Saved in the Nick of Time

Story by Hidden Heart on SoFurry

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#1 of The Knight and the Horse

Saved in the Nick of Time

Seth lay on the rug, his paw still held the knife. It had been three hours and he still wasn't able to bring himself to do it. Every night he sat there thinking, he would think how he was alone he'd think how empty his life felt. Thirty-one years of meaningless existence, thirty-one years without a love to share his life with. But every night there was the empty room there was a plate on the table and afterward a knife in his hand. It wasn't a question of weather he had the guts to end his life anymore, it was a question of when he would. Did he have the strength for another day of this existence? So far the answer was yes, but for how long?

Seth sighed and put the knife back on the table where it always sat and then slid up off the floor. He looked himself over in the mirror. He was a strange one he was, a mix between a lion and a wolf. He had inherited his fathers mane and his size but his mothers fur coloring and her tail. He had a wolf like muzzle but a lions claws on his paws. He was a freak of nature, the one in a million chance that two different species of furs could successfully breed. No females found him attractive as a mate. He was all but sterile considering his breeding left him without gene compatibility. Sure some women found him attractive as his exotic look was a rarity but no one wanted more than a one-night stand with a freak of nature.

He went back to bed so that he could get up in the morning for work. He eventually fell asleep only to be woken up by his alarm clock seven hours later. He got up slowly and went to his closet. He put on his suit, he brushed his mane, put on his shoes. His breakfast was simple a bagel and cream cheese. He needed his exercise and as fit as he was he didn't bother driving the six miles to the office when he could walk and jog. He got to the edge of central park and decided he should put on his firearm so he stopped at a public bathroom and took his shoulder holster from his pack along with his forty-four. After they were in place and his jacket was covering them he was off again. Perhaps it was just an odd day but he took a side path he didn't normally.

It was a little ways in that he found her. She was hurt, her clothing torn and a cut on her shoulder. He covered her with his coat and took out his cell phone calling for an ambulance and backup. He heard a twig snap behind him and his cell dropped his gun almost instantly replacing it in his hand. The wolves were caught off guard when he wiped around. The three of them thought they had found an easy target for a mugging after they just finished having there way with the mare. Seth could tell by the smell alone they were responsible.

"You don't actually think we believe your going to shoot us do you? I doubt you have the guts for that suit guy," the leader of the group said.

"I'm FBI dick head I won't think twice, you picked the wrong suit to judge," Seth replied.

"I doubt it," said the leader as he pulled out a switch-blade.

Two sounds were heard by the group almost simaltaniously at that moment. The first was the click of the switch-blade and the second was the gun firing and putting a bullet through the leaders four head. As his lifeless body dropped to the ground the others quickly put up their hands without the leaders courage.

It was nearly twenty minutes later that police got to the scene as they tracked the still active cell phone to it's source. From there it was pretty standard, the mare would be ok but she was still out cold. The police were happy that Seth was turning over the case to him and he would remain only as a witness in the case. His testimony was acceptable as was the confession from the two wolves in custody.

Seth went into work nearly three hours later and went to his supervisors office. His boss was fine with him being late all things considered and told him to take the rest of the day off. He decided he didn't want to go home, it was only noon and if he was in the house he'd probably just start drinking. He decided to stop by the precinct and see if the detective needed any additional information. When he arrived he got a few pats on the back and a congradulations from the sergeant who was on duty. He finally reached the detectives office and had a conversation with him. The detective had gotten word a few minutes earlier that the mare had awakened and he was going to get her statement. He asked Seth if he wanted to come and he hesitated it had been a long time since he was good with people and hospitals aren't exactly his thing but for some reason he decided to go.

Seth walked into the hospital room with the detective. The mare looked good after her ordeal. The cuts and bruises had been superficial and apparently she had been drugged not knocked out like originally thought. She looked lost in thought looking out the window when they first walked in. She was looking out the window of the hospital room the same distant stare Seth himself had used so many times, on so many nights. She was beautiful he had to say, she was a soft brown with a white patch running down under her chin down into the gown on her. He knew from when he saw her originally that she had another that ran down her spine to her beautiful rear. He stopped himself in thought not knowing why all that had popped in his head when they entered the room.

