Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 1

Story by dracologist on SoFurry

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#1 of Secret Royal Tournament

A new princess has been brought into the Kingdom, the Princess of Friendship, but what all are the perks of being such a creature? One of them is a secret Tournament that happens under the noses of their very people to help keep royalty trained in the arts of fighting, keep the villains knowing who they'll be facing if they try to invade again, and keep them all well versed in the heavy arts of sexual domination. In a new form, one of muscles and curves, eight have been selected to participate and the first two to fight are Luna and Discord. Which between them will be able to prove themselves the better fighter? Will it be a repeat of last year?

I had so much fun with this story. It was honestly completely amazing and I just couldn't stop once I started. It ended up with this 5,000 word story going over 7,000 and I don't mind one single bit. The client is happy and that makes me happy.

MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 1

Blue hair flipped and waved behind her purple body as her hooves clopped against the cobble street. The fast race forward sending the pink streak in her hair dancing while the panicked look on her face showed the urgency of her movement. Twilight was still new to her wings, new to her royal appearance, and with a calling from her mentor this purple equine decided that the best way for he to get to her destination was by foot because at least then she'd know that she might get there. It was wise of her to take the carriage, but that only goes so far to remain safe for travelers and now that she was one foot it was important to this new princess to race towards her note writer and to do so alone. Heated pants filled her lips over and over, the leather satchel that she wore carrying a few important books, her crown, and of course the note that brought her back here with the castle lording over her once more. The sight of it always found a way to overwhelm her, but now wasn't a time to worry about the impressive nature of the Equestrian Castle. Every hard hoof beat across the street drew her closer towards her teacher, towards that thrown room and towards the answers that the note had risen.

"Twilight." The sharp call from the shadows of the castle spoke out to her, but it wasn't the mysterious nature of her name being spoken that stopped her, instead it was the sound of Princess Celestia's voice that made her slow her gallop to a trot and turn towards the white cloaked figure.

"P-Princess Celestia?" She asked, cautiously stepping forward, but at the ready. This wasn't the first time a shady character had spoken to her and the young mare had learned to grow very suspicious about strangers who seemed to already know her name.

The sudden shush that filled the air forced Twilight to step back, to look around, to wonder if she should run, but when that head jerked back and forth leading to the hood falling to one side and releasing a mane the flowing colors only shared by the rising of a sun over the horizon, this purple pony was left looking on the slender horned face of the solar princess herself. The sudden "shhh" that had been delivered wasn't out of place either, and with a fast look around to make sure that none of the guards had overheard Celestia lifted her hoof to beckon her pupil to follow her. It was something that Twilight did silently, trying to follow her mentor's lead so that she wouldn't get shushed again, but more importantly she wouldn't get them both caught. If the high princess was sneaking around then something must be going on in the castle. The long spiral that took them deeper and deeper into the depths of the castle basement had left a worried shiver to take over that purple equine body, but if she was with the princess that taught her everything she knew about magic then Twilight knew that she'd be ok. Of course that didn't stop her from asking once she was certain nobody could hear.

Twilight kept a low tone, wanting to almost whisper just in case, "What's going on Princess Celestia? Is Equestria under attack again? Has Chrysalis returned, or Sombra, or... Discord acting up?" Her mouth moved as fast as her brain, thinking of all the different possibilities that could be going on and already forming plans in case of anything going on.

When Celestia turned to look back at Twilight she made sure that the cost was clear before opening a door towards a rather large room. It was the kind of room that could be a planetarium if it had the right lighting and didn't have a large mirror set to divide this perfectly flat floored half dome into a quarter dome. Twilight stepped up to it, looking at herself and noticing her wings instantly, still not use to them being there at all, but willing to accept her duty that they provided and take on her role with the best of her ability.

"Princess Twilight, there is no danger to the castle at this time..." The solar princess tried to explain, finding herself interrupted quickly by her confused and worried prodigy.

