Hare-Raising [Commission]

Story by Lukas Kawika on SoFurry

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C: $80 commission. fun one.

shy (but well-endowed) rabbit boy finds himself without a ride home from a football game, at which he was humiliated, too, and tied up almost naked beneath the bleachers. A nice older german shepherd picks him up, but makes him sit in back with his two pet dogs... who rather enjoy his presence.

I am still open for commissions, and now, discount commissions too! talk to me!

buy my collection! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B019EHCQ38

And my friend Myr is open for (SFW-only) story requests! please go ping her! http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/7303288/

Anthony had always been mocked for the size of what he had between his legs, since the second day of gym class (and only the second because dressing out hadn't been required on the first) - and for a reason quite opposite to what he'd expected. In fact, he didn't believe it when he first heard it, and still wondered about the basis for the mockery. He was quite shy, and dreaded any attention of any sort being focused on him: being a small rabbit about half the height of the school football team's stallion quarterback, someone would expect him to be a fraction of the size - since everyone had heard the rumors about this stallion being well-endowed enough that, when the coach had once wandered in during a shower, he thought there was a third arm protruding out of the horse's lower body, and then a few girls came back from a party celebrating the team's win that season proclaiming that rumor to stand on solid ground.

That 'someone' who expected this would be wrong. Anthony was about the same size, proportionally, as that horse.

Well, okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration, but he was rather large for his five-foot-two and one hundred two pound stature. The quarterback might have been the last person to expect to see such a small rabbit walk out of the shower with an eight-incher as wide around as his wrist hanging between his legs. Anthony's first conversation with the quarterback consisted of the rabbit trying meekly to explain that, no, he wasn't taking anything to enhance his size, all the while attempting to cover up the part of him in question, and failing.

Hey, at least it only grew by another two inches when he got hard, which happened often enough for it to be embarrassing. He already had quite a problem with fitting it all into his underwear.

The quarterback never quite dropped the idea that Anthony was on something to make him that large, though, and of course soon a large number of the rest of the males in that same gym class took notice that making fun of the small rabbit for his large cock was the 'in' thing to do. They'd hold him down on the benches in the locker room and trace their claws lightly along the underside of his shaft to get him hard - once or twice he got so embarrassed that he fainted; or they'd corner him at the urinal, since he couldn't exactly hide his cock from view with his small body, and watch him do his business; they'd ask how deep he'd been in a girl before, and then have a field day with it whenever he said he'd never done anything with a girl...

It's just jealousy, Anthony told himself. He didn't believe it, though; jealousy, sure, but envy as well, given the way some of those guys touched him and felt him up, how they'd pin him to the floor and repeatedly pick up his soft cock, drop it down against his belly, and raucously laugh if it knocked the breath out of him. He even went through the trouble of posting a rant online about it (after spending two days building up the courage to click the 'submit' button), but he got home from school afterwards to see twenty comments about nobody believing him. "You're just bragging." "If your dick is so huge, why don't you post a pic to prove it? lol" "You really expect us to believe that your dick, when soft, is an eighth as long as you are tall?" "Nobody would make fun of you for that..."

It didn't really matter if anyone believed him or not: he'd spent most of his life up until then dealing with his own problems, being too shy to ask anyone else for help, and this was no different. At least they'd stopped making fun of him for getting so stressed about last year's calculus final that he fell asleep in the library - twice.

Somehow it got out that Anthony was gay, too, which just led to a rekindling of interest in mocking him. Now some of the football players would corner him in the shower, flex their muscles, rub up against him - some of them would stand in front of him while he was pulling his clothes back on on the bench in the locker room, so he'd sit up to get a faceful of heavy sack and hanging meat, and then they'd poke and prod him when he got hard... oftentimes he'd leave the locker room after a shower smelling even muskier than he had when he first went in.

Anthony thought he'd finally gotten a break once finals season was coming in again, so most gym activities were cancelled or at least subdued; the class itself became limited to running around the track, which didn't require dressing out (though many still chose to anyway). He made sure at least to dress in jeans every day even though it was spring, since him wearing shorts put on even more of a display than when the quarterback ran a mile in his boxers and nothing else.

There was one last football game in the year, though, and even though he'd purposely avoided all of them up until then, he actually ended up being invited to this one by a boy he may or may not have liked. This boy, a wolf, had never mocked him in the locker room, and actually once gave him a hug - _"they're about as big of dicks as what you've got..."_he'd once said to Anthony in a timid joke, and then turned bright red, laughed nervously, and apologized. The rabbit half-expected it all to be a joke, but it still surprised him when his expectation turned out to be true and he was left tied up beneath the bleachers with all of his clothes soaking in a puddle of mud near a tree.

