V3- Of The Earth

Story by mg_trazor on SoFurry

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A prince born with an illness that held him back his entire life is allowed a chance to live like he had never dreamed. But this bargain comes with no small price as he will soon learn.

Cerin was a beautiful land, far west of the origin point, cradled within thickets of trees, composed of rolling hills and vast fields that stretched to the horizon. The Imfay Tribe settled to the region shortly after discovering the wealth of resources it had to offer. Though all had seemed to be well the territory soon became consumed with unrest amongst the denizens. The Deer had grown tired of the Elk's supremacy over the region and believed that the Imfay lineage had grown corrupted. Unwilling to follow their laws the Deer broke off from the alliance to form their own society headed by the leader of the royal guard Lienu. The Elk were furious however were left with no support in the matter as the Caribou made their way north to form a sovereign nation of their own. The Elk soon found themselves on the verge of starvation, realizing now the Deer had been vital to their own survival. Meanwhile, as fate would have it, the Deer's society had begin to collapse as Lienu had yet to establish law or any group to enforce the laws. It was not long before the two colony's began communicating and a deal was brokered that allowed a united monarchy to take rule in the region. The monarchy's power was split evenly amongst the two kingdoms ensuring equality no matter the King's race the nobility's power would rival his own. Despite his short comings, Lienu, was made the leader of the new government and shortly after his heir, Maxinimus, was born.

Maxinimus was born a sickly child who's very survival hinged on the influence his father's position generated. His disease was of a mysterious nature and seemed to be quite rare with Maxin being the first recorded victim. He suffered from a multitude of afflictions simple aches and pains to times when he could not walk or hardly breath. Childhood was horribly rough for Maxin as he was kept away from others in fear of the spread contamination. And so he lead a lonely existence without a friend in the world, suffering endlessly from his illness, all while trying to maintaining a positive outlook on life. Maxin had grown fond of the trees as he watched them sway in the breeze, some days from sunrise to sunset, wishing he could only touch them or be allowed to leave home for even a few brief seconds. With age his optimism began to fade as he began to see his home as a prison and life an endless string of torments and temptations.

With his adolescent years setting in Maxinimus became restless and could hardly stand the sight of his parents feeling as though they were the source of his illness. He spent as much time as possible sleeping trying to distance himself from his corporal misery any way he was able. The years had not been kind on Maxin, his sickness had become worse with the passage of time as ever more symptoms had manifested. The outside world was an ocean away from his grasp at all times and the windows had only served to tempt him with his ultimate fantasy, freedom. Day in and day out Maxinimus plotted his escape but only to scrap the idea knowing it to be a failure or to the chance he may finally succumb to the illness.

The flora flourished in the summer of Maxin's seventeenth year and he could stand no longer that which mocked him "I want to go outside," Maxin interrupted the silence of the dinner table. His mother and father paused for a second before exchanging a knowing glance. "But why would you want to do that son, you have everything you want here in the safety of home," his mother tried to coax him away from his point. Maxinimus would not be humored like a child, "I want to see the world for what it is, not just watch from the meager view of my window. I want to breath the fresh air and feel the earth for myself." "Maxin you know you are ill, we can not risk your health for such trivial matters," his father stated casually. Maxin became enraged by this, "I no longer care I just want to live life for however many fleeting moments I am able! This is no life, not a real one. All this is is a hollow shell of what was supposed to be a life now only inhabited by sorrow." "Son please listen to your father it is for your health," his mother reasoned with fear in her eyes. "Neither of you understand how it is to live like this, I never chose this illness but I can choose this much!" Maxinimus began to battle tears back. Lienu sat calm as though entirely unaffected, "My boy it is my obligation to keep you out of harm's way no matter how much you fight me. So understand this well, you may very well never be able to leave, accept it, I do not care if you like it or not!" "Bastard!" Maxin roared before running out of the dinning hall.

