Play it Again (Gruffy vs. Hammerfist)
Play It Again (Gruffy vs. Hammerfist)
My my, aren't these popular or what? This time Gruffy is meeting up with his old acquaintance
Hammerfist for some quality entertainment. *chuckle* Heh, I do hope you'll enjoy this story and I look forward to seeing your thoughts on it!
"...did you know that the answering machine was invented in Wisconsin?"
"Yep," Jake said.
Gruff chuckled. The tiger sounded quite merry on the backseat of the cab moving through the nighttime city, with lights floating past the moving cat and creating temporary new stripes over his features and those of the cat whom he shared the car with.
"Heheh...the funniest things you know!" Gruff elbowed the lion.
"Hmmmph?" vocalized Jake.
"Like that!" the tiger stated. "That bit about answering machines?"
The red-maned lion gave the tiger a look.
"What was the question?"
Gruff frowned.
"I asked if you knew that the answering machine was invented in Wisconsin" the tiger reiterated his statement. "And you said 'yep', and I laughed."
"Hmmm...yep?" the lion offered.
Now the tiger chortled.
"Somehow I think that you are on an answering machine now..." Gruff mused.
The lion belched loudly. The tiger looked horrified. The lion found that funny.
"I think I might have...had one too many craft beers with that steak," the lion said.
"Now you're saying it!" Gruff chuckled.
"It comes with living in the craft beer capital of the world!" Jake declared.
"That's putting it a bit heavily, is it?" Gruff mused.
"No he ain't," the taxi driving raccoon commented.
Gruff chuckled.
"Thanks for siding with this fellah here," the tiger stated to the driver.
The portly raccoon shrugged and concentrated onto the road again. Gruff looked over at the somewhat shiny-eyed bespectacled lion.
"I don't think I've ever seen quite that many different beer bottles in one place, though," the tiger said, "and I do live in Finland..."
"Finland, Finland, Finland..." humm-sang the lion.
Gruff chuckled.
"Is alcohol releasing all the Monty Python stored in your brain as well, Jake?" he stated to the lion.
"I find that a distinct possibility," Jake concluded.
"Maybe I should have brushed up before I came to Wisconsin," Gruff said. "But I only concentrated on famous people from Wisconsin, not famous Python skits."
"Sshhhhhrubbery!" Jake declared.
The tiger laughed.
"Now that you did on purpose," Gruff opined.
"Mmmmmmyessh," said the lion.
"I hope you'll be able to walk into the house, Jake."
"Bah," the lion chuckled. "It is my principle that should I collapse anywhere, I shall ambulate myself away from that place as well."
"Interesting terminology," mused Gruff.
"At least I got as far as the taxi this time around," Jake said.
"And you've only been singing a bit so far," Gruff said.
The lion cleared his throat.
"Want me to belt out something for ya?" Jake smirked.
"How about a couple of Schubert's Lied perhaps?" said Gruff.
"Maybe later, once we're at your place," the tiger proposed. "I don't think the acoustics here would do justice to your beautiful voice."
"Orrr my Southern twannng!" declared the lion.
"No singing!" said the raccoon behind the wheel.
"I'll make sure he won't, no worries," Gruff told the driver.
"Unless it's some John Denver..." the raccoon said.
Gruff elbowed the lion.
"Don't even think about it, Jake."
"I'm not in the mood," Jake pouted.
"Of course not," Gruff chuckled.
"Think I need a piss."
"We'll be there soon," Gruff told the lion. "I think we are..."
"Just a minute more," the cabbie said.
Indeed, Jake managed to remain quiet for the remaining trip, until they were parked in front of his apartment complex. Gruff took it to himself to cover the fare and let the lion hobble out towards the house in his leather coat, considering he had some urgent things to take care of. The chuffing tiger followed him once he had managed the payment. He found the humming lion fumbling with his keys at the front door.
"Need some help?"