At least they'd left him in his underwear - red briefs, his 'lucky pair' (or the only pair he'd had that were still clean). They used to be his favorite pair of underwear, even though they were starting to get a little small on him... though of course, for Anthony, _most_underwear felt a bit too tight. The rabbit didn't put any effort into freeing himself until after the game had finished and everyone had left, without, thank God, anyone noticing him; by then it was well into night, and his stormcloud-grey fur just soaked up the shadow. Afterwards, he left his clothes in the mud, rubbed his wrists where the rope had chafed, and started walking towards home: that 'nice' wolf had been his ride to the game, and Anthony currently would prefer to do this than face him again.

A few years ago, construction on a branch of the highway leading to this stadium had been begun and subsequently completed, as The Powers That Be who oversee highway construction figured it would be beneficial to make an express route to the largest high school and college football stadium in the state. As it turned out, though, the public's faithfulness to routine (or maybe their ignorance of the new route) led most traffic to remain restricted to the old roads to the stadium, and as such that new highway saw about as little use as it had during construction. The ramps on and off of it were poorly placed, too, so it was more of a last resort than a convenience.

There weren't even lights along the road. All of these contributed to Anthony's decision to walk along it instead of the far more popular other roads - and it was warm enough tonight that he was only slightly uncomfortable in nothing but his briefs. Every now and then an echo of a car carried over from the main vein of the highway and would make him panic and cover himself up, but eventually, after glancing around for what must have been the seventh time, he figured - it's 10:30 at night on a Tuesday, nobody's gonna be going anywhere along here at this time - and just kept his head down.

That was why he didn't notice when someone actually did drive up beside him. All of a sudden the ground in front of him was bathed in strong yellow light, his shadow was stretching on and on, and a hard-to-ignore sputtering quickly approaching told him that there was a pickup truck behind him; halfway between panic and resignation, the rabbit flattened his ears back and pretended not to notice.

The truck driver wouldn't believe that. Eventually the sound became almost deafening, and the slightest turn of his head to the side brought the front half of the truck into view - it had slowed down to his speed, and now, the windows was being lowered with a quiet vrrr.

"Hey..." called the driver. It wasn't a loud, sharp Hey! like Anthony had expected, but a rather softer, quieter one... testing the waters, seeing if everything was okay. "What're you doin' out here at this time of night? Don't you have somewhere to be?..."

Anthony continued walking, determined to ignore this person. He didn't look over at the driver and refused to cover himself while walking, even though he was fully aware of the obviousness of his bulge in such tight briefs. He tried not to think about the things that had just happened tonight: not only was he stripped and tied up, but some of the other guys had tugged their own pants down, showed themselves off to him, grinded against him so he got hard, and then mock him for it... the rabbit sniffled.

"Do you need a ride?"

Finally, he looked over: a middle-aged German shepherd leaned over towards him, one arm hanging over the open window and the other paw loosely on the steering wheel. One of his ears flopped over halfway up while the other looked like it had been chewed on by a paper shredder; one of those pine tree air fresheners hung from the rearview alongside what looked to be a pair of fuzzy dice, except not fuzzy, made out of cardboard, and taped together by a child's paws. A clattering from behind startled Anthony: he glanced back despite himself and saw two feral German shepherds peering at him from over the edge of the truckbed, tongues lolling out and tails wagging.

Someone who had a soft voice, a soft smile, and_two dogs as happy as that - one wore a spiked collar but certainly didn't look like it had the personality to warrant that, based on its bright eyes and fast tail - _had to be trustworthy, right? Besides, as much as Anthony tried to tell himself that it was comfortable out here, he couldn't help but shiver a little...

Without saying anything, the rabbit wrapped his arms around himself, picked up his pace, and trotted around the front of the truck to the other side; the lock clicked, and he opened the door and climbed up. Inside it smelled faintly of cigarette smoke and whatever scent the freshener was giving off, some mockery of something floral. Due to his height, he had to reach out and grab the side of the door to pull himself up; after managing this, he looked up and saw the shepherd just retracting a paw that he'd held out to help him before seeing that he could handle it himself.

"You okay?" he went on, in his gruff but gentle voice. Anthony avoided eye contact and tried to cover himself: in the wan overhead light, the color of his briefs as well as his bulge looked only more obvious. "So, I asked you before - what's a rabbit like you doing out here this late?"

