The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll II

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#8 of The Cry of Sodom

The world is seldom as one believes it is, but sometimes a fur must open their eyes to truly see the pleasures before them. Upon entering Sodom with his wife and daughters, Lot is about to learn of the lusts of the body rising into conflict with the notion of sin. Family liaisons await and his daughters are more cunning than he could have imagined in their quest for pups and continuing their bloodline.

This is a re-release of The Cry of Sodom. Each 'scroll' will be published on Tuesday for consecutive weeks until we complete this book. Book II has been drafted and will be released following this re-release. Book II has not yet been released, except as a draft to Patreon supporters.

Thanks for watching and reading! Let me know what you think and enjoy this re-release! I won't delete the original story file so as not to delete it from favourite lists and such, but this release will make for a much easier read on a computer screen. I'm a little better versed in digital readability now - sorry I gave you guys such a chunk of text last time!

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Stories available on Kindle & Sellfy to download right now!

I take any and all commissions!

Characters (c) commissioner

Story (c) Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Book One: Asuragiari

Scroll II Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

Lot's family retreated to their private quarters for the evening. The innkeeper, a pale furred Corsac fox as Raguel described him, had allowed one room for Lot and Edith and a smaller, simpler room for their daughters, connected by an adjoining door. Pheine did not consider the furnishings to her taste and fingered the threadbare window hangings with a disapproving 'tut', tongue clicking against the roof of her mouth. Thamma perched on the very edge of the bed like a bird about to take flight from its captor's paw.

"What they said about Raguel's wife," Thamma began, a shiver trickling down her spine. "What they you think she is really living in sin? What will come of her?" Pheine snorted.

"How is mating a sin? Sometimes sin conflicts with culture or even nature," she stated brashly, arrogance tainting her words. "How else are we supposed to procreate?"

Thamma gasped and put her paws to her muzzle, glancing over her shoulder as if she feared that her father would materialise upon the mere mention of disobedient words.

"How could you say that, Pheine?" She muttered reproachfully. Scratching her chubby stomach, Pheine barked a laugh that echoed briefly around the room.

"Because... Do you truly believe in your heart that how our father lives is holy? He says one thing and does another," Pheine struggled to explain. "He lives in fear and, if it came to it, I doubt he would follow the Lord's word in a time of crisis."

"You do not know that."

Pheine considered that notion, cupping her cheek. She sprawled out on the pile of blankets that sufficed as a bed and inhaled the plain, near odourless scent of the fabric. There was something deeper in the aroma that she could not place.

"Perhaps you are correct," she said at last, already tired of this line of conversation. "Let us say no more. I am going to rest."

Turning her pale orange and white muzzle into the blankets, Pheine breathed into the blankets, concentrating on the stroke of breath passing between her lips. The wilderness trek had drained her of her usual vigour and she was not one to take kindly to sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings. She knew she would be awake half the night, pacing the room until her father appeared in immeasurable wrath, ordering her return to sleep with a stern snap of his jaws. Pheine stifled a growl and flattened her ears, struggling to swing her thoughts in a more pleasant direction, something inviting to dreams, dreams that she should not have dreamt. Illuminated by the evening sun, the room was flooded with light so strong that, even when night should have closed in around wakeful furs, one could still count the hairs on one's palm, if so wished. She vaguely anticipated the evening meal, which Raguel would provide for them - something exotic, she hoped. The Canaan dog's stomach rumbled.

But sleep, even in the form of a refreshing nap, refused to come easily. Somewhere, too near, there was a persistent thumping like a fur drumming their hind paws upon compacted earth: ta-da-dum, ta-da-dum, ta-da-dum. She bit her tongue and resisted the urge to leap up and clout her sister about the head.

"Thamma?" Pheine groaned, nuzzling into the blankets. "Thamma. Thamma stop making that noise."

"It's not me," her sister huffed, patting her hair into place. "Perhaps you would like to inform street goers that your nap is being disturbed?"

