Make Him Smutty
Make Him Smutty
A little commission featuring Aaron Blackpaw and
LunusTBren and getting up to no good, of course. *chuckles* Do tell me what you have in mind, and I look forward to your comments and other feedback, as always!
Cheers :)
Aaron had left the nightclub around 11, feeling pissed off and not drunk enough to really tolerate the music on that night. The black wolf stalked the streets, lit by lights from the windows and those above, seeking a different kind of a venue to sate his cravings.
Down the steps to the underground entrance, a check of ID on the door to make sure he was of age and not on the place's blacklist, and the cool nighttime air turned into something else entirely.
Here it was warm, deliberately quite dark, and the air smelled of chlorine wafting from the actual sauna area on the other side of the Labyrinth. He'd have to walk near to it to shed his clothes at the locker he paid for at the reception, to a dusty-colored coyote who gave him a big smile.
Aaron's tail flung heavy between his legs as he stalked into the lockers. It was not especially crowded, but it was the first step of cruising when it came to this place, the black wolf knew, and he was on his guard. Every gaze was meaningful, heavy, form the portly bear to the slinky cougar eyeing the newcomer, an otter's ears perking hopefully.
Aaron didn't pay much heed, but deposed of his street clothes quickly, whatever little there was, and held to the key securely.
He was left in his usual getup for nights out. Black, heavy leather boots, studded and reinforced with metal. Fingerless gloves, proper biking gear. A leather harness that made an X over his buff chest and terminated on a shiny metal ring both at the front and the back where it made a similar sign. His hips were barely covered by the leather jock, its bulge prominent, and attractive, shiny leather.
He'd even polished it for good luck.
Piercing eyes, this night around. He was not wearing his Ray Ban Aviators, not feeling like a highwayman for tonight.
Aaron was ready.
Through the door to the left, he heard the rush of water, into the showers, smelled many men who had passed through the door, left their wet paw prints and marks of their scent. Aaron headed down the other way, however, past a door with its many warnings about drugs being forbidden and that everyone was playing at their own responsibility.
The black wolf sneered, and went on, to the corridor with its dark floors and walls painted a shade of red to suggest the lustful minds of the occupants of this facility. There was music, too, coming from somewhere nearby, but behind many walls and so quiet that he only picked up the baseline. His tail was the primary instrument, and he felt the fur prickle there, almost pleasantly.
True to its name, the corridor had many twists and turns. Some of them would turn into alcoves meant for public occupation. One could find a bar here, a video booth there, or just cooling down zones where furs sat, stood, mingled, cruised to their heart's contents. Some costumed, like Aaron, some naked, some with towels, everyone was welcome, as long as you played...nice enough.
Aaron's ears were full of muffled grunts. Many small doors led into the cubicles, ostensibly private, but the thin walls left nothing for imagination. Some of them even had peep holes on the doors, for those who got off most on being spied on semi-willingly, or even secretly. It was a game, a quiet agreement, Aaron knew. If you went into one of the peephole rooms, then you invited others to watch, the same way leaving the door open meant that drop-ins were encouraged. This place had its own code of conduct and its own secret language that one slowly learned through observation and experience.
The black wolf prowled. Getting deeper into the Labyrinth caused the number of leather-clad males to increase. He knew that they dwelled mostly on the inner circles, where the more fetish-heavy special rooms. Aaron was sure he could hear the rattle of chains from the swing room, if he listened carefully.
A cigar-smoking bull daddy gave Aaron a wink in the hallway. Aaron gave the bigger guy a brief look of acknowledgement, but nothing more. He didn't really want to get involved with someone like that. The bull was obviously looking to enjoy something Aaron didn't want to provide.
He went on, past another bend in the meandering corridor, past fuck cubicles and the open doorway into the room where the gloryholes were located. Aaron chuffed a little, watching a husky make his tail-wagging way through that door. He'd popped his head about enough to see that it'd been made to look like a real public bathroom, with the exception that the cubicles had no doors and that many such pairings could be accommodated simultaneously, thanks to several holes cut between the walls.
That wasn't Aaron's fantasy. He wasn't really in the mood for playacting tonight, either way. The wolf just wanted to play, period. He didn't need to conjure up an elaborate scenario aided with the environmental props the resourceful people running the Labyrinth provided these males with.
