Shadows of Elysium, Chapter 2

Story by wildwiredweasel on SoFurry

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Cheki the mongoose and the canine brothers mercenaries are going to find the missing students, laws be damned! After days of searching through the last spot they were seen, they now have to break into an ancient series of tunnels to find out what happened to the missing students. But the magics of the ancient spiders don't know modern decency- only primal urges.

Roll for guard bypass: Failure! (100!) 25% chance of being too distant from tunnels: 83, close enough to tunnels to escape into them!

Random tunnel chance: 1-33 is A. 34-66 is B. 67-99 is C. 100 is mystery chance.

22, the gray tunnel.

Odds of the students being in this tunnel: Wouldn't you like to know? >: 3

Cast: Chekki the knife-eyed mongoose, Rolf the wise wolf, Judas the giant jumpy dog, Murray the magestic male fox, and Merkha the meticulous mad jackal.

Cheki and Merkha looked over at the side entrance. There was supposed to be a guard standing there, but there were none. Instead, one of the two guards by the main entrance would occasionally meander over, look around, and head back.

"That looks like our best way in," Merkha said. "We just have to wait for the other guards to look one more time, and then they should be satisfied that nobody's here."

Cheki nodded. She felt the same way- going through the front was too risky, and bribing them could result in other unpleasantness. The spiders' idea of law was checkered, to say the least. Of course, no plan ever has total agreement.

Judas sighed as quietly as he could, massive lungs blowing Cheki's hair up from the back.

"Would you cut that out? They might hear us!" she whispered at him.

"Yeah, but then we could just tell them what we were doing here and go in. They won't follow us in there," he said.

"You don't know that. Besides, we-"

Merkha tapped her shoulder and pointed at the guard post. The tarantula guard, a fat, balding middle aged man with a spear wearing a worn out uniform, strolled over to the side door. He looked left, then right, and back to the main entrance. He hummed a lazy tune as quiet as the breeze the whole way, ready for the night to be over.

Cheki nodded, and the four broke for the entrance.

Merkha felt the slightest brush against his ankles. He didn't need to look down to know what just happened. As the guard turned around to see who sprang his web trap, Merkha slapped Rolf and Murray on their backs and whispered, "Run!"

"Hey, you! All of you, stop!" the tarantula shouted.

All of them dashed to the doorway without a backward glance at the portly policeman. Judas was the last through the door. He slammed the door shut and locked it, then kept following the others. He turned the corner just in time to see them running into the gray tunnel. Behind him, a guard shouted to open the door or suffer the consequences. Judas growled- he wanted to call the guard's bluff, but his friends were more important. As he jogged into the ancient corridor, he wondered if he would have to pull his friends out of a cave-in before this was all done.

"There you are," Cheki said. "Did they follow you?"

"Nah, I shut the door on them," Judas said. "Not sure if they had the key- they were yelling at me to open the door instead of opening it themselves."

Cheki nodded. "Good- it means we can walk and keep our eyes out for clues."

"Yes, but... what makes you think they came in here?" Merkha asked. "They could have gone down any one of the tunnels."

"Exactly. No way to know, so better start looking now," she said. "Merkha, I want you up front. Judas, stay in the back. Rolf, stay up with Merkha- if there's a fight, it's up to you to protect him. Murray, you stay in the middle since you're the least ready for combat."

The dogs blinked at her, unused to people telling them what to do. Rolf smiled and nodded at them.

"We're under her contract, remember? She's calling the shots," he reminded them.

"Yeah, it's just... weird, hearing someone else give orders," Merkha said. "Reminds me of Benny."

Judas glared at him, but before either could say anything more, Murray brushed by them.

"How much you want to bet one of those college students is a girl, waiting to be rescued by a handsome man?" he asked the others.

The distraction worked. They laughed at him and called him an idiot, but Rolf was grateful. It wasn't long before they were strolling and joking, walking down the halls into the depths underground.

Then they found their first fork.

"Cheki," Merkha said, "There's a fork in the road. Should we go left, or right?"

"Keep to the right wall," Cheki told them. "It's a guaranteed way to get through any maze."

"I suppose so, but... maybe we should mark it," Merkha said. "This stone looks different from the rest. The colors of stone all change a little, and the lines are wavier. I don't trust it."

"You don't trust the stone?" Cheki asked. "I know you're used to sand, being a jackal and all, but I promise you, stone doesn't move like sand does."

"I know that!" he said. "Just... humor me, will you? Pass me the chalk."

She did as he asked, eyes rolling. He marked a large circle on the wall, then wrote a giant 1 in the middle with an arrow pointing to the way they came from.

"There," he said. "I'll keep marking the turns, numbering the turns as we go. That way, we can search every path to make absolutely sure the students aren't here."