It was tough to keep his ears up, but he wanted to look confident. Anthony licked his lips, swallowed, licked his lips again, tried to say something... couldn't think of anything to say.

Then, there was a large, calloused paw on his shoulder, the sudden contact surprising him. It was warm in contrast to the cool fingers of night that had just been tracing through his fur. "Well..." the shepherd continued, "you look old enough to be able to make your own decisions and get caught up in stupid shit. Y'know what? It's none of my business why you're out here." That paw started rubbing, massaging at his shoulder while slowly, slowly moving down his back. "How about you just let me know where I need to drop you off? That's all you need to say. By the way, you can call me George."

That paw still on his back, Anthony looked up at the German shepherd, this George. Now that he was closer and in the light, it looked like his torn-up ear had actually been chewed off - as in, by an animal, with rather sharp teeth. "...Thank you," he finally managed, though quickly averted his gaze again. He looked up at the cardboard dice hanging from the mirror: across the bottom of one of the faces read, in what looked to be red crayon, 'We Love You', followed by 'Daddy' across another face. "Um... just leave me at..." He felt like his face and ears were turning as red as his underwear. He couldn't remember the name of the major street near his house. "...the corner... of..."

George's expression showed quiet bemusement, but he asked no questions and just shifted the gear of his truck and slowly got back up to speed. Anthony could hear his shepherds in the back scratching at the window - he turned to look at them; the one with the spiked collar licked the glass near his face.

"...you have... dogs..." Anthony muttered, now even more embarrassed with himself. If the truck weren't already going the speed limit, he'd consider unbuckling his seatbelt and stepping right back out.

"Oh, you noticed 'em? Yeah - the one with the spiked collar, that one's named Brutus, and the other one's Eli. Named him Brutus because right after we got him - he was little more than a puppy back then, was a stray, we found him sleeping under our porch - I was lying down on the floor reading a story to my two little girls, and then all of a sudden he runs up behind me, catches hold of my ear, tugs on it like it's a toy, and... well." He pointed to his half-ear. "You can see what happened. Don't know what got into him; all of us just thought he was playing, but then he wouldn't let go - I was swinging my head around, might've banged him into the wall - my kids were screaming, my wife was clomping down the hall, 'graah, George, what's going on in there', Brutus was snarling and frothing - thank God when he came loose he landed on the bed and got disoriented enough for me to wrap him tightly in a blanket. When he came loose, though, so did the upper half of my ear, so while we were driving him to the vet to see if he was rabid or anything, my wife held a towel to the side of my head... ah. That was fun. Oh, don't let that fool you, though - he's a sweetie. Just look at him."

Anthony turned around again. The other dog - Eli, he'd said his name was? - had gone over to the corner of the bed and had lay down, while Brutus stood looking out at the passing scenery with his tail still wagging. Then, as if he could feel the rabbit's gaze, he turned his head towards him again, perked his ears, and barked.

He'd started to try to ignore the paw tracing down his back - it kept him half-sitting forward from his seat, a little uncomfortably - but he was startled back to attention by it suddenly drawing away and then coming to rest on his bare leg, about halfway up. Now, it felt a little cold. "He's just really serious about playing," George finished, apparently not noticing his passenger's surprise at the touch - or choosing to ignore it. "But, anyway, yeah, we have dogs. I'm about to pick up one more here in a moment, at this gas station coming up..."

"One... more?" Anthony shifted, trying to move away from the paw, but it held on. George continued driving half-attentively, with his other paw slack on the wheel.

"That's a joke. Yeah, friend of mine, not, like, an actual dog. Dropped his car off at the place for repairs - should mention that it's a mechanic's garage, too - and needs me to pick him up. He has back problems, though, and there's not enough room in here for all of his, so I think he's gonna sit up here in the cockpit... sorry, little rabbit, but I'll have to kick you back to the bed, with the dogs."

"Oh." He'd probably get along better with the ferals anyway. It was okay for a pet dog to put its paw halfway up his thigh when he was in nothing but briefs - though, thinking about this made him realize that he'd stopped covering himself up, and he felt that George was sneaking looks down at his bulge... Anthony adjusted how he sat, failed yet again in shaking the shepherd's paw off, and returned his paws to the middle of his lap. "Okay."