"I can still see stuff, I think I'm fine," Jake replied.
True to himself, the lion did manage to admit them into the house, and even scaled the stairs without too much trouble.
"Stupid beer," Jake complained. "Why do you have to piss so much after drinking beer?"
"Because beer is mostly water," said the tiger. "And it wants to come out."
"Hmm...this is gonna turn into watersports soon if I don't get to the bathroom."
"Not into that," Gruff said.
Jake winked at him in the dark hallway. They reached the lion's door, and this time he did get the key into the lock in one go.
Gruff chuckled as he saw the lion disappear down the hallway and towards the bathroom, even into the darkness since he hadn't turned on he lights. The tiger clicked the switch and found himself squinting at the relative brightness. He began to remove his own jacket and his shoes, just as the air was filled with the noise of the lion's stream hitting the porcelain throne.
"Guess we were right on time, eh?" Gruff proposed into the air.
"That's a yes if I ever heard one," Gruff mused to himself. He deemed the undressing to be done and then wandered along the hallway and through the open sliding doors into the living room, aka lounge, aka den- the lion's favorite room had many names, and the light switch illuminated the numerous bookshelves, the leather upholstery and the shiny black baby grand that acted as the natural centerpiece of the richly decorated room.
The tiger settled himself onto the green leather couch and assumed his most relaxed position. Going out with the lion was an amusing, yet rather strenuous exercise, and he was glad to be able to unwind now.
The lion returned after a moment, accompanied by the flushing noise, rush of water, and then a humm before he appeared in the living room. He was flexing his fingers while he did so.
"I hope you used a towel," Gruff said.
"You...c-critic!" the lion exclaimed.
"I wish I was feeling as erudite as you are," Gruff mused.
The lion unbuttoned his coat and dropped it onto an armchair next to a decorative table lamp. The lion's eyes swept the room, as if searching whether anything was amiss. Gruff was quite sure that no burglars had entered the lion's den during the time they were out in town, but perhaps Jake had such a habit of asserting his territory.
"I'm feeling...thirsty," Jake said.
"How is that even possible?" Gruff chuckled.
Jake shuffled over the Persian carpet onto a large antique globe that stood in one corner of the room. Careful manipulation split the top open to reveal interior resplendent with bottles, shiny crystals and mirrors.
"Just a little tipple to warm my stomach after that drive," the lion mused as he peered into his selection of liquors. "Hmmm...eenie meenie...miiney moe..."
"How about a Dubonnet with a twist?" Gruff suggested.
"Heh," chuckled the lion. "I think alcohol must either increase your cattiness or your homosexual tendencies...or both."
Gruff shrugged and twisted his paws in the air .
Jake decided on a bottle and procured both a glass and the beverage.
"I could pour you a Dubonnet if you like."
"I'm fine for now, thank you."
"Well I'm going to have Ransom," Jake noted. "I feel like it."
"As you please," chuffed the tiger while he sprawled further onto the couch.
Jake splashed liquor into the glass and then closed the globe for further safekeeping.
"How many times have I told you that I could not imagine anyone else have that kind of a booze cabinet?" Gruff mused once Jake had had his fill.
"You'd be surprised how many times I've been told that," said Jake before his first sip. He sighed contently once it had passed his lips and into his throat.
"You never cease to surprise me, though," Gruff mused.
Jake preened his ruddy mane with the paw that was not occupied by his glass of gin.
"I aim to please," the lion rumbled.
Gruff smirked.
"That I am familiar with," the tiger said. "And there is something you could do to please me alright."
"Hmmmmrrr?" suggested the lion. "I hope it's something naughty..."
Gruff flicked his tail against the couch in amusement.
"Not yet at least, unless you know really bawdy tunes," he said, "play for me."
"At this hour?" Jake asked curiously.
"Well you're always saying how your neighbours keep you up with the noises of them having sex," Gruff mused, "so maybe a little bit of Chopin to pass the evening won't be too scandalous."