"But then why couldn't I bring my friends?" Twilight quickly pulled the note from her satchel with an aura of purple magic holding it in front of her face while she read it over and over again, "Your note sounded urgent, but it specifically said that I couldn't bring my friends or Spike. If there's no trouble then I don't understand."

"Twilight, calm yourself..." Again she was interrupted, but this time it wasn't by her student.

The image of the chimera pressing his face against the glass of the mirror showed quite well as he smiled down to both of them. "Ah, you did get her to come. Very good. Look, I don't want to be a 'bossy betsy' but do you two think that you could hurry it up. Luna is getting antsy and starting to be mean to people again."

The call of "I am not" sounded quickly from behind him while he smiled softly to himself, but left Celestia only rolling her eyes. The glow of her long horn shined brightly like the sun as the yellow glow washed over both of them in this room only to reflect off of the mirror in order to draw them both into it. When Twilight was able to see again she found herself standing in the middle of a room, in the middle of a circle of kings, queens, princesses, and what could only account for a god. The sight showed that there were eight of them if she included herself and among them the few that she was worried about earlier stood among this circle but were also accompanied by the solar and lunar princess, and the royal couple of the Crystal Kingdom which included her own brother.

"W-What's going on here?" She asked sheepishly, not sure why everyone was just standing there instead of fighting their mortal enemies.

Princess Celestia spoke up again, explaining the situation and this time did so without being interrupted. "Princess Twilight, the reason that you couldn't bring your friends or Spike here is because this meeting is for royalty only. This might sound shocking, but every year we all get together to have a friendly tournament..."

"Kind of a way to show who's best among us." Cadance piped in leading to the soft chuckle of so many others.

"Yes. In this tournament we change our bodies in form and wrestle to see who can stand over all the others. We invite both good and dark to this to prove, to dominate, and to rise above."

Twilight's ears folded back on her head to the sound of this, "So we're all just fighting?"

"Not exactly," Luna spoke up and stepped forward towards the purple pony, "Anyone can beat up someone, it doesn't take a lot of skill to get a few lucky hits. We come here to dominate each other in a more intimate way." It was clear that Twilight was still confused but the following would draw a heavy, deep blush to those cheeks, "We dominate sexually, with the idea of forcing our opponents to cum before they do so to us. Bringing someone to climax against their will is the ultimate form of dominate, you see. It's something that we only allow royalty to participate in, and now that you're a princess we want you to be part of it."

"Alright every-pony..." The words rolled off of Discords lips as he slithered his way around towards Twilight. "Our little friend here is the newest member, but I don't expect anyone to take it easy on her. All of us were new to this at some point so lets try and show by example what we do down here."

The hand that rested on Twilight's back left her shifting a bit against his hand, but she trusted him for the most part, having learned to after their many adventures together. To some it wasn't their problem if she agreed to be involved in something that she didn't understand, but others were more compassionate and knew that this student would learn by witnessing a match, if she was fortunate enough to not fight in the first round. The sheepish look that rolled across the purple pony's face left her to wonder if she'd made the right choice, but she knew that she had to be confident, had to be willing to stand by her own decisions. This equine had been invited to be part of this and she was going to make sure to have the best time she could even if some of the actions she would be having to do would be a bit... inappropriate.

"Don't worry, Twilight, you'll see soon enough what this is all about." Cadence spoke softly, even nuzzling up into her friend's body.

"Enough idol chatter. May we please start. My changelings will start to worry if I don't return soon. Last time I was away too long they started building a statue of mud and sticks saying that it was some kind of dragon god that could turn the sky into ice cream and stuff" The echoing voice of the black and blue creature spoke out, drawing all attention to her before the rest nodded in agreement.

"Really now?" Twilight said quickly turning her attention towards the only serpentine creature that she actually know.

"What?" Discord spoke quickly in his defense, "My life doesn't revolve around you and your friends, Twilight. I get to go on vacation and bother other people sometimes too."

