Chapter 17: Training part one

Story by silver2075 on SoFurry

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#18 of The Student

I am afraid this chapter lacks any visits to the club. However, I did my best to make it entertaining by utilizing crude humor, while I address the main storyline. Nevertheless, this chapter is a must read if you care to understand the end of the story.

Chapter 17: Training

Pages 178-209

Chris helped Marcus hobble back to their room. He couldn't deny he was startled as they entered their room to find Hunter waiting for them in the dark.

"You visited the club again?" Hunter observed as he watched Marcus hobble to his bed. "I could train two as easily as one," he offered after a little thought.

"After tonight I think I will take you up on that," Marcus replied with a weak chuckle.

"When would you do that? We haven't seen you all week," Chris complained as he dropped into his own bed.

"I do apologize, but I assure you I am making progress. I should have plenty of time after tonight... if I can get your assistance," Hunter replied nervously.

"Sure what do you need," Chris asked as he stifled a yawn.

"I could use some DNA samples... preferably semen," Hunter answered with a wince. He wasn't too sure, how his roommates would want him to collect a semen sample after witnessing some of their odd behavior. Of course, he wasn't even sure if it was odd behavior now that he thought about it. He really had no experience upon which to base his judgment. Nevertheless, he still failed to understand why they laughed at times. Now, was a good example. "Does this mean you will help?" he questioned as he held out the specimen jars in his shaky hands.

"Sure just give us a couple of minutes," Chris agreed with a sigh while he heard Marcus groan. However, he couldn't help but laugh again as the porn began to display over Marcus' desk as Hunter left the room. "Come on," he urged before he grabbed the two specimen jars and proceeded to Marcus' desk.

It didn't take long for Chris' erection to return as he perused the selection of feline furs displayed above Marcus' desk. He began to stroke himself as he watched two felines rutting. However, he noticed Marcus wasn't having much success as he tried to rub himself erect. He switched the image to some Canines before he continued his attempts to fill his jar. He could tell Marcus was still struggling as he stroked his thin shaft. "Would you like some help," he offered nervously.

"I don't think I have anything left after horse boy tonight," Marcus grumbled as he paused trying to stroke himself back to life.

"That must have been one hell of a ride then," Chris teased with a grin. However, the look he received told him his roommate didn't find it quite as humorous. "Sit on the edge of your bed so you can watch the porn," Chris instructed with a sigh. He waited until Marcus had complied before he moved between his legs. He used his hand to slide his roommates sheath back to reveal that pink flesh before he leaned forward until his lips rested on the tip, which caused Marcus to shudder slightly. Chris released a deep breath before he let his lips slide down Marcus' slick shaft. He couldn't help but pause as he felt the prick hit the back of his throat. However, once he managed to slide down the length of Marcus' shaft until his lips rested against his furry sheath, he felt Marcus' meat jump in his throat as it began to thicken. The feeling of that throbbing meat as the knot began to grow was amazing as he held his mouth on his roommates' hot flesh. He began to move his mouth up and down Marcus' shaft with slow easy strokes while he listened to him moan and whimper while he could feel as well as taste his thin precum. He began to swallow as he stretched his lips over that growing knot. He had to force himself to remove his mouth once Marcus began to buck his hips into his face. Chris quickly grabbed Marcus' knot while he placed the tip of his cock at the rim of the specimen jar. Chris had barely began to squeeze his roommate's engorged knot gently when he was rewarded with a heavy stream of his cum. He continued to milk Marcus until he felt his knot begin to shrink. By now, Chris' erection was growing sensitive. He grabbed his specimen jar and began to stroke vigorously as he listened to his roommates panting. It nearly shocked him as he almost came immediately. However, he noticed quickly how little he was able to drain out of his depleted balls. He struggled to catch his breath as he placed the lids on the jars and stood.

"I can take those to him. You have already done more than your share," Marcus offered with a sigh. "I now owe you twice," he added with a wince.


Chris woke to the sound of a knock on their dorm door. He looked at his clock and nearly cursed as he realized it wasn't even daylight yet. "I don't suppose you expect guests," he grumbled at Marcus who instantly covered his head in his pillows. "Go away," he mumbled weakly as the knock repeated.

