Prisoners of War - The Clash

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#25 of Prisoners of War (BDSM/Chastity Themes)

Prisoners of War - The Clash


Hehhey, and welcome to this commission for :1mastermind: - and it's still going strong, and I certainly hope that you'll keep enjoying, and commenting! It is most pleasing to me that so many of you have taken to following this story and its twists and turns, all those little's fun to work with, too, for sure!



Sardo reclined on the bed in their room and stared up at the ceiling. The tiger was feeling somewhat relaxed, resting up and sprawled on the bed. He knew he could have taken over all of it, now that Gantan was away on his mysterious errand with the General, but Sardo was a creature of habit, and remained duly on his own side. The lion would have smelled his invasion later on, anyway.

Sardo yawned. He found the inactivity both welcome and worrying, especially with Gantan gone.

I hope you won't screw everything up again, the tiger thought quietly to himself. It was more than possible that the General had summed Gantan for some sort of a one on one where the two would see where they stood when it came to their feelings for one another. Sardo thought that it was what the white tiger had been doing all alone, to see what his two guests made of him.

Why do you even care so much? His mind conjured up another question on the topic.

What did the white tiger want out of them? Interrogate them? Turn them into his servants who would wait on him and pour his drinks for him? Till the earth on his fields? Sardo was certain that if this General Rei wanted that to happen, he would have already tried to force them into such actions, with threats of violence and probably outright punishment, too.

Mostly it seemed that he was keen on making friends, as much as an oxymoron Sardo found that statement to be. He didn't consider this to be friendship, what was happening here. It was more like tolerance, of not entirely bilateral kind, either. The General clearly intended to remain in control of their every move, while Gantan had to do everything to keep himself from trying to tear the General's ears off.

Sardo scratched his stomach. The mild tugging on his belly furs caused the somewhat heavy plastic device to shift a little. This roused it back into Sardo's attention. The tiger gave the device a distasteful look. He'd almost gotten used to its presence, even though Sardo considered that to be a worrying thing in its own right. It was an uncomfortable feeling, not to mention a clear invasion of his privacy and his body for that matter.

It also made him horny, but the tiger tried to push that thought away from his mind as much as he could. At least everything within the strange plastic cage remained dormant for the moment, his body without interest for erotic stimulation. It was a relief, after several days of near-constant erections that had harrowed both of them and resulted in some very embarrassing times in the hygiene corner of the room.

Sardo snuffled at the thought. If he had felt what he called _displeasure,_just how angry was Gantan at the experience that involved their stiff pricks and urine going everywhere it shouldn't go, due to the difficulties of aiming when trying to empty one's bladder through an erection.

He wondered just how long it would take until the General wound be stringing Gantan up to some wall or the like, after yet another outburst from the troublesome, hot-tempered lion.

_And what will happen to my balls if Gantan fucks up again..._the tiger thought.

He glanced at his locked erection, and hoped that for once the device wouldn't be there. To hell with the tiger possibly spying on it, he wouldn't mind taking this rare chance at privacy to simply rub one out.

He suspected he would not survive more than a few strokes.

The trapped length twitched at the very idea of masturbation. Sardo hurried to think about something else.

"Easy there," he muttered to himself.


" the invasion force landed here..."

"Why do you presume that they landed there?"

"Isn't it obvious?" argued Gantan, while he pointed out the lit-up segment on the floating planetary map in front of them.

"Explain," said General Rei, now standing next to the lion while they pored over the maps.

Gantan spun the map further and zoomed in so that even further geographical surface formation and infrastructure would be displayed on the overlay.

"Control of the spaceport here would give the invader an early bridgehead advantage," the lion stated to the white tiger, "both in terms of logistics and by deterring the enemy from using it for their own resupply and relaunch operations."

"But also a target," Rei mused, with a small smile tugging on his lips, "it might be subject to orbital bombardment and ground assault."

"It's close to a major population center," Gantan retorted right back, "it makes It more difficult to hit from the orbit or afar."

"But not impossible for direct strike operations," Rei said. "It is an inviting target..."

"You said that the space activity is low," Gantan noted in challenge to the white tiger. "Local anti-air defenses would be sufficient to deter enemy assaults via the air."

"Yet a single orbital strike with a thermal grade warhead would wipe it all out," Rei shrugged. "Ending in a complete annihilation of the support infrastructure. Possible cause the disintegration of the defense system for this entire zone."

The white tiger reached forward and painted a swath of the landmass with his fingers to indicate the future he saw for the continent. The lion let out a displeased rumble at that.

"Now you messed up my troop concentrations!" Gantan grunted.

"And if you'd listen to me properly, you'd know that..." Rei tapped a control on the tabletop and the previous state of affairs was restored on the holographic display," recalls every position and can be backtracked all the way to the opening conditions."

