2- The Wolf Captain of Denhaven

Story by Kajex Surnahm on SoFurry

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#2 of Star Wars: Path of the Sentinel

Chapter 2- In another part of a galaxy, far, far away from Yavin IV, a starship captain struggles to make ends meet while taking solace in the comfort of a close friend.

"Honorable beings are so difficult to find."

~Talon Karrde

"What I don't understand about you, Captain, is why you feel the need to fly that piece of junk around the Corporate Sector."

A pair of bored, golden eyes flicked upwards, framed against one relaxed and one arched eyebrow, a wry smile playing along the wolfish alien's muzzle. "Really, Liam? You've tried, what, six--"


"Fine, you've tried seven_times to hire me for whatever bullshit scheme you have, and the first thing you do _this time is criticize the _Rushin' Roulette_like an elitist asshole? I am offended, good sir." The captain adopted a mock grimace, wagging a finger at the pale human reproachfully, stopping only to grab his drink and knock it back with one swig. This action elicited an actual grimace from the wolf, complete with a disgusted shudder and cough. "Shit, if you wanted to convince me to help you out, you could point me to a bar that doesn't water down their already watered-down swill."

"No refunds, Surnahm!" the barkeep snarled.

"Yeah, yeah... flamin' keep the money, jackoff," the wolf muttered under his breath.

Maybe the barkeep's temper was already high because the starport was seeing so very little business these days, and his canteen even less due to its reputation for lousy drinks and lack of entertainment. Had Kajex Surnahm not been contacted with a "business proposition" requesting his presence, he probably wouldn't have even come. Had he known it was a Corporate Sector Authority officer that wanted his services, he _definitely_would not have come- so as far as he was concerned the barkeep was getting a lucky break.

The blonde-haired, blue-eyed CorpSec officer tried again. "All I'm trying to say is that we're willing to pay you handsomely for your services, and we aren't asking much more than running the trade circuit and looking into our recently-acquired assets for... inconsistencies."

Kajex scoffed, flicking his shot glass and running a paw through his raven-colored hair. "Yeah? Why not one of your administrative buddies, Liam? They could get it done much quicker, I'll bet." He grinned. "Unless the incorruptible CSA actually managed to be corrupted, on some level? Why not send a couple of Espos to investigate, since you're so big on the law?"

Liam's jaw seemed to clench. "The Security Police must abide by certain procedures--"

"And I don't? I like doing things my way too, you know."

"You're an unbiased third party."

Kajex laughed at that. "That's nonsense and you know it. CSA doesn't give a damn about non-humans- why should a... whatever the hell I am... give a damn about what the CSA wants? I thought it was an unspoken and well-known policy for CorpSec to be free of 'alien interests'."

Liam glared at the captain, inhaling deeply as if to calm himself before continuing. "7,500 is our current offer for your services- and an extra 2,500, should you apprehend the guilty party with evidence. You are fully aware that we are 'good for it', as you types like to say."

Kajex paused. "10 thousand credits? You think a sum like that will secure my services? A decade ago I could _almost_buy another ship with that, but here you were making me think I could replace the _Roulette_with something up to date. 10 thousand won't even get me half a YT-1300!"

Liam rolled his eyes. "Then you can upgrade what you _do_have with, or do things your way with it. You've told me before you do it mainly for the job, isn't that correct?"

The wolf shook his head. "No, Liam, it's not." He stood, stretching out his arms a bit and adjusting his duster coat briefly before looking back up at the still-sitting CorpSec officer. "Not for jobs like this, and not just because some government official will pay through the nose for it. I take my jobs based on priority, and rooting out misbehaving corporate workers isn't high-priority. Need an example?" He paused as Liam glared at him. "Fine. Kid gets kidnapped by a slave-trade ring, that's high-priority. Local authorities are stumped by serial murders, that's high priority. Shipment of medical supplies needs to be transported to civilians caught in a war zone, or said civilians need cheap extraction off-planet, that's high-priority. But don't expect me to cry for you just because your big bad business loses what amounts to loose credit chits under the cushions of your couch."

Liam rose as well, a cold expression on his face. "I went to great lengths to get you here."

"You'll understand if I don't apologize for your troubles- or that I don't really give a shit."

"I could easily find ways to coerce you if you need further convincing."

Kajex's eyes narrowed, a growl rumbling in his chest as the dark gray fur on the back of his neck bristled visibly, baring his fangs threateningly. "Don't push it, Valcane. I like you better than most of the CSA because you know when to fuck off. Don't go losing that sense now when it's prevented you from getting into trouble for so long."

