14: That Home Away From Home

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"Starsong? Hey, Starsong."

The unicorn finally snapped out of her deep thoughts and turned to her companion. "Oh, I'm sorry Octavia, I got caught up in the scenery outside." Starsong said.

"Are you okay? You were looking kind of down a moment ago." Octavia noted.

Starsong nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just thinking about the last time I saw Starshadow. It was so many years ago, she's grown up and changed since then."

"Yeah, siblings grow up fast." Octavia said, trying to reassure Starsong. "But it's not always a bad thing if they change. Sometimes it's for the better."

Starshadow nodded in agreement as she looked back out the window and let her mind wander back to her past. "Yeah, it was for the better." she said to herself.

The train ride to Los Pegasus took about half a day to complete from Canterlot. But even with over five hours alone in their private train carriage, Starsong was having an extremely difficult time getting her younger sister to cooperate enough to act somewhat normal when they arrived in Los Pegasus.

After the train left Canterlot station, Starsong gasped as she saw Starshadow once again bent over and exposing herself lewdly, bracing herself for her new owner to inspect her body and to use her. Starsong ordered her to stand up, promising her that she was free and didn't need to worry about being exploited anymore, but her words only scared Starshadow. She thought that she had done something to anger her new owner and expected to be severely punished, but when Starsong didn't move to hit her, Starshadow began to think that this was a test to see if she would instead make a move to offer her new mistress pleasure. She walked up to Starsong and tried kissing her again while rubbing her body up against hers, but again the unicorn pulled back and held her hoof up to stop her advances.

"Starshadow, what are you doing?" Starsong asked in surprise.

"Mistress, I'm sorry I angered you. Please, let me show you how sorry I am. Unless... you'd rather punish me." Starshadow said submissively.

Starsong took a deep breath to calm herself. "Starshadow, you aren't going to be punished. You're safe, you're free. Nopony is going to hurt you anymore." she said soothingly. "Why don't we get that collar off of you."

Starshadow froze as Starsong's horn glowed, and as the collar around her neck tightened ever so slightly Starshadow thought that she was going to be strangled as her punishment. However, the collar suddenly went slack and fell to the ground. "There, that's better." Starsong said, thinking that freeing her sister from the collar would help restore her sanity.

Unfortunately, removing the collar had the exact opposite effect. Starshadow began to panic and snatched up the collar, desperately trying to put it back on around her neck. "Mistress, no! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please forgive me! Don't abandon me, don't leave me Mistress! I'll be a good pet, I'll take any punishment you wish, just don't abandon me!"

Starsong rushed over to console her sister before she did anything to hurt herself. Making sure to hold her extra gently, Starsong stroked her sister's mane and softly hummed a song from their childhood, The Unicorn's Lullaby. The gentle treatment and the familiar tune calmed Starshadow almost immediately, and for a moment Starsong thought that she had found a way to reach past her sister's outer shell. "I love you, dear sister of mine. I love you." she softly said as the finished humming her lullaby.

"I love you too, Mistress." Starshadow replied after a momentary pause. Starsong's heart sank slightly as she heard her sister still addressing her as her owner, not as her sister. Starsong sighed and could only hope that she was at least on the right track to getting the old Starshadow back...

The train finally pulled into Los Pegasus, and both Starsong and Octavia disembarked the train and headed into the city after arranging to have their belongings brought to where they would be staying. They boarded a horse-drawn taxi and enjoyed the scenic ride through the historic districs of the city.

On the way to the apartment Starsong now called home, the taxi passed the house that Starsong still had on the beach. Polaris had demanded that his daughter have her own residence in Los Pegasus when Starsong was accepted to the top school of music in all of Equestria, insisting that his daughter was not to mingle with the commoners and scum. There was no use fighting his wishes, so Starsong found herself the new owner of a beachfront, three bedroom house. After she finished school her father was indifferent to what she decided to do with the house, and after some deep thought Starsong decided to keep it as a rental home for other students attending the school. Having the house had also been a big help in rehabilitating Starshadow, and Starsong's mind once again wandered back to the events that took place many years ago...

