GeneSmith Gaffe

Story by skiesofsilver on SoFurry

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A commission for Onom

The guard stared at the pair of scientists as they approached his station. The lab coat wearing man and woman seemed intent on arguing.

"Ceder, I swore you said you liked sugar!" the man said, placing a hand upon her shoulder. "You usually like things sweet..."

"No, Vicario!" the woman replied, pushing the man's hand away. "Not in my coffee! Straight black!"

"Oh," Vicario said, his face falling slightly. His demeanor quickly improved as he smiled and gave Ceder a wink. "Hey, let's not let some coffee mishaps ruin the work day. We just started!"

"I know," Ceder groaned. She pointed a finger at her counterpart. "There'd better not be any more 'mishaps.'"

Before Vicario could reply, the pair had reached the guard. He held up a hand and looked over the two.

"IDs," he said.

"IDs?" Ceder said. "We've passed through here every day for the last six months. You know who we are, Igor!"

The guard remained silent.

"His name isn't Igor. It's--" Vicario said, squinting at the guard's chest. "Egon, and he is just following procedures. Here you go, Egon."

Vicario handed over his ID. Egon took it, examined it, and then handed it wordlessly back. He turned his stare to Ceder. The woman grimaced and handed over her ID. Egon repeated the inspection process with Ceder snatching it from him when he was finished."

"Pass," the guard said, stepping to the side as the glass barrier behind him slid open.

"Thank you, Egon," Vicario said with a smile. "Have a nice day."

Vicario and Ceder walked through the open space, the barrier closing behind them once they passed it. Ahead of them lay a sterile white room. The only noticeable characteristics of it were a terminal, a large table with all manner of lab equipment on it and a large, bronze cylindrical device. The only other occupant of the room was a gas mask wearing man crouched by the device.

"What's the problem, honey?" Vicario asked. "You're usually not so...moody. Is it the coffee or are you--"

"Vicario," Ceder said, taking a deep breath. "Do you really want to know the problem?"

Vicario nodded. "Of course. Our relationship is very important to me."

"It's the coffee!" Ceder shrieked. "We've been dating for six months and you can't even remember--"

"Shhh," Vicario said, pointing to the man by the device. "Keep it down. We're not supposed to be dating by Grotto Corps standards."

"They already know." Ceder motioned at the ceilings. "They have cameras everywhere even if we can't seem them!"

"Oh." Vicario looked around timidly. "Do you think they have footage of us in that closet doing you know what then...?"

"Doing you know what?" Ceder scoffed. "You're such a child, Robin."

"Hey!" Vicario said as Ceder walked away towards the terminal. "Last name basis. It's more professional according to Grotto Corps standards. Oh!" he reached into his lab coat and took out a gas mask. "We need to be wearing these too while we're in here! Grotto Corps safety procedure!"

Ceder waved an arm. Vicario shrugged and placed the gas mask over his face as he hurried up over to her.

"It's the little things that are important," Vicario continued while Ceder typed away at the terminal. "It's the little things that matter."

"Like NOT putting sugar in my coffee?" Ceder said, not taking away her gaze from the terminal. "Little things like that?"

"Well...yeah. And also things like putting on gas masks. Do you have yours?"

Ceder shook her head.

"We should go back then. I really do think--"

"Excuse me," the man by the bronze device stood up. "I'm all done here."

"And who are you?" Ceder asked.

"GeneSmith inspector," he said, slapping a yellow sticker on the device. "I come by every six months and make sure it's working."

"But we do that anyways," Vicario said. "Grotto Corps standard procedures, check the integrity before using the Smith."

The man shrugged. "I suppose you might, but I come by every six months and check these out. It was a different pair of you scientists last time I was here."

"Ah," Vicario said. "Well, thank you. Have a good day, sir."

The man nodded and walked off. Vicario turned back to Ceder.

"Let's go back," Vicario said. "We can grab you mask, I can make you your coffee like you want it--"

Ceder shook her head. "We're not talking about that anymore. We're working, Vicario."

She pointed to the terminal's screen. Upon the screen was a diagram of a tiger with dark fur and grey stripes. She nodded to the table full of scientific instruments.

