From big bad Wolf... to neutered pet

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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The dark figure moved through the forest as unseen as the cold night wind through its trees. Pale light from the three quarters moon hiding more than exposing. As the waning orb was tossed and submerged in a torrent sea of black clouds. Silently the pads of huge furry paws circled and turned looking for an unobserved approach. But the flickering light of many fires and the glitter of steel barred his path. Crouching under the low hanging branches of an evergreen. The Wolf studied the narrow opening before him. Three young rams with long pole arms stood in that breach. If those had been the only obstacles he might have chanced a quick attack. However above he could see the faint light glowing on the spiraled horns of the ram archers. Unconsciously he rubbed the old arrow wound on his shoulder. This needed rethinking...don't let hunger make you foolish and rash! Silently the massive predator slipped back into the fastness of his forest home. Slinking off through the darkness, he pondered the ram's defenses. Strength could not pass, nor could one slip by unobserved. Descending down the short tunnel of his lair, the huge lupine flopped down onto his soft sleeping berth. Rolling comfortably on the woolly pile of old sheep skins. There had to be away passed those guards and into the village. He thought. If there was not... but no that was unthinkable. Fenaris shifted restlessly on his bed. Hunger gnawing at his stomach, desire gnawing equally at other parts of his anatomy. Even as he contemplated means of entry, his thoughts drifted to the soft pleasures. A captured ewe would offer up, before the inevitable desires of appetite over rode lust. Even a strong young ram could be forced to yield up... certain gratification's. Feneris chuckled lasciviously at this thought. The soft irritating flutter of tiny wings, made his tall pointy ears twitch. Faint flickers of silvery light fill the tunnel and his den. "Flick" The wolf snarled soft and menacingly. The tiny pixie glided swiftly around the underground chamber giggling daintily. Until at last it came to rest, quite fearlessly on the wolf's long muzzle.

"No foods...No funs." The tiny face took of a mockingly melancholy expression. "Poor poor wolfie."

"Mock me NOT Flick!" The wolf growled dangerously. Causing another titter from the tiny glittering pixie.

"Meat hides behind they're walls an guards with wicked iron." The flickering pixie said knowingly.

"Aye Flick, coming out only in groups so large and well armed..."

"With Wicked Iron." The pixie nodded solemnly cutting him off.

"So well armed as to be all but unapproachable." Fenaris finish enraged.

"Poor poor wolfie...Flick will help!" The pixie buzzed excitedly.

"HAH!" Feneris roared half in rage and half in dry mirth. "And how will you do that?!?" "Little one." The wolf sneered.

"Knows ways...things...Magic." The tiny glittering pixie babbled excitedly, as he buzzed around the wolf's massive head.

"Magic." Feneris snarled in disgust.

"Yes..yes magics...seen yet not seen." "Fool the eyes...fool the guards." Suddenly the pixie doubled up in a fit of tinkling laughter. Feneris perked his long pointy ears, tilting his shaggy head to one side thoughtfully.

"Unseen...can you make me like the wind through the trees?"

"Invisible!" Flick sobered starring at the huge wolf morph thoughtfully. "To big...wolfie is to big." She shook her tiny head.

"Then what?" "What are you jabbering on about?"

"They see you yes...but think...think you one of them."

"What?" Feneris growled incredulously. The tiny pixie dropped down onto the old pelts caressing them lightly.

"Make you look like them." The wolf shook his head at the pixies obvious madness.

"I could never look..." Feneris started, but the fairy cut him off once again.

"With magic you coulds."

"Oh?" Inquired the wolf.

"Hmmmm...Will needs help!" Placing a tiny pipe to his lip's the pixie blasted out a shrill high pitched call. In seemingly mere seconds the dank tunnel lair was brightened by a mass of glittering pixies.

"What?" Feneris snarled angrily. But before he could growl a single word more they began. Swooping and whirling through the air around him the glittering fairies set to work. Blinded by the tiny glowing bodies swirling around him Feneris could only stand dazed. Pixie dust rained down on the bewildered wolf as the fairies lifted and joined the old skins around him. The magic forming a single seamless garment from the woolly chewed over old pelts. Forming and fitting a hide cover rams skull around the wolf's head they buzz back to admire they're handy work. Feneris blinked his eyes rapidly as he shook his heads noting the odd feeling the spiraled horns heft added. The massed pixies tittered at the wolf's perplexed aspect.


"Heheh did goods...goods goods goods!" Flick sang buzzing about happily. "Here sees...wolfie!" He exclaimed. Quickly the fluttering pixies swarmed together, forming into a shining silver wall before him. Feneris watched as his own image formed, looking back at him.

"Horrrrll!" He grunted in surprise. Looking back at him was a ram...a very very big one certainly. With deadly and dangerous gray eyes, slowly he turned looking over this new figure. "Maybe...maybe you are right little one." he admitted grudgingly. The little pixie giggled, fluttering around gleefully.

"See's...see's...told yous...told yous...Hah!" Slowly the image dissolved as the flighty pixies broke off drifting away.

