Winburn Part 2: Civil Disobedience

Story by Tbohn on SoFurry

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#2 of Winburn

(As I was writing this, I caught myself thinking "hmm... is this too much?". Then again, is there such a thing as too much on this website? By the way, I concede to the fact that the whole "fox in the middle ages who's a thief" genre is a little crowded, but I want my go at it! C'mon! My fox has an eye-patch!)

Winburn Part 2: Civil Disobedience

Cuthbert awoke as his feet were hitting the stone stairs one after the other. He was still a little groggy from his beating, and his hangover. For some reason he couldn't stop thinking about his teeth... he really wanted to brush his teeth. He tried to think of something else, like the conspiracy he was now wrapped up in. But he kept coming back to oral hygiene.

Once his feet stopped hitting the steps down to the dungeon, he looked into a cell off to his left. He saw the only occupant of the little used castle prison. It was an old man wrapped up in a nasty, brown cloak. He was shackled to the floor and appeared ill. Cuthbert couldn't see his face due to the large hood that hid it. The old man hacked in a sickly manner and then turned away.

"Must be a drunk or something," decided Cuthbert.

He allowed the foul smelling guards to shackle his hands and feet to the wall of a torture chamber. Cuthbert was complacent because he knew that there wasn't even a remote chance of him escaping. Besides, this torture chamber didn't appear to be used at all. There were no claw marks on the walls or devices, no clumps of fur caught in anything, and no blood stains anywhere. Either the resident torture sicko was also a neat-freak, or this was mostly for show.

The guards left the fox in his chains and went back up the staircase. Cuthbert was remotely uncomfortable, but that was only if he slumped forward instead of standing. But he decided that standing all day might become grueling, so he thought that maybe he should alternate between standing and slumping... compelling stuff. The only thing that did make him nervous was the fact that he was still naked, but that wasn't so bad since there was no one down there but a guard with a big key ring, a drunk, and himself.

As soon as Cuthbert started his slump cycle he heard someone coming down the steps. The drunk started to cough violently enough for the guard to yell, "Hey! Quit your hakin' ya bum!" After he yelled, the guard must have ran his key ring across the bars of the drunk's cell in order to aggravate his headache.

Once the person reached the bottom of the steps, Cuthbert heard the guard say, "M'lady".

Cuthbert couldn't tell who it was since he could only see a rack, a tail vice, and a stone wall. He heard the footsteps continue until they reached the open door of his cell. He looked over to see the elderly advisor.

"Oh crap..." he said out loud.

"Look who it is. Cuthbert Winburn caught at last. That was so easy," she said in a most obnoxious voice.

"Yeah, I know, you got me. Hey... can I brush my teeth?" he asked.

The advisor ignored him, "Do you know what is going to happen now that we have you?" she asked.

"Uhh... judging from the dusty gear. Not much," said Cuthbert.

The advisor scowled and walked up to the wall that he was stuck to. She looked him over before saying, "She sure did pick a good one. The crown, the bloodline, and an infamous criminal all in one move."

"Yeah... you're a genius. Can you gloat somewhere else? I was busy slumping."

The advisor ignored Cuthbert and moved closer to him. He flinched when she placed a hand on his knee. The old fox ran her hand up to his wounded thigh before grabbing his white furred balls. Cuthbert bit his lip and cursed the old woman. Hadn't she had enough?

"The king could use a good pair of these," she said before squeezing tightly and causing Cuthbert to grimace and squirm.

"Ah... uh! Ow!" exclaimed Cuthbert while his chains rattled.

He couldn't think of anyone he hated more. There were few people he had ever met with no redeeming qualities. This woman was absolute evil.

Cuthbert was shaking by the time she let go. Without hesitating he looked into her face and said the first insult that came to mind.

"You... are a very nasty old woman."

The advisor gasped and slapped Cuthbert across his snout. She looked at him with contempt before rushing out of the cell.

"Good riddance!" thought Cuthbert, "I've never wanted to be pawed-off less!"

"Guard," He heard her order, "once you finish taking your break I want the man we have chained up dead before sunrise!"

"Yes ma'am" replied the guard.

Once he heard the advisor's order, Cuthbert's heart sank. He was going to die. But then his sorrow was replaced with anger.

"How could she do that!?" he thought "Forget that I'm a criminal! I'm a living being, just like her! I've been used up and now I'm going killed and tossed in a nameless grave!"

Cuthbert was normally rude in conversation. But he only became really vulgar when he was angry, like now.

