[SotO] Chapter 11: The crowning of the queen

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#11 of Shadow of the Oasis

Hello my friends. I barely made it this month to release this chapter. There are only a few more to go for this story (at least for the main story). I am not sure how many chapters it will be (maybe 3-6) but the next months will be hectic.

I will be in a longer vacation in July and August so it may happen that I am a bit late with these months releases. I apologize for that.

For the next story I do not have much planned out yet so you can still pitch me topics you want to see here (i.e. fanstory of a movie, continuation of another story of mine or completely new topic). I was asked a few times to do a spin off for the "Snow Valley" story line. I am thinking about this at the moment (maybe one or two specials) but I am not sure when I will have time for that.

I hope all of you are well and happy with your life. (I think I am currently okay. I just wish I could finally loose my single status. :))


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

This is a pure fictional story is an artwork for the purpose of entertainment. Any similarities with real persons are unintended and any content of the story does not reflect the opinions or suggestions by the author.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 11: The crowning of the queen

Four more month had passed and this morning Chuma was excited as soon as he woke up. A scent filled the cave that marked the day he anticipated for a long time. He stood up and felt his member already creep out of his pouch. He scanned the room. Right next to him lay Kamaria with her cubs Kali and Kisima, two adorable white girls. They had just returned a few days ago.

A few steps away Bina just woke up and licked over the head of Badu, the male cub. The other two cubs Binti and Basima drank milk from her teats already. The smile on Bina's face told Chuma that she had been up for some time and knew what the scent meant. With her head she nudged into the direction where Chuma spotted Sanura when he followed her hint.

"Wake everyone up!" he called out to Bina while he nudged Kamaria. "There is a queen to be crowned and everyone should watch it."

When he reached Sanura his member was already dripping pre on the ground and he had to control himself hard to not just jump and mate her. He woke her up with a nudge and a long lick over her heated snatch. He savored the taste of her fresh heat and when his tongue invaded a bit more it scratched over her hymen that he licked a lot of times before. But today it would be the last time. Today was the day he would finally let his control with Sanura go and let his feelings transfer to her.

The young lioness woke up a bit confused and moaned by the pleasure her heat induced snatch felt under his licks. Chuma saw the others around waking up. Adults as well as cubs looked at him and Sanura while he sized the young lioness up. She still lay on the ground but slowly opened her eyes while he circled her and licked her body from all angles.

"Sanura my sweet little princess." He said just loud enough that everyone could hear. The mothers were too concentrated on his actions to send away their children or cover their eyes even though they knew what soon would happen. "Today is the day where you will completely step into adulthood." Laia and Chari giggled from his words because they already did this "tradition" that followed these words. Leta hushed to them and made them listen and watch the ceremony.

"And today I will take you as my queen." Chuma continued slowly while Sanura rose to her paws following him with her eyes. "You will be the highest of the females and my queen and you will rule with me over our territory and help the pride." Sanura smiled and looked proud. She had been prepared by the other females the last months and knew about her ascending the throne as queen but she did not know what this meant yet. "We will now hold the ceremony that will bind us together and you shall act like a queen, strong and obedient to me. And all shall watch how their queen is welcomed to her new position."

Chuma licked over her flank and back earning a purr from Sanura. She sure had watched him mate other females in heat before but at this moment she did not notice the similarities. She had been trained so much to be a queen and his acts were so different that not even the big changes she felt in her body, like the pleasure gushing through her snatch and the tingling feeling in her stomach, made her suspicious. She closed her eyes when he licked her ears and neck and then Chuma softly bit her neck earning a long moan from the young and small female while he moved over her. Sanura was just a very bit bigger than Bina but clearly smaller than the other lionesses. By instinct she pushed her back against the belly of Chuma and her tail moved to the side while her snatch moved into the perfect position for Chuma to just push. And that he did.

A loud groan of Sanura that got louder filled the cave while Chuma pierced through her hymen, finally being able to take the kitten he wanted to mate for so long but always controlled himself for this special day. Her heated passage quivered and clenched around him while he established a slow pace of long strokes making it last as long as possible. Sanura groaned strongly but moans and purrs mixed into it soon. Her heat was blocking some of the pain and filled her with need and pleasure. Even though she still groaned she pushed against his loins and helped him to drive deeper into her. He pierced her cervix after a short while and pushed in and out of her womb before coming to a halt and squirting his live giving seed into his queen for the first time. This was by far not the end though. When his spurts subsided Chuma started to establish a slow pace again without pulling out. He pushed right through the orgasm that hit Sanura at the end of his insemination and soon the female moaned and purred under him and even emitted chirping sounds every now and then. After his third orgasm and Sanuras second he gave a nod to Leta who knew what she should do now. He had told the older females how he envisioned this event and while he kept buried deep in the snatch of Sanura with his cum and femjuice coated balls pressed against her clit the leopard approached him from behind with Laia and Chari and licked a few times over his balls and the clit of Sanura. Both connected lions moaned loud and the other females got into the line to give their tribute to their king and queen. All adult females and the older cubs bid their tribute this way to the crowning of the queen. When Kafil licked over the clit of Sanura the four-month old cub got a bit excited by the heat and his member poked out just a little bit. The cub did not know why this happened and when he went back to his mother it already retracted again.