By the time the train arrived in Los Pegasus, Starsong had made almost no progress with restoring the old Starshadow. Starshadow refused to accept the fact that Starsong wanted her to live without her collar, and the older sibling had no choice but to put the collar back on around Starshadow's neck, but at least without the leash. The leather around her neck calmed Starshadow enough that they could make the short walk from the train station to the line of taxis, though the quick trip still proved to be awkward. Starsong had to forcefully stop Starshadow from presenting herself to any other pony who spoke to her, and by the time both mares were in a taxi headed for their new home Starsong began to wonder if bringing her sister to the city was a good idea.

Once the taxi arrived at the beachfront house, Starsong quickly ushered Starshadow inside to stop her from lustfully looking at the two strong stallions that had pulled their carriage. Finally inside, Starsong noticed that her sister was looking around the large house somewhat apprehensively, obviously scared to be in a new place. Hoping to ease that fear, Starsong took her sister on a quick tour around the house, showing her every room as well as the outdoor deck that overlooked the private beach that was included with the house. The last stop on the tour was a beautiful bedroom that Starsong had taken the liberty to set up for her sister. "This is your room." Starsong told Starshadow. "Do you like it?"

Starshadow turned worriedly to face her. "Mistress doesn't wish for her pet to sleep with her?" she asked.

Starsong sighed. "I told you, don't call me your mistress. I'm Starsong, your sister." she said for perhaps the twentieth time that day. She knew that helping her sister was going to be a tough job, but she didn't expect it to be THIS hard.

Starshadow tried to hide a small yawn but her sister noticed it. Starsong hadn't slept for almost a day and a half, and she guessed that Starshadow didn't get any sleep before being auctioned off. "Hey, why don't we both get some sleep." Starsong suggested.

Starshadow nodded, happy to finally get some rest after being put through a rigorous 'training' session before last night's auction. She followed her sister's gesture and climbed into the bed in the room, slightly confused as Starsong tucked her in and kissed her head. "My room is right next door, so if you need anything come get me." she said before retiring to her own room.

As soon as Starsong got to her room and climbed into her own bed she fell fast asleep, the long night of witnessing the hidden horrors of Canterlot's underground trade of young fillies now over. The train ride had set the tone of how much of a struggle reforming Starshadow was going to be, but this was her younger sister... she would do anything to help her.

It had felt like only a few seconds since she fell asleep, but actually almost nine hours had passed and night had fallen. A slight tickling sensation on one of her legs caused Starsong to stir, but as she shifted her body slightly the sensation continued. She tried moving the leg that was being tickled but found that something heavy was stopping her from moving it, and when she moved her other leg she felt her hoof bump up against something solid.

Completely bewildered by what was going on, Starsong slowly opened her eyes to see what happening. Once she did see what was going on, her eyes snapped open and she quickly sat up in shock. Sometime during the night Starshadow had snuck into her room and joined Starsong in bed. Completely oblivious to the fact that Starsong was now awake, Starshadow kept up what she was doing before her sister woke up; the small pegasus was gently licking the inside of Starsong's thighs and getting dangerously close to making contact with her virgin holes.

"S-Starshadow, what in Celestia's name are you doing?" Starsong yelled out.

Starshadow finally stopped her show of intimacy and looked up at her sister. "I wanted to make Mistress happy. I want to show that her pet loves Mistress. Then maybe Mistress will allow her pet to sleep with her so her pet isn't alone." she said, hoping that she could win Starsong's favor.

Starsong drew her legs in and closed them, embarrassed that her own flesh and blood had just become the pony she had the most sexual contact with. She rubbed her head in pain as she tried to think of how she could reach her sister and save her from this state of mind.

Starsong noticed that while she was thinking, Starshadow had scooted towards her ever so slightly. "Do you not want to sleep alone?" she asked Starshadow.