"Hey!" he yelled, "Come back baby! I love old women and their dusty pussies! Give me some lashes! Lock me in your iron maiden! Let me loose so I can feel your rack!"

The advisor was already long gone before taunted her, but it made him feel better anyway.

"Damn! For an elderly pain in the ass, you sure can handle a flight of stairs!" he yelled.

He heard the guard's key ring hit all of the bars on the drunk's cell as he rushed up to Cuthbert's.

"Shut your dirty thief mouth while I figure out what to do with ya!" barked the tall dog guard.

"Oh yeah? Well, my dirty thief mouth has been all over the princess!" responded Cuthbert before he started making sickening slurping noises.

The guard recoiled. He was obviously disgusted. He turned and went back down the corridor. The bum started another hacking fit, so the guard decided to pick on him.

"And you!" he said "What the hell is your problem? Do you smoke cheap tobacco? Do you puke a lot when you're drunk?"

Cuthbert heard the ringing of the guard's key ring against the bars again, but they were interrupted half way through. Cuthbert pictured the noises that followed as a tall guard being grabbed and pulled into the bars. He then heard what he hoped to be the sound of someone being repeatedly elbowed in the face.

There was silence, and then the sound of a heavy paddock being unlocked and a door being carefully swung open. Cuthbert heard some chains rattle and then some foot steps toward his cell.

Cuthbert looked up to see the drunk holding a large key ring in a beautiful looking set of hands. The hands threw back the ratty hood exposing an even more beautiful face. Cuthbert almost cried at the sight of his old friend, Vanessa.

If anyone could get him out. It would be her. The timber wolf walked up to Cuthbert and looked very worried.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't get you out earlier. I heard that lady tormenting you and... it was really terrible," said Vanessa in her always level sounding voice.

"Don't worry about it, Vanessa. I'm not your boss anymore. What am I going to do? Fire you?" said Cuthbert, "Oh, by the way..." he rattled his chains.

"Oh, yes. I'll unlock you."

Vanessa unlocked Cuthbert's hands before moving down to his feet. She started to giggle as she worked.

"What?" he asked.

"Gee, Cuthbert," she said, "You're wearing nothing but your eye patch."

"Yeah, well it wasn't my idea, believe me," he said.

By that time he was unlocked and rubbing his wrists. Though Vanessa was trying to hide it, she was checking her former crime boss out now that his clothes were off.

"Uh, do you mind?" asked Cuthbert.

Vanessa's gaze jumped back up to his face and she didn't look the least bit embarrassed. They walked into the corridor and Cuthbert started to look around while thinking of a way to get out of the castle unnoticed. But something was weighing heavily on his mind.

"Is there anything I can wear down here?" he asked to himself.

Vanessa pointed to the unconscious guard that was chained to the wall of her cell.

"Wear his clothes," suggested Vanessa.

"Hey... you're brilliant Vanessa! I know how we can get out of here!" he exclaimed.

Cuthbert walked up to the now stirring guard and started to take off the dog's boots and pants. He was disappointed when he held them up.

"Oh. They're a little too big for me," Cuthbert held them up to Vanessa since she was taller; "They'll fit you all right! Let's trade!"

"I'll wait around the corner. When you're done, just toss everything in pile on the floor," she suggested.

"That'll work," he said.

Vanessa walked away and turned the corner. As Cuthbert was halfway through undressing the guard, he woke up. He looked startled for a moment, before he somehow accepted that he had just been beat up by a girl and was now being undressed by a man with one eye. He had a look that said, "Well... that's life for you."

The guard perked up a bit and excitedly whispered, "Hey" to Cuthbert and then he used his snout to point to his well polished shield lying against the opposite wall. It was most reflective since the guard had little to do other than look busy by polishing it when someone walked by.

When Cuthbert glanced at the shield, he saw what the guard had been so excited about. Vanessa was reflected on the surface as she was undressing. He'd never gotten a good look of her. He had always been busy with something, which now seemed trivial. Cuthbert decided that she was indeed a beautiful woman.

The guard was grinning like a maniac when Cuthbert turned back around. Apparently he shared the same opinion. Cuthbert suddenly felt a jolt of anger. He had been pushed around quite a bit tonight, and he felt like pushing back, and here was the perfect opportunity. Cuthbert had just caught another man peeping on Vanessa. Never mind that she was a gorgeous woman who Cuthbert had every intention of falling in love with, she was a partner in crime.

The guard was knocked out a second time with a quick uppercut. Two concussions within as many minutes probably isn't healthy. Oh well, He shouldn't have peeked.