"Not you?"

"No, not me, Pheine."

Muttering, Pheine heaved herself off the bed, padding up to the narrow window covered with a bolt of scratchy fabric, solely available to protect the female furs privacy. She hated it. It was as if she was being trapped in the room, hemmed in. Peering outside, she blinked in the stronger light, tail stirring the cloth about her legs. There were male furs outside. That fact in itself was not unusual but the males beneath Pheine's window were... There was no polite way to put it. The males were in various states of undress, some entirely naked. Far from reeling away in shock, Pheine stood fascinated, nose twitching. She had never seen a naked male.

"Is there a celebration outside?" Thamma asked, trying to sneak a look around her sister, blocking the majority of the window. "Let me see!"

Wordlessly, Pheine shuffled to her right, allowing her sister a glimpse, too entranced to concede more viewing space. Thamma leaned forward, tail wagging, and recoiled just as swiftly. Eyes wide, she looked from Pheine to the exterior and back again, battling with natural curiosity as a blush warmed her cheeks. Shrugging, Pheine rested her paws on the window ledge, poking her nose carefully over into the street, conscious of remaining unseen; it was hardly any time at all before Thamma peeked over her shoulder, the taller canine holder on to Pheine for support. So many males! And species' that Thamma had never seen before! Striped hyenas, loincloths barely covering their privacy, cackled around Arabian horses with dished faces and one, fearful Nile crocodile stared regally over bowed muzzles, his scaled cousins giving him a wide, respectful berth. Too many to count or list, more and more furs poured down the street with every pounding heartbeat, blood roaring in the younger sister's ears. She shook her head in wonder, mixed confusion, and jabbed Pheine in the ribs.

"What are they doing?" She said, unable to drag her eyes away.

Having no answer, Pheine placed a paw on Thamma's shoulder, intent on the scene below. She inched dangerously far over the ledge, grasping Thamma for support; the sister's clung on to one another as if to anchor themselves in the present, fearing something tangible beyond their fingertips. They only had to reach out for knowledge to be theirs, if they dared. Thamma prodded her sister's shoulder, pointing out a cobra whose tongue flickered between thin lips, the watching canines too aware of the deadly fangs contained within. Snakes were not to be trusted, or so Lot always claimed. Were they so bad? Questions - there were too many questions for Thamma to comprehend. Hasty breath caught in her throat and tickled her sister's ear as she pressed close, afraid to speak too loudly.

"Why do you think they are here, these males of Sodom?"

Pheine had no answer.

Downstairs, Raguel heard the commotion and paced the reception room like a caged beast, a predator trapped for a crowd's amusement. His steps carried him from wall to wall and he turned automatically upon reaching one or the other, blood chilled. The last time he had seen males congregate had been when his wife disappeared. Who had they come for? Was it Lot's daughters or, Lord forbid, his wife? Oh, how he missed Ansha. She could atone for her sins in Sodom, he was confident, if only he could have her back in his arms and household. They could be away from the sinful land, misdemeanours forgotten, forgiven. The crowd cheered several times in quick succession, drawing him to sharp reality, and dissolved into an ominous silence that stretched on and on, seconds melding into minutes. When the knock finally came upon the door, the rabbit trembled, straightening with a great force of will.

"Raguel? What is this commotion?" Lot ambled his way into the reception room and followed the rabbit to the door when no answer was forthcoming. "Raguel? Are these patrons of the inn?"

"No," Raguel said. "They are males of Sodom, citizens, the people. Perhaps there are some females amongst them. I do not know why they are here."

"And you answering to them?" Lot looked him up and down incredulously. "Is that... Forgive me. Is that wise?"

A fur outside hollered to the stamping of hind paws and lewd cries that Lot did not like to discern the meaning of. The ground beneath Lot and Raguel shook as if grasped in the hold of an earth tremor, rocking them until there was nothing other than pounding and shouting, demanding attention. Raguel fought not to curl up in a corner of the room, flee the scene. But he could not stand to do that; the door had to be answered, there was no choice. What if his wife was among the males?