"Ah, right," Vicario said. "Working." He walked in front of the GeneSmith. "Work, where we can forget all about the rest of our lives for nine to ten hours of our day and put our collective noses to the grindstone." He peered at the stick the inspector had placed on the GeneSmith. "Well, I'll be damned, an official sticker certificate of one hundred percent pass. We've been keeping this baby well maintained, honey."

"Work." Ceder hissed.

"Work," Vicario agreed. He pounded the GeneSmith appreciatively with a fist. "This baby is going to--"

Vicario fell silent as he heard a sudden hiss come from the GeneSmith. He looked over its frame and saw that where he had struck it had torn a small whole in its surface. He gasped and placed a hand over it, quickly pulling it away when he felt something come out of the machine. The man turned to Ceder.

"Um, Ceder..."

But Ceder had already noticed and she looked furious.

"Vicario!" she shrieked. "Run!"

Vicario stared at her. Ceder rolled her eyes and grabbed the man, forcing him to run with her towards the glass barrier they had walked through only a few moments ago. Upon reaching it they both saw it was closed with the guard from before facing them, staring blankly forward with his hands behind his back.

"Open up!" Ceder shouted, pounding on the glass with both hands. "Open up right now, Igor!"

"Egon," Vicario corrected before joining Ceder at hitting the glass. "Let us out, Egon!"

Egon's gaze shifted so that he stared in Ceder's eyes. He shook his head and said something, the sound lost behind the barrier.

"I didn't quite catch that, Egon!" Vicario said, ceasing his pounding. "Maybe speak a little louder?"

"Can't you read lips?" Ceder snarled. "He said 'lockdown.'"

At this Vicario began to shake. "Lockdown?" "Yes and it's your fault, you idiot! You've released the Smith's serum! The tiger one!"

"It's not my fault!" Vicario whined. "I've touched the GeneSmith plenty of times. It's not that fragile...well, usually. What's going to happen?"

"I don't know but we're in lockdown. I don't think it's anything good."

"No, no, no..." Vicario shook his head. "I can't die. I'm too young!" He brought a hand to his face and instead touched his gas mask. "Wait! I'm wearing my gas mask. I'll be fine, I'll be fine!" He turned to Ceder. "I'll be fine!"

He blinked when he saw Ceder was missing the mask.

"Oh no!" he exclaimed. "Why didn't you wear your mask? Oh, Aubrey..." A sudden idea popped into his head. He grabbed at the mask's straps at the back. "I recant my previous statement. I am willing to die if you shall live. Wear the mask, Ceder, wear the mask and survive."

Ceder pursed her lips and look down at Vicario's hands. "I don't think the mask is doing you much good."

Vicario followed Ceder's gaze. His usually somewhat hairy hands were now very hairy. Or was it furry? Whatever the case, both of his hands were covered in black fur, fur that only seemed to be spreading. He gasped and then looked to Ceder's hands. They were very much the same, though the progression on the arms was further long as there were a few stripes of silver mixed in with the dark fur. And her face...!

"Ceder, honey," Vicario said slowly. "This isn't anything about shaving but your face, it's a little..."

Ceder glared at him while fur covered her once smooth face.

"Ah," Vicario said, reaching up to feel his neck, the only part of his head the gas mask left exposed. He felt soft fur and it seemed to exist further up as well.

"This gas mask!" He said, tearing it off and throwing it away. "It does nothing!"

Vicario's gaze fell upon Ceder again and he could hardly recognize her fur-covered face. He could recognize the cold blue eyes staring at him.

"Honey," he said, stepping forward. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean--"

Ceder yowled and pushed Vicario away with unexpected strength. Vicario yelped and tripped, falling backwards onto his rear, which hurt a lot more than it used to. He tried to stand but the feet of his bones suddenly snapped and shifted, causing him to fall on his hands and knees. He kicked away his shoes as they suddenly felt too confining. With his gaze on his hands, he stared in wonderment as the nails on his fingers darkened and hardened, growing out into clawlike shapes. He lifted one hand and turned it over. It looked much like a feline's paw and was his arms thinner too?

Vicario heard Ceder gasp. He looked up to her and saw her holding the back of her skirt with her two changed paws. Her arms seemed thicker and stronger than before. She had always been toned, but he'd never seen that much muscle on her before.

Vicario gasped when he too felt something at his spine. He looked over his thinning shoulders and saw something poking out just above his pants. While he stared, something exploded out of his pants, long, thin, and fluffy.