"You need the money, Surnahm. You know you do."

The captain said nothing for a moment, the remark causing his anger to taper off into frustration. "I'll get by. There's always work that doesn't involve CSA political nonsense." He lifted his left paw up, glancing at his chronometer. "Either way, your ten minutes are up. I've got things to do elsewhere." He jammed his paws into his coat pockets and sauntered off. "Don't bother contacting me again if this is what you're going to keep bringing up, right?"

He didn't bother waiting for an answer, stepping out of the bar.

Whatever he had said, however, Kajex was still sore about the situation. Liam was spot-on about the starship captain needing a source of credits. The Rushin' Roulette_was still in good condition, not due for inspection for at least half a year, but she wasn't the only expense that needed tending to- food, equipment overhauls, maybe one or two minor debts he still had to pay off, trying to build some sort of nest egg; all of these were other financial concerns he preferred not to ignore. The only saving grace was that he didn't have a copilot whom he also needed to pay, or else money would _always be tight.

It was one of the downsides to working in CorpSec space- plenty of jobs to be had by people who really did need help, but the humanocentric subsidiaries of the CSA held the most credits. Sometimes he'd get lucky and he'd get hired by someone who was both rich and possessed a legitimate problem that he was glad to help with- but ever since the Trianii and their territories had managed a tenuous peace agreement with the CSA, this particular stretch of space was lighter on atrocity. The end result was that Kajex, a few CorpSec busybodies and a handful of freighter pilots had made Denhaven Starport something of a long-term residence. He was far from the oldest "tenant", but had been here often enough and long enough that the facility's non-Trianii owner had more or less given the captain Hangar 7, a vacant bay just big enough to handle the Roulette's size.

It was a comfortable arrangement, Kajex supposed, for someone in his profession, particularly one that was technically independently contracted- though only with a couple of small businesses that usually didn't need his help yet enjoyed his company. But it also meant that his center of operations was in a region that most people would consider backwater. Ekibo had two things going for it- herdbeasts and grain. The Trianii were more than self-sufficient enough on a technical level to properly maintain their harvest collectors, and thus only needed Denhaven for export and the occasional off-world hired hand. Whatever else Kajex was, farming was not a part of his skillset nor a desired occupation- and after two years of using the starport as a home of sorts (ignoring how long he'd used the port even before then) it was getting mind-numbingly boring, and often frustrating, having to wake up to the same damn thing everyday.

Still, however dire things might be, Kajex had to at least acknowledge that venting at the _Roulette's_landing strut was a bad idea.

He limped up the XS Stock Freighter's ramp, back home, still seething about his poorly-made decision to kick his ship with a twinge of regret. The _Roulette_wasn't at fault. She did everything right for him and was the only woman constantly in his life that he could really depend on, as far as he was concerned. For a ship at least a few thousand years old, 'reliable' was definitely a word in her dictionary. His mentor would have berated him for lashing out like he did, at something that had yet to fail him.

Kajex paused, shook his head. No focusing on the past, he thought to himself. Things were in dire straights enough without having to linger on things he couldn't help. Resolved towards working on his current problems, he made a beeline for the cockpit, dropping into the pilot's chair and tapping the console on his left. "Check inbox."


The wolf sighed, rubbing the side of his face- how many of those had been from Liam, he wondered. "Sure."


"Activate the voice recording."

A click and a whirr, and the consoles speakers began to relay the message. "Captain Surnahm, this is Liam Valcane of th--"

"Stop recording. Delete."


Kajex buried his face in his paws and groaned, frustrated and exhausted. It was only noon and somehow he felt like he'd been up a few days- the stress of boredom and annoyance from the CSA was getting to him. "Is there anything in my inbox not from Liam?" he grumbled, reclining into his seat, trying to melt away into the cushioning and sliding down a couple of inches towards the deck.


Kajex looked up at the console screen. It was not a name he knew. "Open."

Captain Surnahm,

I caught wind of your advertisement as a freelance mercenary via the Holonet, and your skillset is exactly what we need. I run a service on Fibuli, a planet within Trianii space. Our trade is the manufacturing and dispersion of medical supplies at affordable prices for civilians who are unable to meet the financial demands of the CSAs medical centers, pharmacists and dispensaries. We have had a moderate and satisfying level of success over the last 30 years despite CorpSec propaganda and laws seeking to restrict our services in the region.