Chuma did not see or regard this. With the last few licks his balls began to contract again and push their white content into the female under him. After the last tongue left his orbs he slowly began to push into Sanura again moaning in unison with the young lioness. Long and thorough strokes into the twitching tunnel kept the slow circling orgasm of Sanura alive and his own member hard and ready. When, after a few more climaxes of him and Sanura, her womb was filled too much and her belly extended painfully, making the young female growl, he pulled out just enough to let her chamber empty and gush all its content over his balls before he pushed in again with his sticky and slimy balls slapping wet against her clit. He released the neck of Sanura and licked her head and she licked back his yaw and muzzle when he lowered it next to hers. Chuma did not go fast like he did with the others most of the time. He did not rush it to not exhaust Sanura but his long and slow strokes made both of them moan in pleasure while not wearing out too much of their energy. Even when the sun was bright in the waterfall the other females brought them something to eat Chuma did not pull out but stayed deep inside her womb while they ate with hunger. Then he continued with his slow pumping motion. Chuma did not count how many times he came into Sanura or how many times he made his queen come. The other females and the cubs stayed in the cave the whole day, watching them or sleeping. Some of the old females began to please each other every now and then aroused by the show their queen and king were giving them. Chuma came to a hold with a grunt and pushed another load into Sanura which again made her reach the limit of the stretching of her womb. Like numerous times before he just pulled out after his last spurt, let most of the liquid spill on the ground below them and then pushed in again. Sanura did not move much from her spot since the morning because he had been atop of her without break. The others just watched him but did not disturb them other than giving them food every now and then or some water, that they fed them mouth to mouth.

Sanura moaned under Chuma. The waterfall was already dark from the sun that had set outside and most of the other females slept. Only Kani and Bina were still awake silently talking with each other while they stole a look towards Sanura and Chuma every now and then. The pain that she felt at the morning when Chuma mounted her for the first time long ago vanished in the pleasure and the numbness of her love tunnel. He did not hammer her fast like she had seen him do with the other females before but slow and calm. It worked best for both their stamina. When Chuma was exhausted he rested deep inside her womb for ten minutes until his member slipped out but soon after he started again. Sanura understood the meaning of this day. She had been told that she would be the queen of Chuma even though she did not know that they would do this at the day she was crowned. In the breaks between his mating sessions Chuma whispered to her to give birth to strong and cute cubs. Sanura slowly realized that she too would have a big belly and bear cubs soon. Her heart was still that of a maiden. She still clung to the old times as cub when Chuma cared for her and pampered her. In a way this was also Chuma's fault because he still pampered her and acted around her like she was a small cub until this day. Her heat was calling to her and making her moan and anticipate each spurt of his member with excitement. Her reason was gone long time ago and when he pulled out to let her empty, she did not move but pushed her hind high to allow him to mount again right afterwards. Sometimes he allowed her to lie down on her belly while he still pushed into her. She even took a small nap while he just stayed in her snatch with his member until she fell asleep.

She had then been woken up later by his humping again but she did not know if he just started or did hump her while sleeping. Her tunnel tingled in the constant arousal and pleasure that she came to love so much in these hours that she had been connected with Chuma. His thick rod rubbed her tunnel with the full length back and forth sending chills down her spine and shudders through her lower body. Deep inside her Sanura felt his goo slosh in her inner sanctum. It was at this moment not enough to feel uncomfortable or even stretch her womb but just slowly moving in her womb, coating every nook of her chamber. The warm liquid at the same time felt weird and wonderful. Every time his tip pushed through her cervix, making the liquid inside press against her fallopian tubes, her cervix twitched from the pleasurable sparks that the liquid caused when splashing against her sensitive walls. When he began to cum in hard spurts inside her the sensation multiplied with the increasing force and her mind swam in lust. She forgot who she was or what she was doing. She just marveled in the moment her subconscious did not want it to end. Her conscious had retreated long time ago making way to her pure instinct to be bred by her strong king. When he pulled out his barbs softly scratched over her g-spot making her contract around him and trapping him in her tunnel milking him from any spurt he was able to give. Her tunnel did not let go of him until he came another time and she felt the spurts travel through her tunnel to her cervix until the pressure overpowered it and it spurted into her womb again. Her womb stretched and his member, that was only half way in, blocked the sperm from gushing back because her walls clamped so hard around him that it formed a tight seal. Soon her cervix also shut close strongly to keep the overfilled womb bottled up and all the wonderful warm semen inside her breeding chamber. He held this position while Sanura felt something lick her muzzle. She returned the lick but tasted blood and felt a piece of meat that was pushed into her muzzle. She did not think about it. Her body knew how to take this break to replenish the lost energy and her yaws chewed while she purred and mewled. When she gulped the meat down she felt the tongue lick again and when she opened her muzzle this time another muzzle was pressed against hers and water gushed through her lips. She drank the water not noticing who the lioness was who used the kisses to feed and water her. Her mind went a bit clearer for a few minutes while Chuma started to hump again and took away the returning senses and replaced them with the sensation of pleasure and fullness.