A fox in an UV-luminescent thong strutted past. Aaron watched the swinging and definitely raised tail for a brief moment and felt a twinge in his sheath. It wasn't enough to make him tug on the tail or to make an approach otherwise, either. That fox's hole had probably seen more action than a bunny in a gangbang. Judging by the smell, he had already enjoyed some denizen or another, or others. Aaron snorted at the thought. He didn't want sloppy seconds, he preferred making them.
Heh,, thought the black wolf, buzzing with the scent of rut and the alcohol still streaming in his system.
He wandered slowly towards the sling room. He could at least take a look to see the action there, to check out what kind of a pig hag had been suspended in chains and leather to be used for the sloppy pleasure of the others. Sometimes half a dozen guys would gang up on the poor? individual and fill him from both ends repeatedly.
Aaron slipped through the dark doorway and into the room. So far he didn't find it to be particularly crowded in a wild gangang reverie, but rather, a sturdy silver daddy lion occupied the center spot. Thick legs were held up in the air with leather straps and his partner, and equally fatherly German Shepherd, provided the thrusting motion with his pumping hips. The chains rattled and the duo exchanged lusty grins and curses while they worked together, enjoying themselves and the exhibitionistic pleasure being watched in their most intimate activity brought to them.
Aaron passed silently into the dark sidelines of the room, and waited. He wanted to take a little rest from prowling around, and the show certainly wasn't bad. The dog's ass was in good shape for his age, and flexed attractively while he ploughed the daddy's rump in turn. Their guts rubbed together as well in a bit of extra intimacy between them, well shared and practiced, Aaron suspected.
He paid some attention to his fellow voyeurs, seen as silhouettes for most part in the dimly lit area, despite his lupine night vision capabilities. A St. Bernard, quite young, still growing up to the full size that his breed usually developed into. Aaron didn't find that particularly interesting, at least now, though the doggy was jerking off quite openly, his meat in paw while he watched the proceedings. There was the ubiquitous fox, of course, leering at the sex with a big happy foxy grin on his muzzle, and paws playing with himself. A proper leather daddy stallion seemed to be on the lookout for some action of his own, judging by the rapidly moving gaze. Aaron knew he was not putting out the signals that invited such a horse for a further lingering. A coyote and a wolverine pair was more interesting for the black wolf, yet the two were groping one another in a manner that suggested they had shared plans after the performance had been enjoyed.
Aaron scratched his ass and sneered. The butt pounding was fun enough to watch, but it would have been more fun if he was the one doing it. If he just wanted to watch, he might as well stay home and find some online. The extra pleasure of the musky scent of the occupants of the room was something of a bonus, but nothing his own well-worn jock couldn't provide if he needed an extra boost.
The black wolf continued the scratching over his hip and to his belly. That was a pleasurable activity alright, almost akin to masturbation. He liked how it made him feel, more...charged. He didn't feel like doing any more overt jerking off.
The happy leather voyeur shuffled somewhat to the side to find a new vantage point for his observations. This even darker corner he moved into held another secret watcher, too, Aaron soon noticed. At first glance he considered the youth a tiger, striped furs and all, though a further look proved him to be a liger, a hybrid. Very young, a twink by all definitions that came to the black wolf's mind. He was nude but for the jockstrap he wore - athletic type, thick elastic band hugging a narrow, boyish waist. Unabashed bulge on the front, too, the black wolf noted.
Their eyes met, a mutual glinting across the dark sex-noisy room, and then the moment passed. Aaron didn't like holding eye contact for long times, unless he intended to intimidate someone, preferably into submission. This kid he wasn't interested in. He'd probably find someone to scare him, if he needed it. Or tell him a bedtime tale.
Aaron rumbled to himself. He was about to pass when another noise caught his attention.
Was the liger kid purring, though the black wolf. He turned about and spied a little.
Yup. The liger rubbed his paw over the groin of his jockstrap. He must've been enjoying the show. Aaron smirked to himself and closed in.
"Hey kittycat."
The liger's ears swiveled curiously. His paws fell to his hips, although his physical demeanor remained mostly calm. He didn't appear too intimidated, though not entirely unaffected, either.
"Fuck that dirty manhole!" the bottom daddy added to the atmopshere.
"Huuuuaah! Yeah!" snarled the top daddy.
