Phantom Chronicles Chapter 16

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#17 of Phantom Chronicles Season 1 -Complete-

Here we are folks! Chapter 16! We are hearing the end of the season and things begin picking up next chapter! Enjoy!


"Shadow Touched?" I asked her confused, I hadn't heard that term yet... what did it mean? To be 'Shadow Touched'? I wasn't the only one looking at her funny though, everyone was, even Dil looked confused on saying something. Apparently he hadn't heard it either, even with all the research he did while we were at the library a few days back. Howie himself looked freaked of course, obviously not liking the connotation of it.

"What do you mean I'm Shadow Touched!?" He demanded in an particularly hoarse whisper. "Am I like those monsters?" Hope just sighed and waved her paw as if to tell him to calm down a second so she could talk.

"A Shadow Touched is a Soul who was freed from when a Shadow is slain that inherits a portion of that Shadows power. Basically your soul was once part of a Shadow but when it was slain your soul was reborn with you. It's actually incredibly rare." She stated calmly though she looked pretty curious herself. "Normally a freed soul is wiped completely free of the Shadow taint but why some souls like yours instead keep it is a mystery that our researchers have been looking for an answer to for ages."

"So I still have that taint inside me...? Does that mean that I could wind up waking up without a soul or something?" Hope just shook her head quickly calming him down.

"Not really no, the taint pretty much has merged with your soul, it is literally part of you as well as the source of your powers... but maybe we should all consider all this tomorrow? I honestly want to go to bed, today has been long." She said with a slight sigh. "I'll take Sunny, you two sneak Howie in the dorms." With that Hope and Sunny quickly vanished into a portal presumably to their room. After several moments of encouraging we managed to get Howie into his spirit form and got him to fly towards our room. Howie looked frankly terrified when we lifted him off, given that his powers were Earth based it was obvious he didn't like being off the ground but he swiftly started enjoying himself and started flipping in the air with a loud growling belly laugh. We let him have his fun though, at least for a few minutes... once he had his fill of flying Howie floated with us until we entered mine and Dil's room. Once there Howie slammed himself on my computer chair making it creek a bit under his impressive size and weight which made me wince a bit.

"Today has been insane..." I heard him mumble a bit. "First the bombings then the Shadow attack and it turns out I have Shadow-like powers." He said before letting out a truly impressive yawn showing off his large pointy fangs. "Either way, I need some sleep. Plus the Roomie should be back now" he said before he let out another yawn. With a massive stretch he waved us goodbye and left the room leaving Dil and I alone once again. I noticed Dil was staring out at the direction of where the daycare was. This seriously weighed on him, I know it did on me. The fact that these people were depraved enough to bomb a building full of children only made me further willing to do anything to take those sick fucks down. My thoughts went to that young boy who was with Ed... I wonder if he was sent to the afterlife or to boss? If I remembered correctly those who had the potential to be a Reaper were summoned in front of Boss so he could explain everything to them... since the boy was obviously too young to join the academy I wonder just what they would do?

Did they have plans for people like the boy? Shaking my head I let my thoughts return to Dil who was still very much in his own little world it seemed. Getting up I gathered my sleep clothes and headed towards the bathroom. "Gonna take a shower okay man? I'll leave you some hot water left okay?" I told him. He just gave me a nod, not even looking away from the window. "You wanna talk?" Dil just shook his head no which made me shrug myself, I would give him time, was probably still in shock I say. He was never used to violence of any kind especially nothing like what happened today. Reapers were still busy running around and making sure no souls were forgotten or left behind as well as trying to track those bastards. I still wondered just who gave them those spirit bombs? Why would a Reaper want to aid a terrorist group? I wonder if Casper had anything to do with it? I remember he had warned them not to do the bombings but they did anyway, he couldn't have been pleased...

"Believe me, I'm not." I heard the dark familiar voice just as I was about to drop my pants and step in the Shower. Behind me stood that damn Snow Leopard... I really needed to ask Hope if it was possible to make wards to prevent him from popping out of nowhere.

"What do you want?" I asked him icily, to be perfectly honest Casper scared the shit out of me. I couldn't place my finger on it but his mere presence sent chills down my spine, though I refused to let that show to him. "Just to say this, the Mafia did the bombings against permission. They are drawing you out, hoping to use those bombs as leverage. They will stop at nothing to get what they want. Normally I would find that admirable but their methods are doomed to fail, but I must be off, got other things to do, but we will see each other again, so I bid you adieu so ciao!" With that he vanished into Shadows leaving me alone once more.