"We all know one another so we'll skip the welcoming message this year." Celestia finally piped in, "Everyone, focus your magic to the center of the room and we'll take our fighting forms. Even you Twilight."

The youngest among them nodded quickly, channeling her magic through her horn and feeling it build up over the tip. When the others arched out in heavy beams of varying colors the spells were cast and Twilight followed suit. Her beam connected onto their own and filled their spells to adopt the magic that was being cast there at the center. In what had to be seconds their bodies started to change, muscles thickening, bones shifting and moving, changing form so that as they stood there the front legs would slowly be lifted as they took on a more bipedal form. Fur remained the same, the color of their figures never changing nor did their cutie marks as the muscles along their bodies grew thicker, broader, heavier, and their genders showing far more dominantly. Thick members, tight slits, large succulent breasts towering out to match the size of the muscles themselves, and they could feel the power of their new bodies coursing through them all while the last of their magic was drained from their figures, pulled away to be saved for another time. When the lights dimmed back down from that magic transformation Twilight was able to look over her body. She was strong, muscular, standing on two legs with fingers on her hands and hooves on her feet. When her digits wrapped around the thick breasts she'd give them a fast squeeze only to gasp and moan at the sensation she'd given to herself. Still entirely equine, but now in the form of an anthro.

* * *

Twilight wasn't the only one gasping and moaning, though, as she looked over to see the sight of the black princess stroking her hands up and down a thick and meaty shaft as she called out. "Ugh.. I miss this form. We've got to start doing this more than once a year.. ugh.."

When Discord moved around her, finding his powerful body pressing against her strong, dark back, his hand reached around her to help her stroke at it. "I might have to agree with you there, little princess. Seeing you moan like this is quite a treat."

Luna smirked and nudged back against him, pushing him off of her while she resisted the urge to just let him have his way with her. "It's not going to be that easy this year, Discord. I've been practicing and if you want to get a piece of this you're going to need to work for it this year."

The response was something surprising, but forced the god-like creature to nod and chuckle. He wanted to rebuttal, but there was a tournament to get to and Celestia had to intervene "Discord, if you please, we should start this. Randomize our entries and show us who's going to be fighting first."

It was left to the now very muscular dragon looking creature, because without any magic from the rest of them he was the only one here that could perform such a random action fairly, and random did tend to be his entire ordeal. Out in the center of their circle all eyes turned towards the flashing of their pictures, everyone able to see themselves at least once while the randomization spell ran through the selections over and over again. Finally, like a slot machine, it would fall to a slow stop, dropping the blinking sight of Discord's face in one window while the other showed the stern and focused image of Luna. All eyes turned to Discord on the spot, brows lifted, hooves stomped, and his arms lifted quickly while the bright smile on his face clearly showed that he'd honestly cast the spell even if it didn't seem as such.

"It's fine by me. Discord took me out of the semi-finals last year, so I'm going to take him out at the start this time around." The confident smile on Luna's face showed that she was actually happy with how things worked out, her mind still echoing with the calls and moans that he'd torn from her body the last time they fought.

The stretching of her tight pussy around that massive shaft of his had managed to leave her slit throbbing with a healthy ache even after they turned back. It wasn't something that she wanted to feel again, but instead that she wanted to make him feel. Among the eight that were here the two youngest princess held a female form, the higher princesses had taken the shape of herms, the only two males were able to keep their forms even if they were far more muscular and capable now, and the remaining two maintained their abilities to change shape before a match started. This left Discord and Chrysalis at a slight advantage, but one that everyone else was happy to permit as long as it was one time before the fight. The chimera also remembered the soft mewling voice of Luna from last year, happy to listen to such a thing once again while he envisioned tearing thick bursts of seed from both of her sexes and then replacing it with his own. The soft call of her admitting how much she loved the feel of his dick inside of her, how he she wanted to feel it every night, and even the secret moments when she entered his dreams just to do such a thing. It could have been his own fantasy, but the way she held herself in those deep sleeps always hinted that it really was their little secret, given life thanks to the existence of this tournament.