"Hmmmph," the lion rumbled.

"I did show you," Rei said.

"It's not that," the lion said back,"just...look at yourself!"

Rei glanced upon his chest, before flashing a smirk at the lion. Gantan huffed.

"You prick," he said.

"You were saying?" Rei didn't miss a beat.

"Well this whole..." Gantan waved his paw similarly as the General did before, "this 'let's blow it all up from the orbit' approach to this thing!"

"It's been known to be effective," Rei said.

"Until you don't have anything left to nuke," Gantan said. "What's that for victory?"

"Some would call that total victory," Rei mused.

"But at what cost?" said Gantan.

Rei leaned over the desk and looked down at the still seated lion.

"Everything is relative," he said.

"That's a coward's answer," Gantan retorted right back.

Rei let out a grumble, and Gantan registered some tensing of his body, but the white tiger did not show any other signs of aggression. He'd almost expected the tiger to go overboard with displeasure at such a remark. Gantan didn't want to hide his conviction in that matter from the General, however. If that was what he thought, it was as much as he wanted to say as well.

"It may be a politician's answer," Rei mused, "but it carries a fraction of truth into it as well. We might as well start debating on whether evil comes in many levels of atrocity."

"Of course it does," Gantan said. "From the schoolyard bully to the guy who hits the firing button to obliterate a city from the orbit like you propose."

"Do you think I am evil, Gantan?" the tiger looked at the younger man weightily.

The lion gave him an indignant look.

"I don't know what you are, but I don't like you," he said. "I don't know what you have done."

"I have killed," Rei said, "and people have killed on my orders, and people have also died while under my orders. Does that make me an evil man? Do you need to know more? My entire dossier? Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters!" said Gantan. "We're sitting here playing war and I keep wondering if you've done this stuff for real!"

"I am a soldier," Rei said. "I have led my troops in battle, whether in my power armor or from a command ship in orbit or a command tank on the very front. I have...pressed the button as you say and pulled the trigger. I've watched men fall - how much more do you need me to tell? Present their tags to you? I don't make a habit of collecting them like some do, for I find that to be rather ghoulish a thing to do."

The lion stared at him.

"Should I be impressed?" he mused.

"No," Rei said. "I am simply hoping that you would be able to relate to me as a fellow soldier, at least on this very moment, and not as someone who is your overlord and master."

"You will never be my_master_," Gantan growled.

Rei could see that the lion's paws began to clench into fists. His own body tensed in a natural reaction to the aggressive gesture, but he made a conscious effort to hold his calm.

"I might not be a lot of things, but you'll have to learn to live with me," the white tiger said. "The alternative is not a pleasurable one."

"What is that then?" Gantan retorted. "Keep us in that room and feed us water and field rations? Keep our cocks locked up for good?"

The white tiger snuffled.

"What am I supposed to make out of your mind wandering repeatedly to that topic, Gantan?" Rei stated.

The lion made a face.

"I'm not going to amuse you by starting to talk about my cock," Gantan said.

"And you already are..." Rei said.

The lion grunted.

"I won't catch onto that," he said.

"Would be the first time for you," Rei said.

To Gantan's credit, Rei thought, the lion did bite back the words that were already ready to escape from his tongue. The General was almost disappointed, and wondered what kind of a remark there would have been to hear. Gantan could be quite creative on occasion.

"I apologize," the white tiger said. "The opportunity was too...opportune."

The lion flicked his ears indignantly.

"Do you think I'm some sort of a brute?" he asked.

Rei put his paw onto the backrest of the lion's seat, standing close by now.

"Do you think I do?"

The lion glared at the tiger's arm.

"Don't answer me with questions," he rumbled. "It's infuriating."

"Are there things that don't anger you?" Rei asked.

"Yes!" the lion chuffed. "Such as being allowed to go free, and not being treated like some sort of a pet."

"All of which will be your rights, as long as you earn them," the tiger stated steadily. "For they are privileges in this house, not a given."

"And maybe I don't like playing your games, General," Gantan replied.

"Whoever said it's a game?"

"Everything here is a game," Gantan said. "And for some reason you want us to play it."

The white tiger chuckled.

"Do you see anyone else here?"

"No," Gantan said. "And that's what worries me."


The lion shrugged.

"Who knows how many others are here," he said, "just kept out of sight...being made to do whatever weird things that amuse you."

Rei's brow quirked

"Now that's a thought..." he said. "You suggest that my house is a veritable maze of cells where I keep my...pets...I must say that is delightfully paranoid."

"You bring it on," said Gantan. "Kept in a cell, shown only parts of the house..."

The white tiger winked.

"I promise to show you the secret passage the next time we are taking a stroll together," he said.


Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to your feedback!

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