"I will get it," Marcus finally volunteered with a low growl before he forced himself out of his bed. "What!" he shouted as he opened the door with force. However, his heart skipped a beat as he recognized who it was.

"Is your roommate in," the guard asked as he ignored the young man's hostility.

"Chris?" Marcus said questioningly as he watched the guard walk past. However, it was the two federal types that followed, which actually frightened him.

"Wha... what can I do for you?" Chris stammered in his confusion while his heart threatened to jump out of his chest.

"I meant your other roommate," the guard corrected with a frown once he noticed the empty bed.

"He is either in his lab or in the gym," Marcus answered nervously.

"I can take you to him if he is in the gym," Chris offered while his mind raced with questions that he dared not ask.

"That would be helpful," the guard replied with a raised brow.

It took a moment for Chris to realize they were still nude and making the federal types rather nervous. "Soon as we get dressed we will be ready to go," he declared as he threw his clothes on as quickly as possible. He noticed Marcus made a point of taking his time while he glared defiantly. "This way," Chris said as he led them to their private elevator.

"You have an elevator in your room," the guard observed in disbelief.

"Well, I got the impression he didn't waste any expense on his lab either," Chris replied nervously.

"We are well aware of the guests investments," the younger of the two federals replied with a frown.

Chris waited on everyone to board the elevator before he took them to the gym where they found Hunter exercising on one of the machines. He was grateful the man was actually dressed this time. However, he couldn't help but wonder if it was just a coincidence. He was nearly startled as Hunter scrambled to kneel before guard and federal men.

"Masters," Hunter greeted as he was supposed to do.

"Do you know a female Hybrid by the name of Maya?" one of the feds asked with a scowl.

Chris could tell the guard didn't like the feds asking questions by the looks on his face.

"I may, but not know her by name," Hunter lied with a flat voice.

"Bullshit, we were told you had done something to her ear," the federal cursed.

"I repaired some damaged tissue to a female rabbit. I didn't know her name nor did I ask," Hunter replied as he kept his eyes on the floor.

"Can I ask what this is about?" Chris questioned once he gathered his courage.

"There was an incident last night involving the alley cats," the guard answered as he frowned at the federal agent.

"Incident... incident... you call that an incident. Twelve hybrids are in the University hospital with forty-two broken bones, which range from a broken jaw to broken fingers. Every single one of them gave the same description that matches this guest from the common wealth. I don't know how they do things in the common wealth but we have laws here on earth," the young federal agent cursed as spittle flew from his lips.

"If I may masters," Hunter asked in a pleading voice.

"Please speak freely," the guard replied when he realized what the strange man was asking.

"I have been here and in my lab all night. You can check the elevator history if you wish. It has not returned to the first floor since Marcus left me here last night," Hunter replied carefully.

"You bet your ass we will check, too," the young angry federal agent threatened.

"If you would allow me to continue," Hunter asked once the agent appeared to be done interrupting him.

"Please continue," the guard, granted as he continued to glare at the federal agent.

"Forty two broken bones is an odd occurrence don't you think. I believe it had to be done in a methodical manner," Hunter continued until he paused to look up at the guard.

"They didn't only have the same number of broken bones, but they had the exact same bones broken," the guard admitted reluctantly.

"He already knew that," the federal agent screamed with hatred.

"Was there a message attached to this incident... a message repeated to all the victims perhaps?" Hunter inquired as he held the guards eyes.

"They were told that Maya sends her regards," the guard mumbled as he returned the stone cold stare of the stranger.

"It was a message then. I repaired twenty-one areas of scarred tissue for the rabbit hybrid. I suspect they were the ones responsible for her injuries and someone sent them a message that it was not to happen again. They are most likely too afraid to tell you who really assaulted them for fear of retaliation. I think someone should probably point it out to them. Do not worry about me. I hold no grudge against them for their accusations. You should feel free to let them know I am willing to come visit them if they require my assistance for something," Hunter continued until he returned his stare back to the floor in front of him.

"Are you threatening witnesses in front of me?" the angry federal agent snapped.

"I have heard enough. There is nothing more here," the guard announced before he glared at the angry federal agent.

"You think you can tell me...," the angry agent began to curse until he was interrupted.

