Tales from Silicon City 21: Interrogation

Story by psion42 on SoFurry

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#21 of Silicon City

Rated General despite Fatfur Tomfoolery

Characters and setting (C) Psion42 2016

A new member of GLAM runs afoul of her organization's most tenacious foes, the Dough Girls. Can this vile supermodel escape or will she be forced to reconsider her career choices? Meh, an experiment in writing relatively pure WG, let me know what you think if you're into it. If not then I'm sorry but you're not going to get anything intelligent out of this story.

Tales from Silicon City: Interrogation

By Psion

All Rights Reserved

"TALK! Where are you making the weight-loss drug you tried dumping into the city reservoir?" Came the question as the antelope squinted under the harsh glare of the halogen light shining directly in her face. Not even a member for a week and already G.L.A.M.'s newest recruit was facing one of her organization's most persistent foes... the Dough Girls.

Strapped to a padded examination table those disgusting fatties probably bought from a medical supply store, Tipsha scowled at her captors. "Do you really expect me to talk fiend? Talk and prevent this city full of ugly people from finally losing some weight?" The GLAM agent snarled as she struggled with her binds and the nullification collar around her neck. Where did these lard balls even get a nullification collar anyway?

Her captors stood within arms' reach of her as she continued to squirm and fight with her restraints. The Dough Girls, confectionary warriors and self-styled defenders of sweet justice; four obese bakers that apparently thought they had it in them to be superheroes or whatever delusion made them don costumes consisting of booty shorts, ankle-high boots, elastic chef jacket unitards, and executioner hoods made to look like chef hats. Honey Bun the draft mare, Éclair the black bear, Croissant the hippo, and their leader, Creampuff the kangaroo.

Creampuff currently regarded their unruly captive with a cruel grin before she finally spoke. "No... no we don't expect you to talk my dear Tipsha. We expect you to eat." The kangaroo countered, sending chills down the antelope's spine as she motioned for her cohorts to leave the room before wheeling out Tipsha after them. Out of the stark interrogation room devoid of any personality or clues to where the GLAM agent was being held, into a cavernous bakery kitchen that painted a very clear picture where the brown-furred cervine was held... deep within the Super Secret Bakery of Bountiful Wonders, the Dough Girls secret laboratory kitchen somewhere below the city. Banks of convection ovens, industrial-sized mixers, and numerous other contraptions that were as much at home in a science lab as a baker's kitchen surrounded the vain villainess as the other Dough Girls worked on measuring, mixing, and baking up various treats or bringing down the day-old pastries from a bakery upstairs. Skilled in counting calories, the restrained captive felt the color drain out of her face as she added up just how much food there was on display. Enough to subsist a normal person for a month or someone like her for a year.

Tipsha felt a bead of sweat form on her forehead before sliding off the side of her head. She only joined GLAM a week ago, only had her blue and white unitard costume for a day. The one that showed off her slender curves so finely.... "You're bluffing." She began defiantly, hoping her bravado would shake her captor somehow.

"Oh but we're not, we can't have people dumping unapproved and potentially dangerous weight-loss drugs into our water supply. Don't worry about your career though; I hear there are a few plus-sized fashion studios that are hiring. Why, one even offered me a job while I was working upstairs." Creampuff smiled as she set Tipsha's table in the center of the kitchen and waddled away with a playful sway of her hips and voluminous backside, a blush forming on her cheeks as she recalled the memory.

The delicate slip of an antelope continued to fight against her bindings as the funnel was popped into her mouth and strapped to her head. Already lying flat on her back, it was a simple matter for her captors to pour a large mixing bowl of batter into the funnel and let gravity force her to chug it down or choke. Faced with those two choices, Tipsha chugged. Washboard flat abs stretched outward as her flat tummy groaned and bulged outward, forming a small dome barely visible over her large breasts if she tilted her head forward.

Gloved hands gently rubbed Tipsha's growing midsection as the funnel was removed and the stuffing continued. After the batter came cake. Not individual slices of cake, whole cakes that she was forced to chew and swallow. Her body continued to bloat outward, her stomach continuing to grow rounder like she had eaten an entire watermelon. Still, Gin could fix this. A few weeks with Gin and it would be like this never happened...

"You'll never make me -URP!- talk." She panted as a loud belch escaped her lips, her swollen abdomen heaving in exhaustion after being subjected to a marathon feeding session. Small tears began to form in her costume as the fabric struggled in vain to hold the growing amount of antelope it contained.

"You think we're done? We're just getting started!" Éclair countered, the young bear's voice dripping with vengeful enthusiasm as she pointed at the pile of pastries left. Donuts, pies, and exotic breads were heaped high on a nearby marble countertop as the bakers readied for another feeding. Was it just Tipsha's imagination or was there another figure hiding just out of sight? The captive supervillain wasn't given much time to ponder this mystery before the next feeding began as aggressively as the first.

