Becoming a Slave to Pleasure

Story by Joshiah on SoFurry

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This first Saturday upload is an interesting tale, a commission given to me that happened to work perfectly with a couple of characters that were sitting on the back burner. FA: Guderian gave me reason to bring them to life again, and in the darkest, most twisted ways!

Tiffany is a fresh faced, brilliant mind, and a bat that truly has it all. She's got brains, looks, and she's working in the field that she loves, but her hours are long, her job is difficult, and recently, she's hit the wall in her research, and has no idea that she's being sabotaged.

When the owner of her company reveals herself to be the direct saboteur, Tiffany is furious, but it's nothing that a mild sedative can't handle...and when she awakens, she's strapped to a chair, soon to be the first successful experiment in a long line of test serums for the Prebudila X chemical. She's an entirely unwilling test subject as steel rods probe her most delicate first.

Both of the characters within the story belong to me, please don't use them without the proper permissions. (These bitches would wreck you anyway. Trust me.)

As always, read, comment and enjoy!

In any area of research, it is common, and in fact entirely understandable to run into a brick wall sometimes, be it in the sense of your motivation faltering, or in the sense of your research itself having nowhere left to go.

In the case of Tiffany, she was stuck with the latter situation, and she wasn't the only one that her lack of progress was driving crazy.

Delicate, skillful pawtips that would much rather be holding test tubes were often wrapped up in locks of dark, raven hair, and red eyes that once glowed like rubies of brilliance grew duller by the day as the diminutive bat became more and more exhausted.

"So when we apply the DNA here..." she muttered to herself, sitting in front of the glow of a large computer screen, the only light currently making her laboratory navigable, "The feral mice regenerate rapidly, regardless of injury, but when we try applying the same DNA to feral cats, there's literally no effect! Why...why does it work on one species, but when we try to replicate the same effect on another, nothing happens?!"

Tiffany truly was proud of her work. She believed strongly in what she was doing, and she was one of the girls who, despite having such a body and looks that she could have easily slept her way through college, decided instead to prove that she had the brains to be the whole package. It wasn't uncommon to see her flaunting her body when she was outside of the lab, preferring to wear skirts and tank tops to more restrictive blue jeans and t-shirts, and her hair was always long, styled, and dancing freely in the breeze...not like the stuffy ponytail that it was confined to while she was at work.

It was a shame that she didn't know even the half of what she was getting into, and the real reason why her progress was coming to a halt.

Right out of college, high marks and a drive to succeed landed Tiffany a job working in the research and development department of Navient Pharmaceuticals, a company that worked almost entirely in fertility enhancement drugs. It was all too commonplace that Tiffany would be asked to lend a hand on the floor upstairs, assisting other, less experienced chemistry majors in their work on pills to help females achieve arousal, or similar pills to help males with their erectile dysfunction.

Of course, she also knew all of the secrets: the pills being marketed to females were basically just testosterone tablets, and the ones being marketed to males were nothing more than dilators, which allowed for more blood flow to the penis, and thus, an easier time getting an erection.

What she didn't know was that her work, the more important research that she didn't think the company wanted to talk about, wasn't being covered by the pharmacy front. It was actually the cover itself, for something much more sinister...and with such a peaceful sounding name, Tiffany couldn't begin to imagine the the prototype drug she'd been introduced to before was actually anything dangerous.

"Prebudila," they'd called it. A pill that would work to enhance libido for both males and females, something that the world desperately needed in the age of the internet, where access to any fetish or kink that even the most twisted mind could imagine meant that people were literally becoming bored with ordinary sex. It actually seemed quite the miracle drug, but it wasn't something Tiffany she ignored it upon introduction.

She might have lost her mind if she realized that the drug was actually being inserted into the DNA samples of the animals that she was trying to heal, thus rendering her experiments ineffective and leaving her stuck at a dead end.

Tiffany let out a quiet sigh and recorded the last of her observations. She wanted to scream, and she certainly could have gotten away with it; she was working late hours to try and get the launch of an effective new product out the door, one that would help to rapidly heal minor wounds on the average anthropomorphic body, and even prevent death in the situation of something such as a stab wound or a bullet hole. Tiffany was loathe to think that she was living in a world where such products were still necessary, but if it worked, countless lives would be saved, and she'd be able to sleep a lot easier at night.