"Allow me, Lot," he said firmly as he stepped forward. "I shall put an end to this madness."

His paw trembled, but the frightened fur placed it firmly on the door and pushed, opening it with a strained creak. The crowd cheered, males lolling on one another with vulgar grins. One raised a cup of an indefinable substance to Raguel and the rabbit stiffened. A heinous mistake: his wife was nowhere to be seen.

"We come for Raguel!" They roared, stomping their feet like a band of drums, leather skins stretched taut.

"Me?" Raguel shook his head. "What would you have from a poor fur? I have nothing to give. Where is Ansha? Where is my wife? Is she well? Why have you not brought her home to me?"

"No, we have not come to bring a willing female home to chains," a slender Arab stallion chuckled, linking his arm through that of another equine presumed to be his brother, if appearance was to be trusted. Brushing his black mane off the arch of his neck, the horse snorted, coat gleaming with good health.

"We have come for you," he continued, surprisingly formal. "We invite you to join us as your wife has joined us as citizens of Sodom. You should never desire to leave if you will but experience a portion of what we offer you on bended knee."

If his muzzle had not been covered with fine fur, Raguel would have fallen ghostly white. As it was, all blood drained from his muzzle and he swayed, reeling like a drunkard. Lot placed his palm on the rabbit's shoulder, imagining that he steadied his friend even if the action provided minimal physical support. Prey to self-preservation, the canine did not want to be the one to catch Raguel if he toppled over.

"No..." Raguel muttered, shaking his head over and over as if by shaking it for long enough he could alter present events. "I will not let you take me, take me into sin. Leave now! Never return! Leave!"

The horse huffed out a laugh and bobbed his muzzle. The little cloth clothing that he had worn - a serviceable loincloth - fell to the ground, revealing a soft, drooling equine member. Raguel flinched.

"We will only leave with you, Raguel," he said. "We have much to offer you. Do you not want to see your wife?"

"Enough!" Lot visibly trembled, his canine ears splayed to the sides in an appeasing manner. "You will not take Raguel from the inn. Leave now and bring his wife to us. You have no use for one such as her in your midst."

"If Raguel deignsss to join usss...then we may induccce another to the joysss beyond your door," a snake hissed, tongue flickering between his emerald lips. "Whichhh of you will walk willingly to usss?"

"None! None of us!" Raguel shook and tried to force the door closed, stalled by a hoof in the way as one of the horses stubbornly jammed it between the door and the frame, eyes flashing. "Leave me! Leave us!"

The furs muttered amongst themselves and shook their heads, unwilling to concede defeat. They had come for a fur and it was a fur they would have. The black stallion that had spoken first rested his paw intimately upon his like-coloured brother's waist, smirk ghosting across his lips.

"What of you then, dog?" He pointed at Lot. "Are you one that is willing to experience something beyond yourself, an outsider's adventure? Will you offer yourself in Raguel's place?"

Him? Lot gaped at them. They wanted him instead of Raguel? Impossible! He would never. But there were so many of them - too many to battle through to safety. The old canine's paws trembled terribly and he folded them into the fabric of his skirt. If the crowd was so disposed, they could easily force entry to the house. And what would they do to him then? Lot turned his head wildly this way and that, mindlessly searching for escape that deigned to leap forth in kindness or need. Trapped, he was trapped. He knew of the citizens of Sodom. If not Raguel, he was to go and be raped by the males that he had sought to protect his friend and his family from. What could one canine do against such a throng of sin? In his frozen panic, Edith silently appeared at his side, muzzle cocked inquisitively and eyes as bright as ever, too innocent.

"What is happening?" She asked pleasantly, her husband shaking against her side. "Lot, are you quite well?"