The young feline looked over to the festivities, while Aaron still stared. The black wolf flicked his ears at him.
"Like watching daddies, kid?" Aaron murmured.
He looked at the cat and shared him a smile that showed his teeth. The liger looked back to him, and smiled a little. Not particularly cheeky, though not withdrawn, either. It was clearly acknowledging the wolf's advance.
"They're having fun," the liger nodded towards the rutting pair.
Aaron put a paw onto the wall. This presented most of him to the liger, with the added effect that his lifted arm revealed his musky pit and let his scent come free over to the cat. There were many scents and odors in the halls of the Labyrinth, but the wolf knew that he could still rise to the occasion and provide a fragrance of his own.
Let him breathe it in...
"Ya," Aaron mused, "good hard rutting..."
The creaking of the swing supports seemed to drive the point home. Aaron continued his aloof behavior, though he remained close to the liger, who appeared piqued by the black wolf. He certainly had not retreated from his side, which Aaron was sure he would have done if he had found the approach unwanted. The wolf added to the effect with one of his thick rumbles.
"Doing what's right..." Aaron stated.
"Hmmm," the liger sounded almost dainty.
Aaron rubbed his own chest. He could still feel the vibration of his rumble there.
"Leather and chains and musk and rut..." the wolf stated hotly.
" what is happening over there," the liger flicked his tail towards the sexual performance in sight.
How about we make it happen right here? thought Aaron.
He didn't say that aloud. That kind of a cheesy thing was not something he'd easily say, unless he was considerably more drunk and not in control of his faculties. Aaron had other things in mind on how to convey such a message to someone.
"They seem to like..." Aaron said.
He continued touching himself, across his chest, and his neck. He wanted to draw attention to his size and his posture, and his scent, of course. Just waving his cock at the boy wasn't enough for him. He wanted them to submit with proper conviction, not simply because they wanted to wrap their lips around some hot meat. They could go to the goddamn gloryhole room if they wanted to do just that.
The liger's whiskers shuffled. He's sniffed the air...likely could get a proper whiff of a wolf with that breath, through his nose.
"What's there not to like?" the liger said.
"Heh," Aaron chuffed.
The young guy began to appear more appealing for the black wolf. He wasn't entirely of the wolf's usual type, but the guy did not seem to shy from saying what he liked. He wasn't bursting with the kind of slutty energy that Aaron often saw among the denizens of the Labyrinth. No...he was looking for something alright, not overtly forward in it, but Aaron could tell.
"Hehe," the liger snickered.
Aaron wondered whether the liger was playing coy. He wasn't a big fan of that. Aaron liked bluntless, of men knowing what they wanted and saying as much, or doing it, if they really wanted to.
The black wolf spied another potential issue. A nearby lion had noticed the liger as well, and was now making a not very covert approach towards them. The feline was quite buff and obviously very sure of himself, walking with such a confident swing to his tail. Must've considered himself to be sex on legs, the wolf thought. He sneered at such a conviction. The lion wasn't all that special, either, Aaron considered. He was the kind of a slick copy of the perfect image these males aspired to be - toned, worked out, well-groomed, wearing the picture perfect expensive designer underwear for the best bulge. Probably smelled fruity, too, though this far and with this much musk in the air, Aaron couldn't quite tell yet.
The young liger looked at the approaching lion. The wolf couldn't see his facial expression to make sure what the liger's disposition was, but his ears perked curiously enough.
Aaron decided that he had to act now, if he wanted to lay his claim before the lion would come and interfere.
The black wolf rumbled while he let his paw rub along the wall and then to grab the base of the liger's tail. The thick tail bounced with surprise at the grip, firm although not painful, pulling on him to make sure the liger would be paying some proper attention to the wolf by him now.
He kept looking at the lion now, telling him wordlessly that he had this one covered. The liger glanced at the lion, as well as Aaron, whom gave him a heavy look in return.
"Got a problem, kid?" Aaron questioned.
A mild tremble...but a good one, Aaron decided, came from the liger's body upon the heavy contact, felt through the grip on the boy's tail. Aaron scowled at the lion, who appeared to reconsider whether it made sense to try to compete with the black wolf.
"Fuck, yeah, uh!" yelled the lion daddy in the sling.
The liger looked at the black wolf. He seemed a bit more shy now.
