridge. The porridge was ignored but the ration bars were easily portable so she quickly grabbed them and made them disappear into her cloaked backpack next to several spiral bound notebooks detailing McFeedlots experiments. The information alone should fetch a decent penny in the right circles. Now if only she could be as certain about her chances at escaping this trap, she mused as she left the laboratory as quietly as she entered it...

Returning to the intersection just as a peculiar robot walked a still-groggy Huntress down the right hallway. The machine's body appeared to be nothing but black leather restraints and one of those metallic x-shaped frames popular with sadists. Guess the right corridor was where McFeedlots kept his dungeon, which meant that by process of elimination, what she needed was straight down the central corridor.... Apparently her captor wasn't that imaginative when it came to base layouts. Regardless if there was a way out of this place, it would have to be in the mad doctor's inner sanctum.

Heading down the hallway and stopping right beside the doorway leading to Dr. McFeedlots, Jayb pressed her hooded head against the wall and listened. Yes there was someone definitely inside, someone that was currently walking towards the door.

Squishing herself against the space between the awning and the wall as hard as she could and holding her breath, the short-stack fennec vixen watched as a strangely youthful and scrawny male cougar in a lab coat and a farmer's sun hat ambled out of the control room and started to walk down towards the dungeon where Huntress was restrained. Dr. McFeedlots had just gotten halfway down the hall when he stopped and remembered something. But it was too late, Jayb had slipped into the control room and locked the door behind her...

The door locked and dead bolted, Jayb exhaled and tried to ignore the frustrated bangs of fist on metal as she quickly scanned the room. As expected, the ratty-looking sanctum contained what passed for the living quarters and as such was where McFeedlots expressed his personality. And what an... interesting personality it was. The place was untidy but at the same time possessed a certain organization that made a sort of sense, scientific journals related to food chemistry and genetic engineering were strewn across a wooden coffee table while the walls were covered with posters for various BBW models and porn stars. Overall it gave the impression of a brilliant mind that was still somewhat juvenile, never a good combination in the fennec's mind. Two things that caught her eye in the quick sweep of the room, a black cloth bag with a handful of small diamonds and a metal door at the far end of the room labeled "Emergency Exit." By the time McFeedlots unlocked his sanctum, Jayb had pilfered the diamonds and tossed a small metallic sphere behind before disappearing up the emergency ladder leading to the surface. As the flashbang exploded behind her, the fennec decloaked and continued to climb up out of McFeedlots' lair. By the time his vision returned, she had already climbed up into the DPW facility and disappeared into the Silicon City underground...

Hastily locking up the entrances to his lair, Eric McFeedlots turned his attention back to his remaining guest. Restrained in his dungeon by the robotic bindings that dragged her there, Huntress groaned and belched as her stomach churned and finished digesting the Plumper Pythons. Stripped of her ridiculous arsenal of weapons and with her clothes tearing further due to her expanding waistline, the Australian supervillain flinched as her ballooning hips and blossoming rump continued to tear holes in her tacky camouflage jumpsuit, her dark gray fur leaking through the growing gaps in the brightly colored fabric as a growing layer of blubber began to cover her toned muscles. The captive GLAM model whimpered as McFeedlots carried in a stainless steel cauldron of the thick porridge brewing in his laboratory and stuffed a funnel into her mouth. Grinning evilly, the feline poured the edible sludge down her throat.

"Now, now, be a good girl and eat up. I cooked this Standardized Lipid Omni-Porridge just for you. Made sure it was loaded with all the nutrients and supplements a growing little piggy like you needs." He cackled as his captive's stomach began to bloated and bulge outward like she was several months pregnant.

Her stomach stretched tight after being filled with S.L.O.P., the mad doctor gave her fat belly a gentle pat and kissed her on the cheek... just as the lights flickered and an echoing bang could be heard from the entryway upstairs as something smashed the front bulkhead door off its hinges. Guess publicly revealing the location of his lair was a really stupid idea after all. Still, real males were ones that made lemonade out of lemons as his father always said. Sighing and walking towards the exit to his dungeon, Eric pulled out his smart phone and pressed a few icons on the crystal touch screen to activate the traps, release his pets, and turn on some of his more fiendish contraptions before logging into the camera network to see who his attacker was.

Seeing who the intruders were, he stopped and stepped back away from the doorway just as Dominique kicked down the metal bulkhead door leading into the dungeon. Behind her echoed the shrieks and screams of her fellow GLAM hoodlums as they tangled with his Plumper Pythons and little furry beef-flavored Munchkins. Occasionally the yelps of terror were replaced with very audible moans as the more impractically dressed GLAMs provided adequate rear access for the Plumper Pythons to gain entry. Looks like there might a few more candidates for his pigpen if he could somehow turn this around.

