Sylva-Ch 5

Story by OliverTheKangaroo on SoFurry

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Sylva is held up as New York's power and the energy of machines is fading. Kai seems to know what is going as Lucille has been taken Captive by a mysterious stranger.Chapter 5Sylva was confused and things only gotten worse as she watched all of New York's power and machinery go under. The lights bursted into flames and cars began to wreck into each other uncontrablly.Sylva: Wh-What the hell is going on!?Sylva tried to use her cell phone but the power in it failed as well.Sylva: D-Damn it all! I'll get to Kai on foot..The fox began to dash at a remarkable speed, leaping from roof top to roof top.Sylva: Something bad is going to happen... I can Feel it...Lucille groaned as she felt the back of her head. She could feel the pain still and it was miserable. Lucille: Wh-Where am I?The Cat opened her eyes slowly as her vision slowly returned itself back into it's proper place.Lucille was in a cell of a basement area which was dark and cold because of the power outage; the smell wasn't much better either. She saw two wolves sitting in front of her cell, one if which was a female scantily dressed. The wolf to her right had an eye that wasn't of flesh as it glowed a neon green. The only way Lucille had seen them was that the wolves had placed fire starters on either end of the cell so they could stay warm and see their prisoner.Lucille: What the hell is going on you bastards!? Why have you taken me here!? What are your names!?The male wolf spoke first.Alex: The name is Alexander... Kai has contracted us to take you captive and give you to him so he can deal with you...Katherine: You can call me Katherine... Though that will be the last name you'll ever hear... Alex: You've dug to deep Lucille... Haven't you ever heard? Curosity killed the cat?The wolves laughed although Lucille was not amused by the dark humor.Lucille: He is just going to kill you both... Alex: Listen Bitch! If I wanted to have a conversation with you, you wouldn't be behind these bars! Your life is nothing but another paycheck for me! I don't give a damn what Kai is doing!Lucille smirked as she knew he would easily get angered if she only gauded him on.Katherine: What is with the face Cat? I'm tempted to slap you around for a bit... Kai can get pissed if he likes... I'm bruising the cat!Katherine shoved Alex out of the way and opened the cell. Lucille grinned and was ready to fight even though her paws were binded.Lucille: This will be fun!Lucille ran up to her attacker and side kicked her in the stomach. As Katherine bent over from the reflex of her pain Lucille kneed her in the muzzle. Katherine grabbed her thigh before she could retract and flipped her over on her back. As Katherine could lunged at her with her knife

drawn to slice but not stab, Lucille caught her with her with feet and tossed her in the motion Katherine lunged. Katherine: Argh! The damn cat cat knows how to fight I'll give her that...Alex: Serves you right Dumbass! Leave the target be! I would like to be paid for this!Katherine: Yeah Yeah whatever...Lucille grinned at them both with the rudest look upon her face then she proceeded the to cross her arms and stick out her tongue as she threw in a chuckle or two.Katherine went to lunge at her again but Alex restrained her.Katherine: Lemme Go you bastard!Alex: Quit acting as if your five yours old Katherine... I'll take hold of her and you can tag along. For Christ's sake if I don't get paid because of your stupidity I'll put head on my wall!Katherine shoved him off of her and calmed down. She was still in a foul mood though. Katherine was the wolfess to hold grudges, and she held them long term.Sylva had finally arrived on Kai's apartment roof top, quite aggravated and confused on what was going on with New York's power. The city that never sleeps had just died.The dark silvery vixen climbed down the apartment ladders that were on the side of the building.Sylva: Kai has to be up to something... Maybe he has something to do with this mess.Sylva opened up the window to Kai's apartment and snuck her way in. The fox wasn't one to be upfront about anything, she often hid many secrets.Sylva walked into the living room to see a dead maid on the floor and Kai stood there staring into her eyes with the coldest glare.Kai: Welcome to one of my many home establishments, I assume you want your money?Sylva: Of course I do, Now give it over!Kai chuckled as he pulled out the briefcase that contained her payment for the job well done.Sylva: What are you waiting for? Give me my damn money!!Kai: You know... Your Father was a good man...Sylva: Wh-What did you just say!?End of Chapter Five

Sylva-Ch 4

Sylva is hot pursuit of the authorities racing away on her motor cycle and Lucille is now confronting the unknown contractor that Hired Sylva to kill Blaze.Chapter 4Lucille was waiting nervously on the phone as it was dialing. She knew she had to be...

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