Cuckold Colt

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#52 of Amethyst's Adventures

When a mare brings another stallion to bed...what is a colt to do?

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Happy birthday, sweety!

Written for Razak for his birthday, which is today! Should go poke him on twitter @razakwolf and say "happy birthday"! :D

Madoc, to clarify, is my partner's equine character, though he has gone as a blue wolf more commonly. I find it a bit odd that I didn't finish a story like this before - I started a couple - but events did get in the way and, honestly, I was turned off it for a long while. I had to re-learn what it was about this fantasy/fun that made it fun. And I think I have that for us right here.

Hope you like it, derp, and happy birthday! Cake awaits!

Madoc (c) Razak

Amethyst and story (c) Amethyst Mare (Arian Mabe)

Cuckold Colt

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare) for Razak

Happy birthday!

"Where are you taking me?"

The dappled grey stallion snorted and swept his mane to the other side of his neck with a practiced flip of his paw. Dressed in jeans and a plain white t-shirt, he had grabbed the first items of clothing that had leapt out at him from his overstuffed wardrobe that morning as his mare dragged him out the door of their flat, a wicked gleam in her eye. The gleam in itself was not unusual as she was often up to no good - it was only the manner of 'no good' that perked his interest on this particular Saturday afternoon as they made their way through the city. The city was a short drive from their flat in a semi-rural location - a commuter's town really - and a place they rarely visited, which could only imply cause for a special occasion.

Rubbing his throat, Madoc broke into a light trot to keep up with Amethyst, rainwater glittering on the street before him. His black hooves shone in the afternoon sunlight as he clip-clopped forth in the traditional equine fashion of going without any kind of shoes or boots. For those with hooves, they were mainly a fashion statement in everyday life and superfluous to most work and life. And who would waste money when they could show off a little more anyway? He rather liked his hooves, though would not admit it openly. Too gay.

His mate, the chestnut mare, walked ahead of him down the main street, a brown bag patterned with feral equine silhouettes slung casually over her shoulder as she strode forward with utmost confidence in where she was going. High street shops flanked her left and right as she walked briskly down a street designed for pedestrians only, flagstones perfectly smooth beneath her also bare hooves. She boasted no markings except the white diamond, an equine star marking, between her eyes, though it was often covered by her long forelock. Amethyst huffed up at it, unaware of Madoc's smile as he caught the motion. She was always forgetting to go get it trimmed.

In response to his question, near enough forgotten in the span of time it took for her to pay him mind, she glanced back over her shoulder, a gust of wind catching her red forelock and blowing it into her eyes. She was too focused upon her path to sweep it aside.

"Ah, now I can't tell you that." Amethyst smirked, swatting the colt's hip with a well aimed flick of her tail as he caught up to her. "That would ruin the surprise. And you wouldn't want me to spoil the surprise now, would you, sweetheart?"

"Come on," he pestered, nostrils flaring as he slunk an arm slyly around her waist, slowly as if she would not notice if he was patient enough. "It can't be that much of a secret, surely? What's going on?"

He blinked innocently and, glancing sideways at him, Amethyst's heart skipped a beat, that funny little jump that his blue eyes never failed to stir in her chest. Licking her dry lips, at risk of chapping in the February cold, she bought herself time and tucked a stray strand of hair behind a twitching ear.

"A secret's a secret," she countered after a moment. "It wouldn't be a surprise now, if I told you, would it?"

Madoc grumbled and flicked his tail, crossing his arms over his chest as Amethyst's pace quickened. He very nearly had to trot to keep up with her long, swift stride. The grey stallion squeezed his forearms closer around his torso against the nippy chill in the air. If the stormy clouds roiling above were anything to go by, they would be seeing snow again before the day was out. He hoped it wouldn't cause any trouble getting into work when Monday once again rolled around.

"Maybe one clue."

He pricked his ears, leaning in closer to the mare expectantly. A clue? What could it be? He nibbled Amethyst's ear and she tugged her head away with a giggle, shoving his shoulder with enough force to make him stumble a step sideways.

"I have someone who is very interested in meeting you," Amethyst revealed, dropping him a look out of the corner of her eye that told almost more than her words alone. "They...have an interest in stallions of your kind."

Well, that gave absolutely fuck all away. Madoc suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, nostrils flaring ever so slightly. An answer that was not an answer was Amethyst's favourite style.

"Male or female?"

He tried for a little more information but Amethyst shook her head, checking him with her hip.

"Nope, you're not getting it that easily." She grinned and tapped his nose with a forefinger, too light for it to hurt though he still snorted at the digit with the hoof-like tip. "Something about a colt like you has, ah, 'perked their interest', so to speak."

He furrowed his brow and rubbed the front of his muzzle, wracking his mind for what a stranger - to him, at least - could possibly want with him. There was nothing strange about him, nothing at all, not in his mind. Though he was a cross breed... Madoc shook his head, pondering. That couldn't be it, surely not? Cross breeds were not all that unusual, where furries of different species' mated, but there was one other thing...

