A new chance

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#11 of The celebration

The final of this story is here.

Otto and Eryn finally put the cards on the table revealing their true feelings for the other one. Otto gets in a world of debauchery with Erin and her family when they receive him with open arms.

This will not be the last time that you see this characters. All of them will have their own story where Otto and his new family will have much more fun.

Two weeks later Eryn is in the town, she is walking by one of its streets while she charges a little sack with carrots that she had bought on the market. The she-wolf stops when she sees town's blacksmith.

Since what happened in her house, Otto had not appeared again in spite of the fact that she owes him the money of the repairs. Besides the feelings that she feels for the bloodhound, she and Otto had great times in her house.

Eryn walks toward the establishment of the blacksmith and listens some strong blows of metal that come from the inside, the she-wolf touches the door before entering in there When the door opens she is hit by an infernal heat that comes from the inside.

She enters and sees that ovens are on, she sees that Otto is hitting an iron ingot with a great hammer. Sparks jump of the tip of the bar that is red hot.

"I am busy at this moment, return later." Otto says while he gives one new hit to the metal bar with force. The sound of blow fills the room.

"Otto..." Eryn says looking at bloodhound that stops his work when he listens the voice of the she-wolf.

"Eryn..." The dog says to look up and to get surprised seeing the female in his business.

Both look at each other without saying but one word, they do not know how to say after having been knotted and been discovered in the bed of Eryn.

"We need to talk." Ella he says smoothly while she still holds the sack in her hands that are in front of her body. The she-wolf sees that Otto watches her a moment before opening his mouth to respond.

"I cannot now, I have to finish an urgent job that someone gave me." Otto says looking at his right side. Eryn sees two wheels leant against the wall, Otto apparently is placing them coating of a metal cape to both wheels in order that they last for more time.

"We can talk when I finish after sunset." Otto says while she looks at the woman to expect her answer. She nods and says good-bye before getting out of the blacksmith's, as soon as she closes the door, Eryn listens to the blow of the hammer of Otto on metal.

After the sunset Otto and Eryn walk together by the road, they had gathered after the bloodhound finished his pending work and he had delivered both wheels to their owner.

The long walk is silence until Eryn feels that she should talk because she soon would get to her home.

"Otto... Why didn't you return?" Eryn asks looking at Otto.

"Well I thought that the best was not return with your children in your house." Otto says while she sighs with sadness and looks on one side.

"Do you believe that they are criminal?" Eryn asks with surprise and anger thinking that Otto is thinking that her children would kill him or so. Both no longer were the same spoiled kids, and both try that people saw them of a different way.

"Of course that not, I just think that it is not convenient for them that I appear in your door." Otto says sighing in low spirits. Eryn looks at him expecting a more clear explanation.

"I refuse to be the cause that they get into trouble, what happened with Arthur changed them a lot and both got in a lot of problems. They found me with you in bed and I do not want that they again fall in malpractices feeling under pressure thinking that I try to occupy a place that does not correspond to me." Otto says while he walks next to Eryn. He uses his hand to scare a glowworm that flies over his face.

They see that Eryn's house is near.

"In spite of what you think, you like the boys, I did talk with them and they did not look angry with what happened. They understand that I need to find somebody and... being honest you like me, Otto." Eryn says while stops front her home door.

"You also likes me Eryn, a good and attractive woman for me." Otto says admitting what he feels to the she-wolf. Eryn gets surprised and looks at Otto with gratitude for her words that fill her with joy.

Both look at each other without separating their looks of the other pair of eyes, the crickets are heard to their around and some glow worms fly near illuminating their faces and bodies lightly for some moments.

The she-wolf brings closer her mouth to Otto's mouth and her lips pressed against the lips of the man, she pushes her tongue. Otto responds and pushes his tongue, the two tongues touch and fight.

The saliva drips from their mouths, Otto moans smoothly when the right hand of Eryn catches his balls, the she-wolf through the cloth massages the man's crotch slowly.

She feels as the member begins to swell up inside the sheath and it begins to grow due to her caresses. Otto feels like his shaft slowly he slides out of his hidden place, caresses are pleasing and he wishes to feel the hand on his naked penis.

When the member is completely out of the sheath Eryn stops and separates her mouth from the mouth of Otto.

"As it already is late stay here to spend the night with me." Eryn says while she looks at the dog.

Otto nods mesmerized, Eryn smiles and opens the door, the she-wolf enters for it taking Otto's hand to pull him in. The bloodhound has no time to say something while his hand is pulled by the she-wolf.

Before he can object something, Otto gives some steps and in some seconds after he is standing in middle of the living room, his eyes and the ones of Eryn open with surprise to see that Wilton is sitting on the sofa star naked with open legs and Arlen between them sucking his brother's cock.

Arlen is naked while he caresses his member from the precum drips to the floor.

He moves his head slowly. Wilton opens his eyes when he listens to the respiration agitated of Otto.

"No again..." Wilton says in the meantime rapidly separate his brother and he covers his crotch rapidly. Arlen realizes of what it happens and she covers his penis cock too.

"You were taking so much time to return... we begin to play a new chess game..." Wilton says while he looks at his mother. Eryn sees that the chessboard is on the table and some pieces on it.

"Don't' tell me... you won." Eryn says looking at Wilton. He nods in silence because he feels uncomfortable, being naked with his mother is not problem, but Otto is something else.

Arlen also covers the crotch with his hands, but his swollen member is clearly visible for his mother and Otto.

The bloodhound looks at the boys with surprise and his surprise increases when the woman does not seem angry and she laughs softly.

"Well I hope that we can join in and continue with this in my bedroom." Eryn tells the two boys get surprised and both look at Otto for a moment. Her mother makes a grimace and both boys nod.

Wilton stands up and with his brother he gets out of the living room, Otto sees as the buttocks and the tails of both boys move every time that they take a step. The ass of both boys look very good and attract Otto's attention, he shakes his head to get rid of those thoughts.

Otto gets startled when Eryn puts her hands on his overall and raises it to take it off. The dog does not move until the woman begins to take off his clothes.

"Eryn stop." Otto says taking the hands the woman and separating them of soft way of his naked chest.

"What happens?" Eryn asks noticing that Otto looks at her with confusion and surprise. She sees that the dog is shocked.

"Both were having sex." Otto says while he sees the she-wolf and does not know what more say because both are brothers and they should not be doing this.

"And?" Eryn asks while it begins to open her dress slowly. Otto gets surprised and his eyes follow the motion of the strings that untie and the woman's dress opens releasing her breasts.