First was a loaf of French bread tore to pieces and shoved into her mouth several pieces at a time. Then came the donuts and the crullers, Tipsha continued to blow up like a balloon as her stomach bulged further, becoming a small mountain towering over her breasts. The cervine villain continued to groan in protest to being stuffed like a holiday roast, mentally trying to recount all the different cures for stretch marks through an increasingly thickening mental fog as more and more blood started to rush down to her stomach. Finally, after finishing the second round off with a large blueberry pie, her captors relented and the depowered supervillain was allowed a drink of water to clean her palette and catch her breath. Her previous defiance was gone, her head lolling to one side as she struggled to think clearly. Must resist, must not tell them about...

"Where is the weight-loss drug being manufactured?" Came the question one more time.

"The old Soapy Suds detergent factory?" Tipsha answered blankly then winced as enough blood rushed back up to her head to realize what she had just done.

Creampuff smiled and turned to the figure that was stepping into Tipsha's field of view. "Told you we'd make her crack." The kangaroo baker began with a smirk.

Mentalrix stood over the restrained GLAM supermodel; gasmask making her expression unreadable as the black-furred rabbit silently regarded the bloated female with a veiled gaze. Then, as surprising as it was abrupt, the lapine telepath placed a hand upon Tipsha's engorged belly and gave it a brief, gentle rub. "Unorthodox as always but I can't argue with the results. I'll pass the tip along to the others." The masked street avenger commented academically like she was critiquing Creampuff's painting technique.

"Traitor..." The ballooning cervine hissed, regaining enough of her strength to glare at the other "skinny" from behind a blue domino mask.

Mentalrix turned her masked gaze back to the kangaroo's captive, staring intently. "You are as stupid as I thought you were. What happens to me if you're successful in poisoning the water supply? What happens to me if I drink something strong enough to make Creampuff melt off the pounds until she's as thin as I am? And if it's untested then how do I know it won't give me cancer... Ugggh, there are frat boys that would give me more intelligent conversation then you." The rabbit snarled venomously, her tone saturated with disdain for the GLAM agent and everything she stood for. "I'm wasting my breath talking to you." Mentalrix concluded before turning to her blubbery cohorts. "She's all yours until you run out of food... or get bored, which ever happens first. Oh and Creampuff?"

"Yes?" The kangaroo asked, smiling wickedly as she split her gaze between Tipsha and a stainless steel feeding machine sitting in the corner like an angry coiled cobra.

"The modeling agent was right, you do have a great ass." The rabbit laughed as she left Tipsha in the Super Secret Bakery of Bountiful Wonders... alone with the Dough Girls.

Having gotten what they wanted out of her, the Dough Girls resumed using the GLAM villainess Tipsha for pastry disposal. Wheeling her table over to the feeding machine and fastening the black rubber hose to her mouth, the costumed bakers began filling the glistening metal contraption with treats as it slowly whirled to life. Tipsha watched in horror as her mountainous stomach grew taller and taller as the machine continued to pump a slow slurry of ground up pastries into her mouth. Her costume exploded into shreds of cloth with an audible rip as her body resumed ballooning outward. Her stomach groaned threateningly as Honey Bun and Croissant both grabbed an arm and pulled her up right, the swollen dome of her abdomen wobbled and pushed her legs outward spread eagle. Grunting and groaning, the Dough Girls slowly moved their portly prisoner off the examination table and onto a reinforced couch as she continued to expand at a steady rhythm with the machine. Tipsha could have sworn she was about to burst but then again she swore she was about to burst several minutes ago. Then finally, it stopped. At first she thought the machine had mercifully run out of food but no, the Dough Girls had gotten bored with their captive and started slowly munching on the leftovers. Not that the brown-haired antelope cared, right now she felt like a blimp or a balloon ready to pop.

Her stomach held her down like a lead weight as she panted slowly, her bloated torso wobbling with every laborious breath as she groaned and tried to not think about how big she had gotten in a matter of hours. From a skinny slip of a cervine doe to a porker roughly equal to her immense captors in terms of girth; that had to be a record if Tipsha had felt proud enough to report it. Or could even move, her stomach wobbled with every labored breath as the consumed mound of pastries congealed into a dense ball inside of her. As the blood continued to flow down to her stomach, the engorged GLAM agent yawned as torpor forced her to finally pass out.

Seeing their captive fall unconscious, Creampuff nodded with a wicked smile and motioned for Éclair to hook Tipsha back up to the food pump. There was still much for their new friend to consume but that could wait until she woke up. In the meantime, there were other GLAM agents that needed to lose the battle of the bulge. There were always other GLAM agents...

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