The rabbit normally felt more comfortable when sitting in silence (with nobody talking to him, there was usually no pressure for him to say anything), but in what followed, he wasn't sure if he'd prefer the shepherd to continue sharing stories about his dogs. It would take his mind at least partially off how he seemed to want to feel that bulge for himself - Anthony looked down again, and noticed that the claw of George's thumb rested just beneath the lower edge of his underwear, and was idly teasing at it.

Finally, though, after what felt like another seven minutes of waiting (though the clock on the dash revealed it to only be two), the lights of the gas station off the highway grew brighter and brighter, and George turned on his blinker to take the off-ramp - finally removing his paw from Anthony for the first time since he'd gotten into the truck. If only he hadn't forgotten his cell phone at home... though maybe that was for the better, since if he had brought it, it would probably have ended up in the same puddle of mud as the rest of the things he'd brought with him.

The convenience store of this station looked to be closed, with most of the lights inside turned off and the large metal grate drawn over the door and windows from the inside - how inconvenient, considering it wasn't even late at night for the types who would usually rely on a convenience store for their needs. A dark grey SUV was just pulling out of the station as George pulled in, and Anthony prepared to get out. If his friend was anything like the shepherd, he wouldn't mind saying hello but would prefer not to come into physical contact with him.

Two people sat on the benches outside the store, about as far away from each other as they could get: one was a tall black horse with a cigarette, and the other was some mutt breed of dog, or some sort of canid, that to Anthony honestly looked like a long-furred wolf with the coloration of a hyena. This canid looked up from his phone at hearing the truck approaching, and then promptly stood up and approached.

"There he is..." George rolled down the window and then shouted across Anthony, startling him again. "Hey! Steven!"

The rabbit scrambled to get out of the truck before Steven got too close, and ended up losing his balance and falling out - right into his chest and arms. Steven looked down at him, asked a soft "you alright?" and then picked him bodily up and set him to the side without another glance. That was perfectly okay.

"Who's the bunny?" he heard Steven ask, while the rabbit tried to climb up into the bed of the truck. He had to settle with pulling himself up one of the wheels, placing his feet on it, and then scrambling over the wall, where both of the shepherds were ready and happy to receive him. Anthony was the kind of person who usually made better friends with someone's pets than with the person themselves, the few times he could be coaxed out of his house. He preferred to stay inside and read his books or watch his shows... hell, even studying was more attractive than going to a party with a ton of people, most of whom had probably laughed at or made fun of him for one thing or another at some time in the past...

"I dunno," was George's answer. The truck creaked beneath Steven's weight when he climbed in. "Some guy I picked up off the side of the highway near the stadium- must be a student; I dunno why he's..." but then the door slammed shut and blocked out their voices. Anthony breathed a sigh of relief. He could finally be on his own; he wouldn't have to say another word to either of those guys until they dropped him off... at...

...the place he'd never told them.

One of the dogs nuzzled up beneath his paw - he looked for a spiked collar, found a brown leather one instead; this was Eli - and he obliged his want to be petted. He'd cross that bridge when he came to it - he was of the personality that preferred keeping quiet rather than speaking up, even in such a situation as this. Besides, his parents didn't expect him home until either very late or tomorrow morning, even: Anthony may have gotten a little hopeful with how things would go tonight with that wolf, and told them that he might stay over at his place for night (which had come up in the car on the way there; now he could see why he'd never gotten a solid answer out of that wolf - at the time, he'd just thought that the problem was that it was a school night), but things hadn't gone his way. That seemed to be the theme for the night.

At least these dogs seemed to be okay with his presence: as soon as he'd settled into a somewhat-comfortable position (meaning as close as he could get to 'comfortable' wearing nothing but tightish briefs in the back of a pickup truck) and leaned back against the back wall, Eli trotted over, rested his chin on the rabbit's leg, and closed his eyes; meanwhile, Brutus stood in front of him and just wagged his tail. He tried not to think about how this one tore off half of George's ear as a puppy.

Both of these dogs were larger than most others he'd seen, and no doubt weighed as much, if not more than, he himself did. With Anthony sitting, Brutus had to look down at him to make eye contact; if the rabbit were to look straight forward, beneath and behind the curve of the shepherd's chest he could see the obvious shape of a full sack, fur a more charcoal-black color than brown... curious, he leaned down and to the side to see a little more. Sure enough, Brutus had a sheath to match the size of that sack, and out of the end Anthony could see a point of moist flesh glistening in the light from the gas station... he knew that the dogs had gotten excited to see someone come back to join them, but to get that sort of excited-

The truck sputtered to life again, Brutus's ears perked and Eli raised his head, and then laughter could be heard from inside the truck followed by the loud intro to some heavy rock song - and as soon as Anthony turned his head to the side to see if he could identify the band out of pure curiosity and a lack of anything else to do, he received a broad, moist dog tongue across the side of the his muzzle, surprising him.


