The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 18

Chapter 18: The Red Warrior's Escape Two days and two nights Valdigt hung suspended in the air. Without food or water she wasted, and felt always the tug of the weights on her. She felt herself sagging against the cuffs, and she chafed and bled....

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Everything Changed: A Night That Changed Everything,Part 3

Hello everyone. I have been just filled with ideas and have managed to carve out some time to write them down so, I managed to get the third chapter in my story written a little faster. This installment picks up a couple of weeks after Jillian was...

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Therapy - Session 5

_The dalmatian holds a handkerchief to his nose, giving a powerful sneak. He sniffles, eyes looking a little red. "I think I might be coming down with something," he say weakly, voice shaking. "I've already exhausted my supply of tea and still haven't...

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Nikai (Comic) - Page 1

Nikai sat in the summer warmth of the clearing, his back against a large rock jutting out of the ground. He didn't know why or how it was there, he just knew that Mother Nature put it there for a reason, and that reason was for him to lean against...

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Before the Endgame

"Max...Max...Max!" "What!" The section of Victory Road shook as the emboar snorted loudly, almost punching the culprit who'd interrupted his sleep cycle. He was supposed to be woken up about a half hour later while their trainer slept. This...

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Slicer's amazing Christmas

Before you read this I will show you this summary so you know about the furry: It is called a Wompanu, (nicknamed Stalkers due to their unique look) and it is a species I made with the power of imagination. (insert sponge bob here) They do not chew...

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(C) Playing With Yourself

**Playing With Yourself** By XP Author Maximilian stepped out of the machine, sitting himself down in a nearby stuffed chair to wait for it to finish processing the staggering amount of data it just took. The thing looked like something straight out...

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The Pecking Order

All throughout the lands there was none more dangerous than the ones in Skyrim. Thieves banding together to ransack traveling merchant caravans, robbing the poor working out on their own fields, and even right in the cities, forming their own guilds to...

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Don't Talk to Strangers - Chapter 4 [Comm]

Chapter 4: Check-up Leo stirred, and he felt himself being lifted upwards. He opened his eyes blearily, still feeling as if he had just ran a marathon. He looked up to see two burly orderlies dressed in white manhandling him to his feet. A...

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New Journey Chapter 43: Frontier

Chp 43: Frontier "So Reginald. How have you been doing?" "Fine. It is nice to serve." "Yeah..." Seth said. They were high in the sky, just above the tallest buildings of the league, though they were...

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Melvin and Thomas Chapter Two: The acceptation of the invitation.

Here is the a bit delayed chapter two of my novel. Things get hot and sexy beyond this point XD By the way if you haven't read my previous story read that first and if you did not already know, this story contains homosexual incest, and violence...

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Bio Luke Asheton

Bio Luke Asheton Height 1,72 m Weight 65,6 kg The arms are covered in black scales and some battle scars from cuts and other injuries. The hand each have five fingers with black shining claws as fingertips. The legs that are covered in...

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