"I will need to watch...find a group, join...slip in amongst them." The wolf muttered to himself as he paced excitedly. "Lure one or perhaps even two away... and then!" A fiendish grin spread his lip's.

"Funs?" Flick piped.

"Oh yes indeed!" "Two males I think... yes a nice little fight and then...." Feneris licked his lip's imagining the pleasure he would take from they're struggling bodies!


"Oh come on Jarl..." The corporal pleaded. "Guards need recreation too you know!"

"But a picnic...outside the perimeter?" The grizzled old ram captain asked skeptically.

"Ya sure...why not?" The younger male questioned. "I mean we let the ewes go out berry gathering."

"Well guarded..." The old captain started to pointed out gruffly. The young corporal hurried on before his superior could say no out right.

"And its not like were defenseless, we'll be carrying our weapons."

"Its still..." The captain growled. "Oh hell, how many of you will be going?"

"Twenty counting me, that...that's plenty to fight off..."

"Yes yes of course." Jarl interjected worn down at last by the younger male's persistent arguments. "Very well you may go...spend your day in the forest." " vigilantly danger lurks behind every..."

"Yes of course sir we will indeed." Bannval called over his shoulder as he trotted out the door. Jarl shook his head ruefully. "Perhaps I'm getting too old for this job..." He muttered softly under his breath. As he watched the younger ram bound down the stairs and into the court yard. Bannval raced across the yard hurriedly leaping through the open barracks door.

"Hey...hey I got good news."

"You can't seriously expect us to believe the old goat said yes!"

"Oh but he did...he did!"

"Unfucking believable!" Another young guards ram exclaimed.

"Come on come on...lets go before he changes his mind!" Bannval urged them briskly. Gathering the things they had planned to take quickly. The group rush to the main gates, no one noticing that Venton and Cubarus had forgotten they're weapons. They hiked to a small glade not far from the river, but far enough from the city walls to be well out of sight. In the fall the ewes would pick berries here or along the river banks.

"Damn I wished we had a few ewes with us." Bannval said wistfully.

"Hahaha oh ya right!" "Like they're let us do anything with them anyway!" Kinhurn chuckles.

"Some are willing." Bannval assures.

"Oh ya sure...Ewes want older males who have done they're service." "And have plenty of wealth to see to they're needs." Kinhurn argues.

"Heh how about seeing to my needs." Bannval grin rubbing his sheath slowly.

"Don't I always?" Kinhurn asks grinning lewdly.

"Ya my sweet little ewe!" Bannval answered grinning suggestively.

"Hey!" The young trooper protested blushing.

"Just teasing Kinhurn." Bannval assured lick his lip's provocatively. Kinhurn quickly pounced on the sitting corporal pinning him to the ground.

"We'll see who's the Ewe when I stick this in you!" He grunted thrusting teasingly with his semi hard erection. Glancing down at the dribbling red tip slipping from Kinhurn's sheath Bannval lowered his head to lap at it tantalizingly. The other young rams use to this interplay between them and each other. Paid them little or no attention as they went about setting up they're picnic. Feasting came first wash down with as much wine as they could afford on they're guards ram salaries. Afterwords they began to slip off in two's and three's into the quite shade of the forest. Moving off down the trail towards the river, Venton and cubarus whispered softly to each other. As they shared a long necked bottle of sweet dark wine. The two paused in the dark overhang of a huge willow tree. There on a soft cool moss bed, with the river lapping at its edge. The two sprawl out, leaning back on a half buried log. Drinking off they're wine in long shared droughts, until at last only one swallow remained.

"You take it." Venton offered.

"No you paid for the bottle." Cubarus protested weakly.

"Hmmm well we shared the bottle...why not the last swallow?" Turning the bottle up Venton filled his mouth, then leaning over pressed his lip's to his friends. Startled the young guards ram froze for a moment eyes wild an open wide. Slowly however he began to melt under this passionate osculation, his lip's tediously parting. Allowing ingress first to the warm wine and then to the hot tongue that eagerly followed it. Tentatively Venton rolled, shifting his weight until his heavy body was over Cubarus's. The young ram found his friends knees and thigh's between his legs's, gently pressing them apart. He could feel too the heat of Venton's sheath an dangling ball's pressing down on his own. As last they're lip's parted and he found himself starring up into Ventons dark eyes.

"Will you..." Venton began breathlessly.

"I...Ahem...have never...Er!" Cubarus panted. Venton's mouth pressed against his again ending his stammering. Pulling back only a friction of an inch Venton snorted lustfully.

"Will you roll over for me?!?" Looking up into his friends burning eyes spellbound, Cubarus's resistance evaporated.

"I...I'll do whatever you wish..." He affirmed passively.

"Awwwww how sweet and will you do whatever I wish as well?" A soft menacing voice growled from the shadows. The two rams glanced up startled at the hulking shape that stepped from the darkness. It was the largest ram the two of them...or anyone else had ever seen.

"Bugger off!" Exclaimed venton leaping to his feet.

"Wasn't that what YOU were about to do?!?" The big ram taunted.

"This is a private party." Venton bellowed as he reached for his sword. The huge ram gazed amused at Venton's hand reaching for something that was not there.