Her sister nodded. "I never slept alone unless I was being punished. I don't like being alone, I want to be next to my Mistress. Please, don't make me be alone. I'll be a good pet, I promise." she begged pitifully.

Starsong was still freaked out by what she had just awoken to, but there was no way she could send Starshadow away and make her remain feeling scared by being alone. "Okay, you can stay with me. But no more sexual stuff, okay?" Starsong said.

Starshadow nodded, disappointed that she couldn't show her owner how much she 'loved' her but was happy that she at least wouldn't have to sleep alone. She lightly pressed her body up against Starsong's, wanting to feel her body heat for comfort. Starsong thought about pulling away and scolding Starshadow again, but she decided to stay put and give her this little bit of comfort for now. Starshadow happily snuggled up against Starsong, peacefully falling back asleep.

The next few days proved to be just as difficult as the first day. It was clear to Starsong that her sister could no longer think for herself and that she had depended on her former masters to decide everything for her. Unsure of what else to do, Starsong tried to get Starshadow to make as many of her own decisions as possible, hoping that being able to make smaller decisions around the house would lead to a breakthrough. The first two days were tough as Starshadow broke down crying more often than not, thinking that Starsong was trying to torture her. However, by the end of the first week Starshadow began to show some signs of improvement. She was able to take care of her own basic needs without asking permission before every action, and had also shown that she still remembered some of her cooking skills that she had learned years ago. She slept next to Starsong every night, only trying to become intimate with her own sister just twice before she learned to stop.

By the middle of the next week Starsong took Starshadow outside and into town for the very first time. While she still had a long ways to go at home, Starsong figured that being exposed to some normal interaction with other ponies would help with Starshadow's progress. Not surprisingly, Starshadow kept completely silent and followed Starsong around as if she was still being led around with a leash. Starsong tried asking Starshadow to walk into a store on her own and buy some carrots. Starshadow couldn't refuse a request by her Mistress and nervously entered the store to buy the carrots. The elderly mare behind the counter was as friendly as possible but Starshadow was still paranoid that she was being tested by her Mistress. However, nothing bad happened to her as she bought the item and rejoined Starsong.

At the end of the third week Starsong was absolutely overjoyed by the progress Starshadow had made since coming to Los Pegasus. She was almost completely self reliant at home, though she still needed to sleep next to Starsong every night. But the biggest improvement was when Starsong followed Starshadow out shopping alone one day, and to her delight Starshadow was able to complete her shopping trip without any major problems. Starsong rushed home so she would get there before Starshadow and sighed with relief. She had been worried that Starshadow wouldn't be able to take care of herself before winter break ended and Starsong had to return to her studies, but today's demonstration confirmed that Starshadow was on the right path. Once she returned home, Starshadow found herself being tightly hugged by her older sister who happily informed her that she was so proud and that she could now freely leave and go into town whenever she wanted.

Starsong thought that Starshadow would be elated by the news, but the opposite was going through her head. Starshadow wasn't overjoyed; she was absolutely horrified. She had done her best to fulfill Starsong's wishes for her to show some independence, but she had been hoping for some sort of reward for completing such an impossible task. But Starsong continued to ignore her needs and desires; not once did Starsong touch Starshadow like she so desired.

After Starsong ended her winter vacation and headed back to school, Starshadow left the house almost right after, headed into town to find somepony to give her the attention that she craved. Starsong had told Starshadow that if she left home she was to be back by 4:00 PM, but her curfew still gave her six hours to find a stallion to fulfill her needs. She made her way back to the nearby market that she had been accustomed to visiting when she went out shopping to start her search for somepony to help her.

The first few hours of searching ended in failure. Everypony she passed either ignored her or nodded before going about their day, and the shopkeepers were of course too busy to talk with her. Figuring that she wouldn't find what she was looking for here, she ventured deeper into the city and began exploring the less traveled roads of Los Pegasus. As she turned down one alley she found the other end of it blocked by three other ponies who were talking to each other. They noticed her approaching them and quickly swarmed her; the two uncicorns blocking her from going forward while the one pegasus in the group flew up and landed behind her.

