The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 21 - Wolves

Story by SilverrFox on SoFurry

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#21 of Chronicles of Rikifur

The end of April approaches and I have not met my goal of finishing this novel before May. It was a valiant effort, but I failed to meet (or even come close to) my self-imposed deadline. Sighs Maybe by the end of summer. I've accepted that it is better to take my time with this rather than rush it and make too many errors.

My mate GoldBunny caught numerous egregious glitches and plot inconsistencies when I wrote this chapter. This humble and thankful Fox doffs his hat and bows to her in gratitude.

This chapter decisively resolves the cliffhanger of the last chapter, and sets the story up for its exciting and action packed conclusion, which will take many chapters to complete (I hope that is good news to those of you following this series). I shall keep writing until I get there. Like Airy, I am determined to see her on her throne or die trying.

Esseff entered the wood and thatch building that was a makeshift prison for Airy and her companions. Two guards accompanied him: a tall, brown female with an ugly scar across the left side of her snout and a short, slender male with dense, brown fur more like that of an otter than a Wolf.

After pausing to let his eyes adjust to the dark interior, Esseff was offended to find that his friends had their wrists tied behind their backs to stout, wooden posts driven deep into the ground. Though clearly wretched and uncomfortable, they did not plead for his help or greet his appearance with anything but hatred and malice. Esseff considered their enmity towards him undeserved, but he understood it and vowed to revise their opinion. That was a part of the purpose of his visit: to explain to Airy and the others, especially Cat, how their capture and imprisonment had been necessary to achieve their shared goal. He was confident that a rational explanation would soon put everything right, but before he did that, he attempted to receive better treatment for his friends.

"This is no way to treat guests."

"Prisoners," the male guard corrected Esseff snidely as he hastily checked to make sure all of the captives were present and restrained. The female stayed watchful, revealing no emotion and making no conversation.

"Have you at least given them food and water?" asked the unsatisfied Fox.

"They got something this morning, I think. Don't worry. Heh. Heh. They'll be fed a good last meal."

The pleasure the Wolf took from the suffering of his friends grated on Esseff more than the aloof rudeness he had personally experienced from the pack since his arrival. Such open hostility to strangers had not always been the rule in Border Pack. There were times, not long ago, when Esseff had found a friendly welcome here, but a recent, unanticipated change in leadership had set a new standard of xenophobia that trickled down to every member of the pack, intensifying their normal mistrust of outsiders until their attitudes towards all non-Wolves was so poisoned they even treated their Fox allies poorly. It didn't help that Esseff was associated with the prisoners, who were considered spies and invaders. The presence of a wolf traitor just made it worse. Some Wolves went as far as to express excitement over what they believed would be an entertaining execution.

The rancor made Esseff's task more difficult, but he refused to despair. He was an optimist and believed that as long as he had the ability to act, then he could change the future. He was also full of mischief, so he decided to retaliate against the obnoxious guard personally, by conning him to punish him for his malice.

"You're absolutely certain they'll be put to death?"

A harsh, cruel laugh preceded the Wolf's answer.

"The new chief hates Rabbits, all Rabbits and anyone that helps them. Don't matter what race they are; If your with the bunnies, you're as good as dead here. Don't waste your time worrying about 'em."

Esseff feigned a false affability.

"I admire your confidence, friend, but I think I can persuade your chief to let these strangers go free. How about a small wager to test your assertion? Are you willing to bet something of value against the outcome of tonight's trial?"

The guard wore a necklace of polished stones wrapped in dyed twine. It was a fine piece of work for Wolf art, but what made it of interest to Esseff was the totem that was its centerpiece. From the middle of the necklace dangled a fish icon crudely hammered from what had to be solid gold.

"That charm around your neck looks pretty enough to be of interest to me. Why a fish?"

The guard fingered the amulet absently with his paw and smiled proudly.

"Name's Salmon, 'cause I swim like one. I found this yellow stone in the bottom of the river. Friend of mine shaped it like this. My mate, Glory" he tilted his head towards the scar-faced female, "made this necklace to hold it."

The stoic female grinned in response, revealing a set of sharp, wicked looking teeth, but remained taciturn as if she were permanently mute.

"I'm terrible fond of it. Doubt you have anything I would want more."

To prove Salmon wrong, Esseff unsheathed his sword with a rapid flourish that startled the two guards causing them to step back in alarm. It was only when the Fox laid the weapon across his palms and presented it to Salmon for inspection that the two relaxed again. Taking the proffered blade, Salmon studied it with unconcealed desire.

Feneval had been making steel swords for several years, but only recently had they been trading them to the Wolves. Most of that exchange occurred in the northern part of the Packlands far from Rikifur. This far south, only the highest status males could acquire the rare, steel weapons. Thus, it was a prize beyond value to this lowly guard. In Feneval, however, Esseff could buy ten such blades with the worth of the gold in that amulet, so he oozed charm as the Wolf admired the weapon's balance and shiny, sharp blade.

"Even your chief doesn't have a sword at all let alone this fine. It's of the highest quality as befits an ambassador."

That wasn't precisely true. Swords of the finest craftsmanship in Feneval were beyond Esseff's means to purchase, but this one was well made. Esseff hoped that neither the Wolf nor his mate was sniffing for lies.

"Certainly, an item like this is worth a wager, especially on such a sure bet. And even if you lose, a strong swimmer like yourself can always find more pretty yellow stones in the river."

Salmon salivated, and a rivulet of drool leaked out the corner of his mouth. Esseff resisted the urge to smirk, having successfully set his bait and hooked his fish. All he had to do now was tease him into shore, so with deliberate slowness, Esseff retrieved his gleaming weapon from Salmon's paws and placed it back in its scabbard. The Wolf watched its disappearance with the same dejected longing as when a feral fox loses a hare down its hole. Feigning resignation, Esseff turned away from the Wolf with exaggerated slowness.

"But if you aren't interested..."

Unable to contain his desire for blade, Salmon grabbed the Fox's arm.

"Wait. I'll take your bet."

In the traditional manner of agreement between their species, Salmon gripped Esseff's right forearm firmly. Esseff returned the gesture in kind, sealing the deal.

"You just make sure to keep that blade polished so it's nice and shiny when you give it to me after the trial tonight, chump."

Breaking her grim silence for the first time, Salmon's mate laughed. As the pair left chuckling together at the gullible Fox, they slammed the wooden door shut and barred it from the outside.

Confident that he would successfully win the Princess's freedom, Esseff ignored their ridicule and gleefully anticipated the look of shock on Salmon's face when he was forced to turn over the necklace. Esseff had no right to enjoy himself considering the circumstances, but swindling a sucker, especially an obnoxious one, always gave him pleasure. It was bright moment that helped buoy his hopes higher after finding such a cold and uncivil reception thus far to his arguments for releasing and helping the Princess.

All of Esseff's initial entreaties for mercy and for negotiation had been immediately rebuffed by Bear. The new chief of Border Pack was indeed unforgiving towards strangers and not the kind who could be convinced with fancy words. Brute force was the only thing that swayed him; it was also his primary method of making others obey. No matter what Esseff said or promised, Bear remained adamant that the strangers must die refusing to even speak to them.

If Glic had not been successful at gathering the other Wolf chiefs, Esseff would have failed and all hope would be lost. Not as xenophobic and less inclined towards hasty justice than Bear, they were willing at least to listen to Esseff and consider the merits of his arguments. Thus, Esseff managed to convince them to counsel and badger Bear until the Fox's pleas for a chance for the prisoners and him to make their case was finally heard and granted. Bear's terms were that the Fox had until sunset to prepare a defense with the prisoners for a trial that would determine their fate. Judgment would be rendered by midnight no matter what.

He would make the most of this opportunity, but time was limited. There was much to plan and discuss, but first, frayed relationships needed mending. He would start with Cat to set things right between them.

"Cat, I..."

So suddenly that he barely felt the impact, he found himself laying on the dirt floor with claws at his throat and one of Cat's paws clamped roughly over his snout. Long, white fangs filled his vision as Cat snarled with her breath hot on his face.

"You are now dead pup, Foxy."

Esseff was frantic to explain himself, but could do nothing more than grunt and mumble. The seriousness of Cat's expression robbed the fox of any hope of escaping his fate. He braced himself for the end he was certain was moments away.

Unknown to Esseff, the captives had spent the day discussing their plans to escape and had prepared for his return. The conversation began with an uncharacteristically humble act of contrition by Cat. Regret for leading Jak and the others to their deaths consumed her. She also lamented her stupidity for trusting the Fox. Her foolishness had doomed her companions. Caring for no one but herself had been a way of life for so long that she had difficulty reconciling her emotions, especially since Jak was the only member of their party who had ever mattered to her before. It was puzzling to her that this should weigh on her conscience now, but the remorse was real. Somehow, a Wolf, a Cow, a Horse, a Skunk and even a Rabbit had become a surrogate family. They were a comforting presence without which she suspected she would now be lost.

For a brief period, she had thought that the Fox was all the companionship she needed. Qualities they shared made them compatible, but then he betrayed her. It hurt her deeper than she thought possible and made her feel uncharacteristically weak and afraid. She yearned for sympathy and compassion, but she had similarly betrayed the only other people who could give her that, and they would all soon be dead because of her weakness.

Cat was not worried about her own safety. The cords that held her wrists to the post were already fraying. Once free, she would have no trouble disappearing and escaping to wherever she wanted to go. Jak and the others were not so fortunate. Even unbound and with her help, they would not get far before being caught again. She could think of no way to save them from the numerous Wolves that inhabited these lands.

There was one thing she could do, though, and the thought gave her a purpose upon which to focus her anger: kill Esseff. He was a fool to think a pack of stupid Wolves could hold her. His mistake would be apparent when she cut his throat to let his own foul heart pump his life's blood onto the ground. Thinking of revenge gave her momentary relief, but it was short lived and left her even more contrite after the euphoria faded because she knew that killing the Fox would not save the others.

"I'm sorry."

Cat's quiet admission of guilt was heard by the others in the despairing silence of their prison. The source of the statement was so incongruous with the words that it astonished and stupefied everyone, Airy most of all.

"What did you say?" Airy finally managed to ask after no one else would.

"I said I vas sorry, and I am. I vas stupid. That damn Fox fooled me completely."

Airy had vowed not to talk to Cat ever again, but Cat's honest admission of her folly softened Airy's resolve to ignore the feline. Airy even found herself sympathizing with Cat's feelings of gullibility.

"You weren't the only one that fell for his treachery. I'm just as guilty."

"No. You aren't. He tricked me on the first day ve met. I knew he vas setting this up then, but I said nothing. I thought Fox vas helping us, so I aided him to get you captured."

Always quick to anger, the fading embers of Airy's resentment towards Cat burned red-hot again like a forge super-heated by the bellows, but before she could begin to heap verbal abuse upon Cat, the sullen feline spoke again.

"I said I vould obey your orders or leave. Telling vhat I learned about the Fox was implicit in that promise. I should not have kept secrets and made my own deals. It vas stupid. I am good at taking care of myself, not others like you are. I am not leader to make such choices. You are all now in danger because of me."

The sincerity in Cat's voice made Airy pause again and silently count to ten inside her head; the flames of her fury were quenched as if doused with water. Cat sounded sufficiently repentant that Airy was willing to forgive her. She didn't have to look at either Jak or Camorra to know that they would encourage her to do just that. This time she had checked herself and kept her temper under control. Mercy and forgiveness were supporting pillars of leadership according to Jak. Now was as good a time as any to begin practicing forbearance.

"Do you truly mean that?"


"Then help us escape."

"I vill do vhatever you ask, though I think it is hopeless."