"Agent! That will be enough. You may wait for us outside... outside the building," the older federal agent who had remained silent previously declared with a scowl. He waited until the agent was gone. "I don't know what kind of game you are playing but I will report this," he added before he turned to leave.

Chris nearly wet himself, as everything seemed to happen at once. He witnessed Hunter leap up to grab the agent by the back of the neck before he tossed him in the air. Chris caught the square post shoot from the floor in the corner of his eye. He struggled to follow everything that was happening as it occurred so fast. The federal agent nearly hit the ceiling before he began his decent to the floor. However, Hunter was already there to snag him from the air and drive the man into the formed matting.

"If you report anything besides this was another random act of violence between hybrid species, I will come for you. I will devour your family while you watch. I will build you a tomb before I infect you. I will dig up your ancestors' bones to give you something to gnaw on while you are trapped in your tomb that I will drop to the bottom of the ocean while you waste away for the next few thousand years," Hunter cursed with a low growl as he let his spittle drip close to the man's face.

"Easy killer," the agent replied once he could contain his laughter.

Chris still didn't understand what had just happened. Judging by the looks on the guard and Marcus' faces, he was not alone. He released his breath, which he didn't' recall holding as Hunter forcefully jerked the agent to his feet.

"That is better. I like this side of you much better than that sniveling bullshit. I would like to remind you of all the years I have been your handler while you were on assignment on this planet," the agent declared as he dusted off himself. "Now, can you tell me what you are up to?" he inquired with as serious tone.

"I... I can't... not yet," Hunter stammered hesitantly.

"Can you give me your assurance it will not risk harm to those of us who inhabit earth," the agent continued to question.

Hunter glanced to Chris and Marcus as he tried to find his words. "I like it here. I belong here. I am trying to save it," he finally admitted despite his best judgment.

"The report will be as you wish then. However, if I get just the first inclination you are not working with earth's interest at heart, I will notify them of your treasonous acts. No, threats from you can prevent it. I must protect those who live here. Do you understand?" the federal agent lectured as he held the killer's gaze.

"I may require some assistance before this is over. Your leaders have no clue how dangerous the galaxy can be," Hunter tried to reassure. "... and Frank... We prefer to be called furs... and Frank... I'm sorry about the threats," he added hesitantly.

"You will have it, if we can provide it. However, we must have some warning," the agent warned before he turned towards the elevator. "...and Killer you are a terrible liar. I know you meant it. That is how I know it is important to you. You always did have a guilty conscious. I hope it doesn't get in your way, this time. Your sentiment for the innocent will get you killed one day. Besides I wasn't too worried, the way I figure it is if you fuck up you will be too dead to do anything to me. By the way, I never cared for the term hybrid either," he added as he let the door on the elevator close.

Chris was still standing with his mouth agape as the agent disappeared into the elevator. However, he wasn't alone. "Hunter?" he asked sheepishly.

"What do you do for a living?" Marcus questioned once he found he could form speech once again.

"I am... I am... Hunter, or assassin to some," Hunter admitted as he glanced at the guard. "Tell the alley cats their previous behavior will not be tolerated. When they are released from the hospital, you can let them know that their previous transgressions to your society have been paid and forgiven. Tell them they will not be able to pay the bill next time," he added as he continued to hold the guards stare.

"It will be as you wish. It is about time we have a little law around here. May I contact you if we have any other problems?" the guard asked with a grin once he made his decision.

"I don't wish to be entangled in every small misdemeanor. I am at your service nevertheless," Hunter agreed as he shook the man's hand with his uncovered hand. He watched the guard as he left the room. "I am sorry. You must understand, what I do is very important to your futures as well as mine," he added quickly once the others were alone.

"I noticed you shook his hand with your hand uncovered. Does that indicate good news?" Chris asked with a smile.

"Well, I do have one more test before I am sure I am ready to attend your club if you two are willing?" Hunter replied cautiously.

"Depends on what it is?" Marcus replied quickly. There was no way he was in any shape to let the man mount him after his ordeal last night.

"If he can't I will," Chris volunteered with a scowl for Marcus. However, all he received in return was a shrug of Marcus' shoulders.

"I am afraid of losing control of myself if I am injured," Hunter explained with an excited grin as he made his way across the gym where he retrieved two metal pipes. He held them out to his roommates when he returned.