"Hey, watcha doin' on our turf?" the leader asked her, eyeing her suspiciously.

Starshadow froze up, intimidated by the three larger stallions. The three ponies moved in closer, trying to figure out what this mare was doing walking around alone. As they got close enough to touch her Starsong caught a quick whiff of their bodies and found herself starting to become aroused. Normal ponies would find the stench of the three dirty stallions repulsive, but between Starshadow's lack of intimacy and past 'training', she couldn't help but become turned on by the smell of such primal masculinity. Her body no longer under her own control, she brought a hoof up to her crotch and couldn't stop herself from lightly rubbing her already wet crotch.

Her movement was of course noticed by the three ponies around her. "What the... I think she's some kind of slut." the pegasus behind her said. To see if he was right or not he grabbed her tail and yanked it up, seeing that her pussy was already glistening with her own juices. Being exposed like this to three complete strangers scared Starshadow, but it also excited her, causing her to moan sensually. The leader of the three glanced around, making sure that nopony else was there to witness what he wanted to do. Seeing that he was in the clear, he yanked her mane and tugged her into one of the nearby abandoned buildings. The other two stallions followed, grinning as they knew perfectly well what the first stallion had planned.

Pushing her roughly inside their hideout, six other ponies who were relaxing inside the building looked up at the strange visitor. The unicorn who had led her inside once again led her to his private room, ordering his gang to not disturb him. His followers snickered as they knew that the small mare was in for a rough time.

Starshadow found herself thrown down onto a dirty mattress on the floor and was quickly pinned down by the unicorn. He had completely expected her to struggle against him. However, he was pleasantly surprised to find that she offered no resistance against him the entire time he had dragged her to his hideout. Testing the theory in his head, he forced his lips against her and grinned as she quickly kissed him back vigorously. He immediately pulled his head back up and rubbed his growing erection against her crotch. "Looks like I caught quite the slut. You wanna get fucked that badly, huh?"

Starshadow nodded eagerly. "Yes, please, fuck me. I need it so badly. Mistress won't use her pet at all."

The unicorn was slightly taken aback by her response, but he silently thanked Celestia for bringing this nympho mare into his life. "Oh? Your owner doesn't want to use you? Well, I'm more than happy to help fill you up. Is that what you want, slut?" he asked her as he poked her wet pussy with his cock.

Starshadow nodded frantically, wanting nothing more than to have his member shoved into her hot, wet snatch. "Yes! Please, use me however you want. Mistress's naughty pet needs to be used. Make her pet feel good!"

The stallion heard what he needed to hear and forced himself inside of her body in one stroke. Though his cock was only of average length and girth, to Starshadow it felt like the biggest cock she had ever taken. It had been weeks since she had been filled by a stallion, let alone touched as she had grown accustomed to. But with this stallion now using her body any way he wished, she felt like she was back where she belonged; under the control of a dominant pony who would show her how to live happily.

The gang leader groaned in satisfaction as he felt her tight hole gripping his rod, not seeming to want to let go of him. He had been preparing to be disappointed by her looseness due to how slutty she had been acting, but he was very surprised by her tightness. He was glad that he didn't just throw her to his minions and let them use her instead. No, he was going to keep this mare all to himself.

Starshadow moaned for more as the stallion began thrusting his dick in and out of her as hard as he could. She closed her eyes in bliss as she felt... right. Being used by a complete stranger, being taken so roughly... it all felt right to her. Her own breathing became heavier as she felt wave after wave of pleasure wash over her, but she was more focused on making sure the stallion inside of her came as quickly as possible. His pleasure was all that mattered to her, and if she made him cum quickly maybe he would help fulfill her needs every day...