"Lost you weapon?" The massive ram chuckled. "I..." Venton began fuming. Reaching out quickly the big ram engulfed Venton's long glistening pink member in one huge paw. "Guess this doesn't count as a weapon." He teased, sliding his hand up and down its hot wet length at a leisurely pace. "Awful hard tho' too." Venton's hip's thrust into the tight grip involuntarily. "Looks like your wanting to use this little weapon awfully bad." The huge ram smirked. Venton gritted his teeth and tried to pull away, but the grip tightened. "Don't let me stop you...Looks like someone wants it as much as you wanta give it!" He guffawed glancing at Cubarus's still supine form.

"I think YOU want it too." Venton challenged looking up into the big rams face.

"Oh do you..." Feneris asked smiling maliciously.

"Yes!" Venton answered thrusting his hip's forward aggressively, humping Feneris's massive paw. The big wolf in sheep's clothing leaned forward. Until his mouth pressed against the rams ear then whispered huskily.

"Your right of course." The hot breathe into his ear sending a powerful shiver down Venton's spine! The thought of mounting this massive and obviously much older ram. Of making him squeal, as Venton rode him, using him like his own little ewe! A long slick tongue snaked out to lick the rams twitching ear tantalizingly. "So what do you say...Can I have it?" Feneris whispered provocatively, inducing a second quiver this time of passion from the ram.

"Maybe...if..." Venton breathe heavily.

"If?" Feneris inquired amused.

"Suck on it...and I'll think about it!" Venton commanded hotly. The young ram watched amazed as his huge antagonist slowly sank to his knee's before him. Even in this subservient position the huge ram's head was level with Venton's chest. Crouching the wolf bent his head down and gave the hot pink fucker a long lick.

"Ammmmm favorite!" He snickered. Venton hunched forward thrusting softly.

"Suck it!" He commanded eagerly. Tentatively almost lovingly Fenris engulfed the ram's pulsating organ in his mouth suckling on its hot smooth length.

"Like this?" He asked after a moment, pausing he licked a drop of thin milky precum from its pointed tip.

"Ohoo yes." venton answered quickly. The big wolf pumped his suckling mouth up and down the long pink expanse of the ram's fucker again. Drawing a loud breathy moan from him.

"So..." Feneris barked gruffly. "Giving it to...Mmmmff" He was silenced when the ram thrust deep into his mouth once more.

"Ohooo Yes swallow it all!" Venton grunted as he pounded his organ down the wolf's throat. The big wolf's deadly gray eyes rolled up watching the rapturously bucking ram. Half amused and half acrimoniously enraged. Parting his jaws wider Feneris let the rams bouncing dangling balls slip over his lower teeth. Reaching out with his long slick tongue Feneris teased first the soft sac. Then reached even farther to play his hot wet tongue over the rams tightly pluckered anus.

"Ummmmmmmmm!" Venton exulted feel a deliciously wicked satisfaction at the huge ram's seemingly servile abandon. Feneris quickly pulled his mouth back, reaching his huge paw up quickly. Feneris snapped his powerful fist closed around the rams dangling sac! Venton's body jerked as every muscle in it tensed. Clamping his fist shut with all his strength, Feneris twisted it back and forth squeezing ferociously. Then suddenly pulling back, raising his other fist high he slammed it down onto the tiny balls in his cupped palm! Venton's tensed body jerked in uncontrolled spasms of pain! Feneris watched the stunned ram wither in shock and stupefied agony! Slowly Feneris twisted and yanked, savoring the ram's delicious agonies with great delectation. Venton hands grasped feebly at the wolf's clinched fist's as he sank to his knee's. Opening his mouth in a silent scream, he toppled over face down unconscious from the severe pain . Panicked Cubarus scrambled backwards as quickly as he was able. This fast movement catching his eye, Feneris hastily released Venton's masculine baubles. And leaped after Cubarus, landing on top of him. In much the same position Venton had been. Bending down he pushed his grinning slobbering muzzle into the rams face.

" Now sweetling will you do whatever I wish as well?" Feneris growled menacingly.

"I..III...Yes!" Cubarus stuttered trembling in cringing terror.

"Then..." The wolf sneered. "Roll over for me!" The young ram glanced down shocked to see the huge red bone that was already hanging from his attacker's sheath! His eyes already wide with terror opening wider still. Feneris chuckled gruffly. "Looks to big...for your virgin tunnel, But I guarantee you it will be going inside!" Feneris breathed lustily. "Now roll bitch...or should I say Ewe...Hahaha." Hesitantly Cubarus began turning under his massive captor. Feneris grinned egotistically, knowing he had mastered the terrorized ram totally! Feneris observed smugly as the ram turned over on to his stomach. Shimmying down the ram's meek shivering, he grabbed the short woolly tail. "Lift!" He snarled soft and suggestively. Passively the young ram submitted, holding his fluffy little tail aloft. Leaving his tight tiny pluckered pink orifice fully exposed to his lecherous ravisher. The huge wolf shimmied down the ram's quaking body. Pushing his muzzle under the up raised tail, he played his long slick tongue over the tiny opening teasingly. Eliciting whimpers of pleasure from the captive ram. "Not sooo displeasing Err..." Feneris teased mockingly.