A tail, Vicario thought incredulously. I've just grown a tail.

"Um, Ceder?" he said, looking back to her. She held her own tail, staring at it angrily. "Do you think we might be--augh!"

Vicario was silenced as his cranium began to shift. He closed his eyes and winced as his fur-covered ears migrated upwards, lobes disappearing while the ears widened and pointed into somewhat rounded triangular shapes. His face pushed forwards, sloping into a short feline muzzle even as his nose reshaped to match the rest of his altered cranium. He groaned as the majority of his teeth sharpened into finer, carnivorous points. His tongue widened slightly while its texture became rougher. Finally, what remained of his hair at the top of his head grew out into silver-black strands until his long and luxurious hair nearly reached down to his rear.

Vicario opened his now wide blue eyes to a partial view of his new muzzle and the ground. He gripped at his throat as his neck constricted and his Adam's apple receded. He coughed and his voice sounded higher pitched, almost feminine.

"Tigers?" he heard a deep voice rumble. He looked up and Ceder stood over him. She stood taller than Vicario now and she was larger too. Her chest was broader and well defined and her breasts were certainly smaller and seemed to be shrinking by the second. Her face was what really concerned Vicario, because her features were harder and more angular and her hair was short and wild.

"Yeah--" Vicario clutched at his own throat. His voice didn't just sound higher pitched--it was higher pitched. Remembering Ceder's chest, he looked down at his own torso and saw a thinner, softer form complete with two outward circular nubs of flesh that if they grew out more could really become--

"Breasts?" Vicario said, touching them and shivering at the sensitivity. "I'm--I'm--"

"We are," Ceder said, speaking in that same deep tone. "We're changing species and sex at the same time and this is your fault."

"Hey, hey." Vicario got to his feet, nearly falling over again in the process until he got his new digitigrade stance right. He stared down at his catlike feet for a few seconds, curling and uncurling his clawed toes until he remembered he had been talking.

"Ceder, baby, I think we were sabotaged so you can't really blame me. And--is it just me or is it really hot in here?" Vicario panted, just now feeling the affect of what his fully furred body mixed with his stuffy lab clothes did and that was make him feel very, very hot. He panted again and threw off his lab coat. That was a little better, but his shirt was still a little too hot so he took that off too. Now that was his torso was uncovered, he could see that the growths on his chest weren't his imagination. He definitely had breasts now even if they were a little small, perhaps A-cup if he had to guess. He still felt hot though, especially below his wait. As he pulled down his pants, he shrunk a little, losing a few inches even as his hips widened. He stared down at his uncovered slender legs and then up to his underwear. Ceder had always made fun of his whitey-tighties, but he had always felt comfortable in them. Now they looked different now--no, he realized, his crotch looked different. The bulge his manhood normally made in his underwear was smaller now, much smaller.

Vicario yelped and pulled his underwear down. Right before his very eyes his diminished testicles and shaft pulled up and out of sight into a freshly formed crevice. Not believing what he just saw, Vicario reached down to his crotch and felt the area. He immediately pulled his hand away when one of his claws came into contact with the slit's fleshly folds. _She_could no longer consider herself male and a shivering inducing churning sensation in her abdomen ensured she was biologically capable of performing the childbearing role of her sex.

"Ceder," she whimpered, her eyes still staring at her womanhood. "My dick, my dick--"

"My dick," Ceder growled.

Vicario looked up at Ceder and stepped back. Like Vicario, Ceder was completely naked. Ceder had bulked up even more since Vicario had last seen her, but a gaze at Ceder's groin caused Vicario to question whether she should call Ceder him. As Vicario watched, Ceder's clitoris engorged and thickened, growing out into a red shaft that receded into a furred sheath, his testicles taking their place under it as they emerged from Ceder's closing slit.

"Umm," Vicario murmured whilst staring at Ceder's manhood. The sight of it caused her sex to start to feel warm and a little wet. She looked away, but her arousal continued to grow because of one other thing--smell. Vicario sniffed and could smell Ceder's masculine musk. It smelled wonderful. "Umm..."

Vicario took a step back from Ceder as her arousal heightened. Her breasts became a little heavier, filling out into two perfectly sized globes, and her rear plumped out into curvy firmness. Her pussy pulsed with each passing moment, reminding her all too often of a growing need--and desire.

"Vicario," Ceder said.