The unicorn kept up his thrusting pace for a few minutes before he came inside of her without any warning. Starshadow gasped and smiled as she felt the long-awaited warmth filling her up and spreading through her lower body and squeezed her pussy tighter to try to milk every last drop of cum out of his cock. She wanted him to keep his cock inside of her to stop his cum from leaking out, but to her disappointment he withdrew his member soon after finishing. He watched as his cum dripped out of her slightly gaping opening and grinned. "Don't move, I'll be back to use you later." he said, leaving to grab a beer and to brag to his followers. Starshadow obeyed without question, clenching her legs shut to keep as much cum inside of her. She hoped that her partner wasn't gone for too long as she wanted more... she needed more...

Thankfully, he returned after a half an hour, obviously ready for round two. As he entered Starshadow could hear his companions hooting and cheering him on; obviously he had bragged about his conquest to his group and declared that he was going back in for more. However, he wasn't planning on fucking her in seclusion again. He led her back out to where all eight other ponies were grouped around a wooden table and had her lean forward against it, leaving her rear exposed, ready and waiting for him. The audience began to make derogatory comments about her, calling her a slut, a whorse, a cum dumpster, but Starshadow didn't care. They were right, and all she wanted was that stallion's cock stretching her open and his seed pouring deep inside of her.

Wanting to give his crew an entertaining show, the unicorn leader rubbed the tip of his cock up against her slit teasingly and joined in the laughter as everypony present watched the small mare bucking her hips backward in desperation to be fucked. He continued to tease and humiliate her for a few more moments before taking the prize he wanted next, quickly lining up his cock with her tightly puckered asshole and thrust forward before she could prepare herself.

Starshadow dropped her head and cried out as his cock entered her tight ass. She hadn't expected him to use that hole, but her cry wasn't out of pain; it was out of pleasure. She felt so full with his cock inside of her ass and pushed back against him, her empty pussy quivering with pleasure as she was fucked in front of the cheering audience. Most of the ponies watching began touching their own cocks as they hoped that they would get a turn with her, but if not they could always visit the red lantern district later that night.

As the stallion began ramming his cock into her ass he bit down on the back of her neck, stopping her from trying to move away as he pounded her ass. There was no way she would willingly try to escape such pleasure, but the pressure of him biting her neck solidified her decision to allow this rough stallion to use her anytime he wished, however he wished. She clenched her rear hole as tightly as possible to show him that she was enjoying his cock, hoping to hear him praise her efforts. Instead, he slapped her scarred flank, causing her to yelp in surprise. "What a slut, her ass is tightening up!" he laughed.

"Yes, I'm just a slut. Use your slut, fill your slut's ass with your cum." Starshadow panted in agreement. Her words caused the stallion who was using her to smirk and fuck her as hard as he could, his cock slamming into her bowels hard enough to make her yelp with each thrust. Though she had been fucked anally plenty of times before, the lack of attention to her rear hole was causing her to react much more than normal to his cock, and before she knew it her body began to shake as she came.

Seeing and feeling the mare in front of him cumming from fucking her ass sent the stallion over the edge as well and caused him to unload his seed into her body for the second time that day. Starshadow's soft gasps and mewls began to die down as spurts of hot cum were shot inside of her body once more. As before, the stallion withdrew himself from her as soon as he had finished, but before she could ask for him to fill her lonely hole again he motioned his friends to step forward.

"Go ahead guys, you can clop and cum on her. No fucking her, though. She's mine." he said. He knew that is he didn't share his prize he would soon have a mutiny, but he was still feeling selfish enough to reserve the use of her body for himself alone. His offer was enough for his group for now, though, and the eight remaining stallions began masturbating while looking all over Starshadow's body. Starshadow could only look around at the ponies clopping over her body and was defenseless as they started to shoot their cum onto her rather quickly after viewing such an erotic display right in front of them. Her flank and wings were coated in semen, and the two ponies who were lucky enough to cum on her face were surprised to see her open her mouth, catching the last few spurts of their cum on her tongue. She left her tongue out to show that she had a sizable amount of their seed before she swallowed their fluids, sticking her tongue back out to show that she swallowed their cum like a good mare should.