"What are we supposed to do with that?" Marcus questioned nervously as he eyed the metal pipes.

"Why beat me of course," Hunter replied with a frown once he recognized the man's hesitation. "I have my tranquilizers here. You should be safe," he added quickly as he showed them his tranquilizers. However, he still didn't understand their odd looks. "I wanted to start, with my back turned. It will make it easier for me to refrain from defending myself without deep meditation or concentration," he added as he studied their strange faces.

"I am not going to beat you with a metal pipe," Chris protested as he dropped his pipe to the ground.

"It is hard to simulate an injury. I have tried hitting myself. It just hurts. It doesn't really make me very angry," Hunter tried to explain.

"I will do it," Marcus offered with a shrug of his shoulders for Chris.

"Thanks, I am sure...," Hunter began as he placed his hands on his head and turned around. "Oh, wait," he requested before he began to remove his clothing and deactivate the majority of his nanomesh suit to leave him with something, which resembled bicycle shorts. "Oh, don't want to forget these," he added as he removed his tranquilizers from his pockets. "Here... just in case," he said as he handed them to Chris, before he placed his hands on his head and turned around.

Chris had seen Hunter nude before but not up close like this. He couldn't help but wonder why his skin looked the way it did. It was rippled and pocked to appear as one continuous scar. However, his thoughts shattered as Marcus hit Hunter with the pipe.

"What was that? I said I need you to hit me. You don't hit like a girl do you," Hunter chastised with a chuckle without turning around.

"I was just testing it out," Marcus replied with a shrug of his shoulders for Chris, before he hit the man again.

"Fuck I give you a pipe. You think you could handle swinging a pipe," Hunter continued to scold.

Marcus gave Chris a look of concern before he swung the pipe with all his strength. The impact caused vibrations to run up the pipe to sting his hands and forced him drop it to rub the palms of his paws. However, he was frightened by the way, Hunter grabbed his side before he fell to the ground, withered, and convulsed.

"Fuck! Are you trying to kill me?" Hunter complained with a snarl.

"You told me to hit you damn it," Marcus cursed as he knelt beside the insane man. "Damn it! Are you okay?" he added as his heart pounded in his chest.

However, Hunter's laughter turned that concern to anger.

"Oh, come on that is funny shit," Hunter, declared once he was able to stifle his laughter. "I don't think this is working. I am having too much fun with this. I am going to have to figure out a different way for you to hurt me," he added with a little thought.

"You are fucking insane," Marcus swore with a glare.

"I am sorry. I thought it was funny," Hunter apologized as he looked to Chris for help.

"It was funny, but it was a dick move as well," Chris agreed with both of them.

"How in the hell did you do that anyway," Marcus questioned as he began to smirk now that his anger had cooled a little.

"Oh, that reminds me. Are you two serious about training for the club?" he asked as he headed to the other side of the gym.

"Well... yes," Marcus answered nervously. He wasn't going to let the man hit him with a pipe. That much he was damn sure about.

"I made these for you guys last night while I was waiting for the authorities to show up. You should wear them. They will simulate increased gravity, which will do more than help you develop muscle mass. Your body will slowly increase the density of your bone structure, which makes them very hard to break. After a while, your muscles will not only become stronger, but the fibers themselves will be denser to prevent less damage to you. It will take time to build up, but you will notice slight increases quickly. The longer you wear them the more they can increase the simulated gravity," Hunter explained as he handed out the devices.

"How do we put them on?" Chris asked as he eyed his bracelet collar combo.

"Oh, just pull it apart. They will reassemble when in place. I couldn't actually produce original equipment such as mine. I had to program some nanobots I have brought with me in case of an emergency," Hunter answered as he demonstrated by placing Chris' collar on him.

"Damn, I feel like I just put on a hundred pounds," Chris complained as he eyed the rest of the bracelet things.

"You wait until it begins to increase. That is at a low intensity," Hunter replied with a laugh.

"What is yours like?" Marcus asked with a frown.

"Mine is currently running at five point nine times earth's gravitational force," Hunter answered hesitantly. "You should realize earth's gravitational pull is less than I am used to in the first place," he added quickly while he continued to help his roommates don their devices.