I cannot be the one to go... Lot thought, pressing his paw to his forehead where he felt the most persistent throbbing. They will not leave without of us. No. I shall not be one of them. It shall not be me. They shall not have me.

Edith blinked, tucking a wayward piece of hair behind her pricked ear, tail wagging. It was a special treat to see her husband so flustered, although she was not entirely certain as to what had made him so anxious with him blocking the doorway with his bulk. There were others outside, that much she knew. Had they not come to return Raguel's wife? Poor soul.

"Here! Take her!" Lot snapped, desperation snapping as Edith jumped, lips parted but wordless. "Take her instead and leave us! You will not have us!"

Hasty decisions often remembered regret. Lot shoved Edith in the small of her back and, wide eyed, she stumbled on to the street into several pairs of paws. The males helped her regain her balance with a level of courtesy that she found surprising, considering her prior, albeit tainted, knowledge of them. Casting her eyes over the crowd, she wondered why her husband had thrust her beyond the threshold. She was faintly surprised to notice females amongst the males, comfortable with their proximity and behaviour, though she could not claim that she was uncomfortable with the hardly clad 'studs' either.

Edith shivered anxiously, finding it difficult to draw on true fear of these furs. She had heard much about them and their ways, although it was more cruelly enticing than repulsive to her mind. Swallowing, she looked back at her husband, already closing the door on her heels. Her expression hardened. The coward could not wait to be rid of her, as long as he was locked up safely with his friend. Such a coward, an old coward. She tired of him.

"I shall accompany you," Edith said loudly and clearly, the tail end of her declaration drowned in a chorus of rambunctious cheers.

Edith stiffened as the two equines grabbed her upper arms in a firm but eager grip, directing her away from the door that may have provided her safety. There was no sense of danger about the crowd besides the unnerving sense that she was being led away from everything that she had ever known: her daughters, her husband, her hemmed in world. The husband who had pushed her away. Some protector. The canine's heart hardened and she resolved to think no more of him. Had he not thrown her out on to the street in fear for his own hide? And now she would show him just how a willing Canaan dog of good breeding and blood could behave when she so wished.

There was more to life and worship than what Lot preached.

The streets whipped by in a delirious blur and Edith was surprised to find herself stumbling to a halt, tripping over sandaled feet, however swiftly and courteously she was steadied. An ibex with magnificent horns curving back over his tawny head and neck smiled, licking lips with a long, dark tongue. She wondered what he could do with that tongue. Chilled with forbidden knowledge, Edith knew what would happen and bade the nerves to quiet as they chased her heartbeat quicker and quicker. Not far before the canine was a well surrounded by furs, where the market stalls had been placed earlier in the day. She swallowed her anxiety and tried to give the ibex a small smile in return, memorising every detail of his defined abdominal muscles: he was clearly a fur that undertook heavy labour as his life skill.

"My friends!"

A camel with a single hump clambered on to the crumbling stone wall surrounding the well, though Edith had not laid eyes on him in the crowd before - there were so many different furs! She blinked, mouth suddenly as dry as the land she called home. The camel waved one arm above his head, loose robes caked with dust, and called for attention. An unknown fur slid a paw down Edith's back to her rump, squeezing lightly.

"My friends," he repeated once the reverberating murmurs had quieted. "We left our homes to draw Raguel from his home, for him to celebrate as one of us, to invite him to partake in the joys we have to offer him."

He paused, allowing the crowd a cheer, stamping their hind paws and hooves in thunderous assent.

"We did not leave the inn with the one we searched out," he continued, eyes dark with emotion. "We have failed in that mission, my friends. We requested the presence of his companion, the Canaan dog, but were again rejected. Instead, we find ourselves in the company of another that came with us willingly in the place of either male that refused our company. Let us show her what delights Sodom holds in her streets! Let the celebration begin!"

An unusually concise speech, Edith commented inwardly, thoughts deafened by cheers. They were a very loud city.

