
Story by gauness on SoFurry

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Photographs tell stories, giving all a glimpse through the past to the way things had been. Stories of first meetings, of good times, and of the worst things that could ever happen.

The wolf nudged open the door to the bedroom with his foot, a half empty case of beer clutched in one hand and a half empty bottle in the other. The sunlight filtered into the room through the blinds on the window, the hot summer day outside confined there as none of the warmth had seeped in. The queen-sized bed that dominated the room was disheveled, its covers tossed and cast about and telling the story of the fitful sleep he had tried to accomplish the night before. He set the case down on the mattress, the bottle on the nightstand, and stepped over to the closet.

Flicking the light on, he caught sight of himself in the mirror hung on the door. Gray and tan and white fur was filthy and his black hair was unkempt. It had been days since he had showered or bathed in any way, and he still saw no reason to do it now. His shirt and shorts were stained, but it wasn't clothes that he reached for. Instead, he drew down a small box from the top shelf of the closet, turned off the light, and padded back to the bed where he flopped down heavily.

Picking up his drink again with one hand, he flipped open the box with the other. Dozens of photographs filled the box, most picturing the wolf and a short, slim fennec at his side. The two looked happy as he flipped through them, occasionally joined by others, but the majority of them were just the two. Hugging, kissing, sitting or laying with each other. The photos told a story, a story that he wanted to hear once again.

Near the bottom of the box were two pictures: one featured the fennec alone, leaning against a wall and looking away from the camera, the other showed her with her arms around his neck, both laughing and blushing as he reached out for the camera. Taking a swig of his beer, the wolf leaned back against the pillows, eyes studying the pictures in his hands.

* * * * *

"Brandon, why did I let you talk me into this job?" the wolf asked of the other canine at his side. His friend turned to him with the goofy grin that only the corgi could manage.

"Because you need the money and you need to live more, Austin," the corgi replied, looking up at him. "You spend too much time hunkered over your computer, flipping through pictures."

"I'm a photographer, you ass, that's my job!" Austin replied, heaving an exasperated sigh. The wolf looked down the line the stretched in front of them; tall and lanky, he stood higher than most everyone else. There were easily fifty people ahead of them, hemmed against the wall of the building by a length of black rope, stretched between a dozen posts. Ahead, looming over all of them, was a bear in a black shirt with the word "Security" emblazoned on it in white. Over his head was the sign for the dance club, the words The Cellar done up in neon lights and anchored to the brick archway above the entrance.

Austin didn't want to be here, but Brandon had told him a friend was looking for a photographer for his new business. At first, the wolf had been excited, but then Brandon told him what the business was and his enthusiasm evaporated quickly. Still, work was work, and the pay that was offered was worth the headache he was sure to have the following day.

Minutes ticked by as the two shuffled forward slowly in line, eventually reaching the front where the bear patted the two down. Satisfied that they didn't have any weapons, he grunted and motioned them inside where a pure white feline in a skin-tight red dress stood at a register. She favored the two of them with a plastic smile before telling them the entrance fee of twenty dollars.

"Twenty bucks? You said we were invited!" Austin said with acid in his voice, reaching for his wallet before Brandon stopped him.

"Easy, hot head," the corgi replied before looking back to the feline, leaning against the podium with a grin on his face. "Hey sweetness, can you get Matt for us? Tell him Brandon and his new photographer are here."

The feline blinked, seemingly unsure of what to do, but picked up a phone beside the podium and dialed a number. The pounding bass line of some song thudded through the entrance, and the two canines were unable to hear the quick conversation. Hanging up the phone, she smiled to them again.

"If you'll step aside, he'll be down in just a minute."

"Thanks, babe," Brandon said, flashing the feline a smile before looking back to Austin, missing the female roll her eyes towards the ceiling. The wolf let out a little snort as his friend led them off to the side. The two had to wait only a few minutes until a leopard pushed his way through a curtain beside the podium.

