Journey to another world pt2 ch52
#2 of Journey to Another World pt2
Journey to Another World 4
Ch. 2
If Kit had been a pain to brush with the special oiled dipping brush, then Rena had been an absolute hell. Once Kit had a nice shine to her fur, Rena sat down next to her and used her tail to push/slap her off the bed. I didn't see any of this since I was closing up Kit's oil container and was pulling out Rena's oil and brush. I dipped Rena's brush into her jar and began to work on her. The problem was, she would repeatedly lean into the brush, making me use much more of the oil then what was called for. Plus when I used the brush on her sides she would begin to squirm and giggle, but the big problem was when I did her lower back and tail....I think you get the picture. No?
Well if you really want me to spell it out for you, fine. There are certain parts on a persons body that just send that person into a state of bliss. If you've ever had a deep long massage done by a masseuse, you know what Rena was trying to get out of this brushing. She would often lean deeply into one part that I would brush, and others she would only allow me to get the very top of her fur. It was sort of like when I petted my cat Fluffy back home. When I rubbed her, she would always get onto her tippy-toes when I got to her tail base. (Get the picture.)
After several more giggles and what I thought was eternity, she was done. "Ok...Rena. Your done." I said in an exhausted tone as I patted her shoulder. It had taken twice as long with Rena as it did with Kit, even with all those moving tails. Rena stood up and walked over to the full body mirror and started checking herself out.
"Oh we are most definitely going to have you do this more often to" She said as she ran her paws down her sides while she turned this way and that, looking to see what angle/pose she looked best in. "I do not remember the last time that my fur felt this nice, and just look how shiny it is now." She admired her fur for a while longer, then blew a kiss at the mirror as she saw me looking at her reflection. "So what do you think of your work Donovin? Do I look sexy?"
"RENA!" Jenavee gasped. "Not you to." I looked over to Jenavee who had a shocked expression, then almost immediately she slapped her face. "You had better control yourself or..." She said as she dropped her hand for us to see that she now had a quite serious expression on her face.
She didn't get to say more as I recalled both Kit and Rena at the same time, which caught Jenavee by surprise. "I don't know what's gotten into Rena, but Kit." I took a long sigh as I dropped my head. "I take it that she's going into heat and that's why I was loosing it, in the bathroom." Jenavee came over, sat next to me on the bed, and draped an arm over my shoulders.
"You are right Donovin. Rena told me a little more." She said as I looked deep into her eyes.
"There's more to this?"
Jenavee sighed, nodded, and dropped her arm over my shoulder. "As you have probably already guessed, Kit is in heat and is looking for relief. Or she is going into heat sometime soon." She looked towards the bathroom then back at me. "And from what Rena has told me about what happened when you battled with Rena and Kit against those two kids."
My eyes shot open in surprise. "She told you?! She actually told you what Kit had done to me."
"Marked you as hers. Yes. But there is more." I nodded for her to continue. "I know that you helped Rena with her heat before, but when Kit did that thing to you something within her changed. And not for the better I might add."
"Does this have something to do with her..."
"Heat? Yes." She interrupted me. "I would think that Rena would have been the better Pokemon to explain this to you, but since you recalled her, I guess that job falls to me." She turned, sat sideways on the edge of the bed, tucked her legs under her dress, and placed her hands in her lap. "When Kit did that thing to you, Rena became very upset with her." I was about to speak but Jenavee put a hand on my mouth. "Please, just let me finish." To which I nodded. "Now I know that you know that Rena and I have an agreement that we are supposed to...share you with each other."
Something flared in the back of my mind but Jenavee quickly threw up her hands in defense. "Now before you get mad and yell at me. You have to realize that I love you deeply and that it hurts that I had to let Rena be your first and not me."
My anger really started to flare up in me. ‘What was I to these girls? Some kind of sex toy?'