There were more females than she had initially realised; they wove their way through the crowd, rubbing against males in their partial or full nudity. A vixen with a dust-coloured coat, large ears and a rainfall of grey fur cascading over her shoulders flashed Edith a cheeky grin, arching her slender body against a like-coloured fox, his hard shaft pressed to her stomach. With his pink length trapped between their heated bodies, he ground sensually into her fur and rolled his head, panting as he anticipated sinking into a different kind of warmth. Edith inhaled, lust colouring her vision.

As if in a dream of the most exotic kind, Edith allowed many pairs of paws to disrobe her, gently placing her clothing to the side, where it was swiftly forgotten. An equine muzzle brushed her lips, inviting her to taste him, and she dipped her tongue against his, a low moan building, wracking her body. A pair of scaled paws trailed down her chubby, womanly thighs and a serpent flicked his dark tongue across her folds, teasing the overly sensitive flesh. When had she last been touched there? It was impossible to recall. The Canaan dog shuddered and whined in need as another male slid his arms around her waist, drawing her rear against a throbbing erection with a fearfully large knot at the base.

"Give in," the bay equine - she had not even taken note of who she was kissing - advised, kissing down her neck with a lover's finesse. "Do not fight what your body wants. None here will hurt you. We of Sodom are citizens of pleasure."

She did not intend to hold back, she tried to tell him, but his lips crushed passionately to hers and rational speech fluttered out of reach. That was the fact! The pleasure was her first in three decades - more if one counted the time spent waiting to be chosen by her husband as his virgin bride. Oh, she had forgotten the pleasure! And how she had missed it! Panting, Edith nodded, words evading her grasp, and reached back to the knotted cock grinding between her plump rear cheeks. The desert-shaded fox, as he was revealed to be, nipped her neck with sharp, little teeth and Edith moaned loudly, wriggling her rear in what she hoped was an inviting manner. Snaking his tongue between the soft lips of the canine's sex, the snake smiled in his own teasing, wriggling the agile appendage into her warm passage. Squeezing her eyes tightly shut, Edith groaned.

Her consent was implied and she lay back on the ground, legs spread wide and twitching under the influence of that dark, slithering tongue. Although the hard-packed earth was unwelcome against her back, Edith barely noticed the discomfort when the snake was displaced by her friendly fox. The vulpine grinned, teeth parted like those of a feral, while she whined, begging him to fill the empty space between her thighs. How could she deny what her body craved? Dropping heavily to his knees between her legs, the fox dragged her lower body up so that her rump rested on his thighs, sex glistening with arousal. His red member tickled her folds as he leaned forward, eyes sparkling, and bucked, sinking the first two inches into his partner's willing sex.

Clenching her teeth, the canine arched viciously, shoulders braced against the packed earth. A forest of legs surrounded her and, through the dense crowd, she was unsurprised to bear voyeur to other copulating couples and threesomes. An ibex cradled a sprawled equine close as he thrust into her sex, thighs splattered creamy white with their combined arousal, eye lidded and nostrils flared. Edith licked her lis, breath catching as her cunt was so filled, aching to be pounded into the heights of womanly delight. Thrusting deep into the canine, the sandy fox gasped, ears splayed, and thrust slowly, hips rolling sensuously. Above Edith's muzzle, a pair of spotted legs folded into a crouch and a leopard caressed her voluptuous breasts, purrs rumbling. Shuddering, Edith wrapped her arms around the leopard's legs, using him for support as his barbed, feline member swayed tantalisingly close to her parted lips.

"More!" She cried, holding tight to the voyeuristic leopard.

Though the fox was undoubtedly enjoying the moment, Edith growled at his pace, aching to be mated like the mare, now sprawled on the ground as another male took his place at her creaming sex. Willing to please, he sped up, arching over Edith's body so that his dancing tongue and lips could play with her breasts, playfully battling the leopard's paws for dominance that neither truly won. Gently, he caught one nipple between his teeth and tugged, huffing warm breath over the pink nub.