"GLAM? Really?" The cougar scowled dismissively as several patriotically costumed GLAM villains filed in to assist their mistress. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised but I'm still a little insulted that I don't even warrant SCPD SWAT." McFeedlots snarled as one of his opponents charged him... only to get crushed by the heavy metallic weight of his latest invention dropping down from the ceiling. Getting it up there in the first place was a bitch and a half but the look on the equine dominatrix's face was totally worth it.

Dominique and the rest of her henchfemales stepped back, giving McFeedlots the necessary time to step over the trembling outstretched red-gloved hand sticking out from under his prototype feeding machine and get behind the controls of the beautifully assembled collection of hoses, suction nozzles, and turbines; taking a seat on a black rubbery bag and straddling the slack vessel between his legs. Built from observing Sterilux's own vacuum technologies and still presently unnamed, the machine was designed with the intent of vacuuming up intruders and feeding them to one of his "pigs." At least that was the intent. The reality was a cough, a sputter, and a whole lot of nothing happening to the intruders beyond the villainess crushed beneath him...

Jayb relaxed as she unwrapped the ration bar recovered from McFeedlots' lair and reviewed the rest of her haul in the safety of her apartment a few days after she was nearly captured by the mad cougar scientist. It had been a harrowing escape and a stroke of luck that GLAM was watching when she tipped off the other base crawlers about McFeedlots' trap. With any luck one of the two groups would have destroyed the other, either way both had been deadly quiet ever since. The diamonds had been appraised and were in the process of being discreetly fenced and the short fennec munched on one of the food bars as she read the lunatic chubby-chaser's research notes and tried to get a feel for whether or no there was anything she could sell....

Food bars that sat in her stomach like a brick of lead and according to McFeedlot's notes, each contained several months worth of calories in a single bar. And she made the mistake of downing two in the time it took her to skim his research notes. Already she could feel her body acquire a noticeable heaviness as her stomach greedily processed all the proffered calories. Her paunch seemed to grow softer and doughier as her thighs grew thicker and thunderous... Then, as she rose to her feet, the increased mass of her wider hips became less of an illusion and more of a reality as her chubby belly continued to puff outward and her gait acquired more of a wobbly waddle to it. Her face turned red as she let her hands wander and probe her expanding circumference...

Dr. Eric McFeedlots did his best to smile as he walked into his new lair. It had cost him pretty much everything but he had managed to escape with his life and freedom such as it was. But the price he paid for being able to keep his hide intact was still almost too high. He lost his lair, almost ran out of money, failed to capture the base crawler known as "Pockets" and lost Huntress in the chaos of defending himself against GLAM, and suddenly found himself with a number of enemies probably eager to feed him into his own meat grinder. GLAM was obvious but apparently between GLAM's own reputation for heinous cruelty and the perceived outlandishness defense of his fortress, Dominique's tale was being dismissed as overly embellished insanity. The base crawlers community though was a different kettle of fish, one that tended to react very negatively to being screwed and had a habit of compiling and releasing collected information on anyone that crossed them. As a result metabeings that were way, way out of Eric's league were now aware of his existence the way a regular person was aware of a gnat. Yet the new lair was established deep within the mountains outside of the city limits, and the think tank corporation he set up as a front company was starting to attract investors... Speaking of investors, he needed to get ready for a conference call in the sanctum shortly...

Sitting in the grandiose conference room in his new inner sanctum, more of a relic of the lair's previous owner then any unique design touches applied by its new owner, the cougar scientist held his breath as he accepted the call and their encryption protocols automatically kicked in. Within seconds he was greeted by three shadowy figures on a television screen... these were not the sort of investors he was expecting.

"Greetings, thank you for investing in my research company focusing on-" The cougar began with a polite smile.

"Enough with the nonsense Dr. McFeedlots, we know who you are and we know your company is a front. Each of us has been playing this game longer and better then some chubby-chasing imbecile." Came the interrupting reply from a shrouded female mouse in the certain of the configuration. "I must say though, I'm intrigued to find I'm dealing with what sounds like a twenty-five-year-old, given your history with Sterilux I expected someone in their forties."

"This chubby-chasing imbecile may have found a way to arrest the aging process. Of course it's still a work in progress." The cougar grinned, his fur bristling at the insult but taking pleasure in having something tangible to dangle in front of his investors. "But since you're clearly not interested in my plan to end world hunger or develop better anorexia treatments, just who am I talking to then?"