Sanura lost the sense of time. Sometimes, when her clouded mind was a bit clearer, she saw the other females and the cubs either watching her or sleeping nearby. Sometimes she even saw only a few of them and concluded that the others were outside. She did not care anyways. Her heat was making her squirm under Chuma and he seemed to enjoy her tightness as much as she enjoyed his big member. She reached not as many orgasm as he did but she lost count soon enough and just let herself be engulfed in the tingling of her stomach, the aching of her snatch and the jolt of pleasure in her love tunnel. She gave herself to Chuma completely and enjoyed every second and every second felt like an eternity of bliss and pleasure.

Sanura groaned a bit at the first time her numb and sore tunnel started to feel pain instead of pleasure. The tingling feeling, that accompanied her the last days and diminished yesterday already, was now completely gone and she felt the soreness and pain of his barbs as he pulled back and pushed into her womb. She felt Chuma stop and push a bit more of his semen into her womb which soothed the pain a bit with a new tingling that filled her body. She felt the male pull out of her and the liquid that gushed through her tunnel drip in the ground. The pleasure of the liquid coating her tunnel and pussy was a feeling she got accustomed with in the last days and she loved this feeling. She just stood there shuddering and when Chuma presented his member in front of her she did not hesitate to lick his nether region clean. Something in her body longed for him even now. The pleasure she felt was like a drug that would make her starve for it even now where his member was hurting her much more than the pleasure could block. He licked her aching folds and even pushed his tongue into her snatch. The hot organ felt like fire on her sore flesh but this burning pain sparked pleasurable jolts through her body and she already presented to Chuma again. Her mind did still not completely return. She floated in the mix of pain and pleasure and when Chuma finally jumped her again she groaned from his entry but sighed satisfied as well. She loved Chuma, the lion that saved and raised her. But even more, at this moment, she longed for him to mate her. She welcomed his bite that made her tingle all over and the humping that she returned with groans and chirps. And she loved the feeling of him filling her up which made her moan every time as well as the feeling of his semen pushing through her cervix that did not close fast enough and coating every corner of her tunnel and snatch.

It took a few days for Sanura to come down from her euphoria after Chuma stopped to mate with her. He had kept jumping her for 2 days after her heat but every day he did it less. He felt that the heat was over as well as her soreness and his own soreness but she demanded for him. Only when his own soreness from her tight, much less lubricated tunnel bothered him he stopped reacting to her presenting and mewling and the live slowly got back into the old pace with just one exception: They now had a queen.

Having a queen did not change the live style much. She just was the one who would sleep next to Chuma most of the times and she was allowed to give the other females commands but she did not make use of it at the moment. The other females respected her as a queen and with her soft and caring nature they loved their queen even before she ascended.

The attention of Chuma was only distracted from Sanura when Leta went into heat one month later. When Chuma woke up he smelled a faint trace of heat but did not directly find the female in need because Leta had gone out to get a drink. When Chuma followed her scent he saw her standing at the lake while the sun was starting to get up. There was not much foreplay between them. He licked once over her spate and made her moan and present for him and then he already jumped her and bit down making her moan in pleasure. When the other females woke up and looked for them they found them mating hard at the lake. Chuma and Leta did not regard the others while they were lost in their pleasure. The cubs looked at them interested. In the last weeks the adult females had given up to try and hide the mating of Chuma from their cubs. They knew that they would see it anyway and without worrying about it their lives were much easier.

All waited for the day Sanura would return from giving birth to her little cubs. Chuma was the most nervous one of them all. He ran back and forth watching the edge of the clearing where the forest started. The females lay around and the kids played with each other. The tension was noticeable for all adult felines but the females at least lay down or watched the kids to distract themselves. Chuma showed clearly that he was worried about his queen. It was not the first day he acted like that. Two weeks ago it started already even though he knew that Sanura would not return that early. Like all other females she had gone to the small den to get her cubs and only Leta, Aisha and Kani together were able to prevent Chuma from going to the den to look for Sanura every day. Leta already showed her pregnant belly around. It was big and round again and it would not be much more time until she would also start her journey to this den to bring her cubs to life.