Whimpering like a pup receiving its first taste of milk, Edith bucked, succumbing to pleasure as the fox's knot pressed insistently to her outer lips, demanding entrance. He half sunk the knot into her sex before pulling back with a yip, disinclined to secure his knot within her warm cunny just yet. Edith trembled and tightened her grip on her leopard friend, feeling as if she would float away if she did not anchor herself in the present of lust and sensation, acrid earth and slick arousal. A pair of balls swung above her muzzle and, freshly mischievous, Edith extended her flexible, canine tongue to cup and stroke them softly, earning herself an approving moan.

So appreciative of her efforts with his balls was the leopard that he was kind enough to angle his hips down so that his feline shaft was within the reach of her lusting tongue and lips. With only a flicker of hesitation - Edith had only heard of female furs placing their lips on a male's member before - she traced her tongue languidly from base to the tip. Her eyes widened at the slightly salty taste of sweat and enticing male musk, a potent aphrodisiac. Curious, she took the tip of his length between her lips and suckled down a pearly bead of pre, the leopard pushing another inch into her muzzle with a soft moan. The fox pounded into her sex, paws curled beneath her thighs, whining breathlessly every other thrust. Unversed as she was in intercourse, Edith anticipated his oncoming orgasm and licked the barbed shaft in her muzzle with relish, lavishing attention upon the head.

Thrusting with renewed determination, the fox popped his knot into the female fur's sex and yelped out his orgasm, the surprised canine on the bottom emitting a muffled moan, muzzle full of cock. Wriggling under the sensation of being so filled by a male's seed, something that she had not experienced since the conception of her second pup, Edith took every inch of the leopard's throbbing cock between her lips in a long, drawn out suck. Groaning loud enough to turn heads, the leopard massaged her breasts, glancing up as other males moved in, tails lashing and teeth flashing.

Almost before the fox had finished climaxing, Edith was flipped around on to all fours, curled tail raised up against her back. Soft paws pressed around her sex, easing the fox's knot free, despite his growls of protest: it was not his place to lay claim to any female. The leopard was forced to withdraw from Edith's muzzle and swiftly disappeared into the crowd to find another partner, hard length bobbing with his bouncy stride. Everything happened so quickly! A petite gerbil replaced the leopard, kneeling before her and offering his adequately sized cock to her panting muzzle, a shy blush colouring his large, round ears. Another male dropped heavily to his knees at her rear and speared a smooth skinned shaft into her snatch. Edith groaned but did not glance back to see what fur was claiming her sex - it did not matter. Hips rocking with the male's needy thrusts, she stared upwards at the stars and sturdy buildings. In a trick of the light, Edith chanced that she saw her daughter, Pheine, peering out of a gaping, dark window and trembled on the edge of climax.

No, no... Edith fought logic with passion as orgasm struck sense of presence from her mind. It cannot be her, no. But oh...

She wished her daughters could have seen her truly as she was for the first time in their as yet short lives. If Pheine had been watching, she would have seen the sticky fox cum dripping down her thighs, staining her fur with evidence of delicious liaison, her mother arching to take the unknown male deeper and harder than ever before. The thought made the canine tremble and her sex twitch in spasms reminiscent of climax.

As she returned to her senses, moaning under the ruthless pounding, Edith curled her tongue around the smaller shaft in her muzzle, lashing the underside to a chorus of lost gasps. Furs caught in the throes of pleasure surrounded the canine, growling, yelping and moaning as they sounded out their carnal delights at the epitome of lust. They had no will to care about their surroundings or who may be watching them; they were one and the same to each other. The gerbil rested his paws behind Edith's ears, scratching gently, and she dove on to his narrower length until the slender tip touched the back of her throat, her nose pressed into the light grey fur of his crotch.