Brutus wouldn't let up, though, even despite his protests, and Eli took the chance to press his nose into the large bulge beneath the fabric of the rabbit's underwear - which also startled him. Anthony wasn't sure at all how to handle two dogs, both larger than him, trying to get all up into his personal space... it seemed like the two shepherd were in league with one another, too: each time he moved his paws to shove Eli away, Brutus leaned down and licked somewhere else on his face, and each time he wiped that off and tried to push him away, the other one nosed back in against him, breathing his hot breath, pressing his nose up against the shape of his cock...

It was less embarrassing to have Brutus licking at the side of his muzzle than it was to have Eli nuzzling up against him, getting him slowly hard even though he tried so hard to keep himself from doing so, so the rabbit focused on pushing away the dog in front of him... though he had to keep on closing his eyes and turning his head from side to side to avoid it, and eventually got frustrated, lifted his paws up again, and tried to push him off, but failed. Brutus, the big, meaty dog that he was, simply had to shift the positioning of one foot to hold his ground - and then Anthony felt the other one gently set his teeth on the waistband of his underwear, held up away from his body by his still slowly-growing cock. He looked down and could see the head of his against his bellyfur, sticking out from beneath that waistband.

This time Brutus dragged his tongue up along the side of Anthony's muzzle while he was distracted and ended up pulling his upper lip away, so that the dog's tongue came up across his teeth, against his gums... he coughed, spluttered, opened his mouth further to spit it out - dog saliva felt strange - but apparently he only succeeded in giving the big shepherd an even wider opportunity, because before the rabbit could do anything, again he felt that tongue - but this time against his own, first just against the end but then across the surface when he tried again to turn his head away.

By now, Eli had gotten a firm grip on the waistband of his underwear and was tugging at it, playfully; between the annoying licks from Brutus, Anthony could see the other shepherd's tail wagging while he tried to push him away. It seemed like Eli thought of it just as a game of tug-of-war: he scrambled to his feet and moved between Anthony's legs, then lowered the front half of his body while keeping his rear in the air, tail wagging... by now the rabbit had just decided to keep both his eyes and lips closed (though Brutus still licked at the inside of his mouth whenever he could), but that meant he couldn't keep an eye on the other dog tugging at his underwear-

-and he felt them rip before he heard them, and definitely before he opened his eyes to see them. Brutus heard the noise, too, and briefly stopped: when Anthony gathered the courage to look down, he first saw Eli standing a short distance back with the tatters of red fabric clamped between his teeth, and then saw his own cock beneath it, out in the open for anyone to see - thank God for the walls of the truck's bed - and hard due to the constant attention from Eli's nose and muzzle.

"G-George-!" he called, again covering himself with his paws (though Eli just kept on shovelling his nose up underneath them and sniffing at a different area of his crotch); however, the music they were playing was too loud for the older shepherd to hear him. There was no way he'd be able to fend off both of these dogs by himself, and he couldn't stand up and wander around the bed of the truck, either: one, that was extremely dangerous, especially as it felt like they were speeding down this highway, and two, when he first tried to move away, he felt the tatters of his underwear fall away from him and leave him totally naked there - with one dog tongue constantly at the side of his face and another on his sack, or right below it, or to the side of it, or at the base of his shaft... warm, moist, not necessarily _slick_as it gripped his skin, tugged it up along his length, released it...

Admittedly, his arms were starting to get tired. Anthony sighed, closed his eyes, and dropped them to his sides; seeing their opportunity, both of the dogs redoubled their energy in whatever it was they were doing, with Brutus continually lapping up and across the rabbit's muzzle, occasionally getting his gums again or the surface of his tongue, where he could definitely feel the texture of the dog's, and then with Eli focusing on his twitching length... he hated that it felt good, and hated that he couldn't do anything to stop either of them.

If he kept his muzzle closed, Brutus would just lick up along his teeth and gums, for whatever goddamn reason; if he spluttered or coughed or opened his mouth for whatever reason, he'd get a broad, flat dog tongue across his own. If he kept his legs apart, Eli had total ease of access to lie down between them and work on him, like some of the guys on the football team had forced him to do to them; if he lifted them up or wriggled to the side, then the damn shepherd would just move over there and continue on him.