Chris was sore and exhausted by the time they headed for the club Tuesday night from Hunter's grueling workouts. He was sure Marcus felt the same way but neither of them said anything. They knew Hunter was excited about his first visit. He hadn't said anything but his goofy smiles and his god awful humming was becoming unbearable. Of course, Hunter's insistent questions about the club were nearly as annoying. It wasn't that he couldn't blame him, but he was tired of hearing Marcus repeat himself as he explained he had to go before they could explain the rules. Chris did have to admit that some of Hunter's questions had him thinking on his own. Hunter had asked about weight classes, and how who is paired with whom was decided. It was these questions, which made Chris, wonder if they should have separate classes. He wondered if there would be a larger participation if they could figure out a way to make things a little more even. There were so few equine females, who participated. He assumed it was due to the chance they would more often than not be left less than satisfied. Of course, the smaller males may fear being paired with a bovine or equine male as well. He wasn't sure how it could be done but he was convinced it should be explored.

Nevertheless, he wasn't entirely sure the source of his exhaustion. They had spent several hours every day in the gym where they would practice their balance, before Hunter would throw them all over the place, which he was beginning to believe the man enjoyed entirely too much. At least, Hunter had started helping them with their out of class work. The man's photographic memory was more than helpful and beginning to prove to be a god send. Chris recognized he continued to have his own difficulty paying attention in class. His mind constantly drifted to sex as he studied his fellow students. He was sure he spent half of his day with his pants tented. His sleeping wasn't any better. He continued to have the most vivid dreams as he relived previous encounters through his persistent dreams. However, it was the dreams of running through thick forests as his heart pounded in his chest, which disturbed him the most. He knew he was running after something but he didn't know what it was. It always seemed just beyond his reach, almost at the edge of his sight. He was convinced he could smell what he was chasing. He knew it was insane, but he was convinced his dreams were being plagued by his discussions with Kyra and Hunter. Nevertheless, he couldn't shake the feeling he should be doing something, but had no idea what.

"Everything set," Marcus, asked as he grinned at Blake.

"Everyone is excited to see what you can do my friend," Blake declared with a grin before he opened the door.

"I will try not to disappoint," Hunter replied with a laugh. However, he began to panic as the smell from beyond the door assaulted his senses. He could feel the heat begin to spread through his veins. He had to get out... He had to get out...

Chris couldn't help but to be excited for their new friend. He found himself caught up in Hunter's happiness as the man grinned all the way to the club. However, something changed as soon as Blake opened the door for them. He could swear he saw fear in Hunter's eyes as he staggered a few steps to lean against the wall. "Are you okay?" he asked with concern before Hunter jumped to the upper level of the stairs.

"Fuck... fuck...," Hunter, cursed as he fumbled franticly for his tranquilizers.

Chris panicked as he heard Hunter's curses while he watched the man's medicine bounce down the stairs. "Help me," he urged as he picked up the injectors and ran to Hunter who was beating his head against the stair railing. "Hunter!" he shouted in panic as he rushed to his friend. He stabbed at the man with the end of the device and was relieved to hear that familiar psst... psst... noise. However, it didn't seem to be working. "Hunter?" he questioned as he continued to inject the man who wouldn't stop beating his bloodied head against the metal railing.

"Break if you must," Hunter cursed as he stared at his deformed hand that refused to let go of the railing.

"Stand back," Blake, demanded before he kicked Hunter's arm with his powerful leg. However, he had to kick a second time as hard as he could to get the man to let go of the now twisted metal railing.

"Fresh air," Hunter panted as he cradled his broken arm.

"Blake," Chris urged before he was forced to run after his friends. "Are you okay?" he asked once they laid Hunter on the grass outside the gymnasium. However, he was beginning to wonder if the man was sane as he began to laugh hysterically.

"That isn't a fight club is it?" Hunter questioned once he had regained his composer enough to allow him to form speech.

"No, it is a sex club," Chris replied with a chuckle.

"I am such a fool. I had you hit me with a pipe as a test to make sure I could handle a fight club. I bet Marcus will not be as willing to help test me for a sex club," Hunter continued with hearty laughs. "I am sorry, Blake. I am not ready for it yet," he added more solemnly.

