Snatched Shape

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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Your arms shake with excitement as the panel beeps. On the machine's screen you read "VALID LOCK." Under these words is a picture of a large batlike creature with bizarre ears and strange coloration, a specimen that certainly does not exist within this universe--just what you were looking for.

"Yes!" you exclaim, raise a fist in the air before slamming it down on a button that resided above the screen. The panel beeps once in confirmation and then a port opens beneath it. You read into your jean's pockets and procure a capsule. You insert the capsule into the machine. When the machine accepts the capsule you let out a sigh of relief and take a step back while the Snatcher sets to work.

While the machine whirls and churns, you marvel at it. In a time of peace, prosperity, and thus tediousness, the invention of the Snatcher was a godsend. Using recent concrete proof and theory of worlds other than these, the Snatcher not only allowed its users to see these other worlds, but to take objects from them as well. You at first had used it to retrieve relatively mundane objects from worlds where technology had developed a little differently or where bright gems and jewels were in abundance. However, when you realized that infinite worlds meant infinite possibilities, you set your sights a little higher or lower, depending on what others thought of it.

You don't remember when you first came across references to a strange collection of fictional creatures people centuries had long ago obsessed over, but they had intrigued you ever since. The diversity of these monsters was appealing as it was silly; some seemed more grounded in reality such as a literal snake, others in myth such as a fire lizard, and few were divorced from common sense as in the case of one particular ice cream creature. Even more interesting was that these creatures could be caught and tamed no matter how bizarre their form. With a Snatcher in your possession, you could do just that--you could catch them all.

Of course, you couldn't bring yourself to actually snatch them from your reality and force them into yours--that would be far too cruel. Instead, you decided to merely take a simple of them when they could be found, a mixture of DNA and a dose of their reality. With this, you could solidly recreate them in your world without really kidnapping them from another.

Your attention is drawn from your thoughts when the machine suddenly coughs and spurts, belching a singular wisp of black smoke. You lean forward and look at the status screen and your eyebrows lift. The status screen says nothing is wrong yet something seems amiss. Never in your three hundred catchings has anything gone wrong and you certainly don't want anything to go wrong now. This bat creature was already difficult enough to find, much, much less common than the yellow rat you hunted for last time. Not knowing what to do, you just stand there and hope and everything goes ok.

The machine shakes a little bit and then emits a series of intermittent clicking sounds as is normal. You hold your breath, letting it out with a deep sigh when the screen displays "SAMPLE RETRIEVED, CAPSULE READY." Just when everything seems all right, the capsule is ejected forcefully from the machine. You follow its motion as it lands a little bit behind you, rolling farther away the longer you wait. Curious about this odd behavior, you rush towards the capsule and pick it up. In your hands it falls in half to the floor, splashing you with its purple contents. You stagger backwards with an involuntary cry, sputtering as some of it gets inside your mouth and closing your eyes as it gets into them. Despite your efforts, the material refuses to leave your orifice and instead slides down your lips. You rub at your eyes and when it seems all is clear, you open them.

You immediately take another step back and stare in dismay at what has happened. Not only were the capsule's contents all over you, but it didn't seem to want to move. If anything, it was spreading.

While your brain tries to comprehend exactly is going on, you watch as the purple material on your right hand darkens to black and begins to convert the skin around it. Not only that, but every finger but your middle finger begins to merge with the digit closest to itself. You gasp and shake your hand, but what you are seeing is all too real.

Your mind races. The capsule's content were part foreign reality and part foreign creature, but the reality part was what was most important. With you added into the equation, it could only mean the foreign reality residue was trying to make you conform to what it new in its reality; that is, the batlike creature, the Noivern.

Your neck suddenly feels hot, too hot. You tilt your head down and see some white fur poking out of the collar of your turtleneck. Feeling stifled, you grip your turtleneck with your now three fingered hands and try to force it off. It's difficult at first but you manage and when you do you are rewarded with the sight of a mane of white fur growing on your neck and now down to your back. Your chest too is now totally covered by short purple fur and it's spreading downwards. You reach a hand to the white fur and touch it. Though fuzzy and not unpleasant, you recoil at the touch. Not only do you feel the fur, but your fingers different now. They're maroon now and pointed like talons or claws. Not only that, but flesh on your black furred arm is growing off it, purple and membranous. You shiver, recognizing the beginning of wings.

You nearly lose your balance as you suddenly lose a few inches of height. The transition is so abrupt you barely take notice as your waist pushes in while your hips widen. Your legs are shorter now, but all of your loss in your height could not be attributed this. Rather, you are smaller overall, still larger than the creature you meant to catch but still getting there. Afraid that you might be totally converted into an animal, you make a run for the door. Of course, this is the perfect time for your feet to shift if any. Your toes and feet meld into one solid form, before splitting into two taloned paws meant for digitigrade walking. Your legs adjusting to make way for this new style of movement is what causes you to actual lose your balance send you careening to the floor.

You land with a groan and a grunt that sounds a little higher pitched than normal. Getting on your hands and knees, you wince at the pain. You kick off your ruined shoes and look back at your new feet. You shake your head, wondering how you're supposed to walk like that. As you stand up easier than you would have thought, your shoulders narrow and hips widen even further. Your already loose jeans take this opportunity to slide down your legs, revealing them covered in black fur. Your underwear remains in place for only a moment before it too joined your jeans on the floor, leaving you totally in the nude. Your rear is much more plump than you remember.

