The Australian Outback: A Place of Mystery

Story by Little Ronak on SoFurry

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This Story is Completely fictional and is in no way meant to offend those families who have lost loved ones in the Australian Outback. This a fictional case of what might happen if a child wonders into the Australian Outback alone, especially if they were just visitors to the country and don't know their way around. Told in first person point of view.

Little boy's P.O.V.

My parents decided for us to take a trip to the Australian Outback. All their friends had been talking about how it was such a great experience and that they should take a trip there. So they caved in and saved up the money to go to there. I of course was only five so since we lived in a snowy region of Montana, I decided I would do some shoveling to make some money of my own. Getting back to the trip. Our plane just landed in Sydney Airport in the very early morning and we were greeted by many friendly Australians. We then found our car rental and packed our things in the trunk. We soon drove off and made our way out of the city.

Once on the open road, we saw nothing but the Outback for miles. It was amazing, I had seen videos of the wild animals out here on TV, but they were way cooler in person. We saw things from dingoes to little wombats. As we neared the small town in the early afternoon where we had rented a house for the three months here, I saw a group of kangaroos grazing. Man, they looked a lot more bigger and powerful then on TV. I could have sworn one looked at me as we slowly drove past. I then looked at the town that we were coming in to. I waved at some of the few kids that were playing, and they smiled waved back. Soon We were outside the town again and my dad turned onto a dirt road.

See, the house we were staying at was about two miles or more away from the city, so there would be a lot of time to go exploring on my own. Once we were at the house, we unloaded our things and made our way into the house. Inside, it looked a lot like our own house, granted there were a few Australian looks to it, but dad thought it would help us feel less homesick. So, I made my way up to what would be my room for the time being. Once I was all unpacked, I told mom and dad I would be outside exploring and they told me not to go too far away. I honestly think they worry too much, it wasn't like I was gonna go and find a rattlesnake or something. So, I make my way down the hill from our house. It was amazing, green forests mixed in with desert areas. It was perfect for exploring, so I took off. I saw many forms of wild life, from wombats, to echidnas .

After a while of walking I then came upon a river and saw that it was perfect for skipping rocks. So I start skipping them and get up to 20 skips. I then heard the sound of dingoes. This scared me, and I turn around to go home, but all of the sudden, I realized I don't know where home is. I was now lost and didn't know where to go. Soon I start running as the sound of the dingoes call appeared to be coming closer. It was a dense area, so I could see no path that led out of the forest. As the sound seemed to be coming closer, I looked back to see how close they were. Bad move, because next thing I knew, the ground disappeared beneath me and I was too late to realize I was about to roll down a steep hill. Unable to stop myself,I gained a few cuts and bruises along the way. When I reached the bottom I was feeling really sore, but still had enough strength to move. I look back up the hill to see many dingoes looking down at me. I was wondering why they hadn't come down the hill yet. I then saw something I didn't expect. The dingoes gave a reaction of being terrified and started to run back. I was confused. One moment, they looked like they were ready to come down and attack me, and the next split second, they turn around and retreat. I then heard the noise of another animal and look in front of me. Right before my eyes, was a kangaroo, a girl by the looks of it, since a few things I knew about kangaroos was the girl ones tended to be much bigger then the boy kangaroos, and also that only girl kangaroos had pouches, which I could tell she had. As I looked at her, she stared back. 'Could she have been the one that scared the dingoes off? But why would they be scared of a kangaroo. They're plant eaters, unless maybe it's the powerful kick that the kangaroos can make with their legs, still there was a group of them, why should they be scared?' I thought.

I soon sat up, but knew it was pointless to stand. My body was sore from the fall I took and I had twisted my ankle. "Great how am I supposed to get home now?" I ask myself.

