The Wolf's Requiem (part 4)

The lights were shinning hours before the concert was set to start, aimed into the air like search lights. The concert hall was a large, smoothed edged, rectangle in a very football field style. The main stage was to the north and covered the flat...

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Hope's War (Part 2)

**Hope's War (Part 2)** By XP Author The meeting was being called by Brenda, Hope's adoptive mother. Now in her late 40's, the sparrow still had a beauty to her, but age and stress had started wearing on the woman. Her white feathers were not as...

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Chicken Bones (Thursday Prompt 13/9/12)

Chicken bones are well worth the scavenge if you can get to them. They seem to predict much better than others. To this day they've never made a mistake. I've been using them for years and they never let me down. Of course, the universe has a way of...

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One Dirty Gator

One Dirty Gator When most people saw Feraligatr, they saw a gruffand ferocious aligator-like pokemon who could chomp their limbs off like slim jims. Conversely, Feraligatr had no real desire to chow down on people; he just wanted to stuff his...

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RTSYM: The Forbidden Pleasure

**RTSYM: The Forbidden Pleasure** **by: BerserkerB** "Welcome to Le Plaisir Interdit," said Francois, the head waiter and current owner of the establishment, to the guests who had just entered. "I am Francois, the head waiter. If you need anything,...

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Peanut Butter

"Hey, Mom, can I invite some company over?" A completely innocuous question, but time halted for several moments as Emily turned and gazed down at her son, her arm frozen in the air, comb pulling at her light brown hair. In all the years the boy had...

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This story was written for Day #21 of Kinktober 2017! Today's theme is Wrestling, and the story was written for GMan420. It contains M/M sexual acts involving consenting adults. :) **Stomped** "_Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one...

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Fentilus Kapitel 2: Ein langer Weg

Während die letzten Sonnenstrahlen über die Baumwipfel scheinen, erreichen sie endlich ihre Siedlung. Die Siedlung liegt mitten im Wald und ist von einer Barrikade aus zugespitzten Holzpfählen umgeben. Einzig drei Wege führen in die Siedlung hinein,...

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Cat Takes Down Dog

When Miss Potts first brought Bucky home, Mittens couldn't stand him. She knew she shouldn't but her as a cat, and him as a dog, she couldn't help but notice he was just a lot dumb. Eventually though, her feelings calmed, and she even began to like...

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Beautiful Creature

Well, this is FAR AND AWAY very different from what i've done in the past. well it still has bondage and lots of sex. but there are humans and other twisted things. and has bisexual sex. i made this specifically for a friend :) i hope you enjoy it as...

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Bovine Standoff - Collaboration with Minothebull

_Hey everyone!_ _Might not be the most followed series of mine, but here there is another chapter of Sgt. Horns ^^ There will be another chapter that will conclude this story, someday, but for now here it is ^^ Hope you will like it though._ _Thanks...

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