You sigh and step out your discarded clothes. When you take another step towards the door, your head suddenly pulses with pain. You bring your hands to your cranium and cry out, your nearly fully developed wings fluttering. Not only are forces tugging and reshaping your skull, but your lower spine and groin as well. These three simultaneous changes are almost too much, but you stay coherent through it all.

While something pushes out from the base of your spine, something in your crotch pushes in. You reach one hand back and the other to your front, feeling the beginning of your new tail develop while the ending of your male genitals unfolds. Your tail nub starts out with a spike at the end, growing farther and farther away as the appendage lengthens and thickens. Your manhood quivers and shrivels while it fades, clinging closer and closer to a newly formed crevice at your crotch. Just as your testicles retreat into this opening is when you begin to realize that you're not only changing species, but sex. The only explanation you can think is that the specimen you meant to retrieve was female, which meant the residual reality too was making you female. While alarming, it was only one part of your problem.

You grimace as your neck thins while your skull flattens and reforms into a batlike shape. Purple fur grows under your chin as black overtakes the top, your fuzzy ears moving to the top in the process. The changes aren't done for your ears as they expand outwards into huge circular shapes with black tips point in the middle of the end. Your hearing vastly improves to the point that you can perceive the sound of your squelching, shrieking genital be contested by that of your stretching tail. You blink, your pupils changing to yellow in the blink of an eye while your nose flattens, leaving behind two nostrils. A two pronged maroon colored crest grows above them, pointing backwards in the same directions are your ears. Inside your mouth, most of your teeth fade away, only two fangs at the top and a few sharp ones at the bottom remaining. Your tongue thins and lengthens, lolling out of your mouth in snakelike fashion for a second before retracting back.

Further confirmation of your changing sex is made when your chest bubbles and swells. Your nipples push outward by burgeoning flesh while the last tiny bit of your manhood takes its place atop your crevice as your clitoris. The crevice burrows deep, forming a passage to your womb, the outside flesh collapsing into folds of soft flesh, your new womanhood. The emptiness between your legs is noticeable. You've always had something there and now you just...don't. The flesh on your chest continues to grow until you possess a large pair of teardrop shaped bumps that you can only recognize as breasts. Your breasts. You reach up and touch them and shiver at their sensitivity, their palpable existence reminding you far too much of the absence at your crotch. In your clawed hands the breasts suddenly feel heavier and appear large. You jiggle them around a bit and they don't exactly slosh, but there's certainly some sort of liquid in them. You tease a nipple, relishing the tingles it sends to your crotch, and watch as a bead of milk drips down.

You stand still for a moment cradling your breasts as you wait for something more happen. Happily, nothing else seems to change. Sure, you're humanoid female Noivern now, but at least you're not a beastly female Noivern. It seemed your humanity mattered more in the equation of Noivern, foreign reality, and yourself than you had thought. You've retained your mind, if not your form. Still, even as you move your arms and experimentally flap your wings, you can't but feel your gaze draw to your crotch. Your womanhood lies there, unmolested, the emptiness of it all seeming to grow stronger. Seem? No. You can feel some sort of need developing down there and you can see it too. Your female flesh becomes hot and slick as seconds tick by and in that time you realize the Noivern wasn't only female but apparently in heat as well.

The need to sate your new sex's urgings quickly becomes overpowering. You look to the door but cannot bring yourself to go out there wantonly looking for sex. Not in this day and age! No, there must be a way you can satisfy yourself...

Your gaze falls upon the capsule lying on the floor. Walking over to it, you bend down and pick it up. Putting it back together, a sudden thought strikes your mind. If you put your mind to it, anything's a...

You let your carnal feeling fills in the rest of the thought. You hold the capsule tightly and then walk up to the Snatcher. Sitting down, you lie your back against the machine. Looking at the capsule and then to your slickened sex, you wonder if you're actually going to do it.

And then you do.

The capsule shoves easily enough into your womanhood and soon enough you are hissing and moaning in a decidedly feminine but raspy voice as you thrust it in and out of your sex. When you figure out bumping it up against your clitoris only amplifies the pleasure you are soon in a state of sexual bliss. You work in the capsule as deep as you can until it nearly. It takes some effort to get it out, but when you do you are duly rewarded. You spasm and screech when you jerk the capsule out. In that moment you experience your first female orgasm, bringing you higher in pleasure than you ever could have thought--or hoped for.

For a few minutes you lay there in the afterglow, tongue hanging out of your mouth as the pleasure slowly dwindles. Eventually you are left with but the echoes of the sexual satisfaction and rational thought returns. You look over your sweaty, nude, and unfamiliar form and think about what you are going to do now. As you think, the heat too returns. Self-satisfaction, it seems, was not enough.

You hazily get to your feet and stare at the Snatcher. Perhaps just this once it wouldn't be so bad to retrieve a live specimen. Infinite worlds meant infinite possibilities. Surely there might be a male version akin to you other there, one who wouldn't mind some time away from his base reality to be with you. You lick the inside of your mouth at the thought as you began to search for such a being among the many, many infinities. After all, you thought, how else were you to rid yourself of this heat?

It was only rational.


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