"Rose Anders?" the detective said.

"Yes that's me," rose answered.

"I am detective Flemmings and this is agent Grear with the FBI, we would like to ask you a few things about what happened if that's ok," the detective said.

"FBI? Why are you here?" Rose asked confused.

"Agent Grear is the one that ran across you and the wolves Rose, he's the one who saved you," Flemmings stated.

Rose perked up, "I guess I owe you big, thank you very much Agent Grear."

Seth smiled softly and walked over to the bed shaking Roses hand, it was the first time in a long time that he could remember smiling or the warmth in his chest. As he stood next to the bed he could smell her scent. It was strong, almost as if she had recently been in heat. He realized he was lost in thought again and still holding her hand. She had an almost dazed look on her face, the detective cleared his throat and smiled interrupting.

Seth started to back up, "well I guess I should get going you and the detective have a bit to talk about."

"Wait agent Grear I was wondering if you wouldn't mind coming by my diner I want to treat you to a good meal," Rose said.

Seth thought for a moment, "well ok where and when?"

Rose smiled happily, "the corner of fifth and Lincoln at lets say sevenish?"

Seth smiled, "sure ma'am I'll see you then."

"Well I'll see you then I guess," Rose smiled.

Seth walked out of the room and leaned against the door taking a deep breath. It had been a long time since he felt this good, so long since he wanted something. What was this feeling he had, was it hope? Had he done something that made a real positive impact on someone. He felt pride, he decided to go get groomed and maybe look for a good suit. He wanted to look more professional if someone was going to go through so much trouble to thank him he wanted to take the time to be worth it.

It was seven on the dot when he walked into the diner, he got the usual stares from people wondering what made him look so different. Rose saw him and smiled as she walked around the counter letting her help take things over.

"Agent Grear I'm very happy you could come, I really wanted to do something nice for you," Rose smiled.

Seth took her hand and kissed it lightly, he felt stupid the moment he did it, "you can call me Seth, and it was my pleasure, I'm very glad I could help."

"Well Seth I want you to call me Rose and if you'll follow me I'll take you to where we are going to eat," Rose smiled leading him out a back door and up a staircase to a patio.

Seth was surprised above the diner was a nice apartment with a large front patio and a table setup for two for dinner. He was surprised when he saw it and realized something he hadn't before. He had just figured this was appreciation but this was a date!

"Umm Rose I am sorry but I think I had the wrong idea about why I was here, I should probably go," Seth looked down.

"Wait what do you mean?" Rose said disappointed.

"Well I thought this was a simple thank you dinner but I think this is a date?" Seth replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry I should have asked if you were involved with someone," Rose said sighing.

"I'm not seeing anyone and it's been quite a while since I was," Seth replied

"But then what's the problem?" Rose asked hopeful.

"Well I was an officer in the incident and it would be unethical for me to see you socially," Seth answered hating it as much as she apparently did.

"Ha! Well if that's your only reason then I have a loophole you are a witness and were off duty," Rose smiled pulling him to the seat.

Seth chuckled, "well I guess you have me there and I wouldn't want to disappoint such a beautiful woman."

Rose Blushed, "well thank you Seth and your rather handsome yourself."

Rose sat down after bringing out the food a nice baked chicken with potatoes and corn and buttermilk biscuits. They sat and ate making small talk and enjoying the bottle of wine.

"So Seth I have been wondering what made you go with that very unique hair style, it is gorgeous?" Rose asked.

Seth smiled to himself, "well I guess you were going to find out soon enough anyways, I'm a hybrid."

Rose looked shocked, "I didn't think your kind really existed I had only heard about your type."

Seth went to get up and leave, "it's ok I'll leave now."

Rose grabbed his paw and smiled, "I'm not disgusted just surprised but if that's the response you were expecting I guess I understand why you seemed so distant. Look I don't mind and people would be fools to think otherwise, now sit back down please and tell me a bit more about your parents."

Seth looked at her smiling softly and started, "well my father was a lion I inherited his mane as you can tell as well as his retractable claws and his triangular ears. From my mother I inherited my tail, color, and my muzzle, she was a wolf you see."

