From big bad wolf to... little bitch... or is that ewe

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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From big bad wolf to... little bitch... or is that ewe

The dark figure moved through the forest as unseen as the cold night wind through its trees. Pale light from the three quarters moon hiding more than exposing. As the waning orb was tossed and submerged in a torrent sea of black clouds. Silently the pads of huge furry paws circled and turned looking for an unobserved approach. But the flickering light of many fires and the glitter of steel barred his path. Crouching under the low hanging branches of an evergreen. The Wolf studied the narrow opening before him. Three young rams with long pole arms stood in that breach. If those had been the only obstacles he might have chanced a quick attack. However above he could see the faint light glowing on the spiraled horns of the ram archers. Unconsciously he rubbed the old arrow wound on his shoulder. This needed rethinking...don't let hunger make you foolish and rash! Silently the massive predator slipped back into the fastness of his forest home. Slinking off through the darkness, he pondered the ram's defenses. Strength could not pass, nor could one slip by unobserved. Descending down the short tunnel of his lair, the huge lupine flopped down onto his soft sleeping berth. Rolling comfortably on the woolly pile of old sheep skins. There had to be away passed those guards and into the village. He thought. If there was not... but no that was unthinkable. Fenaris shifted restlessly on his bed. Hunger gnawing at his stomach, desire gnawing equally at other parts of his anatomy. Even as he contemplated means of entry, his thoughts drifted to the soft pleasures. A captured ewe would offer up, before the inevitable desires of appetite over rode lust. Even a strong young ram could be forced to yield up... certain gratification's. Feneris chuckled lasciviously at this thought. The soft irritating flutter of tiny wings, made his tall pointy ears twitch. Faint flickers of silvery light fill the tunnel and his den. "Flick" The wolf snarled soft and menacingly. The tiny pixie glided swiftly around the underground chamber giggling daintily. Until at last it came to rest, quite fearlessly on the wolf's long muzzle.

"No foods...No funs." The tiny face took of a mockingly melancholy expression. "Poor poor wolfie."

"Mock me NOT Flick!" The wolf growled dangerously. Causing another titter from the tiny glittering pixie.

"Meat hides behind they're walls an guards with wicked iron." The flickering pixie said knowingly.

"Aye Flick, coming out only in groups so large and well armed..."

"With Wicked Iron." The pixie nodded solemnly cutting him off.

"So well armed as to be all but unapproachable." Fenaris finish enraged.

"Poor poor wolfie...Flick will help!" The pixie buzzed excitedly.

"HAH!" Feneris roared half in rage an half in dry mirth. "And how will you do that?!?" "Little one." The wolf sneered.

"Knows ways...things...Magic." The tiny glittering pixie babbled excitedly, as he buzzed around the wolf's massive head. "Magic." Feneris snarled in disgust. "Yes..yes magics...seen yet not seen." "Fool the eyes...fool the guards." Suddenly the pixie doubled up in a fit of tinkling laughter. Feneris perked his long pointy ears, tilting his shaggy head to one side thoughtfully.

"Unseen...can you make me like the wind through the trees?"

"Invisible!" Flick sobered starring at the huge wolf thoughtfully. "To big...wolfie is to big." He shook his tiny head.

"Then what?" "What are you jabbering on about?"

"They see you yes...but think...think you one of them."

"What?" Feneris growled incredulously. The tiny pixie dropped down onto the old pelts caressing them lightly.

"Make you look like them." The wolf shook his head at the pixies obvious madness.

"I could never look..." Feneris started, but the fairy cut him off once again.

"With magic you coulds."

"Oh?" Inquired the wolf.

"Hmmmm...Will needs help!" Placing a tiny pipe to his lip's the pixie blasted out a shrill high pitched call. In seemingly mere seconds the dank tunnel lair was brightened by a mass of glittering pixies.

"What?" Feneris snarled angrily. But before he could growl a single word more they began. Swooping and whirling through the air around him the glittering fairies set to work. Blinded by the tiny glowing bodies swirling around him Feneris could only stand dazed. Pixie dust rained down on the bewildered wolf as the fairies lifted and joined the old skins around him. The magic forming a single seamless garment from the woolly chewed over old pelts. Forming and fitting a hide cover sheeps skull around the wolf's head they buzz back to admire they're handy work. Feneris blinked his eyes rapidly as he shook his heads noting the odd feelings flooding his body. The massed pixies tittered at the wolf's perplexed aspect.