He proceeded down the hallway following one of the many plans he had hatched in his mind days before hand. The guards were few making navigation a breeze and allowing him making it to the exit without an issue. Maxin pull the massive handle opening the door with a powerful wrench to be immediately taken by the fresh breeze. "Maxinimus please stop, your father means well he knows what is best," his mother pleaded as he stood in the threshold. He paused contemplating his next move, "I am sorry mother, I must do this if not I will never me happy." Soon after shutting the door however Maxinimus found himself becoming overwhelmed by dizziness and headaches. Fighting with all he had inside he managed to force the feelings of illness away for the most part.

Like a bolt of lighting he shot across the lot towards the trees he had watch dance and sway in the gusty winds. Moving faster with every breath of pure air as he tried to imagine what he had longed to know for so long, how would it feel. He pressed on rounding the first corner feeling strong enough to carry on until the flare ups worsened as he continued around the second corner. Now with the trees in sight Maxin knew how close he was despite the pain that brought his movement to a crawl. Every step stood as a testament to the boy's determination, fighting tooth and nail he was coming ever closer to the trees. By this time his parents had finally found him and had about caught up with him, "Maxin wait!" his mother cried. Maxinimus's vision began to fade to black as he reached the tree crawling to it as his sight was nearly depleted. He knelt at the base too weak to think he only could lean into the tree as the final bit of his life fell away.

The day that follow Maxinimus was laid to rest in the valley, placed upon the ceremonial slab, and left to the course of nature. Three were in attendance for the death of the youthful prince while the rain fell in sheets; his father stood with out his wife, Imfay waited beyond the gathering, while Imfay's son, a boy of half Maxin's age stood in his place. "My boy, I am.. sorry," the grief stricken father confessed, "I only tried to do what was best for you in your condition. I always wanted you to be able to go outside, have friends, experience life but there was not a thing that could have been done for you. I am just so dreadfully sorry son, I love you and you will always be missed." The man fought diligently to keep his tears from spilling forth but in his state was only able to prolong the inevitable for so long. The young boy patted the old man's hands that lie on the slab, his somber expression shown much knowledge beyond his age in understanding emotion.

Imfay joined his son standing at Lienu's side, "It is a tragedy what became of young Maxinimus but illness cares not for king nor peasant. Truly no man should have to bury their own child." A silence radiated from the men as even the wind ceased its low rumble. "Lienu I beseech you to surrender your position, you are in no shape to lead our people, allow instead myself to take control so as that you may recover from this lose in private." The stillness remained as Lienu dwelt on his predicament, "You are right old friend," he reasoned, "the throne shall go to your bloodline." Imfay was delighted, "Very good sir.." "However," Lienu interrupted, "it will go to your son, as homage to my boy who would never be able to rule; you will serve as regent until the time comes for your boy to take authority of the land." Disappointed more so than enraged Imfay begrudgingly accepted these terms.

Maxin's body lie still untouched by nature ravages as the day dissipated and a calm night set in despite the storm clouds looming over head. The clouds began to part around the moon and its light drifted down onto the valley. A tree overhead splintered the moonbeams casting the shadows of leaves across Maxinimus's body. Slowly the tree's roots were working their way upwards, through and around the stone, while the branches hung themselves ever lower. Bit by bit the the vines wrapped around the prince's stiff body until his entire form was layered with greenery. For a brief time it held the body within a cocoon like nest wherein it ran its course. After finishing its labor the tree slowly faded to a hollow grey husk of its former state. The binds wrapped tightly, yet not to strangle more a tender embrace, as the flowers wilted while the last bits of healthy green were sucked from them. A faint emerald vapor was exuded from the vines as they weakened and fell apart to reveal Maxin now changed beyond recognition.

The boy still lie motionless however now radiated a rich earthy green aura that seemed to breath life into the vegetation around it. His arms fur shined in the same forest hue as the trees with even the white patches housing a faint shade of spring colour. The boys antlers, though small, had become dipped in platinum as well as the unfaded spots that ran down his back. With a sudden jolt the boy had miraculously awoken, his sickly state now flushed from his face to be replaced with a revitalized tone. Earthy brown eyes flickered for a moment in the moonlight as he now saw the world how he had so longed to for nearly the entirety of his life.