Anthony couldn't get a good grip on the metal of the truck bed beneath him, so whenever he clenched his paws as a result of a lick sending a rather powerful shiver through his body, or due to annoyance with Brutus's constant desire to get into his muzzle, his claws just scraped along the surface. Eli's tongue dragged again and again up his sack and shaft, each time coming from a slightly different angle or moving a little further up along him, making him shiver again.

Each time the truck passed someone else on the road, the rabbit felt his face burn with a blush, even though he knew (or at least hoped) that they couldn't see what was going on down between his legs, or anything past the one German shepherd lapping at his face. What with everything that had happened tonight - from the excitement of that wolf inviting him to the game, to the disappointment of learning that it was all a trick, to being stripped and tied up, to being rescued on the side of the road and then almost getting groped... to having a feral shepherd want to kiss him more than anyone else ever had while another one gave him quite a bit of sexual attention - he was full of all sorts of conflicting feelings and emotions.

One of those feelings, or two, rather, was how he both wished that these dogs would just stop and how that he maybe _possibly_was enjoying their attention, given how his cock throbbed and leaked pre into the fur of his belly, which Eli continually lapped off. Though - he gripped one of Brutus's legs, just for something to hold onto - as long as he focused his mind on something else, on the wind rushing past his ears or the loud drone of the music from inside the truck, he felt like he could ignore it...

...or not. He felt it before he could do anything to stop it: Eli's tongue dragged up his length and made it throb rather hard a few more times, and then Anthony felt himself bucking upwards against the dog's muzzle once, twice, a third time, each time spewing a rope of cum out over both the shepherd's tongue and his own belly, which Eli then went to lick off. Afterwards, feeling both greatly relieved and greatly embarrassed, the rabbit leaned his head back against the wall of the bed and panted with his mouth open - and with Brutus still licking inside, at the surface of his cheek and tongue. He was too exhausted to care now.

Eli continued licking at him, though with dulled enthusiasm, as if he knew of the sensitivity that followed orgasm - and given the enthusiasm with which he'd started on the rabbit, Anthony half-wondered if the shepherd was used to giving oral attention like that. He let the dog, because again, there was nothing he could do to stop him; instead, Anthony just closed his eyes (and his mouth; Brutus seemed to finally get the hint and wandered off to the other side of the truck bed) and tried not to think about what would happen once the truck came to a stop.

...which came a lot faster than he'd expected it to. First, the rabbit scrambled up into a sitting position to see where they'd stopped, and then lowered himself back down after recognizing that they were in the parking lot of the mall about fifteen minutes from his house. Thank God that it closed at around 7 on Tuesdays.

Then, the music turned off, the truck's engine putted into silence, and one of the doors opened; Anthony covered his face with his paws and tried to wriggle into a position that would hide his crotch and the cum streaked across his chest, some of which Eli hadn't licked up. Both of the dogs clattered to their feet and went over to the edge of the bed.

"Hey there, boys, hi... hi, Eli, Brutus... oh."

The 'oh' was one of bemusement that cut into silence, though was soon replaced by a low chuckling. Then:

"Hey, Steven! Check this out!..."

Kill me now,_Anthony thought, as the other door opened, too. He looked up between his fingers to see George looking down at him from one side of the truck, with Steven on the other. Both were laughing to themselves. _Please strike me down, end my life, make me die...

"Looks like someone had a good time." The canid coughed into his fist. "And I thought I was a dog person."

"Hey, here's an idea..."

Anthony shifted his paws down to cover himself up again. Meanwhile, George reached over, took the spiked collar from around Brutus's neck, and then beckoned the rabbit over.


After being bullied so often, he'd learned that it usually went a lot worse for him to reject doing something than it did for him to obey. Still covering himself, he went over beside the dog, and soon felt those big calloused paws reaching down to fasten the collar around his neck. That'd be the first thing he'd take off once he got home... though, after thinking that, he realized that he didn't have anything else to take off.

"There. You've been a pretty good boy, sitting in the back like a champ and then taking my dogs' affection, also like a champ... how'd you like to be a steady playmate of Eli and Brutus here, huh? Well, actually, we stopped here because I realized you'd never told me where you want me to drop you off at - though seeing, uh..." He stifled another laugh. "...your current predicament, I'm thinking we should stop off at Steven here's place first, to get you some clothes. As long as you don't take that collar off, though. Deal?"

Well, he didn't have much of a choice.

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