For half a year, however, we have noticed a disturbing rise in lost material and, even worse, lost ships and personnel. We tend to hire Trianii Rangers whenever it is financially feasible to do so, and whenever we feel the cargo needs sufficient protection, but their jurisdiction only extends to the fringe of CSA space, as per the treaties between Trian and CorpSec- and so they are unable to ascertain the fate or cause of these missing vessels, cargo and crew.

I would like to secure your services to aid in this mystery. I have read independent reports on your work, and you appear to have a penchant for getting reasonably solid results. If this job interests you, please respond as soon as you are able. I will in turn provide you with the coordinates to my mate's estate to discuss the details, including up-to-date reports, compensation and other matters.

Kajex read through most of the message with growing interest, sitting up as he read through the admittedly brief details of the job. "I'll be damned. Somebody actually has a _real_problem this time." He smiled to himself. It was an opportunity to help good people, which he liked- and get paid for it, which he liked just _slightly_more. He returned focus to the last part of the message.

Because of the nature of this job, I have contacted another association to provide aid, and it may be that you will need to work with them. I've read that you work reasonably well on your own, yet I must unfortunately insist that we use every avenue of help to solve this problem as best as can be done.

The wolf paused at that, mulling it over. This was a bit different. To say that he had not taken on jobs that required he actively work with others would be untrue, but those jobs had usually been unpleasant in their own way, if only because most other mercenaries were interested in pay over results. Perhaps this was why Kajex had been contacted, due to being an independent contractor with an emphasis on helping civilians instead of part of a merc association, sharing the pay while caring little for the population.

I eagerly await your response.

Best regards,

Doctor Aarn Baarok.

Still... he couldn't imagine who else in the galaxy would do the work he did for the reasons that he did. But if this Aarn had found someone, it might be worth it to agree.

"... Compose response."

Three hours later, Kajex sauntered into the spaceport's food quarter, eyeing the noodle vendor at back of the hall- cheap and delicious, the mature female Barabel's cart was often overlooked by most captains, but Kajex had learned along ago that there was a lot of flavor in what others considered dirt.

"How's business, Retsa?"

The slender reptilian chef looked up, hissing pleasantly at the sight of her favorite regular and adjusting her simple civilian tunic as he approached the counter. "Captain Surnahm, always a pleasure to see you." She treated him to a warm smile, not wholly unattractive despite the abundance of teeth, and it was one Kajex returned gladly as he handed her a credit chip. She possessed smoother, turquoise scales compared to the usual rougher, earthen tones that others of her species possessed, and was a bit easier on the eyes and less bestial than most of her kind. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were trying to get something from me with how often you visit my cart."

"Well, what can I say- if you're not putting ryll spice in your noodles, you must be touched by the Force for making them so good."

"You flatter this one with your words, captain. One bowl, extra meat to go, then?" she asked, scanning the card quickly and returning most of her attention to her stand as she swiftly prepared a meal.

"One bowl, extra meat- but I kinda want to stick around if you have time to chat."

She nodded. "Of course. Business is light as usual, I'm not overworked here." She glanced back up, reaching to the side and retrieving a blaster rifle from behind her stand. "I assume you came for this, then? My mate worked it over and modified it as you had requested, he was glad for a little extra income."

Kajex grinned, taking the E-5 blaster rifle from Retsa and securing it to a sling attached to his coat. "You have my thanks for that. I'm happy enough I won't have to wear gloves while using it anymore, it put out a lot of heat. And I'll probably need it soon as it is."

Retsa's eyes followed the noodles she was lifting out of her pot, settling them into a hand-sized bowl. "Lucky break? Found yourself some work, did you?"

Kajex shrugged. "Not quite sure yet, but I think so. Depends on whether I get an answer. But it'll be good to get back out there, after a month of nothing on the scanners. I think the Trianii Rangers are doing their job too well."

Retsa hissed out what was clearly a laugh. "You limit yourself too much, pup. There's no shame in taking on a less-than-benevolent job if it keeps you fed for a few more weeks- though this one glad that keeping yourself tight on credits compelled you to give her stand a try years ago."

"And I haven't regretted it since, I assure you- I enjoy both your food and your company."

"The feeling is most mutual," the Barabel said, handing over the bowl and winking. "As you well know. Are you free later, captain?"

Kajex chuckled, taking a seat in front of her bar. "What did Garsh say?"

"You know very well my husband does not mind," she hissed gently. "It is his gift to me, allowing me this opportunity since he cannot offer a second mate."