During the conversation that followed, Rose got to learn about Seth's childhood and his basic reasons for going into law enforcement. She got the sense of how lonely things had been for him and how hurt he had been in the past. Seth got to learn about Roses family and why she ended up owning diner in the middle of the city. Her father owned a ranch out in the country and her mother had one many local awards for cooking. After college she decided she loved the city life so they helped her buy the diner.

As they talked they heard thunder and Seth stood up, "Maybe we should move all of the dishes and such inside before it rains."

"That sounds smart," Rose smiled as they started picking up things and bringing them in.

Seth and Rose walked in and Seth looked around the large flat. The place had a country theme including a couple of small trees and plaid curtains. She had a descent size couch looking plush and comfy. As they finished putting the dishes in the kitchen it started to lightly rain. Seth went out and brought in the wine by which time he was very wet.

"Oh no, Seth the wine could have sat outside you didn't need to go get soak and wet," Rose came over with a towel.

Seth smiled and started to dry his head fur and mane with the towel, "its ok I am sure I'll survive."

Rose opened the bottle of wine and filled two glasses handing one to Seth as they walked over to the window and watched the rain. As they stood looking out the window Rose moved her paw around to Seth's lower back. He twitched at the unexpected feeling his eyes wide as his heart raced a bit. He took a big drink from his glass and he moved his muzzle to the side towards Rose as he noticed her looking at him. She moved her muzzle forward and closed her eyes and she closed the distance kissing him softly. Rose pulled him slowly closer keeping him from backing away as she deepened the kiss slowly pushing his lips apart with her tongue. Seth took a deep breath in through his nose and closed his eyes his paws running up to her sides to mirror her embrace as they kissed. When the kiss finally broke he was against the window with her body keeping him from moving. She slid her arms up to his shoulders rubbing them as she smiled down at him his muzzle forced against her breasts by their position.

"umm Rose I umm can't move," Seth looked at her innocently.

Rose giggled and moved back a little letting him stand back up instead of leaning against the window, "sorry I guess I got a bit carried away, I just well obviously I wanted you to know how interested in you I am."

Seth blushed deeply and smiled moving forward and reaching up bringing her muzzle back down to his and kissing her again this time her arms wrapped around him lifting him against her. They shared breath each tasting the lust and passion of the other as they embraced. Rose shivered as he dug his claws into her rear his paws barely reaching around to her large firm mare rear. She also felt his cock starting to harden through his pants against her tummy. As she put him down the kiss broke and they smiled at each other.

"Seth I know this all seems fast but I know what you have been through, I don't want you to think that I'm asking this just because I want to repay you for what you did for me," Rose was a bit flustered, "oh Christ I'm just going to come out and say it Seth I want you to be my ma.."

Seth stopped her from finishing the sentence by placing his paw over her lips, he held her paw and walked over to the couch with her sitting down and looking her in the eyes, she could see the conflict and pain but not confusion, "no Rose," he slid his paw to her chin and made her look at him as she tried to turn away, "I want to but this isn't right. You have been through a hell of an experience and your still looking at me as a knight in shining armor. I want us to take our time, I want to be sure this is right for both of us and for you to know you love me as I think I am falling in love with you, ok Rose?"

She could tell by the breaking of his voice, she could almost hear his heart beating. She could tell it was killing him to resist her. It must have been agony to tell her this, she was almost hitting herself for making him go through it. A lesser man would have never been able to keep his head, and it made a tear run down her cheek.

Seth saw the tear and thought she didn't understand but it was her turn to force him to look at her and she moved him in for a softer kiss before she spoke, "I understand Seth, I hope that after a time you'll still want to be mine."

He smiled softly, "I don't think that will ever be in question I know I have never been in love before which is why I am sure of how I feel about you Rose, I just need some time to know its right for you, please be patient for me."

Rose hugged him tightly holding Seth against her, he held his breath as to not suffocate in her cleavage, "I understand and I know I will never find a better man but I also understand you want to wait, I want to do one thing and I know your going to resist but I also know you need it as much as me"

She slid Seth back into the couch and he took a few breaths being able to breath again as she slid down to her knees in front of him. He tried to stop her looking down at her but she stopped his paw with one hand and put her other over his lips, "After everything you've done for me I'm not letting you out of here aroused after I started it, you've seen me naked and you owe me the view and finally if this does turn out to be my only chance to please you than I am not letting you go without a memory worth having."