"There will be plenty of people disappointed but they will get over it. Just take care of whatever it is you need to take care of and let me know when you are ready," Blake replied with a sigh and shake of his head. "Sorry about your arm," he added with a wince as he noticed the odd angle half way up Hunter's forearm.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Hunter, admitted with a frown as he began to focus his thoughts. He closed his eyes as he felt his arm begin to warm. He knew it was finished when the heat began to fade once again. "What?" he asked once he realized they were staring at him.

"Your arm... it just reformed?" Blake protested in disbelief.

"Really? You just watched me nearly lose my marbles over the smell of vagina and that is what you can't believe," Hunter questioned in an attempt to avoid more questions at this time.

"I guess you are right. You are one strange fucker," Blake observed with a chuckle.

"Do you guys mind if I ask a question?" Hunter inquired as he thought about Blake's words, before he realized they were waiting for him to ask. "This word fuck means to fornicate, yet it seems to pop up in conversation in odd places. However, it seems to fit and my language processor accepts it. How is that possible?" he explained before he wondered if he had discovered another great joke. "You guys go have fun. I will be fine. I will just lay here for a minute before I return to my lab. I have a new formula I can test," he added with a frown as he wondered just how he was supposed to test it.

"Go ahead Marcus. I will make sure he gets back," Chris offered with a frown.

"It is late. I can't put my name in anyway," Marcus, replied with a frown. This wasn't how things were normally handled. Of course, nothing was normal any more.

Blake watched the three roommates as they headed back to their dorm while he shook his head, before he returned to the club. However, he found himself frozen as he studied the bent railing. He couldn't resist pulling on it to see if he could reform it. However, it did not budge no matter how hard he tried. The strength required to bend it as it had been mangled was beyond his imagination. He hesitantly made his way down the stairs until something caught his eye at the door. He ran his hand over the concrete wall where gouges were cut as if one of the felines had swiped it with his claws. However, no feline could cut gouges in concrete. He picked at the gouges to test the concrete and found no weakness he could identify. He felt a shiver run the length of his spine before he returned to watch those enjoying themselves inside the club.


"Hunter, where exactly is your lab located?" Chris asked curiously once they entered their dorm room.

"Sub level four," Hunter answered with a frown as he thought. "Would you like to see it?" he offered reluctantly.

"How many sublevels are there?" Marcus asked as he dropped into his bed.

"Ten... most are storage," Hunter admitted as he continued to the elevator.

"Ten! What in the hell do you plan to do with ten sub levels," Chris questioned in disbelief.

"Most are filled with stuff I brought to introduce to the furs after the treaty is ratified. The tissue regenerator is something I brought but shouldn't have revealed. It is against galactic law to introduce such advanced technology to a protected species," Hunter explained carefully.

"Protected species?" Chris questioned as he hesitantly followed Hunter to the elevator.

"The earth is protected because it is considered an underdeveloped species. Once this treaty is signed, they will be allowed to trade for technology of their wildest dreams. However, they will no longer be protected. That is the catch. They will be vulnerable until they can prove they can hold their own. Are you coming?" he asked Marcus as he entered the elevator.

"Nah, I think I will try to get some sleep," Marcus replied before he began to undress.

"How have you been sleeping?" Hunter asked as the elevator began to move.

"Horrible," Chris admitted with a sideward glance at his strange roommate. "I thought we were going to your lab," he questioned as the elevator door came open to reveal they were at the gym once again.

"The lab is not important. You know I am not a scientist. I am still struggling to understand all the damn equipment I have had installed. I don't even know what some of the shit does to be honest," Hunter admitted as he began to undress.

"I don't know if I can handle any more exercise or sparing for that matter," Chris grumbled as he hesitated. However, he let out a sigh before he disembarked the elevator.

"I thought we would work on your speed, if you are up to it," Hunter suggested as he disrobed to his nanomesh shorts.

"Well, you have mentioned it several times, but you have yet to show me what you are talking about," Chris replied as he began to disrobe as well. He was nearly shocked as a nanomesh pair of shorts covered him as he disrobed. "Well, that is new," he observed as he looked down at his strange covering.

"I activated them. Are you ready for this part of your training?" Hunter asked reluctantly.