"I confess, I'm still not sure how that works," the wolf admitted around a muzzle full of noodles and poultry. "I don't think I know of many sentient species that practice anything other than monogamy, aside from yours."

"Do you value monogamy more, then? Just a question, mind you, in case you'd rather halt our dalliances."

He shook his head as he continued to dig into the bowl. "Not at all, I admit that I enjoy it. Polyamory is far from my list of objectionable practices." He paused, ruminating on the question (and the food) for a minute, Retsa waiting politely. "I suppose I enjoy physical intimacy with close friends as much as the next open-minded sentient. In the end, though... I think I would like what you like- a family of my own, moderately secure future and home..." Another pause and another slurp. "I think Bran would have wanted that."

Retsa nodded solemnly, turning her portable heaters off, hefting a moderately sized placard in front of her cart, engraved with the words "LUNCH BREAK, WILL RE-OPEN SOON", and seating herself opposite Kajex.

"It is the way of the universe and the sentients within it- we are all drawn to the warmth of companionship, regardless of how unusual it may manifest itself. To a Barabel, our bigamy is our way of establishing close ties. We value loyalty among our people, with our mates and our families. To this end, each 'nest' consists of four adults- two males, two females. We never test our hatchlings genetically, so that we may all contribute to the family regardless of who our fathers are, that they know love and loyalty regardless of their blood."

She paused, hissing sadly. "So far from home, this one has yet to find any male Barabel beside her mate- much less one that is suitable and interested enough. But I do not grieve deeply for this, my mate has given me strong, good children to raise. And yet, we are not above recreational sex, even cross-species relationships." She chuckled. "I forgot, you're eating."

Kajex chewed his noodles a bit, shaking his head and responding with a slightly muffled voice. "That's fine, I'm not a prude like 90% of the CSA, it doesn't bother me. Still, now I feel I should ask what I didn't before, if you don't mind- why me?"

Retsa smiled warmly. "Why not? I know you well. This one will never forget that you saved her child. You alone of all the mercenaries who responded to my plea gave me a reasonable price and means of paying it. You shared sincerely in my worry, my dread that the worst outcome would be all I could look forward to, my anger in the atrocity, and my drive to see my daughter alive. You fought, used your skills and demonstrated great kindness to those you saved- and swift justice to the scum that abused them. You acted not unlike a Barabel father would with his own hatchlings, were they in a similar situation. You returned my _daughter_to me. It is a debt I would gladly pay with my body- and one that I gladly have, much to my own satisfaction I confess." She hissed once more- there was no question in the seduction injected in the slithering tone. "And you're certainly attractive- _exotic_enough, of that there is no question."

The wolf coughed out, finding himself laughing. "I, er... that's kind of you to say, really. But for all I know, I could be the runt of the litter, I haven't met any others of my race to know for sure."

She grinned. "You are not the first interspecies lover I've had- but if body-to-genital ratio comparisons throughout the known universe are anything to go by... you are likely _far_from being a runt."

Kajex raised an eyebrow at that. "So... now? Are you really that turned on?"

"No, not now, but I thought I might have to entice you. I still have a business to run, pup- you're not my only customer. Nevertheless, something about you says that you need a night to unwind- maybe the slight limp in your leg, for instance." She grinned, all the same.

"You know, you could have just asked."

"Indeed- but you're cute when you're flustered, even if you think you're composed. And I'm interested in seeing how you walk back to your ship aroused, if I've enticed you correctly."

"I haven't said yes."

"But you will."

Kajex stared at her for a few moments, before his face fell into a defeated smile.

Training had become an important part of Kajex's life, moreso in the last month than it had been previously if only to stave off boredom. Whether it was sharpening his mind with computer-generated slicing tests, doing a few laps around the spaceport or test-firing his rifle to ensure that it was in working order, he did all he could to keep himself engaged in something to keep at the top of his game. He was no perfectionist, but in his line of work it was better to be as proficient as one could be than to lag behind.

For now, he contented himself in some light stretching and weight lifting in his personal lounge, dressed only in a simple pair of comfortable training pants. His athletic body was not truly impressive, but certainly honed enough for a freelance mercenary. A swift glance in the nearby mirror gave him pause to think on that- he wondered humorously if other mercenaries didn't take him seriously because he didn't partake in their steroid cocktails for the bulked up look they envied of larger species. In some ways, it made them look grotesque.

But he supposed, as he heard a tone at the hatch of the Roulette, that his physical look was more the sufficient enough to trigger interest in the opposite- or same- sex. He was never truly complimented for his modest musculature or semi-neat grooming, but that was the point- he was just attractive enough.