"This is wrong." Otto says while he looks as Eryn takes off her dress to be naked before him. The she-wolf notices as the look of Otto is centered on her body.

"I do not see why, since we make this I have gotten along better with them, Wilton and Arlen do not hide nothing to me and me neither to them. Their desires are satiated just like mine." Eryn says while she sees Otto.

"But he is wrong, they are your children... this is not the sugar house..." Otto he says while he feels a conflict in his inside. He understands that Eryn have desires like any man or woman, but to go to bed with her own children is something that could put them in a lot of problems or in the worst-case scenario a conviction of death.

"Only it is incorrect, if other ones learn about it. I hope that you will not spread it out." Eryn says smiling in a friendly way and at the bloodhound. Otto gets surprised and shakes his head, he would not reveal what happens on the family of Eryn.

The dog gets surprised for the attitude of Eryn, he did not expect that the woman be so open with the sex with her sons.

"Then there will not be trouble." Eryn says taking Otto's pants and taking them down with a pull, the erection of the dog wobbles on the air and hits the dog's stomach when it gets free.

"It seems that your cock does not agree with you." Eryn says licking her mouth and looking to see Otto. The bloodhound feels uncomfortable while a drop of precum gets form on the tip of his penis.

He does not know how to react, to be in an orgy always it was your fantasy, but this is something that never he considered. Otto opens his eyes when the she-wolf kisses him on his mouth, he feels as the hot and breasts of Eryn press his chest.

Eryn breaks off the kiss when Otto does not react.

"I will go with the boys, if you want, you can join up." Eryn says smiling and giving a soft squeeze to the dog's member. The she-wolf turns over and walks toward her bedroom letting the man alone and dazed.

Otto does react for some moments, he bends over to take his clothes and to begin to get dressed, but his erect member catches his attention. He sees as a drop of precum accumulates on the tip and falls into the floor.

He slowly gets up and sees the table with the chess pieces thinking that boys were having fun like everyone and the things took a most interesting turn for both.

Otto gets undressed and places his clothes on the sofa, he walks by the living room being heading for Eryn's bedroom, and he feels anxious while his penis seems to harden more with each step that he does.

His heart begins to throb rapidly when he gets close to the she-wolf's bedroom, he hears that of the inside come out moans of pleasure. The door is ajar and Otto comes closer to have a peek.

His penis releases more precum when he sees as Eryn is in his elbows and knees giving oral sex to Arlen while Wilton fucks her from behind, she growls and moans every time that the penis enters her vagina.

The taste of the penis in her mouth is delicious, the she-wolf sees as Otto is standing out of the bedroom observing by the ajar door, she looks him right in the eye. The dog places his hand on the door to push it and to open it.

Eryn sees content as Otto enters in the place while the little spurts of precum are fired from the tip of his penis. The bloodhound swallows hard while he gets close to the bed.

He sees that the woman makes a grimace, Otto nods and gets on the bed. The dog sits and his look is in the scene of incest that develops in front of him. Eryn stops the sucking of the penis of her son, she slowly takes it out of her mouth.

Arlen moans feeling as his cock is covered of saliva, her mother looks him and smiles. The boy understands the message and moves to get out from under his mother that continues moaning.

Wilton pumps his penis slowly with long and steady thrusts. His mother's juices drip from his penis and his knot hits the wet vulva. Otto opens his eyes when Arlen crawls to position himself before him.

The dog gasps when the boy's mouth closes around the tip of his penis, the boy's head begins to budge.

Young wolf's lips move up and down on the hard meat, the dog's penis is thick and large than his and the one of his brother. His hand takes the testicles of the man, they are heavy and hot.

Otto moans and pants with pleasure, his spurts of precum splashes the inside the mouth of the boy, Arlen perceives the taste of the precum that fall on his tongue. Eryn moans and pants while her son pumps his penis in her pussy.

His hard meat caresses the tender vaginal walls while her tits oscillate on the air due to the strong pushes of her boy. Wilton's knot touches her vulva repeatedly and the boy moans of pleasure.

Wilton fucks with pleasure his mother, the wet vagina surrounds his shaft that enters and that rushes out, the young wolf's tail moves showing that he is happy.

His mother's juices get wet his thighs in addition to his balls, Wilton sees that his brother moves his head while he gives oral sex to Otto. Arlen has difficulty to take the canine cock in his throat due to its thickness.

Otto moans feeling as the muscles of the throat move around his cock, Arlen's lips touch his knot time after time. The dog does not move while he has closed eyes enjoying the oral sex of the young wolf.

Some moments later Arlen stops and withdraws the cock of his mouth, Otto opens his eyes when his shaft tip slides of the lips of Arlen, his penis is shining in saliva of Arlen.

The boy cleans his mouth a moment and surprises Otto when he places himself on his legs, his penises rub to each other and is clear the differences of sizes between their genitals.

The bloodhound swallows hard when the boy grabs his penis, Otto feels as the tip of his member gets inside between the buttocks of Arlen. He with his hand guides the penis until the tip touches his sphincter, Arlen begins to take down his hips and the tip presses his posterior entrance.

Eryn sees as Otto does not react and only sees as Arlen moves slowly, his anus get wet her hole in precum. Otto's eyes open when he feels that the tip penetrates and it is surrounded by the heat of the entrails of the son of Eryn.

Arlen moans with bother and pain when his anal walls stretches around the thick shaft that begins to invade his body. Otto pants rapidly, the boy is tight, the spurts of precum that the member shoots help the boy.

Arlen's cheeks touch Otto's knot, the boy feels as the tip of the penis presses the bottom of his rectum, only Little John's penis had come so deeply before.

Arlen lays his hands on the shoulders of Otto and he begins to move, his rear end bounces while he has closed eyes. Otto does not move while he sees like the body of the boy moves.

The bloodhound looks down and sees as the hard member of Arlen wobbles on the air, the dog with calm raises a hand and closes it around the hard cock. For the first time Otto feels the texture and heat of someone else's penis.

The hand begins to move up and down, Arlen moans with pleasure feeling the manual stimulation of his genitals while his anus pleasures to Otto.

Eryn moans with pleasure and closes her eyes when her vaginal opening stretches and the knot of his son enters in her body. Wilton feels as all his penis is wrapped by the warm and soft inside of his mother.

The little spurts of precum mix with the juices, Eryn pants while he sees as her other son has fun with Otto. The woman feels content seeing that the bloodhound is enjoying the occasion.