Luna started her approach to the center of the room, wanting to take her place for the fight to start while she felt a nice hard slap against her firm and tense rump that still managed to give a feminine shake from the force that he'd hit her with. The movement of her crescent moon shaped cutie mark dancing from that sudden spank left her to jump a bit, but smirked at him behind her while she saw the large beastly creature taking on his male form with a hard and pulsating dick throbbing between them. The sight of it had her drooling, even lifting a hand to wipe the spittle away from the corner of her mouth while a heated sigh lifted from her lips. The area around them would swirl, while the other fighters were still there and able to see things clearly it was like they were ghosts now, easily ignored, unable to effect the fight, and most important of all, unable to be effected by it. The dome of this room seemed to fade away while the star-lit sky above them started to shine. It was an interesting illusion considering that they were in the basement of the castle. The darkness between the stars seems to move, seemed to adjust and as Twilight looked closer she could see that the darkness was made of thick, black tendrils that slithered among itself. It became instantly clear that this was what their magic had been going to, that their magic had taken it's own form to creature the world that they'd be fighting in. In the case of Luna fighting it was the dangers of the night sky coupled with succulent tendrils ready to trap and fill her or her opponents. Discord's magic had also taken form in here as a number of ever changing sexual toys floated around in circles. Dildos, sleeves, plugs, shackles and so many other things were found here, always changing form and purpose and only to solidify into an item after they've been taken from the edge of the ring. The danger's that the darkness applied were thick, long, and ready to bind, but would it be worth putting yourself in this danger if it meant gaining a tool that could turn the tide of the fight in your favor?

* * *

When the dragon-like god stepped forward into the depths of this newly formed arena he'd flex his muscles hard, showing off his size, his strength, and finding the dark equine herm doing the same right back. More steps brought them closer, hands lifting at the same time so that as their hands slammed down against their opponent's grip fingers would be tied together and large, plump breasts would find themselves crushed against firm pecs. Her nipples cut through his scaled and furred body like butter, dancing across his skin and forcing Discord to release a heavy moan to her so that as she smirked on a solid thrust of her hips would drive her thick horse cock to grind hard against the underside of her rival's shaft. The feeling of it forced Discord to shiver, made him roll his eyes back and a line of drool rolling down from the corner of his mouth. Luna stepped forward, feeling their bodies fully pressed together with breasts to pecs, abs to abs, large, thick equine member against his massive dragon dick, and their heavy balls smashing down as they ground their hips, rolling those big full nuts back and forth over one another. The hard push of their bodies showed that they were equal in strength, equal in size, and it would show that everyone here also matched this. Even while a bead of pre-cum leaked free from the head of Discord's thickness, it would only do so to roll over the princess's raging bone, and only to mix with a bead of her own.

"I like how you've clearly been practicing young princess." The large monster of a god said to her, stretching his neck to look her directly in the eyes as he whispered so gently, "That wouldn't happen to have something to do with a reoccurring dream I've been having does it?"

Luna blushed to this, still straining to keep her ground despite this soft taunt, "Shut up, beast. Today you're going to be tamed." Clearly no word from his real accusation there, but they both knew that he wasn't going to let that go and that he'd be bringing it up again.

"I should probably warn you, though. Taking on male parts comes with it's own weakness." The twisted smile that wrapped around his goat-like head showed his intentions while a hard, heavy, hammering knee lifted straight up against the low hanging herm balls and forcing Luna's strength to wash away in an instant as she buckled to the feeling of it.