"We had also agreed that we would be your equal lovers/mates and that we would not take advantage of that agreement. So when Kit did that to you, it was like both Rena and I received a slap in the face."
‘I'm not going to loose my temper until she finishes explaining this to me. I'm not!' "Sort of like someone just spat in your face, or kicked dirt over your agreement with Rena." She slowly nodded.
"That is one way of putting it, yes. When Rena told me about what Kit did, I wanted to wring that little minx's neck." She raised up her hand and clenched it into a fist, but quickly dropped it. "Though if I did do that, I did not know what you would do to me if we or I did do something like that."
‘Well at least she's being honest about her feelings.' "You know...Why don't we just forget about all that and just worry about how shiny your hair is going to look once I've finished brushing it." She gave me a smile, nodded, and then turned her back to me. I picked up a regular hair brush and started tackling the knots that were in her hair. Now if I were a hair stylist I would probably comment about how many split ends she has or how many gray hairs she has, but I'm not, so I wont. I just needed something to take my mind off the whole situation because if I dwelled on it for to long, I was probably going to loose my temper.
Every once in a while I'd have to tackle a pretty big knot, and Jenavee would protest the pulling and yanking that I had to do to remove the clump of tangled hair. Eventually the comb glided all the way through her hair without any snags. "Sorry about all the pulling Jenavee, but if I didn't we could never use the special oil I bought for your hair."
"I know that, but your still going to have to make up for it though." She said in an irritated tone.
"I know. Once were done, I'll give you several of those Poffins in the bag." But she didn't reply as I worked with her hair. Once I was done with it she got up like Rena and walked over to the mirror and started running her hands through the shinny strands.
"I guess that I can see what Rena was talking about. I too would like you to do this a bit more often to" She smiled at the mirror but jumped away as I tried to recall her into her ball. ‘What exactly do you think you are doing Donovin?' She yelled at me through her psychic abilities. Effectively giving me a small headache.
"Well what do you think. With all the weird scents going around this room." I stood up and pointed towards the bathroom. "With both Rena and Kit going into heat soon, I thought...."
"Donovin!" She interrupted me. "I am not like those two." I gave her a skeptical look. "I do not go into heats like those two."
"Really? What about the...smell?" I said in a calming sort of tone as the smell of not one but two girls who were either starting to or actually in heat start to effect me. What I hadn't realized was while I was brushing Rena, was she'd been giving off the same smell intoxicating scent as Kit had when we were in the bathroom. So just smelling the air in the room now was starting to make my mind a little fuzzy. "Darn it. That smell is starting to....Got to set my mind to a task and stick with it." I got up and walked over to my bag and grabbed the sack with the special Poffins in it.
"What are you doing Donovin?" Jenavee asked.
"That smell that Rena and Kit have been giving off is starting to make me...Darn it. I just can't con...Got to concentrate on something." I said as I tried to shake the smell out of my head. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the fan and started to fill up the bathtub. Jenavee came over and had a confused look on her face as I held out the bag to her.
"Oh now I get it. The smell from Rena and Kit is affecting your head. So not to loose your noodle to the smell, you need to do something to keep your head about you." She said as she took the bag and took off the ribbon containing the contents of the bag.
"That's right. And the best way to do that is to do what we came here to do."
"And that would be?" I turned off the water in the tub and held one of the Pokeballs over the tub, then released the long held Pokemon within to the tubs water. Jenavee gasped as she saw the Feebas materialize in the water of the tub. "Oh now I get it. It was to evolve Feebas into a Milotic." I nodded and turned to her and held out my hand.
"That's right Jenavee. And further more." She handed me the bag of blue Poffins. "Not to sound mean or anything, but I purposefully fed Feebas only a little each meal."
"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you purposefully starved Feebas to... Um? Why did you starve Feebas."