The newcomer was dressed like a stereotypical club owner: polyester shirt unbuttoned half-way down and cheap slacks, several gold chains around his neck, and a pair of aviator glasses that he took off once he spotted the two of them standing there. A sharp nod given to Brandon that he returned as the leopard said something to the hostess, her shaking her head in response before jumping as he smacked her on the backside and walked over to them.

"Big B! You fucker, how ya been?!" the leopard called out, engaging the corgi in a convoluted handshake that ended in a brief hug.

"Ah, can't complain, Spots," the corgi responded, grinning ear to ear. "Anyways, this is my buddy Austin, he's the guy I told you about."

"Oh yeah, the camera guy, right?" Matt asked, turning to examine the wolf. "You ever work clubs before?"

"Uh, no, not yet," Austin answered. "Is there anything you're looking for, specifically?"

"Oh, my man, it's a piece of cake! It's real simple, just find the hottest girls and snap a pic! Get enough of 'em on my page and the dudes will start flocking here for all that tail!" Austin wasn't sure if the cheetah was joking or not, but the feline turned towards his friend again. "You two need anything, just let me know." And with that, he disappeared back through the curtain. The hostess let them into the club and Austin was immediately regretting this night.

The dance club was packed, furs of all species dancing with each other. Some doing a bit more than dancing. With a bark like laugh, Brandon disappeared into the crowds, leaving the wolf standing there with just his camera bag to keep him company. A few of those closest to him gave him odd looks, but he just shook it off, pulling out his camera and attaching a lens to it.

For the next few hours, he flitted around the perimeter of the dance floor, snapping pictures of the clientele all the while. Brandon would reappear from time to time, usually to press a drink into the wolf's hands before dissolving back into the writhing mass of bodies. As the night wore on, Austin was cursing himself for taking such a job, but it was an easy payday for him. Near the end of the night was when he spotted her.

She was standing against the wall, eyes fixed on the DJ booth and a bored expression on her face. He could tell she was a fox of some sort, but the over large ears told him she was a fennec. One high-heel clad foot was pressed against the wall behind her, fishnet stockings climbing their way up her slim legs. A black mini skirt and matching tank-top finished off her outfit. She was small, lithe, petite, and the wolf couldn't take his eyes off her. Lifting his camera, he focused in on her and snapped a few quick pictures.

The fennec's ears flicked at the shutter sounds, somehow able to hear them over the thudding, pulsing music and turned her attention to the photographer, making him pause as he still watched her through the view finder of the camera. The surprised look on her face transformed into a smile and she beckoned him over with a curl of her finger. Feeling like a pup with his paw caught in the cookie jar, the wolf padded over to her.

"Help you with something?" she asked when he was finally within earshot of her, that small smile still on her face.

"Oh, for the club," Austin replied, holding up the camera as she lofted a brow.

"You work here then?"

"No, not here. Outside contractor."

"You dance?"

"Wh-what?" Austin stammered out, caught off guard by the question while the smaller fennec just smiled up at him.

"I said, do you dance?" she asked again. "Too many fuck boys here, and you don't seem like one. So, wanna dance?"

"Love to, hot stuff," came a voice that didn't belong to the wolf as Brandon magically reappeared at his elbow, a drink clutched in each hand as the corgi swayed a bit on the spot. "Tasty little thing like you deserves a good dance partner," he said, offering her one of the drinks. She took it with a sneer and immediately dumped it over his head, making the corgi curse and the wolf laugh.

"Friend of yours?" she asked Austin and he nodded.

"Yeah, sometimes," he said with a laugh, only to cry out when she plucked the camera from his hands and shoved it at the sopping canine beside him.

"Good, he can hold that then," she replied before grabbing his hand and pulled him out onto the dance floor. The wolf looked back at the stunned look on his friend's face before he was lost behind the dancing crowds. Austin turned his attention back around just in time for the fennec to stop and turn, smiling up at him as she looped her arms around his neck and pulled herself tightly against him. The track changed, the DJ laying down a bass heavy track and the fennec swayed her hips to the beat, large bushy tail flicking side to side behind her. It took Austin a bit to recover himself, but he found the beat and the rhythm, making the fennec smile wider at him.

