
Story by SwampRat on SoFurry

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KZIN4.TXT - M/M, Violence - September 20, 2003

Kzin Pride

By SwampRat

(cl) 1997 Gay Furry Association

I sighed. Another summons. Well, nothing for it I suppose. I made arrangements to be replaced for the day, and wended my way OutArm towards the Pilot's Stations. A Kzin snarled at me, and checked my paperwork.

"OK, Monkey.. Report to Training Pod 2."

I continued on down to the second Simulation Pod. Re-certification time already? I went inside and sat down.

Another kzin sat in the second chair snarled at me, "Ready, Monkey?"

I nodded. The panel lights came on.. What?!

"Assskm-Parrrl.. Assskm-Parrrl.." 'Mayday..'

I sighed. "Alright, what is this.."

"fkkkljOIJN. UJN ik."

A chill ran up my spine. A voice from the past.. More lights came on, showing a Faser Class attack cruiser instrument bank, with modifications..

"Assistance.. Assistance.."

I shrugged, toggling the radio on.

"Message Acknowledged.. What is the problem?"

Silence. I looked at the Kzin, who was sitting in the Nav Station, a good four feet above and behind me... A crackle.

"*FZZT* This is Scout Hamnsk. I request assistance from any Tri-Compact Personnel. *CRACKLE*"

They must have dug up an old war tape.. Best to just go along with the charade. The Kzin had strange senses of humor..

"This is.." ('Who am I?' I whispered to the cat. He shrugged.)

".. A member of the Triad."

A sputter.

"Get a Message to FarCom Night."

I straightened. That was one of the codes I used with the Compact Scout Brigade.

"Send Message Scout - In AmerEng.."

I smiled quietly to myself. Nobody had spoken English in Millennia.. Except those beings I had taught. Dead languages make great encryption schemes.

"This is HunterPod 1, Clan Ammarrth. Message.. 200 Enemy in Amkmhir. Situation desperate. Heavy casualties. We are surrounded. End Message. We Require Assistance..."

Shots being fired. I took no notice. The Kzin had spoken in accented American Slang...


My mind reeled. *CLICK*

[Combat Mode ON].

Long dormant commands opened pathways, turned servo's on. Drugs pumped into me, so the bio-half could keep up with the mechanical. I hit the rows of switches, bringing my attack craft up from cold start into Ready, using emergency power settings.. Somebody was going to have to redo a few boards when I returned as the system was taxed to the limit.

"Coords.." A snarl.

Numbers spat in Kzin, ending in a wail of pain.

"Kissmoiuj ioin IHNdp!" Tamaria..

"Aborted, Crotch-lapping, Male Offspring Of Female Canines.." I snarled, having yet another reason to hate the plant-like creatures..


"Three and climbing, Captain."

Barely enough.

"Hang on Ammarrth.. I will be there soonest. Strap in Lieutenant, We're Jumping.. And call me Shadow."

A hissed "Aye" was my reply as I shoved the throttle up, pulling 2g's in a hard movement. Guns ready, I spun vertical of Ground and hit the reflex Engines. We jumped into the Atmosphere at .997 Mach.

"Fighters.. at 27 Advent."

I ignored them.

"We clear?"


I grinned mirthlessly.

"Then, let's make 'em earn their gravespaces... Cutters out!"

I waited until the 'LOCK' light came on, and putting the shields on 2, I 'Jumped'. That is, I goosed the KK Drive. Mach 1 vanished as we cut a swath through the 5 ships, crippling all but 1. I did a snap-wheel that brought us on course for another pass.. Still at M2.

"1 Missile up the Ass.. How you holding up back there..."

A weak growl.

"Life Readings on Last Ident?"

A snarl.

"None of Compact origin.."

"Bastards! Hold onto your lunch.."

He screamed as I snapped a 270, rotating the nose around and headed for the coordinates the scout last put out.

"Radio Silence.. Now."

The crackle in my Comset went dead.

"Camp at 223 Azimuth.." I lifted my hand, clasping the Kzin's hind paw.

"May Your Children's Children Speak Your Name In Awe, Warrior."

He snarled, pressing his claws into my fingers. "I am proud to serve under You, Captain.."

"LordCommander DeathShadow, Nav.. Now, Let's go put our names in the Great Hall.." I snarled, and the cat above me repeated the epitaph. Should either one of us survive, he would travel to Kzin, and make sure the other's name was put in the Hall Of Heroes.

Guns blazing, we strafed the campsite. Ripples of explosions followed the lasers path of destruction. I whirled, and made a second run, stepping up to Mach 2 again. The shockwave ran before us, crushing everything before it into jelly.