She suddenly feels as a powerful sperm spurt hits her vaginal walls, Wilton growls ferociously while he pushes her hips and releases a load of seed in his mother.

She shakes feeling a new orgasm that makes she loses the control of her body that collapses on the bed and that pulls Wilton. Arlen releases Otto's shoulders, the dog falls backwards toward back and his head bounces in the pillow.

Arlen's puts his hands on the chest of the man, he sees as the boy rides him with enthusiasm, Otto's hands catch Arlen's buttocks and squeezes them smoothly feeling its firmness.

The hind legs of Arlen slip and he the young wolf utters a groan of deep pain when the knot of the dog stretches his sphincter, the burning sensation in her anus is big. Eryn sees her son clenches his teeth when he is knotted.

Eryn pants while she sees what happens, she knows that the boys would find it difficult to get used to take Otto's knot. The she-wolf sees as her son resumes his motions while she feels Wilton's weight in her back.

Otto pants and moans feeling as each part of his meat is squeezed and caressed by the anal walls of Arlen. He gasps when Otto's hands caress his cock with a hand, the other had of the man takes care of his balls.

Both males pant and moan of pleasure, Otto closes his eyes and growls strongly when his penis begins to release thick semen spurts in the rectum of the boy. Arlen feels as semen splashes her anal walls.

Otto moves his hand once before he listens the growl of Arlen that comes to his climax. The boy's penis begins to throb with more force and shoots cum that fall on the chest and belly of the bloodhound.

Arlen pants rapidly while he feels that his rectum fills up with hot seed, Otto pants while he looks at the roof of the bedroom without being able to believe what had happened. He never thought in fucking with another male, but the boy's anus is as good as the any woman.

Eryn recovers slowly while he feels her boy's weight on her, the young wolfs continue shooting small drops of cum, Wilton expects a couple of minutes and begins to pull out his penis, his mother and he moan of pain.

Eryn feels that her pink opening again begins to open, her boy's knot slowly slides outside, and she growls while he sees that Arlen gets up and also moans with pain.

Otto pants and his knot touches the boy's sphincter, the hole slowly opens in order that the knot goes away through it. Arlen moans while he raises his ass, he feels as a third part of the mass of meat is outside.

His ass raises a little more and the young wolf moans and pants with surprise when the knot and Otto's member slides out of his body. Otto feels that his member hits his stomach.

A groan of surprise and pleasure slips from his mouth when Wilton crawls and he positions himself between his legs, he begins to lick the dog's erection slowly. His tongue licks the heavy balls and the retracted sheath.

Otto moans and looks at Eryn, he wants to fuck her pussy with despair. The she-wolf notices Otto's look and she winks an eye while she moves her head giving oral sex to her son. The woman stops and takes out the penis of her mouth.

Arlen's member this shining for the saliva that covers it. Arlen comes down from the bed and gets out of the bedroom. Eryn gets close to Otto and kisses him while he caresses his chest, the dog moans while his mouth is connected to Eryn's mouth.

Both separate their mouths and Otto moans feeling as the tongue of Wilton moves on his knot and next it moves running on his shaft to the tip. Eryn sees as the mouth of her son surrounds the tip in with the member of Otto, he moans with pleasure.

"The best always comes at the end." Eryn says whispering in Otto's ear. He nods and sees that Arlen enters in the bedroom again, his erection wobbles on the air while he walks before getting on the bed.

Eryn leans backwards next to Otto and opens her legs, Arlen kneels down between her thighs and catches his penis. The she-wolf sees as the member of her son slowly is heading for her crotch, the tip touches her vulva dividing her vaginal lips.

Arlen and his mother moan when the hard penis slides in the wet and soft passage of the she-wolf, Arlen places himself in position and begins to pump his cock with slowness to enjoy the moment.

Otto sees as the woman moans and his son kisses her before beginning to lick her nipples slowly, Arlen sucks his mother's tits softly and she moans of pleasure. Otto feels as the mouth of Wilton moves up and down on his shaft.

The bloodhound stops the boy, Wilton looks up to see the dog. Otto pushes the boy's head with care and he understands the message. Wilton opens his mouth and the swollen member slips out of his mouth slowly until the tip slips outside.

The saliva drips of the cock, Otto gets up and looks at Wilton for a moment, the young wolf says absolutely nothing while he turns over to lean on his elbows and knees raising his ass and tail.

Otto kneels down behind the boy and places his hands on the ass. He squeezes the two cheeks feeling his softness and firmness, the dog had not made no mistake when he thought dhound takes down his head and introduces his snout below the tail of the boy, his nose moves for the crack and find the brown hole. Wilton moans when he feels the first lick on his sphincter.

Eryn moans and closes her legs around the waist of her son, she feels as the knot hits her vulva repeatedly and the sound of splashing is heard with each push of Arlen.

Wilton moans while his member hardens more, the precum is dripping from the tip and soaks the bed's old bedspread. Otto licks completely the crack in middle of the buttocks some moments before stopping.

The bloodhound kneels down while he feels excited with the idea of putting his penis into a hole certainly tight. Otto uses his hand to target his penis and to introduce it between the buttocks of Wilton.

The boy feels as the big and hard tool moves up and down in his crack, some spurts of precum spatter the downside of his tail. Otto cannot expect more and points his penis with more precision.

Wilton feels that the tip begins to press his wrinkled hole, the young wolf moans while he feels as the precum covers his sphincter. Otto holds the boy's hips and pushes with more force.

The boy's anus begins to open and wrap his penis, the internal heat of the young body makes the dog shake lightly. He gives a strong thrust and the eyes of Wilton open completely and growls with pain when the hard shaft enters completely in ass.

Eryn smiles seeing that Otto pants rapidly, the rectum is tight like the one of his mother. Wilton feels completely full for the meat of Otto. The tip touches the bottom of his passage.

The dog begins to move and fuck the boy, Wilton moans and feels as his anal walls are caressed with each motion. The cheeks of his ass are hit repeatedly by the groin of Otto that pumps rapidly.

Eryn moans and squeezes the buttocks of her son that fucks her rapidly, Arlen does not stop while he growls of pleasure. He feels as the finger of his mother gets inside between his cheeks and tracks his orifice.

The she-wolf finds her boy's anus without difficulty, she has fun caressing it with the tip of her finger, she pushes a little and the hole opens allowing that the finger slip without difficulty.

Arlen moans when her mother's finger begins to caress his prostate.

"Knot me." Eryn says whispering in her son's ear and pushing her finger deeply in the rectum of Arlen. The young wolf moans and pushes his hips, his mother opens her mouth and moans when the knot expands her pink opening to sink in her vagina.

