Queen Muz-Ra #6
#7 of Queen Muz-Ra
Elder Love
In which Balgruuf and Muz-Ra DONT have sex. Well... If you define heavy petting I guess... but not... oh, read the damn thing. :)
| "So, Jarlyboy, do you often get the hots for other species?"
Balgruuf laughed at the informality. "No, I'm afraid you're the first of the beast races I've ever been interested in, in that way." | |
| Muz-Ra stopped short, her smile fading in a split second. "Look, Balgruuf. If it was anyone but you, I'd dump you right now and head back to the Bannered Mare. But I'm not going to do that for two reasons. First, you don't know that I already got pissed off when someone mentioned the term 'Beast Race' earlier tonight. Second, I must admit there is some status you're due as the Jarl. But be aware, I am hypersensitive to that term right now. I am not a beast. I am a sentient creature just like you. If you want, how about the term 'Tailed Race'? Nice, factual and non-pejorative?" |
| Balgruuf was taken aback. "My apologies, Red. I meant no offense of course. It's a common term around here to refer to Khajiit and Argonians you know."
"Oh, don't I know it! But just because it's common doesn't make it right. It's ok though, Jarlyhorse. I'm in a good mood tonight. Let's talk about something else. So, the tail isn't what attracted you?"
"I... don't think so. It's hard to say. Something about the manner of your dance. It just struck me as extremely carefree. And sexy as hell of course." | |
| "Well, thank you Jarlmeister. I do feel duty-bound to tell you right now though, you won't be getting any tonight."
Balgruuf looked at the Argonian. "No? I'm... not used to rejection. You don't like me?"
"Jarlister, come closer. Honey, right now I'm wet enough to take a horse and I can prove it. But it's not going to happen." | |
| Balgruuf looked at her with a mix of frustration and curiosity.
"No, really, go ahead. Here, give me your hand," she said, guiding him to her. "I want you to understand that it's not for lack of desire. It's been so long I'd probably be happy with a carrot at this point, no offense intended. I don't know how much you're packing, but I guarantee it's more than enough for my needs. But I am_not_ a beast. I choose when and where I get bestial. If I'm going to sleep with you, I want to know who I'm sleeping with. If we were to do that tonight, I'd never get a chance to know you." | |
| The Jarl considered this. "I hadn't really thought to turn this into an affair, you know."
Red nodded. "I know. You just wanted a quick fuck and then return to your normal routine back at Dragonsreach, having achieved another life goal; sex with an Argonian. And hey, sex with a Jarl would be no small experience for me either! But you won't wash that hand tonight, I suspect. And that will make a much longer impression than a quick tumble, I am sure." | |
| The two walked on in silence for a minute. |
| "I think it might work."
"What's that Jarlburger?"
"I think you might have hooked me, Red."
The Argonian smiled openly and with sympathy. "Look, a quick roll in the hay is fine, but you made a fatal mistake. I think I might actually_like_ you. That's your fault! I have been told I'm brutally honest sometimes. I've just never understood why anyone would not be. I was hoping to find a boyfriend tonight and get fucked silly. Instead I found you. And I don't want you to fuck me silly for just one night. You're special, for your title at the very least. But I don't think you got that title without some reason. I want to know you better than a one-shot fuck." | |
| "So, my status once again stops me from interacting with my citizens in a normal way?" Balgruuf mused sadly as they returned to the door of the Bannered Mare.
"That's about right, Jarlybaby. But do call on me someday soon so we can resume our... relationship. If you want to of course. You know where I live, and I know where you live. Here. Take this as a going away present."
With that, Muz-Ra reached one hand inside his robe and drew a single line gently from his scrotum to the tip of his penis with a clawed fingertip. | |
| Smiling again, she retrieved her hand. "Oh yes! Jarlio, you'll do JUST fine!please call on me soon won't you?"
Balgruuf, unused to being handled in this manner but unable to conceal his arousal, stammered "I... I expect I will. Red, I know our relationship is based on lust, perhaps unnatural at that. But, can I give you a kiss?"
"Certainly! I would return the favor, but it's a bit awkward for Argonians. We can't exactly pucker you know."
"That's fine."
"We do have an amorous greeting of our own that we do though. Don't worry, it's not so bad. Remind me to show it to you sometime." | |