"Heheh did goods...goods goods goods!" Flick sang buzzing about happily. "Here sees...wolfie!" He exclaimed. Quickly the fluttering pixies swarmed together, forming into a shining silver wall before him. Feneris watched as his own image formed, looking back at him.

"Horrrrll!" He grunted in surprise, even his voice changed. Looking back at him was a pretty ewe's muzzle. With deadly and dangerous gray eyes, slowly he turned looked over this new muzzle. Slender and well form, soft and wooly.

"Maybe...maybe you are right little one." He admitted grudgingly. The little pixie giggled, fluttering around gleefully.

"See's...see's...told yous...told yous...Hah!" Slowly the image dissolved as the flighty pixies broke off drifting away.

"I will need to watch...find a group, join...slip in amongst them." The wolf muttered to himself as he paced excitedly. "Lure one or perhaps even two away... and then!" A fiendish grin spread his new lip's.

"Funs?" Flick piped.

"Oh yes indeed!" "Two males I think...a nice little fight and then..." Feneris licked his lip's imagining the pleasure he would take from they're struggling



"Oh come on Jarl..." The corporal pleaded. "Guards need recreation too you know!"

"A picnic...outside the perimeter?" The grizzled old ram captain asked skeptically.

"Ya sure...why not?" "I mean we let the ewes go out berry gathering."

"Well guarded..." The captain started. The young corporal hurried on before his superior could get going.

"And its not like were defenseless, we'll be carrying our weapons."

"Its still..." The captain growled. "Oh hell, how many of you will be going?"

"Twenty counting me, that...that's plenty to fight off..." "Yes yes of course." Jarl interjected worn down at last by the younger male's persistent arguments. "Very well you may go...spend your day in the forest." " vigilantly danger lurks behind every..."

"Yes of course sir we will indeed." Bannval called over his shoulder as he trotted out the door.

Jarl shook his head ruefully. "Perhaps I'm getting too old for this job..." He muttered softly under his breath. As he watched the younger ram bound down the stairs and into the court yard. Bannval raced across the yard hurriedly leaping through the open barracks door. "Hey...hey I got good news."

"You can't seriously expect us to believe the old goat said yes!"

"Oh but he did...he did!"

"Unfucking believable!" Another young guards ram exclaimed.

"Come on come on...lets go before he changes his mind!" Bannval urged them briskly. Gathering the things they had planned to take quickly, the group rush to the main gates. They hiked to a small glade not far from the river, but far enough from the city walls to be well out of sight. In the fall the ewes would pick berries here or along the river banks.

"Damn I wished we had a few ewes with us."

"Hahaha oh ya right!" "Like they're let us do anything with them anyway!"

"Some are willing."

"Oh ya sure...Ewes want older males who have done they're service." "And have plenty of wealth to see to they're needs."

"Heh how about seeing to my needs." Bannval grin rubbing his sheath slowly.

"Don't I always?"

"Ya my sweet little ewe!" Bannval answered grinning suggestively.

"Hey!" The young trooper protested blushing.

"Just teasing quinoz." Bannval assured lick his lip's provocatively. Qiunoz quickly pounced on the sitting corporal pinning him to the ground.

"We'll see who's the Ewe when I stick this in you!" He grunted thrusting teasingly with his semi hard erection. Glancing down at the dribbling red tip slipping from Quinoz's sheath Bannval lowered his head to lap at it tantalizingly. The other young rams use to this interplay between them and each other. Paid them little or no attention as they went about setting up they're picnic. Feasting came first wash down with as much wine as they could afford on they're guards ram salaries. Afterwords they began to slip off in two's and three's into the quite shade of the forest. Moving off down the trail towards the river, Bannval and Quinoz whispered softly to each other. As they shared a long necked bottle of sweet dark wine. The two paused in the dark overhang of a huge willow tree. There on a soft cool moss bed, with the river lapping at its edge. The two sprawl out, leaning back on a half buried log. Drinking off they're wine in long shared droughts, until at last only one swallow remained.

"You take it." Bannval offered.

"No you payed for the bottle." Quinoz protested weakly.