"," the cat licked his lips.
Aaron watched the lion sail past with a haughty expression on his muzzle. He gave a quick rub onto the tailbase he still kept in his gloved paw.
"Still no problem?" the wolf leaned close. He was sure the kid could smell the stench of whiskey in his breath.
"Nope," the liger said.
Aaron still wouldn't relinquish his hold on the liger's tail. It seemed like a natural act, in these circumstances.
"Somewhere else," Aaron said. "Enough shows going on here for these people..."
"Hehe." the tail coiled in his grip.
Aaron gave it a tug, as if thinking of using it as a leash to make the cat follow him.
"Come on," Aaron spoke for the pleasure of it.
They moved quietly out of the room, keeping close to the wall. Nobody seemed to pay much heed. Everyone was enjoying the performance of the two daddies occupying the central spot of the voyeur's dream room. Aaron and the liger emerged into the corridor outside. It was only slightly more lit there, to let them look at one another better.
"My name is Lunus, by the way," the liger mused, "I...I should introduce one's self in a situation like this?
Aaron almost shook his head, hearing that.
"You can call yourself Major Asshole the Third for all I care about names," the black wolf chortled.
The liger's ears flicked curiously.
"Aaron," the black wolf said.
The wolf stalked along the corridor, checking the cubicle doors. Just being closed didn't mean that it was free, for that you had to turn on the lock, which you could see from the outside. An open door only meant you could enter, occupied or not.
Past a door through which moans and grunts echoed, Aaron found one that opened into a room with no patrons within. It was as spartan as they came, with only a low bench, covered in waterproof artificial leather, lights on the ceiling and another set of those warning signs and stickers they were obliged to put up.
The black wolf closed the door and turned the lock. He wasn't looking forward for extra visitors.
He could smell the liger better now, in the small space they shared. Youthful, certainly, masculine, clean...and a hint of musk. The jock might've been worn for longer than the wolf had initially thought. His eyes fell down to the elastic mesh cloth on the front. Might've been wearing it while working out...or just regularly. Aaron knew the pleasure of wearing a jock under his street clothes, secret from everyone's eyes, while he could enjoy the knowledge that he was doing something somewhat illicit by wearing the garment for sexual gratification without anyone finding out.
Aaron could understand that. Passing as a 'normal' was what he did every day.
"Whut?" Aaron asked.
The liger rumbled.
"How should we proceed from now on?" the cat asked. "I find myself bit at a loss."
Aaron's ears swiveled towards the youth.
"Whut?" he questioned again.
"Hehe," the liger sounded nervous, "I'm just not entirely sure...I mean...I don't have all that much experience..."
Aaron tilted his head, so that they were almost eye level.
"Hmmph...jumping down at the deep end, boy?" he suggested, with a toothy smirk.
The liger looked confused.
Aaron growled. He wondered if the kid was just dumb or truly so indecisive.
"There ain't nobody to throw you a line if you sink..." the black wolf murmured, dangerously.
He'd had enough. If the liger was gonna bail, he should say no. Unless he did that, he was gonna be at the wolf's mercy.
"Understood, kid?"
Aaron threw the liger onto the padded bench. He didn't use much force, but the mostly lithe creature stood no chance of resisting the bit of manhandling that flopped him to the low couch provided for the customers' pleasure. The liger did not struggle when the wolf landed on him, teeth snapping and a leather-clad groin pressing to the boy's belly.
"You hear me, kid?" Aaron growled so that saliva dribbled from between his lips.
"Y-yes sir..."
Aaron pressed his shoulder down and buried his armpit onto the liger's muzzle.
"Drink that up, boy."
The young cat appeared to fall almost limp under the bulk of the strong black wolf whom now covered him from head to toe. His musk surrounded the boy's maw and nose and soon entered him, when he took quick breaths that were huffed as warm puffs out of him when he had had his fill. A soft moan escaped, followed by a rumbling and what sounded like a purr. The feline obviously enjoyed the submission that came from being buried under a strong black wolf, a bigger, older, more experienced and much more dominant a male.
"Know yer place, pup," Aaron drawled with pleasure.
The black wuff was sure that the liger was nodding, with his muzzle still buried into his manly pit. The young cat was obviously getting very aroused, from the proximity, and the domination.
"That's right, kid..."
