Sabhira's Daughter #44
#49 of Tails of the Khajiit
| The giantess laid Udaran on the bed and assured Kitty that she was fine.
"She just passed out. Shock I think. That and not getting enough AIR," she said, giving Muz-Ra a brief glare.
"What happened?" Shabhira asked.
"Sorry Shabhira, not your fault. I'll explain in a minute," Muz-Ra explained, "But can you get some water or something to revive her?"
"Water? Oh I can do better than that surely! Stand aside a minute," and the daughter of Sabhira pulled a small vial from her pocket, uncorked it and held it briefly under Udaran's nose. | |
| The effect was immediate. Udaran sat up and stared again at Shabhira.
"Are you ok? You passed out," Muz-Ra asked her but Udaran couldn't reply.
"Give her a minute," Shabhira said. "She'll be fine. Now what's this all about?"
"I think maybe you'd better sit down." | |
| "You know my mother?!"
"Yes. Well, not Kitty, but Ubergard, Udaran and I did. Udaran knew her best."
'knew'. I see. She's dead then," Shabhira took a moment to process this as Muz-Ra nodded. "And... I gather I look like her?" | |
| "Uncannily so. I'm afraid it was too much for Udie. They were very close."
"Oh! I'm sorry Udaran. But I assure you, I'm no ghost," Sabhira said.
"No," Udaran managed, her composure returning. "I know. It's just... I didn't expect you to look so... familiar." | |
| "So you came to tell me my mother was dead?"
"That, and more," Muz-Ra explained.
"No, let me tell her Red. I'm ok now. If you don't mind, could you leave me and Sab... I mean, SHABhira alone for a few minutes?" | |
| Muz-Ra nodded and got up with the other two.
"Let's go see if we can get a midnight snack. Sound good?"
Kitty and Ubergard nodded and followed Muz-Ra out. | |
| In fact, it was well past midnight when Shabhira and Udaran came looking for the others.
"You've brought her up to date on everything?" Kitty asked.
"Yes, I think so," Udaran replied. It was then that Kitty noticed that both had obviously been crying.
"I want to thank you all for undertaking this journey to find me. I have a lot to think about, I'm sure you understand. But I WILL be returning with you tomorrow. For now, Ashasha and I need to talk, and then I'll return to my hut. I would appreciate it if you would wait for me here till I return in the morning." | |
| "Of course Shabhira, we will wait longer than that if you want to," Muz-Ra suggested.
"It won't be necessary. I have some things I need to prepare first, but I should be ready before noon." | |
| "Then, until tomorrow?" Udaran held out her hand.
Shabhira batted it aside and gave her a fierce hug. "I know how much you must have gone through for me Udie - and for my mother's memory. A handshake wouldn't be gratitude enough." | |
| Kitty wondered if Shabhira knew just HOW close Udaran and her mother had been, but decided that - at least for now - it really didn't matter.
Then the two looked at each other for a moment, Udaran obviously fighting back tears as she looked into the eyes of her only love's daughter, before Shabhira took Ashasaha by the hand and left.
Muz-Ra led the four up the stairs to their room and sleep. | |