Arlen expedites his motions while he growls of pleasure, her special gland is caressed softly. The precum increases rapidly until stimulation is very intense.

Spurts begin to shoot out of the tip of the penis of Arlen, he growls while the finger in her rectum moves. Eryn quivers with pleasure when another orgasm bursts out with her body.

The great waves of pleasure reaches to each corner of her body. Her juices surrounds the cock of her son and they blend in with the semen that stems from the tip of the penis. Otto fails to pay attention to Eryn's orgasm.

He is concentrating in enjoying the anus of Wilton, the wolf pants and feels as his balls are hit by the biggest balls of Otto. His hard member rocks on the air scattering great quantities of precum.

Wilton moans and has his closed eyes feeling the knot of the dog gets inside between his buttocks on every occasion, Otto pumps up feeling as the sphincter moves back and forth on his shaft.

Otto takes out his penis and sees the dilated boy hole. Wilton moans with pain when the bloodhound again penetrates him sinking all his erection in his anus. The spurts of precum cover the boy's anal walls making easier Otto's job.

Wilton moans with pleasure until Otto stops and holds the hips of the wolf with more force, Wilton gets ready and feels the pressure of the knot on his sphincter, he moans and clenches his teeth.

Otto pushes with more force and he does not stop while he pushes until the sphincter begins opening slowly and surrounding his knot, Wilton pants while he feels discomfort, it is not easy for him to take the knot in spite of the fact that he is relatively used to take his brother's knot.

Half part of the knot is in, Otto pushes with more force until the rest of the knot enters in Wilton.

The young wolf growls and a couple of tears escape of his eyes, the pain is big as in its first anal relation with his brother.

The anal walls surrounds the canine cock and squeezes it with force, the bloodhound resumes his pushes inside Wilton, he pants and moans with pleasure. The knot in his inside presses a special part inside his body with force.

His penis hardens and shots more precum that stains the bed bedspread hardens. The knot presses and rubs on his prostate, Otto pumps up with more force and growls while his balls rock on the air between his legs.

The stimulation in his inside is intense for Wilton that is resist more and his body becomes taut when his climax comes. His cum is shoot at the bed, his growl of pleasure is surpassed by the howl of escape of the mouth of the bloodhound.

His semen begins to deluge the rectum of the boy, each crack fills up to the maximum and surrounds the canine cock. Wilton feels as the spurts of the sticky substance hit the bottom of his rectum.

The boy trembles while the hands of the man press his buttocks with force, the bloodhound leans on Wilton obliging him to lean upon his chest next to his mother. Both pant and breathe agitatedly in the meantime they see towards the head of the bed.

Eryn makes Wilton a grimace, he nods while he feels as the penis throbs in his inside.

Otto does not move while his penis releases the last little shoots of seed, he sees the same as his side Eryn and his son play around affectionately. The boy begins to lick and to stimulate his mother's tits.

Arlen sucks her nipples and nibbles them. The four do not say something for several minutes, Eryn and Arlen are the first ones in separating, and they with difficulty place themselves in position of tail with tail before beginning to pull in different directions.

Both growl of pain, Eryn feels that their vaginal walls stretch and her opening opens slowly. Arlen moans while he feels as his knot begins pass by the slit.

With a little explosive sound his knot and penis slip out of his mother, semen drips forming a white puddle between her legs. The she-wolf uses her hand to pick up the semen that drips and to take it to her mouth to savor it.

The she-wolf closes its eyes and enjoys the taste until she listens to growling of pain that come from her son and Otto. Eryn sees that her son and the bloodhound decide to use the same method to separate.

The she-wolf comes closer and separates the buttocks of her boy, she looks with open eyes as the sphincter begins to open slowly. Wilton growls with pain in the meantime the knot slowly appears.

Eryn sees as the sphincter stretches around the knot, with a final pull the cock slides out. The woman sees with a lot of surprise the red inside of the entrails of her son, Otto is sitting in bed in the meantime his member rest on the bed and a small brook of white seed ranges from a puddle below the anus of the boy to the tip of the member.

Otto takes a breath deeply, two orgasms in sequence is somewhat tiring, and he opens his eyes when he feels that a hand closes around his. The bloodhound sees that Eryn smiles at him before pulling him to take him out of bed.

The dog gets carried away tamely to the bathroom, Eryn seats him in a stool before taking a bowl with water and taking a soap. The she-wolf kneels down between the legs of Otto and slowly begins to wash his penis.

Eryn's soapy hands move on cock with slowness.

"Well are you having a good time until now?" Eryn asks while she puts her attention in washing the knot and the balls of Otto.

"Of course... this is somewhat unusual... I never thought that a male's ass would be so tight as the one of a female." Otto says looking at the roof feeling uncomfortable. Eryn laughs softly seeing this.

Eryn takes a towel to dry the penis that does not lose her hardness.

"Now you are going to enjoy somewhat more usual." Eryn says while she stands up and pull Otto's penis to require the bloodhound to stand up. The woman gets out of the restroom and Otto follows her while his body boils with desire for the she-wolf.

He sees as the ass of Eryn moves while she walks, the aroma that comes from the sex of the female gets to Otto's nose. The aroma makes his penis harden more and the she-wolf feels it.

She feels excited when he passes by the door of her bedroom, she sees as her boys are licking their cocks mutually in position of sixty nine. The hand of Eryn releases Otto's cock.

He sees as the woman gets close to the bed and climbs on it to open his legs largely, Otto looks without as Eryn spreads her vaginal lips revealing her rosy and moist inside.

The bloodhound gets on the bed and he positions himself between the legs of Eryn, she smiles on him before licking the mouth of slow way. Otto looks toward his groin to aim his member.

The tip touches the pink entrance, Otto and Eryn look at each other for some instants before the ass of the dog goes down. Boys stop their job of oral pleasure when they listen to their mother's groan.

Otto moans feeling that Eryn's warm inside surrounds his shaft, Otto begins to pump his cock slowly and calmly to enjoy the moment. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure, the spurts of precum covers her inside mixing with the semen of their children.

Otto also perceives the rests of semen, but he is not bothered by at all, in fact they help to lubricate the she-wolf better. Wilton and Arlen sit and they masturbate slowly observing as the blacksmith makes love with their mother.

Both boys see like Otto they begin to suck their mother's tits, Otto licks and nibbles the female's hard pink nipples, she trembles by the pleasure that she obtains by the stimulation of her breasts.