Aaron decided that there was a better use for that muzzle besides just huffing down on his armpit. He moved up, to sit on the bench, while pushing the liger to one side.
"Get down," he patted his thigh, legs spreading, booted feet firm on the floor. "Let's see if you know how to suck a dick."
The liger was quick to assume the position, upon the floor so that his eyes were directed upon the sight of the wolf's musky leather bulge. Trepidation? Arousal? Lust? The wolf could see many things pass those eyes that someone might have mistaken for innocent, under different kind of circumstances that did not take place in a dirty mansex cave.
Aaron curled two fingers towards his crotch.
"Need a manual or something?"
The liger's ears flicked.
"No, sir," he said.
The cat moved closer and began to nuzzle on the black wolf's mound. Inexperienced or not, Aaron thought, at least there seemed to be an innate lust for cock that was driving him on, everything else be damned.
"That's right, get to know it first..."
The liger sniffed and lapped around the leather that infused with the wolf's most personal scent. His paws rested upon Aaron's thighs and felt the strong muscles flex with the subtle Aaron made, to vary the contact of his groin with the raspy, slick tongue. It was an arousing sight, the young male's muzzle doing its job polishing the wolf's bulge.
"Like it, boy?" the black wolf rumbled.
"Hmmmm..." purred the liger, "yes..."
"Gonna make it wet with your muzz before it's gonna go in your little ass?" Aaron grumbled.
He could see the liger's tail leap, likely from the lust of imagining both of these events take place very soon. Such a talkative appendage, Aaron thought, and so useful to pull on...or gnaw at.
He licked his lips in anticipation. The kid probably had no idea what he was in for.
" smell so good..." the liger murmured. Aaron could see his nostrils flare.
The boy's submission to his scent made Aaron's darkest desires flare up in tune with the powerful throb of his hard cock and knot within the well-worshipped jockstrap the liger was paying his respect to.
If the young feline really wanted it...he might as well get it, all of it.
"Stay put."
Aaron stood up. His full weight was now on his sweaty footpaws, and the liger looked curiously up to him.
"Yes, sir?"
The black wolf pushed the jockstrap down. His huge red cock popped into view, veiny shaft, knot, great in all proportions and oozing both with pre-cum and scent that was sure to make the liger boy's maw water. Maybe his eyes even widened, thinking how that cock would feel sliding into his boyish rump.
Aaron grabbed himself and gave it a stroke, not really to make sure he was primed for maximum hardness, mostly just to show the liger what the wolf got to play with on a regular basis. A thick bead of pre-cum dribbled from the hole on the top, milked out by the wolf's fingers.
"You don't look old enough to drink," the wolf muttered.
"Guess it'll be legal if it's recycled first...kid..." Aaron sneered.
He wasn't sure if the liger knew just what he had just said, but it was going to dawn on him pretty damn quickly, the wolf thought, when he pushed his cock down and relaxed, just enough that was needed for this.
"Huh - "
The stream struck him on the chest, strong, acrid, stinky as hell and hot. It soaked up onto the slowly growing ruff there and let out a veritable cloud of musk that rose up quickly towards his shocked muzzle.
"Boy needs to smell right," Aaron opined.
He half-expected the liger to balk, but he did not. He just remained there as he was, on his knees like the obedient boy he was found to be. Aaron's smile only widened, recognized the potential for a true sex pig in this one.
Maybe he even deserved this little treat, of being covered in the wolf's musk. He had plenty to give, after the beer, the whiskey, and not using the bathroom before coming to the gay bath. Hosing down a lil' twink liger was not going to be any special feat.
Not that it wasn't incredibly dirty and sexy, to spray the cat's body with his piss. Good thing there was a drain grille on the center of the little room that could take any excess the liger's furs were not going to absorb into them. It matted down on his coat and made him reek and puddled between his knees. The rank, stenchy piss stained the front of the liger's straining jockstrap.
Aaron gripped the liger's muzzle.
"Drink up, kid."
Linus the liger was not given a chance to negotiate on that particular thing. The black wolf's fingers pried his muzzle open and then his cock poured in recycled whiskey to mark the cat from within as well.