Vanessa was done dressing in no time and Cuthbert had already thrown on the cloak. She came back into the cell with Cuthbert wearing the guard's armor and sword.

"We'll switch roles. You play the drunk. I'll be the guard escorting you off the grounds. Hey, why did you hit him again?" she asked.

Cuthbert shrugged, "He looked at me funny. There aren't any female guards... are you sure you can pull it off?"

"I made for a pretty good drunk, did I not? I'll have to pull it off, this chest piece is killing me."

"Okay, but we have to talk once this is over. A lot has happened in a very short amount of time," said Cuthbert.

"Agreed. We'll talk at my place. Let's get out of here already!"

She didn't wait for Cuthbert to answer before she grabbed his arm and started climbing the stairs. He followed close behind and got ready to stagger the moment they saw anyone. Vanessa seemed to know her way around the castle very well. She led him out a door and was walking across a lawn to a small entrance Cuthbert didn't even know about. He caught sight of a lone sentry in their way.

"What's your business using this door?" asked the guard.

"I have to take this man outside and kill him. I have orders to do so in an inconspicuous area," replied Vanessa in a manly enough voice. It wasn't perfect, a little feminine, but passable.

"She must have been an actor at sometime," thought Cuthbert.

"Orders from whom?" asked the guard.

"The advisor to the royal family," responded Vanessa.

"Really... what's her name?" challenged the guard.


"Are you new around here?" he asked.

Cuthbert couldn't wait another second. He could almost hear "GUARDS!" being shouted in his ear. So he did the unexpected. Since Vanessa was holding him with her left arm, he was right next to her sword. He would never have time to fully draw it and neither would she. Cuthbert grabbed the handle and thrust it upward hitting the sentry under the chin with the pommel.

Vanessa reacted an instant later by drawing the sentry's sword from his scabbard and smashing the flat of it against his head. The one-two punch made the guard crumple at their feet. Without another word, both Cuthbert and Vanessa dropped their weapons and threw the door open. They sprinted out knowing that at any second they would be pursued.

They made it to the tree line before they heard anyone call out. Vanessa led the way through the woods and Cuthbert followed close behind. This went on until he didn't feel like he could take another step. They stopped at a river and Vanessa pointed downstream at a boxy structure by the bank.

Even though Cuthbert was completely winded and panting, he did manage to ask, "Are you serious?" in an incredulous manner.

"Cuthbert, for as long as you've known me, have I even not been serious?" asked Vanessa in return.

"A HOUSEBOAT!? That's what you spent your share on? Where do you even buy one of those? I thought poor people and gypsies just make their own."

"Well... I might have paid some poor people and gypsies to make one for me. What do you think of that?"

"At this point, I don't really care as long as it can get us out of here," he said.

"That it can do," assured Vanessa as she walked towards it, "The ride is really smooth too. You'll like it once you get inside. Trust me."

Even though Cuthbert was really worn out, he couldn't help but feel excited at being led into Vanessa's house. Even though there was no other option, he pretended that she had invited him over.

As he got closer, Cuthbert's excitement waned as he saw the exterior. It was coated with mildew and seemed to be rotting away in a few places. He didn't complain though, as long as there was some semblance of a bed inside he could care less.

Cuthbert hopped on board as Vanessa untied the mooring from a stump. She threw the line on board and got on herself. She used a pole to push off from the shore and left it on the deck. He almost offered to help, but she did it so easily that she must be very strong. Cuthbert was silently impressed.

"There. We should be in Lake Calmath by morning. It's not a big one, but it is little used and should be a good place to hide out for a few days," she said.

"Good," said Cuthbert.

"I'll show you around inside. Come on."

Cuthbert stopped her.

"Vanessa, maybe you can give me the grand tour some other time. I'm really tired and I'm feeling a little ‘used'. So if there is just a cot or something for me to lay down on, that would be great."

Vanessa looked bemused, "A cot or something... you really need to see the inside."

She opened the door and walked in. A moment later she lit a small candle which illuminated the inside. Cuthbert saw a small, but very nice bed, a small table with two chairs in the middle of the room, and some nets holding supplies. Vanessa set to work unloading the bottommost net. The interior was very clean and not the least bit musty. Except for a gentle rocking, you wouldn't even know you were on a boat.

"This is impressive," was all Cuthbert could say.

Vanessa had unloaded the cargo net and said, "There you go, a hammock."

Although a hammock isn't food, Cuthbert almost drooled. He could imagine few things better than a hammock at this point. He shuffled over and got in still wearing his drunk disguise.