"Fighters.. Azimuth 43. Gaak!"

I stood the craft on it's tail and boosted the drives. A pair of missiles launched off, a few seconds later we rammed through the debris that was two ships moments before.

More showed up on my tail. I turned, ready to engage them..


"Simulation Ended.."


My internal circuits cut out with the code words. And I shook.. Damn! Betrayed by my own emotions.. Well, actually by droid logic. There were still some circuits in the system that I couldn't touch... Damn Triad. Damn Machinery.. My cover was blown, Big-Time. But what would the Kzin do about it?

The cat unhooked his harness, climbed down from his seat, and shook my hand!! Then to add another shock, he put on one of the few articles of clothing Kzin wear.. a sash of Authority. If I read the decorations right, he was also of the Clan Ammarrth. A General. What the hell? The cat stood.

"It is an honor to meet the Commander My ClanFather served under."

This was a bad dream..

"Do not worry, only myself and the Technician at the console know any of this went on."

He climbed out of the pod, to be greeted by another Kzin. An Under-General.. It figures.

"My Congratulations, LordCommander. You would have made a most worthy opponent." He bowed deeply to me.

"But.. Why?"

The being smiled.

"We have been suspicious of you for some time. You knew too much of the inner workings of Kzin ships to just be a simple Technician. So, either you were a genius, a well-trained spy.. or a WarHero. It is nice to find you are the latter.. My generations past Father also served in the Triad forces.. He spoke most eloquently of you and your leadership."

I was still reeling..

"We may now return to Kzin, and clear our Family Names.."

My eyes narrowed. "The sons of Ammarrth and Serrtii have problems?"

Old names that were as fresh as the blood I still wore - If only mentally. They both took a step back, not sure if I was Completely out of the simulation or Not.

"There are those who do not agree that those who fought under a.. Human.. should be allowed in The Hall.."

I snarled something about Cats who needed to have their tails stuffed in their asses.


It was not a question. I marched out of the Station, and with the big cats behind, made my way to my private quarters. Many heads turned, to watch the strange procession.. A man dressed in the garb of a simple tech, in lock-step with 2 high Kzin, and They were 3 paces behind!

A caten dared to get in my way. A lowly guard. I snarled a few choice words in High-Kzin at him.. He moved rapidly, not wanting his energy-rifle shoved up his butt.. It took a few more minutes to come to my apartment, where a palm lock glowed at my touch. A 'click' and a hiss, as the door opened. I motioned to the cats to sit, and went into another room. There I took out a locker. Opening it by voice-command, I pulled out a tray. Memories.. Then lifted it and brought it out to the two males.

"These belonged to my friends. And my Enemies."

The Kzin gasped, running their paws through the medals, chits, and awards. I went back into the room, removing the clothing, and most of my anatomy. Walked to a panel. Inserted my arm-stump. Circuits read the codes. A door opened, and I walked into my 'War-Room'. Weapons of every description hung from the walls. I selected the necessary items, and removed my legs. A hoist lifted me to a Medi-Vac.

Most of my torso was plated in steel. A shell was hooked-up. Battle class servos went into my appendages.. I was now a tick faster than a Kzin. The lid was removed, and I stepped down. My Heraldry Patch from the Triad Forces was placed on my face. The Battalion Armored Robe I stood in The Great Hall with went over my body. Medallions were placed on it. Then, I took the Weapons given to me by my Kzin brethren, and put them in place. The Last thing was my War Helm. When I walked out of the room, I armed the self-destruct pouch. I might not see it again.. One last sash from the locker was added.. It told of my Rank, Name, and All the Kzin Princes I had fought with. I returned to the living room.

The Kzin were gone. Not by choice, from the looks of the place. I expected something like this. My Brethren's names were in question. Others wanted to slander them to further their own clans.. I still felt the ClanLeader's paw grabbing my hand. If it was flesh, he would have broken it.

"Brother of My Brothers. You have fought beside my sons. Brought their names back. Allowed them to gain Honor under you.. With you."

He placed a medallion on my vest.

"Born Human, Mated to a machine, You are now Kzin. The Clan Of Ammarrth Welcomes You, Lord Shadow_Of_Death."

I replayed the security tape. Hooded beings came, Gassed the Kzin. Left. But not until removing everything in sight.. It's a good thing I locked my door. Well, they had memento's but the things that really counted would soon be winging it's way towards Kzin. I put a cloaking robe on, and left, after re- setting the door. Left a message that I had Family Matters to attend to. That would not sit well with the Kzin who was my boss, but he would have literally come unglued if he saw the decorations adorning my chest. Kingdoms had been wiped out in Kzin Clan Wars, and officially frowned upon.. Unofficially, on the other paw, 'Anything that doesn't kill you, strengthens you.'

