Simba's New Mother (Part Two.)

Story by Little Ronak on SoFurry

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Nala walked into the cave and sees her mother with a round belly. "Hey there honey, how was training today?" Sarafina asked.

"It was fun, but mommy, why is your tummy round? I'm not in your tummy right now," Nala stated.

"Well honey, your gonna be getting a little brother in a few months," Sarafina answered.

"What, really?" Nala asked in disbelief.

"Mmhm," Sarafina answered.

"But.... who's in your tummy mommy?" Nala asked.

"Well, I know this may sound odd, but its Simba. Simba is becoming your new little brother in my tummy," Sarafina said.

Nala was shocked, but rather then tell her mother that she didn't want that to happen, like Sarafina expected, she asked, "Can I feel mommy?" Nala asked.

Sarafina was taken by surprise at this question, but then she smiled and layed on her back to let her daughter feel. Nala placed a paw on her mother's tummy, and waited. Then she felt a kick, and she giggled. "Is this what it feels like when I'm in there Mommy?" Nala asked.

"Yes, that and more sweetie," Sarafina said.

"C-can I join Simba inside Mommy?" Nala asked.

"Are you sure? Two days ago, you were all eager to be a huntress," Sarafina teased, knowing her daughters answer.

Nala nodded, "I know I said that, but I wanna be a baby again, with Simba, now you can have twins Mommy," Nala said. She had known all too well what Simba's "former" parent were like, and wasn't going to miss out being his new twin sister.

Sarafina smiled, "Okay sweetie, you know what to do then."

Soon, Sarafina exposed her vagina once more and let Nala start crawling in. She moaned as her daughter crawled inside and pushed her way in. She felt as if she was in heaven as her daughter returned to the place she was created from. She took over as her vaginal muscles pulled her daughter the rest of the way in. Once Nala was fully inside with her new brother Simba, Sarafina asked, "Okay Nala, are you ready?"

"Yes mommy," Nala answered as she cuddled close to her brother.

Soon Nala regressed to her baby self once more, laying along side her now twin brother. She too entered a deep sleep and Sarafina gently rubbed her tummy with her two precious passengers. After she knew they were safe inside her, she left the cave and said to her fellow sisters that Simba and Nala no longer were postponing the plans, for they didn't want any of the cubs to see what would happen next. Unknown to Simba and Nala before, all the other cubs in the pride had returned to their mother's tummies so the cubs couldn't be used against them While they tried to take over, and now with Sarafina as Simba's new mother, the tyrants King Mufasa and Queen Sarabi had no leverage to keep the lionesses at bay. It didn't take long for the pride to overthrow their rulers and leave them to the hyenas. With Mufasa out of the way, and Sarabi no longer an issue as well, Sarafina's mate Ni returned and was happy to hear he would be gaining a son. The pride talked it over and agreed that Sarafina was the best option for queen, since she was the only one who could think up their successful plan, and knew when it was the right time to strike and they knew Ni would be a far better King then Mufasa was, even though he had been roaming for quite sometime, but that gave him all the more knowledge about how it was outside the Pridelands so they could defend themselves against other lions that wanted to take over.

Most of the Cubs were rebirthed as they had been before the attack, but a few decided to stay in their mother's tummies and become baby cubs like Simba and Nala. The months pass and soon the day had come for the new queens cubs to be reborn. Unlike the first time she had given birth, this was a lot more easy and pleasureable. Nala was the first to be born from her mother's womb again, and Simba followed not too long after. Sarafina gave her baby's a nice bath to show her motherly love. Instead of whining about a bath this time, Simba made happy whimpers as his new mother cleaned him. Unable to see, due to his age, he sniffed for his mother once she stopped licking him, and soon felt her soft warm muzzle nuzzle his little body. He gave her muzzle a lick and she smiled. The whole pirde cooed at how cute the new prince and princess were. Sarafina soon guided them to her milk filled teats and they soon latched on, receiving their first meal outside of the womb since they had re-entered. Many of the other lionesses soon had their own cubs after she gave birth and Zazu had to announce to the land that new cubs had been born, or either he would be fired, or so Ni had joked. Simba and Nala cuddled in close to their mother and each other after their meal was finished. Sarafina nuzzled her cubs and said, "Welcome to your new life my little ones, welcome."

Simba's and Nala's memories had been erased not long after their regression in their mother's tummy, and somehow, the animals that roamed the Pridelands had forgotten of their existence as well, but that's how it worked when you regress. So Simba and Nala started their new life together as brother and sister under the watchful eyes of their loving parents.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. This is the final one, so I hope I did good. I plan to make more stories, but this one had been on my mind for a while. Enjoy.

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