And the look in Retsa's eyes was proof that she liked what she saw. "Good evening, Captain." She was dressed in a simple coverall, but Kajex could tell that it was all she was wearing.

"Retsa- care to come in?" He waved her in warmly, retracting the ramp back into position once she was inside and guiding her to the lounge.

She breathed in deep, looking around the ship's interior- it was well-kept, unlittered save a few rags and tools scattered to the corners. "Little changes with you, does it? It's almost exactly as it was the last time we coupled in here."

Kajex shrugged, walking past her and taking a seat across from her, reclining back a bit. "I have little to my name- I have what I need, plus a couple of material wants- access to holovids, digital interactive games, music, illegally obtained hardcore interspecies pornography; you know, the kind of stuff the average bachelor captain could want."

Retsa hissed out a laugh, sitting across from the younger captain. "I don't doubt it. Perhaps if I'd taken up your occupation, I'd seek the same things." She smiled warmly at him, eyes dancing over his bare chest and abs- her brow furrowed as she caught sight of barely visible scars beneath his fur. "Though truth be told, I don't envy the dangers you sometimes face, even if it brings joy to others."

"It pays the bills, and more importantly saves lives."

Retsa nodded, moving close to the wolf with a concerned expression on her face. "It does- but it also causes those few who are close to worry for your safety. You may not be my mate, but that does nothing to prevent me from realizing that the universe these days is sadly possessed of few of your kind... a light in the universe, so sorely needed, that could easily be extinguished."

Kajex stared at her for a bit into those green eyes, before reaching out and pulling her into his arms, sliding her into his embrace and allowing her to straddle his laps. Older though she was, she was shorter, and was at perfect eye-level with him, well aware that she could see him smile.

"I guess I was taught well, if that's the kind of effect I have on those around me. But like I've said before, it's what I do and who I am- the good and the bad. And I figure that you would rather experience mourning someone you cared deeply about who helped others, instead of never knowing such a person in the first place, am I right?"

Retsa nodded, able to smile back. "You speak wisely. What we have now is what should be valued- we pay the price of our love and attachments later in life, but till that day... we have this." She leaned forward, nuzzling her snout against his as her thin tongue escaped past her lips and danced against his cheek slowly. Her claws rest on the wolf's bare shoulders as she shifted around in his lap, sliding a little firmly into his waist and taking in a sharp breath as she felt a firmness beneath her.

Not content to let the older participant do all the work, Kajex has not been idle, returning her affections and nuzzling back into her scaly visage, eliciting a quiet hiss from his lover as he began to draw the zipper of her suit down, mirroring her motions as she drew her claws gently down his snow-gray chest, briefly toying with the pendant around his neck. She would always wear this suit when she came to him- it was easier, perhaps more erotic than any sort of superfluous clothing or undergarment she could wear, especially as she slithered out of it like a snake smoothly shedding its skin. Still resting in his lap, she was only able to shift her upper body out of the suit, exposing her bare, nipple-less breasts and shoulders, arching her back and tossing her head aside erotically to make sure the captain got a good, long look at them.

She was, in many ways, different from others of her kind- larger breasts than average, wider hips, a thicker, slightly longer tail; all qualities that as far as Kajex was concerned added to her attractiveness, certainly enough that his paws and lips were tending to each of them in short order, kissing her cleavage spots and the apex of her tits, as one paw supported her lower back while the other squeezed her tailbase firmly, drawing out a lower, more audible hiss from the Barabel. He'd been at this long enough that he could zero in on the spots that pleased her most- with her husband's help, he inwardly admitted, as Garsh approved of Kajex as his wife's lover and was glad to give him pointers.

He nipped gently at her left breast and it was this that drew out Retsa's first true moan, a husky tone that indicated how well this gentle foreplay was progressing- she possessed no teats, but the wolf was well aware how sensitive they were. She ground herself into his hips firmly, drawing out another moan as she pressed the outline of her cloaca into the tenting fabric of Kajex's sweats- this time is was his turn to shudder and vocalize his pleasure, groaning deeply as he felt his sensitive flesh slide out of his sheath, though not yet exposed to open air. Retsa moved a claw beneath her and with a fluid motion the prisoner was released, a firm, black canine cock easily 9 inches in length (and growing) standing at attention for a moment before tipping forward against her taut stomach- another tug at his waistband, aided by Kajex shifting his position and thrusting his hips forward, and a respectable-sized pair of testes rolled out, quickly caught in the Barabel's careful grasp, giving them a gentle squeeze.