"Oh, this is nice."

"You're welcome," said Vanessa.

She closed the door and blew out the candle, but Cuthbert could still see her in the moonlight coming through the window.

"Now if you'll excuse me," she said, "I have to take this armor off. No peeking."

Cuthbert chuckled. He heard sheets rustle as she got into bed. He fell asleep thinking about him and Vanessa.

"Could a wolf ever hook up with a fox? I mean that sort of relationship takes place all the time. But, me and Vanessa? Would she think that it was kind of weird since I used to be her boss? I won't say anything tomorrow. But, maybe the day after."

Cuthbert had been asleep for a long time when he finally woke up. Getting out of the hammock was a feat considering how sore he was. He decided that today would be a good day to be lazy.

He opened the door and got his first good look at Vanessa's boat in the daylight. It was coated with some kind of black fungus. Cuthbert grimaced as he ran a paw across the spotted surface of the wood. It was oddly dry. It wasn't rotting away at all! It was camouflage! The planks had been carefully charred to give the appearance of mildew.

"Clever girl," thought Cuthbert.

As he walked around the deck, he took note of other things used to make the new boat blend in. Old fishing nets, rusty fishing spears, and empty barrels which actually were rotting adorned the deck. It made it look as if the ship was inhabited by poor fisherman rather than a wealthy, retired crook.

He found Vanessa at the bow of her houseboat. She was looking out at Lake Calmath and she was dressed in some plain looking clothes that suited her well. As she had said, it wasn't a very big lake. It was larger than a pond, but not by much. However, it was located in a heavily wooded area which seemed to be relatively uninhabited. It would make for a great hideout.

Cuthbert walked up to the wolf as she was leaning on the railing. He did the same and they spent a moment looking out at the water.

"I'd give you a bunch of money for saving my life Vanessa, but I'm a little short on funds at the moment," he said.

She looked at him, and for the first time, Cuthbert actually took an interest in how the browns and grays of Vanessa's fur intermingled on her face.

"No need to pay me," she said "I wouldn't have made it out on my own. When that sentry by the backdoor was talking to me, I froze."

"I know... what were you doing at the castle anyway?" he asked.

Vanessa yawned and stretched before she answered.

"Well, won't have to worry about that old lady trying to track us down. Did that answer your question?"

Cuthbert scowled and nodded, "So you were sent to assassinate her."

"Don't give me that look. I'm not on your payroll anymore," said Vanessa. Most women would have snapped at him but she responded in her calm and easy voice.

"Okay. Okay. You're right. You are your own boss now. I'm not one to judge you anyway. I've had to do some pretty bad stuff over the last few days too. So... when and how did you do it? I mean, you obviously didn't throw her down a flight of steps as we escaped."

"Of course not, I would hate to do that. She might not be dead by the time she hits the last step and I would have to finish her off. I was paid by an aristocrat to kill her. You know, one of the few honest and fair ones. I think we ripped off his house once. He gave me some cash and the tools that I needed."

"I'm following you so far," said Cuthbert.

"Well, I dressed up like a villager and made my way to the castle. I got a job as a maid and lived there for a month."

"That's why you knew your way around so well. That makes sense then," he said.

"The day you must have been thrown in jail, I got the chance to clean the advisor's room. I stuck some poison tipped needles in her mattress point up so that they were just under the surface. Get the idea? When she got in bed last night, the needles got her. And when she gets taken out of bed this morning..."

"I get it," said Cuthbert "The needles will go back under the surface of the mattress and it will take them weeks to figure out what happened. They'll probably toss the mattress later on and no one will ever figure it out."

"Exactly," said Vanessa, "I dressed up like I did because no maid in her right mind would ever leave the castle, especially at night. I almost made it, but I was stopped by some guards. I managed to pretend that I was some sort of drunk kook who accidently made his way in to the castle grounds. That's why they threw me in prison. And now I get to ask you the same question."

Cuthbert was tempted to omit part of the truth, but he couldn't help himself. He told Vanessa everything. Even the part about Princess Lenah and the guilt and anger he now felt. It was almost refreshing. Vanessa's composure broke and she had a look of pity.

"You poor guy," she said in a comforting voice.

"I know. For the first time, I actually feel like the scum that I am," said Cuthbert.

"It's not like that, Cuthbert. You were raped," said Vanessa.

Cuthbert was really confused, "What? But, I'm a man! If anything..."

Vanessa interrupted him, "No. If anything you were both raped."

"Oh, now you're just making things up!" scoffed Cuthbert.