"You know..." I said to myself. "I am seriously going to invest in some Shadow repellent... it's getting fucking ridiculous on how that fucker keeps popping up... he could easily just kill us all in our sleep but he doesn't, makes no damn sense... just what game is he playing?" With a sigh I rubbed my temples. Today had been hell, pure fucking hell... I doubt I will ever get the images from the day care out of my mind...all those children slaughtered just to draw me out? 'Why did they want me so bad? What made me so special they were willing to commit mass murder to get to me?' I thought to myself as my head slowly started throbbing.

'Fuck it, after the shower I'm going to bed... wonder if I can get Dil to snap out of this funk? Guy had always been far too sensitive for his own good and I am starting to feel guilty for bringing him along.'

'I doubt he would have listened to you Ben, we both know Dil would have went anyway if it could mean helping people and it was because of him we figured out what the bombs were.' Suzaku said as I was undressing. Ignoring him I stepped into the shower and started washing my fur and hair. Unfortunately he popped in next too, raincoat and umbrella in wing. 'He'll be fine, you honestly don't give him enough credit sometimes. He is a resilient lad who always seeks to do the right thing. We honestly could use more people like him, besides he has developed his own social circle outside you as you have stated before not counting you, Howie is his best friend and he has always been close to the Stalker Trio.'

I gave a mental shudder at the mention of them, Christy might have surprised me with the fact she wasn't COMPLETELY a vapid whore but I still didn't fully like her much and the less said about the twins the better. 'Grow up, you face soul eating abominations on a daily basis how can you be so terrified of a trio of deranged high school fangirls?' Oh if he only knew... I would rather face an army of Casper's damn Assassin Shadows then be around them for any longer than necessary.

'You haven't had them practically stalking you for years, hell they've been following me since Middle School! I still don't know why they attach to me and not Howie I mean he is the Captain of the Football team! The big man on campus and outside being the star basketball player I don't really talk to many people. Hell, most of my classmates are scared of me.' That had honestly hurt at first when people started cowering away from me when I got near them. By then I guess I just got the big ill tempered wolf image ingrained in their minds. But at least it discouraged MOST bullies from messing with Dil for fear of my retaliation. I was so going to get Glen and Louis back for hurting Dil, hopefully Twitch will be able to talk some sense into them if he wasn't such a druggie he would be a good guy but alas his parents didn't seem to care...their money was only fueling his drug problem. How long until he was found in the gutter after ODing on some street drug or another?

Shaking my head I merely returned to my shower hoping to get my mind off everything, I just hoped we stopped those fuckers before more people got hurt...


It wasn't often that all of us were gathered here... but here we were, the Ten Leaders of 'Il Fratellanza' from our Numero Uno himself to the ever lovely il pirata delll'oceano oscuro our Numero Sei among others. Our leader was sitting in his throne high above ours while the rest of us sat equal under his feet displaying our position in comparison. Strangely almost nobody outside maybe Elwyn knew what the L'Imperatore dell'oscuritá looked like, even his Vescovo were completely shrouded in darkness at all times so none of us could use that to go on.

"The Mafia must be stopped my lord, they have showed themselves reckless and having no respect for Casper's orders." Thamyris our Numero Setta a slim slender bat with Sandy brown hair. He was handsome and when he felt like it a damn good fuck. His great dark wings were wrapped around him currently, as if they were a another cloak he wore. His arms were hidden underneath the wings obviously crossed to show his contempt for our mortal 'friends'.

"I agree with Thamyris!"Branton (Numero Cinque) a tall billowing dragon of a man with shimmering crimson scales and a luscious mane of fiery red hair said. "I still don't see the point about even bothering with them. They have shown themselves as greedy enough to sell their own souls for power. That should not be people we work with My Lord." Soon enough another of us spoke up Gavin (Numero Otto) a burly crocodile with powers over all metal.metal

"Plus they've shown themselves without a speck of a conscious. They would be easily taken down but why don't we go after the damn boy? It's not like 'HE' would intervene? What is stopping us from grabbing him in his sleep? Why all the convoluted planning?" He demanded in a slightly confused manner.

"Because we need him at his strongest before we take him. His powers are growing stronger as the time goes by. Why 'HE' blessed the boy I do not know but it works. Before long, his powers will reach their peak and it will make what we need that much easier. Though we can't attack him directly."

"Why him though? What makes his soul so worth all this trouble?"

"That, my fiery friend is something that will make itself clear on soon, now we are dismissed... Continue with everything goodbye." He said before fading into a portal. Once he faded completely the room was swiftly filled with the remaining members mumblings.

"It figures Regis would be vague again..." a voluptuous female red panda with a lovely rack as well said, jet black hair flowing. She was a beauty but sadly I had never got to sample her joys as the lovely Damini our beloved Numero Nove preferred her own sex and thus had no interest in anything I could offer, a pity but oh well. She was seated to my left (our chairs were set in a circle with odds on one side evens on the other.)