Of course, stress was derailing her progress, and the window was closing rapidly: she had only two months left to perfect the product, and though that might sound like a lot of time to some, there were a lot of kinks to work out, and untold problems could come up in the transition from using the product in a test environment on ferals, to using it in everyday life on a normal anthro.

She had no idea that the product was never going to see the shelves.

She had no idea that she was simply being used, and that all of her research wouldn't save a single life...but that it would end up destroying thousands.

If she were to learn the truth, management knew that she was far too righteous a soul to keep such a secret under wraps. Her research wasn't complete, but they'd been watching her closely...and they felt it was close enough.

"You're the only one still up and working at this hour, Tiffany..." came a low, chilling voice, but one that Tiffany was more than used to. "Why don't you pack it in for the evening so you can make it home before midnight?"

Tiffany put her elbows down on the keyboard and rested her forehead in her palms. "Because, Ms. Muzivrah, if I can figure out what the hell the kink is that's holding up the transference of the DNA between feral animals is, we could be done with this project early, instead of finishing a year late."

The small, short, and rather gorgeous bat was no threat to anyone, but the tall, eerie and sinister appearance of Nena Muzivrah would be enough to send a chill down the spine of anyone, woman or man. With just one gaze at her, the way that her long, silky brunette hair bounced with each step, and her soft, supple breasts did the same, her image would be burned into your memory. There was something unnatural about the glint of pink that rested under the irises of her otherwise yellow eyes, and though she may not have the muscle mass to intimidate, the tight fitting, jet black business suit that she wore refused to let her appear anything but professional.

She was the lioness in charge of the entire Navient company, and though her gait was strong and her presence domineering, she was able to turn it all off in a snap, immediately softening her appearance to try and comfort Tiffany.

"It's really very kind of you to offer to work so late, young lady, but you're a salaried employee, remember? You're not getting paid any extra for this," Nena explained, as she walked in from the only stairwell out of the basement laboratory. Test tubes, cages full of feral animals and a refrigerator filled with harmful chemicals were all shadowed in darkness, as Tiffany preferred nothing more than the subtle light of the computer screen to illuminate her work. "I really think it would be best if you went home..."

Tiffany was too absorbed into her research to realize the pattern, that Nena had appeared in the lab that late almost every night for a month. She was too passionate about her cause to ever leave when Nena instructed her to.

And she was far too exhausted from her overload of work to sense the danger when Nena reached into the breast pocket of her business suit, procuring a small syringe. Tiffany was none the wiser as she nearly melted into her computer screen.

"I'll be fine, Nena. Thank you for your more hour, and I'll hang it up for the day."

Nena let out a long, exaggerated sigh. "No, little lady, I'm afraid you just missed out on the only mercy I was ever going to offer you," she muttered, and though she seemed frustrated at first, her muzzle was curled in a grin that could make the devil squirm away in fear. "It's a shame that your dedication is so great, it actually overshadows your're a genius fit for the future, Tiffany, but you're a damn blind fool to what's right in front of you..."

Tiffany just started to turn and face Nena, frustrated with how distracting the lioness was being, when the much taller, stronger female gripped Tiffany tightly by the arm and held her still. It was too late to do anything now; Tiffany kicked and screamed, but she knew no one would hear her cries. She tried to wiggle, but Nena was already pressing the sharp, minuscule tip of the needle into Tiffany's arm, and as the bat felt the familiar, burning and tingling sensation under her skin, Nena began to chuckle, watching as the bat helplessly flapped her wings, knowing it would do nothing to help her escape.

"N-Nena...what..." Tiffany started to speak, and her lower lip trembled with fear as she watched an unusual, pink fluid ooze into her arm through the tip of the needle. Before the syringe was even empty, Tiffany could feel the room starting to spin, and her tired, heavy eyes buckling under the influence of whatever was now inside of her.

"You'll find out soon enough, my dear Tiffany. Someone as beautiful as you...I wish we could have picked someone else, like that ugly, slutty janitor..." Nena murmured to herself as she withdrew the empty syringe and held onto Tiffany, watching as the bat slumped out of her chair. Nena easily caught her and held her up, snickering at just how easily her plan was coming to fruition.