"I suppose so," Chris answered as he stepped out on what he thought of as force field matting.

"I must apologize ahead of time. This is the way, which this part of your training is handled. It can be unpleasant," Hunter tried to explain.

"What do you mean?" Chris replied as he backed up a little.

"We will start with you trying to slap me while I block your blows. If I feel you are too slow I will slap you, which you will try to block as I have shown you in your lessons," Hunter explained as he stepped forward to the retreating man.

"I can't...," Chris tried to protest until his vision blurred. His cheek was on fire. He never even saw the blow.

"You do have the potential to be faster than I have ever dreamed," Hunter explained as he steadied the man. "You better hit me or I will strike you again," he added before he let the man stand on his own.

"This is...," Chris tried to protest but his blurred vision and the pain of his other cheek shattered his thoughts. He knew he was stumbling while the insane man steadied him as he tried desperately to collect his thoughts. His vision had barely cleared when the next blow knocked him to the ground. He could feel Hunter pull him to his feet before the next blow sent him back to the ground. Hunter's shouts and curses never even registered in his ringing ears as he began to realize the man was going to kill him. He tried desperately to strike out but it was futile. The man was a blur as he moved. Chris' heart pounded in his chest as he was beaten. His pain began to fuel his anger at his mad roommate. He didn't know how long it continued before he could no longer feel the blows as they landed. All he could feel was fire as it flowed through his veins. Fire radiated through his veins and burned through his soul. He released a low snarl as he saw the blow coming for the first time. It was as if Hunter was moving in slow motion as he ducked. He could swear he detected a slight smirk on the mad man's face before Chris' hand wiped it off for him. He continued to block or duck to slap Hunter repeatedly until he notice the man's face was bleeding and bleeding profusely. He stepped back in shock to see there was blood covering the mat. "I am sorry. I didn't mean to...," he stammered as he stared in disbelief at the laughing fool.

"You did well for your first time. Your kind is always very fast. You will never have true power to your strikes but you should try to develop your lightning speed," Hunter advised as he felt his face begin to repair itself.

"What are you talking about?" Chris questioned as he watched Hunter's wounds close before his eyes.

"I cannot infect you because you are not human. This is what you will have to learn to control or you will become dangerous to those around you. If you lose control, just once they will send someone to cleanse you. There is nothing I can do to protect you, if they send someone for you. They could send me if they wish to torment me," Hunter explained as he returned to his robes.

"What do you mean?" Chris questioned as he watched the man dress.

"There are always accidents. There have been several out brakes on earth over the millennia. I have been sent to clean up after others mistakes. I do not catch all that are infected. I can only smell it after it has begun to affect the unfortunate soul. Your infection is not too terrible. I don't believe you will become contagious. You should be able to control it. However, I want you to start taking some medication to make sure. You will eventually find your trigger to complete your transition. I don't want you to have an accident when you do. I will prepare something for you to take and leave them in your desk drawer. I have a lot of work and you need some sleep, which you will require less of as time progresses," Hunter half explained as he entered the elevator. There were too many things, which he didn't want to discuss at this time with Chris or anyone for that matter. He hadn't risked damaging his roommate permanently, but he had pushed as hard as he dared to test the man. He had passed easily. He may never be able to develop true abilities, but he would be safe. That was what was important.

"What the fuck?" Chris asked the empty room once Hunter departed. He stood there trying to understand, but it was impossible. He was human. He wasn't infected with anything. It would have shown up in one of the rather comprehensive physicals he had to endure before he was allowed to report to the city of Furton. His mind continued to race as he made his way to his bed. He paused as he sat on the edge of the bed, while he stared blankly. He blinked several times as he noticed the tip of Marcus' member peeking out of its sheath. However, there were no images playing over Marcus' desk. There were no lights on in their room. Yet he could see clearly. He undressed slowly before he lay on his bed. He closed his eyes and prayed he was just dreaming.

Chris found a small envelope that contained a handful of pills if you could call them that in his desk drawer the next morning with a note to take one every morning, while Marcus was in the shower. He hid the envelope quickly after removing one to take. The pills were no larger than a grain of rice, which fell apart as soon as it touched his tongue. Of course, it had to taste like shit as well. Nevertheless, he did manage to wash the taste down with lots of water. He didn't see Hunter until lunch when he joined him and Marcus at the commissary.