The right hand of Otto twists a nipple while he continues moving, pleasure grows slowly and her knot hits Eryn's vulva. She moans enjoying the sensation of the long and thick penis of Otto.

Her vaginal walls are caressed with each thrust, her juices drip from her opening getting the bed wet. Eryn sees the two boys masturbating while they observe the spectacle.

The mother of both nuzzles Otto's forehead and he releases the nipple that sucks. The dog looks up and he is surprised by a sudden kiss of the woman, both share a deep kiss that lasts for some moments.

Otto stops his pushes and raises his ass to withdraw his cock of the vagina of Eryn, The tip slips out of the woman. The drops of precum and juice fall from the swollen and hard member.

The dog with care turns over Eryn to place her face down, the dog gets surprised a little when Wilton passes him a pillow while he smiles. Otto smiles smoothly before placing the pillow bellow Eryn's groin.

The ass of the female gets up a couple of centimeters on the air, she feels as the body of Otto covers him. Some soft kisses on her neck are enjoyed by the female, Otto moves his hips and his penis rubs on the female's buttocks before the shaft is on the crack of the woman.

This time Arlen gives the surprise to Otto, the boy grabs the man's cock to drive it the hole that it is in middle of the buttocks of his mother. The she-wolf feels as the penis of he moves in her crack.

The tip touches the sphincter and Otto pushes with force, Eryn gasps and moans when she feels that her hole stretches around the hard meat of dog. The member enters in the posterior passage in a push, the knot of the dog gets inside between the buttocks of the she-wolf.

Otto moans with relish feeling the warm squeeze of the entrails around his shaft, he lifts his ass up until just the tip is inside Eryn. She moans and gasps when Otto takes down his hips again and the whole member enters in her anus.

The squeak of the bed begins to be heard in the bedroom, Otto pumps his penis and his groin hits his lover's buttocks. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure, her sphincter moves back and forth on the hard cock that enters and that gets out of her ass.

Otto growls while he has his closed eyes, his tail moves with pleasure, his hands get under the body of Eryn and catch the two tits. Eryn feels as her breasts are pinched and her twisted nipples.

Otto's pumping is fast and force, Eryn's cheek shake when they are hit by the groin of the dog. He drools on the neck and head of the she-wolf that also feels possessed by instinct.

Eryn's eyes open and she clenches her teeth when the knot suddenly enters in her rectum. The pain in its anus is big by the sudden intrusion, Otto moans when all his member is stuck in the ass of Eryn.

The bloodhound expedites the velocity of his thrusts, his pleasure intensifies just like the one of the woman that is below him. Otto pants and moans until he feels his balls they begin to release his cum.

"¡¡Eryn, marry me!!" Otto barks at the moment that the first spurt of seed is shoot out from the tip of his penis and hits the anal walls.

"Yesss... Ottto... Yes." Eryn says growling and arching her body that convulses. Her orgasm is big while her entrails become flooded of warm and sticky sperm. Juice is dripping of her opening.

The dog breathes agitatedly while he continues releasing his seed in the rectum of Eryn, she closes his eyes enjoying that unique and pleasant sensation. Eryn sees that her two children look at her attentively.

The she-wolf nods smoothly looking at her children that make themselves comfortable to rest a couple of minutes. They caress their penises slowly for some minutes until Wilton comes down from the bed to go to the kitchen for a glass of water.

His brother follows him, Eryn and Otto are alone. The bloodhound begins to nuzzle the posterior of the neck of Eryn, the she-wolf smiles smoothly and closes his eyes to enjoy the moment.

Otto's nose moves slowly, like answer he moans when the anal walls squeeze and ease around his cock repeatedly. Both lovers play and laugh while they stay in the same position.

Boys do not return and Otto thinks that both are giving them something time alone. The bloodhound thanks this and enjoys the heat of the body of Eryn. She also enjoys the moment.

Around fifteen minutes after the two young wolves enter in the bedroom while their members wobble erect on the air. Just at that moment Otto and Eryn moan with pain while they try to separate.

Eryn growls with pain feeling as the knot of Otto stretches her anus, Otto raises her hips in order that gravity helps him, he moans when the sphincter opens and his knot begins to go out slowly.

The woman's sphincter moves and it slides on the knot. She pants when the member slips out of her posterior passage and her body falls on the bed bouncing a little.

Semen oozes of her dilated hole and it slides down until the vulva of the woman.

Meanwhile Otto is seating and breathing agitatedly while some drops of semen slide from the tip of the penis to the bedspread. Eryn turns over and kisses the dog passionately.

Both share a deep and passionate kiss, when she break off the kiss, she takes down her head and it begins to give oral sex to Otto that gets surprised. He moans feeling like the lips of the she-wolf moves up and down on his erection.

The saliva drips to the knot. The woman enjoys the taste completely before taking out the penis of her mouth, the she-wolf licks the tip of the shaft for some moments.

Eryn takes Otto's hands while she smiles at him. The bloodhound obeys tamely and soon he is on his hands and knees. He sees over his shoulder as Eryn uses her hands to spread Otto's cheeks.

Wilton sees as Otto pants and moans with surprise when the first moves in all his crack. Eryn licks the balls of the dog, but the dog's sphincter is her target.

The she-wolf begins to attack the brown hole. Otto moans and pants having a good time loves this, the tip touches his anus getting wet in saliva. For corner of the eye the woman sees that her children toss a coin.

Luck favors Arlen, he caresses his penis stimulating it, and Wilton leans upon his chest and puts her brother's cock into his mouth. Arlen moans and pants with pleasure while the saliva is dripping of his shaft.

Eryn pushes her tongue that enters in the anus of the dog, Otto opens his mouth and pants with more force feeling as the tongue moves in his inside.

Eryn's hand catches Otto's penis and caresses it slowly, she moves her hand back and forward slowly while her tongue zigzags in the anus of the dog.

Moans of pleasure escape of the mouth of the bloodhound, his member is completely hard and freeing precum is shoot out from the tip. After some minutes Eryn stops and slowly takes out her tongue.

The tip leaves the tight passage and viscous saliva drips from the shining hole, Otto gets surprised when he feels young hands and on his ass. He looks with surprise that Arlen squeezes his cheeks with fascination.

The dog gets surprised and tightens when he feels that the tip of a penis touches his sphincter.

He gets startled when he feels licked affectionate on all his face, Eryn looks at him with a smile.