"If only we could get free of these bonds, we'd have some hope."

Cat stood up and absently rubbed her wrists. From the post behind her hung the severed leather straps of her restraints.

"That is not problem. Problem is ve cannot all escape. There are too many Volves."

Astonished by the nonchalant ease with which Cat had freed herself, Airy stuttered in confusion.

"How...How did you do that?"

Cat held her paw in front of Airy's face.

"There is much you don't know about Cats. Volves around here are just as ignorant. How many fingers on my paw?"

"Four, like all Cats I suppose."

"Correct. How many claws?"

The answer was so obvious, Airy knew it had to be wrong, but she said it anyway.


"So thought the Volves"

Cat extended her claws with a quick snap. Below her thumb, near her wrist, was a smaller dewclaw placed exactly where the Wolves had tied their bonds. By simply rubbing her wrists together, the dewclaw had gradually cut through the tough leather.

With her normal claws, Cat sliced Airy's bonds and together they freed the others. Though they were no longer tied, Airy ordered that everyone stay near their posts in the event the Wolves returned unexpectedly.

As the hours wore on before Esseff's arrival, many plans for escape were proposed and debated until everyone realized that Cat was right. It was hopeless to try to sneak through the remainder of Wolf country that still separated them from their goal. There were just too many Wolves, too many miles and too much uncertainty regarding which direction they needed to go. Cat could get away but the rest didn't have a chance of not being re-captured.

In the end, the only viable plan they developed was to capture a high value Wolf hostage they could use to exchange for their own freedom. Cat assured them she could move about the camp unseen and bring back any Wolf they chose.

They were discussing how to execute their chosen plan when the door rattled. Pretending to be bound, they wrapped the cords loosely about their wrists and leaned sullenly against their posts. Esseff stepped inside accompanied by the two guards.

Cat waited just long enough for the guards to leave before immobilizing Esseff. He was unlikely to be the hostage they needed, but he would know whom they should select. Cat suspected the Fox was deep in the Wolves' councils.

While Cat threatened Esseff with death, Jak moved to the door to listen for the guards and to be ready to give warning if they decided to return. Airy squatted down next to the restrained Fox.

"Tell me why I shouldn't let Cat kill you."

Esseff struggled, but Cat had not loosened her grip on his snout. He was effectively mute.

"If Cat lets you speak, will you betray us to the guards?"

The fox shook his head.

"I don't think I can trust you. Know that you are dead if you call out."

Esseff fought to break free, but Cat was far too strong for him. Airy was unsympathetic to his struggles and failed attempts to speak in his own defense.

"How does it feel to be imprisoned, to have your freedom taken?"

A nod from Airy instructed Cat to release Esseff's snout enough so he could speak. His mouth opened as if to shout, but he drew a long breath instead. After repeating this several times, he kept his voice low even though he was angry.

"It feels like shit, Princess, as you are well aware, and in answer to your first question, you should not kill me because I am worth far more to you alive than dead."

"For now perhaps. We have a plan to escape from here, and you will help us if you want to live."

"Escape? You can't get away."

"Cat is going to capture a hostage for us to use to trade for our release. You will provide the identity of an appropriate hostage."

Esseff was silent for a moment as he looked back and forth between the eyes of his two tormentors.

"Ok. That is not a bad plan, but it won't work here."


"The new chief, Bear, isn't going to care about the life of any hostage you can take. He isn't the sentimental type. Executing you and your friends is worth more to him. His hatred of all non-Wolves will make the sacrifice easy for him."

"Then Cat can capture Bear."

"Even she isn't strong enough to make him go where he doesn't want to go. She would have to kill him, and that would bring instant death to all of you."

"It's still our best chance unless you have something better to offer in exchange for your rotten, treacherous, little life. Cat tells me that you had planned to bring us to the Wolves all along. Is that true?"

"It is, though I had hoped it would be a voluntary meeting by all parties. This is your chance to make Allies of the Wolves. Bear does not know who you are yet and would not listen to my arguments concerning your importance to his pack. By convincing the other chiefs present that you are potentially valuable to them, they in turn coerced Bear to listen to what you have to offer. You can thank me any time for that. Those other chiefs are only hear because I had them brought here. Though it will gall her to do so, Cat can verify what I just said."

Cat's expression of loathing and impending murder did not vary and Airy gave no indication she was in the mood to thank Esseff for anything, so he pressed on.

"You must convince them that they should help and not kill you. When you are queen, you can end the feud and offer the Wolves assistance and tools to improve their lives. It's a mutually beneficial relationship. No sane person can deny that. We have until dusk to develop a bargaining strategy to make the Wolves see reason. I suggest we get started immediately."

As always, the Fox's argument made sense and was delivered persuasively, but Airy was not completely mollified.

"You surrendered us against our wills to our enemies without any advance preparation expecting us to bargain for our lives and then become instant friends and allies? That was your plan?"

"Well, you could say it that way I suppose, but..."

"You idiot! Cat, I've changed my mind. Kill him."

Claws snicked out of Cat's finger sheaths and dug into Esseff's throat.

"Don't do that please...urk!"

Cat squeezed harder making him choke and gag. Any sympathy she had harbored for their betrayer was gone. Airy, though was still willing to listen to what the Fox had to offer. Her position was precarious enough that she could not afford to ignore any possible help.

"Why should I let a traitor like you live?"

"I'm...gasp...not a traitor. I'm trying to help you."

"You're helping yourself."

"That's true, also benefit."

Esseff's lips began to turn blue as he fought for air. Watching the Fox suffer was pleasant for Cat, but Airy made a subtle gesture for Cat to ease up. Cat defied Airy's command for a few seconds then obeyed by relaxing the pressure slightly on his throat. Esseff sucked in a ragged breath and swallowed the spit in his mouth.

"A dead Princess does me no good. I want you, no need you, alive and safe."

"You have a strange way of showing that, Fox. We're prisoners now and likely all dead because of you."

Reminded of Esseff's deceit, Cat tightened her grip again. Strangling sounds were the only response from the suffocating Fox. Revenge was satisfying, but Airy needed help more. Airy put her paw on Cat's wrist.

"As much as I enjoy controlling how and when he speaks, I think we should hear him out. Let go of his throat, Cat, but hold tightly to the rest of him."

Cat did as she was asked. Esseff gulped for air. After several deep breaths, he managed to speak again.

"I know you think what I did was wrong...and it feels like a betrayal, but I am not your enemy. Dubious ally, maybe. I admit that, but even if my character and motives are in doubt, killing me ensures your own death. You have no choice but to negotiate with the Wolves.

"Because you took away our choices."

"You never had any other choices. This was the safest path. Your preferred route through Rikifur would have got us all killed. It is in the Anti-Royalist's best interest that you stay dead. The Wolves can benefit from having you alive. I can help convince them of that. They trust me."

"I can't imagine why."

"Alright. I deserved that, but the Wolves trust me for the same reasons you should. I will get results."

Airy was silent. Everyone else followed her lead and said nothing, awaiting her decision. The light but threatening presence of Cat's claws against Esseff's pelt were reminders of the precariousness of his situation. He had expected the Princess to react badly but had not prepared himself for Cat's ability to escape her bonds and set the others free. He wished he had brought Mislei and Glic to this meeting, but it was too late now. His survival depended on the reasonableness of a hotheaded Princess and a murderous Cat with an injured pride. He had gambled his life and lived before but against odds like this, never. Thus, his relief over Airy's reply was profound.

"You've tricked me before, but I'm not so witless that I can't see your value. You get to live for now, but your fate is tied to ours. We live - you live. We die - you die. I can't think of a better way to ensure that you are working for me than by forcing you to work to save yourself. You will stay with us, in our care, until this is resolved one way or the other."

A wicked smile formed on Airy' face.

"And Cat will be your caretaker."

Low growling in Esseff's ear emphasized Cat's lingering resentment over her own capture. Esseff regretted that, vowing to do whatever was necessary to earn back her trust.

To Cat, he said, "I was promised you would be left free. The change in leadership here left me just as betrayed as you. I never meant to hurt you."

Her claws bit into his pelt bringing forth small droplets of blood. Esseff winced from the pain. Obviously, it was going to take more time and effort to earn that trust than he had today.

"Vhy should I believe liar like you?"

"Arrhh! You all need to get over hating me. We don't have time to waste on hurt feelings. Only by working together can we succeed. Tie me up; have Cat sit on me. I don't care. I already share your fate. If the Wolves don't kill me along with you, my own kind surely will."

Airy had suspected that Esseff was acting independently from his own government. At last, the stress of their situation was finally making him reveal a few secrets. She felt no remorse over pressing her advantage to learn whatever she could about him.

"Why would other Foxes want to kill you?"

Esseff sighed and shook his head.

"Because I'm not a diplomat, but you know that already. What I really am is a spy."

A few surprised looks followed that admission, but Airy didn't even blink. Esseff was certain she wasn't going to be satisfied with anything but the truth, so he elaborated on his vocation.

"Being a spy means I am a professional thief and liar. I have broad latitude to pretend to be who I need to be. A diplomat is one of my personas. In that role, I have reason to meet with people and discuss topics that would otherwise be denied a person of my lowly status. What I don't have is the authority that most diplomats have to make treaties, set policy of any kind for my government, or...negotiate with people of your rank."

Esseff's ears drooped, and his body went limp under Cat as he began to cast aside the veils of his secrecy. His manner was part honesty and part acting. Airy would get her answers, but Esseff was too accustomed to deception to reveal everything about himself. He would only give away what was necessary to convince Airy, and no more than that.

"You certainly made a lot of promises to me that approach the level of treaty and policy."

"That is why they will kill me if I fail. What I did runs counter to my standing orders. I know my government would have wanted me to take you directly to Feneval. I could have done that. I have agents among the northern Wolves. Instead of contacting you and offering to lead you to freedom, I was duty bound to have you captured and taken to Feneval."

"This doesn't feel much like freedom to me."

"We are at the last hurdle between you and your supporters of the Princess Cult. Once we convince the Wolves that they should help you, you will be as safe as you can be in these troubled times and closer to your throne than you would have been in my country. Instead of threatening to kill me, you should be thanking me for defying my own government."

Airy was in no mood to thank the Fox for anything.

"Why did you do it?"

"Because I have a superior plan - one that is better for everyone, including myself."

"And that plan includes me reaching my supporters alive?"

"It does."

"Why did you deliver us to the Wolves then? You heard those guards. They intend to kill us."

"Because we couldn't get to your Princess Cult without being discovered by the Wolves that live here, and you would not have surrendered easily, Princess, if we had tried."

That was true. Airy admitted it to herself but let Esseff continue.

"There would have been a fight. Though small in numbers, you are a formidable group. Clever duplicity and surprise was needed to take you without a struggle."

Esseff paused hoping for some sign that Airy was beginning to appreciate his efforts. His questioning gaze was returned with stony contempt. There was no prospect of finding compassion in Cat's eyes, so he concentrated on convincing Airy and the others.

"Once in Feneval, my government would have kept you a prisoner ransoming you to the highest bidder hoping for concessions and favorable treaties from whichever side they think will win the civil war. They would free you only because they know that both sides in Rikifur would have you put to death. Under no circumstances would they consider restoring you to your throne. Civil war in Rikifur is seen as a boon to the rulers of my country. They firmly believe a weak Rikifur can be conquered."


"I agree, Princess, but nonetheless, they believe it. They do so for one reason that I have not revealed to you. Even though this secret will not keep for much longer, I have been forbidden to reveal it. To do so is a death sentence for me in Feneval. At great risk to my own life, I am going to reveal it to you because I want you to see that I am indeed your ally."

The attention of everyone in the room was already his, but Esseff paused for dramatic effect anyway.