Cubarus's only reply was a sharp intake of breath amidst anxious panting. The young rams body vibrated in conflict. Shivers of fear, and trembles of erotic delight warring for control. Feneris pressed his muzzle hard within the cleavage of the young ram's woolly cheeks. Powerfully driving his incredibly long slick tongue through the rams weakly contacting defenses. "Hahaha..." the wolf chuckled around his plunging tongue. Unconsciously his back arched, as the pleasure radiating from his rump mastered him. Tractably offering up his quivering hole to his violator's lascivious rapture. Abruptly his own thin pink cock began to peak from its fleecy white sheath. Feneris sniggered softly as he watched the debauched ram's cock throbbing and expanding. Reaching down he grasped the hot wet pulsing fucker tantalizingly. Cubarus panting loudly gasped noisy, in new pleasure at this intimate touch. The cool leathery pad of the wolf's paws sending new thrills through him. Ashamed Cubarus buried his burning face in the soft moss under him. "Feels good huh..." Feneris teased. "Little ewe likes having something deep in her little hole hmmmmmmm!?!" Cubarus trembled offering himself up even more. "Heheheh I thought so!" "Well... little ewe I've got something even better, and much bigger for that little hole!" "Would you like that?" Feneris taunted, plunging his huge tongue deep into the ram's saliva coated orifice. Cubarus gasped deeply his buttocks raising and thrusting backwards involuntarily. "Ohoooo the little ewe wants it!" Feneris gloated licking his lip's eagerly.

Quickly the big wolf in sheep's clothing shinnied up the ram's tremulous body. Slipping his knees between the ram's thighs Feneris spread it's legs wider. His huge paws clamping down on the ram's delicate hands, pinning them to the ground. Glancing down Feneris aimed his huge red throbbing bone at the ram's tiny pink slobber coated hole. The sharp oozing tip touched the slack an distended fold of flesh. "I'm not going to lie to you little ewe, this is going to hurt...a lot!" Feneris growled soft and menacingly in Cubarus's fluffy ear.

"Precede!" Cubarus's squeaking voice begged.


"Hehehe..." Feneris chuckled. Leaning forwards, letting the weight of his massive body drive his huge obscenely aroused fucker into his captive! The enormous pulsing wolf bone blasted through the ram's overwhelmed an spasmodic sphincter muscles. The cold saliva lubricating the rims of that quivering hole, giving way to the delightfully hot and tight depths! They had once guarded so carefully, but now could only reluctantly expose! Feneris grinned as a deep throaty growl escaped his curled up lip's. Ebulliently he drove the full length of his tremendous cock into the ram's docile body. Drawing loud fervent whimpers of pain and pleasure from the subservient ram. "Do you like that?" Feneris growled grilling the helpless ram as he thrust slowly in and out. Cubarus panted and gasp for breath moaning softly. "Tell me you like it!" Feneris order thrusting deeper and hard into his captive. Pumping even louder and more ecstatic shrieks from his submissive slave.

"Yyyesss I like...Ohooho I...I it!" Cubarus confess driving his rump back to meet the wolf's powerful thrusts.

"I've got one more thing for you little more big thing!" Feneris teased his low guttural voice aroused. Slowly almost gentle Feneris pressed forward, pushing the already swelling knot of his massive organ. Against Cubarus's battered sphincter's spreading them even wider!

"Baaahhananaaa!" The helpless ram bleated in pain. Gradually the stalwartly resilient, but physically much abused muscles. Gave way under the unflagging pressure of the wolfs heavy body pressing down. Languidly the pulsing knot slipped passed the ram's shattered gates, throbbing and expanding as it did! Cubarus bellowed in anguish as it did, then squealed in pleasure as it pressed into the pleasure button inside of him.

"That's it...tell me you love it...Slut!" Feneris grunted as he began humping again. In that peculiar short fast motion only animals coupled together use. Cubarus whimpered in pleasure, as the hard swelling knot beat relentlessly against his prostate. Sending spasm's of delight rushing from his loins to his brain. Abruptly his thin pink cock began to dribble long strings of clear pre-cum! Feneris chuckled softly as he watched the utterly debauched ram's cock drooling its delight.

"Oohooo Yyyeessss P..Please!" Cubarus begged, as his organ jutted even farther from his sheath. Reaching down the huge wolf rubbed the slick pre-cum down the organs length. Then raised his finger to lick the sticky fluid from them noisily!

"Ammmmmmm Sweet... little ewe." Feneris taunted as he breathed hotly into the rams fluffy ear. "Oooooohhooo!" "Hahaha!" The wolf worked his paw up and down on the ram's bone faster. Cubarus's breath became labored as his passions rose. The ram's eyes half closed as he rocked back and forth, under Feneris's indelicate assault. ‘So this is what Venton meant when he said I'd enjoy it!' The helpless ram thought as the pleasure of orgasm built somewhere amongst his anus, cock, and brain! Feneris craned his neck hunching his back nearly double. And slowly licked his captive's hot pulsing fucker, sending Cubarus in to new frenzies of delight!