"As you fucked the asses of the boys, and I guess that they have to have their opportunity." Eryn says caressing Otto's chest. The bloodhound moans when Arlen begins to push his penis, the tip presses the sphincter with force.

Wilton and Eryn see that Otto's eyes close and he clenches his teeth when the tip of the shaft enters in his anus. The pain in his ass is intense for Otto, Arlen pants with pleasure feeling the warm and tight inside of the man.

Otto moans and pants when the boy's penis begins to enter in his rectum slowly, his anal walls stretches around the canine cock. Eryn's hand grabs the penis of the man and stimulates it slowly while she observes as the hard member of her boy enters.

The little spurts of precum cover Otto's rectum incrementing lubrication, Otto opens his eyes with surprise when Arlen's knot touches his buttocks. The boy does not move enjoying the hot passage.

Arlen holds Otto's hips and begins to pump his penis, he moans of pleasure when his anal walls caress his penis. Otto closes his eyes when he begins to have a good time, the strange sensation in his inside is pleasing and he begins to like it.

Otto feels as the hand of Eryn loose his penis that rocks on the air sprinkling precum in bed, the dog feels that his member had not lost hardness. It is the complete opposite, his attention strays from his sensation in his rectum when the tip of the penis of Wilton touches his lips.

The dog looks with surprise at the hard penis in front of his face, he feels as Eryn begins to caress his chest.

"Suck it, it is not bad." Eryn says whispering in Otto's ear under and licking her mouth. The bloodhound swallows hard while he closes his eyes and opens his mouth. Wilton pushes his shaft and moans when his meat rubs on the blacksmith's lips.

Otto sucks the penis perceiving its taste, precum fall on his tongue and the dog savors them. They do not have a disagreeable taste, a little stronger that his, the two brothers have a good time and fuck Otto with pleasure.

Eryn sees content the spectacle, Otto's head moves of back stops in back and forward, the dog moans with each thrust of Arlen. The cock caresses his anal walls and his prostate incrementing his pleasure.

The bloodhound never thought that he will be in this kind of stuff, although he always wondered about what women would feel when someone fucks them in the ass, now he knows it firsthand.

Otto feels motion below him and opens his legs larger.

Something hot and soft wraps his cock up, Otto takes the penis out of his mouth and looks below his body, he sees that Eryn is under him her tits they are closed around his penis.

The dog moans when Arlen gives a push and obliges the hips of Otto to move. His penis moves between the breasts of the woman. She presses her tits to hold the erection caught between her tits.

The she-wolf looks with fascination as the penis moves of back and forward front, appears and disappears with each push. The knot touches her tits and the spurts of precum splashes her chin.

Otto opens his mouth and again touches Wilton's penis, the dog sucks slowly and with pleasure enjoying the taste, Arlen's balls hit his balls with each thrust.

The dog licks the erection of Wilton that rocks on the air at the moment of receiving one licked, the tongue of the dog moves on the whole hard meat before putting the penis into his mouth again.

All members of the orgy enjoy the moment with Otto in middle of everything, the moans escape of the mouth of the dog at every moment. Arlen moans with pleasure while his hips move back and forth.

Otto's anus is as good as the one of his mother, Otto's eyes open largely when the knot begins to press his sphincter. Arlen holds fast Otto's hips and growls while he pushes.

Wilton's hands hold Otto's head and he begins to pump his penis in the mouth of the man. Otto moans with pain and restrains himself not to bite the boy's shaft, the bloodhound feels as his asshole burns with pain when his sphincter opens to close behind the knot of Arlen.

The young wolf moans with pleasure when all his penis is wrapped up by the hot and tight entrails.

Arlen pumps up with more force and growls while his pleasure intensifies, the moan choked back of the dog also grow.

His member is completely hard between the breasts of the she-wolf that licks the tip every time that the cock moves forward. Otto's eyes are closed until he listens to a yelp of pleasure before him.

His mouth suddenly fills up on creamy and lightly hot seed, he swallows and his body muscles become taut when his climax is released in his body. The bloodhound moans and the powerful spurts of his sperm is shoot out of his penis getting wet Eryn's face completely.

Arlen growls and she stops when Otto's anal walls squeeze his penis with more force. The tip of the penis of the boy begins to release semen inside the rectum, the dog feels as his inside is covered by the sticky substance.

Eryn has her closed eyes and she licks the mouth enjoying the canine semen that covers her face, she listens the moans of pleasure of her children and Otto. After some moments the ecstasy happens and Wilton draws his cock from the mouth of Otto.

The dog tastes and swallows the semen in his mouth, he feels as the squeeze around his member disappears. Eryn moves and goes out below the body of the dog, she looks at Otto with a smile.

He smiles with discomfort while he feels as the penis of Arlen throbs in his body.

Eryn comes down from the bed and gets out of the bedroom, Otto does not move and starts chattering with the two boys.

"I guess that this is what you make daily." Otto says crossing his arms and reclining forward to be more comfortable.

"Well sometimes mom is not here..." Wilton says while he sits and stretches his body a moment. He exhales content before begin to fiddle with his balls and sheath.

"One way or another always had fun," Arlen says giving two squeezes to the man's buttocks.

"Someone can get used to it, eh?" Otto asks looking to on his shoulder to Arlen and next to Wilton.

Boys nod and the three laugh. Otto calms down when he sees that Eryn enters in the bedroom with an earthenware bowl in the hands and a cloth of cloth.

The woman the bed comes closer and places the bowl below Otto, tightly between his legs. The dog shakes and pants when the cold water touches his cock. He moans and sees below his body, Eryn washes his penis with slowness and care.

The wet cloth goes over each part of his member, Eryn also masturbates the man in order that his cock keeps hard. She moans when Wilton penetrated her from behind, the boy fucks her pussy with slowness.

Wilton pumps with calm and feel as juices begin to cover his cock, Eryn moans and pants while his hand moves in the large erection of Otto. He has his eyes and clenches his teeth when Arlen begins to pull his penis.

The boy and the man growl with pain, Otto feels as their sphincter begins to open slowly. Arlen spreads Otto's buttocks and sees as his knot begins to be visible, when half knot is out the young wolf gives a final pull.

Otto moans when he feels as the member slips out of his anus, he feels as the semen of the boy is dripping from his open hole. The dog feels as the young seed slips to his balls.

The man sees as Eryn leans Wilton reclining his head in the pillow in bed. The she-wolf sees Otto that does not move, the woman makes a grimace and indicates her idea to him, and the dog nods in silence and crawls to position himself on Wilton.