"Our greatest secret is that we have stolen your greatest secret - steel."

Only the news of her father's death and the civil war had shocked Airy more than this revelation.

"No. I don't believe it."

"It's true. My blade is Feneval made. If you examine it closely, you will see how it differs from Rikifur steel."

Cat used her free paw to draw the Fox's blade and handed it to Airy. Many blades had undergone her inspection during her service in the military in Rikifur. Esseff's had a different shape and color to it than any she had ever seen before. Unless, the manufacturing process had changed substantially during her absence, this blade had not been made by her kind.

"How did you uncover the secret? Even I don't know it."

"That's because you play by the rules, Princess. Spies like me break them. Extortion, bribery, torture and theft are all part of my toolkit. In fact, I helped uncover a portion of the manufacturing process myself. Feneval has already begun making our own steel weapons and trading them to the Wolves."

It felt good to brag about his exploits to someone other than Mislei and Glic. Pride radiated from the Fox.

"I really am an excellent spy. You should keep me on your side instead of killing me."

"Stealing our greatest secret and giving weapons to our enemies doesn't put you on my side."

"At the time of the offence, no, but today, our interests are aligned."

"How can I believe that you would defy your own government?"

"Are, you really that naive, Princess? The kinds of people who make the best spies are liars, killers, rule breakers and con artists; people like me that are loyal to no one but themselves. We are dangerous but necessary creatures. You are right not to trust me completely and always, but don't be a fool and assume that I am a loyal servant of my government. I have motives and reasons for all the actions I take, but blind obedience to others is not one of them."

Airy was not that guileless, at least not anymore, but it was important to understand this Fox if she was going to work with him. Playing innocent seemed to work as well as any other strategy to compel him to reveal more.

"What are your motives?"

Esseff was no fool either.

"You ask a lot of questions."

"Only because I seem to be getting some answers for once, or perhaps it's because you know you're dead if you don't answer them."

"Well said. Here is the truth, then. I am nothing in Feneval. We have a strict class system, and I was born to the lowest level. It is nearly impossible to advance to a higher class on merit and hard work alone. To do so, I must be found worthy by my betters and sponsored into a higher caste. You might think that delivering you to my government would accomplish that, but you would be wrong. If I had brought you to Feneval, I would have been rewarded generously with coin, but it would not have earned me class advancement. Capturing valuable assets like you is part of my job as are many much less savory tasks. The reward would, of course, have made me as rich as royalty among my peers, but who wants to be the king of shit?"

Esseff answered his own question.

"Not me, so I am gambling what little I have, which is nothing but my miserable life, that I can help put the rightful queen of the most powerful nation in the West back on her throne, and once there, I am gambling that she will reward the one who helped her. If I am lucky, she will insist that I be the only ambassador from Feneval with whom she will treat to implement sweeping reforms to the benefit of my people. Ambassadors, you see, can only come from the highest class. Make me your sole ambassador and you propel me to the heights of society. That is my motive, Princess."

"You have assumed a lot concerning my future generosity."

"It is an outrageous gamble, I admit, but the potential payout is too great for me to have passed up this singular opportunity."

Esseff suspected that the Princess would persist in questioning him all day, but he was unwilling to say any more. There were still things about himself he didn't want her to know, but more importantly, time didn't allow it.

"There. I have answered your questions, and explained my motives and actions. There is no denying that I brought you by the safest possible course to your loyal followers. I don't expect your thanks, at least not yet. I do expect you to be smart enough to see that working with me is your best chance of getting home alive. We have a lot to discuss and plan if we are to bargain successfully for our lives, and there is not much time. I will say no more in my defense. Kill me now, or work with me. Decide."

Airy stared at the Fox in silence after he issued his ultimatum and closed his mouth. She still did not agree that when they had first met there had been no better alternatives to being captured by the Wolves, but all of that was irrelevant now. She was here, and escape was what mattered now. Two choices were available to her: work with Esseff to negotiate their release, or try to escape. She had Cat, who might be able to clear a path for them to get free of this village, but what then? Even with Esseff leading the way, the Wolves would pursue them. Superior numbers and familiarity with the terrain would allow their captors to overtake them before they could get far.

Despite the low probability of success, her instincts goaded her to run and fight as necessary. Prudence born of maturity tempered her impulse. The soundest course was clear: negotiate with the Wolves and attempt escape later if that failed. It galled her, but she checked her pride. She would work with the unpleasant spy for the moment.

"You win, Fox. We'll all work together to give diplomacy a chance. Tell us what you propose and we'll show you a few secrets that may help make the Wolves our friends."

When Esseff called, Salmon and Glory entered to find the prisoners securely tied to their posts. Esseff was sitting on the floor next to Cat.

"We are ready. I shall be accompanying the prisoners."

Salmon shrugged unconcerned and remained standing silently in the doorway as the scar-faced female left. A dozen more Wolves armed with spears soon returned with her to collect the prisoners and lead them to their trial in a circular earthen arena at the bottom of an arc-shaped slope that formed a crude but large amphitheater. After being led into the center of the circle, they were instructed to sit on the ground.

With the majority of the pack attending and warriors in abundance, there was no possibility of escape and thus no reason for the prisoners to be bound. The leather straps tied about their wrists were removed except for Esseff, who had not been tied, and Cat, who might as well not have been. Having already freed herself from restraint on the short walk from their prison, Cat handed the shredded remains of her bonds to Salmon's mate, Glory, and dared her with a stare to do anything about it. The Wolf bitch opened her mouth briefly as if to call out in alarm, then smiled and winked knowingly at Cat. Shaking her head and chuckling in admiration for the audacity of the feline warrior, she joined her pack mates in leaving the arena to stand as guards on its perimeter.

This was an event not to be missed. All the Wolves of Border Pack, some of their neighbors, and the warriors who had accompanied their chiefs from neighboring packs were seated cross-legged and shoulder-to-shoulder filling all the available seating. An overflow crowd stood at the top and the sides of the slope. Even the pups had been brought. Many juveniles scampered about or were held in their parent's arms or laps. The guards that surrounded the sides and back of the circular arena had their backs against a crude wall made from sharpened wooden posts set butt end into the ground. Each guard stood ready with a torch to light carefully prepared piles of wood that would illuminate the spectacle. Benches had been placed behind the prisoners so that Airy and her group sat between the audience and the places reserved for their judges.

When the sky darkened past twilight, the fires were lit, and the previously talkative crowd became eerily silent. Several tense minutes passed before seven distinguished and intimidating Wolves entered the ring. The new arrivals all took seats on the benches except for the largest, and he was truly huge. His name was Bear, so called because in size, he was more akin to an ursid than a lupine. He was the new chief of Border Pack.

Bear moved away from his fellow chiefs to take control of the arena by placing himself between the crowd and the outsiders. His fur was reddish brown everywhere except the tips of his ears and tail, which were white. A necklace strung with animal claws, teeth and bits of horn hung from his neck serving as a decorative trophy rack of the animals he had killed with his bare paws. Mountain lions, bears and other large creatures were represented there attesting to his physical prowess, but the display was unnecessary. At over seven feet tall and well muscled, he was unpretentiously intimidating. His biceps were the size of a normal warrior's thighs.

Oratory was not his strength, but he didn't need words to have his way. His vast strength allowed him to get what he wanted through physical force and intimidation as a rule. Raising his mighty arms in the air, he flexed his muscles. The crowd cheered their approval for the chief that no one dared challenge. Their applause was loud, but when he wanted silence, his own deep, thunderous voice brought them to heel.

"Tonight we have six strangers caught trespassing in our territory."

He pointed at each of the prisoners in turn, as he listed their species. He had never bothered to ask for their names.

"A Horse, a Cow, a Skunk, a Cat, a disgraced Wolf..."

Wolves who helped Rabbits were hated as much as their traditional enemies. Growls and murmurs of disapproval briefly interrupted Bear, but his voice easily dominated the noise.

"...and a Rabbit."

Louder and more hostile comments and shouts followed Airy's mention. Bear paused to let them vent their rage. It was an anger he shared. Rabbits were the enemy and always had been. In his mind, as with most of his pack mates, there was no reason to show the long-ears any courtesy, even as prisoners. He had only let them live this long because the Fox had insisted on this public gathering, and Feneval was a valuable ally that had helped save the Wolves of the West from annihilation. Even Bear would not lightly throw aside their advice or demands. Besides, a trial and subsequent execution of the trespassers was a good show that would improve morale and make him more popular. Bear had been anticipated this evening's entertainment as much as his pack.

"It has always been our law that Rabbits and those who aid them be put to death on sight in our lands. Only because of the request of our Feneval allies, in particular the Fox, Esseff, have I suspended that rule. The Fox says we should not kill these intruders because they have something to offer. He claims that they are here to help our pack, to help all Wolves."

Sarcasm stained Bear's last words. Light, mocking laughter followed the unbelievable statement.

"When have Rabbits ever helped us?"

Enthusiastic shouts of "Never!" answered.

"The Fox also invited chiefs from six other packs to hear what these strangers have to say: Storm Cloud of Raven Pack, One Ear of Spirit Pack, Sundance of Long Fang Pack, Hawkeye of Midnight Pack, Stargazer of Ice Pack and Rush of Waterfall Pack."

Each of the chiefs solemnly nodded his head to the audience when his name was spoken. Though Bear recited their names with the respect they were due, it was clear from his expression and demeanor that he did not welcome them without reservation.

"To you chiefs I say welcome. You may listen. You may question the prisoners and speak your minds tonight as part of this trial, but remember that this is Border Pack territory. The prisoners were captured in Border Pack land by Border Pack warriors. I am chief here. That makes their fate mine to decide. I will hear and respect the thoughts of my fellow chiefs, but the final decision is mine and mine alone."

Jubilant cheers accompanied his assertion. Several of the visiting chiefs nodded their agreement, but the majority of Bear's peers frowned in disapproval of his blunt and draconian declaration. That small visual display of opposition was all they would offer since Bear was being consistent with Wolf custom and law. It was his right to dispense justice within his territory.

"Also let it be known that these strangers were captured as a group, and will be sentenced as a group. Though they may be from different lands and be of different peoples, they have admitted to be acting under the leadership of this Rabbit..."

Growls and hisses again accompanied the mention of their ancient foe.

"...Including this Wolf."

While never taking his gaze from his audience, Bear pointed to Jak with one massive paw. The statement was meant to incite the crowd further. They responded with howls, barks, growls and shouts of "Traitor!" and "Bunny friend!"

After allowing them time to expel their hostility, he motioned for them to be silent. Obedience was instantaneous.

"Our ally, the Fox named Esseff, who helped us capture these trespassers, has chosen to stand with the strangers to make their case before me and share their fate."

An abrupt change came over the audience. Stunned silence was followed by quiet whispers of astonishment. Many had wondered why the Fox was seated on the ground with the others instead of on the benches with the chiefs. Foxes were known to have diplomatic relations with Rikifur and be fickle sometimes in their loyalties, but until now, they had always sided with the Wolves. The audience was distressed to see a Fox openly helping their foe and their whisperings grew louder.

Bear's voice rolled over their hushed but growing exclamations like a storm driven wind snuffing their voices out like candle flames.

"Silence! Because it amuses me, I have agreed to allow a trial to determine their fate. Their crime is proven and self-confessed, so there is no need for me to make a case against them. Instead, they must make their case for mercy to me. I and the other chiefs will listen to each in turn and ask questions as we desire, but when the prisoners have had their say, I, and I alone shall judge."