"Hhhhhhiii!" Cubarus sighed with pleasure. "M...m..more Pleeeeease!" The ram begged trembling an attempting to hump into it. Feneris's long slick tongue curled around the throbbing pink organ caressing it captivatingly.

" Wanting to cum little ewe?" Feneris chuckled.

"AmmmHmmm!" Cubarus grunted as he gently thrust his hip's at Feneris's mouth eagerly trying to penetrate it!

"Hahaha...Me too!" Feneris snarled excitedly lapping at the ram's long pink organ wildly!

"Yes...Oho please yes... ride Me!" Cubarus begged unabashedly now. Needing no farther encouragement, the bulky wolf in sheep's clothing. hammered away passionately at the rams fluffy white rump. His movements becoming more and more frenzied and intense. Drawing louder and louder shrieks and howls of both blissful pleasure and sexually thrashed discomfort. "Baabaabaaabaaaaaa!!!!" Cubarus burst out, bucking his hip's back furiously. Suddenly his body stiffened, his mouth agape in frenzied panting. Feneris felt the rams organ tense then pulse wildly as it disgorged its hot liquidity pleasure's onto his lapping tongue! The huge wolf licked and slobbered quickly swallowing the rams thick greasy male broth. As it spurted from Cubarus's throbbing and weakly thrusting cock. Lapping and rapping his long slick tongue around it caressing it teasingly. Even as his powerful hip's pounded faster and faster. Then it happened! Feneris made one last impossibly deep thrust, collapsing heavily down upon the rams panting quivering form. His immense powerful body trembling, as his thin watery orgasmic fluids sprayed deep into the rams submissive body. As his orgasm began fading, he pulled back hard milking his swollen knot. Drawing more pleasure from they're binding as only one of his species can. Cubarus whimpered and yelped in erotic pain, as the massive bulge pulled and tore at his delicate muscles! At last it had diminished enough to slip free of the rams bruised and tattered sphincter's. The ram released a loud gusty sigh partly of relief but also of longing. Longing for the hot hard organ that slipped out of him, an now lay dribbling an throbbing weakly against the soft sac of his testicles! It was over...yet Cubarus found himself longing to it again. Longing for the stiff organ, longing for the heat, the pleasure. The motion an fevered sweating, panting lust! Even the penetration he admitted to himself, even the pain was erotically pleasing!

"There...there he is!" An angry voice snapped accusingly. Feneris and the blushing Cubarus looked up startled. To see the Venton and the other rams crowded around them.

"Venton!" Cubarus exclaimed in a husky breathless voice. His blush deepening Cubarus tried to scramble to his feet, however Feneris's massive weight still pinning him to the ground.

"Shut up slut boy!" Venton fumed still clutching his wound loins.

"But wasn't...." Cubarus stammered frustrated and confused.

Corporal Bannval lay a friendly gently hand on Ventons shoulder pulling him back carefully. "Relax Cubarus this isn't about you or who you choose to...Give yourself too." Turning his attention to Feneris the Corporal looked him over deliberately. Looking long at the huge red organ hanging from its sheath and the still throbbing knot that bulged near its base.

"I've never seen you before, your not one of our village!" "Who are you stranger?" He asked his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "And where are you from?" He demanded gesturing with the naked sword in his hand!

Fenris watched the naked gleaming steel with wide alarmed eyes.

"My name is...Ahem Flick." Feneris answered contritely. "I'm from a..a village it the east...on the far side of the forest."

"Hmmmmm really... east huh?" "This village have a name?" Bannval asked Emotionlessly.

"Its a small place." Feneris answered.

"To small for name?" Bannval wondered.

"You could say that...Yes." Feneris growled.

"So what are you doing here?" Venton demanded.

"Yes why are you on this side of the forest?" Bannval asked.

"To many males where I'm from." The wolf growled.

"Looks to me like you've gotten use to dealing with that!" Bannval observed. Drawing chuckles from the ever growing group of rams crowding around.

Feneris climbed to his feet, towering over the assembled rams.

"One has learned to...cope." He answered grinning lewdly.

"Indeed." Bannval observed again. "The question is what are we going to do with you?"

"What do you mean?" Feneris asked emotionlessly, his powerful body tensing to fight or flee.

"Well...We can't just leave you out here." Bannval said slowly. "There's a wolf about...a very dangerous one." "I take it you don't have anything like him around your village?" Feneris opened his mouth, but Bannval hurried on before he could speak. "Otherwise you would have set out traveling alone and unarmed from your home to our town." Bannval stated looking the stranger over once more.

"That is so." Feneris said hastily.

"Then we must initiate you into our assemblage and conduct you to Inihorn." Ignoring the odd looks from his fellows Bannval continued. "You have come here to enter and be part of out village." "And so you shall." Quickly the young corporal had his guards police up they're blankets bottles and debris. Then spread the blankets in to a large square, near the edge of the glade. The nearness of the forest calmed Feneris somewhat, he peered into its cool dark depths thoughtfully. "Are you ready to be initiated?" Bannval asked.