Again the female mouse in the center took charge. "My associates and I represent a diverse collection of interests." She began, nodding towards the male mouse to her left and a figure to her right that was so obscured that Eric couldn't even begin to guess what their species or gender was. "I will let them describe their enterprises in turn but suffice to say we all have one thing in common, we all head large organizations with a lot of overhead and many, many enemies. As for myself, I doubt you've heard of me. I'm the head of a multinational conglomerate involved in resource extract-"

"I believe I know who you are. When I was skimming the Silk Road for pets for my pigpen, the traffickers talked about some mouse lady with a ravenous appetite for slave labor... You acquire shell companies like a GLAM model acquires clothes and have your fingers in everything from illegal mining operations in the American Rockies to ship breaking yards in Bangladesh with all of your operations staffed by metabeing slave labor. Many of them are teenagers." Eric replied, taking her sudden silence as an acknowledgement that his hunch was right. This was the mogul the slave traffickers nicknamed "Moneybags" for her deep pockets.

"Yes, and as much I'd like for them to subsist on air and sweat, they do need to eat if I want to get my investment on them back. And of course, naturally everyone from the registered elite all the way down to ridiculous C-list superheroes takes an absurd amount of offense to my business practices. My associates have similar problems." The female tycoon replied.

Eric sat silently and looked at the other two shrouded figures for a second before speaking. "Alright, so you want me to design and/or supply a cheap food supply for your enterprises. That should be doable depending on what exactly you need. The other half of your proposal however... that might be a problem."

"Not necessarily Doctor. As I said, our foes are numerous; it would be moronic for us to not adapt a multi-layered approach to dealing with them. However, it is my understanding that a number of them are well within your capabilities or you may otherwise find to be... worth the extra trouble of dealing with them. Regardless you should not be so hasty to dismiss the idea of being paid for imprisoning some of our foes in your so-called pigpen, heaven knows its what you would do anyway. Though of course, we would very much appreciate if you do not try to repeat the stunt you recently pulled on the Base Crawler community." Moneybags countered.

The cougar regarded the counter-argument with a contemplative flick of his long tail. "Alright then, let's talk terms." He agreed and the four of them quickly focused on the fine details of his contract. Perhaps this latest move wasn't so bad after all....

One more minute, just one more minute... Huntress found herself silently repeating as the music continued to blare loudly in the dance studio aside her basement gymnasium. The fat wolf bitch's fur was matted with sweat as she continued to work out in her private gym. Dominique had tried to strap her into the machine the equine mare used for liposuction the moment they returned to the hideout but fortunately for the wolfess there were several new recruits that were starting to look quite flabby thanks to the battle with McFeedlots. They whined for Dominique to put them ahead of Huntress while the Australian female used their whimpering as a way to quietly sneak away. The psychotic equine leader of GLAM had nearly killed her once with that damn machine, which meant there were several weeks of non-stop exercising in Huntress's future.

First part of her daily routine was the weight exercises. Not particularly heavy weights... relatively speaking at any rate. When you had the strength to lift a small car like it was made of tin foil like all GLAM girls did, slapping a fifty-pound weight on each leg to exercise the lower muscles was nothing if the weights were properly balanced and strapped on. Likewise, fifty-pound dumbbells might as well weighed five pounds to her. But it wasn't about weight; it was about repetition. After all, too much weight and she'd be bulking instead of toning. And that lead to looking like a gym rat muscle-freak, which was totally not attractive at all.

After a hundred reps with the dumbbells and a hundred more with her flexing and kicking with the leg weights, ignoring the obvious joke going through her head of GLAM's enemies being amazed that she could even count to ten let alone a hundred, she shed the exercise weights for a full hour of dancing to whatever sappy pop music she could download from the Internet. Exactly what kind of dancing depended on her mood but almost always it was some form of "dance like no one is watching." Well, no one else at any rate. The amount of mirrors she installed in the room to satisfy her personal vanity meant that there always was a small audience in the room even when she was alone.

Gingerly gripping the polished metal pole and starting off with a gentle twirl as the music began to play. Swaying her thick hips with a quick shift from the left to the right and blushing as she watched the chubby fatty dancing in the mirror, she threw herself into a spirited dance. She was surprised to discover that her body hadn't lost its agility once she had gotten accustomed to the added weight. Apparently the damn cougar hadn't had time to make her THAT fat yet. Rubbing her crotch against the metal shaft as she spun herself around and let her long black hair whip twirl, she soon found herself enjoying the show she was putting on for herself.

Regarding the plump wolf in the mirror with a slow lick of her chops as sweat dripped from her furrowed brow, Huntress turned away and wrapped up the dance with a good shake of her rear. She had to admit; she actually looked pretty damn hot with her ass as big as it was. Maybe she'd find a way to keep from losing it while she worked off the rest of the weight...

Tales from Silicon City 23: Dessert Trifecta

Tales from Silicon City: Dessert Trifecta By Psion All rights reserved Silicon City, faded jewel of the Californian tech boom and home to countless costumed heroes and villains of all kinds. Gadgeteers of all stripes from the serious and...

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