"Are you accusing our Master on something Damini?" An incredibly burly gorilla asked in a somewhat hostile voice. Ah, Adhamnan our Numero Quattro ever the serious Knight and almost as devoted to our Lord and Elwyn was. Damini just gave him a dismissive sniff at that.

"Of course not Adhamnan." She stated coldly. "But it does bear saying, Regis has never been one to share information with us is he? He knows far more than he lets on and it intrigues me greatly." With a shake of her head she continued with the same serious voice. "Like why do we need the boy? What good will one soul do? Even if the child indeed was touched by 'HIM' I doubt h would be able to restore all our souls at once. Plus the Lumiere troubles me greatly." She admitted looking down onto her monochromatic boots.

"You mean the house cat? No reason to worry I say." I opined. "The boy has power yes, but he is ignorant of the ways of the Lumiere making him far less of a threat. In fact he may be the link we need to nab Zideke. You see, the wolf is completely and utterly devoted to the house cat, he would do anything to protect him. Using the boy we can bring him out directly and he would be desperate to do anything in his ability to get him back." Garret just whistled at that seemingly impressed, he had been startlingly quiet the entire time having been mostly content on letting the rest of us talk but this seemed to have made him break his silence.

"That's pretty cold Casper, I'm impressed. Using young Dillon as a bargaining chip would be an interesting idea if Benedict is even a tiny bit as devoted as you say he is. Would it be our mortal friends? They would have a vested interest in grabbing him themselves. He figured out the bombs quite quickly and this puts our contact at risk of discovery." I just shrugged, I would have rather kept him hostage myself, I knew just how cruel the Mafia was to their prisoners but it did make sense, not only would we get our wolf but he would probably obliterate our obnoxious little Mafia. Two birds one stone as they say.say

"Possibly, those fools wouldn't stand a chance against a full fledged Reaper and he has shown a remarkably high growth in his powers." I said. "I've never seen such remarkable adaptability have any of you?" Everyone just shook there heads.

"He certainly is an impressive chap indeed." Nadia said from her own throne. "It will be interesting to see his growth continue, I honestly look forward to it. Still though, such a waste all those needless deaths... especially the children." I barely suppressed my growl at that. After all I've been through especially with my family disowning me I never liked those who would hurt kids. I might have been a soulless abomination but I wasn't HEARTLESS! Even we had standards when it came to targets.

"I still think they need to be crushed." Thamyris muttered darkly. "They are dangerous and far more trouble than they are worth... I will never understand why Lord Regis sought them out so much. They have to realize we have no intention of actually giving them the power they seek?" I just shrugged I had no idea what they were thinking. The fact that they were Mediums who were working with what was likely their natural predator still made no sense, surely their immortal soul was worth more than a bit of power?

"I agree," I finally said looking towards the bat. "But what can we do? Much as I want to turn them into Furry popsicles I know Regis wouldn't approve and I like existing." He just sighed a bit.

"Makes sense... You are letting yourself get too close to our target though, this is the third time you showed yourself to a mortal including Zideke. What is your goal in all this Casper?"

"Fun honestly, puppysitting is boring and screaming with Todd was fun, was surprised to see he was Shadow Touched however. I almost missed the fight because I was so busy toying with the school guards." I said. "They are expanding their little group though, I wouldn't be surprised if the rabbit girl Fletcher turns out to have some powers." While I was doing this I began picking at my claws nonchalantly. nonchalantly

"You are reckless Casper." Adhamnan intoned coolly. "We are trusting you with a great deal watching over Zideke. Know if anything happens to him before we catch him will be on your head." The silverback gorilla stated sternly.

"I am quite aware." I told him bluntly. "I take this quite seriously thank you, and outside trips here I have been keeping a very close eye on him he hasn't left my sight and my Assassino are watching him as we speak. They would inform me immediately if anything were to happen."

"Whatever you say Casper." Adhamnan replied before standing up. "I will return to my quarters now I suggest the rest of you do the same, goodbye." With that little tidbit he also disappeared into the shadows.

"Maybe he is right..." Thamyris mumbled. "I will also return to my quarters goodbye." Once again a figure faded from the room, events everyone slowly went away until it was just me and Elwyn in the meeting hall.

"So what do you think Old Man? You know Regis more than anyone, hell, you are the only one who knows what he looks like!" I said, knowing for a fact that Elwyn had feelings for the Boss. The older jackal just snorted at me disdainfully.

"I trust our Lord completely, he would never lead us astray. I am sure he has his reasons for keeping everything hidden so stop doubting him."

"If you say so..." I said indifferently. "But you can still be wrong Elwyn. You can never know another's heart. I do trust him as our leader yes but I am still suspicious on why he is being so secretive why does he hide himself so completely for instance? Is he badly disfigured or something?"