"There's a good wolfy," she said, pulling herself even tighter against him and making him squirm a bit. "Mmm, I had a feeling you'd be a good dancer."

"Heh, well, thanks. You're not too bad yourself," he replied, his hands finding the slim hips of the fennec.

"Oh wolfy, you haven't seen anything yet..." she replied with a sultry smile before she leaned up and licked softly at his neck.

* * * * *

Austin drained the last drops from the bottle, tossing the pictures to the ground and the bottle with them before digging another out of the case. Fingers fumbled with the bottle opener that hung from his key chain, but he finally managed to pop the top off and take a long drink. Eyes drifted back to the box of photographs on the bed, and he began to rifle through them again. After a moment he extracted another photo from the jumble, this one of him and the fennec laying on the bed he currently occupied. The sheets were pulled up to her chin and a coy smile was on her face while he lay bare chested behind her, his arms stretched out ahead of the two of them to take the picture.

* * * * *

The wolf barely had time to open the door before the fennec jumped him, arms around his neck and her mouth pressed hungrily to his own. The alcohol had work its way through both of them, the two falling victims to the pleasant warmth their drinks had brought and it fanned the flames of their passion. One hand groped the fennec's firm as beneath her mini skirt while the other flailed to find the door, finally gripping it and throwing it shut behind them.

Their tongues wrestled together in the heat of their embrace as Austin tried to guide them towards the bedroom, but a moment of clarity suddenly struck him and he broke the kiss.

"Wait, wait," he said, panting slightly while the fennec looked up at him curiously. "I don't....what's your name?"

She blinked at him, pausing for a moment and then laughed. "Roxxie," she said with a grin that he mirrored.

"Austin. Nice to-" he replied, but she put a finger to his lips.

"No more talking," she said and their lips met again. Austin found he couldn't argue with her. Steps took them gradually into the bedroom where she shoved him back onto the bed. Hungry eyes watched her as he dainty hands grasped the hem of her tank top and whipped it over her head and off with a single deft motion. Khaki and cream fur covered her, and pink nipples stood out from her small breasts, bared to his sight. He worked off his own shirt as she climbed onto the bed and straddled him, fingers sinking into the thick fur on his chest as she leaned over and they kissed again.

Their eyes met, his icy blue hues meeting orbs the color of cinnamon, peeking at him from beneath hair dyed green and blue and purple. A gentle murr rolled through the smaller fennec as she pulled away from the kiss, favored the wolf with a smile, and the shimmied her way down his body. Austin hoisted himself up onto his elbows, watching as Roxxie nosed at his chest and stomach while her fingers work at the button on his jeans. A low growl sounded in his throat as she managed to get them undone as she moved further down, eyes fixed on the tent he was making in his pants.

A grin came across her face and she licked her lips as she undid the zipper, pulling his jeans open before a soft hand grasped his length through his underwear, coaxing a low moan from the wolf. The fennec gave him a few strokes, eyes lifting to meet his before she pressed a light kiss to the tip of his wolfhood.

"Mmmm, I think the wolfy likes this," she said in a playful tone before her fingers hooked into the waistband of his boxer, carefully peeling them down over his engorged length and letting it spring free. A sigh of relief from the wolf was meant by a soft whine from the little vixen. A soft furred hand gripped his length again, the feeling like velvet as she stroked his slowly from tip to sheath. "Such a big wolfy, too. And tasty looking...."

His eyes watched as she licked her lips first before licking him. Pierced tongue leaving a trail of saliva along the underside of his manhood, making his head fall back against the pillows. She was good, Austin had to admit, the fennec's tongue skilled as she trailed it up and down before circling around the tip, making his hips buck involuntarily while Roxxie let out a giggle. A warm puff of air made his draw in a sharp breath as she blew gently across the head, forcing him to look down at her again and the playful grin on her face. It didn't last long as she parted her lips and took him between them.