Before Bear could yield the stage to the captives, one of the visiting chiefs stood. He was by many years the eldest of the chiefs, and though healthy, seemed far beyond the age past which most chiefs could no longer successfully defend a challenge. His name was Stargazer, and his pack loved and respected him too much to throw him out. The attention of the pack focused on him as he rose and cleared his throat.

"Bear, great leader of Border Pack, first and utmost of the protectors of the Packlands, I beg leave to speak."

Flattered by the stranger's praise, Bear nodded his acquiescence.

"My gratitude to you, mighty Bear. Though I have been chief of Ice Pack for many seasons, I suspect that I am unknown to many of you. My people live far to the north in a harsh land where winter is long, but our enemies are far away. We are preoccupied with survival over war, and extend our thanks to your pack and the other packs that neighbor Rikifur, for forbearing the brunt of our ageless feud."

Stargazer was sincere and spoke eloquently with patience and easy familiarity as though he were speaking to his own family. The Wolves in attendance responded with smiles and happy barks.

"Unlike the other visiting chiefs, I was not sought out by our Fox ally to participate in this gathering. I happened to be visiting with Waterfall Pack when the request to attend an urgent meeting of chiefs arrived there. Strange thoughts and portents that had troubled me for months were reawakened when I learned of this summons. A certainty that something momentous was developing gripped me and made me beg Rush to allow me to accompany him here. The moment that I first saw the prisoners, I knew in my heart that they had the power to change our destiny."

Though respectfully spoken, a thoughtful disagreement hovered at the edge of his words.

"Why are they important? How did I know that? My sleep has been troubled by recurring dreams. In these dreams a great Wolf returns from the spirit world, sent by the Maker herself, Olivia!"

Great consternation erupted in the audience. It was mirrored by all of the seated chiefs except Rush. Bear's brow lowered, and he looked upon Stargazer with wary suspicion, wondering at his intent.

"I know that it is vulgar and offensive to speak her name aloud, but what I say is true. I knew nothing of these strangers before their arrival here, and yet in my dreams they appeared exactly as you see them now: a Wolf, a Rabbit, a Skunk, a Horse, a Cat and a Cow. Even the six feral wolves that accompanied them were in my dream."

Stargazer walked as he spoke until he was in front of and facing Jak. Their eyes met, and there was recognition behind the old Wolf's stare that Jak suspected was Olivia's doing.

"This Wolf may be an outcast. He may have fallen low to join such company, but I believe that he has been sent by Olivia herself to be our greatest chief and also as a token of her renewed love for us, her children. In my dream the Maker told me that this Wolf will lead us to our rightful place in this world and to peace with the Rabbits."

Chaos exploded within the crowd. Even Bear had difficulty restoring order, but once he had it, he expressed his displeasure with Stargazer's speech.

"Bah! What are dreams but stories in our sleep. I dream of many things that don't come true."

The huge chief of Border Pack loomed over the more diminutive chief of Ice Pack as he spoke. Though Bear clearly wanted Stargazer to be silent and take his seat, the elder Wolf was not cowed.

"I agree that many dreams are non-prophetic, but that is not always the case. Mine have been different. Before I retake my seat, let me offer this proof. No one has yet introduced the prisoners by name and I have not been allowed to meet with any of them. The Maker, however, gave me their names in my dream. The Wolf is named White Paw, the Skunk is Tigan, the Cow is Camorra, the Horse is Jorveth, the Cat is simply Cat..."

Stargazer paused to draw breath before delivering the most important name of all.

"...and the Rabbit is the Princess Airiphryone - the long missing, yet rightful heir to the throne of Rikifur."

As though a rock had struck a hornet's nest, swirling and noisy confusion ensued. Bear was stunned into silence by the revelation. Control of the crowd had transferred to Stargazer, who held his paw up for silence and received it.

"This is the knowledge and these are the tidings that have disturbed my sleep over the last moon. What disturbs your sleep, Bear?"

A trace of anxiety clouded Bear's face, but it was short lived and missed by all except Stargazer and a few of the captives. Esseff caught the change and quickly whispered with glee in Airy's ear.

"Stargazer is helping make our case for us. Who told him our names? I wish I had thought to plant that information."

Like Jak, Airy believed Stargazer when he attributed his visions to Olivia. Esseff didn't know the truth, and Airy wasn't going to enlighten him.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you, but you'll find out soon enough. We were right to build our defense around their superstitious nature."

Bear was too consumed with rage over Stargazer's blasphemy to notice Airy and Esseff's hushed conversation.

"What disturbs my sleep? Concern for the welfare of my Pack. Rabbit's are our enemies. They seek to destroy us. They have crossed the river and taken land that is ours. It's an invasion, and these strangers are a part of it."

"Not according to my dreams. The Maker says we have an opportunity for peace."

"Why do you or any Wolf suddenly listen to what the Maker says? Olivia abandoned us long ago, while the Rabbit's Maker gave them gifts like steel. What help should we expect from her now? She's just a ghost of the old days. Even the Rabbit's Maker has finally abandoned them. Rikifur is falling apart. Soon, they'll be weak enough for us to conquer. This is an opportunity for war, not peace. We must fight back now while our foes are divided. No feeble and uncaring god is going to do it for us. If dreams and promises are all she can send us. We don't need her."

Stargazer knew that the war that Bear preached was what most Wolves wanted. Even among Ice Pack, there were many who relished a chance to destroy Rikifur. Centuries of oppression and of scratching a living from these less fertile northern lands had imprinted a lasting bitterness in their hearts. He had to proceed carefully to have any hope of persuading any of this audience.

"It is neither my place nor my desire to argue on the Maker's behalf. It is undeniable that she has given us no help in our long struggle. Ice Pack has no more love for her than Border Pack. I only wish to urge caution in this matter and not let our hatreds and emotions cloud our judgment. Something fateful is about to occur here today. Rikifur is split asunder. The Maker speaks to her chiefs for the first time in over a thousand years. The queen of the Rabbits walks into our lands with none of her kind for protection but instead with other races as subjects including one of our own. Never before has anything like this happened. Can it be mere coincidence? I say no. We are at a cross roads, and when I say we, I mean all Wolves. Whatever is decided here will affect more than just Border Pack, so I ask humbly that we listen carefully with open hearts and minds tonight and consider all opinions before rendering final judgment."

Having said his peace and pressed his case as far as he dared, Stargazer returned to his seat. The crowd looked expectantly to Bear for his reaction. The enormous Wolf chief fumed but could think of nothing more to counter Stargazer's argument, so he proclaimed his authority again.

"We shall listen in turn to each of the strangers as agreed, and then I shall pass judgment. The Fox will speak first."

Bear sat down with the other chiefs, dwarfing them still. Receiving a nod from the giant Wolf, Esseff rose to speak. Airy and the others had agreed that he should go first. The others would follow in an order carefully scripted like a stage drama. Each one had their part to play to build to a conclusion that they desperately hoped would lead to their freedom.

"Friends, allies and, dare I say, cousins, there is much wisdom in Stargazer's words; so much so that they bear repeating. We are deciding not just the fate of one pack or one people today, but the fate of kin from which we have been sundered since the wars between our races began. It is unknown to you as it was to me a few short weeks ago, but there are circumstances evolving on the east side of the Earth Spine that affect our future. A nation named Storfay more powerful than Rikifur and peopled by Horses is conquering the East even as we speak. Your kin over there are already falling victim to their aggression. One day soon, Storfay will spill over the mountains to engulf us all.

"For centuries, you have trusted Feneval. Trust me today. Listen to what my friends and I have to say. They have firsthand knowledge of the greater threat we all face. Your long-standing feud with the Rabbits must end. Rikifur, Feneval and the Packs must unite and fight as one, or we will be conquered individually. Whether or not it comes from a Maker or from chance circumstance, we hold a gift in our paws that we should not spurn. It is the gift of peace and prosperity. If we are wise can hand down to our descendants with pride this gift.

"I know that what I say seems impossible. I know that hatred long nurtured by our past weighs heavily on us and is a burden on our judgment that we find difficult to discard. I know that what you hear tonight will be hard to believe, so I implore you to open your minds to the facts we present and to the possibilities we offer. If not for yourself, then for your pups, their pups and all who follow us. Thank you."

Esseff doffed his hat, made a sweeping bow to the chiefs and to the audience before sitting between Cat and Airy again. Cat whispered in Esseff's ear.

"That vas boring speech."

"It's not my role to be entertaining, just a familiar and trustworthy face to provide the rest of you some credibility."

"Trustvorthy? Bah!"

"We need to talk later."

"This vorks, ve talk. Othervise, you first to die."

Esseff closed his mouth and hoped they could convince Bear.

Airy rose as Esseff sat next to Cat. Despite some travel stains that would not wash out and numerous crudely mended tears, Airy proudly wore the white surcoat that she retained since the day of the eruption that set her on a course to this moment. Upon her chest was emblazoned in gold and black the emblem of her family: the sword, hammer, anvil and the paw of the Maker. She was finished hiding her identity. The Wolves had to accept or reject her for who she was. Expecting a negative reception, she was pleasantly surprised by the wary but respectful silence that preceded her speech.

"How did I come to be among you today? The Maker deemed it so. It was not by my choice. I would prefer to have remained safely at home, have my father still alive and Rikifur not be at war with itself. No sane person would have wished for these terrible things to happen, but I have come to see the wisdom and accept the destiny of the path that the Maker has set before me.

"When the volcano first erupted nearly two years ago, I was there helping repair a wall that kept the Wolves of the East from crossing over the Earth Spine into our lands. All of my subjects and friends who were there with me on that day were killed. Alone, I was driven into the East with no idea how I would ever get home again, ignorant of the things I would learn and oblivious to the changes that were possible within myself.

"I will not lie to you. When I crossed the Earth Spine, I hated all Wolves as fervently as you hate Rabbits today. I marched down the east flanks of the mountains determined to kill as many Wolves as I could before I met the death that I was certain was awaiting me there.

"Then, I met White Paw. He saved my life, and I in turn saved his. We did not become friends overnight, but by sharing a common goal, trusting each other and fighting adversity together, we became allies. Eventually, that alliance turned to friendship. I do not use the word 'friend' casually when describing White Paw. There is no one alive today, whether Rabbit or Wolf, that I would trust more with my life. We are fellow warriors who learned much together along a dangerous journey of thousands of miles. Utmost of those lessons is that our race is irrelevant to who we are as individuals. Look at the people who have volunteered to help me return to my home and to make a better world when I am queen. Does it matter to me that they aren't Rabbits? No. Each one of them has skills, talents and dreams that make them worthy allies and friends. I would not be here today without their help. They are proof that race should not be the automatic criteria that sets us apart. If I had followed the teachings of the past, I would be lost, alone and most likely dead.

"I see now more clearly than I have ever seen in my life the path that we, everyone here, must travel together. The ancient enmities that we hold for each other, if not discarded, will destroy us. My greatest foes do not sit here before me. They wear the fur of my own kind.

"I ask for your help, even your friendship, to reunite me with the Rabbits of Rikifur who support me and further, to lend me your support in recovering my throne. In return, I promise that when I, the rightful queen of Rikifur, sit upon my throne, I will devote my reign to creating a lasting peace and a shared, more prosperous future among the Rabbits, Wolves, Foxes and even the Horses of the West. I will lead my country to defeat Storfay and free the Wolves of the East. I owe that to White Paw if no one else. Join with me as White Paw has, and together we can bring about a better age. It is our common destiny as blessed by the Maker."

A range of emotions from the audience followed Airy's speech. A few smiled and nodded their agreement. Many remained hostile, but most appeared neutral or mildly skeptical. Bear sided with the hostile elements and did not hide his disdain.

"A pretty speech, but what assurances do we have that you will hold to those vows if we help you claim your crown?