"Lord Regis was one of the first Time Rinato to come about Casper, for many millennia he worked alone until he found me many years ago. You never knew loneliness as he did. Before he built this city and founded the Brotherhood there were no places for us Rinato to congregate, I spent my first hundred years alone before meeting Lord Regis. I was the outcast, a Shadow that could use Light the antithesis of our being. But he gave me place at his side and I will forever be grateful." "

Makes sense, I always hated the fact I controlled ice... I froze to death and I never want to be that cold again." I said while wrapping my arms around myself and shivering remembering my last moments before passing away. "But how long until Garret and Adhamnan came into the picture? They joined around the same time right?"

"I was the one who found Garret. The man was meditating on Shade Mountain when we met. I had sensed an incredibly powerful energy coming from the summit and when I climbed it I saw the man sitting naked facing towards the base that Lord Regis had set up. When I demanded who he was he simply stated he had no name that the name he knew was of someone who simply didn't exist and asked me if I had a name." He said quietly looking down. "I told him yes, that my master had given me the name Elwyn and also gave me a title."

"Il Paladino Oscuro." I supplied for him, indeed, all of us had been given a new name and title so we could form an identity outside of the one we had lost. "Exactly, I told him if he came with me my Master would give him a name for himself and follow me he did and so he was given the name Garret and the title 'Il Monaco Delle Brezze Nascoste' and so our group became three. Adhamnan arrived a few years later as our fourth than Branton and finally Nadia arrived and gave our group a female touch. Finally the rest of you joined us, first Thamyris then Gavin, Damini and finally yourself." He stated in almost fond tone. "We came together and founded what we have, a place where we Rinato can live together in peace and be away from the savagery of our feral cousins who have yet to fully reach our enlightenment." He said. "Be thankful for what we have Casper, because without Lord Regis we would not have it." He said before porting out and leaving me alone

. "Maybe so... but something still urks me about his secrets." I said to myself as I finally ported myself out to my quarters leaving the room empty.


Morning sucked... I woke up yawning and scratching my balls only to see Dil fully dressed and on his laptop listening to what looked like a news livestream. Curious, I walked up and saw it was about the bombings. Currently it was showing the daycare and pictures of the children who had died. Roughly 30 of them out of maybe 120 total ages ranging from 2 to 4 my stomach lurched when I saw the picture of the little fennec boy that Ed had reaped. His name was Timothy McGrath, he was four years old and was weeks away from turning five.

Apparently his Dad was a soldier who had fought and died in Iraq shortly after he was born leaving him with a widowed mother. Her name Shirley McGrath and she was speaking on the stream about getting together with the other parents and family of the victims of the bombings and starting a charity in support for the funerals rebuilding and other expenses. The woman looked exhausted and it was obvious she hadn't slept any the last night and beside her was a slightly younger looking man who judging by the resemblance could only be her brother.

"Yesterday I went through the worst thing that could happen to a parent, losing a child... my baby Timmy was stolen from me by those who detonated those bombs... but then I realized I wasn't the only one who lost a child over one hundred twenty-five people lost their lives yesterday, so after talking with those who also lost loved ones we decided to start a charity... of course we haven't gotten anything concrete yet but hopefully we can use the charity to help with the funeral costs for those who would otherwise not be able to afford it. We also wish to help in the rebuilding of the buildings that were destroyed in the bombings." She said before wiping away a single tear. "If any good can come out of my babies death then I will be happy as because despite the fact I would give anything in this world to have him back if his death was not in vain I can live with it. Because my baby would want me to help others and make them happy and I will devote myself to that." She said as the interview ended.

"Brave woman," I murmured to myself, catching Dil off guard.

"You heard that? Even with my headphones in?" He asked in a somewhat surprised manner. "Didn't think your hearing was that keen." He then admitted in an embarrassed manner. "I control Wind, and Sound travels through the air after all. So I can amplify my hearing if need be to hear things I normally would be unable to hear like your live stream. Why are you watching that anyway? Won't it just make you more depressed? Part of the reason I don't watch the news anymore, it's always some depressing shit on there." I said while shrugging my shoulders to emphasize my disdain for modern news. "It's all ratings bait nothing of actual substance. I mean look at the political ads! I hate election years..."

"Speaking of election years you gonna vote? After all this is the first year we can actually vote! Gonna try and get my voters registration when we go home again." I just shrugged again, I actually hadn't thought about voting, my parents were INCREDIBLY apathetic towards politics as long as it didn't effect them or their jobs.. "Oh, apparently the President is going to do a Public Address about the bombings... was going to watch it later, wanna join?" He asked. I guess since classes had been canceled for a few days because of the bombings he had a lot of time to do that but I really couldn't watch political speeches they literally bored me to tears in all honesty.