Otto with some a bit of shame moves his ass while Eryn grabs the penis by her son and directs it down to the crack between the buttocks of Otto, he feels as the tip moves in his crack until the tip enters in anus.

Wilton moans when the entrails of the man surround his penis, Otto takes down his hips slowly while he feels as the shaft enters without difficulty in his ass. After some moments the knot gets in his crack.

"Ride him." Eryn says looking at Otto. He blushes a short time before beginning to move his ass up and down. He loved this position with women, but having the active role is not nice for him.

His worries and thoughts slowly disappear when he begins to have a good time again. Otto's pleasure increases when Arlen and Eryn begins to lick his penis.

The mother and son lick the cock that bounces scattering precum, Wilton moans and closes his eyes feeling as the hot inside moves on his penis. The spurts of precum cover Otto's anal walls.

The dog moans and pants while he sees as Eryn sucks his cock and Arlen sucks his balls with calm. Otto's pleasure is intense and grows until it is about to release his semen, but Eryn and Arlen stop.

The she-wolf smiles seeing that the dog looks at him with confusion. She moves her finger in circles for some moments. Otto opens his eyes and turns around in the meantime the penis still it is in his anus. Wilton moans softly while Otto gets in correct position.

The weighed balls of Otto touch Wilton's balls. Eryn caresses Otto's chest and kisses it passionately, the dog answers the kiss and feels as the she-wolf pushes him softly to lean him on the chest of Wilton.

When Otto this leant on Wilton, the boy begins to move and fuck the bloodhound's ass. Otto moans and pants with pleasure while his member bounces hitting his stomach, Wilton stops after some moments.

Otto pants and sees with surprise as Eryn positions herself on him, she moves her hips caressing the penis with her wet vulva. It gets wet in juices the cock before catching it and aiming at the part in between her thighs.

She takes down her hips and moans with Otto at the moment that the hard shaft slides in her.

Eryn feels as her vagina slowly stretches around the hard meat, the little spurts of precum splashes her inside.

Her vaginal lips touch Otto's knot, he pants and enjoys of twice pleasure in his body, the dog thinks about stretching his arms and to catch woman's breasts, but he gets surprised when Arlen gets herself in front of her mother.

The young wolf has his penis in his hand and without previous warning pushes it in the mouth of Otto, he perceives the taste of the cock and begins to suck it slowly. Arlen reclines forward backing up his hands in the pillow, tightly to the sides of the head of his brother.

Arlen begins to move to fuck Otto's mouth.

Wilton begins to move also, the dog feels trapped by pleasure, the mother moans with each push, when Wilton pushes his penis in the man it makes Otto also penetrate her.

She holds the borders of the head of the bed and begins to move her ass up and down incrementing Otto's pleasure. He feels as the penis in his anus moves and the knot touches his buttocks with each thrust.

Wilton pumps up enjoying the anal passage, his brother's semen helps him to hold lubrication.

Arlen pumps up his penis in the mouth of Otto while he moans with pleasure, the precum are enjoyed by the dog.

Otto and Eryn look at each other and smile before moaning again. The she-wolf looks below her and licks her mouth a moment before stopping and leaving that Wilton moves.

Arlen opens her eyes when he feels that her mother's snout enters in middle of her buttocks, she begins to lick her boy's posterior hole. The tongue moves up and down in the crack.

The young wolf moans when his mother pushes her tongue, his sphincter opens and he is penetrated.

The saliva begins to fill the cracks in her entrails, Otto sees what happens and places her hands on the buttocks of Arlen to spread them and helping Eryn. The four members of the orgy moan and pant with pleasure.

The woman enjoys the canine cock in her vagina, her vaginal walls are caressed with each thrust of her son. Otto's fur caresses her clitoris.

Eryn moves her feet a little to be more comfortable, but these slip sitting in Otto's crotch. The dog and Eryn moan when both are knotted, but the domino effect makes the ass of Otto fall on the knot of the boy.

Otto opens his eyes and his groan of pain is calmed by the penis of Arlen, his sphincter opens and it slides surrounding Wilton's knot completely. The young wolf begins to pump his penis with force.

Wilton's knot presses Otto's prostate increasing Otto's pleasure, the bloodhound does not resist more and pushes his penis deeply in Eryn and he begins to release his seed in her.

Eryn swirls her tongue in the anus of her son and growls with pleasure, her body becomes taut when the spurts of cum cover her vaginal walls that squeeze the canine erection with more force.

Wilton pushes his penis and growls when the squeeze around his member increases provoking that the boy comes to his climax. Otto listens Wilton's growl and his rectum suddenly becomes flooded with another load of semen that mixes in with the semen of Arlen.

Cracks fill up rapidly while Otto moans of pleasure feeling that his penis shots cum, the dog gets surprised at the moment that a cum spurt hits the entrance of his throat.

Arlen presses his knot against the mouth of Otto while he growls of pleasure, the bloodhound's mouth becomes flooded with seed. Otto swallows with effort due to the pleasure derived of the climax.

The seed slides through the throat of Otto to his stomach, the dog sucks while the boy continues ejaculating in his mouth. After some moment Arlen panting moves and takes his penis out of the mouth of the man, Otto closes down one of his eyes when a semen little spurt falls on him.

Arlen moves to one side with difficulty and he lets himself fall seated on the bed. Eryn licks Otto's face slowly, he gets surprised when the woman begins to kiss him passionately.

She sucks the rests of semen of the mouth of Otto and savors them, Eryn breaks off the kiss and smiles at the dog. Otto also smiles and sees that Arlen masturbates slowly, the dog gets surprised and startles when Eryn moves and side by side they fall to one side.

In this way Wilton should not bear the weight of both.

On the next day Otto is sleeping on his chest in the bed of Eryn, the dog is tired and sleeps soundly. His body fails to pay attention to the oil that runs down on his crack.

Eryn smiles softly while she empties a little small bottle of oil in the crack of the dog, she sees as oil slips to the balls of the dog. The she-wolf knows that Otto would have a unique awakening.

Otto's eyes open completely and he growls with pain when his sphincter opens and a long, cold and hard object enters in his rectum completely. He does not know what happens until he feels the pressure of the breasts of Eryn on his back.

The she-wolf smiles smoothly and begins to move her hips, Otto moans and pants when the object moves in his anus, his prostate is rub on with each motion and his member in his sheath begins to harden.

Otto feels the tip goes out of by the opening and rub on the bed bedspread, his penis grows quickly and the knot appears in the base of the penis. The rubbing of his hard meat with the cloth increments his pleasure.