"Because you will be there helping me defeat the usurpers who have stolen my crown. Wolves and Rabbits will be fighting side by side. The value of your friendship will be undeniable."

"Until we are no longer needed, perhaps. Enough, bunny! You have had your say. Let the next one speak."

Camorra stood and meekly took Airy's place.

"My name is Camorra just as the Wolf Maker revealed it to Stargazer in his dream. None of my kind live on this side of the mountains. That saddens me for two reasons. It is hard being separated from one's own kind by so many miles. Perhaps you can sympathize with me. I understand that being alone is more acutely painful for Wolves than any of the other races. The greater part of my sadness, though, is knowing that there are no other free folk of my race besides myself.

"I sympathize with your plight and the way you feel toward Rikifur. The Rabbits fight you with superior weapons and have scattered your people. I do not ask you to forget that or even to forgive it immediately, but I do ask that you consider how worse your lives could - how much worse your lives will be if you do not show wisdom and mercy tonight.

"All of the Cattle people of the East have been conquered by Storfay, and by conquered I don't mean that we lost a battle or even just a war. I mean that we have lost the freedom to control our own destiny. Everything that gave our lives meaning and dignity was taken from us. We are enslaved. I am gratified to see this concept is not practiced in the West. You should congratulate yourselves. That makes you better people and more open to respecting the rights of others. The road to finding mutual respect between Wolves and Rabbits is not so long to travel as you think.

"Let me tell you what it is like to be a slave. I was a slave before the Princess freed me. Every day and every night, I was expected to serve my master's whims whether that was cooking, cleaning, sewing or any number of menial tasks. As a slave, I was beaten and raped. I was even treated well by my last master, but never was I allowed to do anything for myself. A slave is not a person. A slave is a beast of burden to be used and tossed aside when it no longer serves a function.

"Though the Cattle folk are a peaceful people and not as adept at war as others, don't think that your prowess as warriors makes you immune from the same fate. In any race, no matter how proud, there are those who will submit and even fight for their new masters. There are already Wolves and Deer who slave for Storfay and fight in their armies. One of the greatest Storfayan Generals is a Deer named Moordenaar. There will be more like him. In the East, only Cats have remained unbroken, uncaptured, and untamable, but who can say if even they will outlast the military juggernaut that is Storfay.

"Endless battle and the enslavement of their conquered foes is the only motivation that Storfay knows. They live for the glory of battle, raising their sons on horses to perfect their fighting skills before they are mature enough to breed. They will not cease expanding and conquering until someone stops them, and the larger their empire becomes, the harder they will be to stop.

"There is much that I can say about Storfay, but I think that it is better that you hear it from one of their own. Let me introduce you to Jorveth. He is an unusual member of their kind in that he is not a warrior. Instead, he was an advisor to the Juht. The Juht is the king of all the Horses of Storfay. He is a mighty warrior, who personally leads his troops into battle just as your Wolf chiefs do. Jorveth counseled the Juht on matters such as agriculture, weapons, fighting strategies and logistical issues to make his empire stronger and to win his wars. Jorveth knows better than any person alive the capabilities and might of Storfay."

Camorra beckoned to Jorveth, who was faraway in thought. His snout was buried in his magic book giving no attention to the events around him. Tigan bumped his elbow.

"Yer turn, horsie. Git up t'ere."

Bemused at first, Jorveth quickly closed his book, but put it away carefully into one of the many pockets on his colorful Storfayan coat and ambled hesitantly over to stand next to Camorra. His eyes were cast down at the ground in an effort to avoid eye contact with the many predators that surrounded him. Camorra spoke encouragement in a low voice.

"Go ahead and tell these Wolves what we talked about earlier. They need to learn about Storfay, and you are their teacher."

Jorveth disliked being surrounded by so many predators, especially ones he suspected meant him harm, but he was comfortable lecturing students. Thinking of them as his pupils helped him find his voice.

"The warriors of Storfay outnumber you by more than ten to one. Why is that? It is because Wolves live lightly upon the land with minimal agriculture and a low population density. By counting your numbers here and extrapolating them to the entirety of the Packlands, I estimate there are at most a few tens of thousands, perhaps fifty thousand Wolves, in the West, and based on White Paw's knowledge, no more than a hundred thousand in the East. Of the fifty thousand here, perhaps half are able-bodied warriors. That is a high percentage. You have the benefit that both females and males can fight. This is not so among the Horses and Rabbits.

"However, the Rabbits of Rikifur are more numerous. The Princess tells me that there may be as many as one million Rabbits in her country. Because, except in rare circumstances, only males fight as warriors, and because of their advantage of having steel, a much smaller fraction of their population serves in the military. Their troops are highly trained, well equipped and likely number less than fifty thousand during normal times. In the current civil war, many more will have been conscripted or volunteered to fight. These auxiliary troops are generally of lesser quality than those whom serve professionally. Using intelligence gathered by Esseff, I estimate at present that one hundred twenty thousand troops may be fighting in the two main factions of the ongoing conflict with another thirty thousand present but neutral or aligned with smaller factions.

"In contrast, the Horses of Storfay number over three million because they utilize intensive agriculture to maximize their use of the land. All able-bodied males are expected to learn to ride and to fight. Because they have slaves perform the menial work, they have much of their time free to perfect their fighting skills and wage war. Storfay can easily field an army of over five hundred thousand even accounting for the need to keep some in reserve to keep their slaves in line.

"The Juht's soldiers are expert mounted archers and lancers. Traditionally, they were a divided people kept to their open plains where cavalry has a decisive advantage. Now that they are united under the Juht and have begun conquering their neighbors, they have begun developing infantry to fight in the more rugged and forested regions of Wolf and Deer country. They also now have metal weapons similar to Rabbit steel, so Rikifur has no real advantage over them in technology.

"Even if Rikifur, Feneval and all the Wolves of the West fight together as one, you will be greatly outnumbered, and Storfay grows ever larger as they expand their empire and enslave their rivals."

Jorveth's flat recitation of the overwhelming forces prompted quiet murmurings of distress and numerous worried conversations among the Wolves. Their concern seemed pointless to him since he felt he had the answer to their problem.

"I can help even those odds. I discovered and developed the science of metallurgy in Rikifur giving the Juht his steel-like weapons. I can develop more weapons that are stronger and more powerful than steel. My burning powder..."

Airy had not wanted to reveal too much of their secrets, so Camorra put her hand gently on Jorveth's arm and smiled to let him know that his turn was over and that he had done well. The Horse nodded and returned quietly to his seat, where he retrieved his book from his pocket and began reading again. Camorra spoke again.

"You can see that no race is powerful enough to fight Storfay alone. Divided, you shall fall one by one. Once the Juht has conquered all of the lands to the east, he will not rest. He knows of Rikifur and people of the West. His eye will stray to the pass where the self-destruction of the volcano has left a rent in the Earth Spine that now allows free passage in either direction.

"Civil war will leave Rikifur weak and easy prey for the more numerous and determined Horses. It is possible that a united Rikifur with the help of Jorveth's inventions may be able to defeat Storfay alone, but not unless the civil war is ended soon and the Lady Airiphryone is made Queen. Without her, the war will rage on for years weakening Rikifur to the point of helplessness. Kill us, and you will have no chance at all. Storfay will trample you under hoof.

"I was born a slave, but was set free. I will die free before becoming a slave again. I hope you feel as I do. It would be a great shame to see such proud and worthy folk as yourselves made into chattel."

Camorra bowed to the audience and to the chiefs. Anathema to their way of life, the concept of slavery repulsed and frightened the Wolves. Bear could discern by his pack's nervous body language and outraged expressions that they had been swayed by the little Cow's oration. Anger seethed in Bear's mind as he regretted letting this trial go forward.

"Wolves are not cattle," he exclaimed in a loud and firm voice. "Our warriors are brave and fight like no others. We have kept Rikifur at bay for many generations. No Wolf will ever become a slave. We are no more afraid of Horses than we are of Rabbits."

Ignoring Bear's rant, Camorra returned to her place next to Jorveth on the ground. Cat waited for the Cow to be seated before she stood and glared at Bear. She was a fellow predator, and her kind had also been displaced by the Rabbits. Disdainful of her fellow predators' reliance on each other for support and succor and their generations of pointless war, she made no attempt to utilize their common heritage to build a bridge of alliance between them. Instead, her defiant attitude, as well as her exotic appearance set her apart from everyone.

"Unlike Jak and others, I am standing here in your stupid circle by choice. You cannot cage me or stop me if I vish to escape."

Many of the guards grunted incredulously, and some mocking laughter arose from the audience in response to her bold statement. Cat's lips curled back in a snarl.

"You stupid Volves need proof? Very vell."

An explosive burst of speed put Cat at the edge of the arena before the poor guard she chose to assault was able to raise his spear in defense. Using the leverage that the warrior's weapon afforded and her own prodigious strength, she threw the male, who was now weaponless, into the she Wolf to his right. The two guards fell in a tangle of arms and legs. Cat then drove the butt of the stolen spear into the stomach of the next guard on the left forcing him to double over. The ash haft of the weapon cracked against his back propelling him snout first to the ground. Surrounded by incapacitated guards, the only remaining barrier between her and freedom was the six-foot tall fence of sharpened stakes that ringed the circular arena. With the spear as an aid, it was a trivial vault for her. She was over the top before any of the still standing guards could move to intercept her.

Like a phantom, she melded into the shadowy gloom on the other side of the wall vanishing from sight. Pandemonium erupted. Confusion and clamor that even Bear's voice had difficulty dominating consumed the proceedings. Bear's shouts for a pawful of guards to watch the prisoners while ordering others to pursue Cat were nearly extinguished. Only those guards closest to him heard and obeyed. So several minutes elapsed before an organized and systematic hunt for the feline commenced.

Despite the delay, Bear had many warriors with excellent tracking skills. There was no doubt in his mind that the Cat would soon be recaptured. Suspecting her flight was a trick to help the others escape, he stayed in the arena to watch his prisoners.

Airy and the remaining captives made no move other than to talk quietly amongst themselves. Esseff whispered to Airy.

"This wasn't part of the plan."

"And her behavior surprises you still?"

Esseff smiled. His affection and admiration towards Cat was only strengthened by her wild and willful exploits.

"No. I suppose not."

Nearly an hour passed before order was restored and the chase abandoned. Livid, Bear began berating the remaining prisoners.

"She has escaped, but my best trackers are still searching for her! She will be caught and you will be..."

His words were lost by the loud exclamations of surprise as Cat stepped from between two guards as though she had materialized out of the air. With a rough shove, she returned the spear horizontally to the guards sending them sprawling against the wall. She strode purposefully towards Bear without hesitation or concern. Other guards moved to stop her, but Bear waved them away to let Cat approach and stand before his vastness. They stood silently face-to-face; the tallest and fiercest furs present. Unperturbed by Bear's intimidating size, she spoke to him scathingly making no effort to disguise her contempt.

"Your trackers are vasting their time. I cannot be caught or tamed by you in any vay. Your threats mean nothing to me. I stay here for two reasons: to make you pay high price for trying to kill my friends and to tell you how stupid you are. Do not expect courteous or pleading words from me.

"I care not vhether you become slaves like Cows. My indifference extends to bunnies, too. My people have no more love for them than you, having suffered the same fate. I have sworn no allegiance to Rikifur or the Princess...Qveen as she now calls herself. Cats are no one's slaves. Ve live free or not at all. Be stupid and let Storfay overrun you for all I care. Cats vill remain free in the vilds of the vorld, unseen and uncaught. Ve vill no more heed Horses as rulers than bunnies.