Discord wasn't about to let her simply drop, though, not when he had this muscular figure that could keep her upright. The mewling dark equine found herself locked in his arms while her knees continued to fail under her. The soft panting and her throbbing meat showing that the strike had done much more than simply hurt, it had also gotten her very excited and now Luna was made to contain herself while, struggle to keep her hand from stroking herself as the pain finally started to dull and manage to fend off Discord. As she looked back up towards her opponent, though, she noticed he was no longer in front of her, no longer in her line of sight. As Luna narrowed her eyes that dark elbow quickly arched to pass behind her, aiming to strike at anything back there. The sinking of that blow into Discord's stomach while he was sneaking up on her drove this moon mare to smirk confidently as his arms wrapped around his stomach, as his feet stumbled backwards from her, and her body was able to turn in order to face him once again. While he was in pain her hand dropped quickly, wrapping around the base of his dragon shaped dick to hold it tightly, hold it close, and slowly rolling her wrist as she draws her tight fingers and palm up the length of it. This large, muscular, beast of a male could feel his figure shiver from that grip alone while his head arched back and the hot gasp was released from his usually smug lips.

The god needed to get control of this fight, but every single stroke that was delivered to him left Discord to gasp for the breath that was just stolen from him. Soon he felt large breasts crushing down against his shoulder, and the heat of Luna's breath on his ear as she taunted him, telling him that all the practice they made must have paid off for her, that she was going to finish him right here in front of all the people watching and leave him a mewling wreck. She even went as far as to joke, stating softly that maybe if he begs hard enough she'll even allow him to name the demi-god she was going to make him give her. The idea of this alone forced his eyes to roll back, his body to stiffen, his heart to race, and with a sudden movement of his arms forward the chimera broke her hold on his shaft, giving him a second to pant. These actions made it clear that the fight wasn't out of Discord just yet. When he ground his teeth in his skull a forward step would drive Luna back, making her stumble backwards even more from the sudden and unexpected pressure to her body.

The dark equine gasped deeply when she found her driven back enough to crush the muscles of her back against a wall. When his lion and falcon hands reached down to take hold of her hips, lifting her, sliding up it's length, he'd smile to her. That horse cock against his abs, pressing against the tight bumps that made up his stomach and sandwiched between her equally powerful body, but as she felt that hard dragon dick enter her, the equine mind fogged, her body quivered, her being shattered into a fit of pleasure. Even as their tongues locked, passing between lips, teeth, and gums only to caress the other tongue her heated breath mixed with his own. Discord took hold of her wrists and with a fast slam against this wall she felt them pinned down over her head, but as long as he kept his hips slamming into her the equine didn't mind. Her tight walls crushing and rippling down the length of his penetrating cock and leaving her almost wailing against his lips from how hard he was crushing her cunny nethers into her own body. Those hands slid down her form, feeling her curves, but her arms remained up and left her unable to pull them back down. It was only then that the woman realized what she'd missed, why he'd walked her all the way to the boundary of their arena.

Dark tendrils had already claimed her arms, holding her tightly in place as they snaked their way around her large breasts to crush down against her pert nipples. The ends opening up to suckle the juices of her tits like a vacuum and leaving her shoulders quivering as she shifted in both pleasure and worry. Her mouth was still open, Discords tongue pulled free from her mouth, and he listened to her hot whinny as those tentacles finally found their way to her rump. At first just flicking and rubbing over the large, and well rounded, muscular butt, but soon pulling the cheeks apart and finding her tail hole as being a very light challenge for them to slide into. At first only one fit, wiggling around inside of her as it pulled and pushed in time with her opponent's heavy, crushing thrusts, but that slowly changed when a second slid into her, forcing her cheeks to burn red and her mouth to open wider. Eyes rolled up and drool started to roll down when even more filled her. The way that they twisted and turned made it impossible to tell just how many there were, but her wide stretched rear might never recover back down to normal after this.

After a good solid minute or two of violently fucking the young princess Discord would finally step back, allowing her pussy to drool like her mouth from the need to be finished off, but this dragon didn't want to win just yet and by the way his cock was beating with the pulse of his heart it was going to be hard to tell if he would have. His pre was leaking clearly like a waterfall from the head of his dick and that alone had scared this god back from taking this equine to the end entirely because he didn't know if he'd be able to make it to the end himself. This was a good chance for him to recover, though, to watch as she was taken by these black tentacles with his usual painted on smile. The torture that they gave wasn't never-ending, though, and as they released her this equine princess found herself dropped to her knees with her gasping breath and her eyes once again finally being able to fade into a focus good enough to see Discord once again. Losing to a boundary penalty would be cheap, unsatisfying, they weren't designed to force an opponent to lose instantly, but instead existed to promote that these fighters fight in the space of their arena. It had left Luna worn, weakened, and so horny, but where her opponent had a chance to recover this princess did not and already he was walking up on her once more.