A larger group of males centred their attentions upon the canine - a range of exotic species - stepping closer with erect, inviting shafts and similarly refined smiles. They stroked themselves with what she would have once regarded as fury but now recognised as lust; they rubbed their hardness through her well groomed fur, leaving trails of creamy pre cum behind. The first jet of seed landed across her back and was rapidly followed by more, soaking into her orange and white coat so that she imagined herself a creature of passion and marked as such. The gerbil spurted his load into her muzzle and, falling prey to lust, she swallowed it down with a low, unexpected murr of delight. It was delicious, thick, musky and irrevocably salty. She wanted more.

A striped hyena nudged the gerbil aside, sliding a dark coloured rod between her lips and, winding his fingers into Edith's hair, laughed a wild hyena laugh. Edith was unsure when the male behind her had swapped places with another, but a differently shaped shaft dove into her snatch. She did not care who was giving her pleasure as long as it was there. However, she could not have anticipated the surprise that the unknown fur had in store. Withdrawing his length, the male rubbed his fingers through the drooling feminine juices, mixed with seed, and smeared the mixture across the tight, virginal bud of Edith's tail hole. She jerked instinctively but felt a strange sense of trust for these males; they had shown no desire to hurt her, after all, so why should she not trust them? It felt right. Being males of Sodom, she supposed that penetration beneath one's tail was something in which they frequently engaged, so she kept her tail raised submissively and her body relaxed in preparation.

Squeezing one finger, then two, into her tight tail hole, the male spread her natural lubricant well, only then presenting the tapered tip of his member to her previously forbidden entrance. Edith whimpered, light pain sending a twinge through her nerves, and sought to distract herself by taking the hyena's shaft as deeply into her muzzle as possible. Her tail hole resisted entry for a second and then parted around the gently curved invader, allowing inch after slow inch to sink under her tail, driving her into an unusual sense of fullness. Edith twitched and swallowed a moan as an impossible amount, or so it seemed, of his maleness sank into her tail hole, having never explored the limits of her body. He groaned behind at her rump, caressing gently and drawing his shaft back only to thrust in with a masculine grunt. Lips strained wide around the hyena's girth, Edith only had one option: surrender. And surrender she did.

Males came and went as the evening darkened and coolness stole across the meeting place, chilling the hides of any furs without partners. For the sake of retaining warmth and continuing their orgy in the open air, citizens grouped together regardless of sex, sharing partners as many males paid their dues to one another's bodies. Edith was the most coveted of the evening and rarely in need of a warm body against hers for there was forever a surplus at her side that she took full advantage of. At one point, she lay on her back with another fur beneath her, fat cock locked firmly into her tail hole by way of a large, canine knot. The black Arabian horse that had enticed her from the inn leaned over her stomach, thrusting into her sex, nickering his pleasure, while a third, a rodent, squealed as his maleness was caressed by her pink, eager tongue. Howling through another orgasm - she had lost count of how many she had been graced with in such a short, short evening - Edith stared glassy-eyed at the stars, shining so brightly. It seemed incredible that she had never notice their clarity previously. Her body thrummed with energy and the scent of sex was heavy in the air, laughter and good spirits high.

She knew in that moment that she would never desire to be anywhere else than Sodom for the remainder of her life.

The Cry of Sodom: Book I, Scroll I

**Book One: Asuragiari** **Scroll One** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ For too long had the mountains and valleys surrounding Sodom been a wasteland, an acrid wilderness posing great danger to even the most seasoned of travellers. Bandits...

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Locker Room Quickie

**Locker Room Quickie** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Dripping with sweat, the caribou stomped into the locker room from the ice rink, groaning and rolling his shoulders back to shake loose settled in tension. Gym sessions coupled with ice...

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Summer Lovin'

**Summer Lovin'** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for TheKatPop_ The corgi sprawled on the riverbank, blinking up sleepily at the light filtering through the deciduous trees, which stretched out their arms overhead. She liked to imagine that...

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