"What is ment by initiated?" Feneris asked suspiciously.

"It is a ceremony a ritual to see if and then to make you one of our number." "You do want to be one of our village...don't you?"

"Errrr.." Feneris growled thoughtfully. If he was one of they're number he could move in and out of the village as he wanted. So much meat! He licked his lip's. "Yes...Yes I want to join your village."

"Well then you must go through the rite!" Bannvall stated firmly. "Its no big deal...we all have."

"Very well...Do as you will." Feneris agreed.

"As you wish." Bannval agreed offhandedly. Looking at the puzzled faces of Venton and Kinhurn. And realizing that the two were about to burst with questions. He hastily added. "Lay in the center of these blankets, I'll be back shortly."

"Oh...where do you go?" Feneris asked suspicious once more.

"To the river...I'll need some mud from it and some water." bannval answered quickly.

"Ahhhhhh." The big wolf in sheep's clothing said nodding. Bannval took Venton and Kinhurn and hurried off down to the rivers edge.

"Initiate you into our assemblage?!?" "What the hell was all of that about?" Venton and Kinhurn asked together, as soon as they were out of ear shot.

"Hahaha." Bannval laughed. "Did the two of you look closely at our big friend?"

"Only to the point of noticing hes the biggest ram I've ever seen!"

"Strongest too!" Venton added rubbing his sore testicles gently.

"Then you two missed the clues."

"Clues?!?" Kinhurn and Venton asked together,

"Not surprising I guess, no one else noticed either." "His disguise is very good... better than I realized I guess!" bannval said thoughtfully.

"Clues...disguise?" "What are you talking about?" Asked Venton his eyes narrowing thoughtfully.

"Yes disguise...that big ram is none other than our wolf!" Bannval revealed.

"What?" they exclaimed together. "Wolfs don't have horns ...nor is they're fur white and curly." Kinhurn added rubbing one hand through the thick woolly ruffle on his chest.

"Didn't the two of you look into his eyes...or see those teeth." "And what about the palms of his hands..or the bottoms of his feet?"

"Well I..." They began, but were cut off as Bannval hurried on.

"And what about that cock!" "Have the two of you ever saw a fucker like that?" "Ours at pink...that thing was red, and what about that bulge in the base of it?" Bannval insisted knowing the two had looked long at that!

"I have heard wolfs have such a bulge in they're fuckers." Kinhurn admitted.

"And I saw long gray fur around the tip of his sheath!" Venton remembered.

"Indeed and around his tail hole!" Bannval added.

"Oh you would have looked there!" Kinhurn chuckled.

"Oh yes." "And I can tell you that by the look of it its never been parted by any males organ!" Bannval grinned.

"You think not?" Venton asked his sheath bulging with excitement at the thought.

"Oh I'm sure." Bannval insisted.

"So your not really thinking of taking him back to Inihorn?"

"A wolf on Inihorn?" Bannval shuddered. "No!"

"Them what are you up to?" "With this whole initiation crap?" Venton asked in wonderment.

"Well first of all...I was thinking how nice it would be to break in that virgin hole!" Bannval snickered. "But what's more I was thinking how we can take care of our wolf problem unequivocally."

"Kill him!" Venton growled.

"Nawww I've got something much more fun in mind!" Bannval assured.

"Oh like what?" Kinhurn and Venton asked together.

Bannval smiled wickedly. "What does the high council do with mental defectives?" "Or rams that take a ewe against her will, or takes a ewe who already belongs to a clan father?"

"Puts them in the cutting stocks...and castrates them!" Kinhurn and Venton joyously roared together!

"That's right." Bannval smirked. "Now isn't that ever so much better than simply killing him?"

The two rams instantly agreed with this and hastily set about planning what they would do. Bannval had Venton and Kinhurn gather mud and river water in they're helms, so Feneris would not be suspicious on they're return. A couple of young guards rams had brought rope to use in they're games. Bannval quickly gathered this up, and tested its strength. It was all good heavy leather braided rope and he was pleased! Once he had returned Bannval walked up to the reclining wolf in sheep's clothing. Sitting down on his massive broad chest, Bannval looked down into the deadly wolfs eyes.

"Give me your hands." He ordered good-naturedly. The big wolf held up his huge paws, watching as the ram bound the tightly with his rope.

"What is this?" He snarled menacingly.

"Its all part of the ceremony." "Its symbolic in its nature tying you and your clan to our own." Bannval assured pleasantly. Even as his body blocked the wolfs view of Venton and Kinhurn who were carefully looping ropes around the wolfs ankles. Once he'd gotten Feneris's wrist's secured tightly, he tossed the rope to another young ram. Who instantly pulled it taunt and wrapped it around a near by tree trunk tying it off quickly. At the same moment Venton and Kinhurn yanked the loops tight around his ankles and pulled the ropes taunt.

"What is this...More symbolism?" Feneris growled. His huge powerful muscles straining and bulging, as he pulled against the ropes. Fighting but not yet panicked.