He took a few breaths through his nose all the while his cock throbbing in his pants and her scent intoxicating him. He relaxed visibly his paw rubbing her cheek before he put his head back and closed his eyes, "I don't know if this is right but I can't resist anymore I am out of willpower."

Rose smiled and slowly slid her paws to his pants and slowly slid down the zipper and undid the button holding them closed. He wore boxers that were tented looking almost as if they were ready to rip. She smiled and slid her paw under him and he looked down realizing what she wanted. He lifted his rear long enough for her to slide down his pants and his boxers giving her a wonderful view. His cock was very different from others she had seen. He was long for a wolf or a cat at nearly fourteen inches she guessed and maybe an inch around. She could see he had a still forming knot at the base. Unlike a wolfs cock though it wasn't thin and pointed it had a thick shaft like a cat going back to a bit less thick before the knot. His balls were shaved she could almost taste his musk at this range.

Rose easily slid her muzzle fully down over his cock her lips stopping at his knot making him arch his back up almost violently and moaned loudly. Her paw slid in spreading his legs wide as the other slid around his sack rubbing it gently feeling the slightly moist skin. He was hot his crotch felt like he was on fire obviously he was more turned on then she realized but she would fix that. Her tongue slid down around his knot making him whine and his balls swell as his cock pulsed in her muzzle giving her the first real taste of him and she wanted so much more. As rose began to suck in single short strong sucks Seth began to moan and grunt lightly thrusting, his paws slid down to her head and rubbed her ears and muzzle.

"oh god Rose your unbelievable I can't hold on much longer," Seth groaned out.

Rose murred and suckled harder and more constant as she took his knot into her muzzle and rubbed her teeth over it causing an instant howl from Seth as his orgasm hit. Seth arched his back hard his eyes rolling back in his head as he came violently hard. Rose popped his knot out of her muzzle before it grew to large to get stuck behind her teeth. She continued to suckle hard as her paw squeezed his now formed knot causing a whine and a second load of sweet cum flowed into Roses muzzle as she suckled him clean. He twitched and shivered as she finished and as she pulled her muzzle from his now limp cock she giggled as she noticed he had passed out.

Rose smiled and slid up picking him up softly and carried him down to her room. She placed him on her bed and his knot had started to deflate now that it wasn't being stimulated, so she slowly put his cock back into his boxers but decided he would be more comfortable without his pants. She took off his shoes and then his pants giving his butt a squeeze for the fun of it. She then slid off his sports jacket and undid his shirt sliding it off as well. She looked at him left in his boxers and his undershirt, his long bushy mane going half way down his back. She knew she was still a bit in heat she could tell by the fact that after this evenings events the back of her dress was soaked with her juices in fact it looked like she had peed herself at this point. She changed into pajamas after a shower and as she walked out of the bathroom she saw him slowly sitting up.

Seth was confused and jumped under the covers when he realized he was barely even clothed, "umm Rose I don't remember anything after the chair did we?"

Rose smiled softly and walked over to the bed in her nightgown and panties, "no we didn't and I won't until you want to but you passed out and I didn't want to leave you in the chair, I was hoping to convince you to spend the night and cuddle."

Seth blushed, "well I guess I wouldn't mind having someone like you to snuggle with, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable I mean we barely just met and you want me in your bed?"

Rose smiled and leaned in kissing him softly and then looked into his eyes, "we may not have known each other long but the time we have had has been wonderful and if anything, having you lye next to me, holding me to you would make me feel safe, I know you think this is some side effect to my trauma but I don't believe that and when your ready to you won't either. Now I want to warn you I am still at the edge of my heat so if I get a little touchy feely I hope you understand."

"I think I can live with that," seth rested his head on the pillow next to Rose and cuddled up to her as he yawned and went to sleep in her arms.

Rose murred softly hugging him to her breasts as she slid into slumber as well, "that's good to know because you make me feel very naughty, my sexy knight in shining armor."

The end

More Pleasure to come soon

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