Nieve Recounts Unplanned Wettings

Story by AdamantZoroark on SoFurry

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Hi! I'm Nieve, a 5-foot-2 anthro Glaceon. You may know me from a few stories with my buddy, Kioshi, a Greninja, which involve the two of us wetting ourselves. I do hope to be able to talk about another one some time soon, but today, I'd like to talk about something different. I'd like to talk about a few of my wettings that were completely unplanned.

Let's start off with the wetting that got me into wetting. I had just gotten into high school, and ended up oversleeping and having to rush to the bus. Luckily, I did get to the bus in time, but the bad news: Not five minutes into the bus ride went by before I found that I really had to piss. Right then and there, I got a bad feeling; the bus had about ten more stops, so that meant a lot of time before I would get to pee, and potentially lots of people seeing me if I did. I had a feeling I would not make it to school without wetting myself, but as I was sitting in the back and there were only two other students who were sitting in the front, it got me on a thought I would not have thought before: If I wet myself purposefully right then, I would avoid potentially more people seeing me have a huge accident. So, after thinking about it for a second, I went with the less humiliating option. I moved my uniform's skirt around such that it would not be touched and then peed right in my panties. However, while doing it, I felt less humiliated and more... Excited. As in, it legitimately entertained me to do something so naughty. When I finished, I used some tissues to clean up the pee from the seat. I kept those wet panties on the whole day, and even peed into them more times; whenever I felt the need to pee, I would ask the teacher to use the bathroom, get the bathroom pass, then walk down the hallway until I got right where the bathroom was, then peed my pants right outside the bathroom. I did this every day until I was a senior, when the principal caught me and told my parents. My dad was none too pleased with me, but my mom confided in me that she secretly had the same interest.

Speaking of, one of my favorite unplanned accidents happened when my mom and I got stuck in traffic when she was driving me up to move me into college. This wouldn't have been so bad, but I really had to pee. When I explained that to her, she said there would be no way we'd be able to get off the freeway with this traffic, so I would have to wait. She added that she also had to pee. The traffic never got any better, but my desperate need to pee sure got worse. After an hour and a half of awful traffic, we finally started actually moving, but just as my mom was about to exit so we could stop, my bladder decided it couldn't take it anymore and I just started peeing full force. I repeatedly apologized for ruining her car's seat, but she told me not to worry as she had accidentally wet herself half an hour prior. We stopped at her hotel so I could shower and change into clean clothes.

Just a few weeks later, the girl's bathroom at my dorm was under maintenance. If we wanted to use the bathroom, we would have to walk all the way over to the engineering building, which had absolutely disgusting bathrooms. The girls across the different rooms had different plans; some walked in groups to a bathroom which was further away but cleaner, others used bottles, and others just peed their pants. My roommate and I went over to hang out with some friends, and it just happened that they turned out to be one of the pee-pants rooms. The girls there decided to turn the predicament into a game: If they purposefully peed their pants, they would have to strip and remain nude for two hours. However, if they held it all the way up until losing bladder control, they would win a grand prize. Of the four of our friends in there, two of them were naked, so you can all guess how they got there. I was curious as to what they had in mind for "grand prize" and held it. After a long two hours of being incredibly desperate to pee in front of my own friends, it eventually happened. My prize was sex with one girl of my choosing, all night long. I chose Kisha, a Zoroark who was one of the girls who was naked when I walked in the room. Even with a bit of an audience, it was a good night. Totally worth having a huge accident in front of my best friends.

That wasn't the last time I wet around them. On one weekend, we all went to the movies together. Right when we got to our seats, I realized I had to pee, but I was especially disgusted by movie theater bathrooms and decided my need to pee wasn't bad enough to warrant using one. Just 30 minutes later, after finishing my large drink, Kisha noticed I was squirming and said I should use the bathroom. I told her I could hold it. After the movie started, I eventually forgot I needed to pee, but at around the 45-minute mark, I felt my pants get wet. At first, I wondered if I spilled something, but then I realized what was going on: I was peeing my pants. I entered panic mode for a moment, but managed to act like nothing happened so as to avoid drawing attention to myself. I looked over to Kisha, who I noticed was clearly so desperate for a wee that there was no way she would make it through the remainder of the movie. Sure enough. Kisha soon nervously whispered to me that she had just peed her pants. I comforted her and whispered to her that I also had. After the movie, Kisha and I got back to my room, and my roommate left so as to allow us to have a night of incredibly wild sex.

One night, I randomly woke up just to realize I was wetting the bed. Although I was embarrassed while it happened, I ultimately wasn't even mad. Once I finished, I masturbated through my pissy panties to climax, flipped the mattress over, changed my sheets, then went back to sleep still wearing those same panties.

Kisha and I found ourselves both in possibly the worst predicament: being really desperate to pee. During a fire drill. We couldn't return to our rooms because the dorms were being evacuated. We couldn't leave because we couldn't leave the area where everyone was told to go. At this point, Kisha and I had moved into new dorms for the new school year and were roommates. I, luckily, was wearing a skirt at the time, so I just waited until no one was looking and let go. Kisha, wearing a pair of skinny jeans, held it for as long as she possibly could. After about 30 minutes, she shoved her hands in her crotch, but tried to avoid squirming so as to not draw attention to herself. She, luckily, made it through the whole fire drill without wetting herself, so we started to walk back to our room together. She was so close, but had a huge accident right outside our door. I comforted her, then, when we got in the room, we hopped in the shower to clean up and maybe have a little bit of shower sex.

One day, I had a midterm and was running late. I had no time to even use the bathroom. I got to the classroom just in time, but really needed to pee. The professor would not let us leave so as to prevent cheating, so I would have to hold it through the whole test. I sat right in the back, where nobody was, just in case the worst happened. Eventually, my desperation grew so bad that I could barely focus on the test, but I gave it my all, forcing myself to answer questions and doing my best to ignore my predicament. My bladder decided to empty itself just before I finished my test. I stayed until everyone left, pretending to go over my test in the mean time. When everyone else left, I nervously approached the professor, explained what happened, and offered to stay behind to clean up. He told me not to worry, explaining that there's usually one each class. He told me about this Zoroark girl who came in to the test needing to pee, and yet still drank lots of water during the test. There was only one Pokemon that could have been...

"Didn't Wanna Miss Anything"

I guess you could say I'm a bad girl. I seem like a decent Pokemon to others, but if they knew what I do sometimes, they'd realize that I'm actually quite naughty. See, after I make sure nobody I know will see me, I like to have little accidents in...

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"I shouldn't have..."

"_I shouldn't have drunk that entire bottle of water before boarding!"_ Kioshi the Greninja was regretting a lot of things right now. His first regret was not using the bathroom before boarding his flight. His second regret was chugging a one-liter...

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I don't know where everything got out of hand, or where to start. My Charizard roommate, Edana, always said that although having a roommate made rent easier to pay, one thing she missed from living alone was being able to be naked whenever she wanted....

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