"I'll pass, I'm going to the workout room, do some reps and stuff. Maybe nab Howie and see if he wants to join me."

"Howie is always up for a workout, he always asks me to join him but I usually just wind up sitting on the weight bar while he lifts. Basically acting as a glorified weight during the process." He said rolling his eyes. "I think he just gave up trying to get me into working out because my clumsiness always gets me or someone else hurt when I try."

"That sounds about right! But yeah! I'll be out for the day most likely what are you going to do?"

"Probably go out, got a school email saying that off campus privileges were still in effect though curfew at 8:30 instead of 10." He said calmly. "Probably am going to go out and get a new book or something." I just nodded and told him goodbye before changing into my workout clothes and grabbing my bag before leaving him alone.


The President's speech had just ended when my phone rang, catching me off guard. I had been solely focused on the hyena at the podium that I literally nearly jumped out of my skin in surprise. Looking at the number I saw that it was from Jack. I answered it very quickly with a cheerful.


"Hey Kitten! How are you? You okay? I heard the bombs went off around your school... were you hurt?" "I'm fine, the school itself is undamaged but yeah, a lot of people died."

"I know, whats crazy is that nobody has taken responsibility for the bombings which is'd think those terrorist fuckers would be climbing all over themselves to claim responsibility. That's how they normally work... but I was thinking, wanna go out for dinner? I know we are only fuckbuddies really but I would love to treat you, especially after what happened, how does that sound?"

"Sounds great! Got somewhere in mind?" I asked him curiously. It had been awhile since I had actually went out with a gay instead of just going straight for the sex. Though odds were it was going to END with sex but I certainly didn't mind that.

"I do actually! Ever heard of Shanghai Asian Manor?"

"I have actually! Went there with my buddy Ben a few months ago! Food is amazing!"

"It is! My favorite place in Manhattan! I'll pick you up on about an hour, that okay?" I cheerfully told him yes and told him goodbye and hung up... now to the main problem... Just what was I going to wear!? ... After a quick shower and standing for nearly ten minutes I finally settled on a simple white sweater and a pair of nice black slacks not too dissimilar to my clothes as a Lumiere. Once I got myself fully dressed I sat and waited for my phone to ring and sure enough, at 3 on the dot I got a text telling me he was waiting outside the school. Running down I was surprised that I didn't trip but when I reached the exit I indeed see Jack sitting on a motorcycle covered in biker leathers and looking oh so sexy in them. He had a helmet in both paws and when he saw me he swiftly tossed one of them at me and I managed to catch it before it hit me in the face though, thankfully. It would have been embarrassing otherwise.

"Put that on, my car in the shop today so I decided to take my bike, you okay with that?" He asked. In all honesty I had never been on a bike, but with how hot he looked my resistance was slowly fading (guess I had a weakness for guys in biker gear who knew?)

"I didn't know you had a motorcycle?" I admitted. He just gave out a presently loud bellow at that which made my stomach clench in desire... Maybe I should have jerked off earlier? I reload quickly enough being a feline but he was SERIOUSLY turning me on right now.

"I do! Was raised around them! Dad was a Hells Angels back in the day before he met my mother. Stopped soon after that though, he always said she was far scarier than a stadium full of badass bikers so he quickly straightened himself out. He still kept the bikes though and taught me and my brothers how to ride."

"That's awesome! My Dad would have never let me get a bike." I said in a light cheerful tone. "He thinks bikes are way too dangerous, we had a spate of motorcycle related deaths in my hometown when I was little so he was rather strict about it." I said while putting the helmet on. Once I was completely sure it was secured correctly I slowly got on the bike but before I let him move I sent Ben a text that I was going out with a friend and would probably be out late, after sending it I put my phone in my pocket and wrapped my arms around his thick chest. Jack was almost as well built as Ben really. Come to think of it they both had that 'gruff but actually really nice' thing about them. Once I was firmly wrapped around his waist and I nodded, he smiled and booted up the motorcycle and let it rip as he went dashing down the streets of the Big Apple. I could feel the wind brushing past me as we sped our way to the restaurant.

The restaurant happened to be in China Town funnily enough. Right on Mott St. The restaurant was considered one of the best in Chinatown. After several minutes of driving Jack managed to actually find a parking spot close to the restaurant and once we got off and he secured everything, making absolutely sure that everything was safe we headed out and to my surprise he reached out and grabbed my paw and held it which made me blush. I hadn't held hands with another guy in public since Ray and it actually felt nice to do so again. Looking towards him I was honestly surprised to see that he was actually blushing as well.

"You don't mind me holding your paw do you? Sorry if it was sudden but I thought it would be appropriate... anyway, I was thinking... maybe after we eat we can maybe go for a walk in Columbus Park? You know? Before we go to my room?"