"Hmmm well we shared the bottle...why not the last swallow?" Turning the bottle up Bannval filled his mouth, then leaning over pressed his lip's to his friends. Startled the young guards ram froze for a moment eyes wild an open wide. Slowly however he began to melt under this passionate osculation, his lip's tediously parting. Allowing ingress first to the warm wine and then to the hot tongue that eagerly followed it. Tentatively Bannval rolled, shifting his weight until his heavy body was over Quinoz's. The young ram found his friends knees and thigh's between his legs's, gently pressing them apart. He could feel too the heat of Bannval's sheath an dangling ball's pressing down on his own. As last they're lip's parted and he found himself starring up into Bannval's dark eyes. "Will you..." He began breathlessly, mouth pressed against Quinoz's again. Pulling back only a friction of an inch Bannval snorted lustfully. "Will you roll over for me?!?" Looking up into his friends burning eyes spellbound, Quinoz moaned eagerly.

"I...I'll do whatever you wish..."

"Awwwww how sweet and will you do whatever I wish as well?" A soft menacing voice growled from the shadows. The two rams glanced up startled at the shape that stepped from the forest shadows. Bannval bellowed in surprise as he reached for his sword. The slender figure gazed amused at the ram's hand reaching for something that was not there.

"Lost you weapon?" Feneris asked.

"I..." Bannval began stunned. Reaching out quickly Feneris engulfed the ram's long glistening pink member in one slender hand.

"Guess this doesn't count as a weapon." Feneris teased, sliding the hand up and down its hot wet length at a leisurely pace. "Awful hard tho' too." Bannval's hip's thrust into the tight grip involuntarily. "Looks like your wanting to use this little weapon awfully bad." Feneris smirked. Bannval grinned and humped the hand lustfully. "Don't let me stop you!" Feneris snickered. "Looks like someone wants it, as much as you wanta give it!" They all guffawed, sharing leering glances.

"I think YOU want it too sweet ewe." Bannval purred.

"Oh do you..." Feneris asked smiling maliciously.

"Yes!" Bannval answered thrusting his hip's forward aggressively, humping eagerly. The big wolf in sheep's clothing leaned forward, until his mouth pressed against the rams ear; then whispered huskily.

"Your right of course." The hot breathe into his ear sending a powerful shiver down Bannval's spine! The thought of mounting this strange new ewe, of making her squeal. As Bannval rode her, making her his own little ewe! A long slick tongue snaked out to lick the ram's twitching ear tantalizingly. "So what do you say..." "Can I have it?" Feneris whispered provocatively, inducing a second quiver this time of passion from the ram.

"Oh yes!" Bannval whispered back, his voice low and breathless with lust. Pressing his big furry male body against Feneris, Bannval letting his hand's roam over it. Feneris shook his sleek new head as strange feelings flooded his brain. Suddenly becoming aware of a tingling within his loin's, and warm wetness dribbling down inner thigh's. The big wolf in sheep's clothing's malicious smile suddenly vanished, as she felt the ram's questing finger's slip in her damp quivering sex! Glancing down sharply Feneris watched as the ram's finger disappeared within her!

"Oho... Oh Gods!" The little ewe, formerly big bad wolf moaned as a thrill of pleasure rushed through her body. Even as Quinoz stood and joined his fellow in stroking and fondling her new body! "Flick!" Feneris snarled as the breeding urge burned within her new loin's. A tiny sparkle giggled from within the surrounding forest. Feneris shivered in terror and lust as she struggled to understand what was happening. Even as the fire within her loin's grew steadily, her need growing stronger over riding her reason. The little ewe glanced down, shocked to see the ram's huge pink male hood. That was already hanging from her molester's sheath! Her eye's already wide with terror opening wider still, as Bannval chuckled gruffly.

"Ammmmm smell that!" "Someone's in heat!" Quinoz snickered.

"Heat!" Feneris choked, her eye's already wide with terror opening wider still, as Bannval chuckled gruffly.

"Looks to big...for your virgin tunnel, but I guarantee you it will be going inside!" The ram breathed lustily.

"Oho noo." She tried to protest, as Bannval grunted grabbing the little ewe and tossing her onto the moss bed. The thick hooves clomped as he strode towards her. The sight of his huge muscled body filling Feneris's hormone-flooded mind with lust. His thick male scent making her wet dripping cunt quiver. As the former predator realized her feminine body had no hope of resisting his wiry muscles. Bannval's thick shaft already rock hard as he looked her lithe body over. Feneris's large tits bouncing as the fur of her inner thighs were soaked with ewe scent.