"Guh. It'll work, I did mazes all the time when I was a kid," she said. "Now let's go."

They turned to the right and kept walking. They came across several more turns, but at each one kept their hands to the right of the wall. The walk stretched on, slowly winding into a circle. Then, for the first time the entire march, Merkha stopped.

Rolf looked ahead to see why Merkha wasn't moving. All he saw was the white circled 1 they drew in chalk earlier.

"What's the matter?" Cheki asked from behind Murray.

"We found our starting point," Rolf said, "But there's a problem."

"What? What problem?" she asked. "It just means the solution is in the center of the maze, it's no big... deal..."

Her voice trailed off as she looked at the impossible. The way they came in was gone, replaced entirely by a massive stone wall. The chalk circle remained unchanged, but the tunnel was different now.

Cheki took a deep breath and focused.

"This is nothing we didn't expect," she said. "Maybe it's just an illusion, or maybe the wall really did move. But we have to keep moving, or we'll never make it through."

Merkha sweated. He wasn't comfortable around magic he couldn't feel. It was like the wizard was so powerful, he melded the sorcery with the ground itself. Such an act would kill any wizard he knew. Despite his fear, though, he knew Cheki was right. The only way to go was...

"You know, I think we should turn left," he said. "I feel like this is where the tunnel used to be, which means we went in a full circle. If the students are here, they're somewhere on the inside."

"He's right," Rolf said. "Besides, going another lap won't show us anything new. The solution to old labyrinths and such are usually some annoying little clever solution- a little trial and error will probably make the tunnel open back up."

Cheki nodded. Merkha marked the corner of the wall, not sure what good it was. They stepped into the maze.

Half an hour later, and the chalk stick was worn down to a nub. Behind them, hundreds of twists and turns and splits were marked in sequence they were turned in. Even so, nobody could keep the record of where they were in their heads- it seemed like every time they found somewhere they were before, the numbers were in the wrong order. At one point, they walked around a pillar of stone three times. Each turn revealed turns and tunnels that couldn't be seen before, and the old tunnels and turns disappeared entirely.

"What the fuck is this?!" Judas asked. Nobody answered him, because everyone was wondering the same thing.

"It's just a maze," Cheki said. "All we have to do is make sure the students aren't here. Keep your eyes out for anything they might have left as a trail," she said.

"Like blood?" Judas asked.

"No, Judas," she said, "stop being so violent. Things like food, pebbles, lines-"

"Cheki, stop," he said. "Look."

She followed where his finger pointed, and her face went pale. She realized the circle of brown stuff ahead of them was drying blood, and saw the tracks leading out of it. Large, misshapen feet larger than her head left footprints in the blood, dragging something- four somethings- behind it.

"How many college students are we looking for?" she asked, gulping.

"Four," Rolf said. "Male horse, male lion, female bear, female squirrel."

Three of the blood trails were large, and the fourth was small. The steps between the drag marks stretched five feet between each pace, meaning whatever it was that dragged them away was enormous.

Judas looked at all this and pulled his kukri out, and the others followed suit.

"Follow the blood trail," he said. "Should take us to what's left of them."

Merkha nodded, then lead the way with his knife ready to stab forward. They crept around each corner, slinking as they made their way through the tunnels.

Just then, Merkha felt the faintest of touches on his whiskers, and he froze. He held his hand up for the others to freeze, and he looked around the room. The spider web his whiskers were touching were connected to the light gray line in the wall. The light gray line went up into a cracked part of the ceiling, where a long, rectangular piece of the ceiling looked like it was trying to fall in on them. He showed it to Rolf, but didn't say a word.

Rolf, taking his friend's silence to mean danger, signaled to the others to prepare for combat. They pulled their weapons out, watching. Judas turned around and locked his tail with Cheki's, letting him know everyone was still behind him while he watched their rear.

Merkha pulled away and broke the web.

The ceiling tile fell down, and something enormous skittered out of the hole. It had four arms and legs, but was no spider they saw before. Its legs had stitches and staples holding them together, and its carapace had no hair. A fresh injury in its abdomen still leaked blood, but it didn't look like it cared- it only cared about the small troupe of people lined up in the hallway. Then it charged them.

Judas felt Cheki leave his tail, and he backed up until he could see her again. He wasn't worried about the ones in the front- he was worried about the noises he heard coming from the shadows behind them.

Merkha slashed forward with his knife, drawing a gash in the monster's belly. It didn't flinch, and picked him up off the floor. Rolf leaped up and swung his axe at its legs, but the other leg knocked him to the side so he couldn't hit it. Murray leaped up and grabbed Merkha's legs, forcing the spider to drop the pair back to the ground. It reached forward to grab them again, but Rolf was ready this time- instead of rushing at it, he threw his tomahawk at its shoulder. It flew through the air and landed in the spider's armpit with a sickening crunch, chopping off one of the arms. Blood gushed out of the wound, but the monster kept fighting.