Maxinimus was quite shocked at the realization that he was no longer within the walls of his home and concluded it to be merely a fever dream from which he was soon to wake. He would however explore the world of his imagination to find escape from his otherwise monotonous life within his room. Maxin ventured across the plain into a thicket so dense the moon was completely blocked out by the massive growth. Withholding the idea this was reality Maxin found himself taken by what he presumed to be his imagination and would dare to test its limits. He began to climb a tree, at first because he had seen children doing so from his window but then to see how high he could reach. Try after try until easily fifteen times he had fallen he finally was able to pull himself up the first level of branches. Despite being ill his full life Maxin was able to reach a decent height until he made a simple mistake that would send him to the ground below in an instant if not for the limbs in his path.

With a resounding wave of crashes Maxinimus slammed through limbs and branches to the ground near the roots of the tree. He could not pull himself up for a moment as he struggled for breath trying to understand how this could hurt so greatly in his dream. After propping himself against the tree Maxin discovered his ribs had been broken and a pool of blood had begin to form on his right side. Only now as such real agony set in he realized this was no dream and began to panic, shouting and screaming for help but certain it was to no avail out in the wilderness. He pushed against the trunk trying to pick himself up but was unable to muster the strength through the immense pain from his abdomen. All hope felt lost for Maxinimus as he allowed himself to slide back down to his seat in the dirt now only waiting for what may become of his existence.

A series of cynical sounds shot from the darker depths of the vacant woods with only Maxin as audience to them. He choked as he tried to swallow down the hard truth that his demise was moments away after receiving life anew earlier that eve. But it was then when Maxinimus had felt the agony of defeat was he able to see what he had neglected since he had felt hope die. The roots around him had formed into a bandage around his midsection, stopping the bleeding and straightening the bone. Absolutely astonished at the sight Maxin was once again unsure if this was reality however would not wait pondering and instead make his way out of the forest and far from the noises within.

Maxinimus wandered the moonlit evening aimlessly without any true feelings of meaning inside despite all that he had awoken to earlier. It was during this walk when a agonizing pain ensnared his heart pulling him to the dirt where he writhe. A sobbing aroused from all sides and began to consume him as he struggled to recover from the stabbing pains inside. Slowly Maxin was able to pick out a voice from the cries that echoed on the wind. The voice was low and distressed as it pleaded, "Help us.... Maxinimus... you are the only one... you must stop them..." "Who goes there?" Maxin shouted now paranoid of who may be lurking in the blackness on night. "The forest... go back... help us..." the voice came again and again each time sounding weaker than before as though the speaker's life was disintegrating every moment. Though terrified by the malevolent creatures that lurked in the woods Maxin would summon his courage and face whatever may lie in wait to help this tortured soul.

Upon reaching the treeline the cries had nearly desisted and were instead replaced with the sound of crunching branches and the breaking of bark. With a heavy sigh Maxin entered the forest as ready as he could become for what waited for him inside. Coming to the center of the wood he found the trees had been cleared with only stumps remaining. However more eerily the grass and any type of shrub, weed, or plant had also been completely removed from the site as though there had been no evidence of a fire. Stepping into the circle of moonlight Maxinimus could find no footprints nor a single trace of anyone's being there in some time. "Behind you!" the voices broke the silence with a horrified shriek that sent Maxin darting from his position. As he did so a cloud of bantam creatures rushed through the air before stopping just a step shy of where Maxin had been standing. Returning to his feet he stood puzzled by what he was seeing unsure of what to make of what was before him.

"So you are cause of all this trouble," Maxin was certain his comment to go unanswered, "I do not know what you are doing here but you must go. Leave whom ever you may be are causing harm to before you involve me." The cloud remained silent however in response began to form into a palpable state as every bit joined together to form something of a body. Curious yet frightened Maxinimus watched on as the figure's make-shift jaw opened to reveal a pulsing orange orb that seemed to illuminate the being. From the orb shot out a burst of fire that moved as a liquid which Maxin only narrowly avoided with a quick leap behind a nearby tree. A whisper crept from the bark that he lie his head upon, "It has come to destroy us, you must help us. It will not let you come to close so we have left something for you, it sits upon a stone table beneath the one which towers over all." Maxin could hardly assure himself that all that was happening was not a product of a delirious mind but would not ignore the helping hand he was being lent.