Dropping into his own mind, Madoc considered what someone could be interested in, fingers wound between those of Amethyst's as she drew him gently along the street.

Built in the body shape and frame of a Warlander, an Andalusian crossed with a Friesian, Madoc's heritage, though not strictly equine, was stark for all to see. It was a strange note for furries of different species to produce offspring that could resemble either one or both of their parents - a wolf siring an otter pup, if his mate was of otter-kind - but even more peculiar that past lines and hidden genes could sometimes produce young that resembled neither of them. In one sense, it highlighted the beauty and diversity of the world, where no one species was more prevalent than other.

With a mother and father not of the same species as he - not by far! One was even a canine and what greater difference could you get? - Madoc often received attention. He couldn't think of anything else that would draw attention that he did not actively do himself. Of course, he got looks in the gym and his physique drew looks when he was so inclined to show it off. Or when Amethyst showed him off. The stallion smirked, lips quirking up at the corner closest to Amethyst. When the mare raised an eyebrow in unspoken question, Madoc complied with an explanation.

"Is it something to do with me?" He tried, tongue-tied over his words. "I mean... Me, as I am? The weird thing with me not having a horse mother or father? Being an odd species? And slow the heck down!" He laughed, breath frosting before his muzzle. "Are you running a marathon or what, huh?"

Amethyst giggled, squeezing his paw tighter as she took note and slowed her pace to match his shorter, more patient stride. She walked like she had somewhere to be whereas Madoc took his days at a more sustainable pace.

"It would be more accurate to say that you're weird for not being a canine or avian," she teased, ignoring the room of his eyes. "Okay, more seriously now... Hm... It's your body, in a sense, colt, I'll give you that. Perhaps you are getting just a little bit warmer here"

Amethyst teased without revealing any more information and he huffed, ears flipping back to his skull.

"Come on!" His impatience waned and he knocked one hoof against the other as he split his focus between keeping pace and solving the mystery. "What's going on really now? You can't drive me over here and expect me to not wonder at all."

Amethyst shook her head and let go of his paw, wrapping her arm around his waist instead to squeeze herself in to his side, bodies moulding together as if they were made for each other.

"Easy now, colt," she chided. "You'll have your fill soon enough. We're here."

He turned to look and raked his gaze up the front of a hotel, the interior sparkling with soft, mood lighting. It was not a chain venue and looked rather upper class for their budget, though he did not see it as something he should question. Everyone deserved to be spoiled sometimes, especially Amethyst. And, yes, he needed to be spoiled too. Smiling to himself, he nickered and slipped his arm around her shoulders, eyes bright with excitement. She must have something planned.

Amethyst_always_ had something planned.

The hotel smelled faintly of cherry blossoms as they stepped into the atrium, double doors closing in a whoosh of air at their hooves. Blinking to allow his eyes to adjust to the lower light level, Madoc took in the room, skin trembling as if he was about to burst from it, though his skin only twitched so in that equine expression. They passed a potted cherry blossom, spindly, dark branches reaching skywards to a sun that it would never see while so cooped up indoors, pink petals curled into tight, protective buds. Small, round bulbs were set into the reddish ceiling at intervals, casting a warm glow over the lobby, a wide, gleaming desk with an attendant situated directly across from the door where they could not be missed.

He rubbed his muzzle to stifle a yawn. The room made him feel as if he could curl up on one of the strategically placed black sofas, adorned with red detailing, and snooze the afternoon away. But there was too much to do. His ears swivelled backwards and forwards again. Just what was going on? Would he find out now?

Madoc could barely contain his excitement as Amethyst checked in, bouncing from hoof to hoof as his nostrils flared. Just what was taking so long? Were they going somewhere from the hotel? What had his mare planned for him?

She seemed to take a time, only having the smooth-toned goat stumble over her accent a single time - quite impressive for someone unfamiliar with the Welsh eccentricities. And, to her credit, she only vaguely grimaced at the slip on his part; it was not even that noticeable. She was getting better at hiding her 'faces', as she said, acting with too much expression in her muzzle and eyes around strangers.

The goat was tactful, however, and kindly moved the conversation on, sliding a key card across the shiny countertop towards her chestnut paw. At such a nice hotel in the city centre, Madoc could only suppose that he saw many foreign furs with strange accents in his line of work, perhaps both business furs and those seeking pleasure, hitting up the tourist spot for shows and all the shopping delights the indoor complexes allowed. His lips quirked and he nipped the inside of his lip to conceal his amusement. Regardless of who the front desk attendant came into contact with, Madoc would never refer to Ammy as foreign. That would get him slapped. Hard.

"Here you are, ma'am." The goat with finely groomed grey fur passed her a folded sheet of paper, the crease crisp and centred. "You will find all the details you require, as discussed, right here."

He fingered a horn as he inclined his muzzle gracefully towards the lifts, two set close together to allow passage to the higher floors. Madoc had no doubt that Ammy would take one of them. She had developed a slight aversion to stairs after ramping up the volume on 'deadlift day'.

