Sabhira's Daughter #30
#33 of Tails of the Khajiit
Farseer Revelations
| "We would love to!" Kitty spoke up, with an agreeing nod from Udaran.
"Sounds good to me!" Muz-Ra added.
"Only if you tell them first, FarSeer. They need to know who they are planning to stay with," Ubergard demanded. | |
| "Kitty," the Argonian turned to the little Khajiit with a somewhat sad expression on his scaled face, "though An-Dee... I mean Ubergard... means to dissuade you from coming with me, I suppose I do need to tell you. I am a werewolf."
A gasp came from Kitty involunarily. Though she'd heard of the affliction before, she'd never met an actual werewolf. | |
| "A werewolf!? Are you kidding?" Udaran asked, shocked.
"No. It's true. But I can control myself. I would harm no one. I've learned to handle it. I wouldn't lie to you about that," FarSeer said, looking at Kitty.
"Wolves and worse he said. He just didn't mention that he WAS the 'worse'," Ubergard stated flatly. | |
| Udaran looked at the male Argonian, who seemed to be looking for absolution from Kitty. "FarSeer, if you say we'll be safe, I believe you."
"Oh, you'll be safe. I'll make CERTAIN of that," Ubergard said, towering over FarSeer.
"Well then let's go," Udaran said cheerfully. "Lead the way FarSeer!" | |
| Muz-Ra leaned close to Udaran as they walked off the trail into the wild along a barely noticable path, and whispered, "Are you sure about this Udie?"
"No, but I'd much rather know where he is than spend the night outdoors NOT knowing. Besides, Ubergard may hate him, but I believe in HER too. We'll be ok. I think." | |
| "I CAN control it Kitty," FarSeer repeated.
Kitty walked alongside her friend, "I'm sorry FarSeer. I'm sure you can. Have you tried to do anything about it? There may be some way to remove it you know. I've heard of..."
Ubergard interrupted her, "He didn't become a werewolf accidentally Kitty." | |
| "That's true. I chose this life."
Kitty turned to his accuser, "And just how do YOU know so much about him Ubergard?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I mentioned it. She's my sister Kitty."
Ubergard nodded, "Unfortunately, that is so." | |
| "What a night of revelations this is turning out to be!" Muz-Ra suggested.
"That's my place just ahead. If you wouldn't mind, could you stay here for a minute while I clean up and get some food cooking? I wasn't expecting guests and, being unmated, I'm afraid the place is something of of mess. Just give me 10 minutes," FarSeer requested and then was off.