As fire struck the brush near Maxin's feet he shot out from behind the tree and down a path scouting every area in sight for a stone slab. The bursts of flames followed short behind not allowing him to stop for even a moment as he began to run low of forest to search. As he had nearly exited the woods Maxin found himself stopped by a thicket of brambles that halted his progress. Looking through the obstacle he was able to glimpse the corner of a stone bench and instantly knew it to be what he sought after. Anxiety set in as he knew no way to clear the bush with the advancing being not far behind he could only try to piece together a plan with the time he had been given. As the steps came ever closer Maxinimus simply grasped the vines, burying thorns deep into his hands, and began to pull them apart enough to form a path. However the very moment he began to tear the plant apart it quickly receded as though his will manipulated the bush itself. Though startled Maxin wasted no time in proceeding to the slab where he found a bow and three arrows.

The bow was astonishingly well made however boasted a plethora of strange qualities and features that made it entirely unique. It had seemed to have been made by a master craftsmen based on the its quality, but its appearance would imply that it had sat in its place for as long as the trees themselves had stood. Moss covered the exterior and was wrapped with thick vines which also made up the string and grip. It was a majestic tone of sage with bits of mahogany peaking through the gaps in the green. The arrows to possessed their own individual charm all of which complemented the woodland style of the bow. They were made of fine oak and were punctuated with fragments of obsidian with feathers made of fine rigid leaves. The entire set was a magnificent work of art that any artisan would be proud to call their own.

Maxin wasted no time however, after retrieving the weapons, to flank his foe through the trees seeking a proper position of attack. Though never trained in any type of combat Maxin had a basic knowledge of archery among other things from the books he had read in his time. After fixing himself atop a sturdy tree limb Maxin took aim waiting for the proper moment to strike. The creature however moved rather fluidly through the forest and now seemed to have increased its pace as though it were wary of the bow pointed in its direction. "Hold still damn you," Maxinimus muttered impatiently under his breath. As the being made its way towards Maxin it crossed the path of the brambles which returned to a wall of vines as it met the mid point of their path. Entangled the beast opened its might jowl revealing the orb as it readied to burn the bush to cinder. Wasting no time Maxinimus fired an arrow into the heart of the fiery sphere which erupted once the obsidian breached the shell.

Thinking he had defeated his opponent Maxinimus leaped from the tree to retrieve his arrow only to be brushed by the legion of tiny creatures again. The figure reformed again now seemingly a bit weaker, the orb leaking the vibrant flame coloured liquid that was housed inside. There was no time to reacquire the arrow instead Maxin made his way away from the woods readying a second arrow on the string. A burst of flame stuck his heels as he readied the arrow but as he turned around to strike back the creature had again dematerialized to then appear behind Maxin. As the beast again attempted to fire upon him Maxinimus released his arrow as he dove out of the flame's path. A howl was let out by the being as the luminescent fluid splattered across the soil.

Returning to his feet Maxin was immediately seized by the creature which began to cascade the orb's liquid onto him. The fluid burnt into Maxinimus as he struggled to escape the grips of his foe which was remarkably strong for the being's thin, feeble frame. Delivering a swift kick to the figures midsection Maxin freed himself and reached for his bow and his final arrow. The creature however was relentless and again leaped upon him however was now deterred as Maxin held it a bay with his bow. As the jaw exposed the sphere once more he took the arrow in hand and plunged it deep into the core of the orb hoping to finish the creature for good. The orb shattered and it's contents began to pour down the being's innards bringing it to the dust and slowly burning it's every bit to ash.