"Let's go run some field tests, Tiffany...I know you laboratory girls get all moist over that science shit."


Tiffany had no idea how luck she was to receive such a strong sedative, but she was quick to realize it when the only thing that could wake her up was a terrible, ringing pain in her tall, sharp, thin ears.

There was a weight upon them, one that she'd never known before, even from the heaviest of her earrings, and what felt truly strange about it was that the weight didn't tug her ears straight down, but rather, it felt like they were being pulled forward.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Tiffany..."

Nena was leaning against a small observation table, having waited patiently for the bat to stir awake. The soft, hidden light of pink that rested under her yellow irises was much closer to the surface now, and even with groggy eyes, Tiffany could see the way that the neon coloration was distorting her eyes. "It took you long enough to come back around...I was starting to think I'd accidentally put you into a coma!" Nena taunted, as she stepped away from the table and approached the bat, who still wasn't awake enough to move too much...but just one curious tense of her arm revealed that she wasn't going anywhere. "Of course, it wouldn't be the first time I rocked a woman so hard that she stayed out for a while."

The poorly timed lesbian humor wasn't at all lost on Tiffany, but she was far more worried about the fact that her wrists were strapped down by tight leather bands, locked into the arms of a thick, steel chair. A similar leather strap was wrapped around her torso, just under the curvature of her bust, and two more were around her ankles, and a final two straps rested around the middle of her thighs...she was completely immobilized, and to boot, she felt like she was freezing.

One glance down at her body, wearing only the thin, peach-fuzz coat of fur that she was born with, revealed the reason why.

"I...I needa talk ta HR 'bout this..." Tiffany muttered, her voice groggy and her eyes opening at uneven paces as she tried to look up at Nena. She could only faintly tell what was going on, but even in her stupor, she realized that her voice was rather muffled. Nearly going cross-eyed to see it, she gazed at the bridge of her muzzle and noticed a series of straps and screws blocking her face almost entirely out of view, as a small gas mask was literally bolted into her ears and cheeks. As angry at her boss as she was for whatever was going on, she was suddenly grateful for the presence of the drugs.

"Don't worry, Tiffany! I've already filled out all of the proper paperwork, and they said I can do whatever I damn well please to a gorgeous little whore of a long as I write down my findings," Nena replied, giving the poor, drugged bat a pointless wink. She wasn't content to humiliate Tiffany and strip her body down to nudity; she had to mock the profession that Tiffany held very dear to her heart.

It was just the kind of person that Nena was, after all, and Tiffany was only just seeing the very least of what the lioness was capable of.

The drugs were taking their sweet time wearing off, and though she wasn't sure, Tiffany had a feeling there was something in the syringe other than just a sedative. She felt loopy in a way that was well beyond the results of Novocaine or laughing gas, and after all of her work at the university, she wasn't aware of any sort of liquid that was both as thick as syrup, and yet, as pink as hand soap from a dispenser. Her concerns started to turn to her health, but it was a needless change of mind frame...there was nothing she could do to escape the chair, or the nefarious plan that Nena was already setting into motion.

"I've gotta say, it's going to be a shame, ruining your body like this...I know you aren't a virgin; no girl goes around with looks like yours for 24 years and ends up not bedding at least a couple guys or girls...but you still look air tight down must be a big fan of kegels, I'm guessing, because this little snatch looks every bit as virgin as I've ever seen one..."

"If you were l-looking to get laid," Tiffany tried to construct a proper sentence, "I...I'm n-not into girls, coulda just aaaaasked..."

Nena snickered as she leaned forward and gave the exposed sex a feather soft brush with the end of just one pawtip. She could feel no moisture on the thin, presented labia, but the natural warmth that radiated from it brought a wide, delighted grin to Nena's lips. "I fuck whoever I damn well please, whenever I feel like it, Tiffany...and if I didn't have bigger plans for you, I would have convinced you to play for the other team a long time ago..."

The notion of being able to convince someone that their sexuality was a choice was a bit offensive to Tiffany, but she had much bigger concerns at the moment, as the drugs were finally starting to fade away. "You'd have a hell of a time with that, Nena...I...I happen to like a good, hard dicking every now and again..."

