The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 7: Digimon and Pokemon

Story by GerboiseBleu on SoFurry

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Ever since Rika turned 16, she suddenly had developed feelings towards her digimon. Renamon was very attractive and lately she decided that battling wasn't as appealing as...fulfilling her sexual needs. She summoned Renamon.

"Good morning Renamon." she called out.

"Good morning Rika." replied the digimon. Rika reached out for her and made out with her briefly. "Shall we do the usual morning routine?" Rika blushed. Renamon found Rika attractive in a way, but mostly sexually pleased her out of politeness and out of the bond between digimon and trainer.

"Yes." affirmed Rika as she made out with Renamon again. Their arms intertwined and their tongues gently caressed each other. Fingering was done and moans filled the air quietly. They fell over onto the bed and kept going. Suddenly the Emperors arrived. Renamon instinctively jumped up ready to defend Rika but then noticed it was the Emperors and she bowed.

"Your majesties." she said solemnly. Rika noticed them and then bowed. Humans didn't exist in their home dimension, having gone extinct long ago. But they were attractive. It was odd that their only fur was mostly on the top of their heads.

"We want to fuck you." said Ty rather bluntly. By this point he knew he could get whatever fuck he wanted. Rika stripped and spread her legs obediently.

"Go ahead my Emperor~" she seductively conceded. Rika fucking the emperor would totally bring up her reputation. Plus they looked hot. Ty immediately fucked her. Brett simply had his hands at his hips while his cock displayed next to Renamon. Renamon sat down and kissed it before sucking it. She moved her head back and forth silently yet perfectly. Ty moaned loudly with her tight pussy and kept going.

"Y-you're amazing my liege~" moaned Rika. Ty responded by licking her nipples getting her wetter and wetter. "M-more~" She loved sex with Renamon but this was so much better for some unexplained reason. Ty eventually came. Brett soon after came down Renamon's throat.

"Well that was great." said Ty.

"Thank you, your majesty." said Rika.

"Honestly Brett that's all I wanted to do here. Let's visit Pallettown." They suddenly teleported. They realized that digimon in essence wouldn't be too different than their own world. There were humans, but they'd be in plenty of other realities too. Pokemon would be a more interesting choice because it had feral sentient animals and humans. Then again some pokemon looked anthro. It's a fine line.

Ash Ketchum was resting upstairs in his room after a long journey back home. His mother Delia was reading a magazine in the kitchen. The Emperors appeared and she suddenly noticed and bowed.

"It's an honor to have you here!" said Delia, "Would you like me to fuck you? Get you some tea?"

"Actually, we wanted a good show." said Ty, "Could you grab your son's pokemon and use some of them for fucking?"

"Of course!" she walked upstairs and brought a couple of pokeballs. She summoned Pikachu and Squirtle. Delia stripped in front of them, giving them boners.

"Pika~" swooned Pikachu as he saw Delia get on her knees and display her pussy. The Pikachu mounted her and began thrusting. Squirtle got a blowjob and several sounds of delight came from the Pokemon. Delia moaned. Ty and Brett jacked off for a while but just didn't quite enjoy it after a few seconds.

"Ok these animals aren't realistic enough to be hot." said Brett.

"Yeah...we'd need to try something more real." said Ty. "Thanks for trying though Delia."

"No problem." bowed Delia as she finished pleasing the Pokemon. But she didn't put them away and kept fucking them. Ty and Brett walked outside. They fucked a few female humans then teleported back home, unsure of what they want to try next.

The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 8: An Average Citizen

(This chapter is not following the plot per se. This one focuses on an average citizen in the main world and how they adjust to the changes from the reality changing machine. We shall follow a 17 year old girl named Natalie who is a simple fox living...

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 6: Changes

"So what changes did you have in mind bud?" asked Brett as he felt the ass of one of Ty's harem girls. She purred and kissed him. Brett made out with her as Ty began typing. A harem girl brought some food for everyone on a buffet table and then...

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The Reality Changing Machine: Chapter 5: SWAT Kats

Megakat City had been crime free since going under the jurisdiction of the new Empire. The reality changing machine's work was perfect. Dark Kat, Pastmaster, and other villains were no longer a threat. With such crime gone, both the Enforcers and the...

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