Journey to another world pt3 ch100 pt3

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#12 of Journey to another world pt3 ch91

Journey to Another World 6

Ch. 100 Part 3

From the far side of the curtained stage, opposite the one Donovin had just come out of, a figure slowly emerged from behind the curtain, as if shy of being seen in public for the first time. The first thing to be seen of the figure was that of the ruffling of light green cloth. A light tapping sound could be heard as a dainty, high heeled, green shoe could be seen coming out from behind the curtain. The shoe looked remarkably like it was made out of jade and had a slight white bit of cloth that was bunched up slightly to look like a tiny fan that came out from the opening in the tip of the shoe. As the figure continued to emerge from behind the curtain, the person/figures dress could be seen.

The dress seemed to be made up of two or three parts (If you include the long forest green gloves that came up to just above the elbow and emblazoned in white thread at the end that made up some strange Celtic pattern/knot across the brim). In whole, the dress was made up of several different shades of green, but also had subliminal colors of red, white, and gold mixed in. The lower part of the dress that looked to be made up of a light green cloth, seemed to come up just enough to show off the dainty shoes was about six inches or more to allow easy movement while walking. At the bottom of the lower part of the dress was a flowing white stitched Celtic knot that went all the way around it. The next upper part of the dress seemed to be made of a deep green color, a fringe around the bottom of it was made up in some kind of lace and on the upper part of the fringe was the same flowing Celtic knot as the one on the gloves, but what really made it stand out was that every large ruffle of it was stitched/lined with the same white thread. Next was that of the brazier. Much like the upper part of the lower dress, it too was a deep green color, white thread ran around the edges of it in interesting patterns, and seemed to just barely hold back her breasts that looked to almost ready to spill out from the upper part of the scandalous thing.

Slowly placing one foot in front of the other, Jenavee slowly made her way out to the middle of the floor, turned to face the audience, then walked over to stand next to my side. A small tinkling sound could be heard and as I looked up I could see a simple emerald and jade choker that was wrapped around her slender/pale neck that caught the stage lights ever so nicely. 'Heavenly,' was my only thought as I looked up at her, but stopped in mid thought as I noticed that she was also sporting some green lipstick as well. 'It seems that you went one step beyond what we talked about.' I thought as I looked on this vision of beauty.

A small smile quickly flashed across her face, but just like a flash, it was gone in that same instant it appeared. It was a smile for my eyes and mine alone. A small fire began to burn in the middle of my chest and with that my pride began to rise even more for what we were about to do. Slowly the green clad figure placed her hand in that of my own outstretched one and I slowly brought it down to give it a kiss on the back of her gloved hand. 'Are you ready Jenavee?' I asked her mentally, knowing that she'd easily be able to pick up on my thoughts at this close of a range.

'Ready as I will ever be, I guess.' She said in a bit of a shaky tone into my own mind.

Standing up so that we were standing side by side I gave her a reassuring smile then turned so that the two of us were facing the audience. With slow and precise steps to match ours together but still opposite the others steps, we took three steps, and then stopped as we held out our clasped hands towards the audience. As our hands were out towards the audience our outwards hands were raised slightly back. In the next moment we twisted slightly then brought our other hands together and faced one another, but then quickly separated once again to show the audience our clasped hands once more. Slowly this time as to make sure the audience saw us, we rejoined hands in the same way as before then began our slow dance together.

It seemed almost as if the whole world had gone missing as the two of us became lost in our dance together, enjoying the music as we dance as well as the other close presence to the other. Upon each of the apex of the music we would slow our dance for just a moment and stand up a little on our tiptoes before beginning to dance around in a slow circle again, though upon the slower parts I would either bring one of our clasped hands together so that she would spin under it or spin her into my chest so that she would sway with her back to my chest for a moment, share a quick kiss/peck and then spin out again so we were dancing slowly together. Whenever the audience would see us share a quick kiss the reaction was fairly varied between either awe's or gasps of breath from either shock or aw.

This went on for a little while as the two of us continued to dance together, not noticing that a slight fog had begun to encompass the floor, but we both quickly stopped when the sound of a record being scratched by its needle was pulled across a record, which caused the music to abruptly stop. The whole audience, as well as both Jenavee and myself, quickly began to look about for the reason behind the etching of the old record, only to have our eyes pulled to the opposite side of the stage as a spotlight was quickly shone to the other side of the stage that Jenavee had come out of. "Now what's this folks? Has someone else gotten wind of what's been going on between Jenavee and Donovin?" Said the announcer's confused voice over the loud speaker.

Just then a dainty clad/high heeled blue shoe pointed out from beyond the curtain. The golden trimmed shoe was open upon the top of the foot but had some kind of blue strap that twisted over the over the open part of the shoe, then tied behind the back of the ankle of the wearer's foot. The shoe was pointed downwards and with each moment, more and more of a leg began to show from beyond some kind of dress in a very exotic way, as if to show off how beautiful the leg was. Finally the tip of the shoe touched down to the stages floor and at that moment the curtain was slowly pulled back to reveal a very seductive look that slowly soured when the face looked upon what was on the stage.


The mouth slowly turned up in that of a snarl that look then a slight bit of teeth could be seen. The curtain was quickly pulled all the rest of the way back and the figure nearly stomped out from behind the curtain to stand beside the two there on the stage. The newcomers dress almost mirrored that of Jenavee's but was that of a combination of black and blues as well as trimmed in gold. She then placed both hands on her hips and the sound of a tapping could be heard as we could see the new women's right shoe (That was facing the audience) was tapping quite quickly upon the floor.