"Then maybe you won't be such an obnoxious pain in the ass for these experiments, after all."


Nena brushed her pawtip over the tiny, barely exposed clit of Tiffany's sex; she saw no reaction. The girl truly wasn't feeling a thing, and even if she were into bondage, this obviously wasn't her preferred setting. "I'm afraid that you were going to find out sooner or later if we let you keep working, my dearest Tiffany, that your research was going to be a dead end no matter what you tried. Did you perhaps notice that the feral creatures you were testing happened to be unusually amorous?"

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at the lioness, using the only part of her face that was still exposed from the gas mask. "Yes, I did...I chalked it up to being a side effect of the DNA treatment."

"Just like I thought..." Nena mused, standing up in front of Tiffany with a snicker. "Your DNA experiments were the perfect way to cover up the presence of a nifty little chemical...if your blood tests didn't reveal the substance, we now have a way to move forward with the next phase of the plan..."

"We can't move forward!" Tiffany yelled, her cheeks red with a frustration that couldn't be seen. "This project is rapidly spiraling into a total failure! We've got to shut the operation down while we still can!"

"Your operation has already been shut down...terrible lab accident you had down there. Chemical leak or something to that effect...I don't remember what line PR was putting on that one, exactly, but your little project has come to an unfortunate end..."

Tiffany narrowed her eyes, rage welling up within the bright red of her irises. They burned like hellfire as the bat wiggled and strained against the leather straps across her naked body, struggling to get free, even if she knew it was in vain. " bitch! How fucking dare you?!"

"We had to free up lab space for the next phase of the experiment! If it makes you feel any better, my dearest'll still be working in the basement laboratory when all is said and done."

"Fuck you, and fuck you stupid laboratory! The minute you let me out of this chair, I'm going straight to the police!"

Nena couldn't help a loud, boastful laugh. " HA! Let you out of the chair? What do you think this is, sweetheart? Some Hollywood movie in which the arrogant villain leaves a strap undone, and the dashing, unflappable hero makes a daring escape and foils the evil plan? This is real life, you stupid bitch, and you're not going anywhere. You're going to sit right in that chair..." Nena paused, as she walked to the side, just out of the range of Tiffany's vision. She returned moments later with a large, dangerous looking piece of machinery, akin to a portable x-ray machine...only covered in a myriad of long, spherical tubes, ones that were entirely phallic. "And you're going to enjoy being the prototype experiment for Prebudila X!"

"I won't enjoy anything you do, Nena...I'm going to find a way out of this mess, and I will bring you down!"

"Says the stupid little bat slut that's tied to a chair, spread eagle and staring down the machine that's going to make sure that none of that happens. Good luck with all that."

The room that Tiffany was trapped in wasn't exactly scary in an initial appearance; it was a room with white walls and white floors, and no windows to be had. There was just one door of black on the far wall, the only contrast to the endless void of white around her, other than the occasional machine, and the chair itself that Tiffany was strapped into. The machine in front of her might as well have come from a low budget pornographic film, and Tiffany did the best she could to clench her inner walls, refusing to allow entry to anything that the lioness offered...but she underestimated the strength of the machine.

" S-stop! PLEASE!"

Tiffany winced her eyes shut tight as she felt a cold, metallic tube jabbing and prodding at her womanhood. She tried desperately to stay closed against it, but with every push, the rod spritzed out another thick, cool helping of lubrication, slowly granting access to the tube no matter what the bat did to resist the urges of the machine. It was a slow going process to start, and the tube, powered by a small, rotating engine that made it simulate the thrust of a male's hips, slowly pushed deeper and deeper into the bat's waiting folds, fighting through their resistance and using the lubrication as an unfair advantage. The cool metal started to perverse her inner walls with its presence, and little by little, Tiffany could only grit her fangs tight and watch as the long, cold cylinder plunged further and further inside of her depths.

"We can't stop now! We've only just begun..." Nena pointed out in the form of a song lyric, giving it her very worst effort as she stood and watched Tiffany, squirming in discomfort in her chair. "And if you'd just relax and let this little guy in nice and easy, you'd learn to love this a whole lot see, that lubrication isn't any ordinary KY's the first of several ingredients needed to create the Prebudila X formula...I just needed a warm, fluid-heavy place to mix the ingredients together, and...what better place that the deliciously tight snatch of one of my employees?"

