Prisoners of War – Distance

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#21 of Prisoners of War (BDSM/Chastity Themes)

Prisoners of War - Distance


Another chapter for avatar?user=201438&character=0&clevel=2 1mastermind , continuing this very fascinating tale of strong characters, science fiction, gadgets, and drama! Well doesn't that make it sound interesting...heheh. Well, do enjoy, and I look forward to reading your feedback on this chapter as well!


It had been two nights, as per their calculations, when the first person finally entered into the cell of the two prisoners in the General's holding cell. Gantan and Sardo had been mulling about on their bed as usual, it being the only piece of furniture of comfort, nude but for the plastic cages on their groins. The arrival of the black-furred, mottled person roused their attention, in more ways than one.

"Greetings," said the Overseer, as he stepped into the room and regarded them. "Prepare for physical exercise."

The android received dubious looks of curiosity from the two furs, whom did get up to their footpaws, however, well aware that any disobedience would be severely punished.

"Yes, sir," Sardo said. "Are we to train with the General?"

"I will oversee your exercise today, prisoner Sardo," the black panther replied in his characteristic tone, almost too polite to count as natural. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, sir," Sardo said.

"Hmmph," Gantan simply breathed, "where's the General?"

"The General has placed me in charge of your training today," the black panther replied immediately. "Follow me to the exercise room."

"So he won't even do it himself now?" Gantan asked. "What's up?"

"Let it go, Gantan" Sardo hissed to the lion, "at least we are getting out of the room. I'm getting fed up with this place."

The lion glared at his comrade in arms, and shut up, for once.

"Please follow me," the black panther repeated himself.

"Wonder what he's got for us now..." Gantan grumbled.

The black panther was not programmed to answer that question, rhetorical as it was, it seemed, for he did not react to it. He simply moved to the door and stood there expectantly.

"You are to follow my commands within a reasonable period of time or I am entitled to use verbal and physical enforcement," the Overseer said.

"We heard you the first time around," Gantan muttered when he walked over to the robotic black panther. "You are not zapping my ass again."

"I intend not to direct electric currents onto your gluteal muscles," the android cat replied. "Transcutaneous muscular stimulation is not part of your regime."

Gantan shook his head. Even Sardo appeared amused by the innocent-sounding statement, when all three of them filed out of the room and into the hallway beyond.


They did work out a sweat, under the careful guidance of the naturally untiring instructor that was the android black panther. It was followed by the customary showering and then, to the two men's surprise, the tiger and the lion being led into the formal dining room where the lunch awaited for them.

"What is this?" Sardo asked from the black panther still accompanying them.

"Your meal is served here today," the Overseer replied. "Those are my orders, and they have been followed. Please consume your meal here and await further instructions."

"Where's the General?" Sardo wouldn't stop with his questions.

"The General is otherwise occupied," the Overseer replied. "I have no further information to offer to you, Prisoner Sardo. Please consume your meal at your leisure."

"Something weird's going on," Gantan muttered.

Sardo shrugged.

"I'm hungry," he said. "If we're to eat here, let's eat."

The table was set for two, with all the items required, plus portions of food already waiting on their self-heated service plates. From afar, at least, it seemed to be at least as high quality as the meal they'd been served during the mysterious 'formal' dinner with the General, when they'd even been allowed to wear clothes for the first time in weeks.

They settled down and began to eat. Soon Gantan had something else to comment on.

"Is he just going to stand there and stare at us eat?" he flicked an ear towards the black panther whom lingered near the door and simply stared ahead of him, not focused on anything.

"I don't know," Sardo replied, fork in paw. "How'bout you ask him?"

"Hey, bolt boy!"

"I extrapolate that you are addressing me, Prisoner Gantan," the Overseer replied curtly. "Please state your intentions."

"Hmmm..." rumbled the lion, "what are you doing here?"

"I am the Overseer," the android spoke. "I have been ordered to monitor you. That is my current objective and purpose."

Gantan shook his head.


"Miss him so much?" Sardo suggested with a chuff of his own.

Gantan snorted.

"I could go on living quite happily without ever seeing that face again," the lion boasted. "I just don't like not knowing what he's up to."

Sardo speared a piece of some sort of a green, leafy salad and chewed on it.

"Perhaps he was called up to do something," the tiger mused. "He is a General, after all. There is a lot he does that we don't get to see."

"Hmmmph, obviously," Gantan replied. "But still, makes you wonder, doesn't it?"

Sardo sipped water from the cool, refreshing glass, and smacked his lips.

"You'd rather he was here telling you to wrestle?"


"That's what I was thinking, too," the nude tiger said.

Gantan chewed loudly on a steak.

"At least it's nice to eat here," Sardo commented, perhaps to fill the silence with words, even if they were his own, and full of chatter. "Easier than just with a tray on your lap."

"Hmmm," mused Gantan. "He could've left the liquor cabinet open, too."

Sardo raised his brow.

"Thinking about drinking now?" he stated.

"Why not?" the lion grinned. "When's the last time you got a proper buzz?"

"I don't remember," the tiger said.

"The really good times you generally don't," said the lion.

Sardo couldn't decide whether Gantan was entirely serious or not.

"Are you kidding me?" he found it prudent to ask.

"Not really," the lion made a meat-scented yawn. "I could really use some. I could use a lot of things, in fact."

"I don't think we are entitled," Sardo said. "We should be happy for what we've got now."

Gantan chortled.

"You never got fancy toys as a kid, did you?" the lion suggested. "But you always thought it was good to be happy with whatever you got, huh?"

"I am a realist," the tiger said.

"You are a pessimist," the lion retorted. "There is a difference."

"That's the impression I've gotten from you, certainly," said the tiger.

"Humph," chuffed the lion. "I just know to expect shit when I know it's coming to us at .01 lightspeed."

"Hmm. So what's your sense saying now?"

Gantan chuckled.

"I ain't going to talk," he said. "They haven't figured out how to read thoughts yet, and as long as I don't speak up, that crazy fuck can't do exactly what I say, or the exact opposite just because I said it."

Sardo shook his head.

"That sounds like some sort of a logic puzzle to me," the tiger mused.

"It's what it is," Gantan said, "I don't trust him. He can do anything, including the expected and the unexpected."

"Do you claim that you can expect all the possibilities?" Sardo asked.

"I can try," Gantan said. "It's something to think about, at least."

"Shouldn't you be thinking about escaping instead?"

The lion looked alarmed.

"I don't think we should talk about that," Gantan said.

"That's my answer, then," said Sardo.

The lion chuffed.

"It's the duty of every soldier to think about it," he said.

"You just said we shouldn't talk about it," Sardo retorted.

"And I won't," the tiger grabbed his glass to drink his water.


Thank you for reading!

Endurance Training

**\*** A commission for[![avatar?user=201438&character=0&clevel=2]( 1mastermind]( "1mastermind") using his fursona Rei the white tiger, in yet...

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