A snarl could be heard from the newcomer and then she seemed to grow pacified as if a brief thought came to mind. With a sly smirk quickly spreading across her face, the newcomer walked forward, placed the tips of her right fingers upon Jenavee's upper chest, and then gave her a bit of a nudge that left little to the mind as to what she wanted from Jenavee. Jenavee was so shocked at the notion that she stepped backwards and didn't stop until she was back to the curtain that she'd come out of earlier. The new figure placed her right hand upon that of Donovin's left shoulder, walked around him while trailing her fingers around his upper shoulders, then stopped back in front of him to quickly remove his cape and hat in a fluid movement that left the two to quickly be flung off the stage.


I slowly looked the figure up and down and couldn't believe the gown that this person had on. The newcomer had on what looked to be that of a traditional black evening dress that looked to fit her like a glove. The outfit came down to just above the ankles, which showed off the very detailed shoes she was wearing and came up to just above her bust, and to hold the upper portion of the dress in place was a set of spaghetti straps that ran around the neck and crisscrossed around the back. To say the least that the dress was something that would instantly make every man's draw drop and make the women jealous of how well she wore the ensemble. I couldn't help but smile a bit as I caught sight of the audience and saw that many of the men in the audience had their mouths open wide and their eyes bugged out in shock at the scandalous dress. A moment later found a new kind of music starting and it sounded very much like something that a mariachi band would play. It started out with that of some kind of guitar and then followed by that of a trumpet. With the two together it began to sound very much like some kind of Spanish tango like song.

(Please play Mask of Zorro Tango for a glimpse of what I'm talking about)


"I have to admit Rena that that dress fits you very nicely." I said under my breath, to which I knew she could hear with those great ears of hers, to her as she gave me a nice large grin in thanks. The grin was quickly hidden as her face quickly turned to one of a serious nature and she then twirled around to stand before me with her hands/paws slight back. She only held the position for a brief moment before she reached down and caught hold of one part of the dresses edge, then gave it a pull that looked to have released a Velcro pad on it. Now, instead of it being that of an evening gown/dress, it now was that of a short dress that came just above her knees and showed off her digitigrade legs while the rest of the lower garment hung limply to the side as if only attached at the hip by a single piece of cloth. It my turn to smirk at her as she then raised up a single paw and made a come hither notion with her fingers.

The smirk quickly left my face as I too adopted the serious expression that she had on, then quickly straitened. 'Here we go' I thought to myself as I took in a long breath and nodded inwardly. As if judging the other, the two of us circled the other while Rena made sure that each of her steps were very pronounced and kept her toes pointed almost all of the time. Once we'd circled each other once, we quickly separated and looked each other over. The next second was in that of a blur as we both lunged out with our left feet while keeping our rights planted, only stopping when the left foot reached out to the others shoulder and had us facing one another.

Grabbing her right arm in mine, almost locking our elbows together, but Rena reached out with both her hands now and pulled my right arm all the way out so that now we were facing the audience and Rena was showing off the full extent to that of my arm. As if not appreciating the notion of showing off my arm to the audience I spun Rena back around/towards me and ended up with us in a simple dance pose with Rena extending her left paw outwards after the spin while I held onto her left and my right against her hip.

Ever so slowly the two of us rose back up from our extended position to take on that of the traditional dancers pose, but that was quickly done away with as the two of us began to spin together, only to end up after the third or so turn with Rena's right leg wrapped around that of my left. It was then that we began to show off some fancy footwork as Rena would bounce her right leg around her left only to be done the same by myself, then the two of us began to do the same to the other as our left legs remained stationary while our rights danced around the others.

Twirling her about once again, I then brought her into a reverse hug kind of position that had Rena's back pressed closely against my own. Doing a few side steps that were accentuated when we would either twist to the right and face the audience sideways to the right, or reverse that position, we made our way to the other side of the stage but stopped abruptly. Rena then quickly showed off her powerful legs for a moment as she delivered a kick that would've make a Football Kicker proud to the air, and then began to dance around me again on the tips of her toes.

A moment later it seemed as if Rena wasn't too happy with the dancing on the tips of her toes, as she seemed to be quickly walking off the stage, only to be caught in a quick grab by myself on that of her right hand. She then turned back to me and gave me an angry look that made me quickly turn away from her, only to have her slink her way over and wrap me in a quick hug that resulted in her dragging her left leg up my own and press her front into my back. Quickly pushing her back as I turned around to face her, it looked as if I was about to be very upset with her as I began to angrily approach her. We stopped at the far side of the stage again when she quickly fell to one knee and looked up at me with a scared look upon her face.

I slowly reached down to her and brought my right arm around her left, then with a quick flick did I lift her up so that she could start a small spin around me. She only got a little ways around me (Mostly to that of my right side as I followed her spin), before she seemed to have tripped over her feet. With quick hands I quickly reached down to catch her with a single arm across her upper shoulders to quickly bring her up to her feet and then back into my chest. Seeming to be shocked by the act she quickly covered over her front in a hug while I reached around her to slowly drag the back of my hands up her sides. As if as one, the two of us began to walk forward, my feet mirroring her own as she began to walk towards Jenavee, though before there could be a confrontation between the two, I stopped and grabbed her arms back so that she stopped mere inches in front of Jenavee's face. The two shared a quick look that left little to say that Jenavee wasn't happy about what Rena was doing with me. With quick feet she then began to spin back towards me, but not wanting her to collide with me I took longer steps backwards until she was right up against me again. She only stayed like that for a moment before spinning away from me to be caught a moment later by an outstretched hand and spun back towards me.

I could hear the music was winding down now and with a quick nod to Rena she gave me a smile. So as she reached back to me she gave a little bit of jump to land with her knees against my outstretched right leg, then with a quick flex of my leg she jumped off my leg to give the air a sideways/upper kick. Then to close it all up I brought her back into that of a typical dancer stance, only with her crouching down on her right leg with her left extended out behind her.

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