Luna only had one card left to play, she only had one final tactic that she'd been saving after her defeat to this man last year. The heated gasp of her breath lifting and dropping her massive breasts showed well her gathering of herself inward. The closer Discord got the more the air around her started to swirl while this dark equine sat with her plump rear on her heels. The sudden burst that arched out from her body wrapped her in a dark energy like a blanket that started to wrap around her, sink into her in order to take this herm to a new form. It wasn't magic, but instead a personal ability that she had been practicing. The horn on her head had grown, her muscles still stood strong and towering, her body was still built, powerful, and very curvy while the metal plate of the finest midnight blue that set upon her forehead ran down the length of her nose and the back of her neck yet her hair flowed with the image of star light dancing through it. Gloves covered her hands up all the way to her elbows and the boots that she was granted ran from her knees to the very tip of her toes in the most elegant way a princess of the night like her deserved. Her armor even moved through the center of her massive breasts, filling her cleavage with her own symbol and what could only be seen as an open bra that lifted the breast underneath while leaving the front exposed to titillate the handsome god that now looked on at her in awe. Red eyes matched with slits for purples gave away the form that she had taken here tonight.

"Well... if it isn't the Nightmare herself. I was wondering how many times I'd need to win your throbbing heart before you'd take this form to fight me."

"Discord, you're going to make me blush..." Nightmare Moon spoke softly in her deepened tone. That throbbing member still aching from her abuse earlier, but this form allowed her to withstand it just a little more like a stamina boost. As she stood and stepped forward the soft smirk came across her lips for once and she'd step her way towards the god, "Do you like the way that this armor looks on me? Let me give you a closer look."

When the two came back together her gloved hand moved quickly to wrap around the back of his head, locking her fingers behind his skull to grip the antler opposing the horn so that when she pulled his head down that goat face would be buried directly between her chest and against the metal plate. A hard surface right against his nose with two very soft pillows on either side of his head left the chimera moaning and crying out gently. The scent of her power, her very bring was that of domination, of control, of power, and he found himself breathing it in fully as his strong, muscular, arms wrapped around the girl's lower back. Those strong arms of hers held him in place and his own muscular grip did the same to the much more fierce princess. When her biceps flexed those breasts squeezed down, crushing around his head as she watched his entire skull vanish under the sudden clapping sound of her massive breasts crushing together. When Discord tried to pull back he only found himself locked in right between the hard surface of her breast plate and her very soft breasts. This made his arms tighten from pleasure alone, his dick licking against the length of her own. The two long members trying to sword fight, trying to dance, trying to clash again and again as one tube rubbed another only to be rubbed right back.

"See Discord? I'm not going to simply let you win this year. Your hard, sexy, and strong, but I've been building up to this match for an entire year now. It was just luck that I got you in the first round instead of having to wait for this moment." The darker equine spoke out softly with her dominating grin, "Now be a good boy and pass out so that I can ride you back to wake. It won't be long now, and when you cum for me you're going to know exactly what I'm able to do."