"Yo vant me to play le Chopin?" the lion suggested in a terrible French accent.
"Hmm...perhaps something a bit less high brow maybe," Gruff said.
Jake walked over to the baby grand and set the glass by the note holder before planting himself onto the stool. He flexed his paws out above his head and stretched them in a well-rehearsed gesture the tiger chuckled at.
"Aren't you missing something?" Gruff said just when Jake was about to put his fingers onto the keys.
"What could I possible be missing when you are here, sweetpea?" Jake stated.
Gruff snickered.
"The candelabra?"
Jake began to thrum up a tune, gently on the keys.
" aaaaall familiar places..."
"That's the one," Gruff chuckled.
"...everything was light and gay..."
"I do like it when you sing," Gruff chuckled, "you should do some more."
"I do know that Liberace was from Wisconsin," Jake said.
"So was Ed Gein," Gruff said.
Jake began to play something jazzy, though suggestive of a woman in a shower just about to be disemboweled by a cross dressing motel owner. That got him another chuckle out of the tiger guest.
"Canny," the lounging cat commented.
Jake chuffled and changed the tune into a further piece of jazz that was somewhat less murderous, and more apt for simple chilling out as the night went by. Gruff's tailtip began to bounce in rhythm to the basic beat.
"Now that sounds good," the tiger said.
The music didn't even really suffer when Jake briefly turned it into a one-pawed affair while he sampled his liquor with the other.
"I'm out of practice," Jake said.
"My ear certainly isn't noticing anything out of place," Gruff mused, "but then again, I am not a professional lion like you."
Jake chuckled.
"If I had a student, and they'd play as terribly as I am playing," the lion stated once he had returned to two-pawed playing, "I would probably want to tear parts of my mane out."
"Your gorgeous, luxurious mane...that would be a pity."
Jake shook his head without missing a beat, his mane ruffling about his visage.
"I know I'm pretty," he said.
"Gooooooorgeus," Gruff said.
"You're drunk," Jake said.
"Perhaps a little tipsy," the tiger conceded. "Not worse than that."
"I bet you would be hilarious if you were off your face," Jake proposed.
"Oh just like you are being right now?"
Jake chuckled.
"Do I come off as an asshole when I'm drunk?"
"Only to easily annoyed strangers, and then I think you might be doing it on purpose."
"Besides that...not really. Perhaps only slightly...abrasive?"
The lion's ears flicked with his mirth.
"Are we talking...sandpaper or a somewhat rough washcloth?"
"How about a wheatstone?"
The lion's paws played a discordant chord of dramatic proportions.
"How rude!"
"Aw," pouted the tiger.
"Sing some more for me," Gruff said.
"And what should I sing to you, you lousy fleabag?"
"Something romantic," Gruff flicked his ears cutely.
"Hmmm..." the lion murmured. "Something...romantic..."
Gruff increased the dramaticness of his recline on the couch and smirked some more.
"Please, maestro."
The lion strummed away.
"If ever I would leave wouldn't be in summer..."
Gruff flicked his ears.
"Is that the song Homer Simpson sings when he becomes an opera star?"
"Seeing you in summer I never would go... - hmpph, how would I know? And stop acting so boorish, this is serious business!"
" know...'it's only a model', " said the tiger.
Jake stopped playing.
"And did we just get back to Monty Python again?" the lion inquested.
"Hmm..." Gruff flopped his tail about thoughtfully, "by that reckoning, the next step should either be the easy chair...or the oral sex!"
Jake raised his brow.
"I could live with that."
"Aren't both of those your natural states of being?" suggested the Gruff.
"Preferably in combination..." Jake murmured.
The tiger chuckled.
"Of course," he said.
"Oh, do play some more for me," the tiger enthused. "I do not tire of hearing it."
"Even if it's this late?" Jake asked.
Gruff glanced at the clock.