"T-this isn't an experiment! This is rape!" Tiffany cried, unable to adjust to the feeling of the cold steel spilling an uncomfortable amount of clear, mysterious fluid inside of her body. Before the cylinder was even spent, Tiffany could feel the changes taking effect, but she was resisting them with every fiber of her being, not wanting to give Nena the satisfaction of a successful attempt. "You'd b-better pray,'d better pray I never get out of this chair!!"

"When we're all through, sweetheart, you won't want to get out of that chair," Nena suggested, as the cylinder pulled back slowly from Tiffany. Nena was in total control, using a small remote to guide the next cylinder to Tiffany's cunt, with a small trickle of purple liquid already dripping from the tip. "This second cylinder has the next necessary ingredient...and as an added bonus, it has a small camera, so you can see the action going on inside your own body!"

There was an element of regret that Tiffany was getting to have a fetish fulfilled in the worst possible way, as a small screen on the devilish machine kicked on, showing a crystal clear image of her pouting, abused vaginal lips, spread open and left to gape from the first cylinder. The second one approached, and the video captured everything as the tube slid right inside of her body and immediately started pumping her full of the purple fluid, one that was rapidly absorbed by the walls of her womb. The liquids fired deep, like the violent and virile seed of a lustful male, soaking her every inner surface, and allowing Tiffany to see it from an internal view, able to watch the light pink ridges of her own vaginal flesh wrapped around the shaft of the second cylinder.

In any other situation, she would have been painfully turned on. In this one? She couldn't have been more infuriated.

"Y-you I would ever let you see that willingly?!" Tiffany called Nena out, clenching her paws together into tiny fists as she struggled one last time against the leather straps. If she wrestled any harder against the chair, she could feel that she might pass out, or worse still, end up working herself into a heart attack...the only silver lining was the plentiful amounts of lubrication, to at least ease the passage of the cylinders in and out of her body. It was an undeniably lewd display, to watch on the internal camera as the cylinder pummeled Tiffany's insides, leaving her already feeling rather sore in the pit of her stomach; the machines had no mercy, and no concern for just how deep they were ramming into her body.

It wasn't until the second cylinder started to pull out, and the chemicals that it left behind started to mingle with the first chemicals, that Tiffany felt any sort of a change at all.

Her clit felt like it was bubbling.

"Looks to me like the change is starting to take effect...but we've got one more cylinder to go, Tiffany! I've got a feeling that this is the one that'll make you see the light," Nena offered as some sort of a kindly explanation, but Tiffany knew better by now than to trust the lioness.

Hell...she's been touching herself through her fucking pants the whole time!_Tiffany groaned, rolling her eyes just at the idea of such a depraved person. She wasn't allowed to focus on it for very long, though...not when she felt the third cylinder crashing through the pout of her labia and right into her vaginal passage, spreading her walls open all over again and immediately spraying a stream of thick, creamy white liquid inside of her body. The way that it oozed as the excess poured out of her, Tiffany immediately started to worry that she was being loaded up with a plethora of cum from different animals, in some sort of a terrible, science-fiction-gone-wrong breeding experiment, but she'd allowed a couple of very special males such a privilege before...this was a slightly different texture, and the sensation of the liquid was quite a bit more thrilling than ordinary semen. Already, the three liquids were mingling together inside of Tiffany, and the mess that resulted slowly drooled out of her well-fucked, downright _abused cunt, like a stream of thick, pink goo, spilling to the floor.

Tiffany watched it with tired eyes and panted just a little bit, finding that her breathing was actually growing more rapid, now that the cylinders were finished, instead of calming, like it should have been...and that bubbling sensation in her clitoris was growing from an innocent, ordinary tingle to a terrible that she felt compelled to scratch. She gazed down upon her flesh and watched as her clit started to grow, bulging up and out from the peak of her vaginal lips just a little bit, and swelling all the while as it did, until it was plainly visible, pushing her clitoral hood back and out of the way of it so it could stand proud against her soft, dark grey fur.

It was no longer itching, either. Tiffany winced in her gas mask as her stomach tensed up, all on its own...and her clit ached.

