Twilight (Strategy End)

Story by Ravaged Angel on SoFurry

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#2 of Strategy

This is one of the two endings of Strategy!

Pure pleasure ripped through Celestia's body. Twilight's cum flooded her, filling her with wet, sticky warmth as her own juices squirted from her, coating Twilight's balls and splattering against the floor. The Princess threw her head back, releasing Discord's cock as her moans filled the royal chamber.

Twilight kept thrusting like a stallion possessed. Celestia's pussy overflowed with hot stallion cum and mare juices - the squelching noises Twilight's cock made inside her were almost as thrilling as the rapture that pulsed through the Princess. Something about Twilight's orgasm was ravishing her more thoroughly than she'd ever felt in her considerable lifetime. It felt strangely like a spark, deep within.

Discord, having been moments from orgasm before the Princess' retreat, cleared his throat. Celestia faced forward once more, just in time for a thick rope of draconequus cum to coat her face, muzzle and tongue. Spurt after spurt of Discord's seed landed on the Princess' face, dripping down her horn and caught in her flowing mane. His addictive, fickle scent was thick in Celestia's nostrils. Discord's orgasm calmed, the rest of his seed dribbling down his shaft.

"Aww, Celestia, you were supposed to swallow." Discord smirked, leaning in close. "But I can't say I dislike seeing you like this."

Discord's serpentine tongue was hot on her face. As he dragged a lick of his cum up Celestia's cheek, the Princess turned quickly, meeting his tongue with her own. With a moan, Discord pressed his lips against hers. Sticky strands of the draconequus' seed connected their lips when they parted, only to meet again moments later. Celestia breathed heavy on him, pushing her used body up against his.

"Oh, Princess!" Discord cried, playing up his shock. Her stomach pressed against his cock now, warm white fur with just a hint of sweat. "What could you possibly want of little old me now?"

White cum dripped down the Princess' forehead as she stared at him, her eyes once again full of need. She spoke through wet lips, "I need you, Discord."

The draconequus shuddered as Celestia pushed him onto his back. Her thoroughly moistened groin was against his cock, and he couldn't help bucking against her.

"The feeling is mutual, my dear." Discord growled as she leaned in to kiss him again. He lapped at the wet fur in his mouth, thrilling as he tasted himself on her tongue. The Princess' royal nethers merely brushed against his flare, and already he felt so close to bursting.

"Mmf...such a pity Twilight is missing out on all of this fun." Discord managed between grunts. "Why don't you have her clean you up? You've gotten so very messy..."

"No..." Celestia softly whined, winking against Discord and forcing a gasp from him. "She can't."

"Oh, do you want to have a special moment between the two of us?" He couldn't hold out much longer. "That's sweet. But do as I say - have Twilight clean you up while I rut you hard."

"But, she can't," Celestia panted hard, tracing her sex up and down Discord's tortured cock. Leaning in close, so close her wet nose brushed his, she whispered, "She's busy turning the rest of you to stone."

Discord tried to jump back. Tried to twist his body, push Celestia off, anything. He couldn't move. He couldn't feel anything below his neck. He turned his horrified gaze back to the smugly grinning Princess.

"" Discord's words felt stuck in his throat. For all he knew, that could have been literal.

"Something the matter, Discord?" Celestia spoke sweetly. "You were the one who forced Twilight and I together. Did you not expect our bond to break your little hold on us?"

"You're kidding me. More of that 'power of love' nonsense, that's all it took?" Discord scoffed. "So, wait, you willingly put yourself through all of that?"

"I would put myself through much worse for my kingdom." The Princess' horn glowed, and her body shined, immaculate. As if nothing had ever happened to her.

"Well, isn't that touching." Discord sneered. "I suppose it's back to the Canterlot Gardens for me. Can't wait for all of the schoolfillies to stare at my huge, stone cock. Bravo on freezing me like this, Sparkle."

Twilight glared back in response. Celestia's magic washed over her, her face scrunching as her equine sheath and balls shrunk away.

"I suppose you have a point. You aren't exactly in a tasteful pose. I could just seal you off in the dungeon somewhere." Celestia looked him over, his stone body stretched wide and his cock fully erect. "But then again, maybe a bust will do."

"Wait, you can't mean..." Discord watched helplessly as Celestia traced a hoof around his collar. Panic began to set in. "Celestia, you can't be serious. You're kind, and...merciful and stuff, right? Please, have mercy!"

The Princess paused. "It's true. Mercy is the mark of a great leader, after all."

Celestia began to walk away, and Discord exhaled. He didn't even want to think about how he was able to exhale at that moment. He was simply glad that he could. But then she turned, looking him dead in the eye. Her smile, her smugness, had vanished. Her gaze was searing.

"But, you've done unspeakable things to Twilight. Made her do dreadful things." Every step she took towards Discord filled him with dread. The Princess reared up, and brought her hooves crashing down on his stone erection, shattering his midsection entirely. Though Discord couldn't feel it, his mouth was agape. His chest felt hollow.

"I guess I'm just a good leader." Celestia said, brushing the dust off of her hooves. A moment passed, and the alicorn Princess reared up again, bringing her hooves down and shattering both of his arms. "Well, I'm all right."

Celestia's horn glowed, and Discord's distraught face quickly solidified. The Princess let out a huff through her nose before turning to face her student.

"I'm so sorry, Princess." Twilight croaked as Celestia approached. "I should have been more careful."

Celestia put a wing around the little unicorn and pulled her close. "Don't be sorry. I'm just glad you're all right."

After a moment, Twilight pulled back. "I need to go to the infirmary. All those guards I hurt, I need to help them."

Celestia nodded, firing a blue signal from her horn. It passed through the roof and burned brightly in the sky. "See that you do, my faithful student. Your brother will be waiting outside to escort you. I'll be along shortly."

"Thank you." Twilight spoke, barely above a whisper. Celestia smiled, watching as the unicorn turned and left.

All that remained was the Princess and the shattered statue. She looked at his face, frozen in terror once more. The rage she'd summoned was gone. She'd need to clean him up, eventually. Display her makeshift bust in the gardens and dispose of the rest. At that moment, she just stared, her old eyes almost without expression.

Discord (Strategy End)

The draconequus cried out as he pulled Celestia's head forward, pushing her nose into his belly and his cock down her throat. On his command, the Princess closed her eyes and gulped down his spurting milk. She loved how it warmed her throat and her...

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The Princess' chamber was dark. Rarely were the curtains in her magnificent hall ever drawn - the pillars and windows were designed to reflect and amplify the natural light that shone in. It was meant to make the vast chambers seem less imposing to the...

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