"Your room is on the third floor, fifth down the hall. Is there anything else I may do for you?"

She smiled a winning smile, her brown eyes warm.

"No, that's perfect, thank you very much for your help," she replied, flicking up the key card in a grateful gesture. "I will just be back down later to book in for dinner at the restaurant, if you are confident that there will not be such a high demand tonight."

"No, it has been very quiet lately." He was swift to reassure her. "I cannot imagine that you would need to book at all, though it is a safeguard against a sudden rush. There are no particularly popular shows on tonight at the theatre, which is the only time that we are full to the brim when it comes to dining."

"Thank you." Her eyes lingered on his green ones long enough for a blush to tingle across the goat's cheeks. "I'm sure we'll see you again soon."

She turned to the stallion standing not so patiently behind her, one perfectly groomed eyebrow raised.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Come on, colt."

She trotted to the lifts with a spring in her step, tail flicking above her rear. Madoc grunted, ears flicking forward and back again, following at a brisk clip, though at a far less graceful gait. His hooves clopped clumsily over the linoleum and he grimaced, wondering how she was able to move without making an obnoxious amount of noise. His larger, louder hooves would not have been nearly as noticeable without her elegance floating before him, glutes working as she slowed to a more languid walk. Madoc swallowed hard, not even trying to keep his eyes on a less erotic body part. Truth be told, there was little to none of the mare that he did not find sexy in some way.

She paused for the lift, hitching her shoulder bag up so that a crease in the strap stopped digging into muscle and bone in an unwelcome distraction. Stepping into the lift when the doors slid open with a creak of internal mechanisms, she leaned against the mirrored rear wall, fingers tucked into the pockets of her jeans. Madoc stood in the middle of the lift, hooves spread as it started to move upwards with a clunk and a groan. His ears twitched, curiosity getting the better of him.

"So where are we..."

He trailed off, cowed into silence by the look she gave him. It was not that he had done anything wrong - it was simply a look that said: obey.


He bobbed his muzzle and folded his paws in front of his crotch, though it was difficult to hide an equine hard-on at the best of times. As it was, his shaft tented out the front of his jeans, thankfully a loosely cut style, and bulged into his underwear. The horse grunted and slid his gaze away, neck hot under the collar of his t-shirt. It was hot to be told what to do. At least to him.

As obedient as a foal, he said not a single word more in the lift and followed the mare devotedly to the hotel room, standing behind to sneak glances at her rear while she fiddled with the key card and room door. The hotel room was nothing different to any other that they had spent time in, cleanly furnished with oak furniture, the bed on the left and large windows directly across from the door permitting them entrance. A desk was tucked by the window on the right with a chair set back from it as if it had been waiting for them.

Dropping her bag by the window, Amethyst stretched her arms over her head, working out the kinks from her back and shoulders. He stood to attention, lips stilled in a straight line that would have become a smile if his whole body had not thrummed with nerves, wondering if all was to be revealed now that they were alone, a closed door to their backs.

Eyes smouldering, Amethyst glanced back at him, crossing one arm over her chest as she continued stretching, irritated by his anxious hoof-shuffling. He should be quiet, as she had told him.


She jerked her head towards the chair, which was positioned ever so innocently in front of the hotel room desk. He stared at it, tail flicking. In any other situation, he could have seen his mare sitting at that very desk, laptop open in front of her as her hoof-tipped fingers raced across the keyboard, bringing life to another story in a way that only she could do.

And now he did not know what that chair would hold for him.

Madoc gulped and slowly seated himself, paws curled around the opposite biceps as if for reassurance. If he clutched on to a string of reality, the world that he knew, perhaps he could hold on for just a little longer. Submission tingled on the edge of his mind with a familiar song and he shook his head with a muted groan as the mare unpacked her bag, laying out several indiscernible items upon the desk, just out of his line of sight. He did not dare turn his long muzzle to see what she had in store and instead looked straight ahead, ears pricked up tall and quivering.

Amethyst smiled privately, careful to not allow him to see her grin: it simply would not do. It was better to keep a colt waiting, wanting and ever guessing her next move. She hummed a tune for her own ears as she set out the purple and black paw cuffs - a brand new purchase from a professional leather worker - in a spot where Madoc could smell the leather but not see them. He could only wonder what manner of leather item - restraints? - she had dug out of her bag. He blinked, line of sight angled to the right of a mirror that would have otherwise allowed him some view of the room. Damn it.

Amethyst's heart pounded, anticipation roaring with impatience through her veins. Pressing her palms together, the mare took a deep breath, eyes half closed as she composed herself, paws on the desk that doubled as a dressing table, if one was so inclined. Soon, very soon, it would not be just them in the hotel room. And then wouldn't the colt get a surprise?

