Val LOVES horses.

Val loved horses. She loved grooming them, raising them, and riding them. That is what brought her to her own meadow. She had seen Wild Wind growing restless in...

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Four

"We've lost contact with Lieutenant Feral," Sergeant Talon said gravely. Standing nearby, Chance and Jake exchanged worried glances which Feral caught ouf of the corner of one eye. If nothing else, for all their bluster, those two, much like...

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From Humble Beginnings - Solace

I've been bad. Not in that things I've done have been particularly awful, but specifically I mean I've been bad about writing and uploading. Really bad, and it's sucked. So I'm trying to rectify that right now and better my circumstances as an author...

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Poem #33: The Senses

_The Senses_ I feel so blind I can't see what to expect Nothing to nourish my sight If seeing is believing, Where to see the beliefs? I feel so silent No sound is present The words have vacated No understanding Is left. I feel so deaf ...

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Tengu. Part one.

_ **I got to know a Furr and was inspired to write this. Let me know if you approve, I've got a story arc I want to follow. BanditJourno.** _ The mirror is never kind. Staring at his reflection, the wolf had to admit he looked a little the...

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Finding a Purpose

The next morning, Jason rose to a Chatot screaming at a Ledyba over some fruit. He groaned and sat up slightly remembering last night. He turned to the tent and wished it was closer. He wobbled to it as he found that his legs were numb from laying on...

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We two: Dramatic kingdom pt.1.5/2 (The accident)

So here we go! Another 2 part part. The beers have been passed around and everyone got smashed! The boys recorded it all so let's see what...

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Wolfsblut - Teil 2 Kapitel 31: Das nächste Dorf

Teil 2: Eis Kapitel 31: Das nächste Dorf   Es war bereits Abend, als Sesuke endlich in der kleinen Stadt landete. Mazaru sprang ab und streckte sich kräftig. ,,So, das ist also die Stadt Arania?" Er griff in seinen Rucksack und sah sich die Karte...

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Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Bull

Peter sighed as he gazed down at his torn suit, the result of tonight's latest close encounter. No sewing kit would be enough to fix the massive gashes on the front of his costume. Doc Conners had been particularly nasty to him this...

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Below the Belt

(all of this stuff is copy written to Tbohn. Like seriously, I got lawyers on this.) ------ Below the Belt ------ Practice is a good one this night. Sensei had us working on our ground work; me and Mark's favorite....

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Just Another High School Sex Story (part 1)

As I sit there on the park bench, fiddling with my tail, I realize I'm nervous. Can you believe it, NERVOUS! I mean it's kinda understandable. I've been dating this guy for two weeks and he's totally hot. His fur is so soft. I...

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A second midieval birthing.

Medieval times can be very interesting. Wars can sometimes break out over the littlest of things, jousting can murder people in a heartbeat with a slight miscalculation of a particular aiming of a spear and in this case, in the inland settlement of...

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