
Story by Kindar on SoFurry

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#1 of Orr Chronicles

A snippet of Melina, Robert's mother.

I don't currently have a story about Robert's parents at this time, but I wanted to take a look at them. Melina and Howard at the only Orr couple to date whose relationship lasted pass ten year. These two will be together through thick an thin until their old age. I know Melina will die first, taken an age related sickness. With Howard following not long after her, due to a broken heart.

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The young tiger ran in the kitchen, not wearing a stitch of clothing. "Ma! Ma! pa said he's going to flay me!" The thirteen year old hid behind her.

"And pray tell, what have you done, Robert Orr, to deserve such talk?"

"I didn't do anything, I swear."

"Then why are you naked as the day you were born? Have you been teasing you father again?"

The teen didn't answer, but by the way his ears turned red before folding back, she knew she'd been right. Before she could scold him, his father stalked into the kitchen, also naked, and sporting an erection.

She smiled at him and he didn't stop until he was pressed against her, kissing her passionately.

"Oh Melina, my beautiful tigress, Goddess of the moon, Holy mother of my home, I desire you so much." He was rubbing his erection against her, so hard she had to back up until the counter stopped her.

She moaned under his kissing and grinding. She wanted him too, but she put her arms between them and gently pushed him away. "I've told you many time, Howard, not in the kitchen." She had trouble catching her breath.

He smiled and caressed her cheek. "Then come with me to the bedroom"

"If you want to have dinner, love, you need to leave me be."

His face fell. "But my need is so great."

Her laugh was light, airy, and after a moment he was smiling too. "You have sons to take care of that, love of mine, and after dinner is eaten, and the dishes are away I will be there for you to fill, and maybe I can give you a fifth son."

"I love you." He breathed against her neck.

"I love you too, Master of desire." She nipped his ear. "But I think your victim is fleeing to the living room."

Robert eeped as he tried to sneak out of the kitchen. Howard turned and ran after his son.

As Melina caught her breath, her husband certainly knew how to make her breathless, she heard the laughter, a scream and then giggling. Howard had probably caught Robert and thrown him over his shoulder, as he was wont to do, Robert being the only of his son still small enough for him to do that with. The giggling quieted, then moaning began.

She smiled at the sound of pleasure. Howard was a wonderful lover, be it with her, or his sons. She through about going to the living room, to take over after Robert, but this was Sunday, and Richard and Ronald would be joining them for dinner, so she had five men to feed tonight. And she had to feed them well, considering the activities they would be doing after dinner.

She would have Howard first, and last, but in between, the men would all pleasure each other multiple time, as was the Sunday evening tradition. She smoothed her apron, and decided to go wash up before preparing the dinner, Howard had made her wet, and it would be uncomfortable to work in such a condition.

She had to walk by the living room to reach the bathroom, and glanced in. Reginald had joined his father and brother on the floor and they were all moaning loudly. She chuckled to herself. the men were going to be extra hungry tonight.

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