A moan was shared between the two of them as the little fennec took more of his length into her hot mouth, tongue flicking along his shaft as the smooth feel of the barbell making him twitch again. Roxxie slid down slowly before drawing back up, plump lips wrapped around the head as her tongue swirled and she moaned around it. One of his hands found the back of her head, claws scratching slightly behind an ear as she churred happily, her tail swaying behind her as she slide back down his length, suckling on it eagerly.

The wolf's hips lifted again as she continued to feast on him, eyes rolling back as he felt the beginning of his knot forming. Roxxie was aware of it to, as the hand that had been stroking him lowered to grasp and squeeze at the swell. His mouth hung open, tongue lolling out as he panted slightly, looking down to her once again as she pulled herself off of him with a murr. Tongue traced over lips painted red as she smiled.

"Yup, tasty," she said as her fingers began to work at her skirt, studded belt undone first before the buttons along the side were unsnapped, one by one, until she tossed the garment aside. A tiny, blue and white thong and her stockings were all she wore, and the ties on the side were hastily undone as well, letting the final piece of fabric fall off of her. The fennec's scent hit him like a slap in the face, a musky aroma laced with spice and he let a low growl roll forth. She smiled again, crawling her way back up his body as he shifted his hips, hands pushing his pants further down until he was able to kick them off.

Their lips met again, tongues dueling as she straddled his waist again. A hand slipped between them, the fennec's fingers seeking his length out and grasping it again. A pair of soft strokes and then she guided it into her, smooth and damp lips parting as his tapered head slipped into her. She broke the kiss with a gasp, planting both hands on his chest as she wiggled her hips slightly, drawing a groan from the wolf before she pressed down again. Inch by slow inch, she took him into her depths, pausing to roll those slim hips in a circle before continuing until his forming knot kissed her lips. Both were panting heavily, eyes meeting again as she rocked slowly, growing accustomed to his length inside her, before she rocked forward, thick shaft drawing out of her until only the head remained inside.

"Rrrrfffuuuuck, wolfy, I've needed this," Roxxie whispered out, her words laced with a whimper as she pushed back to take him inside again. His hands met her hips, gripping her snugly as he bucked his hips up to meet hers and making her let out a squeak. "Ohhhh, that IS a good wolfy!"

It didn't take long before their passions took control. What started as a slow, languid pace soon grew frenetic, her hips slamming down onto him as he began to growl again. She pushed herself up, perching on her knees as she bounced and rocked and rolled above him, her own hands seeking out the small breasts covered in silky fur while his own slid behind her, fingers grasping at firm cheeks as she panted and moaned. Their sounds grew louder, the fennec's more than the wolf's, and it wasn't long before her head tossed back, a loud cry ripping from her throat as she clenched roughly around his penetrating length, milking and gripping him as her orgasm washed over her.

Austin gripped her in return, hands finding slim hips again as he bucked up against her, making her cry out once more, and again. It took her curling her claws against his chest to make him finally stop as she panted out, "W-wait, WAIT!"

He slowed and stopped looking up at her as he head hung forward, chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath and he could feel her pussy fluttering around him. " OK?" he said, his own breathing ragged as she nodded in response.

"Just....just need....a minute," she said softly, hips squirming and letting out a whine as she felt him shift within her. "H-hang on here...."

Slowly, she pulled herself off of him, whimpering as she fell to bed beside him. Her eyes met him and she smiled, the fennec's face flushed a deep crimson, but those cinnamon eyes gleamed in the dim light. "I need a recharge...cause we're not done yet."