"That sounds nice! Oh, and I don't mind holding paws at all so no worries." I said while gripping his paw tighter showing that I approved. He gave me a large smile and bent down (since he was a good head taller than me) and gave me a quick kiss right before we entered the restaurant. The place was tastefully decorated and a cheerful looking panda greeted us once we entered.

"Welcome to Shanghai Asian Manor! I assume it is just you two?" The panda asked gesturing to our joined paws. Jack quickly took over, speaking in a firm but nonthreatening voice.

"Indeed." He said, the panda just gave a cheery nod before he walked us into the dining area and placed us in a remote corner of the restaurant and left us with our menus and telling us that our waiter would be there shortly to serve us and bring our free Jasmine Tea. Once he was gone i swiftly looked over the menu basically already knowing what I was going to get. Jack did the same though on occasion I felt his paw briefly slip over mine in an almost teasing manner before moving it away just as fast. This continued up until the waiter a perky looking clouded leopard with shiny black hair done up in a neat bun took our orders.

"Good day! I am Yin and i will be your waiter this evening! Do you have your orders ready?" She asked as she placed down the kettle of tea.

"I do!" I told her kindly. "I'll take the Braised duck in scallion sauce please!"

"And I'll take the Pepper Steak! How you been Yin?" He asked in a very informal manner. "Haven't seen you since Finals!" Wait, they knew each other? The leopard just gave him a bright smile.

"Sorry, in between school and work I don't have much free time! You haven't been here since Finals either? You go back to Albany for the holidays? And who is this? New boyfriend?" Jack just let out a hearty sounding laugh at that.

"I did! Mom woulda skinned me if I hadn't! You know how she is! But been busy with school myself and haven't had a lot of free time so I been mostly ordering takeout for the past few weeks. This is Dil by the way, and no, he isn't my boyfriend. Just a friend." He said in a neutral voice before giving me a brief look. "Dil, this is Yin Wu! She's been my best friend since Freshman Year. Smart girl! Wants to be a doctor and make her parents proud. She's first generation of course. Parents moved from Hong Kong while the British ruled it." He explained. "She is the oldest of three with two little brothers."

"That's enough Jack." She chided in a friendly manner. "It is nice to meet you Dil! I will go get your orders!" She said before heading off.

"She seems nice, had no idea you knew a server here?" I said in a slightly surprised manner as Jack quietly pored us both a cup of tea before lazily leaning back and sipping his.

"As I said, we go way back, we used to study together our first year before our majors kept us apart. We sometimes got lunch and talked but with school and work we hadn't been able to do so. I actually didn't know she was working today really. The panda is Shen Wong, he and Yin are actually engaged. He's a nice guy and treats her well." He said in a fond tone. "Guy is an awesome drinking buddy also he might not look it but he can really keep his liquor! He's out drank me several times! He is also in for Journalism so we share a lot of classes." I just nodded it was pretty interesting, learning more about Jack.

If I wasn't in love with Ben I believe he would be an excellent boyfriend. But sadly I was in love with Ben and I was beginning to worry that I was giving him the wrong messages about what our relationship was. Which was fuckbuddies at best since we haven't really done much outside sex... Dinner was a fun time however, Jack thankfully refused any alcohol that was offered to him since he was on his motorcycle and he didn't want a DUI on his record. Eventually though dinner was eaten and I was laying back in my chair rubbing my stuffed tummy in a content manner. Jack also looked quite happy as he paid the bill and led us out into the city again.

As planned, our first stop was Columbus Park and true to form there were numerous people within either playing mahjong, practicing tai chi or doing any number of things. Seeing everything seem so normal outside yesterday's bombings honestly was a relief since it showed no matter what happened life can and would go on. As we walked through the port I noticed several small shrines set up to honor those who had died. As we stopped by one I bowed in a quick prayer and I knew that Jack had joined me in this as his head was also bowed in respect.

"Still hard to believe that so many died yesterday." He murmured lightly, mostly to himself. "I hope those souls can find rest for themselves." We stayed like that for several minutes before we both decided that we had enough time at the park and decided that it was finally time to go for a bit of 'private time.' Holding paws, we calmly walked towards the bike in complete ease of our surroundings. After all, we were in a very populated area and Jack certainly left an intimidating presence about him so I had no worries about our safety. The ride to his dorm was one of heavily anticipated silence, both of us knowing full on well what was going to happen when we arrived.