He spluttered. Some of the rank, musky liquid coughed up from his maw and poured not only down his chin but splattered onto the wolf's groin. Aaron grumbled, but did not punish the boy otherwise. Being as messy as things were, it was unavoidable that he would get some on himself as well. But it was his very own scent, either way, now shared to turn the cat truly into his dirty boy bitch.
He was done, and the liger was dripping.
"That's a good boy."
Aaron wiped his cock onto the liger's cheeks before he stuck his tip between the cat's lips.
It took a beat before the liger remembered what he was supposed to do, and his lips finally began to move. Aaron let out a growl and thrust more of himself into the makeshift hole.
The liger couldn't really do much about it, more than to keep breathing while the musky cock slid into his piss-soaked muzzle. The kneeling cat had to take it, and he took it deep before gagging on the thick tip.
Aaron pulled back and went down again. The end result was the same.
"Let's try once more."
More coughing, but this time he held it down, and took a non-ragged breath between thrusts into his muzzle.
And again.
It went on until Aaron finally pulled his tool out of the liger's maw, dripping with spittle.
"Done with teasing," he said, "Climb up. You better know how to take it."
Aaron watched the liger's ass rise from the floor and make its way to the appropriately named fuck bench. He grabbed a packet of lubricant from the little shelf on the wall where paper towels, condoms and lubricant were kept, and tore it open to put the slickness onto himself.
"Tail up."
The liger raised his tail.
"Spread 'em."
Lunus grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled them apart to give the black wolf a good view of what he was about to conquer. Face down, ass up, spread wide...just the way how Aaron liked them.
The black wolf smeared the remaining lube from his paw onto the liger's ass crack, and climbed to the bench.
"You better not to make the staff rush here if you cry like you've been stabbed..." Aaron warned.
"N-no sir..."
"Though it won't be far off...heh..." Aaron grinned to himself.
He slapped his cock against the liger's ass crack, then his balls, and then slipped the tip between those taut-pulled cheeks. He rubbed it back and forth, just enough to get his bearings at the messy territory before he plunged onwards.
"Uh - "
The liger only felt the firm grip of a leathered paw and the press of a wet cock against his asshole. Then there was pressure and the horny wolf began to push himself into the young feline.
He was tight.
"Grr," Aaron growled. "Clench your teeth, not your asshole."
The liger mewled. More cock pressed insistently into his ass by the black wolf crouching behind him on the bench. His tail flailed, but was caught by the wolf and tugged.
That did the trick.
"Face on the bench if you have to complain!"
The liger just huffed and puffed. The wolf bit the long, sweeping tail between his teeth.
Aaron grinned, both at the noise and the feel of the liger's tailhole's chokehold on his cock. The kid was opening up, but he was tight.
He tugged the liger's ass up by his hips, and decided to give him some help in sinking that big cock all the way in. A combination of pushing hips and pulling paws seemed to be doing it, more or less, too, when more inches disappeared and the huffing liger accepted his part. The knot kissed his stretched rosebud eventually, and by that time it felt like he was on fire.
Aaron wasn't going to toy with his prey tonight. He'd gotten his cock where it belonged, and now he planned to use its new sleeve for all he needed it for.
His thumbs dug to the boy's hips when he began to fuck. Aaron pumped into the liger's ass with practiced ease that came from humping away at a variety of asses in the past, male and female.
This one was tight.
It was good fun. He even grabbed the elastics of the jockstrap his prey still wore, pulling the pouch part of it tight. His own bumped onto the liger's balls while he kept fucking into the squelchy hole with the intention of filling it up with his dank puppy juice.
He wondered if the liger was going to thank him for that.
The artificial leather creaked. The liger moaned. Even his asshole made a sound that the wolf liked, with his balls slapping onto the cat's.
Sex noises.
Aaron liked making them as much as hearing them.
He wondered what kind of a noise the knot would make, slipping inside.
For the good or the worse.
"Here ya go, pup..."
He slammed himself down so that the liger's body went flat on the bench. With Aaron's great weight on the movement, there was no chance of resisting the knot.
The groan-moan-yelp was immensely satisfying, and helped Aaron to come into a remarkably spunky finish inside the liger's churning ass, in many deep spurts that probably ballooned up the boy's tunnel. He could definitely smell it escaping, with that scent mixing with everything else already going on.
"There's a good cat boy..."
He was sure there was gonna be a purr coming out of that liger, soon.
Thank you for reading my story!
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