Austin grinned as she lay there, arms crossing beneath her head as she rested her chin on them. He rolled over on top of her, nuzzling into her neck as she murred softly. Gently nips covered her neck while the wolf's hands caressed her sides. Roxxie's bushy tail swayed and flicked against him as he moved slowly down her back, the sinfully soft khaki fur covered her, save for a small, diamond shaped patch of cream that sat right above her tail. His hands slid between her body and the bed, seeking out her small breasts and the stiffened nipples that adorned them.

Roxxie cooed softly as he teased her breasts, making the fennec wiggle and squirm beneath him. Austin inched his way back up, nuzzling into one of her large ears and nipping at it as she whined again while his length, still hard and coated in her cream, rubbed between the cheeks of her ass.

"Ooohhhh, such an eager wolfy," she said, looking over her shoulder at him with a grin. "Impatient, some would say." Another wiggle of her hips had him growling once more.

"I've been patient enough," Austin replied, a soft giggle coming from the fennec as she tucked her knees up beneath her, rump forcing him to sit back up, looking down at the view she presented to him. Legs parted and her dripping sex peeking out at him, fur matted down from her leaking juices. A teasing wiggle from her had him looking back up, seeing her watching him over her shoulder still.

"What're you waiting for then?" she asked softly, her tail flicking up into his face. With a predatory grin, the wolf took her. There was nothing slow or gentle this time as his throbbing length spread her open before plunging in deep, making the fennec yip out. Hips slammed together with a wet smack as each sharp thrust from him was answered by a cry from her. Soon, both were panting again, and his knot began to swell once more.

A whine came from her every time he sank into her, his partially formed knot pushing, trying to pop inside her. Instinct was screaming within the wolf's mind, telling hie to tie the little fennec as she panted, moaned, and cried out beneath him, but he fought to control it. But his will broke as she pushed herself up on shaky arms, looked back at him, and panted out, "Fucking tie me already!"

That was it for him. With one hand on her hip, his other gripped the base of her tail, making Roxxie arch as he pulled her back rougher. Once, twice, and on the threat attempt his knot broke through. Simultaneously, both of their heads fell back, the fennec screaming out at being filled while the wolf let out a howl. He felt her grip him, felt the warm rush of fluid over his buried cock and hunched over her. Hips rutted against the fennec, jarring her into another orgasm, and his teeth bit down on her shoulder as he finally peaked himself. The fire within him had reached a raging inferno, and his seed flooded into her, making her hips jerk against the seal his knot had formed as he humped himself empty within her.

Both collapsed onto the bed, breathing labored as they fought to control their racing pulses. Austin nuzzled against her, tongue licking softly at the spot on her shoulder while she cooed. A heavy sigh escaped her as she looked back to him once again, a smile in her eyes.

"Good wolfy..."

* * * * *

Another beer was finished in lightning speed, and he let the empty bottle fall to the floor. Feeling tipsy now, he fumbled around in the case before finally pulling out another. Eyes narrowed as he glared at the four remaining bottle in the case, but he opened the next one anyways and went back to the pictures. There were more of the two of them in various different locations: the beach with both smiling and earing sunglasses; a group pic with them and four others in the woods with tents erected around them; a picture of the wolf on one knee, small ring box in hand while the fennec had her hands clasped over her mouth, tears in her eyes. Each one he tossed onto the bed before he found one that made him growl.

There were only three in this picture, Roxxie standing in the center with Austin and Brandon to either side. He stared at the picture for a long minute before he crumpled it in his fist and threw it across the room.

* * * * *

Austin muttered to himself, yanking off his tie as he climbed the steps to his apartment. The wedding he had been hired to shoot had been canceled after the bride had run away. There were talks of rescheduling at first, but after the would-be bride was finally reached, her parents said they would issue a stop payment on the check. A payday of two thousand was down the drain, and now he needed to figure out what he would do to make bills. Fishing his keys from his pocket, he unlocked the door and stepped inside, only to be greeted by passionate cries filling the air.

There, dead in front of him on his own couch, was his best friend and his fiance. Brandon's back was to him as he pounded away at the fennec, one hand gripping a fistful of Roxxie's recently dyed pink hair. She was crying out to him, urging him on and begging for more while Austin stood frozen in the doorway. His mouth hung open, words failing him as the two rutted against each other before his eyes.

