Sampson and Devilah #13
#17 of Sampson and Devilah
The Great Chocolate Chip Gambit
| As they entered the castle, Sampson and Devilah were greeted by the sight of a long hallway, at the far end of which sat a throne upon a raised dias. A dark figure sat upon the throne, clad all in black. | |
| Devilah's eyes scanned the surroundings while Sampson's were fixed upon the figure ahead. When no apparent danger presented itself, Sampson strode towards the throne.
"At last, we meet Kitty... or should I call you The Black Cat?!"
"And you must be Sampson. What have you done to my friends?" | |
| "Your giant Argonian lay unconscious in Riverwood when last I saw her."
"And Shabhira?"
Sampson looked uncertainly to Devilah.
"Oh relax. She's just asleep."
"She'd_better_ be. Come forward, although I doubt I could stop you from doing that anyway." | |
| As they passed the outer hallway, they were struck by the smell of baked cookies.
"What on earth is that!?" cried Devilah.
"What fiendish trap is this, assassin?"
"That," said Muz-Ra stepping out from a side passage, "is Chocolate Chip." | |
| "Cookies? You think to stop us with cookies?" roared Sampson.
"What's a cookie?" asked Devilah, stepping up to Muz-Ra.
"Mostly flour, butter and sugar - though these have these little chocolate bits."
"Now hold on a minute," Devilah cautioned Sampson. "They do smell_awfully_ good."
"Try one. I think you'll like them. Don't worry, they're not poisoned or anything. Here, pick one and I'll eat it first." | |
| "Trickery. Devilah, don't do it!"
"Oh, lighten up Sampson. Just one surely can't hurt," she replied, then turning back to Muz-Ra, added "No need for that, Argonian. I trust you," said Devilah as she gingerly took a nice big cookie from the plate proffered.
"Why thank you! I've got milk to go with it over at the table right there."
"Oh! Sampson, you've_got_ to try one! They're really good! I've never had these before. What's your name?"
"I'm Muz-Ra but everyone just calls me Red. And you?" | |
| "I am Devilah. Very glad to meet you Red! These are just delicious. I don't eat much I'm afraid, so this is new to me. But I must say, some milk would be just the thing."
"Well come back here with me. I promise there are no traps or hidden guards waiting to pounce. I just couldn't carry the plate AND the milk..."
"Sampson, wait just a couple minutes for me would you? I'll be right back."
"Devilah, no! Can't you see it's a trick?"
"Sampson, I'm an_unusually_ good judge of character. There is no deceit here. Maybe a bit of distraction, but your quest can wait."
" No! No more waiting! Say your prayers, assassin. Your life ends here!"
"Oh dear. Sorry Red. Looks like they'll have to wait."
"That's a pity. I had chocolate milk waiting too."
" CHOCOLATE milk? Oh to hell with Sampson, lead on Chef!"
And Red led Devilah back to the waiting snack. | |
| Sampson watched in horror as she left.
"DEVILAH! Come back!"
"Hold your horses, I'll be there in 5 minutes, tops. Besides, I'm just right here."
Sampson then turned his gaze back to the throne, but it lay empty.
"Curse you Cat! Where are you hiding?" | |
| A voice seemed to come from everywhere as he climbed the dias, looking around desperately.
"What, you expect me to just sit still while you kill me? Look, Sampson. I_was_ in the Brotherhood. But I left when they were going to make me kill someone! I didn't have the stomach for it. I may have done some bad things in my life, but I've never assassinated anyone!" | |
| "Well, there was that one guy in Helgen," Muz-Ra suggested, stepping out from the dining area.
"Hey, that was in battle. That's different," said Kitty, crawling out from behind the throne. Then she looked up at the hulking brute glaring down at her with murder in his eyes.