Seb and Riker - Bodycheck - Part 3.1
The next day I'm pretty tired but I manage to keep myself awake through class until I get home. I forgot everything that had happened last night and was hit by the heavy aroma of lube soaking into my bed when I step into my room, so I ball up my sheets...
Swap Meat
Swap Meat by pj wolf "How many glasses of wine have you had?" "Two," said Luis, starting to drink his third. His girlfriend grabbed it out of his hand before he could get a taste, rolling her eyes at him. "Why are you so nervous?" the otter...
The Gift that Keeps On Giving
Serathin whistled to himself as he got everything prepared for his birthday party, tail swishing around as he thought about the fun and frivolity he was about to have with others. Everything was ready to go including snacks, games, and anything...
Bad Doggy
Finally. Having broken free from Azkaban Prison, Sirius Black not only becomes an icon among all villainous wizards and witches, but he also becomes a free man. Well, in this case, a free canine, often mistaken as a Grim in the wizarding world - a...
Our Hjemkost
Welcome! Welcome home, brethren! Come, sit by my fire and listen. Warm your bones from Lady Winter's chill. Tonight is not a night for traveling. Wipe those sorry looks from your faces. You will find no condemnation around this fire. No sour looks,...
Atrele: Friends w/ Kioko
The truth is, I have a fatalistic view toward relationships. Between my own upbringing and the wisdom of the Decadent One, I have come to the conclusion that those seeking permanence in their connections to others are fools seeking heartbreak. The...
Noble six-chapter 4- Scarabs, hordes and mental issues
I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. I breathe quietly through my nose as I listen keenly to the approaching noise. So many variables. So many possible situations. What was it? It could simply be a stray brute who lost his way, a confused grunt...
Envy remaking the herd... 4
Boing Goat comes muzzle to muzzle with Hooves fourth Colt... Remaking the herd three... Seven deadly sin... Envy The pretty Zebracorn mare looked up at the handsome male Goat, as he held up the three sets of heft male...
The Last Tale- Chapter Four
Chapter Four I awoke in a stuffy, dimly lit place. For half a heartbeat I thought that maybe it had all just been a very weird, very bad dream. And then the rest of my sense checked in and I knew it was all too real. There was noise- creaking...
The Real Myles: Felicia
James Our lesbian friend arrived today. Anna, a cute black cat born in Mexico. She came with her girlfriend, an otter called Felicia. They are staying in the 614, one of the separated rooms in the dorm in which you don't have to worry about people...
_Just one gay ass story with dilf boys I thought up one day._ Midnight on a Friday. Lounging and finding a movie to watch would seem ideal for that kind of time or hanging out with a bunch of friends after work at their place. However, none of those...
Ami's Doggies
# "Ami's Doggies: A Reverie" ### by the Nightdown fox © 2002 ##### Version 1.5 (1/6/2011): Streamlining and prose clean-up, new formatting on dialogue, added a pic! Version 1.6 (10/1/2012): More prose clean-up, species change,...