Kajex shivered again, staring his reptilian lover in the eyes. "Mind the nails, ma'am."

Retsa hissed into his ear playfully in response. "Never."

She eyed the male flesh with apparent interest, pressing two digits against the underside and causing the wolf she was straddling to growl softly from the sudden sensation. The rest of her hand wrapped around his length, firmly stroking downward. As if in response his member twitched, a single bead of precum forming at the tip, dribbling down the angled head as gravity guided it down his shaft. Her eyes followed the bead until a jolt of pleasure shocked her senses back into the moment, a choked screech flowing from her throat as the wolf's paw began to finger her cloaca. He watched her body react to the stimulation as she tensed up, then rolled her trembling hips into his paw, gritted her teeth as she struggled and failed to stifle her moans.

She did not remain idle for long, continuing the stroke her younger lover's prick, fingers working deftly along his shaft as she smeared his natural lubrication against his flesh, squeezing the base to coax more from his body; the wolf only redoubled his efforts, his thumb and forefinger swirling around her cleft and sending a haze of bliss into Retsa's senses, seeking out her internal clit and brushing against this sensitive button repeatedly, reducing the Barabel to a quivering and increasingly moist mess. She instinctively leaned forward, taking the wolf's shoulder in her maw and bit into him firmly, drawing no blood but causing the wolf to groan in pain.

"Retsa... ease up."

She blinked, drawing back and breathing deep. She'd nearly forgotten her lover possessed no scales. "I'll try to restrain myself, pup."

Kajex only smiled, taking the Barabel in his arms and letting his undone sweatpants fall to the floor, kicking them away and leaving them behind as he carried her a short way down the port hallway to his quarters. It was small, simple, with a clearly comfortable bed at its far side, and it was here he set down his reptilian companion.

Retsa sat up, arching her brow even as she smiled. "I'm afraid I still don't understand the concept of carrying one's lover. I'm capable of walking through your ship, you know."

Kajex smiled as he pulled the rest of her suit down her body, her genital slit looking moderately glazed with a feminine dew. "Males find it considerate to carry their lovers into bed as a form of intimate trust."

"Even other male lovers?" she asked, kicking away the suit from her feet and spreading herself a bit, fingers tracing along the slit enticingly.

"The two I've had before did- though the latter one carried me. It was touching, I admit." He looked up into her eyes, climbing over her, paws set on either side, while she hissed in amusement.

"The classic position."

"You object?"

"Never with you, pup. You're always trying new things, and I certainly appreciate them. But sometimes a return to the basics is what I want most."

Kajex grinned. "Swoop-riding is basic." He rolled onto his back, taking the Barabel with him as she churred excitedly, straddling his lap and resting her claws on his shoulders, his prick drooling heavily against the base of her tail. "And it's been a while since you've been in charge."

"Should I take that to mean you wish to slack off?" she hissed playfully.

"You should take that to mean that I'm at your mercy, ma'am," he responded smoothly, resting his paws on her hips, rocking his hips gently upwards, his turgid shaft sliding against her tail. She shivered, warmth generating from her slit, and with little hesitation lifted her haunches up and back, seeking out the wolf's cock with her own genitals, finding her target and bringing her hips back down over it.

The sensation remained alien to her- while her husband's length was a little longer, smooth and tapered, her lover's was thicker and possessed a moderately stimulating variation along the length- tapered sharply at the end, thicker below that, a touch thinner around the middle, and then much thicker and meatier at the base. That it would feel so strange felt so sexually taboo to her- much to her personal pleasure.

For his part, Kajex was still amazed out how tight Retsa's snatch remained even in her middle-aged years, squeezing around his length consciously while it was buried deep in her cleft. More fascinating to him still was the sweltering warmth of her body- he knew full well that Barabel's were not completely cold-blooded, retaining warmth through body fat even in the evening as a true poikilothermic species. Yet it was this warmth, slightly more than the rippling sensation of her cloaca working around his prick, that he enjoyed best.

Retsa did nothing, though, still content to squeeze around him as she gazed at him distantly. For the first time since she arrived, Kajex was concerned. He put a paw to her belly, startling her back into the present, bringing a claw over his paw.

"Are you okay?"

She said nothing for a moment, letting out a deep sigh before putting a claw to the side of his face and looking into his golden eyes. "Just... thinking. You know that I've asked. Would that you'd say yes to this one..."