* * * *

I stepped into an old shop. The kzin stood as I came in.

"Nobody saw me enter, but be prepared."

He nodded. I had expected trouble for some time, and had made preparations, Just-In-Case.. Handed him half a coin. He checked it against one he had.

"How do I Know you are the true bearer of this coin?"

I turned the cloak off, and removed it. The Kzin straightened. Took my hand.

"Welcome, Commander.. How may I serve?"

I told him to send a certain trunk to a certain Kzin holding. He nodded, and I replaced the cloak. Left. Step 2 was in motion.. Now for step 3. It was easy as a Tech to read Ship's Registery. And even easier to sneak aboard one via a service hatch..

* * * *

The Captain came in, saw his door was ajar. He was going to rip the ears off a few kittens for this.. Something stood in the cabin. A blaster pointed at his midsection. It took no genius to know whoever it was would blow a hole in him big enough to wade a ship through..

"Where Does Your Father Sit?" In Kzin. The question asked Loyalties.

"At Hannat." He replied, claws sliding back into hands and feet, but ears still down..

The weapon motioned towards the bunk. There sat a closed box. Chamme-Captain sidled towards it. He tried to keep one eye on the being, until he saw the seal on the box. Then turned, opening it. Inside was a ClanSymbol. Ammarrth - Blood Kin to Hannattar.

"How did you come by this?"

He straightened, ready to die if necessary. The blaster pointed to the floor. Was tossed on the bunk.

"I require help from one who is bonded to Clan Ammarrth."

The Kzin closed the door. Sat down on the bed. "Why?"

The cloak faded. Standing in his room was a ghost. I saw his eyes run over my medals, reading the sash 3 times.

He turned his palms up. "I am at your service, Lord."

I nodded. "I require Passage to Ammar."

The pink ears went up. 'Blood-Feud.' The Kzin came off the bunk, to sink down to his knees.

"The Clan Hannattar is at your disposal, Lord of My Blood Clan."

I put a hand on his shoulder.

"Rise, and return to your duties. You still own this ship. All I require is passage.. After that is up to you.. But, You may wish to review this.."

I gave him a copy of the same tape I had seen earlier. The Kzin's eyes went from wide to narrow, as he saw my guests, watched them removed by a 'Coward's Act'.

"So, 3 of the Hand are now involved.."

A hand is 7 clans. Each has ties with the other. And all act as one when threatened.. I asked for a quiet place to get ready. Actually, I wanted to plug my other side in for a while, and sleep. Since I would be living on drugs for some time to come.. Kzin food comes in Raw, and Still Kicking.

* * * *

A rough pawpad touched the steel lightly. The creature might just as well yelled. I watched him come closer. 4 bodies came from the shadows, and grabbed the Kzin.

"What do you here?"

The Kzin snarled. Told them to do rude things.

"If you seek me, I am here.."

The cats held the intruder. I stood, and walked forward.

"If you have a message, I will hear it."

The cat spat at me.

"Which Clan do you represent.."

The Kzin spat at me again. I slid my hood back. The WarHelm with the ClanLord Symbol gleamed in the light. I lifted the head.

"I repeat, Do you have a message for me?"

He snarled. I took a few steps back. Motioned for the others let him go.

"Die, Monkey!" He screamed, leaping at me.

I broke his neck, shattered his ribcage, and slammed what was left into a wall. My sword was halfway out of it's sheath, before I realized I would not need it. The eyes saw no more. A dark stain spread over the bulkhead, as the body slid down it. The others removed it. One by one, they bowed, and left, just a little wide around the nostrils. 'So Grandfather Didn't lie about the Steel Ghost..' I could almost hear them saying, re-plugging myself in.

Part of me hated the killing, part of me reveled in it... And part just went along with the programming that, like some unkillable demon or vampire kept me around for so many ages. 'Getting Old..' Went back to oblivion..

* * * *

"Lord, we circle Katzza."

3rd homeworld. My helm was removed, set to one side.

"Commander, We await you.." This from the surface.

I was given a life-suit. Re-fitted to me, it looked like an Old Kzin dignitary. Whose health was in question.. Coming home to die was the privilege of All Kzintii. But, I had no intentions of having my name written in the Hall of Heroes.. Just Yet anyway. The shuttle ride was as eventful as sleeping in null gravity. I mentally reviewed the events that brought me to Katzza.. A tradeship had brought a coded letter hinting somebody of Ex-Compact/Triad history might find a certain shipyard of interest. Since Freedom's Ride was well underway, I had more than enough ships of Kzin design to study. So it was a matter of smuggling certain things into the Port of Haam.