Vicario looked up into Ceder's feline face. Though the masculine tiger hardly resembled the feminine face she was used to, Vicario saw Ceder in it too especially in his eyes. Still, it seemed Ceder's demeanor had changed from a few minutes ago: there was some anger in there but hungry lust dominated it most of all.

"Hey, honey," Vicario said weakly as the stronger male approached. She shrank away a little, not really sure if she was scared of his intimidating strength or turned on by it.

Ceder sniffed. "I think you're in heat."

Vicario nodded, glancing quickly down at her puffy vulva. She couldn't disagree there.

"So," Ceder smiled. "What are we going to do about it?"

"I, uh," Vicario took another step back and would have taken another one had she not ended up with her back against the glass barrier. She looked over her shoulder and saw Egon was still staring at them blankly. "Should we do something about it?"

"Why not?" Ceder said. "We're already kind of fucked as is. Why not actually get fucked?"

"Well, when you put it like that..."

Ceder chuckled and reached forward, groping one of the Vicario's breasts. Vicario moaned as the sensitive flesh was roughly fondled, working her up even more. She looked down at Ceder's sheath.

"So, uh..." Vicario paused. "How do we do this? Do I get on my hand and knees and sort of wave my tail around or...?"

"No," Ceder growled. "Why don't you just turned around and bend over slightly right now? And lift that tail too."

Vicario blinked. "With the guard watching?"

"Someone else already is watching, Robin. There are cameras everywhere."

For some reason this only excited Vicario further. She wasn't really much of an exhibitionist, but she was in heat so she wasn't quite in her normal state of mind as it was.


"Turn around. Turn around now!"

Vicario meekly obey, pressing her breasts and hands against the glass while she raised her tail and rear.

"Like that?" she asked, looking over her shoulder.

"Perfect," Ceder said, getting into position as his shaft slid out of his sheath.

"Er, do you even know what you're doing with that thing?"

"Do you with that?" Ceder replied, momentarily Vicario's folds with a brush of her claws. Vicario whimpered and moaned.

"Fine point. I guess we both don't know the procedure. So, uh, when do we begin, honey?"

"When I feel like it," Ceder said, resting his hands on Vicario's wide hips. They did not stay there for long as they made there way up Vicario's torso until Ceder was cupping Vicario's pert breasts. He gave them both a hard squeeze, eliciting another moan from Vicario and a burst of arousal in the tigress's sex.

"Mmm," Ceder purred. "You've got a nice set, bigger than mine were. They almost make me jealous..."

Ceder tweaked Vicario's nipples. Vicario shivered and looked over her shoulder.

"Come on," Vicario whined. "What are you waiting for? I'm practically dripping!"

"Like I said, when I feel like it."

Ceder gave Vicario's breasts another squeeze and then moved his shaft a little closer to Vicario's wet sex. He gave the tigress a prod with just the tip but didn't go in, not yet.

"Uhnnnn," Vicario groaned. "Ceder, please...!"

Ceder bent down that his head was next to Vicario's. He gave the tigress a bite on the ear. It stung a bit, but Vicario found that such action actually made her hornier.

"Are you sure?" Ceder growled. "Don't talk."

Vicario nodded, her whole form shuddering when Ceder prodded her passage again. The female's eyes were wide and desperate. She lifted her rear a little bit.

"Getting desperate, are we? You know, I might just leave you like this."

"No!" Vicario squealed. "I already said--"

"Said what?" Ceder said, fondling the tigress's breasts.

"Nnn, I already said I wanted you to do it with me."

"Do what?" Ceder prodded again. "Do what?"

"MATE ME!" Vicario screeched, yowling as Ceder bit lightly into her ear again. "Please!"



"Now," Ceder agreed, slamming to Vicario's ready passage. Vicario roared.

Elsewhere a bespectacled man sipped at his coffee while he watched the tiger humanoids mate on the video screen. He put the coffee down and looked to the older woman sitting next to him.

"Unexpected revults," the man said. "Ze male is female tigre and ze female is male tigre. Not what we were looking for. Entertaining zho."

The woman nodded. "When they're done I want them confined...together if possible. How long do you think it lasts?"

"I don't know," the man said with a shrug. "Could be hours, days, perhaps zeven permanent? Promising zo, Miss Grotto?"

The woman nodded again. "Yes, promising."

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