At that moment the kangaroo bent down and did something I didn't expect. She licked me like a dog would. Before I had a chance to gather my senses, the kangaroo grabbed me with it's arms. The arms hugged me for a moment, then, the next thing I know I am dropped and everything goes dim. I wasn't knocked out, and once I regained my senses, I realized where I was. I was in the the kangaroo's pouch. I looked around and saw that the pouches opening was sealed tight. But you know I wasn't scared. It was comfortable in here, and not cramped. Course I am only five years old, so I guess it wouldn't be. Just as I was feeling fine with being in the kangaroo's pouch, something happened that scared me. My clothes were dissolving. I started to panic and tried to escape, but no matter how hard I tried the pouch wouldn't open. I started kicking hoping the kangaroo would let me out. By this time I was already but naked. As I struggled I hit what I think was the kangaroo's belly, then I see something white and wet squirt at me. It was the kangaroo's milk. At first I spat it out, but as the taste was still on my tongue, even though it was warm, it tasted sweet, better than mom's sweet apple pie. I had calmed down by this time, and then heard my stomach growling. Seeing as the pouch wasn't opening any time soon, I guess I needed something to drink to stop my stomach growling. So, since it tasted sweet, I decided to suck on the nipple that was sticking out in front of my face. The milk tasted sweet and I kept drinking till I was full. I didn't even realize the kangaroo was somewhat moaning as I did this. Before I knew it, I was full, and a bit sleepy. I figured why not rest in here, it's comfy and soft. As I got into a nice sleeping position, I started to feel a rocking motion. I guess the kangaroo must be bouncing along now. To where? I had no idea, but I was going along for the ride. The rocking motion started making my eyes feel heavy and soon I was out cold.

Normal P.O.V.

The kangaroo was pleased with how the little boy reacted she had used his shocked state to her advantage. She had been trying for so long to have a joey to care for, but every boy kangaroo she met couldn't give her one. But she and the other girl kangaroos had an alternative. That is why a lot of animals feared them. Their pouches were able to turn any other animal, child or adult into a joey without effort. Course all the other animals thought it was a way of eating them and high tailed it out of there before they were eaten. Looks like the humans didn't know that though. She had felt him settle down and nurse from her, she knew now, his fate was sealed. The milk had a something in it that would put him to sleep and help her transform him. Not only that. He would be her little joey. As she bounced along she could feel him already becoming one of her own.

Weeks passed since that day. The boys parents called the rangers for help to find him. All they found was one of his shoes at the edge of a cliff. They didn't see any sign of him anywhere. They figured either he ran away and didn't want to be found, or he had been taken by the wild predators. No one suspected that he was tucked away inside a kangaroo's pouch, now that kangaroo's little joey. As the little joey came to he popped his little head out of the pouch he had been riding in and saw his new mother looking down at him. "Hello there my sleepy little one," she said as she bent down and nuzzled him.

As he nuzzled back he said, "Mama."

The boy turn joey had no memory of his past life after being in the pouch for so long, but his new mother could care less. She was happy she had a little one to look after and raise to become a great kangaroo. A group of humans were passing by in a tour vehicle and said to the on lookers, "And here, you can see on the reserve a group of gentle yet powerful kangaroos, and... oh, well crikey, looks like one of them has a new little one to look after. For those who don't know, baby kangaroos are called joeys and spend much of their time in their mother's pouch until they are old enough and too big to fit any more and need to venture out on their own. The mothers are very protective of their young ones so last thing you wanna do is get too close or you may be launched clear across the continent."

The on lookers took pictures and soon the little joey's mother said, "Back inside the pouch my little one. Mommy's got start hopping and you need your breakfast."

The little joey obeyed and soon was back in his mother's pouch nursing to his hearts content. Life was good for this mother and child and would be for many moons to come. But the caretakers of the reserve were confused. Where did the little joey come from? Males had not been seen in the area for over a year or two, so how did the little joey in her pouch come to be? That was a mystery that would never be solved.

The end. Hope you all enjoyed it. Have a good day and feel free to comment.

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