It turned its attention to Rolf, who was now weaponless and trying not to trip on his comrades on the floor. It darted forward, and in an instant, had him grabbed in three arms. It lifted him up and slung him onto his back, then turned to try and run away with its captive.

Cheki dived for its legs, trying to stop it, but she was too small- she grabbed onto its leg and held on as it took another step, ignoring her light weight. Then, she, Rolf, and the spider monster all fell to the floor in a rapid thud as it tried to take another step. Rolf rolled out of its grip into a fighting stance, hands out like knives. The spider looked down at its leg, trying to figure out what was wrong.

Merkha, teeth clenched through bug blood, hacked another foot off the spider while Cheki held it down. His kukri chopped it off at an angle, making the leg useless for supporting the monster's weight. In a fit of rage, it tried to kick the jackal off and grab him.

Rolf rushed up to its exposed neck from the other side and stabbed forward with his hand with all his might. His claw tip pierced the exoskeleton and went straight in, sinking his hand wrist deep into animated spider brains. The great beast shuddered once, then fell limp.

Cheki realized it was done moving. She jumped to her feet and looked over the lifeless lump.

"Rolf, are you there?" she asked.

"Yeah, one sec," he said. He crawled over the corpse, kicking its head one last time for good measure. "Thanks for the distraction, really helped." He looked up past Cheki and Merkha. "What happened to you?"

"Oh, you know, a bug," Judas said, wiping his kukri off on a sharp stone corner. "Pretty big. Thought we weren't watching our back. Fucker got a lucky bite in, even."

"Bite?" Cheki asked, face pale. "Did it poison you?"

He shrugged. "I feel itchy. Think I'm running a fever. Little hard to focus. But I'm good."

"No, you might be poisoned. That's the opposite of good," she said.

"Can't do anything about it," he said. "Let's follow the spiders into their hole- I'm guessing that will lead us to the college students."

"He's right. Maybe there's antivenom where they came from," Rolf said. "It's our best bet."

Cheki nodded, but she didn't let him walk in the back by himself anymore. The worse he looked, the closer she stayed to him. But the closer she stayed to him, the more he sweat. He didn't feel like this around her before, but now, having a female this close to him was making his head swirl. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and let her guide him forward so he wouldn't have to think as hard about which way to go. As her scent filled his nose, the itch felt worse- and yet, so much better.

"He's getting worse," Cheki said.

"There's a door just ahead," Rolf called back. "Hold on Judas, we're almost there!"

He opened the door. Inside, ancient dusty desks covered in alchemists equipment covered the floor. The walls were covered in scroll cases.

"The college students can wait a little longer," Cheki said, "spread out and find the antivenom!"

Rolf nodded at Merkha and Murray to check one room, and he another. He opened a door and found a large kitchen with tables set to serve supper. Pieces of spider were still laid out on the dinnerware, uneaten by the cannibal nobility.

He walked through the kitchen and into the next room and found a washroom. Dirty, four-armed robes sat in an ancient hamper, and clean robes hanged from a clothesline to dry. Finally, in the room behind that, he found a giant bed surrounded by cushions and chains on the floor. In the bed, an ancient spider's corpse lay face down, a dagger still protruding from his back.

He walked over to the corpse and studied it. There was no other sign of the murderer, but he guessed it was someone he had chained to the bed. An old, stone nightstand stood next to the bed, bearing silent witness to the past millennium.

He opened it up and rifled through its contents, throwing books, pens and notes to the side. In the bottom of the drawer, he found a clear vial of fluid.

Back in the entry room, Cheki worried about Judas. She put her hand to his head and checked his temperature- he was only mildly warm, but he was sweating a lot. He reached up and held her hand.

"Don't worry," she said, "they're going to find the anti-venom. Just- hang in there."

She wanted to kick herself- she told them it would be simple guard duty without combat! They knew the risks, but that she was so wrong... if Judas died, she didn't know if she would be able to forgive herself. She was supposed to be smart, but she didn't even know how to treat a spider bite!

Judas pulled her hand from his forehead and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her to the ground with him. She grimaced as he put her head against his chest- he was sweating everywhere, and his clothes were moist. The fever made his whole body warm, especially a single piece against her stomach-

She blushed as she realized the giant hot piece of warmth was his penis. It was swollen inside his pants- a side effect of the venom, no doubt. She briefly wondered if the size was caused by the fever, too. He held her there, stroking her hair through his fingers, teetering on the edge of passing out from blood rushing away from his brain.

Just then, Murray burst into the room, eyes wide. "Rolf!" he screamed, "Rolf, Cheki, we might have found an anti-venom, but-"

Rolf walked back into the room.

