Queen Muz-Ra #11
#15 of Queen Muz-Ra
| "Thank you for escorting me Bhusaran, but I'm sure Ubergard would keep me safe."
"It's no problem, Red. But even with that invitation, the guards might be a problem. They know me. But once you're inside, I'm afraid you're on your own. Are you nervous?"
"Yeah. A little. I've never been inside, and obviously I don't have any experience with proper etiquette."
"To some extent you should be nervous. But remember, you're there at the invitation of the Jarl. You are_his_ guest so you're not out of place. Keep that in mind. Plus this isn't Solitude, so it's not all that strict as to etiquette." | |
| "Well, here we are. Have a nice time. We won't be staying in Whiterun so, if you should need a place to stay, just go to the Bannered Mare. I've reserved the room there for you if you should need it. If not, have fun!"
"I will. Thanks again. And thanks Ubergard. I know we don't thank you enough for all you do to keep us safe!"
"It's my pleasure, Red."
Then Muz-Ra handed her invitation to a guard who looked to Bhusaran, who nodded.
"You may pass," he said perfunctorily. | |
| Upon opening the great doors of Dragonsreach, Muz-Ra was struck by the size of the great hall, but noticed that there were not very many people actually here. "Well," she thought to herself, "it's only a dinner. It's not like I was invited to some grand ball or anything. What did you expect?"
Heads turned, looking at the arrival of the female Argonian, but soon turned back to what they were doing before. Muz-Ra didn't see the Jarl, however.
A woman standing by the door accepted her invitation and called out, "The Lady Muz-Ra!" in a loud voice. | |
| As Muz-Ra advanced into the hall, a man came down the steps and greeted her. "Lady Muz-Ra, so nice to meet you! The Jarl was getting worried."
"Thank you..."
"I am Proventus Avenicci, Steward of Dragonsreach and a friend of the Jarl. You should be honored, I think you're the first Argonian who has set foot inside Dragonsreach in living memory!"
"Oh, I_am_ honored! Am I too late?"
"Goodness no. We don't start till around now. But come, let me escort you to meet the others. Tonight is a private affair though. Only close friends and staff are here, and you needn't worry about the news getting out. We're all under strict secrecy orders." | |
| "Worry? Why would I be worried?"
"Well, it wouldn't do for the Jarl's reputation to be tarnished by rumors of an affair with an Argonian now, would it?"
Muz-Ra was taken aback. "Tarnished?"
"Well, you know... inter-species relationships. I, of course, have no problem with that. Some of my best friends are Argonian! But society being what it is..." | |
| Had Muz-Ra been born with fur, it would now be bristling as her eyes narrowed. Instead, her tail spines raised somewhat.
"Who's that?" she asked innocently.
"What's the name of your Argonian friends? Maybe I know them."
"Well... er... Oh! Excuse me, but let me introduce you to Lydia. She is a Thane here in Whiterun and one of the Jarl's personal friends. Pardon me, but I need to talk to someone..." | |
| Muz-Ra smiled at Lydia as she stepped up.
"A pompous ass, but harmless. Don't worry about Proventus. Very happy to meet you Lady Muz-Ra! What a gorgeous dress!"
"Why thank you Lydia. Will the Jarl be joining us soon?"
"Oh yes. I've just sent someone to fetch him. You know, you really shouldn't keep the Jarl waiting." | |
| "I know, and I will apologize to him. It's not easy to find an appropriate outfit for visiting royalty for me I'm afraid!"
"So I can imagine, but you've done well. Tell me though, if it's not impolite to ask, how_do_ you accommodate the tail?"
"Strategic clipping," Muz-Ra smiled.
"Indeed! I would ask if I could borrow it, it's so lovely! But I'm afraid the breeze from the back would be disconcerting!" | |
| Muz-Ra chuckled along with Lydia, not too sure if she liked this woman, or if she was being made fun of.
"Ah, but just think..." Muz-Ra responded, "when you take a shit you wouldn't even have to lift your skirt!"
Lydia's eyes went wide for a moment in surprise, as much for the shocking imagery as for the vulgarity, then broke out laughing wholeheartedly.
"Lady Muz-Ra! You're an earthy one! Come, I see the Jarl entering. I know you've already met, but allow me to introduce you officially." | |
| Lydia took Muz-Ra's hand and led her daintily to the Jarl, who smiled at her broadly.
"Jarl Balgruuf, may I introduce to you the Lady Muz-Ra!"
Muz-Ra bowed low, as formally as she could manage. "My lord, I thank you for inviting me to Dragonsreach and apologize for my late arrival."
Balgruuf scoffed, "Bah... You've been talking to Bhusaran haven't you? She's so slick she makes an eel seem dry."
Muz-Ra looked up, surprised.
"Oh, don't look at me like that. She's better than most, and a hell of a lot better on the eyes. But you shouldn't be so... calculating. She's cost me an hour of time with you!" | |