Vanessa continued in her serene voice, "The legal definition of rape is having to commit a sexual act against your will. Now, you had to get the crown back and have sex with the princess, or die. That's entrapment and rape."

The weight of what had happened that night had hit Cuthbert before, but now he saw the extent to which he was tricked, trapped, and used. He had to think things over for a minute. He leaned over the bow of the boat and looked at his face on the water's surface.

"Cuthbert, my dad was a lawyer, that's how I know all of this. Believe me, anyone else but the people who live in the castle would be put to death for what they did to you," said Vanessa in a reassuring voice.

Cuthbert saw Vanessa in the reflection of the water as she moved over and wrapped an arm around him. She didn't hesitate at all to comfort him and it almost made him tear up. Her embrace made him feel much better and she eventually let go.

"I'll make us something to eat," she said quietly.

"Thanks," he said. Cuthbert felt refreshed and alive again. He had never meant that single word more in his life. He was even cheery enough to ask, "What are we having?"

"Hmm. How about potatoes, salted meat, and eggs all mixed together?"

Cuthbert's tail wagged and his mouth watered. He had nothing to eat almost all day yesterday and he was starved.

"Potatoes and eggs! You really know the way to a man's heart Vanessa! And here I thought we were going to eat nothing but salted fish for days."

"Of course not! Why would we eat cheap food? I'll get cooking right away and we can eat out here on the deck."

When Vanessa left him he turned back to the lake and enjoyed the smell of everything cooking. When she finally cracked some eggs into the skillet, Cuthbert closed his eyes in delight. He felt both of them complete the motion, but he knew that he only had one eye.

"Why do I feel the other?" thought Cuthbert "It's gone... why do I still feel it sometimes?"

Vanessa had already moved the table and chairs outside and when she set down the food, Cuthbert flinched from the pain he felt under his eye patch. He balled his fists and turned back towards the lake.

"Is something wrong?" asked Vanessa.

"I'm fine. Just a little sore, that's all," assured Cuthbert.

"Oh, umm, the food is ready," said Vanessa. She didn't sound the least bit convinced.

"Damn phantom pains," thought Cuthbert, "I don't get them much anymore. I shouldn't get them at all! You're dead! You hear me left eye! You don't exist anymore so leave me alone!"

The pain subsided a few moments later and Cuthbert sat down at the table. If Vanessa was worried about him, she did a good job not showing it. They didn't talk at all during the meal. Cuthbert was eating too much to do anything other than nod his head. It was one of the best meals he ever had for many reasons. His top three reasons were; A, he needed it really bad, B, everything was delicious, and C, he was sitting across from a beautiful woman. He looked up at Vanessa.

"She sure is pretty," he thought, "and she can cook!"

Vanessa caught Cuthbert staring at her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"This is really good," confessed Cuthbert.

"Oh, I'm glad you like it," she said "I'll show you around when you're done."

Cuthbert emptied the skillet and his plate. He was tempted to lick it like he used to when he was a pup, but he refrained. He didn't want to look like an idiot in front of Vanessa.

"Well... I'm done," he said.

"Oh, that was fast. We'll clean this up after the tour. Come on! I want to show someone around this thing."

Vanessa got out of her seat and showed Cuthbert around the "house" part of the houseboat. It had everything that a nice home on land would have, except it was on a boat. The bathroom was the most impressive part. It had a big tub and even a toilet! It was an in-house outhouse! Only the wealthy could afford such convenience. Since the house was floating, everything drained into the water. Cuthbert found himself secretly wishing that someone else had built his home instead of him.

The tour was over in a short amount of time since the house was only big enough for one or two people to live in. Once Cuthbert had helped Vanessa clean up the dishes, he started to pick up a chair to bring it back inside, but Vanessa stopped him.

"You don't need to do that. I was thinking about eating dinner out here. Maybe we could have a bit of wine too," offered Vanessa.

"That would be great! And I'll cook this time," said Cuthbert.

"Really? What will you make?" she asked.

"Well... what do you have?" asked Cuthbert.

Vanessa smiled like she knew that Cuthbert had been eating nothing but stew and gruel since they last met.

"Why don't I cook and you pick out the wine? My days as a maid helped me to find my way around a kitchen."

Cuthbert was silently relieved, "Good idea. Wait... you have enough wine that I might actually have to pick a bottle out?"

"Didn't I show you my wine rack?" asked Vanessa.

She led Cuthbert back inside to the very cramped kitchen. Vanessa opened a cupboard and revealed a wine rack that contained close to a dozen bottles.