"Fuck, yes! More, puppy!" came the fennec's cry and that snapped the wolf back to reality.

"What the fuck?!" he roared, slamming the door behind him as the other two cried out in surprise. The corgi pulled out of her, whirling around and staring wide-eyed at the wolf that was bearing down on him.

"Austin! Fuck, dude, I can expl-" Brandon began, but his words were cut off as the wolf reared back and punched him square in the nose, a feeling of satisfaction racing through him as he heard the signature snapping of a bone.

"Austin!" Roxxie screamed, scrambling to the end of the couch. "Stop it! What were supposed to be at work!"

"And that makes this OK?!" he shouted back at her, a rage he had never felt before flooding him. "How long has this shit been going on?! What the FUCK, Roxxie?!"

"Austin, stop yelling!" she fired back at him, her eyes narrowed as she covered herself, eyes flicking down the to corgi that lay on the floor, blood pooling from his broken nose. "Let's just....let's talk this over, OK? We can...we can move past this, right?"

The fennec looked up at him, pleading, but there was something in her eyes that told Austin that this had been going for a while, and wasn't likely to end. Hands were clenched in fists and he had to close his own eyes to stop himself from lashing out at her. After a few deep breaths, he merely shook his head.

"No," he said through clenched teeth and opened his eyes again to see the surprise on Roxxie's face. "No, there is no coming back from this, there's no getting past this. You fucked up, both of you, and you're fucking dead to me."

He turned his back on her and and began to walk away, hearing her sputter indignantly behind him. The fennec found her voice just as he reached the door. "Don't you turn your back on me, you fucker!"

Austin looked back, his glare meeting her own as a well of emotions threatened to burst within him. "No, you turned your back on me. I want you out by tomorrow. And call an ambulance for that fucker, I don't want him dead on my floor." With that, he wrenched open the door again and walked out.

* * * * *

There was only a single beer left in the case as the sun began to dip beneath the horizon outside. An empty bottle was in the wolf's hand as he stared blankly at the ceiling. An open bottle of prescription sleeping pills was open beside him, the tag on showed that it contained thirty capsules, and had been filled only two days past. There were none left. The wolf's eyelids grew heavy, his head turning to the side slowly as he reached out for a photograph that was lying beside him. He lifted it, the same first picture that he had ever taken of her.

His mind was already growing sluggish, and it was hard to believe that everything had happened only six months prior. He thought he had gotten over it, finally moving on from the twin betrayals he had suffered that day. But four days prior the notification had arrived in the mail. In wasn't an invitation, merely an announcement of the pending nuptials of the two that had shattered his entire world. Included was a photograph that was still sitting on his kitchen counter, the corgi's nose a little misshapen now, but it was the look on the fennec's face that had cut him most.

The smile she wore wasn't one of happiness, but one of triumph, as if she had taken the picture only for the wolf's benefit. In the end, she had won, he realized. A wave of drowsiness washed over him, and the empty bottle slipped from his fingers as the wolf closed his eyes, never to open them again.

Unexpected Results - Chapter 5

"Phew, alright, that's the last of it." Yuni wandered out of the master bedroom as Gabe, Micah, and Zane set down the last few boxes. The three of them looked a little winded from the exertions of moving day, much more than Yuni and the other girls....

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Unexpected Results - Chapter 4

Winter had descended quickly upon Sun Harbor. One day, it had been a balmy paradise in the mid 80's; the next, the temperature had dropped nearly 30 degrees and chill winds blew in off the bay. The tourists had begun to disappear while the residents...

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Christmas Surprise

"Come on, kid," the rumpled old lynx said in a huff. "I don't have all day to wait around for you!" "Sir, I apologize," I replied, trying so very, very hard to keep the disdain from my voice. "But it's two days before Christmas, and we're trying to...

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