"First of all, I didn't really starve Feebas. I made sure that she had enough to eat to keep her going. Just enough so that she would still be hungry, but never truly starve." I said and turned to look back at the Feebas. "Hay there Feebas." The fish turned to me and gave me a scowl as she floated at the top of the water. "Oh come on girl. I told you the reason why I was doing this to you, remember." Feebas just sunk to the bottom of the tub and turned away from me. "Oh now don't be like that. I spent a lot of time making these special Poffins...just for you." Feebas slowly turned sideways and looked at me through one of her eyes.
"That's right. I've finally completed the Poffins that will turn you into a Milotic." She slowly turned the rest of the way around. "Plus I made a lot of them. So now you can eat to your hearts or stomachs content." I took one of the Poffins out and held it just above the water. Feebas didn't waist a moment as she quickly jumped right out of the water and snatched the thing right out of fingertips. She then splashed back into the water where she began to munch happily on the Blue Poffin. It was pretty amazing since she didn't even spill a single crumb of the Poffin into the tub.
It didn't take long before she had finished off all the Poffins in the bag. I couldn't help but smile when she finished the last one. She looked like a puffed up Puffer-Fish, and floated up to the top of the tub's water line and floated there with a happy grin on her face. "It would seem that you enjoyed your little feast." I got up from my kneeled position and walked back into the bedroom.
"Wait a minute Donovin. It does not look like Feebas is evolving. Did the Poffins not work or something?" She asked me as she too stepped out of the bathroom.
"Oh of course they worked. It's just that it will take time for the Poffins to do what I made them for." I rummaged through my pack again and pulled out a large piece of cloth and some wax. "Though, the Poffins can only do so much. There are other things that I need to do in order to make her even more beautiful." With that said, I walked back into the bathroom and went to work on Feebas with the wax and such.
An hour later I wiped at my brow and sat down on my backside. The Poffins were finally starting to make their effects known on Feebas, which made my work shine through. I had scrubbed that Feebas clean of all the grime and filth that comes with being a Feebas. (As they often are found in dirty/stagnant water) "And now for the finishing touch." I pulled out a pink ribbon and tied it on the blue horn on the top of Feebas. "All done."
"Not to be mean Donovin, but I do not really see much difference in Feebas. She still looks pretty much the same to me." She said as she stood looking over my shoulder with her hand on her chin.
"What are you talking about Jenavee. She's much more beautiful now than how she was before." And as if to prove it, her spots started to take on a much clearer look and she stared jumping around in the tub. "What did I tell you. Feebas also looks a lot more peppy and seems to think so to." I reached into the tub and petted her on the head. "Don't you Feebas. Don't you feel more beautiful?" I asked rhetorically.
Feebas just nodded and rubbed up against my hand. I don't know how long I sat there waiting for the white light to envelope Feebas, but it never came. "Wait a minute. What's going on? I thought that once I was able to make Feebas more beautiful that she would evolve into a Milotic."
"Well it was a sound idea, but I guess that Feebas just does not want to evolve that badly." She took by the arm and stood me up. "Now why not just come with me so that we can get a good night sleep. That way you can think of some other way than Poffins to get Feebas to evolve." She placed an arm over my shoulder, hugged me tight to her, and led me out of the bathroom while she used her psychic abilities to turn off the lights. "Goodnight Feebas. Sorry things did not work out as planned."
Within the bathroom, Feebas was scowling at what Jenavee had said. The two of us left the bathroom and went into the bedroom. "I just don't understand it." I said aloud as I undressed and slipped into bed with Jenavee, as I had decided to sleep in my underwear tonight. She curled up nice and tight against me. "It should have worked."
‘Well at least he is not being effected by the smell anymore. I guess the smell must have blown out of the room by now.' Thought Jenavee as she smiled to herself. ‘I would not be satisfied taking advantage of him, if he was under the smell of those two. If we are to share our love for one another, then I want it to be with him, not him with those two scents making him mating crazy.' And with that thought, the two of us fell into a deep sleep. So we didn't notice the white light that came from the bathroom a few minutes later.