Someone to the exterior of the hotel room, out in the hallway, knocked lightly on the door, rapping twice with their knuckles alone. Tail flicking, she straightened, the strap of her strappy, light blue shirt slipping down one shoulder, although she pretended not to notice. One ear flicked towards the door as the outsider knocked again, again twice in smooth succession. She smiled, one paw on her hip as she threw the curious stallion a cheeky wink, just to keep him guessing.

Excellent. He was early.

She opened the door with a flourish, one perfectly groomed eyebrow raised as if for effect. Who could have been expecting a caller, of all things? Amethyst hid her smile, painted lips curved into a smirk. She was groomed finely from head to hoof. She was ready.

A mare, after all, should look to impress her lover. Even if he was only there for her pleasure and entertainment. And that lover was not her colt.

On the other side of the threshold stood a bay stallion with a jagged broken stripe slashed down the front of his muzzle, a pink snip on his nose. Dressed simply in jeans that had seen better days (or perhaps it was a fashion statement) and a grey t-shirt with a band name that she did not recognise, he was easy on the eyes and his smile came readily and willingly. His eyes were dark brown - a kind eye - and he smiled shyly as Amethyst drew him into the room, kicking it closed behind him. The lock snapped shut with a decisive click that told the three of them - one not in the know - that there was no going back. What was done was done and, well, there would only be events of the most interesting persuasion going forward.

Amethyst kissed the stallion lightly on the cheek, a chaste kiss, and Madoc's paws twitched in his lap, the colt's eyes wide.

"Nice to see you again," she murmured with a wink, paws stroking down his bare arms, his shirt tighter than it should have been over a muscled chest. "It's certainly been a while."

Madoc whimpered as her paw trailed down the front of the strange horse's chest and stomach to his crotch, the backs of her fingers teasing over a bulge more dominant than Madoc's, pushing against the front of his jeans. As a bigger stallion, a good head taller than the dappled Warlander, the draft horse cast the colt a cocky smirk when Amethyst's gaze dropped to the object of her attention.

Mine today, he seemed to say, tail flagging proudly.

Though a charade that they had played through before, Madoc grunted and half-stood from the chair, tail swishing. He would show this stallion that he couldn't have his mare! She couldn't touch him like that without him saying it was okay. He had vetted all of her past partners, after all. He had had final say-so. Why should this time be any different?

As he moved, Amethyst's head whipped around, eyes narrowing dangerously. He froze halfway through the motion of standing.

"Stay there, colt," she reprimanded sharply, words cracking out like a whip over his head. "I did not say that you could move."

Nickering, he lowered his muzzle so that his chin rested on his chest, heart thudding wildly. Watching was simultaneously the worst and the very best thing ever, being able to look and not touch. But in his heart he would much rather be on his knees getting his mistress ready to take her stud however she pleased. He just wanted to be...well...involved. Involved in her pleasure.

Satisfied, Amethyst stepped back, pulling the stranger with her by the paw. He nickered and perched on the edge of the bed at her direction, only leaning forward to nuzzle briefly into the crook of her neck, blunt teeth nibbling softly. She giggled like a filly, tail lifted high and flirty as if to show off for her 'her' stud.

"How was your trip down?" She asked conversationally, seating herself in his lap. "Hopefully there was little traffic to harry you."

"It wasn't so bad," he replied, fingertips massaging down her spine to the mare's delight, her back arching. "Actually took the train - it's a bit easier if trying to get down to London these days, though you wouldn't have thought so a few years ago."

Nodding, Amethyst swung her legs comfortably over the other side of his thighs, allowing her hooves to dangle freely. She leaned back into his arm and nickered as his strong arm slid around her back, preventing her from slipping or falling. Only then did she cast her colt a glance, the stallion frozen in place on his chair for fear of being told off again or, worse, instructed to leave.

"Colt, this is Finn." She belatedly relayed to Madoc by means of introduction. "You're going to see a lot more of him."

Her lips quirked in a flicker that told him more than the words that followed, speaking of many late evenings home and days spent disappeared on 'long walks' that he had chosen to ignore as nothing other than the perfectly innocent.

"That said, I have already seen very much of him..."

He whinnied shrilly, nostrils flaring and paws curling into tight fists. His mistress had been seeing another stallion...without him? But they'd always invited others into their bedroom when he had been there! It was their rule! Or...had been their rule. Yet, if a rule was broken, why did his cock throb with excitement, near enough threatening to rip through the fabric of his jeans? Why did it have to turn him on so much to think that his mistress had been fucking any male she pleased without his knowledge?

Finn brushed his nose over Amethyst's cheek, free paw stroking up and down her leg, sliding ever closer to her inner thighs, teasing ramping up as the seconds passed, dragging out into minutes. Madoc held his breath, eyes riveted on the show before him as the equines conversed quietly between themselves, speaking of the most mundane events that did not seem to fit the situation or their flirtatious advances in the slightest. Nipping Finn's neck, Amethyst huffed lustily and wriggled in his lap, buttocks rubbing over what the colt could only suspect was a rapidly growing bulge, something that would hopefully soon be released for him to see too.