The leader of the group pulled her off the table faced her towards him. "Looks like you enjoyed that, didn't you?" he asked her and she quickly nodded in agreement. "How'd you like to stay here and service me every day?" he asked her.

Starshadow wanted to say yes but she knew that Starsong would be furious if she disappeared. "I can't, I have to get back to my Mistress or she'll be extremely mad and punish me." she said.

He nodded, not wanting to have her owner call the guards to investigate her disappearance and charge him with fillynapping. "Fine, but you better return here every day or else I'll send my boys after you." he said.

"Y-yes sir, of c-course." Starshadow acknowledged. Coming over while Starsong was in her classes was easy enough, but doing so on the weekends when Starsong was home all day watching her would be a bit trickier. Still, Starshadow couldn't pass up the opportunity to feel such pleasure.

"Good." the stallion said with a smirk. He opened the door and led her to the door, letting her leave to return home. As soon as she was out the door he beckoned one of his followers to come forward. "Follow her home, find out where she lives. If she doesn't return tomorrow we're going to get her."

The pegasus tasked with his leader's orders nodded and took off to the skies. It didn't take him long to find the mare he was looking for walking the side streets of Los Pegasus. She kept off the main roads due to her body still being coated in cum, but what he couldn't figure out was why she was choosing to walk instead of flying. He flew above her, watching her make her way back to the coast and finally to Starsong's home. The pegasus stallion thought about swooping in and having a quickie with her, but since he didn't know if anypony else was home, he decided not to risk it. Somewhat unsatisfied that he didn't have his chance with the mare today, he decided that he would 'volunteer' to be the one to follow her home every day. He was sure that he'd learn her schedule and find the opportune time to strike.

Back in Ponyville, Big Mac had finished his daily chores early and had decided to surprise Starshadow with a trip to Sugarcube Corner. As the two lovers walked to the pastry shop Starshadow couldn't help but stop as another pony caught her eye. Her memories of living in Los Pegasus were fuzzy, but she swore that the pegasus she was looking at was somepony she knew.

Big Mac stopped a second later and walked back to where Starshadow had stopped. "Everything okay?" he asked her.

Starshadow nodded. "Yeah... sorry, I thought I saw somepony I knew from somewhere." she said, shaking her head to clear her mind. "I guess I was imagining things. Come on, I want to try these cupcakes you keep on talking about."

She and Big Mac continued on their way, but the events of living in Los Pegasus began to flash through Starshadow's mind. Her attempts to seduce her own sister, the gang of ponies who took her in and 'satisfied' her needs every day, Polaris almost finding her... She couldn't recall the pony's face from the parts of her memory of that time she could recall clearly; still, she couldn't help but feel that there was something familiar about the pony she had just seen.

As Starshadow and Big Mac walked away, the pony Starshadow had almost recognized looked away from his friends and managed to suppress a grin. "Well, hello there, slut." Thunderlane said under his breath. He hadn't seen her since he lived in Los Pegasus, but the scar he had seen on her flank left no room for doubt that the mare he just saw was the same one that his old boss had taken in. "Looks like I'll get my chance after all."

15: That Pony From Her Past

The second week of performances for Starshadow went just as well as her first set of concerts, if not better. The first concert brought in just as many ponies as last week, all of them cheering loudly as she took the stage to play. Hoping to help Vinyl...

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13: That Price to Pay

Starshadow and Starsong spent all day at Sweet Apple Acres with Big Mac and his family. The two families took the short amount of time to get to know each other a bit better. The Apple family was an extremely generous and gracious host, and Starshadow...

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Interlude: That Confession

Octavia knocked on the door and stepped back while she waited to see if the pony inside answered. She heard somepony inside descending the stairs and walk up to the door. The door opened and Vinyl Scratch came into view. "What'd you do, lock yourself...

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