"The eve is still young."
"Well I don't make a habit of staying up quite as late as you do."
"Tigers are creatures of the night."
Gruff clicked his tongue.
"Play it, Sam."
Jake chuckled.
He managed to strum through the first chords of "As Time Goes By" before Gruff interrupted him with a chuckle.
"Not that," he said. "Play some of your music."
"My music or 'my' music?" the lion mimed the quotation marks as appropriate.
"I think you know which music I'm talking about," Gruff murmured.
"Hmmm..." said Jake.
The lion put his paws onto the blacks and whites once again, and began to play.
"I love you...for sentimental reasons..."
"Hmmm..." Gruff purred, "Can't go wrong with Nat King Cole."
"...I hope you do believe me...I'll give you my heart..."
"...kuin järjetön mä oisin..." rumbled the tiger.
The lion chuffed good-naturedly at the tiger's bilingual duet, and went on.
"...please give your loving heart to me...and say we'll never part..."
Eventually, Gruff simply relaxed on the couch and let Jake do the singing, while he simply hummed along. The rumbling action brought him an extra measure of pleasure, and to listen to the lion truly perform for him was a great joy. By the time Jake had finished with the last chords, the tiger was lying with his eyes closed and head resting on a plump pillow.
"Did you just fall asleep on me?"
Jake stood up from his piano stool and took a couple of somewhat wobbling steps before his feet solidified again and he managed to make his way to the couch again. He felt mischievous, and the alcohol was not entirely to blame, when he flung his tail forward and tickled Gruff's chin with the tuff on the tip.
The tiger's eyes popped open and he snorted, and a puff of air caught the lion's tail. Jake grinned at the sight.
"Woke you up?"
"Hmmno," Gruff swatted the lion's hip with his tail.
Jake swung his own tail back into its usual place behind himself and chuckled.
"I bet you were."
"Bah," Gruff noted. "Let me show you just how sleepy I am..."
The tiger curled his tail around Jake's leg and tugged. It was not strong enough a pull to actually move the cat in question, but the lion took the hint alright. Jake was snickering by the time he was pulled down into a half-collapsed position on top of the tiger, whose paws now landed on his hips.
"There you are..." said Gruff.
"Need some more Nat King Cole?" Jake asked.
Gruff's paws became more firm and slipped lower down the lion's back, to cup his rear.
"I've got you under my skin?" Gruff stated.
"Stopt with the pop culture references, you're starting to sound like a smartass," Jake said.
Gruff snickered and swatted the lion's round, firm rump.
"I thought I already was - "
Jake retaliated the smack with a rather sloppy, gin-flavored kiss, placed upon the tiger's lips. Gruff purred and licked at the lion's own muzzle, and pulled him down onto the couch to land onto himself.
"Should've warned you," Jake giggled, very close by so that his red mane began to mingle with the tiger's own more modest white ruff. "I'm crushing you now."
"No you're not."
Gruff initiated another kiss, which led into them swapping saliva for a few moments, tongues meeting and all. It made both of them rumble and purr in a very pleased fashion, warmth growing obviously between them. Gruff wound the fingers of one paw through the lion's red mane, while the other still fondled at the lion's rump. He had his tail coiled around one of the lion's legs, and although his posture was slightly awkward, Jake didn't mind. At least he felt the tiger's cock throbbing on his belly.
" about that oral sex then?" Jake mused.
"Really now?" Gruff snickered. "The booze making you horny?"
Jake flicked his ears in mischief.
"I would not attribute all of it to the wonders of ethyl alcohol," the lion said.
"Hahahah," the tiger laughed.
"Are you making fun of me?" asked Jake.
"No," said Gruff," but you should still be a good boy and put my dick in your mouth."
Jake pouted.
"Well that's direct."
"I am sometimes accused of being too florid," Gruff stated as he thrust his hips up to meet the lion's own.
Jake nodded.