"I tell you this truth so you know that I care not for nations, armies and empires. No Cat does. I do care for certain people, though, for whose lives I have expended great effort in saving many times. I vill not vatch them die and leave their deaths unavenged. If you kill them, I vill hunt your pack for as long as I live. A future vhere Volves of your pack disappear every week never to be found again until Horses make you slaves is vhat you shall reap. Or you could use the tiny brain in your big fat skull to comprehend the truth of vhat my friends are trying to teach to you. You need them. Believe them. If you kill them, then only Cats vill remain free, and this Cat vill never leave you at peace."

Bear glared down at Cat unsure how to deal with her insolence without resorting to violence. He had promised to let the prisoners all have their say, but this Cat was a threat to his authority. The tension was diffused by Tigan, who used the power of her ring to make an unusually bright and long lived shooting star streak across the night's sky. It had the desired effect of making everyone look up for long enough that when all eyes returned to Cat and Bear, Tigan was standing between them.

"Strange portent t'at. I t'ink it means it's my turn now, puss. Sit yerself down."

Rolling her eyes at the Skunk, Cat sauntered to her seat beside Jak and sat down if she had no care for Bear, Tigan or anyone present. Tigan ignored Cat. She was concerned about Bear, who was still ruminating over how to deal with the impudent feline. Knowing that any attempt to restrain or control Cat would only result in bloodshed, Tigan gave Bear his opportunity to back down without humiliation.

"You, too, big chief. I was promised time to say my mind same as t'e ot'ers. May I speak now?"

Grunting amicably, Bear patted Tigan on her head.

"Go ahead, little Skunk. Just don't try jumping the fence."

"Don't worry. T'is old body don't work like it used to. T'ough not everyt'ing's kaput. Maybe later I can prove it to ya."

A bony finger poked his chest as she spoke and ran teasingly down his abdomen. Laughing at her ribald jest, Bear returned to his bench without another word.

As Tigan prepared to address the audience, her thumb absently stroked the ring on her finger. She took her measure of the crowd and the ambiance of her surroundings. A subtle aura of magic and mystery was needed to prepare them for what was to follow, but first, she would begin with the basics and bond with her audience.

"Raise your right paw, please, if you've ever seen one o' my kind before."

Less than a dozen paws went up out of the more than two hundred present. Most of those were elderly, like herself. Tigan was not surprised.

"A few, eh? Skunks is more rare t'an bears so t'ey say. I'm grateful to learn t'at some of my kind dwell here in t'e West. Since your leader don't fancy Skunks, I hopes t'ere be a few young Skunk males around so I can discover if t'is old body can still produce a kit."

Light laughter accompanied her bawdy joke. Taking advantage of the congenial moment, she approached the audience to select an elderly male Wolf whose black fur was shot through with gray. He was sitting in the front row and still had his paw raised in the air. Inviting him to stand, she led him into the circle and had him turn to face the audience again with her.

"What's yer name, handsome?"

Tigan stroked his shoulders and arms seductively.

"Storm," he answered sheepishly, nervous from her attention.

"Nice name. Very powerful. Maybe you can show me some t'under and lightnin' later, eh?"

The Wolf grinned and blushed noticeably around the end of his snout.

"So, Storm, can you tell me and everyone here what is so special 'bout Skunks? What have we got t'at no one else got?"

"Prophesy?" he replied tentatively.

Standing on her toes, she stretched her small frame upward to make her head as even with his as she could and kissed him on the side of his snout.

"Good boy, Storm. T'ats right. You may sit down now, sweetie."

She gave his rear a pat as he made his way back to his seat. The crowd laughed at Storm's embarrassment until Tigan transformed the mood by delivering her next words with a shout and using her ring to enhance the glow of the fires.

"T'e gift of prophesy!"

Though minor compared to the visions she was capable of creating, the audience was awed.

"T'e future may be a mystery to you but not to me. I'm an old Skunk, and I've been seein' what's comin' for longer t'an most of you've been alive. I predicted t'e rise of Storfay and t'e conquerin' of t'e ot'er Horse lords by t'e Juht. T'at's why he made me his prophet. I told him he would unite all t'e Horses of Storfay, and he did. I told him t'at he would conquer all of t'e lands east of the Eart' Spine. T'at vision still holds true."

As Tigan spoke, she used her ring to weave faint images of Horse cavalry into the smoke and flames from the bonfires that surrounded her stage. The phantasms were vague enough and so fleeting that it was hard for anyone watching to confirm their existence or direct the attention of another to see what they were seeing.

"All of t'e future was laid bare and naked before me like t'e features of a familiar lover until t'e Princess arrived. T'en somet'in' changed. T'at's possible because t'e future ain't fixed. T'e Makers gave us t'e freedom to shape t'is world. Like a maple seed t'at lands in an empty field, one person or event can sprout and begin t'e transformation from a meadow into a forest. I saw t'at possibility in t'is small Rabbit doe. I left the Juht's service to nurture t'at seed. It's a sapling now. Will you cut it down or help it grow?"

The more observant and keen eyed observed a growing tree in the fires.

"Rikifur shall arise strong again with Airiphryone as queen, but I have seen more t'an t'at. I have seen t'e future of the Wolf people, too. I have seen clearly what is in Stargazer's dreams."

A pawful of Jorveth's magic powder went into a nearby fire. It blazed brighter and higher causing the guards to step back in alarm and the audience to gasp in astonishment. Within the resulting conflagration a giant, blood red paw appeared lasting long enough for everyone to see. Tigan turned her attention to the seated chiefs.

"Is t'is what Olivia showed you, Stargazer? Is it t'e symbol of the first and greatest of all chiefs that haunts your dreams?"

The elder chief was stricken with amazement as he nodded his assent.


"That mark was also in my dreams," added Hawkeye.

"And mine," agreed Stormcloud. All of the remaining chiefs except for Bear indicated their agreement with having had similar visions in their sleep. Bear kept his arms crossed over his massive chest and stared stonily back at Tigan revealing nothing of his dreams.

"T'en hear my prophecy!"

Tigan made the flames of all of the fires appear to grow taller and brighter.

"A chief to rule all chiefs sent by t'e Wolf Maker herself will come among you. He'll have her blessing and carry tokens of her power. T'rough him she will lead her children out of darkness and into a golden age. Disobey t'is Wolf at your peril. Doubt him to your doom."

The fires returned to normal as she finished. In the ensuing rapt silence, she bowed and returned to her seat. The stage and mood was set for the grand finale. Every eye dutifully fixed on Jak as he took his place in the center of the arena facing the audience with his back to the chiefs. He had deliberately been left for last because his part was thought to be the most important. What the others had said was vital, but each of the prisoners knew that the Wolves would only decide in their favor if Jak made them believe what he was about to assert. All of the captives' hopes for survival hinged on Jak 's ability to persuade them.

Fortunately, years of experience gave him the ability to stand tall and proud with the bearing of a chief. It was a convincing act, but an act nonetheless. Inside he felt divided and torn knowing that the performance he was about to give would doom his relationship with Airy whether it worked or not. Before the night was over, he would be dead or Olivia would have her way. Jak felt that Tigan's assertion that you could change the future was wrong. He had no other option than this thing that he did not want to do.

"I was once a chief of a pack much like this."

Jak's voice did not betray his inner turmoil. He spoke with confidence and without a trace of a lie.

"Blackrock Pack it is called, and like Border Pack our lands border Rikifur, except not at a river but where the Earth Spine divides the sky. Like you, we fought the Rabbits, and I hated them for the same reasons you do. Yet, here I am friends with the leader of our ancient enemies."

Hisses and growls were quickly stifled with a curt gesture and shout from Bear, who instinctively chafed at any insolence directed towards a chief.

"Silence! Hear what he has to say. Though outcast and fallen low, he was once a chief and is entitled to respect."

"Fallen low perhaps," added Jak, "but only to rise higher than any Wolf would ever dare. In accordance with Wolf custom, I gave up my warrior name and have gone by my birth name of Jak since my exile using it ever since. I was White Paw when I was chief, and today I take up that name again. I am White Paw."

Confused and astonished expressions stared back at him. Outcast chiefs did not become chiefs again. Custom forbade it.

"You are wondering what right a deposed chief has to use a warrior's name. I shall show you. Behold!"

Jak pulled his Maker made shirt up over his head and tossed it aside exposing the symbol Olivia had put on his chest. Still fresh in their minds from Tigan's performance, the mark of Bloodpaw created an uproar. Bear had to shout and threaten his pack to restore order. When silence reigned, Jak resumed.

"This is not a birthmark, nor is it dyed. Anyone who wants to may verify for themselves that the fur itself is red all the way down to the roots. Except for my right paw, my coat has always been black. This mark was placed on my chest by Olivia, the maker of Wolves. It is a symbol so that all will know me as her emissary sent among you to lead all Wolves to glory. She wants us to forge peace with the Rabbits and unite with them in common cause to bring about a new order where we can all live as equals. She commands that all Wolves acknowledge me as the chief of all chiefs."

Chaos consumed the gathering again. Hisses, growls and curses accompanied Olivia's name. Jak's claim was scorned. Several of the chiefs joined the audience in heckling Jak accusing him of trying to become a chief again without a fight. Bear shared their resentment, so he did nothing to quiet the commotion. He was content to let his pack vent their doubts and misgivings over Jak's claim since they mirrored his own.

It fell to Tigan to shock the assembly into silence again by employing her ring to summon a giant image of Olivia's head in the curling smoke of the fires. The Maker's watchful gaze hung there long enough for all to see it including Jak. The looming human face was shifting and nebulous. It was both alien and recognizable to them through a distant, genetic ancestral memory as it had been to Jak when he first beheld Olivia. The effect of that visage was profound. An unconscious reverential awe overcame all of the Wolves as they came to know with certainty that their Maker was present. All noise and motion ceased giving Jak the opportunity to speak again.

"Olivia is watching us now. She observes all that happens in this world and understands the common peril that all the other races share if Storfay remains unchecked. Olivia bade me tell you that she loves her children still and desires for us to be happy, strong and to take our rightful place among the other races. She cares for us and wants to help us all as she helped me. My blindness in one eye and my crippled left paw were healed by her. She made me young in body again. My true age is nearly equal to that of Stargazer. She still commands great powers and is capable of miracles. Her intent is to work her will through me."

The power of Olivia's image to mesmerize continued after it dispersed with the shifting smoke. An eerie silence reigned through the remainder of Jak's speech and after he finished. Even Bear was transfixed. It was Stargazer who rose from his seat first to inspect the blood paw stain upon Jak's chest.

"It's real. The fur is indeed red," exclaimed Stargazer.

"So what?" bellowed Bear, who had finally shaken off his primal memory induced torpor.

"Even if the mark is real, what does that prove? It's a lucky natural patterning, no more. What evidence do we have that the Maker put it there? None. This Easterner is a stranger. He could have had this mark his entire life. The same goes for his supposed new eye, paw and young body. Only his companions know if any of that really happened, and their testimony can't be trusted. As for the pictures in the fire - trickery they learned in the East."

A Wolf female older than Tigan, but still lithe and hale, rose from the front row to address the gathering. She was the Pack's Shamaness. Though white had overrun the tan fur of her youth, her posture and movements were that of one much younger in years. Her voice was soft, almost timid, and thin like an autumn wind whistling through the reeds. Those farthest away had to strain to hear her words.

"Bear speaks wisely. We cannot let a clever hoax deceive us into bowing down to Olivia again. It's worthwhile to remind ourselves, especially the youngest, of the truth. There are too many pups who fall prey to the allure of Maker worship."

The tenor of her voice changed subtly to something more akin to a chant or a song than a lecture.