Amethyst's tail flicked against Finn's legs and she snorted as his paw finally delved between her thighs, thumb rubbing over the crotch of her skinny jeans. Madoc groaned, imagining that his mistress was already soaked through her underwear - her scent was potent enough as it was. Or perhaps he was only more attuned to her arousal than most. Catching the colt's eye, Finn grinned.

"Don't worry, little pony," Finn addressed Madoc, tucking his chin on top of Amethyst's head so she could not see the amusement in his eyes. "I don't plan on taking your mare from you. Only giving her what she needs for an afternoon or more. However much she wants from me."

He chuckled, chest rumbling with mirth as the mare turned to steal a kiss from his lips.

"And I don't doubt she'll want every inch from me."

Madoc shook his head, eyes closed, pretending he did not want to see every inch sinking into his mare, his mistress. No, he did not want that at all. Yet he could not vocalise the thought as it was far from the truth, even if he would not admit it to himself. It was wrong to want it and, at the same time, oh so right. Amethyst smirked, unbuttoning her stallion's jeans.

"Just sometimes a mare needs a real know?" She elaborated, pushing Finn's jeans down enough to show off the bulge in his Tight Tails underwear, red and navy standing out in pleasant contrast to his coat. "A mare needs to be fucked, hard and long and deep. You're simply not up to the task."

The chestnut mare nipped the stallion's neck hard enough for him to grunt from pain, cock throbbing.

"And I have the perfect stallion for the job right here."

Madoc shook his head. That should be him on the bed. He should be the one getting undressed and having Amethyst nuzzle over his bulge with a throaty moan that he knew was solely for his ears. Pushing Finn's hips and rump up from the bed, she swiftly eased off his jeans and tossed them on a crumpled heap on the floor, followed by his underwear, regardless of how good they made his rump look. She wrapped her paw around the mottled rod of stud flesh as it sprung out without restraint, paw squeezing and pumping the length as Finn awkwardly dragged his t-shirt over his head, nickering softly.

Catching Madoc's eye, Amethyst winked and dipped her muzzle down to that fat shaft, running her tongue up the underside from the medial ring to the flat head, pre cum glistening upon the tip. The Warlander groaned, paws shaking as he fought to restrain himself, to stay still on the chair, as his mistress teased another stallion right in front of him, lips stretching over his cock head. She never did that for him.

Suckling on the tip, the mare giggled to herself as Finn snorted heavily, fingers twining into her mane but not pushing her down as she teased: he knew better than that. After the first few times of displeasing her, he had learned to fear the crack of her crop on his rump, pleasure melding into pain that was not his style in any way, shape or form. No, the bay stallion thought to himself, he knew that it was much better to behave. Then he could fuck a sweet red mare. Though one would never sleep with a red head...

He grunted as Amethyst eased more of his cock into her long muzzle, tongue stroking the underside, just to rile him up. By the time she withdrew, only a few moments later, the stallion's coat was darkening with sweat, nostrils flared as his cock flexed and bobbed, every inch of his being begging him to fuck the mare before him.

"Such a nice, thick cock..." Amethyst murmured. "You're exactly what this mare is looking for, stud."

She licked her lips and slid from the stallion's lap to slip her jacket from her shoulders, a shoulder-less pale blue shirt following to land in a screwed up pile of rapidly mounting clothing. Turning so that both males had the best view of her backside, Amethyst slid her jeans slowly down her thighs, taking her time as she worked the tight fabric over muscle. Finn groaned and bobbed his muzzle as her black thong was revealed, a simple design that matched her 'barely there' bra, nipples only just covered. Kicking the jeans off her hooves, Amethyst straightened with a smirk, pushing the fabric to the side without care for creases. Colt would put them tidy for her later.

"Oh, Madoc?" She regained his attention as his eyes were firmly on her rounded rear. "Do be a good colt now and come make my stallion good and ready to fuck me."

Finn started.

"What?" Finn grunted, ears perking up straight. "This isn't like what we've done before

Blood roaring in his ears, Madoc eased himself off the chair and dropped to all fours, legs trembling too badly for him to stand upright without making a fool of himself. He doubted they would hold his weight with a hard cock straining to break free from his jeans. They were a pain, tight around his thighs with the growing 'package' and he dipped his muzzle, teeth grinding to bear the constriction.

Amethyst waved a paw as he crawled closer, grey muzzle respectfully bowed.

"Strip first. And quickly. Don't want to be getting any, ah, mess on your clothes."

She grinned at the implication. If she had anything to do with it - and, oh, she would - the colt would be gulping down several loads of stallion seed before the day and night was out.

The colt gulped and nodded, scrambling to his hooves to obey her instructions. His stripping was a side less showy than that of the mare and stallion before him - he had a job to do, after all, and Amethyst would not tolerate him being slow about it. Shoving off his jeans, he flushed at the patch of pre cum soaking through his crimson boxer-briefs, an ostentatious bulge from a shaft not fully dropped from its sheath due to the constriction of certain undergarments. Without ceremony, he yanked his t-shirt over his head and snorted, shaking his forelock out of his eyes. The stallion sat on the bed with wide eyes, almost as if he was beginning to second guess his decision. Madoc hoped he would not run.