"Gotcha," the lion said, "one mouth on a dick coming up."
"Good boy," Gruff winked.
The tiger folded his paws behind his neck and luxuriated on the couch in such a manner. Jake snuffled at the sight, although began to slowly backtrack down along the tiger's chest and towards his groin while he himself scooted farther back on the couch.
"Lazy son of a bitch," Jake grumbled.
Gruff blew him an air kiss.
"Love ya too," the tiger smiled.
Jake nuzzled his way down along the tiger's belly and then to the bulge in his pants. His paws trailed along and stroked and rubbed everywhere they landed upon, though the ultimate destination was at the tiger's fly.
"You really plan to just lay there and make me do all the work, do you?" Jake asked when his paws were busy with the buttons and the zip.
"For now," Gruff said.
"That still makes you lazy," Jake said.
The zip was tugged down.
"I happen to know you like it."
"Like what?" Jake rumbled. "And raise your ass."
The lion pulled the tiger's pants down enough along and over his hips so that he could get a better view of the musky black-clothed pouch that came into arousing view.
"Hmm...that you like being a good boy..." Gruff stated.
"Pffffft," Jake breathed against the tiger's bulge.
"Hmmmrrrr..." Gruff purred. "Don't get the pants too wet."
"Guess I'll just have to unwrap it then..."
Gruff shuffled his hips enough that the lion managed to pull the boxers down. Plump balls and a throbbing red length popped into the cat's hungry view. He inhaled audibly through his nosepad to get the scent in, properly, and gave the tiger a smirk.
"Just the way I like 'em," Jake said.
"Big and juicy you mean - "
Jake licked along the barbed shaft and made the tiger's teasy words fall down into the timbre of a moan.
"Thought so," Jake mused before he went down for another pass.
He throbbed against the lion's eager lips and tongue. Jake murmured happily at the taste of musky flesh upon his maw. The scent and the flavor mingled agreeably, and he purred continuously while caressing the tiger's length. His partner in mischief seemed to be enjoying the treatment, and allowed Jake to take his own time and play with the slick shaft and the round, fuzzy nuts he'd discovered to be hanging beneath to main attraction. He was more than happy to nuzzle at them, let their scents mix a little, and listen to Gruff's purred moans when his tongue darted upon those 'nads.
"Any toe curling yet?" Jake teased.
"Feeling sexy?" the lion grinned.
"Feeling a lot of stuff," Gruff chuckled.
"Hmm...we're doing too much talking..." Jake decided.
He filled his muzzle with something, so that if Gruff still wanted to talk, any encouragement from the lion's part would have to be non-verbal. His lips slipped along the warmth shaft, nudging onto barbs and with his tongue tracing over the wet skin. Gruff pawed audibly on the couch. Jake hoped that he was not going to use his claws, no matter how sweet his muzz might be.
The lion's cheeks warmed with secret pleasure. He was truly being a good boy, by causing the tiger to threaten the upholstery. And all it took was just enough suckling, licking, bobbing and twisting.
Jake spat the cock from his muzzle and onto his palm and proceeded to jack the tiger off instead. The tiger's legs twisted on the couch and kicked on the armrest.
"No more Python during sex!"
"I thought you...nhnhh...liked it..." Gruff hissed.
"Not during sex, necessarily!" said Jake, as he continued to stroke away.
"Hmm - uh, stop, would you? Uh - daamn!"
The tiger's cock began to jerk in Jake's swiftly moving paw. The lion gave the cat a quick wink before he dipped his muzzle down onto the red rocket and vacuumed on the tip with his lips wrapped about the tiger's length.
The tiger bit his teeth when his orgasm smashed onto him, and he served several splashes of cum into the lion's eagerly sucking maw. Jake made sure to keep swallowing throughout the process, to create a playful suckling that would serve only to intensify the sensations for his companion.
"Oh, shit..."