"In the beginning, when the Wolves were newly made, the Maker Olivia came often among us. Wonders beyond understanding she brought and shared with her children. She fought the challenge with all the chiefs including Blood Paw, the first chief, to ensure that we would always be strong. Those were the good times, but when the wars between the races began, she abandoned us. The Rabbits received the gift of steel from their Maker. Olivia gave us nothing, and our long history of deprivation began. For generations now beyond count, we have spurned her in return. The power of the spirits of our ancestors and nature itself have given us the strength to endure and taught us that they are all that we need, all that we have ever needed."

Jak had heard this same recounting of their shared history many times in his life, but only now did he realize how unfair and inaccurate it was towards Olivia, or Ovia as the Wolves of the East remembered her name. The truth, however, was more complicated than the myth. Olivia was an unpleasant being with great powers, but she was not a god to be worshipped. Yet, despite her faults, she had fought for the children she loved and sacrificed her own lover and her own happiness for them.

It was a pity he couldn't set the record straight, but success today and in the immediate future relied on building a new myth, not on revealing the ultimate truth. Stepping between the shamaness and the crowd, Jak commanded their attention.

"It is not my place to defend the Maker's past actions or the motives behind them. Olivia is capable of defending herself. I do not doubt that she has sent me here to make up for her past failures to protect us, and yet some here still do. The intent and power of the Maker have been doubted."

Though he faced the audience, he directed his questions at Bear.

"What proof will convince you? What demonstration beyond what has already been given will be enough for you to submit to her and obey her through me?"

Bear answered Jak's challenge with a triumphant sense of satisfaction.

"A miracle! I would see here tonight with my own eyes something impossible that could only be the work of the Maker."

In their preparations for this trial, the prisoners had anticipated this moment. A display had been prepared that would utilize Tigan's gift. It was a spectacular display bringing to life beasts and heroes from legends to act out their stories as if the old days had come back to life. Unfortunately, Bear wanted more than visual tricks and stories. He wanted for himself what White Paw was claiming, and a vague idea to get it was forming in his head.

"I can think of only one appropriate miracle. White Paw claims to be the chief of all chiefs even though there has never been such a thing. He claims Olivia commands this, though the Maker has been gone from our lives for an age. He claims Olivia loves us and has the power to help. If you want to be chief, White Paw, then tradition demands that there is only one path for you: fight for it. You must win the challenge on a full moon, an easy thing for one backed by the power of the Maker."

Bear glanced up to the silver sliver of the moon then back to Jak with a wicked and satisfied grin.

"The moon is nearly empty. I will not delay this trial beyond tonight. To prove all that you claim is true, have the Maker fill the moon to show that she still has dominion over the sky. After she does that, you may then make the challenge and try to defeat myself and the six other chiefs; not one at a time, but all of us at once. Do these two things, and there will be no doubt that the Maker wields her power through you. Succeed and I will submit to you as the chief of all chiefs. Fail and you shall die. Can you do that, White Paw?"

Jak had no powers over the moon, and even if he did, he couldn't fight seven ordinary warriors at once let alone the strongest and toughest Wolves in the West. Bear had set a trap, and Jak had no choice but to step in it. To refuse meant certain death. In desperation, he looked to Airy for guidance, but he caught Tigan's look of sly anticipation instead. The Skunk bent close to Airy, whispering in her ear. The Princess' eyes went wide with astonishment and then she joined the skunk in sharing a knowing smile. Both of them nodded slightly indicating that Jak should agree to Bear's terms.

"I accept!" he proclaimed with more bravado than he felt. He had no idea what his friends were planning.

A collective gasp from the pack was the response Jak anticipated to his bold and reckless proclamation, but when he tried to meet their eyes to feign confidence, he realized that no one was looking at him. Every snout was turned up towards the night sky. Following their gaze, Jak saw the absent portion of the moon's circle steadily filling with its familiar pearly luster. Jak gave silent thanks to Olivia for her gift and to Tigan for her clever application of the Maker's technology. Trusting that the old prophet had a similar plan to help him defeat the chiefs, he continued to play his role in this bizarre charade. Jak raised his right paw to point dramatically at the moon the moment it became full.

"The condition for a challenge has been met! The moon is full as required by custom. Olivia hears your doubts and exercises her will to dispel them. Stand before me and accept my challenge to become chief of all chiefs. Olivia will deliver me to victory!"

All sound was swallowed by a gluttonous silence. Everyone stared at the leader of Border Pack as Bear struggled with this surprising turn of events. To back down now would be to admit defeat. The trick with the moon was beyond his understanding giving him reason to fear, but a challenge fight was a different matter. In a test of physical strength, endurance and fighting skill, he was supremely comfortable. He was the largest and strongest Wolf since Blood Paw. No Wolf, not even White Paw could best him. Against seven, the upstart had no hope.

Bear's fear was also supplanted by the realization that this was an opportunity that he could not forego. With so much magic and superstitious dread in the air, whoever won this challenge could take the title of chief of all chiefs. All he had to do was kill White Paw. Then he would declare that Olivia had meant all along for Bear to be her champion. The tradition of the challenge was absolute thus ensuring the acceptance by the other Wolves.

"Clear the circle of all but the chiefs and the challenger," Bear ordered his warriors.

To the other chiefs he said, "White Paw will fight all of us at once. If he wins, I will acknowledge him as my chief. Do you agree also to acknowledge him if he is victorious?"

Though several chiefs like Stargazer were reluctant, they all nodded. The non-combatants were led off the stage leaving the seven pack leaders facing Jak.

"If he loses, then we will know that he is nothing more than an outcast Wolf who is a traitor to his kind and deserving of death."

Each chief nodded again, but before Bear could signal the onset of this lopsided match, Stargazer approached Jak until he stood directly before him. The words of the challenge came to Jak's lips unbidden.

"Strong leaders make strong packs. Only the strongest among us may lead. I invoke the right of challenge to determine who shall lead. Does my opponent accept my challenge?"

Stargazer smiled as he looked upon Jak with admiration and wonder.

"White Paw, I accept your challenge, but there are no ancient rules for the position for which you are battling. If you win, you will become something that has never existed before, a king of all Wolves. I use the Rikifur word 'king' because there is no concept in our culture for this position for which you fight tonight. Some here are so certain that you will lose that they have given no thought as to what might happen to us if you win. Losers of a challenge are cast out to die, but today you are fighting to be something more than us, not to replace us. I ask, if you win, will you let us remain chiefs or must we be outcast to die?"

"I see no reason for any of you to cease being chiefs. That is not Olivia's desire. I will ask only that you submit to me."

"I have no doubt that you will win, White Paw. The evidence and testimony that you have produced thus far is enough to convince me that the Maker works her will through you. I smell no lie, and there is nothing delusional about you."

Stretching out his right arm, Stargazer covered the red mark on Jak's chest with his own paw. There was nothing magical about the contact, but the older Wolf felt a thrill of great reverence surge through his body just knowing that he stood on the cusp of historical change.

"Peace and prosperity both appeal to me. I would very much like to help you and your companions bring about a new age. Therefore, as is my right under the ancient rules of the challenge, I yield to you, White Paw, and accept you as my chief."

Stargazer briefly dropped to his knees with his snout almost touching the ground in submission before rising again and walking out of the arena circle. As Jak watched him leave, Hawkeye, the black furred chief of Midnight pack approached and similarly knelt in submission before Jak.

"I too am convinced of your divine authority and yield to you, White Paw, greatest of all chiefs."

Jak graciously accepted Hawkeye's surrender and looked to the others hopeful that more would back out of the fight. The contempt in Bear's voice was patent and meant to shame his peers into fighting.

"Any more wish to yield without a fight?"

It worked well enough that Storm Cloud was the only one to reply.

"I am also convinced of White Paws claims..."

The crowd moaned its displeasure over losing so many challengers. Storm Cloud raised his paws in the air to forestall their complaint.

"But...but I will not miss the opportunity to partake in the greatest challenge of all time. Win or lose, I shall cherish the honor for all time of having fought here tonight."

Five to one. Jak cringed inwardly hoping Tigan and Airy had a plan to save him. Bear and the other chiefs spoke the words of the challenge as he struggled for a solution to his hopeless situation. When they finished their chant, they began advancing and spreading out to surround Jak. To the astonishment of everyone including Jak, the chiefs found themselves in turn surrounded by a dozen copies of White Paw. The effect was more astonishing than the alteration of the moon. Several Wolves in the front row retreated to a higher level, and the guards on the perimeter of the fight circle pointed their spears inward in fear.

It was an impressive deception, but Jak knew from having seen Tigan perform with her ring, that his doppelgangers had no substance and no ability to harm his opponents. Their value was in distraction and confusion. They proved to be extremely adept at that task. Moving independently while dodging in and out, Tigan's phantoms were able to force the anxious chiefs apart so that they would be easier for Jak to pick them off one at a time. A great reluctance to interact with the apparitions overcame two more chiefs; Sundance and Rush, convinced by this new miracle, both dropped down in supplication to yield to Jak.

Jak accepted their acquiescence then began working to reduce their numbers further. Four or more White Paws now opposed each chief. Because they hadn't yet realized that only one version of Jak could physically harm them, they fought defensively, trying not to let themselves be surrounded. Not even Bear had struck at one of his illusory opponents before the real Jak acted.

Jak selected Storm Cloud as his first victim. Moving in fast from behind while the gray and white Wolf was distracted by the duplicates, Jak clubbed him to the ground with his fists and pinned him there with his claws at his throat.

"Yield," Jak whispered into the chief's ear. "Olivia does not wish your death. You are a strong and worthy chief. Pledge yourself to me."

"I yield, White Paw. I already believed in you and the Maker. Please grant me her favor."

"I will, if I survive this."

Jak released Storm Cloud and quickly rejoined his clones. Storm Cloud supplicated himself before the nearest version of White Paw before ambling off the stage to join his fellow defeated chiefs. The extra Jaks let him pass. Bear meanwhile had become furious and impatient with the lack of physical contact with his tormentors. Not caring how many opponents he had, he charged the nearest one and ran through it before Tigan could move it out of the way. Recovering rapidly from the shock, he struck out and hit several more, his massive paws passing through them, too.

"One Ear," he yelled to his sole surviving ally. "They're nothing but ghosts and shadows to confuse us."

Emboldened by Bear's success, One Ear kicked at a White Paw duplicate with similar results. Jak hesitated before striking again. If he attacked now, his opponents would know which version was real and ignore the others to team up against him. They might even realize they could defend each other. Jak had to act quickly before they thought to fight back to back.

Bear was the more dangerous of the two opponents. Jak doubted whether he could defeat the mammoth Wolf alone. With One Ear remaining in the fight, there was certainly no hope. His opponents had to be reduced to one. Though still a seasoned and capable fighter, One Ear was the weaker of the two remaining chiefs, so Jak committed himself to a brutal assault to take him down.

A high, roundhouse kick from behind caught One Ear on the earless side of his head. The blow stunned him, making him an easy target for a low, follow on sweep of Jak's leg that lifted One Ear off his hindpaws to land hard on his back. Jak had no desire to kill his opponent, but he needed him unconscious or injured badly enough that he couldn't fight. Another kick to the head made the battered Wolf black out briefly, but before Jak could pin One Ear down and demand his surrender, Bear recognized the danger and attacked Jak from the side.

Reluctantly, Jak retreated to escape a series of reckless but powerful swings of Bear's fists. If Jak let Bear connect with even one of those punches, he would likely find himself face down in the dirt like One Ear, who, to Jak's dismay, was slowly recovering and rising to his hindpaws again. Jak could not afford to allow Bear to hinder him from finishing the dazed Wolf, so he weaved and dodged within a cluster of his mirror selves until the hulking Wolf became confused again.

