Lost Souls, Chapt. 2: Loving Souls
Lost Souls Chapt. 2 Loving Souls He walked back through the white stone gate again, his brother following him close as them both crossed across the great room, going strainght to the entrance. A worried look upon Alexiel´s face....
Nathan's Lucky Days part 3 of 3
( words from the author) Ok people I rush my first story and I change my mind with the 3rd person story I make in a telling myself story and his story has got noting to do with my sex life and sometimes I don't how to spell difficult words! and in...
The Sudden Climax
**The Sudden Climax** The roller-coaster's name said it all. Even if that title didn't make its purpose very clear, the coaster's presence in the high-walled adults only section of the theme park most certainly should have clued any potential...
Chapter 8: Death of an Angel
Patamon was having a beautiful dream. He was Angemon, flying through the air. All around him, viral digimon attacked, but they fell before him till the last one collapsed. When the dust cleared, a beautiful digimon woman walked forward. Long white...
House Guest - Stranger Danger
Hello all! This is actually a story series I uploaded a while ago, but I never finished. I've had pretty much constant requests for me to finish it, and I promised that I was read them over and see if inspiration hit me. But, as I read, the many, many...
Daddy's Mare
Jason squealed into his horse bit, normally deep voice trailing off into a desperate whimper. He was in full horse bondage gear, harness, blinders, bit, reins, the complete package. He moaned again as he felt Solona's deft fingers pinch his meaty...
Heart of Ice Ch.20
Markus \*\*\*\*\* I don't remember anything after that girl seduced me. All I could recall was wave after wave of mind-blowing orgasms. It was about my fifth orgasm that I finally registered where I was and what had happened. My mind panicked and I...
Love time lost prequel Part 1 of 2
Love time lost prequel. Chapter 1-Sadley happening. It was only the beginning of a soon to be a long and hot summer in Pawvile. School had only gotten out a few hours ago and the town was running rampart with many groups of all aged gangs of furs,...
41- The Black Tomb
_ **"**** Can you not feel the **_** potency _of this place?"_** _~Freedon Nadd_ On the edge of one of Dakua's many jungles, a small, black-feathered avian creature darted between the branches of a tree, its talons carrying a barely moving rat-like...
Locked Gate
**Chapter 1** **Locked Gate** "Heavy rain is starting to fall throughout the area, and is expected to continue fairly solidly for the next few days, broken only by a few brief spells of sunshine. There is a strong possibility of it...
The letter
Around two weeks later Little John wakes up slowly feeling a completely pleasant pleasure around his penis. He opens his eyes and looks up yawning. The bear sees as his little sister rides him with the greatest pleasure, she has her closed eyes and...
**Wyvern** Standing on the safe side of the enclosed paddock boundary, a brown Ferret stood, his silvery grey hair combed back. He stood, hands in pockets, watching as his most prized and important piece of his career prowled around in the...