What...what is this feeling...what the fuck did she do to me?! Tiffany couldn't possibly keep herself from panicking. Her mind was racing, and as she waited for further changes, she created her own terrible fantasies until her mind was stuck in a downward spiral, imagining something worse than a little body modification, and then replacing that fantasy, until she was hitting rock bottom. Nena watched with sadistic, deplorable glee as Tiffany's eyes grew wide, and the ruby red of her irises was tainted with the same pink glow that Nena held in her own eyes...

Tiffany's wriggling body came to relax just a little bit as the downward spiral was slowly fading from the source of her endless the source of her endless arousal., Tiffany! Don't! Resist's just chemicals, and you're a chemist! You just have to recognize what they're doing to you! can resist can...

The changes continued, morphing Tiffany's womanhood even further. Her clit continued to bulge up and out, growing slightly further away from her body until it was nearly half an inch long and wide, long enough that she could actually tug on it, if she were able to reach it. Her labia, once thin, narrow, proud and tight, started to bulge away from her body as well, growing puffy and swelling up from the presence of so many diabolical chemicals swimming around in her womb. She resisted the feeling, but there was a growing pride somewhere in the back of her mind that was more than happy to be a living test tube for the mixture of solutions, and though the gas mask blocked her muzzle, her long, snake-like tongue was licking her lips at the thought of being able to lap the slow, lazy pink ooze from her own snatch.

You can resist, can get those cylinders back over here...and you can stuff them up your ass, too...

Nena didn't have to hear Tiffany's thoughts to know that she was losing the battle. The way that her body continued to change, as once modest breasts started to swell, and her clit refused to settle, growing out even just a little further, were all the signs that Nena needed to know that her experiment was going to be a rousing success. Most importantly, though, was the subtle, but growing glow of pink that rested just under the surface of Tiffany's eyes, a surefire sign that the Prebudila X prototype had taken...and would now be able to have its way with Tiffany and her body.

"Looks to me like you're starting to enjoy yourself a little bit, Tiffany. Would you like me to bring the cylinders back over and let them have another shot at you?"

It was the final test of resistance, for Tiffany. She truly was still trying to resist the terrible mixture of chemicals that roiled around inside of her womanhood, knowing that this wasn't who she was; that the changes taking place across her body were nothing more than a result from literally being drugged and used in an illegal science project...but she was also a very astute chemist, and one who knew just how powerful certain chemicals could be, when mixed together and introduced to the human body.

There were hundreds of chemicals that, even in the smallest of concentrations, could kill a mortal being with ease.

Tiffany had no trouble wrapping her mind around the concept that Nena found a combination that could sexually control anyone it was given to...and she was no longer able to wrap her head around resisting it.


"Hm... no."

Tiffany narrowed her eyes at Nena once again and lunged against the straps with such a force that the joints holding the metal chair in the floor squeaked with their strain. " foul cunt! You've had your way with've ruined give me what I need for a change!"

"Such language!" Nena replied dryly, ignoring just how needy Tiffany had become. She wasn't horribly much different on the outside, just enough that someone might notice it...but when they looked into her eyes and saw the swirling confusion of desire and resistance to the same, they might not even recognize her. "And such impatience, as well...I'm afraid I can't allow you to pleasure yourself on my machine, Tiffany...not just yet. I need one more thing from you..."

"Name it. Tell me what it is, NOW!"

I think I may have poisoned her...she's having the reactions of an overdose... Nena worried in the quiet of her mind. She wouldn't reveal to Tiffany, at least not now, that she actually wasn't the very first test subject for Prebudila X. "I need your be loyal to me."

" you? To a terrible, awful, snake-in-the-grass cunt who ruined my entire life in a period of less than 24 hours? GET FUCKED!"

"Then answer me this, Tiffany...what is the only thing you want more than your freedom, right now...?"

Tiffany thought it would be an easy question to answer, and under her gas mask, her maw flew open to reply...but as the Prebudila X prototype kept absorbing into her flesh, mingling with her bloodstream and flowing up into her mind, it became painfully obvious that there was something she wanted even more than freedom...and as the substance literally poisoned her brain, it convinced her that it was more than simple was need, literal vitality in the form of depravity.

" be be absolutely ruined..."