"This is a kinda rough initiation!" Bannval admitted. Nodding to Venton and Kinhurn he watched as they spread the wolfs legs wide apart. Then two young rams ran in and slipped a hickory staff behind Feneris's knees. Tying them to it wide spread, then rope were tied and twisted around. Until the wolfs huge knees were pulled up and press tightly against his broad chest. Leaving his big sheath and gigantic balls as well as his dark pluckered asshole fully exposed! The crowd of young rams burst in to lewd guffaws, at the big wolfs wicked new tied position. As the corp's lecherous sodomistic plan at last dawned on them! "Not to bad a job huh?" Bannval asked, he walked slowly around the now desperately struggling wolf testing his bonds teasingly.

"Nope... but I think you forgot a few things!" Venton snickered pointing to the wolf's exposed crotch.

"Ahhhh yes... good point!" Bannval snickered kneeling between Feneris's wide spread thigh's to fondle his huge organ's. The ram grabbed hold of both ball's and pulled on them. He pulled slowly, but very firmly, feeling the wolf's proud jewels stretch easily between his fingers.

"Ohooof!" Feneris moaned as his big low hanging sac was stretched out by the small ram's amazingly strong finger's. The huge wolf cock drooling pre-cum slapping up against his belly as his big nut's were tied tightly! The ram's strong fingers were covered with soft woolly fur. Bannval let his warm silky fingers molest the wolf's nuts, even as he pulled them down and slid them through the rough rope noose. He tightened it, enough to keep them trapped low in their thick furred sac. The noose is pulled tighter and tighter making the big lupine gag in pain for and instant, as the rope is choking into the tender male flesh. When at last Feneris had tired himself out and Bannval had double checked every knot. He stopped and looked down at the wolf, from between his wide spread but tightly bound knees.

"Owwwwww fuck!" Feneris groaned struggling a little now as he begins to realize maybe this was such a good idea!

"Easy...easy..." Bannval purred his soft furry hand's reaching out to stroke the wolf's huge rock hard bone gently. "The pain will ease in a moment." He promised. As Venton knelt down beside him and joined in stroking and rubbing the wolf's big cock. The pleasure of those gentle caress's soon replacing the pain, as the wolf's huge ball slowly went numb. Feneris's mighty red organ throbbing and drooling every where as it is stroked. Pulling down and then Strrrrrroking, they jerk him off slowly, with both paw's.

"I think I'll start this initiation... personally!" Bannval said leering down at him, as he fondled the long pink shaft already hanging from his fluffy sheath. The young ram clustered around more tightly, jeering looking on lustfully.

"What..." Feneris began but stopped short as Bannval knelt at his wide spread buttocks. The ram grinned as he reached down to rub the dark pluckered opening with one thick finger. The wolf opened his jaws to snarl a protest, but snapped them shut again. When the ram suddenly shoved the finger into him. Feneris's eyes shot open wide and his powerful jaws clenched as he grimaced in pain. Bannval chuckled knowingly at the wolfs reaction to this invasion.

"Tight!" Bannval exclaimed fingering the wolfs anus roughly. Venton leaned over to watch the thick appendage slide in and out drooling at this erotic exhibition. As did many of the other young guards rams.

"Let me see how tight!" He begged rubbing his own very aroused cock!

"Hahaha... You're just going to have to wait your turn." Bannval laughed pumping his hand up and down the length of his on long hot pink fucker. Watching the wolf's face Bannval carefully aimed the sharp tip of his manhood at that pluckered brown opening. Bannval pumped his finger in and out a few more times. The using his thumb and fore finger to pry the spasming and clenching anal muscles open. He drove his pointed cock head into the opening. Watching as the wolfs powerful jaws clenched to stifle a scream. Still an agonized grunt whistled down his long muzzle and out his flaring nostrils. "Ohhhhhhhoo...That feels soooo good." The ram moaned leaning forwards over the wolfs loins and straining stomach. Letting the angle and weight of his body propel his cock to the wolf's even tighter inner ring of muscle. The tight inner sphincter's were drawn as taut as Feneris could manage in his position. Bannval gave a supple flex of his back, thrusting his hip's forward sharply. The wolf's lip's curled up away from his tightly clenched teeth, as a guttural growl bubbled up from deep in his throat. As his last defense was battered aside by the rams hard fully aroused fucker! A cheer of delight went up from the assembled rams, as they realized this was really going to happen. "Ammmmmmmmhmhm!" Bannval gasped. As his long pink organ slide into the wolf's captive ass under, his wooly sheath slammed against the tightly clasped brown lip's. Feneris's eyes and jaws which had been tightly closed flew open wide. As he felt the ram's cock bottom out inside of him, a grunt of surprise and outrage escaped his wide spread jaws.

"Oh he likes that!" Venton taunted as he leaned down to lick and nibble on the wolf's ear. Feneris twisted he head from side to side vainly trying to get away from the taunting ram. "This IS what you wanted all along!" "Go on admit it ass boy!" Lascivious giggles of lustful delectation raced through the watching crowd.