Getting fake ID, Background, And getting into The Ring. One doesn't do things like snoop into Kzin affairs without Inside assistance. After a year I knew something was afoot.. But until the General dropped me into a position where only someone from Compact would respond as I did, I had no idea.

"Welcome Lord. Please follow.."

Strong hands helped me into a cart. The scenery went by at a blur. To a palatial estate.. Clan Lhikutewl. Another of the Hand. I was shown to a room. My baggage came before me. When I was sure I was alone, I peeled myself out of the suit. Replaced my hands, and weapons. I had just finished, when the door opened.

"You do Exist!" The kzin was young, but his eyes shone. A Hasty bow.

"I am Hilkna. I bring greetings from my clan to yours."

I nodded to him. Snapped my claws out, raked my chest, then slapped my hands together.. His grin was nasty, as was the response.

"Death and Dishonor to the Hand's Enimies.."

He bowed again, then ran off as footsteps echoed down the hallway. An old kzin came in.

"Did my Son's Son bother you, Lord?" I put my hands on top of my head and folded them down, then Up - A Smile. He chuckled..

"Steel ears.. It is good to see you, My Brother." We clasped arms.

"You heard.."

I handed him the tape.

"I saw.. And who was it that sent a tape of The Ambush of Haran?"

He smiled, not showing teeth. "Somebody who wished to find out if a certain male still existed."

I smiled back. "If two wars can not kill me, How could civilian life.. Unless it is of boredom."

He laughed at that.

* * * *

Things got settled.. I got to watch as my Clan honored the dead by putting their names in the Hall of Heroes - Many wished My name there, but I declined the offer - I was still interested in living. With a few more trinkets and much growling, I returned to my life as a repairperson.

* * * *

"Damn Nut.. Think they would give us decent tools."

The young kzin beside me chuckled.

"We are but tech's.. The Good Stuff goes to Inner Repairs Docks."

The overseer growled about us taking so much time, switching his bushy tail as he walked by.

"Like to wrap That tail around his skinny neck.."

It was my turn to chuckle.

"Jealous? We'll be done in a moment.. Hand me a Spanner, Will you?"

The Tech, who didn't even rate a family name yet, nodded. Crawled out and stood, growling softly as his back complained. When he was out of earshot, I reached in and snapped the stud off, tossing it back behind me. He returned.. To kick my boot.


I grunted. "Broke another one.."

Shook his head. Things got broke a Lot around this one.. Then the clock beeped.

"Time to go.. What are you doing after?"

I got up and shook my clothes. "Nothing.." Packed the toolbox.

"Good.. I need somebody to run their hands across my back. Make it worth your while.."

I shook my head. "Your Wife is supposed to do that."

He smacked my shoulder. "Don't rub it in.. How 'bout it?"

I put the box on the cart, and took his as well.

"Alright.. But If you Snore..."

The kzin looked askance at me.. "I Snore? You kept me awake half the night last time."

I shrugged. "So? Next time, Stick something into my mouth..."

His growl was only half smothered when he kissed me.

"And when are you going to make Tech3 so I can break in a New Lover, Hmm?"

He got on the tram and slid a hand into my jumpsuit.

"You just wait until I get you home, Elder.."

I had to laugh at that.. Maybe I wouldn't dream of the past. The wars and lives destroyed. The loves, now dust and memory. The hand fondled me more intimately.. And I smiled... How did that song go? 'Live for Today..'Or something like that. I intend to...

The End


WWOLF22B.TXT - F/M, Semi-NC - September 19, 2003 A tale of a Horny werewolf, Non Anthro By SwampRat (cl) 2003 Gay Furry Association \*CLickClickClick\* went her claws on the pavement as she padded down the dark, lonely road. Every time...

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GayElder2.Txt - M/?, Masturbation, NC/Rape - September 6, 2003 Another tale of a Gay Elder By SwampRat (cl) 2003 - Gay Furry Association This is based on an idea I had for a diorama.. A bunch of anthro males jerking off over a werewolf in...

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DIGI2.TXT - M/M/m(?), NC - Rape/Oral/Anal - September 01, 2003 Digi Tales 2 by SwampRat (cl) 1999, 2003 - Gay Furry Association All character names used without permission "Hey!" Evil Greymon growled.. "Watch where you put those...