"You should lay down and relax for once!" the leopard called out to Chuma while she was laying in the shadow of a rock near the water and watched Laia and Chari play with the other kids. Her cubs were no cubs anymore. They had outgrown their mother and were nearly the size of Bina now. They were completely grown up in body at least and already a big help in the hunts or while watching the kids. Both of them had leopard markings but their body was bulkier like the one of a lion. They looked like a smaller version of a lion with funny dots all over their pelt. Chari and Laia were still very close to each other and did everything together. When looking from afar there was no way to tell them apart but when they got closer it was possible to tell them apart by the color of their eyes. Both had blue eyes but the eyes of Laia were a bit brighter like the sky and Chari's eyes had a deep blue like the water of the lake.

"Do you think she is okay?" Chuma stopped and looked to Leta. "She is late, is she not?" Even while standing there Chuma was clawing the ground nervously.

"She is okay!" Leta said with a stern voice and had to smile over this childish behavior of Chuma. He had been a bit excited and nervous for all the females before they came back but it never had been this strong. It was clear how much Sanura meant for him. "And it will not get faster if you run around in circles. You will just make the cubs nervous and worry about you." This remark was not completely wrong because when Chuma started this behavior one week ago the cubs had been very confused and though something was wrong with Chuma. But after their mothers explained why he was behaving like that they started to get used to his daily routine and by now did not regard it anymore. The kids were at the moment the one that worried the least about Sanura.

Chuma did not go into the cave behind the waterfall this night but lay down on his old rock that he used to watch the kids and looked into the darkness until he fell asleep. Laia and Chari snuggled up with him. Leta asked them to have an eye on Chuma because it was too cold for Leta in her state to spend the night outside. She worried about Chuma not getting any sleep and overdoing it in his worries. A few more days went by and every night one or two of the females spend the night with Chuma to keep him company and make sure that he would sleep and not look into the darkness all the time. It took one more week until one evening, when the others just went back into the cave with the cubs, Chuma jumped up and ran towards the edge of the clearing.

"Finally you are here. I was dead worries about you." He shouted while running towards Sanura who just passed the edge of the forest. She had one cub in her muzzle and two others sleepwalked between her legs. "I am sorry to worry you." She replied weakly and Chuma could hear from her voice that she was tired. Her fur and the fur of the cubs was dirty and she caressed her head against his with a purr. She placed the cub in her muzzle on the ground. It was the smallest one. "Nia fell into the hole and the others jumped after her. It took me some time to get all three of them out and it was very exhausting for all of us."

Chuma licked the small cub to his feet and it started to purr silently. Laia and Chari, who had settled to sleep with him tonight, arrived and Chuma nodded to the two other cubs that now dropped down at the feet of Sanura exhausted. "You can tell us the story tomorrow. Now come into the cave and have a rest." He said softly and nudged his queen before grabbing the small Nia by the nap and turned to go.

"It is okay, don't worry Sanji and Cecille. Laia and Chari will not harm you." He heard the soft and tired voice of Sanura silencing the cubs that had emitted a fearful whimper. Chuma did not turn around what happened. He was sure Laia and Chari picked the cubs up and they had been afraid of them. He did not want to admit it but he also was very tired. Not only from running in circles all day but also from the countless nights that he slept very bad in worry about Sanura.

When they arrived in the cave all the others welcomed Sanura by nudging her with their heads and purring. They saw how tired their queen was and did not ask much but quickly guided her to her corner so she could lay down and finally rest. Her cubs were places at her belly and the exhausted bundles of fur nibbled on her teats for a few minutes and then snuggled up with their mother and closed their eyes. Chuma lay down behind Sanura and licked her neck and ears. "I am so happy that you are back my dear." He whispered and yawned long. Sanura purred and did not reply. She curled around her cubs and put her head on her paws before closing her eyes. Chuma heard her steady breath and knew that she directly went to sleep and he also put his head down on her shoulder and closed his eyes. This night, for the first time in weeks, he slept deep and without waking up every hour. The other felines watched their king and queen for a while with a satisfied smile that Chuma finally came to rest before they also snuggled up with each other and closed their eyes to rest for the night.

[SotO] Chapter 12: Two less…

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 12: Two less... The daily life of the pride got more energetic in these days. Not only were there even more cubs now that needed to be watched, a job Laia and Chari took over a lot of times, but the older cubs needed to...

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[SotO] Chapter 10: Traditions

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 10: Traditions Chuma woke up and his nose twitched in the scent of heat. Even though he was still sleepy he directly knew who the female in heat had to be because Bina just turned two years and was due to step...

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[SotO] Chapter 9: Grown up

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 9: Grown up Chuma woke up and something was different. He was not sure what and this alarmed him. He got up and looked down at the sleeping Sanura. He did not have the sense of danger but something just was different...

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