As quickly as he dared, he reengaged the alert but unsteady One Ear. Jak punched him repeatedly from behind in the lower back hard and fast. When the beleaguered chief turned to face his tormentor, Jak kicked the side of his knee. The strike dropped One Ear to the ground allowing Jak to slam his fists against both sides of the downed Wolf's head. It was a powerful strike that should have ended the fight for One Ear, but Bear had divined Jak's strategy and raced through and past the imaginary White Paws, to defend his helpless ally by engaging Jak.

This time Bear kept his eyes fixed on the real Jak, ignoring the illusions. Tigan did her best to make them look and act just like Jak, but the novelty and shock of Tigan's illusion was wearing off, stripping Jak of his only advantage. Bear pursued Jak without error. Jak derived what solace he could from observing that One Ear was taking much longer to stand up this time. If Jak could just get him alone again, he was certain he could put him down for good. Instead, he was being chased and worn down by Bear, while his second adversary regained his strength. This was becoming a losing game for Jak, so in a desperate attempt to distract Bear, Jak took a gamble and closed with the giant.

The unexpected action worked. Too late, Bear realized the real Jak was coming at him. His mighty paws found air where Jak had been, and Jak's fist found the side of Bear's snout. The blow was formidable enough to make Bear close his eyes and shake his head to clear away the stars and dancing lights that clouded his vision. The blindness was fleeting but long enough so that when he regained his focus, Bear found more than a dozen white Paws who all looked the same.

Jak wished the avatars obeyed him rather than Tigan so he could better coordinate their actions. Bear had now placed himself alongside One Ear and only struck at a White Paw if it came in reach. Still, Tigan had been watching the fight carefully, was present at the Aarosht, and knew enough about brawling to mimic Jak's fighting style and mannerisms and give him the opening he needed. Jak followed several of his doubles in a fake attack upon One Ear while many more harassed Bear. Tired and battered, One Ear was swinging slow and lurching off balance each time he struck air instead of fur. Jak easily caught him by surprise again delivering lightning jabs to his snout and solar plexus. Jak spun One Ear part way around so his side was exposed to Bear's back and locked his arms around the dazed Wolf's chest and arms pinning him. It was a risky move, but One Ear either had to go voluntarily or be carried out by warriors.

Bear anticipated the attack, as Jak suspected he would, and rounded on the pair intent on delivering a knockout blow to Jak's head. All of Bear's strength was packed into that punch. There was no recalling it or changing its trajectory, which was what Jak wanted. Though Jak's arms were occupied leaving no way to block the hammer arcing towards his head, he was able to turn One Ear just far enough towards Bear that the hapless Wolf took the full force of the blow. One Ear's body was ripped from Jak's arms, and Bear ended the attack exposed and off balance.

Jak pressed in relentlessly, hammering the brute with all of his strength driving the giant backwards, but it wasn't enough. A lesser Wolf would have collapsed under the assault, but Bear shrugged the blows off and made a grab for Jak. Being pinned in Bear's embrace meant certain defeat. Jak was forced to jump back out of Bear's reach but too far away to press his own attack.

Jak had felt a portion of the impact of the blow that felled One Ear. His opponent's strength was formidable. To give himself time to think of a strategy to defeat Bear, Jak melded into the swarm of White Paws once again.

One Ear was still alive but unconscious. Several warriors dragged him from the arena leaving just Jak, Bear and the dozen images of White Paw. With only two adversaries remaining, some normalcy returned to the challenge. The spectacle had thrilled the crowd and given them an experience that would never be forgotten, but everyone watching knew that the real battle was just beginning. Bear was young and only recently a chief, but his strength and fighting prowess were legendary even among neighboring packs. Barring a premature death, Bear would be chief for many seasons. It was doubtful anyone would dare step forward to challenge him until he was old and failing. Even with the power of the Maker behind Jak, the question on everybody's mind, including his friends, was how White Paw could possibly defeat such an opponent.

Jak pondered the same thought. He had fought many Wolves in his life, but never one as massive and strong. It would be like fighting Isven; a nearly impossible feat. A weakness was needed that Jak could exploit, but he had not found one. Every blow he landed met hard, muscular resistance and seemed to do nothing to hurt the giant. The duplicates were no longer of much use other than to give Jak a chance to attack from behind as surprise. Little advantage was gained from that since the instant he made contact, Bear would know who to hit.

"Your magic trick was impressive, White Paw, but I will waste no more energy fighting these shadows."

Bear understood the fight was now his to win. He was glad the other chiefs were out of the fight. Soon, they would bow to him as the chief of all chiefs.

"Dismiss them, and meet me one on one as is proper. I believe now that the Maker did send you here, but you still need to prove you are her chosen one by defeating me. I will not yield or retreat. Perhaps Olivia will recognize me as her champion. There is only one way to find out. Fight me."

Despite the miracles and tricks Tigan had produced, Jak realized that Bear had found an opportunity to contend for the title of King of all Wolves. If Jak were to lose this fight, Bear would have a credible claim under the rules of the challenge. Once king, he would be impossible to dislodge. That wouldn't be so bad if only Bear were willing to accept peace with Rikifur. Jak could yield to a Wolf with the wisdom to do what was right, but Bear was not that Wolf. He was a fighter and clever, but he relied too much on his strength and not enough on his wits. The giant was correct about one thing, though; Jak could no longer hide behind his own ghostly images. Further use of Tigan's trick would make him appear cowardly, so Jak steeled himself for the most difficult fight of his life.

Making eye contact with Tigan, who was the only one present who knew which White Paw was real, he nodded to her. She returned his gesture with a look of surprise and alarm. Jak nodded again, and the duplicates dissolved away one by one until only Jak remained. Airy responded to the disappearance of the phantom Jaks by exchanging a worried conversation with the Skunk trying to convince her to bring the illusions back. Jak spoke to derail any more outside help.

"As you wish, Bear. It is as though the ancient times have returned. Let Olivia choose the victor tonight."

Bear wasted no time before attacking, and Jak did his best to take the behemoth down. Thanks to Olivia, he was again at his physical peak. He had always been a formidable fighter, but this time he found himself fighting not a Wolf but a mountain. Jak was more nimble, but Bear had greater reach, more physical power and a seemingly inexhaustible ability to absorb the punishment that Jak dealt him. No matter how many times Jak hit or kicked Bear, it only took one strike from the giant to send Jak reeling and worse off for the encounter.

The fight wore on like that, seemingly forever until the inevitable happened. As Jak became fatigued, Bear was finally able to catch him by wrapping his massive arms about Jak's chest.

Bear's crushing embrace was unbreakable. Each time Jak exhaled, Bear's arms tightened like a python leaving Jak less capacity for the next breath. Soon, he became light headed and dizzy from lack of air. A hallucination of Olivia's face looming over him convinced him he was dying, especially when the arena with its noise and confusion dissolved and he found himself back in her fantastical palace comfortably reclining in her bed. The great dome above was open to an azure, cloudless sky making for a tranquil delusion. In that relaxing setting, he became aware that Olivia was speaking to him.

"...I have one final gift for you before you depart, lover. You will not remember this except under circumstances when it becomes necessary. It is a great secret that mustn't be known ever by anyone else. You won't be able to speak of this anymore than Cat can speak of your selfish love for that bunny.

"Second only to making love to my children, I enjoyed fighting the challenge. I don't like to lose, and I'm a terrible cheat. That is why when I made Wolves, I gave you all a weakness that I could exploit if I ever faced defeat. I know you will be forced to fight others to be my chief of chiefs. You can't possibly hope to win them all. No matter how good you are, luck will betray you eventually.

"That is why I shall give you this secret to be revealed in time of need. You must press hard at the base of either ear and at the spine just above the tail and hold that pressure for five seconds. I've equipped your body to deliver an electric shock when you do this. The combined nerve pressure and jolt of energy will paralyze your opponent for up to twenty seconds. That should be enough time to ensure victory over anyone.

"Fight your battle now and win knowing that I love you; both as a mother loves her pup and as a lover. You may come to my valley again anytime, White Paw, but if you do, come alone. I will kill anyone else you bring."

In his oxygen-deprived state, he could not distinguish if what he had just experienced was a real memory or the last imaginings of his dying brain. With nothing to lose, he took hope from the vision and made one last effort to fight back.

Using the side of his head he struck Bear's snout with enough force that cartilage and bone cracked. Fortunately, it must have been Bear's nose rather than Jak's skull that broke, because the giant grunted in pain. The crushing hug lessened enough for Jak to take a welcome breath, bring his legs up, and push off Bear's chest with all the remaining strength he had.

It was enough, and he broke free landing supine on the ground. The blood flowing freely from Bear's ruined nose had splattered into his eyes blinding him. As the behemoth furiously wiped his eyes to clear his vision, Jak drew several deep breaths before rising and circling behind Bear to jump on his back. Following the dream Olivia's instructions, he placed one paw just above Bear's tail. It was a stretch, but he managed to get his other arm around Bear's neck with his left forepaw pressed at the base of his ear.

Jak silently began to count to five, but only reached three before Bear twisted violently and threw Jak over his shoulder to the ground. All Bear had to do now was stomp on Jak, and he tried. The massive hindpaw narrowly missed Jak as he rolled between Bear's legs. It was a dirty and cheap shot, but Jak felt no remorse as he punched Bear in the groin. The giant groaned in pain and bent over only to receive a kick under the chin from both of Jak's hindpaws. Bear toppled backwards, momentarily stunned before turning on his paws and knees to rise again. Jak was on his back before Bear could stand.

Bear stood and attempted to throw Jak off again, but the agony in his genitals distracted him enough that Jak secured his five seconds. Just as Olivia had promised, Bear went rigid beneath Jak and toppled to the ground. The massive Wolf's eyes were still open and staring helplessly at Jak. Jak whispered into Bear's ear.

"You can't move, but you can hear. I did this to you, and I can do it again anytime. Stay down. Don't make me kill you. Olivia wants me to be her chief of chiefs. Your destiny is still to be a great chief who will be forever remembered for being my right paw as we fight together to bring about a new golden age for all Wolves."

Jak was prepared to administer the nerve pinch again, but it proved unnecessary. As the paralysis wore off, Jak felt Bear's muscles relax. The giant made no effort to rise. Instead, he spoke to Jak in a loud voice.

"I yield to you, White Paw, and the will of the Maker."

It was enough that Jak let his opponent up until they stood facing each other with Jak dwarfed by his former foe. Bear dropped to his knees and bowed in submission. The act was greeted by a stunned silence from his pack. Stargazer and the other chiefs, except for One Ear who was being treated by a healer, likewise moved into the arena to prostrate themselves before Jak again. Immediately after, every other Wolf in the audience followed suit.

Stargazer was the first to rise. He grasped Jak's wrist and held his white paw in the air.

"Behold!" commanded Stargazer. "White Paw is our king, chosen by the Maker. Our long suffering is over."

Howls, barks and cheers rose in volume as the pack accepted and rejoiced in the miracle. The fires dimed subtly, slowly and an angelic glow grew around Jak until he was the brightest object in the night save for the moon. Tigan chuckled quietly to herself, absurdly proud of her handiwork.

[End of Chapter]

The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 22 - Rabbits

White Paw, the king of the Wolves, chief of all chiefs, and the Maker's chosen one, stood beneath the shaded cover of trees where the forest gave way to several acres of open ground atop a rocky bluff. To the south, a similar promontory lay...

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 19 Foxes

"Erased their memories? That's appalling." Airy tried to speak quietly and contain her shock, but his revelation was too much for her to bear. When Jak had emerged from the fog into the brightness of reflected sunlight, he found his companions waiting...

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