Kajex smiled sadly, holding her claw to his face. He knew what was bothering her. It was more than just being her lover- tradition be damned, she still desired more from him. "You know my love for you is deep, Retsa- but not that deep. You're a good woman. Just not the one I'm looking for."

She shook her head, a genuine smile on her face. "A chance to have you remain with me and Garsh... this one does not deny that she dreams of it still, regardless of your inability to sire my offspring." He claws drifted to his chest, the soft scales at her fingertips tracing the scars beneath his fur; they seemed so trivial to the eyes of anyone who might have seen them. She and only a few others knew how truly injured, how close to death he had been before her own children helped to save his life- a miracle that she was certain would never be repeated on his behalf again.

He lifted her chin up with a finger. "You'll always be a part of my life, Retsa. I wouldn't say that unless I meant it. You know how Bran taught me- making sure I didn't make promises I couldn't keep." He touched her face this time- she was beautiful to him, physically so, but also more for her concern. "You could never keep me away from danger, not when I've got time and energy to help others- but what we have, between us, is one of those things that reminds me to always come back alive."

She nodded, smiling despite herself. "Yes... it is, as you say, what you do and who you are. And I would be foolish and selfish to take that from you." She leaned forward bringing her snout to his muzzle and pressed her lips against his.

It was a simple kiss, but there were many unspoken things said in it that Kajex understood, and that understanding prompted him to action, gently rolling his hips up- she mirrored his movement by pressing her hips down in response, leaning back with another husky moan as he began to mate her from below, her powerful thighs lifting her up and off his lap, flexing briefly before uncoiling, sinking back down into his groin. Minor variances followed; a half-movement or over-extension, but the sensation was the same- completely delicious.

He had told her he was at her mercy, but Retsa knew this was a playful lie- he gripped her buttocks firmly as he guided her motions, ensuring she slid down his thick pole each time he bucked upwards, coaxing her to grind her mound against his sheath when he pulled her in close or dance against the tip when he held her hips suspended above him. It was as if she followed his command based simply on the tension in his paws- but she was never without his cock for longer than a minute, the thick length burying and reburying itself into her vaginal crevasse, the thicker base squeezing tight against her internal clitoris. It was this sensation that elicited small chirps from the Barabel, sounds she would only ever make for her husband and lover, and it was this alone that Kajex needed to hear to know she was satisfied.

Not that she didn't have other ways of expressing the level of ecstasy she was currently feeling. Before long, her strong thighs were squeezing around the wolf's hips, violently shuddering as she placed her claws on his chest to keep herself upright. Her hips faltered as physical need began to weaken her- yet support came from beneath her, as her lover held her shoulders up, sliding his paws down her arms before taking her claws in hand, fingers entwining and keeping her upright. She peered through the lusty haze clouding her senses, dimly aware of what Kajex was doing, and once she understood, resumed her efforts, moaning louder as she rode his cock faster, the wolf captain easily matching her pace.

Seconds turned to minutes, though those minutes seemed to draw on, the dew on her netherlips at this point having trickled into the sexual cocktail of pre-seed and feminine nectar that was staining the sheets beneath the wolf's rump. Her kind did not perspire easily, and the fact that her scales glistened with sweat was a mark of high physical exertion and the best kind of stress one could experience as far as she was concerned. Her fingers tensed, palm melding easily into the wolf's as she became dimly aware of the knot forming at the base of his shaft. Her movements became more strained- part of the length she yearned for, the one that brushed closest to her womb, seemed to shy away as the knot limited what could, for the moment, feasibly fit into her quim.

The moment she realized this was the moment she felt herself being swung around, landing on her back, her head now resting on a pillow, claws pinned to either side of her. Dazed, she looked up and saw the face of her lover.

"Focus on me, Retsa."

She obeyed easily, staring into his golden eyes and spreading her legs wide, knowing that this was the best possible way to come to an end. She shudder as he drew his hips back until an inch remained within her, before driving his hips forward and slamming into her fissure. She chirped again, the shock of this assault causing her clit to tingle, weakly trying to return the motion but failing, gladly resigning herself to the wolf's mercy as he hammered his prick as deep as he could, his knot kissing against the lips of her cloaca repeatedly, determined to breach the tight orifice, each thrust causing his heavy balls to bounce against her backside. But her focus never waned as she continued to stare into his eyes- they stared back, never drifting away even as he bucked harder into her cleft.