"But what, Murray? Spit it out." Rolf said.

The door slamming got Judas's attention and sent a spike of adrenaline through his body. He rolled to his feet and pulled Cheki up, not sure how he got on the floor with her.

"You gotta see, boss! He's trying to help them, but we gotta help them too! Come on!"

In a flash, Murray turned and leaped through the door and down the stairs, kicking off the wall and bouncing around the corner. The other three looked at each other, then ran down stairs.

The only light was from the glow of a purple flame in the middle of the room, and the only thing to see was four naked women trapped in mechanical torture devices. Cheki felt her cheeks blushing with fire and her stomach churning- they wore scraps of the collegiate uniform. Had the spiders captured her and the others, their fate would be the same.

The horse was forced to sit on her heels while a rod in her pussy vibrated and spun. Her juices pooled beneath her, soaking her shins in it. The lioness was suspended in the air in a harness, a large pillar with a dildo slamming into her ass from behind, making her bounce and sway in her straps. Each time she bounced, she moaned, though Cheki wasn't sure if it was from pain or pleasure. The bear was strapped to a table, her hips thrusting into a sex toy. Every time she stopped thrusting, little paddles would swat her breasts until she started again. The squirrel was in a similar prediament- a clear tube of green fluid was sticking into her mouth. When she stopped sucking it down, paddles behind her would swat her rear. When she sucked it down, a dildo in her pussy would vibrate.

Merkha swung his kukri down again, and this time it hacked through the ancient leather. The bear's bindings were cut, and he pulled her off of the table away from the devices.

The others rushed to the others. They cut them down and pulled off their bindings, then pulled them away from the devices. Rolf dragged them over to the carpet, and Murray tried to get them to snap out of it. Judas sat down in a chair and watched it all, his legs and eyelids heavy.

"Hey, can you hear me?" Cheki asked the bear. The bear ignored her- she stuck her fingers into her mound and squeezed, crying out in frustration.

"Don't bother," Merkha said, sheathing his kukri.

She turned to him and tried to block out the noises. "What's wrong with them?"

"They've been driven into a magical heat, I think," he said. "no telling what variation of spell was used to do this to them."

"Well, how do we cure them?!" Cheki asked.

"I've got two ideas," he said. "The first is that vial over there."

He pointed to it. It was a large flask with black fluid inside. Unlike the other tables, this one had no dust, meaning it was used with some frequency.

"Or maybe," he said, "That vial is just the antidote to the poison. Maybe all these girls need is to be bred."

"Wh- No, absolutely not!" she said. "If you're right and they're in heat, you'll get them pregnant! Besides, they've been fucked by these machines for who knows how long- it obviously didn't help anything."

"It's not the same," he said. "Male semen has hormones in it that force the heat to cool off, at least for a little while. The machines do not have these chemicals, so they have been masturbating, but have had no release. It's dangerous for their health- the wizard in charge of this was completely irresponsible!"

"But- you can't just... take them!" she said. "That'd be wrong!"

"If it's a matter of us fucking them or them dying, is it really wrong?" he asked, eyebrow raised.

She looked over at them. They still writhed on the floor, moaning. They certainly weren't acting normal.

"Well when you put it like that..."

A: "I guess we should do it and end their torture. It'll probably be faster that way, anyway, since they wont' be so distracted while we're trying to get out. Tell Rolf and the others what they need to do." (Removes the lust addled condition; each has 50% chance of impregnation, except Judas- he has a 99% chance of impregnation. If you vote this, feel free to list pairings. Also, there's the possibility they won't enjoy being knocked up!)

B: "I still don't think it's worth it. If you guys get them pregnant, that could ruin the rest of their lives. Besides, when we get out, they might press charges. I'm here to make money, not lose it in court." (They won't get If you vote this way, also say how they drag them out- there are some potato sacks they can use in the kitchen, but feel free to get creative.)

C: "Let's at least try the black fluid, first. Who knows- maybe it'll make this whole business with 'breeding' them go away!"

Shadows of Elysium, Chapter 3

Nobody voted for A Two people voted for B One person said to test small doses on a student, then to test on Judas if it cured it One person said to test it on everybody all at once Compromise: Testing it on the students to see if it works. If it...

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Shadows of Elysium, Chapter 1

Cheki looked her target audience over. They were a motley crew of canines, but they seemed to have the whole 'adventuring as a group' thing pretty down pat. The big one, Judas, was a big white dog with short fur. He looked like the youngest of the...

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High school demons, Keituma's mares pt. 1

Keituma considered himself a professional horse demon. Unlike many demons, he didn't breed for the sake of power by itself, nor did he only care about his legacy. His desire for power was a purer one: He wanted the power to protect his family. After he...

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