"I had the doors put in place so that I could be sure that they wouldn't fall out if I hit some rapids," she saw Cuthbert staring at the selection with awe, "I like wine" she added.

"That I can see," was all Cuthbert could say.

"It's not that I'm actually a heavy drinker. My aunt and uncle owned a winery and I got used to having it around the house all the time," she said.

"Well, after pilfering so many pantries of the rich and famous, I suppose I will be able to pick out a bottle of the good stuff," said Cuthbert.

They walked back out on the deck and talked until the early evening. They even took time to catch some fish for dinner. Vanessa and Cuthbert were able to catch up on everything that had happened since their retirement. Once it was time for supper, Cuthbert followed Vanessa inside and watched her cook. She really did know her way around the kitchen. It was kind of funny how small it was. Vanessa's tail would always be brushing up against something since there was so little room.

Cuthbert was happy that she helped him pick out a wine for their meal. Though he professed otherwise, he really had no idea about wine pairings. They carried everything out and set the table. Vanessa lit a candle and they had a lovely meal on the water. Cuthbert was having the time of his life. He took his time to enjoy the meal and a glass of wine. Everything was perfectly seasoned and wonderful. He was also a little thankful that the table was so small. It allowed him to be closer to Vanessa. Cuthbert looked into his wine glass and thought about his situation.

"Maybe I'm just imagining this," he thought, "but I think that Vanessa might actually enjoy having me around. It's like she is trying to turn this into a romantic night out."

Cuthbert looked up from his wine glass and said, "You know, this is almost like a date or something."

Vanessa looked embarrassed before hurriedly saying, "Oh, I-I guess. I mean, it's so nice having someone to talk to. I really wanted to show off my boat anyway. I might have gotten a little carried away, but this has turned out to be a really nice evening."

Cuthbert smiled, "Ha! Gotcha!" he thought "Caught in the act! You never stammer!"

"I agree," he said, "I'll help you carry all of this in."

Once the furniture was replaced and the dishes were cleaned and stored away, Cuthbert suddenly found himself standing face to face with Vanessa in the main room with the bed and cargo nets. The last thing he wanted was this sort of confrontation. He cursed himself for not "accidently" touching her hand while they were working. He didn't want to confront his romantic feelings for Vanessa head on, but he decided that there was no better way.

Cuthbert looked at the floor before saying, "You know, Vanessa, I've known you for a long time and... I think that you're a real nice girl."

She turned away and sheepishly asked, "Even though I killed a little old lady for money?"

Cuthbert quietly laughed. Vanessa gave him a hurt look and he stopped. He didn't mean to hurt her feelings, but a funny idea had struck him all of the sudden.

"The little old ladies I know knit and weed their gardens, they don't act like a pimps for little girls or torture guys by mashing their balls," he said.

Vanessa laughed a little but looked shocked.

"That's what she did to you!? I thought she just twisted your ears or something. Does that... you know... how bad does that hurt anyway?" she shyly asked.

"Really bad," admitted Cuthbert, "It's like when you get hit really hard and have a sore spot. It's like that only worse, and it takes a while to wear off. Trust me, if you ever get in a fight with some thug that you can't win, just kick him in the groin. It's a dirty move, but since when do we play fair?"

Vanessa laughed and Cuthbert felt really relieved so he decided to tell her how he felt again.

"Someone can't say that they're kind. That's the sort of thing that someone else has to say about them. Vanessa, you may not think so, but you are a kind person, and Alcaland is a better place with out that contemptible bitch in it. So what if you killed an old lady? I threw glass in some kid's eyes. That makes me a nice person now doesn't it?"

Vanessa smiled and sat down on her bed. She was quiet for a while.

"Thanks, Cuthbert. I feel better now that we've talked. You're a kind person too you know," she said.

"You really think so?" he asked.

"Sure I do," assured Vanessa, "I don't know any men that I can talk to like I talk to you. I feel like I can ask you anything and it would be okay. I especially don't know any who would be willing to comfort me like that."

"Well, those guys must not know the Vanessa that I know. She can cook and clean, she looks good in a suit of someone else's armor, and she can bust you out of jail. Now that's my kind of woman!" professed Cuthbert.

Vanessa smiled and appeared bashful for a moment.

"Well, those certainly aren't the traits of your average homemaker. I guess there is nothing ‘average' about either of us," she said "Why don't you come over here Cuthbert? I think that you are my kind of man."

Cuthbert was ecstatic. He sauntered over while saying, "Well, if it doesn't bother you that I'm a fox and I used to be your boss, I don't see how this could be a bad thing."