Discord felt his air supply running short, his lungs burned with a need to breath, his body arched from the tight stance that they were holding against one another, and as his body started to weaken, started to soften, he could feel hers getting tighter. Nightmare Moon might be a little boost that Luna was hiding away, but this god wasn't going to just sit here between her tits and allow this herm to take him out in the first match of this tournament. As his body tensed up again he'd use what he had left of his smothering strength to lift the dark mare completely off of the floor of their arena, holding her with his head still locked between her tits only so that he could fall forward and use his heavy muscle-based weight to slam this young princess straight down onto her back. The heavy sound of metal on stone echoed through the arena, but left Nightmare Moon's arms loosened enough that he could pull his head free. She'd grunt out, straining against the floor, but even as Discord worked to breath deep once again and shake off his own daze he'd roll the mare over and lift her up off of the floor once again. The dark equine had her back to the dragon, she could feel his strong chest and abs against her back while his thick meat ground against her large rump. Her soft, dizzied moan sounded out softly, but the it didn't last for long when he leaned down slowly and scooped his dual animal arms between her legs.

Nightmare Moon still had her back pressed against his chest, and once again he lifted her, but this time in a different way. His arms hooked the underside of her knees only to wrap around to the back of her head in order to lock this beautiful, amazingly curvy muscular herm in a very sexy full nelson that fully exposed her sweating cunny for anyone that wanted to look on and see it. The hot blush rolled over her cheeks, but her bits wouldn't be on display for long, though, not when Discord drove that heated dick straight up into her drenched pussy. A squirt of her fem-pre shooting out from that sudden pressure and leaving her crying loudly in this sexual throttle. Every hard slamming hip thrust that he made fed the entire length of his shaft deep into her body while she shivered, while she moaned, while she struggled to fight against those strong arms only to find that she couldn't escape at all. This mare was trapped in this position and was being thoroughly fucked for it.

"NOOooo!" She called out loudly while her dick bounced up and down from the force of those heavy thrusts, Discords own heavy balls swinging up to slap the dark equine's every time he pushed his full length into her. "L.. Let me go.. P-p-p-please. I can't take it... Mercy.. Mercy!"

Discord only smirked to this, there was no disqualification in these matches, no forfeiting that she could claim, and that meant there would be no mercy. The only way to end one of these matches was to force the other to release their heavy flow of heated, well pent up, cum.

"Hmmm.. mercy you say." The painted smile wrapped around Discords lips once again, "Well... we both know I'm not going to let you go, little pony, but I might fuck you a little lighter if you tell me a little something. Why don't you go ahead and tell our... closely watching audience... what it is that you do at night."

At first those slit eyes were looking at him and nodding, willing to do anything to slow down his hard and powerful thrusts that were taking her like a mare in heat and quickly driving her to the cliff of her flow, but when she heard what it was he wanted her to say those cheeks blushed hard, her head shook, her eyes widened. "P..p..please no, Discord. W-We can talk... eh about that anywhere. J.. just not... just not here. Not in front of my sister."

"Say it!" he thrust in harder, faster, slamming her body upward and forcing that dick to rise and crash against her own breasts as she was made to look at nothing else other than the thrusting dick that was entering her well spread body. His head leaned in whispering softly to her, "Say it... or I'll stop."

The blush managed to burn brighter and she could feel her pussy already drooling, already at the point that if she didn't cum then it would be far more torture than allowing her to finally lose this match. "I-I-I-I... I've been going into Discords dreams every single night since he beat me last year so that he can fuck me until I can't move! That's why the moon is always late getting lowered. I'm in love with his fat dick and how it stretches me out!" She answered the questing in a loud scream that left her body shaking, her figure quaking, and her pussy releasing the thick ocean of her pent of cum that coursed free from her body like a tidal wave and with it her nightmare form flowed as well, melting from her body to show the muscular dark equine in her princess form once more.

* * *

By the time her dark furred body hit the floor she felt like she'd already panted a few dozen times. Her head swam with the thoughts of what she said what kind of looks Celestia was saying, and as the arena started to fade away she found herself looking upon the face of her sister who was looking right back at her with widened and confused eyes, trying to process what she'd just heard Luna admit. The arena faded, but by the rules of their tournament Discord was still given a little while to use the mare he'd just won. When she found herself on her back and that large, strong, masculine body came down over her to crush her towering breasts back against her own strong chest the dark equine moaned deeply to him. Luna was made to look up at the man that had just won a match against her, her large, throbbing cock still crushed between two walls of abs and only felt them rubbing across it's surface when he brought his own throbbing member to penetrate her once again.