As Madoc rested his paws on Finn's knees, gently easing his legs apart so that he could reach the dropped, throbbing treat between his thighs, Amethyst scooted on to the bed behind the stallion. He nickered anxiously, tail restless, and cast her a hesitant look, eyes darting from spot to spot as if he could not settle on any one thing. Lipping softly up the stallion's thigh, Madoc nuzzled and licked along the line of quad muscle up to Finn's musky balls. He pressed his nose into the crease between them and inhaled deeply, ears splaying.

Finn rocked his head back, eyes half closed as Madoc slowly stroked his shaft, unable to make his finger and thumb meet around the hefty girth. He grunted, lips parting to lap over the head, knowing he was well and truly outclassed by the size of this stud. He couldn't fill up his mare like he could. Would he get every inch in? Groaning, Madoc took the head between his lips and pushed down, gulping the larger stud's cock down into the back of his throat.

Fingers curling, Finn stiffened, eyes on the male between his legs, balls in the paw of another male. Amethyst giggled and nipped his neck, tongue playing over the bite.

"Relax, stud." Amethyst curled her paws around his shoulders, breasts pressed softly to the stallion's muscled back. "Enjoy him. He's getting to be a pretty good cock sucker now that I have him in proper training."

Madoc flinched, unsure whether to take her comment as an insult or a compliment. She had had him sucking on her toys for many weeks now, ensuring he could take them into his throat and not worry about displeasing any of the males she brought home for their 'fun'. His eyes watered as he swallowed hard, forcing his muzzle down deeper and deeper, lips trained into a tight 'O' around the mottled shaft. The medial ring pushed between his lips as he took the length into his throat, nostrils held wide in a flare as he held his breath. Slowly, slowly... He held the stallion in his throat for as long as possible, spurred on by the moans and pants above, before withdrawing for a rush for air.

Gulping down much needed breath, Madoc lapped down the underside of Finn's shaft, slick with his saliva, to his balls. He tugged lightly at loose skin with his teeth and took one orb into his muzzle, suckling with the utmost care. He knew how sensitive those could be, particularly on a larger 'lad', as Amethyst was apt to say. Though he knew more intimately from the feel of her hoof or paw coming down on his jewels. Madoc shuddered at the memory. It was a case of different strokes for different folks and he doubted that this stallion would be best pleased if he caused any damage in this instance.

The couple above pressed their lips together and Madoc's ears flicked to catch a quiet squelch of sexual fluids. As he drove his muzzle down on the shaft again, covering every inch in adoring laps and licks, he heard Amethyst moan into the deep kiss and could only suspect that Finn had his fingers buried deep in her pussy. He trembled. The mare must already be dripping, desperate for a big stud to plough her. He was glad that she had Finn there to take care of that need for her.

Finn patted him awkwardly on the head between the ears and Madoc glanced up, vision encompassed by cock and toned stallion abdominals, cut and sleek. The mare snapped her fingers.

"Good boy," Amethyst praised him, muzzle on Finn's shoulder. "Now he's ready for me."

Madoc raised his head, a drop of clear pre cum shining on his lip.

"Don't you want me to get you ready too, mistress?"

"Oh, no need." She waved her paw. "I'm already dripping. That's how a mare gets when she knows she has a stallion ready to breed her."

It implied that she was never wet for him and his tongue, his eager muzzle, but Madoc knew otherwise. Regardless of the white edge of a lie that could not be a lie, it earned her the edge of a cocky grin from Finn and the stallion dropped a kiss on her lips, huffing as his cock was stroked between two paws, Madoc waiting for Amethyst to make the next move.

She sprawled back on the bed and spread her legs wide, hooves on the rumpled white duvet to thrust her hips up. Like a mare in season, she drove two fingers into her pussy and groaned, tail flicking across the bed beneath her. Teasing her fingertip in a circle over her clit, the mare whinnied in invitation, bucking her hips as if to demonstrate her eagerness, eyes darkly wicked. Finn stretched out his muzzle, upper lip curled back to sift through the overpowering scent of horny mare.

"Fuck me, stud," she nickered, cupping and squeezing both breasts in her paws, nipples hard, needy nubs. "Show me what a real stallion feels like."

Finn needed no further direction. Flipping about on the bed, he pushed between her thighs, paws landing on either side of her shoulders. She drew him to her as she would a lover, allowing his knees to nudge her thighs further apart as he shuffled in, cock in one paw to drag the head over her pussy - enough stimulation to make her huff with need.

"Don't you fucking hold back, stud."