"I have more than one machine like this, Tiffany. It may be the only thing capable of satisfying you, now...of literally keeping you alive. In exchange for your undying loyalty to me...I'll let you keep this machine, to use for your own devices, however you want, whenever you want, so long as you answer to me when I call..."

Just as Nena mentioned before, this wasn't a movie. This was real life. Tiffany was already well under the full control of Prebudila X, and there was no need for the heroine to mull over her decision, only to take the righteous path.

"Gi...give me...give me the fuckin' machine..." Tiffany grunted, sounding reluctant at first, but before Nena could even reply, the bat was thrusting her hips at the air, as if she could actually reach the cylinders from her bound position. " Fuck me with that fucking machine!"

Nena had one last test for Tiffany to pass after all, and the bat watched Nena with eyes that burned with equal parts hatred and desire. Nena knew the risk she was taking as she walked over the trapped bat, and one by one, she started to undo each and every leather strap, taking her time and watching as Tiffany panted, her fangs gritted together, and her heavier, swollen breasts heaving as she looked back and forth between Nena, and the machine that might literally save her.

With a heavy heart and nervous paws, Nena undid the very last strap from Tiffany's right wrist...and took a small step back. If looks could kill, Nena would have been dead already, but they couldn't...and by the time the strap came undone, unbridled desire had finally overtaken murderous rage, but both emotions were thrown at the machine as Tiffany glared at Nena, right before bolting to the machine like a child would bolt to the bathroom after overestimating their bladder capacity. She grabbed the remote in her paws, leaned over onto all fours, and slammed her hips back at the first cylinder, drilling it into her own body with a need that could never be satisfied by a mortal being ever again.

There was no regret in Nena's eyes as she watched the brilliant mind of a scientist wasting away to nothing more than someone who was sexually enslaved by a thoughtless machine. There was only arousal at the live, lewd display, and even greater than that, satisfaction at the way that Tiffany so easily offered up her exchange for getting fucked by a machine.

"Get it in there...deeper...harder...c'mon, you fucking worthless bucket of bolts! FUCK ME!" Tiffany was yelling back at deaf ears, trying to figure out how to work the remote so that two cylinders could align with her body at once. Having something in her pussy wouldn't be anywhere near a strong enough sensation anymore, and though it was a road she'd rarely traveled down in the past, all she could think about at the moment was stuffing her tailhole with a second rod, wanting her body to be full to the very brink of what it could physically handle.

Nena walked right past Tiffany, easily in the reach of the bat...but she completely ignored the woman that she so entirely hated, too obsessed with fueling her own orgasm to exact any kind of revenge. Nena made her way out of the room, pulled out her cellphone, and started walking down a hallway, back to her private office.

"I've think we're finally on the right track with Prebudila X. Continue with the marketing campaign, and advertise the normal brand as we'd planned before...this product is going to sell like hot cakes, and then, when the whole country is addicted, we can flood the males with the 'X' strain...and everything will fall into place."

"As you wish, Mistress," said a low, weak voice on the other side of the phone. "Anything else?"

"Yes, actually," Nena thought, as she perked an ear back to the room that Tiffany was trapped inside of. "I've got my new second in command...someone who will never question my authority. Consider yourself fired, bitch."

Nena hung up her phone, stepped into her private office, and locked the door behind her. With a quiet sigh, and an even quieter squeak of delight, she sat in the large, comfy chair of her desk, yanked her pants right off, and grabbed a vibrator out of the drawer of her desk.

"We've got a lot to celebrate, old friend...I hope you're up to the task."

The Fall of Duhey, Chapter Two

Duhey wanted to run while he still had the chance, but he wasn't foolish enough to make an attempt while Yelleena was literally carrying him deeper and deeper into the woods. That, of course, ended up backfiring on him when he found that Yelleena...

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One Bite For Rosa, And One For Her Tail

The amount of freedom that one could have in their own home was always delightful, and it was the same reason that Rosa always decided to invite Julia to her house for their weekly tea dates, instead of out to one of the many local coffee shops and...

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The Fall of Duhey, Chapter One

Even for the most skillful of warriors, life in the times of swords and shields was a dangerous prospect. Mythical beasts that could breath fire as hot as magma, claws that could tear through steel like a fish gliding through the water, and powerful,...

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