The she-wolf catches Otto's hips and pulls him to oblige him to lean on his knees and elbows, Otto moans and pants with each push. His anal walls are caress while his member wobbles on the air until Eryn's hand takes it.

Eryn feels the hardness of the meat in her hand, she smiles and continues moving. Somebody knocks at the door and he opens up, Otto moaning sees that they to Arlen and Wilton. The two boys are completely dressed and have wickered basket in their hands.

"Mom, we will go to the river we'll see, if we can catch some fishes." Wilton says looking at his mother that nods and keeps on moving.

"Use... use two in each fishhook... that will attract the attention of the fishes." Otto moans looking at the two boys while his buttocks are hit by the crotch of the woman.

The two boys nod and get out of the bedroom closing the door behind them, Eryn's hand begins to move faster on the penis of Otto. The shoot-out of precum increases.

Eryn moves faster until Otto's body begins to arch and he growls with force. Otto's penis throbs with more force the moment that it shoots semen against the bedspread of the bed.

Otto squeezes the bedspread while his body becomes taut, his seed continues flowing some moments until the last semen jet is fired. Eryn shakes Otto's penis and the dog falls on his chest.

"Damm... Eryn... that one is a different awakening." Otto says panting while he does not move.

Eryn laughs and she leans upon Otto, her tits press the dog's back.

"Are you enjoying until now?" Eryn asks whispering in Otto's ear. The dog feels that the she-wolf licks his ear slowly.

"I can get used to this." Otto responds while he begins retaking the control of his body.

"Like the boys." Eryn says smiling and caressing Otto's shoulders of slow and soft way.

"Do you make this with them?" Otto asks with a little bit of surprise at the moment of turning the head over to see Eryn.

"Sometimes..." Eryn responds before joining her mouth to Otto's mouth. Both share a deep kiss and Otto moans softly when the she-wolf pushes the toy in his anus again to begin to move.

Two days after Little John is on the market close to Marian, they are buying something under the sun of one crisp clear morning. Noise surrounds them completely, each person seeks to offer or to buy something.

Little John sees the arch of stone that signals the entrance of the market. The bear sees that Arlen and Wilton charge two buckets, one filled with water and another one full of flowers. Besides on their backs they charge some long sticks and cloth.

Boys look for an appropriate place before putting buckets to the ground. Little John sees as both boys use sticks and the cloth to put together an improvised awning that would cover them of the sun.

The bear smiles seeing that both sit and using a knife they begin removing the thorns in the flowers. Little John feels pleased seeing that both are helping their mother, Little John's look again toward the entrance of the market.

He sees with surprise that Otto and Eryn are grabbing the hand of each other, they chat with a couple of friends.

"Well this is a surprise." Little John says smiling seeing that both are together.

"Marian, wait for me in the carriage I have something to do." Little John says looking at the vixen.

She nods with a little bit of confusion before putting her attention in the vegetables that she is buying.

Little John gets close to Otto and Eryn, he greets them and receives a greeting on from both.

"I do not want to seem meddlesome, but I saw that both are together now." Little John says looking at Eryn and Otto. They smile while they even are taken by the hand.

"We will get married." Otto says looking at Little John. The couple laughs seeing the face of surprise of the bear, Little John smiles content for the news.

"So... congratulations." Little John says while he congratulates Otto and Eryn. Both thank their friend's congratulation.

"Well in fact we wanted you to be the godfather." Eryn says looking at Little John. He gets surprised and he scratches the neck with discomfort.

"Well... being godfather of two weddings is not problem." Little John says looking at his friends that feel content.

"Eryn commented me the deal that both have and well... I do not have problem with it, just told me to see, if I can participate." Otto says winking an eye to the bear. Little John gets surprised and nods.

"I could not say no... you rules here." Otto says looking at Little John. The bear and the couple laugh for some moments before Eryn gets alarmed suddenly.

"Otto... I left the money at the blacksmith's." Eryn says looking at Otto. He nods and with Eryn they say good-bye to Little John to go back to pick up money.

The bear sees content as the couple goes away while they chat. He turns over and sees as Wilton and Arlen remove the thorns from some roses. Little John gets close to the stall and surprises the two boys when the bear places the hands on their shoulders from behind.

"Hi" Little John says laughing seeing that both boys are startled and both turn around quickly.

"Hi Sir..." Arlen says while he breathes agitatedly just like his brother. The bear laughs softly.

"I heard that your mother is going to get married." Little John says while he looks at the two boys that nod and look content. The bear introduces his hands in his pockets and takes out several coins to put them in the hands of the boys.

"Then buy her something nice." Little John says while he winks at the two boys that see with surprise the coins in their hands. They immediately nod and thank Little John's generosity.

"By the way to change the subject. Do you ever considered about becoming soldiers? Some good officers at my side would be very useful for me." Little John says looking at the two boys that open his eyes with surprise.

"Of course we... we will do it." Wilton says looking at his brother that nods with enthusiasm.

"So...I will help you with that... How does it seem to you?" Little John asks looking at the brothers that show up enthusiastic. He got content of verifying that both boys had reformed their lives for good.

Little John says good-bye and returns to the carriage that expects him, he climbs in the carriage and sticks out of the window his head to order to Garrett depart. The young wolf nods and orders to the horses move.

"What delayed you so much?" Marian asks looking at the bear that is sitting on the seat of the front.

"A matter without finalizing." Little John responds smiling. Marian smiles and places her hands on her breasts to begin to untie her dress and reveal her tits at the bear.

"You have a new unfinished business here." The woman says looking at Little John suggestively.

He licks the mouth before jumping at the woman.

The carriage advances by the way and Garrett listens to the moans that come from the inside of the carriage. He gets comfortable better the erection in his pants and shakes his head because he knows that in spite of what it happens on the inside, he is something that is none of his business.

Little John is the lord of those lands and therefore he should serve him faithfully including holding his secrets and private life hidden.

Little John, Marian, Robin Hood and Otto © Disney.

Eryn, Garret** , Arlen, Wilton, **** Faron Troy and Ruby, Deanna, Hadley, Dottie Delaney, Deryck Crawford, Antonette, Bill Dwight, Irwin, Elwin, Travis, Alton Dickens, Gregory, Dyson Millie and Lily **** are my characters.**

Writen by Janus Oberoth


Kip and Drew are walking in silence slowly, the pup feels sad while tears form in his eyes, he sees that his father still growls smoothly. Kip's mind is filled with worry fills and anger. Both get to their den after some minutes, Drew sees that his...

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