Amethyst twisted her fingers into his mane and dragged his muzzle to hers as the head of his cock pressed to the entrance of her pussy. Her body resisted the invasion for a split second before the tip popped in to a chorus of moans from both of them. The shaft slid in, slippery with pre and Madoc's efforts at readying the stallion, until Finn quivered, breath coming in short, sharp gasps, at the medial ring. Kneeling on the floor, all Madoc could do was watch helplessly as a shaft thicker than the one dropped between his legs stretched out his mistress, ever the voyeur.

Moaning, Amethyst's mane fanned about her head as she took the stallion in deeper, back arching. She wrapped her legs around his waist for leverage, using the position to draw another two inches or so into her snatch. Grunting, Finn's tail swished and his glutes clenched as he drove in deeper, chest nearly brushing Amethyst's but not quite as if he was cautious about putting his weight on her. Madoc rolled his eyes out of their sight. Amethyst could take a stallion's weight on top of her - he knew that. Finn shouldn't treat her as if she was made of glass.

Amethyst dug her hooves into the stallion's rump until the head of his shaft pushed against her cervix, bottoming out with an inch left to go. She groaned, ears flipping to her skull though not from anger, but frustration. She wanted all of him! Rocking her hips up, she tried to take him deeper but her body was non-compliant, keeping that splash of grey and pink shaft just outside her warm passage. Huffing, Amethyst snorted and groaned, Finn drawing back only to thrust in deeply, now that he knew her limit. Again and again, he rolled into a rhythm, cock head grinding over the tight bundle of nerves inside her pussy with every thrust.

Amethyst melted under him, lips parted and eyes half-closed, letting pleasure wash over her. Around the bulk of muscled stud, she watched her colt with his muzzle on the bed angled so that he could watch that cock ramming into her. She flashed him a grin and then moaned as Finn nibbled her neck, hips moving rhythmically.

"Harder, stud," she breathed. "Mount me hard."

Finn whickered, muzzle buried against her neck, hips working harder as he bred the demanding mare with every ounce of sexual energy he possessed. Every time he thrust, his glutes squeezed together magnificently and Madoc huffed warm breath over the duvet, a paw lightly cupping his own balls. He could have pawed off watching the two of them going at it, but his mistress had not given him any instruction. It was safe to say that he was not allowed to cum, only watch and assist as she directed.

Under him, Amethyst groaned and clung on to his mane, pulling hard enough to draw a grunt of pain from his lips, though Finn made no complaint. He slipped one paw around Amethyst's hips to squeeze her rump, lifting her up from the bed and angling his thrusts just right so that the last inch of his cock rammed into her. A neigh ripped itself from her throat and the stallion panted, sweat darkening patches on his coat, driving in with desperate breeding need as she bucked beneath his body.

"You're so much bigger than my colt," she whispered, voice carrying to Madoc's pricked ears. "I don't think even his cock will...mmmph...serve as a toy for me now, not something for me to mount and ride like a...ah...dildo."

The colt blushed, looking down at his cock. It wasn't a bad size, not by far, but he was outclassed by a draft stallion, unable to match up when it came to what he was 'packing'. His mare craved more than what he had to give. And he would do anything to ensure that she could have it whenever and wherever she wanted it.

Amethyst rocked her hips up to meet Finn's thrusts, pussy clenching and squeezing around the shaft. Closer and closer, the need to orgasm tingled through her body like an electric charge sending sparks all the way to the very tips of her fingers.

"Fuck me, Finn." Her eyes blazed. "Make me cum. And don't even think of spilling your load before I get off."

Madoc traced his fingers along his shaft, watching the shudder of compliance tremble through the stallion. Drawing his cock from Amethyst's pussy with a sloppy drool of combined arousal, Finn gently flipped the mare on to her front and drew her hips up from the bed. Following his swift change, Amethyst pushed her body up on to her paws and knees, back arched as she lifted her tail high for the stallion, pussy clenching around nothing, needing to be filled. Squeezing one of her muscled buttocks, Finn grabbed his cock in one paw and guided himself in, thrusting in right up to the hilt.

"Mmmph... That's it."

Amethyst panted with her lips parted, letting the stallion grab hold of her hips and steady her as he drove in with all the fervour of a stud possessed - driven to lusty heights by her body and sex. She glanced back at him over her shoulder, tail flicking up to his chest as Finn screwed up his muzzle in an effort not to cum, as she had said. It was torture of the cruellest sort, to fuck a hot mare and not be permitted to spill one's seed however he pleased, but one he was willing. Finn almost kind of liked it now too.

Amethyst snorted, dropping her muzzle as her body rocked with his driving, sharp thrusts, near enough to send her over the edge with no more stimulation.

"Cum after I do."

Finn knew her body and dropped his chest over her back, letting her support his weight as one paw snaked around her waist and between her thighs from the front. Quickly, telling of the liaisons they had had prior, he found the nub of her clit and squeezed it lightly, wanting to cum just from her moan of pleasure alone. His fingers dragged through the splash of juices coating her pussy lips and eased his passage over her clit, rubbing as the mare pushed back on to his cock. Only then did he hunch his back and ram into her, hips working like a piston to breed the mare as she wanted and craved, all for the red mare's desires.