Jake nursed on the tiger's length for a few moments before he allowed it to tenderly fall from his lips. His maw glistened with a couple of errant drops of spittle and spunk that has escaped from his pumping activity. He was smiling broadly, panting a little.
"You did that on purpose!" Gruff accused.
"It's not my fault you've got a hair trigger.," Jake glanced at the dick in his paw.
Gruff chortled.
"Welcome to the Felidae family, more like," the tiger said. "Did you cream your pants, then?"
"No," Jake said, "but I enjoyed what I was doing before."
The tiger was still throbbing against his palm.
"Spunkmuzz," he hissed.
"Is that a new one?" Jake asked. "A...florid one?"
"Besides, I didn't do this just for you..." the lion gave the tiger a very gentle squeeze, "I want this to last a bit longer when I'm doing something else with it."
"That what you were thinking?" Gruff mused.
"Can't a good boy have some hopes?" Jake stated.
Gruff chuckled.
"I think someone's also being a bossy bottom."
"Me?" the lion gasped. "Would I ever?"
"I think the good boy should be concentrating on getting tail up on this couch," Gruff said.
"Don't I even get a kiss first?"
"You got a mouthful, that ought to be enough," the tiger swatted him with his tail. "Do you have lube anywhere here, or shall we have to go to the bedroom to find some?"
Jake flashed his teeth and hopped onto the floor.
"This used to be a humidor, but after I gave up cigarillos, I just keep masturbation supplies here," he said, opening a box by a Tiffany table lamp.
He pulled out a bottle, which he then tossed over to the tiger before he began to disrobe.
"Getting naked?" said the tiger. "Don't want to get your clothes messed up?"
"I prefer to have my sex naked," Jake smirked.
Gruff rolled the blue and golden bottle around on his paw and eyed it.
"Gun Oil..." he read the label. "Silicone lubricant..."
"It's fun stuff," Jake said.
"I trust you to know," Gruff said.
Articles of leonine clothing began to fall onto the floor.
"Aren't you going to strip?" Jake asked from the tiger still lying on the couch.
"You've got all the interesting parts out already," Gruff gestured at his junk hanging out and still at full attention.
"Besides, it shows your place...the naked bottom boy...the clothed top..."
Jake swung his tail threateningly.
"I'll close up shop if you..."
"If I what?" Gruff smirked.
Jake unbuckled his belt.
"If you dare to stop speaking filthy things to me."
Gruff chuckled.
"I wouldn't disappoint you in such an unrude manner."
The lion stepped out of his pants and then dropped his boxers. Gruff's eyes lingered appreciatively on the sight of the curved, jutting rump that was now displayed. It was obviously putting some extra charge into his battery, too.
"Like it?" Jake gave his own rear a slap, and let his tail sway.
"Let anyone say anything they like, but you've got a great ass," Gruff said.
Jake purred.
"Great, eh?" he waved his rear at the spying tiger.
"It should be a bit closer, though..."
Jake backpedaled towards the couch to maximize the ass teasing he could do on the way, tail swinging and all, and enjoyed the rumbling reacting this brought from the tiger. Gruff retaliated by snapping the bottle of lube open.
"Come here juicy butt..." he gestured with the bottle in his paw.
"Where do you want me?" asked Jake. He turned about and exposed his own erection, bobbing happily away.
"Crouching here, with your ass pushed back," Gruff grinned. "Lemme make you some room."
"How considerate."
They traded positions, with Gruff getting up and Jake assuming the position previously dictated. He purred and arched his back properly, his knees broadly spread so that his ass would automatically be displayed to the maximum effect in such a posture. The tail, too, acted as a natural beacon to attract such attention.
"Come and get it," the red-maned lion rumbled.
The tiger sauntered behind him and sandwiched himself between the lion's rump cheeks. Both of them purred at the combined sensations, with Jake looking over his shoulder.
"How's that?"
The tiger ground onto the lion's ass crack, and grinned.