Apparently his Roomate was still away and was in the process of transferring schools to be closer to his family leaving Jack almost sole access to the dorm he would have normally shared. Once we reached the parking area Jack once again secured everything before taking the keys out and all but rushing me until we finally found ourselves inside the living area of his dorm. As soon as we were fully in private Jack slammed me against the wall, completely pinning me while he forcefully dominated my mouth with his own. Eyes fluttering shut I could only give a happy meowing as he continued to dominate me. He himself was largely silent outside the occasional growl to show me just who was in charge here. We continued this for several minutes until we finally came up for air. "You make me so horny kitten! Hurry! Get into my bedroom and take off those damn clothes! I need to take care of some personal business first before we continue and I better see a very naked kitty when I'm done." Moaning I moved my head, exposing a bit of my neck which he swiftly started to nibble on making me more aroused before he stopped and hurried to the bathroom. Doing as I was told I headed towards his bedroom, slowly undressing as I did so and by the time I arrived at his bed I was in nothing but my very wet and very strained boxers which were overflowing in my feline pre.

With a flick of my wrists however those too were gone leaving me completely exposed as I laid myself on the bed and sighed as I smelt his scent which had been almost completely embedded into the sheets. While I waited for my lover to finish his... personal needs I idly started fondling myself, especially around my hole area where I was definitely going to get filled in a few minutes. Five minutes on the dot I saw him enter the room, completely exposed himself and his weighty 8' dick stood proud and erect as he sneered down at me, eyes full of lust and desire.

"Looking sexy kitty!" He said as he climbed on the bed and soon found himself on top of me once again dominating my mouth though this time his paw had replaced my own at my hole and was roughly playing with it sticking several fingers inside it to slowly ready me for his doggie meat. I could feel my hole pulse more and more as more fingers were added until I had four of them inside me forcefully knocking against my prostate. Seemingly sensing that I was dangerously close to cumming then and there he removed them and gave me s leering look.

"Can't have you cum right this moment kitty can we? Multiple orgasm potential or not I would rather be buried inside you while you are orgasming if you ask me." He said naughtily. Just as he was about to reach for the condom box on the dresser I quickly grabbed his paw, stopping him. While I normally almost ALWAYS used protection there were a select few people who I was willing to forgo such things for. Ray had been one of them of course and if Jack would have had a STD I would have sensed it (since my powers for some reason were able to pick up on the health of the people around me. Plus my healing would probably get rid of any STD anyway. Since from my research Lumiere were largely immune to most illnesses) He seemed mildly surprised of course since all the other times we had sex we had used protection. Sensing his inquisitive stare I began to explain my reasoning.

"I trust you enough to not use a condom." I explained. "I think I know you enough that if you had something I would know it."

"If you are sure..." He said calmly before moving his arm away from me to point the bar tip at my heated entrance. When I felt the heat of it brush against my hole I moaned loudly and spread my legs even further so to give him enough room to work with. Growling, obviously pleased by my actions he aimed his cock right at my hole and forced himself inside me in one swift movement making me yowl in a mixture of pain and pleasure as my own pulsed madly from his actions. Once he was to the knot he stopped and gently licked at my face and neck in an almost affectionate manner. "I'm all the way in, you okay Dil?" He asked gently. "Didn't hurt you did I?"

I just shook my head no and told him he hadn't. Seemingly satisfied he kissed me once again and wound up using one arm to restrain both of mine over my head while the other focused on playing with my barbed dick as he continued to thrust inside me. It was slow at first, him seemingly content with starting at a leisurely pace, slowly moving in and out of my ass causing me to start going mad from the pleasure as I wrapped my legs around his waist in a desperate attempt to make him go faster. He only chuckled at that however and kissed me once again.

"Impatient kitty, I want this to last..." He said with a smirk. "I had a great time today and the last thing I wanna do is rush through this." He said while slowly increasing his pace as he spoke. "Besides, I wanna see just how many times you can cum, it is always something I enjoy when I am with a feline." He said giving one particularly hard thrust into me which combined with his paw inadvertently sent me into my first orgasm of the night, yowling as my cum covered his paw. "And that's one! Now, I think that was enough of a warmup! Let's start this for real!" He said in a dominant voice as he quickly started to increase his pace exponentially driving me even further into my lust filled madness. I whined and moaned as he even started to the point where he almost tied me before stopping at the last possible minute and moving away from it forcing me to give him a disappointed look.

This continued for nearly ten minutes and by that time I had came at least twice from his ministrations. Finally though, he got tired of playing and started to begin tying me for real. I cried out each time he began to force part of his knot into me wrapping my legs once again around him in hope to aid him in doing so. He also began to bite at and nibble at my neck in the typical canine fashion, obviously getting ready for a mating bite. To help I moved my head to expose even more of my neck for his nibbling pleasure. Finally though he slammed himself into me forcefully until his bloated knot forced itself into me sending me into another orgasm while I felt him bite down on my neck as I felt his own cum fill me fully, not bound by a condom. The heat was overwhelming and was enough to send me straight into another orgasm as I covered both our bellies in my feline spunk.

