The End: Chapter 23: The Alcoholic
Chapter 23: The Alcoholic Chapter 23: The Alcoholic Humphrey's P.O.V. I'm not even really sure where to begin, honestly. When I told him that we wanted him to be our pups' godfather, he was determined that he would kick his addiction in just a...
A Timely Rescue
Pain and pleasure. That was all that Crystal was aware of. Everything else was blackness, broken only by tiny pinpoints of light in the void. She could see nothing, the starlight not enough to even illuminate her own fur. The only thing that she could...
Master's Favorite
**Chapter 1** •••• Zander hated walking at night. Though it was his own fault, he supposed. "Gah, serves me right for staying after class so late. My mom's gonna have a fit..." He sighed, pulled his jacket closer around him, and kept...
From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 6: Shuffle Off, Buffalo
I maneuvered my tail beneath my chair and brought it up to poke at the back of Lily's jeans, looking for a loose spot I could slip in. It was last period physics again and it was a good thing the two of us were both pretty smart. We hadn't been paying...
First Warning
But suddenly, a sharp pain whacked Petrie's small body. "PETRIE!" Littlefoot screeched, trying to run forward, but was held back by Spellbound and Shuva's powerful grips. Petrie let out a loud scream of pain. The cockatrice had struck down, clamping...
Nothing else compares
I wish I knew why people hated me so much, nothing else compares to the feeling of knowing that even your own parents telling you that you shouldn't be alive. The main reason why I lived until I met my fiancee is out of spite. People would always tell...
4 Dollars' Worth Part 2 - Zootopia R34 - Commission for Basque
Time grew slow as March approached. Giddy nerves had Judy and Nick working hard around town, doing everything to burn time. Winter passed along, and the calendar hit March. Nick used his vacation week. Judy personally alerted Bogo to her coming heat...
Tanya slowly made her way up the staircase, cautiously balancing the opened wine-bottle, and two glasses on the tray she carried with one paw. Each step rehearsed, her balance was perfect. She knew what to expect, or so she thought. Oftentimes...
[QC-29] Master Pet Theater
Master Pet Theater Xander the otter smiled as he wiped down the bar at the tavern where he worked. He and Krendius both were on the early shift this week, so their jobs were less about serving spirits and more about cleaning and prep for the night...
Behind The Scenes
Another commish. An offshoot of the club. You dont have to have read the club to get it, but I recommend you read it anyway. :P I always get people telling me I'm missing a word here and there, and while I'm sure I am (all the time), I...
Strange Dreams
Brand spanking new and hot off the press! Odd little story involving latex monsters, enemas, and diaper soiling! Enjoy the ride! * * * Gavin sat up in bed with a gasp, or tried to, rather. The reason he was unable to sit up...
Pheonix (Chapter 1)
"Gambler-1, come in.. This is Stalker 2-5, I'm going down just outside OP Bagpipe. One of them bastards clipped my tail, and I think I lost my crew... My co- is dead, repeat, my co-pilot is dead. 25-mil got him in the fuckin' collar bone, please...