"Yup, pretty juicy still."
"Just wait till you've tapped it."
The tiger gave the lion just a little swat for that.
"I'll make you walk funny."
"Yes please."
Gruff made sure to warm the lube on his fingers before he brought them in place and began to rub the gel onto the lion's opening. Jake purred and pushed back onto the digits attempting to gain entry. The wriggling fingertips felt good, encouraging and suggestive of even further pleasure to be had.
Gruff added more lube, and began to spread the lion wider, fingers going deeper, feeling at the silky walls.
"Someone's been practicing," the tiger commented on the feel of carefully controlled clenching on his fingers.
"It's a win-win skill," Jake said. "Makes it more fun for both...mmm..."
"Think you're ready for the real deal?" Gruff asked after a few more moments of fingering the lion's rear.
"I can take all you can dish out, Gruffgruff."
The tiger coated himself, a rude smirk on his lips, before settling behind the lion properly, skin on skin contact.
"I know you're not all talk."
Jake shook his head to ruffle his mane further, and pushed back once more, kissing on the tiger's length.
"I'm a good boy."
Gruff grasped the lion's tail, gave it a firm squeeze, and pulled.
Jake let out a feline snarl at the sensation of being suddenly spread by a barbed shaft, yet the mild soreness was soon overcome by the feelings of fullness and quickly growing pleasure when more and more of the tiger's cock slipped into him. The lube and the earlier fingering had done their work, not to mention Jake's experience in anal manners, and hence the tiger was quickly buried fully inside the lion.
"Hmmmmmm..." the lion moaned openly.
"Feeling like a good boy now?" Gruff asked in a breathy voice.
"As long as you'll fuck the...king of the savannah..." Jake rumbled.
The tiger began to withdraw, slowly.
"I'll humor you."
But it was more than that. It was an easy, yet energetic rhythm, ball-slapping fun from the start while he thrust in and out of the lion's warm grip. Jake's murrs intensified when the pleasurable waves truly began to radiate from his rear and onto his entire groin. It made his own cock throb and leak onto the upholstery he had tried to protect earlier, but that was no longer an issue. He just wanted to get rammed.
"Mmmyeah..." his back arched again, head hung down and eyes closed, his breathing as wild as his mane.
"Hurts good, huh, huh?" panted the tiger ploughing him.
The tiger obliged the lion, going at him at full speed now. The action was sweaty, easy, and controlled, without becoming robotic. Jake made sure to push back to meet every thrust into him, and gave as much as he took, by squeezing and twisting his inside around the cock plugging into him.
Eventually the tiger leaned closer, their contact increasing so that his chest rubbed onto the lion's musky back. His nipples brushed through the thick furs and brought pleasure for both of them, not solely for the tiger whom nuzzled and kissed on the lion's neck.
He surprised the lion by gripping his swinging cock and holding it in his paw so that his thrusts were now effectively fucking the lion's dick into the tiger's palm. Jake moaned and groaned at the increasing flow of pleasure, not to mention the hearty thrusts pummeling his prostate.
"Oh g-god..."
The tiger's multiple efforts made sure that Jake ended up squirting all over his leather couch. The scent of a lion in rut filled the air of the refined sitting room, now that the lion's own personal seat was getting a good, meaty filling.
Jake bit onto the leather of the couch and incurred even further damage, but the tiger was at least louder, rawrring when the coiling of the lion's insides on him made him lose his own control and spill his load into the lion's receptive ass. He kept himself buried to the hilt and only ground himself back and forth, churning away while his balls pumped further spurts into the red-maned, sweaty wild creature.
"Damnit," huffed the tiger.
"I can't think of anything witty to say," Gruff grumbled.
"Well - "
The tiger poked the lion's prostate good.
Thank you for reading my story! I hope you had a good time going at it, and I look forward to your comments! Remember that all votes, faves and watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!
Ta ta!