Queen Muz-Ra #2
#3 of Queen Muz-Ra
In which Ubergard becomes disgusted with male anatomy, Kitty plays 'Distract the Bard!' and Muz-Ra shakes her tail with Cheetah.
| "Wait, let me get this straight. It's_inside_ their butt?"
"Well... kinda... I mean, it's not... It's like your liver is inside your belly, but it's not in your stomach."
"Ah. Next time I split one open, I'll keep an eye out for it. But that still doesn't make sense. Besides, I don't want people stimulating my liver!"
Kitty shrugged. "I don't know if all of them do. Well... I don't know! I haven't got one! I'm sorry Uber, I'm not very good at explaining it." | |
| "Oh, and it's worse than that Uber," Muz-Ra added, gleefully delighting in the disgusted look coming over the big Argonian's features. "They think we should like it too!"
"Ok. That's it. There's just no getting around it. Males are just weird," Ubergard declared flatly.
Kitty and Muz-Ra looked at each other seriously for a moment and had to nod.
"That's a fact," Kitty acknowledged. | |
| "And you both_like_ them that way?"
Once again the two looked at each other, this time with big grins.
"Oh yes!" Kitty admitted proudly.
"Then you're just as weird. Come on, let's go in," Ubergard commanded, deciding the conversation was over. | |
| Upon entering the tavern, Kitty was delighted to see her friend Cheetah, from the Tails, inside as well as her lover, the bard Mikael.
"Cheetah!" she called out, giving the fellow Khajiit a fierce hug.
"Kitty! Red! Uber! Glad to see you here tonight!" Cheetah said, cheerfully to her old friends.
"Well if it isn't the hottest Khajiit in Skyrim. Good to see you again Chee!" said Muz-Ra.
"You too Red," she said, then turned back to Kitty. | |
| "Well! How's life as Royalty treating you?" asked Cheetah, escorting her friends to an open bench by the fire.
"Oh, pretty good. Though having money doesn't exactly make you Royalty in Skyrim you know."
Cheetah shrugged, "Maybe not officially, but i doesn't hurt either! How's it holding out? Your gold I mean."
Kitty drew her friend close, not wanting to talk about money too openly. "To be honest Chee, I've got more now than I had when I bought the castle!" | |
| "No... really? I guess it's true! The rich get richer!"
Kitty shrugged. "Only if they have good advisors. Or get damn lucky!"
"Advisors? Who is your advisor?"
"Who do you think? H!" | |
| Cheetah nodded, "Smart. Say, are you dancing for Mikael tonight?"
"Not officially, though I might just for fun. So how are you and Udaran getting along?"
Cheetah's expression changed. "Not well. I think we're still together, but we haven't been talking. Sort of an argument. I said something stupid." | |
| "Ah. And you're here to get away for a bit."
"Yeah. I needed a chance of scenery for a night. Say, wanna dance?"
"Later. I really need to go talk to Mikael for a minute."
"How about you Red? Want to swing your tail around with me a bit?"
"Sure!" Muz-Ra replied enthusiastically. | |
| Muz-Ra and Cheetah then took to the floor while the other patrons watched and clapped, while Kitty went to meet her friend Mikael. |
| While the two were occasional lovers, both understood that it was a very informal relationship. Kitty may not have been as world-wise as the bard, but she knew instinctively that, in his line of work, monogamy was unlikely. But still, as a 'friend with benefits', Kitty thought he was nice to have around until she met someone else, and he was always unfailingly cheerful. So she played the game she often played with him while he was working that she called "Distract the Bard!". |