Exhausted Maxinimus retraced his steps retrieving his arrows until the whispers came again as he collected his first arrow. They beckoned him again to the center of woods were he had first encountered the creature. Reluctantly he obliged the voices and returned to the clearing in the moon's bewitching curse. "Many thanks my Lord, our enemy is vanquished now, we are in your debt," the voices now became more pronounced no longer a faint whisper on the breeze. "You are indeed welcomed," Maxin spoke," but who may I ask are you?" "We are the trees, the flowers, plants, and weeds, we are nature and life incarnate." they replied. Maxinimus was skeptical of this, "Then why would one so strong as life itself need my assistance, it is clear you can defend yourself?" "Yes but alas not enough to stop such foes like the one you faced, that is why we need you my Lord," the voice spoke. Still he stood doubtful of the idea, "It would seem you no longer need my aid so I will take my leave." "Wait," the earth cried out desperately, "there are more that wish to destroy us and poison every last bit of healthy green life on this planet. It is up to you to help defend it." "Then call upon me when it is time if you must, we will see if I will be able to help you any," Maxinimus would not take heed of the message.

Suddenly Maxin's limbs were seized by vines which immobilized him and lifted him high above the ground. "Let go of me you cur!" he shouted enraged. The voice spoke in a reasoning tone, "You must understand Lord we mean you no harm that is why we woke you from your slumber and siphoned the sickness from your body. Please protect us from the scourge which plagues us so." Maxinimus was now coming to the realization that his reawakening and being called to the forest could be no simple coincidence. "I understand now, you were the ones who gave me life anew, I am in your debt rather than you in mine," he reasoned. The vines brought Maxin to his feet again releasing their restraints from his limbs. "We thank you Lord, all that we ask of you is to help proactively protect our earth from the menace the lurk throughout the world," the voices returned humbly. "Of course, I will do what I must to protect this life," Maxin spoke filled with conviction.

The vines mended the wounds Maxinimus had incurred from his battle with the fiend who's burns had left no scaring once so ever. Maxin decided now to return to his home to relieve his grieving family with the news of his cure. As he made his way out he noticed the brambles and brush seemed to move from his path as though conscious of his presence. He bid a goodbye to the spirit of nature and made his way homeward in the weary hours of the morning when the moon had nearly disappeared but before the sun had made its debut you in the sky. The darkness of this time was heavy veiling all inside it and making any wanderer's trek a difficult one. Accompanying the lingering night sky a dense fog had rolled in and shrouded the horizon turning the landscape invisible or at least indistinct from the rest of the world.

None the less Maxin was able to find his way back to the slab he had been revived upon hours ago finding the tree still in poor shape. He sat a moment on his would be funerary shrine staring up into the tree's mass of grey leaves and appendages. Maxinimus now understood it traded its life for his and he was grateful for this however only wished he could return the favor. The wilting behemoth stood quiet in the morning, bits of dew dripped from its leaves too weak to support the tiny bit of water that sat upon them. Maxin knelt in front of the tree in silence paying his respect to the sacrifice made and was soon off as the sun began to peak over the horizon.

In a short time Maxinimus was in town and headed for the royal estate hoping to find his father rising early in the morning as he had time from time. He crept inside the and made his way about the interior finding much out of place with his family's crest removed from their places and replaced by another. Confused Maxin wandered the halls until he had reached his room which he promptly entered hoping to rest for a time before daylight. To his shock he found another sleeping in his chamber as he slowly pushed the door open. Maxin left the room now entirely too bewildered to make sense of the world placed around him. He then decided to go to the throne room to wait for his father, however once he came to the room he was greeted with a tremendous revelation.

In the grand chair placed in the middle of the back wall sat a man that was not his father nor even a Deer. It was Imfay who sat sleeping in the throne as though he had waited for Maxinimus's arrival the entire night. "You there, wake up, where is my father?!" Maxin demanded. Imfay was jolted awake and horribly startled by the shout, "Who goes there!?" Maxin walked into the dim light of the torches, "It is I Prince Maxinimus, who are you? And why do you sit in the place of my father?" Imfay struggled with making clear in his mind what he had heard, "King Imfay... leader of this land. Did you say you are.. Maxinimus?" "Of course I did, now where is my father?!" he was impatient as ever. "That is impossible, Lienu and I laid Maxin to rest yesterday you must be some apparition, a dream, nothing more then my mind," Imfay returned nervously.