Her moans were telling and Madoc knew, even if Finn did not, that his mare was close to cumming. Her breath came in quick-quick pants and her paws curled into fists, trapping a crease of duvet between her fingers as she took every inch of stallion cock in her pussy, dragging over her g-spot as, even against Finn's will, the head of his cock swelled into a flare. His fingers on her clit were just the push she needed and heat seared through her body, every muscle tensing an instant before the crescendo. Madoc held his breath and Amethyst threw her head back and arched as she climaxed, hips shoving back at the stallion mounting her like the stud he could not be.

With Amethyst's pussy tightening around his dick, Finn grunted and flagged his tail, driving in roughly as he joined her in orgasm, balls tightening up and cum pulsing along his shaft as he emptied his orbs into her. His chest pressed to her back as he nickered proudly, rocking back and forth with his fingers still working her clit as her body exploded, wave upon wave of pleasure crashing over her with seemingly no end. Tail raised so high that Madoc could see his clenching tail hole, Finn grunted like a feral horse and more languidly rolled his hips into the mare's rear, drawing out the pleasure for both of them as Amethyst trembled, arms shaking terribly beneath their combined weight.

Watching, Madoc grunted, cock held between two paws, though he dared not move for fear that the slightest bit of motion and stimulation would send him spurting all over the end of the bed. And then wouldn't he be in trouble. He groaned, rubbing his muzzle into the edge of the duvet as the stallion ran his paw up from Amethyst's clit to her breast, fingers dancing over sensitive flesh and pert nipples, drawing a nicker from her lips.

Regaining her breath and senses slowly, Amethyst breathed deeply and slowly, muscles twitching. The stallion on her back groaned and heaved a sigh as if all the energy had left his body for good. He nuzzled tiredly at her shoulder blades, snorting a clump of red mane out of his nostrils, his warm breath tickling her upper back. She chuckled softly, arching to push her rump back at him, ready for more even as he felt himself spent.

"Easy, stud," she breathed, sweat beading behind her ear where her mane tangled. "I'm not done with you yet."

Dropping to her elbows, Amethyst grunted as Finn's cock slid out of her pussy, hanging down in a low arch with a gloop of cum trailing from the tip. Tail flagged over a well used pussy, Amethyst shot the stallion a look and grinned, tail thwapping his abdomen. Finn raised an eyebrow and ran his fingers through the chestnut strands as the mare recovered, shivering under the attention.

"Maybe you could help me train my colt's tail hole for the rest of today," she said conversationally, rolling over on to her back. "He's in need of going up a size and, well, you are the perfect candidate for a real cock. Toys can only do so much and he needs a good filling too."

Finn snorted and stretched out on the bed beside her, an arm sliding around her waist. Madoc's eyes widened, fixed on the soft but intimidating stallion. His tail hole wasn't built to take something like that! But he knew he had no say in the matter if his mistress wanted the stallion to fuck him. Her wish was his command, as it would be forever. Gulping, Madoc lowered his eyes submissively and wrapped a paw around his aching shaft, permitting himself a few relieving strokes. Yet he had not been given permission to cum and, though relieving, stimulation was the greatest torture of all with a naked mare and stallion waiting for him.

Tucking his muzzle beneath Amethyst's chin, Finn shot Madoc a sly wink and the colt's heart jumped into his throat, hammering painfully. It was the look of a stallion at the top of the pecking order. Yet even a stallion came below his lead mare in the chain of command.

"It would be a pleasure to assist you...Mistress," Finn said, fingers grazing over the mare's nipples to a nicker of delight. "I would do anything you asked of me, anything in a heartbeat for you Mistress Mare."

Amethyst dropped a kiss on his cheek and Madoc swore the stallion's cheeks warmed to her touch. His cock throbbed. Madoc spread his legs to lessen the stimulation from grazing it against his thigh, even that light touch too much for him to bear.

"Good boy, you're learning too." The mare ran her fingers through her mane, lips stretched into a proud smile. "Keep that up and you'll get to keep fucking me. And my colt too."

She crooked her finger at Madoc without taking her gaze off her bay lover. Heart thudding painfully against his ribcage, Madoc gulped, ears pricked to attention, waiting to do her bidding. Whatever she asked of him, he was hers. No demand was too great. Even if it meant taking another stallion under his tail.

Amethyst smirked.

"Come here, colt."

Losing Him

**Losing Him** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ The sun cast long shadows over the field, the bordering trees keeping patches safe from the lick of winter. Every blade of grass out in the open was coated in a glittering smattering of frost...

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Sensual Siblings

**Sensual Siblings** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Bursting from the water, the wildcat gasped for air, lungs working furiously after being underwater for too long. He shook water from his ears and blinked up at the sun, gaze sweeping the...

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Mare Minding

**Mare Minding** _Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)_ Flicking my tail, I munch from the hay bar in the back corner of the roomy stable, my head lowered to eat naturally. It's much better than my usual hay net and I approve of the decision to...

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