Finally fulfilled Jack collapsed on top of me briefly crushing me under his weight until he moved us onto our sides so my body was surrounded by his own. I always loved the post-sex cuddling it made me feel happy and genuinely close to the person I had sex with. Jack didn't say anything for a little while, simply content at licking at my neck where he had administered his mating bite. I simply let myself relax into him during this, also enjoying the afterglow.

"I had fun Dil," he admitted kindly. "I am glad you agreed to see me." He said in an almost shy manner. "For whatever reason after we met I couldn't seem to get you off my mind. You are special I think." He continued on. "I know you aren't interested in anything serious but I really like you, and I hope we can be friends, outside sex and stuff." I blushed at his confession, I had no idea he felt that deeply. Though he was right, I wasn't interested in anything serious, at least until I figured out the Ben thing I was genuinely attracted to him. He was like an older Ben honestly, maybe that was what drew me to him? But unlike Ben he wasn't so infuriatingly indecisive in what he wanted. But I attributed that to the fact he was older and had time to figure out what he wanted while Ben was still a kid in the emotion sense.

"I'm curious, how did your family take you being gay?" I asked him. "My Dad was awesome he was a bit shocked of course but he immediately accepted it and told me he would love me no matter what." He just laughed and smiled.

"My Dad was the one who told ME I was gay... Him and my Mom knew all my life, the very first thing he did when I hit puberty was take me aside and explain homosexuality and how some people are assholes whom will hate you for it but said that they can fuck off and that I should never give a flying shit about what they said because a Keller man never refuses to be who he is and anyone who dislikes that can go stuff themselves... though he told me not to tell my mom because she wouldn't approve his language and reminded me that she was the scariest thing on earth when upset." He said fondly. "He was right of course, when us kids got in trouble we all dreaded facing her. When she was not mad she was the best mom ever but when mad even Satan would run with his tail between his legs." He said.

"Sounds like an amazing woman... I never really got to know my mom honestly, she died when I was five, breast cancer..." I told him looking away as I felt the tears begin to sting in my eyes. I had always envied Ben. He grew up having a mom. While Brittany definitely had her problems especially regarding neglect I have brought the fact that she always made sure to be here for Mothers Day and stuff showed that she did care.

"Sorry to hear that Dil." He told me kindly. "Lost my Aunt to the same disease a few months ago, though her kids were grown up already they still took it hard. I do only imagine losing a parent so young... Or at all honestly..." He said shaking his head. "But it's getting late, sure you don't want to spend the night?" I paused for a second, looking at the clock it was already past 9, almost 10... I had no idea that time had flown by that fast! Shrugging I didn't see the harm, there was no school anyway and I could easily sneak back in without a problem being able to fly and be basically invisible really came in handy.

"Sure!" I said as I grabbed towards my pants to find my cellphone, thankfully Jack was nice enough to move with me since we were still tied together and when I fumbled for it I quickly found Ben's number and shot him a text. "Just texted Ben, telling him that I wasn't coming home tonight and would see him tomorrow." I said while I put the phone on the nightstand closest to me. "Done this before so he should be fine with it." I explained to the coyote.

"You two really are close aren't you?" He stated impressed.

"Best friends since kindergarten!" I told him proudly. "We met after my mom died... well not exactly meet... we had met a bit before he transferred to my class from LA but we didn't actually talk but the first day I came back I was wearing my mom's choker." I said, gesturing to the metal band around my throat. As that voice had said I couldn't remove the thing but I wouldn't have taken it off anyway. "Some bullies started harassing me and started playing monkey in the middle with it and just as I was about to burst into tears Ben swooped in and took them down and I would up helping and we kicked their asses! We got in trouble of course but it was worth it and we have been inseparable ever since."

"That's great." He said before snuggling me close to himself. "But I feel sleepy... today was busy, was doing volunteer work all day before I called you." He said before giving me a kiss and quickly falling asleep. I just chucked and let myself lean into him and fell into dreamland myself. After all, I had a feeling things were about to come to a head and I at least wanted some peace before it happened.

Phantom Chronicles Chapter 17

~~Ben~~ I frowned as I stared at the phone. Dil was supposed to be back. He should have been back yesterday but he wasn't. But I wasn't completely freaking out because Dil did send a text to me explaining that he had met up with a friend of his...

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Half-Blood Chapter XLII

Chapter XLII Thesought.nd the Paparazzi Kitty Lucas just let out a loud yawn as he awoke from his slumber. He had slept surprisingly well considering everything he had been through the last few days, though he did frown a bit when he didn't wake up...

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Phantom Chronicles Chapter 15

~~Ben~~ Dil's reaction said.unny was immediate as he swiftly threw Mr. Fuzzyface under the covers, obviously embarrassed about being caught with a stuffed animal but thankfully Sunny either didn't notice or didn't care to comment. Instead she...

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