"Why would you being a fox or my ex-boss be a bad thing? If anything that makes this all the more interesting," observed Vanessa.

He sat down on Vanessa's bed and looked into her deep, golden eyes. Cuthbert was absolutely giddy. Technically, it was their first date, but they had known each other for years. Cuthbert smiled as the wolf leaned in and ran her tongue across his lips.

"I've decided," thought Cuthbert, "My new goal in life is to spend as much time with Vanessa as possible."

Cuthbert wrapped his arms around Vanessa and held her tight. He had fallen in love before, but never like this. He growled contentedly and gently chewed at one of her ears. After he let go of her ear with his teeth, he playfully licked the inside of it. Vanessa squirmed and giggled.

"Eww! Cuthbert!" she said.

"Oh, please. Call me Cuddy. It's sounds better and it's shorter."

"Shorter?" she asked, "What? By three letters and no syllables?"

"Well, I'm sure it will sound better if you say it," he said.

Vanessa laughed, "All right, Cuddy. Take off that stupid cloak and burn it. I'll by you some new clothes tomorrow."

"Okay," he said as he was pulling the cloak over his head, "But, I hate being cold, and the only solution that I can see for this problem is for you to take your clothes off and get as close to me as you can."

When Cuthbert got the cloak off, he saw Vanessa in front of him with her shirt off and already unbuttoning her pants. He was amazed.

"You are some kind of quick change artist or something. That shirt had buttons," he said.

Vanessa stopped working on her trousers for a moment.

"Practice," was all she said.

"Before we have inconceivably pleasurable sex, I have a quick question for you. It's been bugging me for a while. In the prison, you were shackled to the floor of your cell and you were well out of reach of the bars. How did you get out of that situation?" asked Cuthbert.

"Obviously I picked the locks on the shackles," said Vanessa.

"With what? Where were your lock picks? They pat down everyone before they go to prison. Where did you hide them? Or do I not want to know? I mean, sometimes we get arrested and we have to ‘put' things somewhere..."

Vanessa raised her paw and held up a finger which told Cuthbert to either wait, or be quiet. He did both and watched. Vanessa made a motion as if she was about to retch and he heard a familiar coughing sound. A moment later she pulled a small piece of folded up leather which contained some basic lock picks out of her mouth. She mixed a "blah" noise with "ta-da" resulting in a "blah-ha" as she removed the small parcel for a comedic effect. She placed the leather bundle on a shelf above the bed which served as a night stand.

"I learned how to do that as a pup from a lady who used to be in the circus. She was a sword swallower," said Vanessa.

Cuthbert was stunned, "That is pretty gross, but I imagine it's also really useful. What else can you put in there?"

Vanessa's bright fangs flashed as she mischievously said, "Lotsa stuff", before she moved closer to Cuthbert. He chuckled and hugged her again, but not as closely as before. Both of them began to softly growl and they took turns playfully licking each others faces.

Vanessa got on her back when Cuthbert moved his muzzle down to her chest. He ran his slender tongue over one of Vanessa's well proportioned breasts while messaging the other. This made the wolf begin to breathe raggedly and she started to play with Cuthbert's ears.

Cuthbert moved farther down Vanessa's body until he reached her crotch. He paused and took in her scent. His heart beat fast when he sensed how aroused she was. Cuthbert felt as if he could get drunk off of Vanessa's wonderful smell. He took in deep draughts off her as he placed his snout between her legs and forcefully lapped at her warm sex until his erection was at its fullest.

Cuthbert had to pull himself away. He was doing little but dampening the fur between Vanessa's legs, but she seemed to enjoy it just as much as he did. He couldn't contain himself anymore. Cuthbert put his hands on either side of Vanessa and pressed his hips hard against hers. His mind became clouded and he forgot about how much he wanted to please Vanessa for a moment. Cuthbert would have gleefully rubbed up against her until he came into her fur, but luckily, Vanessa intervened.

Vanessa grabbed at his already slick penis and guided it to where it would be put to better use. Once their flesh made contact, both lovers paused and looked into each other's eyes for a split second. Seeing the expression on Vanessa's face reminded Cuthbert of how much she meant to him and how he wanted to make her feel.

He slowly began to rock his hips and didn't pick up the pace. He wanted to make sure that he took his time. After a while, Vanessa grabbed his hips and pulled him into her. She growled with delight and bucked underneath Cuthbert. He decided to go a little faster since she was so eager.