"Any luck?" Marcus asked as Hunter sat down at the table with his usual pile of bacon cheeseburgers.

"I don't know. I tried the porn on your computer, but it just isn't the same," Hunter replied with a sigh. "How many times do you think I can show up at the club before scurrying away like a coward before I am not allowed to return?" he asked with a frown.

"I don't know. To be honest you are the first to ever actually freak out like that," Marcus answered with a chuckle.

"This is not funny. You have no idea how long it has been since I have joined with another life," Hunter snapped in frustration.

"I thought direct contact was forbidden to you," Chris observed curiously.

"I... there was once...," Hunter began hesitantly.

"Really? One time in your whole life?" Marcus questioned in disbelief. However, he could see the pain in the man's eyes and he knew it was true. "You do have my sincerest sympathies my friend," he offered with a pat on the shoulder and noticed the man no longer winced at his touch. He was definitely coming around.

"Who was she?" Chris asked curiously.

"I... She was two of my kind. She was quite skilled," Hunter admitted dreamily as fond memories filled his head. "The common wealth was not always the super power it is today in the galaxy. It was overrun once, by a race hideous in technology. Five hunters were sent in pods too small to be recognized as a threat to the invading species' home world. There we performed sabotage to their infrastructure. We caused industrial accidents until they were forced to recall all of their military might to deal with us. However, they were too late. Their population began to turn on itself as they fought over simple things such as medicine and nourishment. They tried to hunt us down but eventually they could no longer support their technology. Eventually we could hunt and kill at will. We continued to destroy everything we found until their industrial accidents had poisoned the very air they breathed. It was unpleasant for us but we could survive, while they perished. It took several decades before we were finally evacuated from the planet surface and there were none left alive. She and I were the only two left. We had fought hand in hand. She was a true artist when it came to stalking. We had grown quite found of each other while we fought side by side over the decades. When we were returned to our home world, we were each granted a boon for our decisive victory. We asked permission to be mated, she became to me what you on earth refer to as a wife, and I was her husband. They gave us a ceremony and everything. I was so happy. It is hard to explain...," Hunter continued to ramble until he came to his senses.

"Hunter what happened to her?" Chris asked despite his best judgment. It was impossible to miss the tears streaming down the man's face. He knew it had to be a tragic story. However, the man never even acknowledged his question.

"I need to figure out how to test this new formula," Hunter declared as he stood from the table. He never even realized he hadn't eaten a bite of his meal before he hastily returned to his lab.

"Is that possible? I mean can five people wipe out a whole planet," Marcus asked as he watched Hunter trotting away.

"Didn't we cover something similar to this story in the fur relations class? You remember the alien war that was won by something that is supposed to be the common wealth's equivalent to the furs. It was in lecture about myths that tarnish the fur image," Chris replied as he accessed his data pad. "Fuck that was supposed to be over twenty millennia ago," he declared before he showed Marcus.

"Damn, you want to talk about pent up," Marcus declared with a whistle.

"No wonder this shit is so important to him," Chris observed with genuine sympathy.

"What a minute? How old does that make him? How is that possible?" Marcus complained with a scowl.

"How in the hell do I know? Maybe there are species that age slower. Hell, you saw him heal his arm. Maybe he doesn't age at all," Chris speculated until he pulled Hunter's plate of bacon cheeseburgers in front of him. "You want a couple of these," he offered with a grin as he tried not to think about it anymore.

Chapter 18: The Test

Chapter 18: The Test Pages 210-224 Chris didn't sleep well that night. His mind was troubled by the thoughts of his strange roommate. He found himself heading for the gym only hours after he had turned in for the night. He wasn't surprised to...

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Chapter 16: Guests

Chapter 16: Guests Pages 168-176 Chris woke to Hunter shaking him awake with an eager grin. "What is it?" he asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Isn't it time for you to get ready for class," Hunter urged excitedly. "Hunter,...

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Chapter 15: Progress

Chapter 15: Progress Pages 158-167 Chris woke with the eerie feeling of being watched. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes to a frightening view of an angered Hunter standing at the door as if he meant to block any escape. "Marcus... Marcus...,"...

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