"So..." he said softly with a deep grunt from how tight she still was after such a hard fight, "Did you really mean what you said?"

Still blushing from that she spoke sheepishly, softly, completely contrasting the figure of her muscular body that tried so hard to hide under his own, "Y.. yeah."

This answer brought a soft smile to his lips, the same lips that he'd bring down against her mouth to plant a gentle peck across the surface of own lips before whispering, "You don't have to wait for me to be sleeping if you want it so badly, you know."

Her eyes widened, her cheeks reddened harder than anytime during the fight, and with her arms wrapping around the back of his neck she'd pull herself fully against him and drive her tongue to fill his mouth, scooping his tongue out to equally fill hers. The hot and sensual moans that flowed between them called out as they echoed off of the walls and only worked to speed up those thrusts. He wasn't being even nearly as rough as he was before, not even really crashing his hips against hers, but leaving his thrusts to give her just a half an inch of space so that he wouldn't bruise her pussy lips that were likely already very sore. Every hard pounding of their hearts echoed between one another, as one would throb the other would as if speaking their own secret language that the others couldn't possibly hear. Eyes closed, heads turned, lips continued to crush, grind, and drool easily between the two as their hips continued to lift and thrust in their full movement to deliver a far more affectionate victory that what had been claimed just a few minutes ago.

Fingers traced over her curves, feeling at her beautiful body. First gripping the sides of her large breasts, then touched on the toned muscles of her strong sides and abs before coasting down towards the hips. At first he simply gripped them, holding them in place so that he could drive his dick into her more cleanly, faster, and harder, but that was all given away as he released her to thrust her cock up between his abs, to lift her hips in anticipation for every single thrust he made. Finally when his fingers wrapped around her butt he'd feel his grip sink into the soft tush, and then the muscle that made it up try and push his hands right back out. Every feeling and motion of her body was enough to drive him mad, but as he continued to thrust in even Discord knew that his time was almost up and his well heated cock was about to release what he'd been holding onto threw one wet-dream after another for the last year.

Their lips finally separated, strings of drool wrapping around their steaming breath that broke those connecting tethers away. Looking one another eye to eye the god's panting calls and heavy grunts flowed from his lips while she spoke right back to him in the same tongue. Her hot dick was already leaking hard over their abs, filling the space with it's own natural lubricant as the throbs from it left him feeling like someone was beating his stomach with a lightning rod. It wasn't until Discord released one final shattering breath that he'd feel his aching cock finally get the relief that it was yearning for as a gushing river and hot cream burst free into her body, filling her, taking her, and claiming her. More and more flowed in, pushed through, and just as her back arched hard to the torrent that filled her the equine felt her own cock reply in the same way to gush a heavy coating of it's fresh paint between them, hoping to glue the two together.

This match was over, and while Discord leaned his head down one last time to deliver a final soft kiss to her lips he'd whisper gently to the young princess, "I have to stay up late tonight. Don't wait until I'm asleep to come see me." Which left Luna replying with a generous smile and a slow nod.

Commission: MLP - Secret Royal Tournament Part 2

**MLP Secret Royal Tournament Part 2** The first match of the royal tournament had ended and with the fading display of darkness and ever shifting sexual toys the other princess, queens, and emperors stood in their changed forms. The match had been...

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Commission: Uninvited Tournament Part 27

**Uninvited Tournament Part 27** "Wakey, Wakey, kitten." The soft tone of the voice and the hand pressed to her cheek allowed Natasha to turn slowly into the grip, her crimson hair falling over the back of the hand that held her and the soft purr...

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Commission: Nylon Love

**Nylon Love** "Ugh.. yeah... Just like that." The strong and powerful Charr said while looking down the length of his muscular white body. His back rested in the grass while he smiled to his friend. "Now just curl the toes and you.. mmm... got...

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