"No!" The wolf snarled savagely trying to twist his head around to bite at his tormentor. Not noticing when Bannval gestured at Kinhurn, instantly the handsome young ram turned running off towards the village. Turning his attention back to the bound wolf Bannval pulled his hip's back. Until only the tip was still inside the wolfs inner sphincter. Then he thrust forwards abruptly smashing his full length as deep as it would go! Feneris's body convulsed, his attention instantly back on the hard ram between his legs!

"Oho Ya!" Bannval grunted repeating his action again. "Nothing like a nice tight pussy!" He exclaimed drawing a cackle of amused laughter from all the rams crowded around them. He decides to give the crowd a good show, so started thrusting in and out at a steadier pace. Feneris's breath already labored from his struggles deepened. He was panting now his long tongue hanging from the corner of his wide gaping mouth! The big wolf through his head back gasping and whining softly, as Bannval thrust a little faster. Venton cupped the wolf's huge balls in one hand, as he drew the wolfs panting tongue into his only mouth. Bannval chuckled as he glanced down, the big wolf's red cock tip was climbing from its sheath. He nudged Venton and pointed to the wolf's throbbing red organ. A young ram from in the crowd unable to resist dropped down beside the wolf.

To begin licking and suckling on the oozing, pulsing red tip! Feneris's eyes half closed, as the young ram suckled more and more of his throbbing red fucker from its furry sheath. Venton returned to fondling the wolf's big hairy ball sac. Reaching out carefully he sucked the wolf's long slick tongue back into his own mouth. The suckling young ram let his hand move up to the wolf's neck to stroke and rub behind his ears. The huge carnivore's powerful body began to tremble as pleasure rushed from his loins to his brain! The big wolf found that he was enjoying it... even if his tightly bound nut's had gone numb. Trembling in delight, seeing that the wolf was pretty well distracted with the hard cock in his ass and the fondling. Bannval pulled out the wicked curved gelding knife, flipping the blade open and getting it ready. The blade is brought up between the twin rope loops, razor sharp gelding knife rubbing over the throbbing flesh. Bannval slowly begins to saw the knife between them, the feeling more a tugging sensation. But not aching so much as the tightness of the ropes. Kinda like he's just rubbing at it playfully with a hand, tho' the blade is slicing cleanly upwards deep and slow into the big predator's hefty ball sack! There was a little jerk as the blade slips cleared through the thick flesh, Feneris's precious jewel sack yielding to the sharp knife edge.

And then Bannval is chuckling softly, lifted the blade up slowly. It cuts right through the thick loose cords of the stretched out benumbed orb's. And just like that, the big predator is suddenly deballed - and not even realizing it. Feneris moaned around the tongue raping his mouth, as a sudden odd feeling of loss makes a chill run down his spine. But it doesn't even begin to dawn on him as to what has actually happened, a sneaky male less than half his size. Cutting in... to taking his most prized possession... the mighty objects that make him so powerfully masculine! His leg's and hip's tugging at the restraining ropes for an instant only to sag back. Chuckling even louder now Bannval lifts the warm, heavy sack up. Displaying it to the assembled sheep to enjoy. Bannval's lusts over taking him thrusting like mad now, suddenly his whole body tenses. Then a long breathless sigh escapes him, as he shoots his load into the wolf's quivering asshole.

"Ahahhhhhhh..... damn that was good!" He panted stepping back with his biggest grin on his gloating muzzle. Feneris stares up confused at the laughing gloating ram's for a long moment. Until his eye's alit on the massive dangling scrotum in the ram's fist. Big lupine nostrils flare picking up the scent of blood, his own blood! Looking down the big wolf is stunned to see, his denuded crotch. "Ok who's next on this neutered bitch!?!" Bannval snickered, as the young ram's slapped the dangling wolf ball's around playfully. Stepping up Venton smirked down at the wolf as he fondled his rock hard cock... It was hour's before the last Ram had his fill of the wolf's debauched ass. By this time Feneris had been fucked into a state of semi conscious obfuscation. Pinning and tying his head down, Bannval took a set of pliers from his kit. And with malicious pleasure removed the wolf's sharp teeth, then smeared healing balm over the gums! This pain brought the wolf to consciousness, and he whimpered when he realized his state.

"How am I going to eat!" He protested toothlessly.

"I got something ya can eat!" The young Ram snickered forcing his hard cock into his captive's toothless muzzle! "High protein liquid lunch!" The Ram laughed as fucked the wolf's mouth lustfully!

"Yeah that'll be all you'll be able to eat from now on!" Venton snickered.


From big bad wolf to... little bitch... or is that ewe

From big bad wolf to... little bitch... or is that ewe The dark figure moved through the forest as unseen as the cold night wind through its trees. Pale light from the three quarters moon hiding more than exposing. As the waning orb...

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A Haunting Chap 5

Haunting THE SHOWER 5 Tovar shook his flash light as the beam flickered, this was ridiculous. The house's lights still worked, hell even the water still worked! The little gray Burro thought, pausing to...

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A Haunting Chap 4

Haunting THE CHAIR 4 Tor stalked back into ‘The Chair' room, a plate in one big paw. The big Lion had found this freshly cooked morsel in the kitchen. Vander was supposed to be setting up in there, but he...

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