Maxinimus had grown bored with this back and forth and so he approached the throne casting his shadow over Imfay. "Now answer me where is my father!? How do you dare proclaim yourself king!?" he demanded. "Lienu fell ill shortly after giving his throne to my bloodline!" Imfay was terrified by what he believed to be a monster come to take his life. "Father.. where is he?!" Maxin's anger gave way to fearful worry for his father. "The infirmary! I can take you there if you promise not to hurt me, please," Imfay was nearly pleading for his life as fear gripped him. Imfay would then lead Maxinimus to the infirmary within the walls of the estate wherein the only bed was occupied by Lienu and the entire staff out of sight.

"As I said there he is," Imfay shown, "I will be going now." Maxin motioned for him to leave as he trudged his way to his father's bedside and fell to his knees. "Father I am sorry. If you can hear me know that I am sorry for all I put you and mother through. But now.. now I am back and healthier than I was before and I am.. happy," Maxin spoke softly as not to wake his father. As he sat with the sun's rays slowly slicing through the darkness of the room a voice cracked, "Maxin?" Jubilated by the lone sound of his father he perked up again, "Yes it is I!" Lienu's voice showcased how weak and tired he had become," I am glad you are happy son. I do not know how you are here now but it is good to see you again. I am sorry though this.. this is not how I wanted to be seen nor how I wanted this to be. My heart, it can not go on and push through the struggle of losing you and then your mother..." "Mother..." Maxin accidentally interrupted.

"Yes I am sorry that I have to tell you this son," Lienu summoned what energy he was able, "she could not take the grief she felt with losing her only son. Early the morning of your funeral I found her lifeless in our bed, poisoned." Tears streamed down Maxinimus's face, it all seemed so unreal but he knew it must be true. "My heart began to ache the second I saw you fall that evening," his father began again, "and then when I saw you poor mother lying motionless on the bed I could... I could feel my heart shrivel and begin to decay. In the end I am sorry for not letting you live like a normal child and I am sorry that I have given your birth right away to another. Please forgive me." Maxin was speechless, the tears showered down like a heavy summer rain. "Father.. it is fine, I will go on to live as I always dreamed far from this kingdom. Do not by sorry for what you have done.. you were only looking out for my best interest. Now get some rest, you will be better soon enough." He tried to make a hopeful and reassuring face towards his father but could not break his face from the mold of sorrow.

Maxin rose and walked towards the door but as he reached for the handle he heard the low death rattle of his father. He swallowed hard as he opened the door to find Imfay waiting in the hall immediately outside of the infirmary. "I do not know if you are who you say, if you are I give you my condolences for your family," Imfay spoke sincerely. "They are both gone now but they live on in me. I will not dwell here much longer Sir Imfay and so I bid you thanks for your help and good fortune for your kingdom," Maxin words rang a powerful tone through the halls. He made his exit from the estate of the King then but as he did he heard a voice address Imfay, "Sir we have word of a plague sweeping our people in the Southlands, the healthy are begging us for shelter what shall we do?" And with that message Maxinimus knew where he was needed and set out south to lend a helping hand to those in need.

"A plague you say," Imfay responded with a strange optimistic inflection in his voice. The other man seemed unaffected by his tone, "Yes reports of a disease that starves and kills the unlucky carriers. They said it spreading rapidly and can not be contained nor cured no matter what they try." "I see," Imfay said pondering an idea, "Then this leaves us in a very rare position to make our lands whole beneath on monarchy once." "But sir these people, our people, are sick, dying how does this help us even slightly," the messenger argued. Imfay would not continue to waste his time on the boy. "Never you mind, simply watch. Also carry a message to the Elk councilmen to meet here today at noon there is much to do and short time to do it in."

V4- Warriors of the Sand

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V2- Coyote's Curse

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