In no time at all, Cuthbert felt as though he was getting close to his climax. He withdrew himself and got up to try to walk around. It was his plan to get himself as close as he could before stopping to cool down. He would try to keep it up for as long as possible in order to really show Vanessa a good time. Vanessa groaned and then looked at Cuthbert.

"Trust me," he said, "This will be fun."

She got off of her bed and grabbed Cuthbert's hand and led him back. Vanessa rubbed his chest before leaning over the bed and placing her hands on the mattress. Her tail was excitedly swishing from side to side.

Cuthbert decided that he had calmed down enough to continue. He felt the slender curves of her body before covering her with his own which gave him a feeling of feral joy. This time he kept the same pace, but had more powerful thrusts. It was Vanessa who was getting close this time and Cuthbert stopped when he felt her start to tighten.

Cuthbert managed to do this several times. Sometimes he would move so quickly and forcefully that he had to stop just moments after starting. Other times he would slowly rock his hips back and forth and reveal in Vanessa's slickness and warmth. And every time he would stop when he felt that he was close or when Vanessa gave a slight twinge.

Eventually, Cuthbert decided that he was finished playing around. Vanessa was lying on her back with a content look on her face. He was feeling a little tired and thought that he might as well end the night on a high note.

Cuthbert placed himself on top of Vanessa and started up again. She held onto him and would occasionally let out a small sound of pleasure, but for the most part Vanessa remained as she was. When Cuthbert felt that he was on the verge of his orgasm, he made sure to fill Vanessa as much as he could. He pressed in until he could feel the edge of his sheath hit her entrance.

Cuthbert gasped as he came hard into Vanessa. He could feel his penis rhythmically flex and lurch in time with the waves of pleasure and emotion he was experiencing. He wanted to whimper, yet also roar like a lion at the same time. He threw his head down as his knot began to swell within Vanessa and he began to pant until the moment passed.

He looked up at Vanessa and saw that her eyes were closed and she was slowly squirming with delight. Cuthbert was a little disappointed. It seemed like a waste to put in all of that work and not fully satisfy his lover.

He had thought about trying something before, but he never did it since he didn't think it was physically possible and he could never find a willing volunteer. Since Vanessa hadn't locked up on him yet, and he had provided her with a bit of extra lubrication, he decided that now was as good a time as any.

Cuthbert slowly drew back until his knot was resting against the entrance to her vagina, where it would normally be if they were tied. He managed to pull his knot out with surprisingly little effort. Vanessa's groan of satisfaction gave Cuthbert the incentive to continue.

He had to push a bit harder than he had pulled to get his knot back in. Vanessa whined and shifted her body underneath him. She grabbed on to any part of Cuthbert she could reach and started to speak.


"Yes, love?"

"That thing you just did, do it a few more times."

Cuthbert grinned as he pulled himself out again. He heard Vanessa utter a stained whine laced with pleasure as he did. He set to work forcing his knot in and out of her and after only a few seconds, Vanessa clamped down hard.

Cuthbert had rarely felt a woman orgasm as intensely as Vanessa did. He felt her innermost muscles seize up and if it wasn't for her warmth and rhythmic contractions, he would have sworn that she turned to stone on the inside. She wrapped her arms around him and started to quiver from the pleasure that she was feeling.

After a minute or two, Cuthbert felt like Vanessa had calmed down. He looked at her face and saw her eyes staring back at him dreamily. He wanted to say, "I love you", but he stopped himself. He decided that what had taken place that evening had expressed his adoration for Vanessa.

He couldn't fall asleep like he was, so Cuthbert managed to roll both him and Vanessa on their sides on the bed. Vanessa gently nuzzled his face before falling asleep, and Cuthbert thought that falling asleep himself wouldn't be such a bad idea. He looked at his hand that was grasping her shoulder and studied how his orange, red fur looked against Vanessa's grey wolf fur before he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Winburn Part 1: Civil Service

The following story is (c) Tbohn\* \*(not really... just don't steal it or anything, m'kay? I mean really, I don't know how the whole process works, but I would probably have to go to a lawyer or some kind of office and say, "Yes, I would like to...

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Part 1 : Mythic

(This is my first foray into the gay category. I am straight myself, and being a straight furry means that I am in the minority. It's a real switch, but I became used to it so easily. And on top of that, I'm totally cool with it. Not only can I enjoy...

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College Heats Up

College Heats Up * * * I really left my last story open for a sequel... so here it is! If you want to be able to follow the plot, then I suggest reading Frozen Coincidences first. If you're in it for the yiffing... there's that too. I decided to...

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