Suddenly the ram was on top of her, pinning her to the cool moss bed. Thrusting his hips hard into her burning sex, even tho' it was barely able to take his gigantic cock! The organ rubbing Feneris's new inner walls as it plunges deep into her! Dribbling hot pre-cum to make those inner passages even slicker. His strong hands grabbed her wrists, as his lips lustfully kissed her's. Forcing his tongue into her mouth, eager to feel her submit like a good little ewe should. Unable to speak a protest... and not strong enough to resist the huge ram. Even as his huge cock plunges deep within her new pussy. Firing her lusts even more than they already were. As his hot watery pre spurts within her, Feneris finds it harder and harder to resist or even think of resisting. She let out a roar, screaming again as the huge cock pressed into her cum-slicked sex. Unable to speak as the sensations flooded her mind, the feelings that came with the rough mounting starting to fill her body with pleasure. "BAAABAAAABAAAAAA!" Against her will, in spite of all her resistance... No matter how she squirmed, she couldn't get away from the horny rams, her sexy ewe body theirs to ravish at will. The ram above her leered and grinned at her, his breathing getting heavy as he thrusts more and more savagely.

"No ewe can resist my cock... You love it all, don't you slut?" Unable to resist the once proud male wolf wrapped her long sleek leg's around her massive molester and squealed even louder as he thrust deep within her quivering sex. Screaming for her former prey to fuck her harder and deeper... to fill her belly with his off spring. "You don't care who fucks you, do you slut?" Bannval demanded as his massive ball's slapped against her rump. His breath snorting through his slotted nostrils as he plunged into Feneris repeatedly, his throbbing cock leaking pre-cum freely. So close to giving her the hot thick cum she so desperately wanted. Feneris wrapped her strong arm's around the ram's neck and shoulders as he thrust into her. Kissing his big round muzzle wildly as the pleasure of his rutting filled her. Her long sleek leg's wrapping around his waist holding him tight as they move in union. Feneris's eye's rolled into the back of her head, body trembling as her first female orgasm overtook her body! Making her bleat loudly and shudder, bucking against the mossy ground into his cock.

F..FF...Fill me... Cum in me... make me your slutty ewe...make me everyone's slutty ewe!" The former wolf begged the wanton lusts of heat overwhelming her. As she bucked on Bannval's huge organ impaling herself as best she could.

"Th-that's it...!" The ram snickered. "Beg... Beg for me... My little... SLUT! I'm gonna cum... ONLY if you BEG ME!" Bannval managed to slow his pace just barely, teasing her burning womb by holding back. Watching her glazed-over eyes as she lost yourself in your ewe passions. He grinned and licked his lips, eagerly waiting her cries, wanting to make sure she knew how completely she will belong to him! Breaking in this new ewe, her slutty little bidy, pushed him over the edge. Thick jets of cum gushing into her, like liquid fire deep into her hungry little cunt. His hands grabbed her tits roughly, as he rode out his orgasm inside the former wolf's shuddering body. Panting and chuckling his victory over her, knowing she'd be his little slut forever! Feneris shuddered, feeling for the first time the sensation of being completely broken, being helpless. Lost in the pleasure of orgasm for a long moment, she moves with the big stud. Her twitching sex milking his huge spurting organ of all it's thick gooey ram spunk. It is only after her orgasm has died, and the big ram pull's out that Feneris realizes what has just happened.

"Gods oho gods!" She panted feeling the ram's creamy stud milk within her... knowing if it should impregnate her she would be a female forever! But she only has a second to think about it as the big ram steps aside. And Quinoz stepped between her wide spread leg's, grinning down at her as he mounted.

"I'm gonna love fucking you every way I can..." The horny ram whispered as the others began wandering out of the forest. To see what was going on...


A Haunting Chap 5

Haunting THE SHOWER 5 Tovar shook his flash light as the beam flickered, this was ridiculous. The house's lights still worked, hell even the water still worked! The little gray Burro thought, pausing to...

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A Haunting Chap 4

Haunting THE CHAIR 4 Tor stalked back into ‘The Chair' room, a plate in one big paw. The big Lion had found this freshly cooked morsel in the kitchen. Vander was supposed to be setting up in there, but he...

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Giving him what he wants... double cross...

Giving him what he wants. Double your double cross. The big sleek roan red stallion stepped off the elevator, and walked down the dimly lit hall slowly. Looking at the hotel key ring, it said room 216. He wandered slowly down the...

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