His work soon paid off- she heard it first before she felt it, an audible pop as his knot finally plowed through her lips and locked him in place, the sensation of terrible and delicious pain and pleasure rocking her senses as she screeched once, reduced to moaning and writhing beneath him. He matched her passionate voice with a feral snarl- and she still did not look away. Even as she felt his balls tense and empty themselves into her body, plastering her vaginal walls alabaster with seed, they did not look away. She wrapped her legs around his waist, drawing him in as close a possible, hissing deeply and shivering violently beneath him.

And yet, she still did not look away.

The storm passed, a flood of seed now pooled in her womb. She was not at risk for pregnancy, she knew- but she was still positively receptive to the idea of taking her lover's seed in her. Kajex finally drew his eyes away, groaning as tension left his body. Locked in her silky yet vice-like grip, he could not pull away from her mound, and had no intention of doing so even were he so capable. Little prevented him from rolling onto his side, carefully pulling the Barabel still attached to his prick into a warm embrace as she churred quietly, wrapping her arms around his waist.

He chuffed quietly, smiling down at her as he felt her cuddle into his fur, saying nothing until his breathing returned normal. "You know how to do this the right way, Retsa."

She smiled back up at him. "What's the right way?"

"Post-coitus cuddling. If you're skimping on it, you probably don't give a shit."

She squeezed him close, breasts pressing into his bare chest. "Would you believe that I did care if I didn't embrace you, love?"

He nodded, stroking her side and nuzzling her affectionately. "Without a doubt."

They traded no words for a while, simply caressing and embracing each other, both their loins sore and satisfied with their activity. While they rested, though, Retsa's mind wandered. Her head was against his chest, and this close she could see the extent of his scarring. It was so perfect, the way things were now. She was reticent to spoil it, but the question continued to gnaw at her.

Kajex seemed to know what she was thinking, drawing away a little to stare into her eyes again, not angry or irritable, but calm and understanding. "I know how badly you want me as your mate, and believe me I'm honored you think I'm good enough. If I were any other person, one who knew in his heart that it was right, I would do it without hesitation- and I would condemn any man you personally chose if they refused your love out-of-hand." He took a claw in hand and squeezed it. "But it just isn't my place. I do love you, Retsa, as deeply as anyone who has shared what we've shared _could_love you. And I say 'no' because what you want is just... not what I'm looking for."

She nodded, smiling sadly and squeezing his paw in return. "It's not meant to be me." She held him close, hissing quietly into his ear. "Remember what Bran said, yes?" she asked.

"To either honor any promise I make, or make no promise at all."

"... Promise me... whoever you do choose to spend your life with, won't take away what we have- won't take _you_away from me and my family."

Kajex smiled warmly. "I promise."


"... Open."

Doctor Baarok,

I'll not hide that I'm sincerely glad that you decided to select my services. While the CSA has been pressuring me to overlook a similar job, I chafe at their procedures and feel that, despite their substantial compensation offers, that I would much rather work with a more benevolent association that won't chew my ass out for what they perceive to be wanton rule-bending.

More seriously, I empathize with your business goals and the alarm you must feel from these incidents, and so I would be happy to meet at your mate's estate to discuss this matter, potential employment and financial agreements- I'm certain we can come to an agreeable compromise, or at least provide each other with reliable contacts to alternative services and offers if we can't.

I'll add also that while I'm not usually compelled to work with other organizations, I generally don't mind. Just as long as it's not another CSA paper-pusher or Jedi Knight mystic, but again- I can play nice.

Looking forward to your response,

Captain Kajex Surnahm of the Rushin' Roulette_._

Aarn glanced up from the message. "He agrees- conditionally."

"He has reservations?"

Aarn shrugged, smiling wryly. "Perhaps, love. But I assume it's far too late to tell your sister not to recall her daughter from the Jedi Praxeum, isn't it?"

1- Hunters

"The Wolf Den." Maichail stared up at the neon-blue sign, shaped like a wolf howling at the outline of a white circle. The steady thump of club music seemed to beat against his ears, his right flicking unconsciously as the beat mixed with a siren-like...

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3- What's At Stake

_ **"This is some rescue- you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?"** _ _~Leia Organa_ Not a single moment was wasted with introductions. Within minutes all four of them were out the front entrance and sprinting across the snow, as...

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1- Wandering Mindlink

**_"The Force flows through us, from us, and around us. But most importantly it flows_** **between**** _us."_** _~Unknown Jedi Master_ "In the past, Padawans were assigned to a single Master. Years of training would follow, often from adolescence,...

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